Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1951)
THE BATTALION Wednesday, October 10,1951 Pa* Page 4 Council Informs Citizens Of Plans I Eight College Station citizens werei guests of the city council at an informal luncheon and meeting last night. The proposed city char ter was discussed by J. W. Barger, city attorney; and Homer Hunter, consultant engineer from Dallas, (explained his engineering report on College Station sewerage. An election date for the new city charter was not set at the meeting. . Ernest Langford, mayor, reported ' the council will not take action un- ■ til such time the charter can be i printed and reviewed by the coun cil. He estimated that an election ) could not be held before February. May Take Action Few of the proposals outlined by Hunter can be adopted any time ' soon, Langford emphasized. He ' said the plan would be reviewed by the council at an early date. “Ac tion may be taken soon in areas i where effective Sewage disposal is most needed,” Langford added. Hunter was employed by the city to make a survey of College Sta tion and map a far reaching pro- Local Health Unit Compiles Sick List Thirteen sick cases were report ed in College Station last week by the Brazos County Health Unit. There was an outbreak of in fluenza over the previous week. A total of four cases were reported. Three cases of diarrhea were re ported in College Station. There were three cases of gonorrhea, and one case of pneumonia reported. Two cases of septic sore throat completed the list. gram for sewage disposal. Discussing the city charter, which if passed will convert Col lege Station from a general law city into a home rule city, Lang ford stated the present tax struc ture would remain the same, if the charter is adopted. Under state law, ad valorem property tax which can be accessed is higher in home rule cities than in general law cities. Guests attending the council meeting were A. A. Price, A. C. Magee, J. H. Sorrels, C. A. Bon- nen, R. H. Rogers, D. B. Gofer, Homer Adams, and J. L. Thomas. Survey Boundaries During the meeting, the city council authorized the employment of a licensed surveyor to make an accurate survey of College Sta tion’s city limits. This action was taken after Councilman Joe Orr pointed out that the present de scription of the city’s boundaries were not accurate. After the sur vey is completed, Raymond Rogers, city manager, was instructed to erect permanent markers. Upon the recommendation of Barger, the council called a special meeting for Oct. 16 to discuss the possibilities of passing a new city ordinance which would be the basis for more efficient enactment and enforcement of city laws. The ordi nance would be similar to that passed by Bryan. The meeting was attended by Harry Boyer, A. P. Boyett, W’. H. Badgett, W. D. Fitch, Orr, and R. B. “Bob” Halphin, all councilmen. In addition to these men, Barger, N. M. McGinnis, city secr-etary; Rogers, Langford, and Hunter, were present. I SB BATTALION CLASSIFIED ADS TO SELL, RENT OR TRADE. Rates .... 3c a word per Insertion with a }Be minimum. Space rate In classified lection .... 60c per column-inch. Send |U classified to STUDENT ACTIVITIES OFFICE. All ads must be received In Stu- Jent Activities office by 10 a.m. on the lay before publication. • FOR RENT • Soph Favorites Idle Money Risky Broker Tells Club Martha Ann Williams, (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Williams, and Fred Anderson, son of the Rev. Norman Anderson were chosen sophomore favorites in a recent election at A&M Consolidated High School. Torch Singer Fourteen Acts Rehearsed For CS ‘Kiwanis Kapers ’ Fourteen acts are now in re hearsal for “Kiwanis Kapers,” home talent variety show to be presented by the College Station Kiwanis Club Monday night at A&M Consolidated school gymnas ium. Director C. K. Esten promised General Chairman Joe Mogford a program as varied as any seen in this section. “We will go from a “straight” opening number by a high school chorus of 40 voices into a torch song by Alta Jean Bradley and an organ solo by Roddy Peeples,” said Esten. Among the other top numbers will be juvenile version of cowboy singing by Greg George, son of Aggie Football Coach Ray George, a tap dance routine by the Taylor sisters, and Sue Shannon with several vocal solos.” Ticket sales went into high gear 2 BEDROOMS, double beds, bath between rooms. See after 3 p.m. Mrs. Paschall, 1208 East 30th. • FOR SALE • FREE: $6.30 worth of RECORDS with the purchase of a $12.95 RCA 45 RPM Record Player. Shaffer’s Book Store, North Gate, Across fom the Post Office. 18-IN. REEL-TYPE Firestone power mow er with Briggs-Stratton motor. Good condition; slightly used, $75. Ph. 3-1042, after 5 p.m. USED SHORT COAT, winter uniform shirts and pants, Green and Pink. Me dium sizes. Phone 2-5490. OFFICER’S winter uniform. Size 38-Reg ular. Ptione 3-3587. USED ARMY uniform, consisting of blous es, pinks, and green pants, caps, ties, and shirts. Small sizes: 34-35. Entire lot at a bargain. Phone 4-81.82 after 5 p.m. TURTLES, TROPICAL FISH, GOLD FISH, BIRDS, DOG AND CAT SUPPLIES Gilkey’s Pet Cottage 301 E. 28th St. • WANTED • RIDERS to and from Bryan Field, or anyone interested in forming a car pool. Contact Mrs. C. E. Schluter, Box 2205, College Station, or A-8-W, College View. • SPECIAL NOTICE • DAY NURSERY for children from ages 1 through 5. Hours from 8 to 5. Play ground equipment, reasonable rates. For more information, call 3-2141. $25 REWARD for person who finds yellow gold Longines ladies’ wrist watch. Phone collect—Winona Franks, Atwood 4003—Houston, Texas. SUL ROSS LODGE NO. 1300 A.F. & AM. jfe Slated meeting Thursday, Oct. 11, 7 p.m. Also a film—“America The Beauti- ww ful ” J. H. Sorrels, W. M. N. M. McGinnis, Sec. Directory of Business Services ALL LINES of Life Insurance. Homer Adams, North Gate. Call 4-1217. • HELP WANTED • YOUNG MAN with car for part-time work on Sunday mornings. Call Jack Rising- er. Phone 6-2253 after 5. PART-TIME or full-time grocery clerk. Experienced clerk preferred. Southside Food Market. WORK WANTED • WILL KEEP child for working mother. Will baby-sit evenings. C-ll-B College View. • WANTED TO BUY • USED CLOTHES and shoes, men’s — women’s — and children’s. Curtains, . spreads, dishes, cheap furniture. 602 N. Main, Bryan. Texas. USED builder’s transit and tripod. Call 6-3444 after five p.m. • LOST • HAMPDEN WATCH, without band. Serial No. 99971. Lost during trip to mid night yell practice. Return to R. S. Giesecke. Dorm 8, Room 316. ONE GOLD dancer ear clip. In or on the grounds of Memorial Student Center. Generous reward. Contact Mrs. A. G. McGill, Phone 2-1626. SMALL PUPPY, evening Oct. 5; Male, four months old, dark brindle with white under chest. Bobbed tail, Boston-Fox Terrier cross. Phone 6-1099, Freddie Anderson. “The proper study of mankind is man”—Post Graduation Studies. Official Notice The Borden Award in Dairy Husbandry Vill be made to the newly classified Sen ior student in Agriculture who has com pleted 2 or more courses in Dairy Hus bandry and who has the highest grade Joint ratio among such students. Any tenior student in Agriculture who has a grade point ratio of 1.8 or higher is requested to leave his name with the secretary in the Dairy Husbandry office, 213 Ag. Bldg., by Oct. 10. I. W. Rupel Head of Department of Dairy Husbandry. yesterday when two teams started canvassing the business district and campus. Door-to-door contacts by school children last week brought excellent results, accord ing to Ticket Chairman John Mc- Neely. All proceeds of the show will be used to support youth activities sponsored by the Kiwanis Club, including the Crippled Children’s Clinic, Boy Scouts, and Girl Scouts. “Kiwanis Kapers may not be the best in dramatic art,” comment ed Chairman Mogford, “but we promise the people of the com munity good entertainment, and the satisfaction of knowing that the money spent for tickets will stay in the community and be used in a good cause.” McMillan Gives Final Message In Local Series “The Undertones Around Us” will be the title of the final message in the current A&M Church of Christ series tonight at 7:15. The speaker will 1 be Dr. E. W. McMillan, presi dent of Southwestern Christian College at Terrell. James F. Fowler, local minister, emphasized that Dr. McMillan is an able preacher, author, and edu cator. “He has had many years of experience in all three of these fields,” Fowler added. Dr. McMillan’s last full-time work as a “local minister” was with the Union Avenue Church of Christ in Memphis, Tenn. While employed by that church, he was sent on two trips to the Orient to aid the missionary efforts of the Church of Christ. He helped to organize a Christian college in Ibaraki, Japan. Upon completing his mission in Japan, he was asked to head a new Negro college located in Terrell, which was designed to help the Negro race have better educational opportunities. The college was es pecially designed to aid young Neg roes who wish to devote their full time in Christian sendee. Following the address, Dr. Mc Millan will report the progress achieved at the two-year-old Negro college, and answer questions con cerning the work. WTAW Program WEDNESDAY -\ Second installment, Payable October 1-18: Board to November 21 $44.90 Room Rent to November 21... . 11.35 Laundry to November 21 3.65 Total payable to fiscal dept $59.90 Agricultural Council meets Wednesday at 7:30 p.m., in the Senate Chamber of the MSC. All club, society, and organizational group officers are reminded of the Organ izational Activities Regulation which re quires registration of all officers of these clubs within thefirst month of each session. The president of all such organizations should register the names of all officers, their addresses and a statement of the place and time of meetings with the Office of Student Activities, 2nd floor, Goodwin Hall as soon as possible. This regulation includes all class officers, home town club officers, technical society officers, and so cial group officers, at Texas A&M College. PETE HARDESTY, Club Advisor RADIOS & REPAIRING Call For and Delivery STUDENT CO-OP Phone 4-4114 By action of the Executive Committee, all members of the Corps of Cadets are released from classes at 4:30 p.m., Wed nesday, Oct. 10, to enable them to parti cipate in a Corps review at 5:15 p.m. on that date. This review is in honor of members of the Association of Governing Boards of State Institutions, which will be meeting here at that time. C. CLEMENT FRENCH Dean of the College , Galveston Club Elects Officers Boh Smith was elected president of the Galveston County Club at the meeting held by the organiza tion last night in Goodwin Hall. Simeon Mistrot was named vice- president, Joe Blanchette, secre tary-treasurer, and Tommy Colley, vice-president from the Mainland. For those who expert to lead— Post Graduation Studies. Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST 303A East 26th (Across from Court House) Gail 2-1662 for Appointment mumi IS IN THE Y OU ONLY have to try us once and you will agree that the proof is in the eating” . . . We can not tell your stomach how well our food will please it, so why not come an see for yourself . . . Only the best grade meats are served. We specialize in ... STEAKS MEXICAN FOODS and SEA FOODS Treat yourself as well as your pocketbook —AT— DOUG’S CAFE 27th & College Road 12:00 News 12:05 Bryan News 12:15 White House Conference 12:30 News 12 :45 Keys to Music 1:0() Platter Party 1:30 Strike Out the Band 2:00 News 2:15 Bandstand 3:()() Advertising in Action 3:30 Carousel 3 :45 News 4:00 John. Vandercook 4:15 Stars on Parade 4:30 Brad Steele 4:45 Uncle Remus 5 :00 Storybook Lady 5:15 Record Rack 5:25 Party Line 5 :30 John Flynn 5:45 Spotlight on Sports 6 :()0 Sign Off THURSDAY 6:00 Texas Farm & Home 6:15 Uncle John’s Jive 6:45 News 7 :00 Meet the Merchant 7:15 Coffee Club 7:30 News 7:45 Hebrew Christian 8:00 Open House 8 :30 Breakfast in Phoenix 9:00 Freedom Is Our Business 9:15 Church Women 9:30 Polka Tie 10:00 Major Lively 10:15 Dan Malloy 10 :30 Drifting Playboys 11:00 News 11:10 Weather 11:15 Country Visitor 11:30 Chuckwagon 12:00 News 12:05 Bryan News 12:15 White House Conference 12:30 News 12:45 Keys to Music 1:00 Platter Party 1:30 Strike Out the Band 2:00 News 2:15 Bandstand 3:00 Upper Room 3:15 Football Forecasts 3:30 Carousel 3:45 News 4:00 John Vandercook 4:15 Here’s to Veterans 4:30 Brad Steele 4:45 Uncle Remus 5:00 Record Rack 5:25 Party Line 5:30 John Flynn 5:45 Spotlight on Sports 6:00 Sign Off LOOK! It’s the perfect gift! Every one’s crazy about ’em. The Ex change Store has ’em. Come in and see our complete line of stuffed miniature animals. You’ll be delighted with these little animals . . . they come in maroon and white plush with AMC on one side and the Aggie seal on the other. Just the thing for Mother and Sweet heart. COME IN NOW AND MAKE YOUR SELECTION The Exchange Store “Serving Texas Aggies” That people take a risk keeping their money idle was pointed out at the weekly meeting of the Col lege Station Kiwanis Club yester day. In a film entitled “Fair Ex change”, presented by the firm of Merrill, Lynch, Pierce, Fenner and Beane, brokers, a young couple is acquainted with investment in common stock. After the learned couple discov ered there was a difference be-i tween investment and speculation, they discovered that stock in many companies paid dividends ranging from five to six per cent annually. Inflationary Trend The movie made no attempt to hide the fact that there is a risk involved in stock investment. The point was emphasized however, that because of the inflationary trend' there is a risk involved in leaving money idle. A thumbnail rule brought out in the movie for safe investment was investigate, then invest. For purposes of investigation, consul tation, and advice brokers are available. The average broker’s City-Wide Poll May Authorize il Delivery A city-wide survey to de termine the number of houses which have erected house numbers and mail boxes will be conducted Tuesday. The date was set at a recent hoard of director’s meeting of the College Station Chamber of Com merce. The survey will be con ducted by the Kiwanis Club. “After the survey has been com pleted it will be submitted to T. O. Walton, -College Station post master,” said Joe Sorrels, presi dent of the Chamber of Commerce. “Many people have been misled in believing house-to-house mail delivery will commence regardless of whether they erect numbers and mail boxes,” Sorrels pointed out. College Station has fulfilled on ly part of the requirements neces sary for the service to be started. A city must have a populttion of at least 5,000 persons, desire the service, and have properly marked streets. These conditions have been fulfilled. Erection of house numbers and mail boxes are other requirements for the service. In attepmt to clear up misunder standing, Sorrels has emphasized again that only those persons liv ing in the wooded section of Col lege Hills, which is located in the area bounded by Walton Drive and Francis Street, are required to er ect mail boxes adjacent to the streets on which they live. commission is about one per cent, according to the movie. The board of directors of the Kiwanis Club voted, following the luncheon to pay part of the expen ses for two Consolidated teachers to attend a Crippled Children’s Clinic to be held in San Antonio. The money will be taken from the Crippled Children’s Fund. T h e Brazos County Crippled Children’s Society voted recently to send four teachers from the county to t h e meeting. New Members Four new members were voted into the club by the board of direc tors. They were Dr. G. L. Robert son, Frank E. McFarland, Valen tine F. Ridgeway, and H. O. Kun- kel. A leave of absence for one year was also voted for Sid Love less, who will not be able to attend meetings regularly. During the luncheon, Dr. D. B. Gofer, head of college archives, in troduced E. O. Siecke to the mem bers of the club. Siecke was re cently voted into the Kiwanis Club. Gofer described Siecke as one of the fathers of Texas forestry. Ilillel Clml) to Show ‘‘Great Promise* The Hillel Club will show the movie “Great Promise” at its next meeting, Bennett Kalman, presi dent of the club said today, Friday night at 8 in the YMCA Chapel. Services will begin at 7:15 p. m., Kalman concluded. What’s Cooking BOWLING CLUB: Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., MSC. Officers of Bowl ing Club will meet. BROWSING LIBRARY COM MITTEE: Wednesday, 7:00 p. m., Record Room MSC. BUSINESS SOCIETY: Wednes day, 7:30 p. m., Room 3-D MSC. DALLAS A&M CLUB: Wednes day, 7:30 p. m., YMCA Chapel. DEBATE CLUB: Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., room 3-A MSC. Prof. Alfred Chalk of the Economics Dept, will talk on the aspects of the 1951 debate subject. ECONOMICS CLUB: Wednes day, 7:15 p. m., Room 307 Acd. Bldg. Organizational meeting. GALVESTON COUNTY CLUB: Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., Room 105 Acd. Bldg. Freshmen are asked to attend. HILLEL FOUNDATION: No meeting Wednesday night because of Day of Atonement. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: Thursday, 7:30 p. m., basement of St. Mary’s Chapel. Election of of- ficers. LAMAR-FANNTN COUNTY CLUB: Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., Room 2-1) MSC. Refreshments will be served. STEPHENS COUNTY HOME TOWN CLUB: Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Room 308 Acd. Bldg. SOUTHWEST TEXAS CLUB: Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., MSC. Elec tion of officers. TUMBLING TEAM: Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., Room 3-C MSC. Reor ganization meeting and election of new officers anyone interested in tumbling is invited. VET’S WIVES BRIDGE CLUB: Thursday, 7:30 p. m., Rooms 2-A and 2-B MSC. &feer$ Q true course with the pip& that sweeL slaps meet Light up your Yello-Bole for real £; .-m-o-o-t-h sailing. All styles . . . all shapes ... at just about all stores.. || And don’t forget, Yello-Bole pipes f make mighty welcome gifts! MOVIE STARS GALORE... DON’T MISS IT! JOHN WAYNE ALL THESE AND MORE . . . The Beautiful GREER GARSON... KEENAN WYNN CHILL WILLS JESSIE LASKY ... and Paramount‘s... Golden Circle Girls —7 Lovely, Upcoming Starlets— It’s Movieland Come to Bryan. See it for sure! DAN DAILEY JEFF CHANDLER See Your Favorite on — MAIN STREET AT 25th THURSDAY, OCT. 11 5:00 P. M. A 30 Minute Program to Entertain You . .. A Parade Down Main Street To ‘Show 7 You. SHOWTIME IN TEXAS starlel Mary Murphv : BIG TIMES IN BRYAN SEE YOUR FAVORITE STARS ONTHESCREEN ANYTIME AT THE PALACE .. QUEEN . DIXIE