Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1951)
Page 4 ^ THE BATTALION Monday, October 22, 1951 Prexys Get Together Talking it over before gametime Saturday at the TCU-A&M grid clash are presidentts of the opposing squads and A&M’s “sister school” TSCW. Right to left, Dr. M. E. Sadler, Texas Christian University president; Dr. John A. Guinn, president of TSCW; and Dr. M. T. Harrington, A&M’s president. Annual Show Tuesday CS Youngsters To Parade Pets' A little boy carrying a bowl of / “Gold Fish” paraded around the Animal Pavilion at A&M last year. The event was the annual Pet show for children in the A&M Con solidated School District. This year the show, sponsored by mothers and dads in the school dis trict, will be held in Tiger Stad ium. All entries should be regis tered by 5:45 p. m. Tuesday as the show is scheduled to start prompt ly at 6 p. m., according to Welcome Wright, registration chairman. Pets of all kinds, from dogs to donkeys, will have an opportunity to compete for ribbon awards. A parade is planned for 7 p. m. Two rings will be set up on the field, one for pure-bred dogs and one for common varieties. Tables will be set up between the rings for other pets, such as cats, both pedigreed and alley, rabbits, birds, fish, turtles, and other small pets children wish to enter in compe tition. Special provision is being made for pets weighing over 100 pounds and trick pets. During the parade, the judging committee, headed by Dr. W. W. Armstead, will select the best performer or best decorat ed entry. A prize will be awarded by the ring master, R. B. Hisker- son. B. C. Moore will be in charge of ribbon awards. Tickets to the show are being sold by the grade children, ac cording to V. E. Schember, ticket chairman. The tickets will be sold Tuesday night athe gate. Other committee chairmen for the show are G. W. Litton, busi ness manager; J. F. Fowler, con cessions; Carl Landis, entertain- men , J. K. Riggs, shipment; Wal ter Manning, organizations; John Denison, programs; and Spike White, publicity. Lt. Col. Shaefer Joins First Cavalry Lt. Col. C. C. Schaefer, ’31 an artillery instructor in the Military Science Department, flew to Japan this weekend to assume duties in the Far East command. No stranger to Japan, the Col onel’s first tour there was in 1935. He was with the unit in which he served throughout World War II, the First Cavalry Division. Mrs. Schaefer and their son plan to continue residing in College Sta tion for the remainder of this school year. USB BATTALION CLASSIFIED ADS TO HOT, SELL, RENT OR TRADE. Ratos i ... 3c a word per Insertion with a )Sc minimum. Space rate in classified fectlon .... 60c per column-inch. Send pi classified to STUDENT ACTIVITIES OFFICE. Ail ads must he received in Stn- lent Activities office by 10 a.m. on the Say before publication. SPECIAL NOTICE • DON’T BE FOOLED We were selling life insurance on the “short-term” basis, and monthly bank draft at one-twelfth the annual premium rate, before some Texas companies were even organized. Many other companies do the same. ANOTHER .THING: Check the policy itself before you believe that the “short-term period” counts as part of the payment time on a 20-year-pay policy. Eugene Rush American National Insurance Co. North Gate College • FOR SALE 1931 CADILLAC. Good condition. Mae, 3-3402, Bryan, Texas. TURTLES, TROPICAL FISH, GOLD FISH, BIRDS, DOG AND CAT SUPPLIES Gilkey’s Pet Cottage 301 E. 28th St. Directory of Business Services ALL LINES of Life Insurance. Homer Adams, North Gate. Call 4-1217. RADIOS & REPAIRING Call For and Delivery ; STUDENT CO-OP Phone, 4-4114 Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST 303A East 26th (Across from Court House) Call 2-1662 for Appointment • WANTED TO BUY USED CLOTHES and shoes, men’s — women’s — and children's. Curtains, spreads, dishes, cheap furniture. 602 N. Main, Bryan, Texas. FEMALE New Zealand rabbit. Call 4-8851 after 5 p.m. USED builder’s transit and tripod. 6-3444 after five p.m. LOST ONE GOLD Jewelled Ballerina ear clip. In or on the grounds of Memorial Stu dent Center. Generous reward. Contact Mrs. A. G. McGill. Phone 2-1626. BAYLOR wristwatch. Gray leather band. Lost at Fish football game Thursday night. Contact Jimmy Hess, Dorm 14, Room 109. Local Scout Program Grows; Chest Fund Support Asked Participants in the Boy Scout program in the Bryan-College Sta tion community will have doubled by Jan. 1 if present goals are ach ieved. On Jan. 1, 1948 there were 408 participants, including Cubs, Scouts, Explorers and adult Scout- ers, according to statistics compil ed by District Chairman Dr. H. W. Barlow. A year later this number had increased to 486. It climbed to 660 in 1950, to 656 in 1951, and by January is expected to reach 838. The total number of troop and den units has shown a similar in crease, climbing from 15 in 1948 to an expected 31 at the close of the year. Official Notice CANDIDATES FOR DEGREES Any student who normally expects to complete all the requirements for a degree by the end of the current semester should call by the Registrar’s Office NOW, and make formal application for a degree. November 1st is the deadline for filing an application for a degree to be conferred at the end of the current semester. This deadline applies to both graduate and un dergraduate students. Those who have not already done so, shouuld make formal ap plication in the Registrar’s Office imme diately. A student who is a candidate for a de gree must be registered for the courses necessary to complete the requirements of his curriculum, and must not lack a grade point ratio In excess of 1.50 in his major field, and overall fof' his work on that semester, In order to meet the grade point requirements for graduation. H. L. HEATON, Registrar. Foreign screenings account for about 38 per cent of the profits of the U. S. movie industry, according to the U. S. Commerce Depart ment. SAFE-T-WAY TAXI Phone 2-1400 Hill Heads Safety Council Committee John Hill has been reelected chairman of the Compus Safety Committee of the school and col lege section of the National Safe ty Congress, which held its 39th annual meeting in Chicago this month. He is head of the Workmen’s Compensation Insurance for the A&M System and represented the college at the meeting, The college holds an industrial membership in the Congress. Hill gave a talk before the Pub lic Employees Section on Training and Education for Safety. The campus committee was represent ed by delegates from A&M, Uni versity of Illinois, Iowa State Col lege, University of Minnesota, Tex- Tech, Purdue, State University of New York, Albany and Penn State College. There were 15,000 delegates reg istered! Statistics (Continued from Page 3) turns 5 3 Yards punts returnee 36 31 No. kickoff returns 2 3 Yds. kickoff returned.. 31 21 Punts number 5 8 Total yards 181 294 Average yardage 36.4 66.8 Had blocked 0 0 Kickoff number 5 2 Total yards 38 48 Average yardage 33 48 Fumbles number 5 2 Ball lost 3 2 Penalties number 5 7 Yards lost 25 65 Scoring total points.... 20 14 Touchdowns 3 2 Conversions 2 2 Individual Statistics T G L N A Lipmann 18 80 0 80 4.4 Smith 15 76 0 76 5.0 Tidwell 14 40 3 37 2.8 Lary 5 25 0 25 5.0 Graves 2 1 4 -3 -1.5 Gardemal 4 4 20 -16 -4.0 A&M Passing At. Com. In. Int. Yd. Gardemal . 6 1 3 2 60 Graves 9 5 3 1 58 A&M Pass Receiving Fails to Comp In. Int. Yd. Smith 4 3 1 0 8 Tidwell 3 2 1 0 22 Shaeffer ..2 1 1 0 10 Hodge 2 0 2 0 Lary 1 0 1 0 Hooper 1 0 1 0 TCU Rushing Times Gain Loss Net Av. Floyd 18 81 0 81 4.5 McKown ..13 83 4 79 6.8 Harville .. 5 23 0 23 11.6 Bartosh .... 5 23 0 23 4.6 Jones 3 6 0 6 2.0 TCU PASSING At. Com. Inc. Int.Yd. McKown ..10 4 5 - 40 Bartosh ....17 8 5 2 28 “The dollar cost per boy is very low, and will even lower as the number of individuals increase,” Barlow pointed out. “In 1948, with 408 participants, the cost for the year as $22 for each boy. Last year this had dropped to $16.70, and is expected to be only $12.00 for 1952. This low per capita cost is pos sible because bulk of the work is carried on by volunteer adult Scouters. Currently there are 243 adults spending some part of their time every month without com pensation, and frequently at some personal expense, in order to ren der a service to the community through Boy Scout work, accord ing to Brazos District committee records. Expenses Explained Expenses are for a full time, trained field executive who works with the boys and with the adult leaders to carry on an effective, efficient program, plus necessary A&M Chess Club Meets Tuesday The newly organized A&M Chess Club will hold its second meeting Tuesday night at 7:30 in the MSC Senate Chamber, Stan Wood, act ing chairman, announced this morning. Officers are to be elected, regu lar games scheduled, and arrange ments for possible intercollegiate matches are to be discussed at the meeting, Wood said. “We had twelve at our first meeting and we want to extend an invitation to all interested stu dents, faculty members, and per sons in the college community,” Wood said. administrative expenses, which is handled through the council office in Houston. Long experience has proved the necessity and efficiency of the council organization, Bar- low emphasized. The Boy Scout program is fin anced through several sources. Each boy contributes a nominal weekly amount as his dues to his troops. Each troop receives assistance from a sponsoring organization. A number of people in the program contribute to the work on a sus taining membership basis, paying a minimum of $12 per year. The Community Chest contributes funds, the amount being determin ed by the community’s fair share of all expenses based on the boy population in Scouting. Brazos Has 2.6 Brazos district has 2.6 per cent of the actual Scout membership in the Houston area, and 3.6 per cent of the eligible boys in the Council. The average of these two figures is 3.1 per cent. On the basis of the area council budget of $246,302, the Brazos district fair share is 3.1 per cent of that amount, or $7,636, the amount asked of the Community Chests. The budget was arrived at in conference of a group of influential adult volunteer leaders, headed by J. Frank Watts of the Humble Oil and Refining Company. Included on the committee from the Bryan- College Station area were M. E. Adams, Ben Daniel, Roland Dansby, E. R. Bryant, and Mr. Barlow. “Voluntary response of repre sentative citizens in both commun ities indicates whole-hearted ac ceptance of the Boy Scout pro gram,” said Dr. Barlow. “There Seems to be no question of the im portance of the work or the vali dity of the amount asked of the Community Chest.” Anti-Truman Move When filter turns brown—in Medico Pipes or Cigarette Holders—throw it away, with the nicotine, juices, flakes and tars it has trapped. Insert fresh filter for cooler, cleaner, dryer, sweeter smoking. Imported Briar. NiW: MEDICO CREST-13.00 Medico's Finesll Rich Burgundy finish. , MEDICO V.F.Q. — 12.00 MEDICO MEDALIST—11,50 •> Wid< variety of itylts and tlzei. Write S. M. Frank & Co., N. Y., for Booklet 0 MEDICO CIGARETTE HOlpERS-H (Continued from Page 2) and Truman to be elected as a compromise candidate. This talk is only in the feeler stage at this time. Some doubt it can be pulled off. Some believe if the Southern delegates take part in the national convention—then they will be bound to accept the majority rule. “Unless such a move can be made within the framework of our state democratic organizations and election systems,” one governor said, “it won’t work. Whatever is done will have to be done under the party emblem because the peo ple aren’t interested in a ‘third party/ ” But another said: “Our state democratic parties are the demo cratic party. Each state is autono mous. Whatever we do within our own state organizations is the action of the democratic party so far as we are concerned.” Political Revolt Is Stirring But no matter what form the strategy takes, the fact remains that a political revolt against Mr. Truman is stirring again in the south. No one who travels through the area can fail to see it and feel it. One veteran on the Texas politi cal scene said: “Political activity in the state is starting six months earlier than I’ve ever known it to start before. The national election is doing it.” Southerners agree that despite the anti-Truman feeling that ex ists in the south, the President has a vast reservoir of strength which would be difficult to over run. The core of this strength lies in the historic fact that most south erners vote the straight democra tic ticket in all elections. They can’t be persuaded easily to jump the party. Then there are federal workers, farmers, union men and others genuinely content with the leadership Mr. Truman has given them. One Georgian put it this way: “Mr. Truman has got everybody against him but the people and these people who underestimate him are going to be fooled like they were in 1948.” it is generally agreed that if Mr. Truman’s name is on the bal lot the emblem of the demhcratic rooster—then he will be a hard man to beat in the south. Nevertheless, the effort is cer tain to be made if Mr. Truman is a candidate. The reasons for this anti-Tru man feeling stems from many things according to southerners. One man said: “This feeling isn’t against Mr. Truman as a man. He’s just the symbol of a lot of things we don’t like.” Opposed to Civil Rights Stand The basis of the opposition, of course, is the President’s firm stand for civil rights legislation to deal with lynching, segregation, poll taxes, and fair employment practices. Southerners generally think these are problems for the state and not the federal govern ment. But these other reasons were listed during the course of this survey: The “mink coat” and RFC scandal; high taxes and the cost of government; the government’s pos ition that off-shore oil reserves belong to the federal government and not the states; a belief that Mr. Truman is being dominated by democrats from the industrial states; a belief that he is encourag ing federal encroachment on state’s rights; a feeling that “the people just want a change.” At any rate, what the south does in next year’s presidential election will begin to emerge when the south knows what Mr. Truman is going to do. McKowan On The Go TCU quarterback Ray McKowan (49) places a good stiff arm to A&M back Yale Larry (28) as he goes around left end for a four-yard gain in the first quarter of the game at Fort Worth Sat urday. Coming to aid Lary are center Jim Fowl er (90) and tackle Jack Little (76). TCU won 20.14. (AP Wirephoto). Baylor Saved From Upsets (Continued from Page 3) the iron grating of a water drain age trap when he was blocked out of bounds while trying to pass from his end zone. He was able to walk to the dressing room with assistance. The Mustangs marched seventy- two yards to start the scoring in the first period, only one play of ten in the series involving a pass. Norton made the last dozen yards as he roared through a gap ing hole in the left side of the Rice line and Sammie Stollenwerck went in and kicked the extra point. The Owls evened it up on the first maneuver of the second quar ter as Johnson broke outside SMU’s left tackle on a, hand-off from Drake and ran twenty-seven yards for the touchdown. It was a 1-play drive, the Owls having gotten possession of the ball on the Mustang 27 following Powell’s 12-yard kick out of bounds. ; Benners thrilled the crowd in the last two minutes as he came in and completed five out of seven passes to carry the Mustangs to the Owl 22 from the SMU 26. His last shot, tipped into the air by a scramble of players, was caught by Walker, but the Mustang re ceiver was outside the end boun dary. There was only one second left in the half as the Owls took the ball on downs. Drake threw a long strike straight down the middle to How- ton, who took the ball on the Mus tang 22 and sped untouched into the end zone for a 62-yard touch down play. Wright again kicked goal. • Baylor 40, Texas Tech 20 Larry Isbell showed his team mates how to do things in a hurry Saturday, personally figuring in the first three touchdowns as Bay lor ripped upstart Texas Tech, 40-20. Isbell, who completed 13 of 18 passes and played little more than two quarters, sneaked one yard for a tally and shot 10 and 9-yard scoring passes to Ends Bob Trout and Stanley Williams in the sec ond quarter. A 13-yard pass, Junior Arter- burn to Bobby Cavazos, helped move Tech goalward. Jim Turner whipped around right end from HOMER VERSIFIED: pines midst with thirst °f waves Homer: Odyssey the 3 to shoot Tech into a 6-0 lead. A blocked Tech punt, recovered by Baylor End Bob Trout on the Tech 1, gave the Bears’ a quick third-quarter score as Francis Davidson dived over for the first touchdown of his varsity career. Richard Parma powered over from the 1 after another Tech miscus, a fumble by Arterburn, gave Baylor possession on Tech’s 27. Jimmy Davenport tossed to Wil liams, who streaked down the left sideline, swerved to the right and out-raced pursuers. Bobby Cavazos, the lad who scored thi*ee times against TCU last week, turned in a brilliant 88-yard scamper, sweeping out side right tackle and down the right sideline, then cutting back and sidestepping the Baylor safe ty to break into the clear. It appeared Isbell might be the goat of the game in the early minutes of the first period as ha kicked the first time for only 2 yards and had his next punt block ed by Freshman Ken Elmore on Baylor’s 35. Game at a Glance Tex. Tech Baylor First downs 6 18 Rushing yardage 131 123 Passing yardage 89 250 Passes attempted 20 25 Passes completed 9 18 Passes intercepted 3 1 Punts 10 7 Punting average 26 35.7 Fumbles lost 3 3 Yards penalized 131 70 SPORT and SLACKS We have just received a new shipment of “CRICK- ATEER” Sport Coats . . . You’ll like the new patterns and all wool fabrics. There are plenty of new slacks to complete your ensemble. CONWAY & CO. 103 N. BRYAN BRYAN Homer wrote about ancient times—before Coke. Nowadays there’s no need to pine with thirst when Coca-Cola is around the corner from anywhere. ~T BOTTIED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY »Y THE BRYAN COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY © 1951, THE COCA-COLA COMPANY HEY, NON-REGS! Here is the picture schedule for all you non-military students for The Aggieland, your yearbook: Oct. 3- 6—All students whose names begin with A-C ” 8-10—All students whose names begin with D-F ” 11-13—All students whose names begin with G-K ” 15-17—All students whose names begin with L-M ” 18-20—All students whose names begin with N-Q ” 22-24—All students whose names begin with R-U ” 25-27—All students whose names begin with WZ (Wear Coat, Tie, White Shirt) Make-ups will be made October 29, 30 and 31. All pictures will be taken at the ... AGGIELAND STUDIO NORTH GATE