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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1951)
I Published by Students Of Texas A&M For 73 Years The Battalion Oldest Continuously Published College Newspaper In Texas / PUBLISHED DAILY IN THE INTEREST OF A GREATER A&M COLLEGE .. Number 186: Volume 51 COLLEGE STATION (Aggieland), TEXAS* THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1951 Price Five Cents Aggies Apprehended While Changing Rock Formations Based On AP Report ' A group of A&M students at- -HMHtending Summer Geology Camp ■found it a little difficult to cope |||Swith the dilligence of the law— glland angry rivals, yesterday. The students had completed their study of rocks of the Big - Bend country and were headed home. [ Forty-six strong, they had been . .based at A&M’s Summer Adjunct linear Junction where college pre- Jpai'atory students and civil engin- Eeering campers are also stationed. Tuesday night 18 of them decid- ! ed to make a study of rock forma- made from rocks which form a huge “S R”. Finding the forma- . » tion “out of place,” the Aggies got to work and rearranged the rocks to read “A M.” A group of Sul Ross boys at the Band Hall heard the commotion and caught on to what the Aggies were doing. Seeking aid from the local constabulaiy, the Sul Ross men moved in and took charge of the Aggies. Sixteen of the Brazos Bottom boys were apprehended and since they were caught in the process of arranging the rock formations in a more appropriate manner, they could not understand why the law insisted they spend the night in | tions near the city of Alpine where t h e local calaboose. Sul Ross State College is located. On a distant hill from the in stitution are large white letters One of the Aggies who es caped the strong arm of the law was seeking refuge in the yard of an Alpine residence only to be discovered by the owner— Texas Ranger Arthur Hill. And .that was too had. Instead of leaving for home Tuesday morning, a delegation of some seventeen A&M men marched up the hill followed by the college band and Sul Ross boys who “came along to watch.” The Aggies wei-e put to the task of replacing the “S R” in its ori ginal form. At intervals, during their lab or, the Sul Ross Band would play “The Eyes of Texas” and the geologists were ordered to drop their rocks and stand at attention. Latest reports indicate the task was completed and the men are enroute home now. Semester Gone Exams Begin Friday Cease-Fire Negotiations Halt As Reds Stop U. S. Newsmen Take a good look at the in scription on Guion Hall: “Ignorance is the curse of God; knowledge the wings wherewith we fly to heaven.” Oceanography Researchers Find Gas Reserves in Gulf Tremendous gas reserves under the continental shelf of the Gulf of Mexico off Louisiana and Texas, perhaps the world’s greatest, are now more readily available as a result of research done by the De partment of Oceanography during the year ending June 30, 1951, ac cording to Dr. Dale Leipper, head of the department and supervisor of Project 25 for the A&M Re search Foundation. “Oceanographic Analysis of Marine Pipe Line Problems” is the title of what Dr. Leipper said is probably the most comprehensive study of engineering phases of oceanography ever made. The Sponsor was the United Gas Pipe Line Company of Shreveport, La. Important Gas Discoveries During the seaixdi for tideland oil, a number of important dis coveries of gas had been made and shut-in for lack of a means to transport the gas to market. Lay ing pipe lines underwater presents special problems such as whether the pipe will sink or rise,- what are the effects of storms, bacterial ac tivity and of chemical action of sea water or even how to ditch and to Graduation Orders Taken Until July 20 Orders for summer school grad uation announcements will be tak en until July 20, to enable sec- qnd summer session students to place orders, according to Mrs. Pat Morley, Students Activities Of fice, Goodwin Hall. Maroon leather announcements, illustrated and containing the com plete summer graduation list, are 50<j each. Duplicate announcements in white cardboard folders are 25G and simple French Fold cards are 10c apiece. Engraved personal cards, $2.50 per hundred, and print ed personal cards, $1.65 per hund red can be ordered with the an nouncements. All orders must be paid for at the time the order is placed with the Student Activities Office, and no announcements can be ordered ' fter July 20. what depth. The answers to these and many other questions were found in the oceanographic fields of geology, physics, biology and engineering. Special instruments for coring and sampling the ocean bottom were developed and used from two ships, the 104 foot Mary Ann and the 65 foot barge type Poraco IV. Forty-Six People Employed Forty-six people in all, special- Consolidated Construction Bids Called Sealed bids from contract ors to build a cafeteria, five classrooms, and a Negro shop and science building have been called for by the Trust ees of the A&M Consolidated In dependent School Distinct. Bids will be opened at 3 p. m. July 31. The cafeteria will be located’ at' the corner of Jersey and Timber Streets and will ultimately feed up to 550 students per day. The five classrooms will be connected to the cafeteria by a covered pass ageway and will be located parallel to Timber Street. All construction will be mason ry with brick exterior and steel windows. Roofs will be of concrete with built-up felt waterproofing. The Negro shop and science room are both to be built on the Lincoln Campus and adjacent to the pre sent High School Building. The shop will accomodate the vocational industrial arts classes that are now held in a temporary wood building. Trustees sold $111,000 in bonds of the $150,000 authorized by voters in May to Rauscher, Pierce, Holding Company of San Antonio, according to Les Richard son, superintendent of the A&M Consolidated Independent School District. The remaining $39,000 were not sold because of prohi bitive intex*est x’ates, Richardson said. Architects for the constnxction are Paul G. Silber and Co., San Antonio. and office personnel, wex*e employ ed on either part or full time woi’k in studying the oceanographic as pects of the laying of the pipe line. The survey was begun from a point three miles inland and con tinued to three different well plat forms with a total of forty-two miles in the-Gulf. The Project was divided into three phases: the work at sea and upon the Pure Oil structure in the Atchafalaya Bay area; laboratory work conducted at the Marine Lab oratory of the A&M Research Foundation at Grand Isle, La., and office and laboratory work done at College Station and on the West Coast. Chemurgic Lab Gets New Office “The Chemurgic Reseai'ch Lab- oi’atory will soon have a new home” says Dr. W. W. Meinke, associate research chemist. The laboratoi'y, a division , of the Engineering Expex-iment Sta tion, will occupy raoms foux - , five ax\d six .of .the. old science hall. At present it is quartered in the Cotton Products Research Labora tory building. Accox’ding to Dr. Meinke the function of the laboratory is the up gx-ading of agricultux-al pro ducts through chemisti’y. At pi’e- sent the laboratory is working on food uses of cotton seed. The wox’ds will be particularly appropriate tomorrow when Sum mer school students tackle final exams. The knowledge may not lead to heaven—immediately—but it surely will come in handy in the inescapable measures of what each student has received from his six weeks session. Lucky ones, of course, will gain exceptions as will that favored few known as graduating seniors. But the majority of students will en dure the ordeal. And, with exaxxxs finished, many find ” ‘ of the students will find their respite xxxuch too brief. Eaxdy Mon day morning they’ll be busily reg- istexing fox- another six-weeks ses sion. Registration Monday will be con ducted in the usual manner, with students whose name begins with E, F, G, H, I, J, or K at the South Sbisa Hall entrance at 8 a.m. Next come A, B, C, D at 9, fol lowed by S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z at 10„ and finally the lucky ones who registered first last June L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, at 11 a.m. The Royal Scots Schedule Show at The Grove Monday Royal Scots Musical Team Due at Grove Monday Night Munsan, Korea, July 12—(iP)—Korean cease-fire nego tiations were broken off today on the issue of United Nations press representation at Kaesong, site of the conference. There was no indication when talks would be resumed. Sessions scheduled for today were cancelled after Commun ist guards refused to let a truck load of 20 newspapermen pass a check point with a U.N. convoy. Vice Adm. C. Turner Joy, chief U.N. delegate, said there would be no more cease-fire talk until the Reds agreed that “my convoy, bearing the personnel of my choosing, including such press representation as I consider necessary, will be cleared to the conference site.” Joy ordei'ed the entire 17-vehicle convoy to turn back from the Red Filing Begins For Council Post Vacancy The Royal Scots, five men and their girl, will be the featured ar tists at The Gxmve Monday night at 8. Singing in ensemble, the Scots will begin their program with a special arranged number for their opening song. The remainder of of the program will consist of quartettes, duets and individual numbers of selections from opex’as, opex - ettas and Broadway musicals. Dx’essed in the txaditional and coloi'ful Kilts of Scotland, the male quartet, composed of Lawrence Lane, Melvin Johnson, Bernard Izzo and Lawrence Gx-ay, will sing four numbers in the first section of the pi'ogram. Their selections will be “Now Let Every Tongue Adore Thee,” “Passing By,” “Let Me Wander Not Unseen,” and “Hey Robin, Jol ly Robin.” Linda DaValle, the lassie with the five lads and a lyric soprano, will be the featured soloist for the selection, “Voices of Spring.” Miss DaValle’s second number will be a duet with Izzio, “Porky and Bess.” Gx-ay, bass for the ensemble, will Farmers, Teachers Slate Short Course Agriculture teachers, fax-mers and landowners of Harx-is, Hopkins and Hunt counties will attend a three-day tour and agricultux-al short coux-se at A&M July 18-20, according to Dean C. N. Shepard- son of the School of Agx-iculture. Dean Will Welcome Group Shepardson will welcome the group to the college Wednesday, July 18, at 1:30 p. m. Following will be a discussion of forage crops by Dx\ R. C. Potts of the Agx-onomy Department and of soils by Dr. L. C. Capp. The meeting will split into inter est groups of animal husbandry, dairy husbandi*y and crops at 3 p. m. Dx\ J. C. Millex-, head of the Animal Husbandx-y Department, I. W. Rupel, head of the Daix-y Hus bandly Department, and Dr. Potts will be in charge of the three in terest groups. Will Be On Guided Tour Learning The Army Way The entire group will be conduct ed on a tour of the college and adjacent reseax-ch facilities of the Agx-icultux-al Expex-iment Station on Thux-sday morning. J. E. Roberts, supex-intendent of the Main Sta tion Farm, will conduct the tour. The nxeeting again will split into intex-est gxoups Thursday af- tex-noon, and Friday morning in- tei-est gxoup toux-s will be con ducted. Following the toux-s, Clif ford Bates, faxm management spec ialist of the Agx-icultural Extension Sex-vice, will discuss the agricul tural outlook. Men In Charge J. L. Myrick is in charge of ax-- xangements for the Hopkins Coun ty group. Joe Winkle for the Hunt County delegation and Thomas V. Abercrombie for the Hairis Coun ty Gx-oup. Ben Cook, assistant to the dean of agx-icultux-e, A&M College, and Arthur Prince of the A&M Agri cultural Education Department, ax-e an-anging the program. Weekend At The Grove Wilson Parker, geology major from San Antonio, gets first hand experience with a carbine at the Field Artillery Summer ROTC camp at Ft. Sill, Okla. His score for the day’s testing was 177. Thur., July 12, No Movie Sche duled (Final Exams). Fri., July 13, No Activity Sche duled (Final Exams). Sat., July 14, Square Dancing— 8 p. m. Sun., July 15, Skating—8 p. m. Mon., July 16, Song and Dance Team—“The Royal Scots”—8 p. m. that night Teachers For Firemen’s- School Named Field instructors for the 22nd annual Fix-emen’s Training School to be held at Texas A&M College July 15-20, have been named. Eighty-five instructor's will teach 10 basic coux-ses, four ad vanced coux-ses, a course for fire marshals and a course in instx-uct- or training. The field instractors ai‘e L. O. Bynum, James R. Dobson, R. O. Muenster, E. W. Parker, H. D. Smith and A. J. Fogaley. They will work under the direction of H. R. Bx-ayton, director. A coux-se in combined operations will be held twice daily. All types of fiiW will be fought. It will be held behind College View. sing a solo selection of “O Even ing Star,” followed by the male quartette singing “The Creation.” During the second portion of the program, Merrill Jackson, the exx- semble’s accompanist, will play sev- ex-al piano selections. Song By Johnson “The Blue Bix-d of Happiness” will be featured by Johnson, sec ond tenor and director of the group. Izzo, baritone, will sing two se- and “I lections, “Show Business Got a Song.” Concluding the two hour pro gram, the ensemble will sing “Lift Thine Eyes” and “May the Good Lord Bless and Keep You.” Sponsox-ed by the Office of Stu dent Activities, the program is free to seudents, faculty, and col lege employees. Defense Director Sets Talk Monday French M. Robertson, Southwest regional director for civilian de fense, will speak Monday night at 7:30 in the Chemistx-y Lecture Room. Robex-tson’s topic will be “Civilian Cooperation in the Mili tary Effort.” The talk will be sponsored by the 4608 Log. Teng. Div., a local i-e- sex-ve ox-ganization. All members of the Resex-ve Corps, the National Guard, and the public are invited to attend the address, he said. A special city election to re place former councilman E. E. Ames will be held in Col lege Station Tuesday July 24. The election date was set by the local city council in its regular monthly meeting Monday night. Ames, a councilman from North- side Ward III moved to a differ ent section of the city and thus automatically vacated his post. At 5 p. m. yestex-day xxo one had filed for the position, accord ing to Ran Boswell, assistant city secretary. The City of College Station will take over the operation and main tenance of the filter beds which are now leased to Dr. F. B. Clax-k and are located oxx his propex-ty. In a resolution passed Monday night at the council session, City Attorney J. W. Barger was auth orized to proceed to secux-e an in junction, in the . event Dr. Clax-k refuses to conform to the resolu tion, to prohibit his intei'ference with the operation and maintenance of the beds. The council’s action toward the filter beds was an attempt to end negotiations which hxive lasted for many months: as to. the. fee to be paid Dr. Clax-k for the beds. check point where the newsmen were halted. The U.N. commander, G'en. Matthew B. Ridgway, said it was “all or nothing.” The five Allied armistice nego tiators did not leave Munsan Thursday for theix- scheduled ses sions in Red-occupied Kaesong, 12 miles away. Won’t Return They won’t return, Joy an nounced, until the Reds permit the U.N. party, as selected by U.N. repx-esentatives, to px-oceed intact. Joy so informed North Kox-ean Gen. Naxxx II, head of the Commun ist cease - fire delegation, in a strongly worded dispatch sent to Kaesong by helicopter. General Ridgway informed the Communists Wednesday that the “presence of a selected number of newsmen at a conference of such major importance is considered an inherent right by members of the United Nations.” At that time he said flatly they would be “an integral part of the United Nations command delega tion to any and all future sessions beginning 12 July.” Thursday morning the Commun ists replied that they would like to have press repi’esentatives —- but not yet. The convoy, includ ing newsmen, already was on its way. Teague, Potter Ask Combat Pay Washington, July 12—6W—Two congressmen are circulating a peti tion to force House action on legis lation to give combat pay to fight ing servicemen in Korea. Reps. Olin Teague (D-Tex) and Chax-les Potter (D-Mich) — both puxple heart veterans of World War II-—sent letters to all House colleagues yestexday urging them to sign the petition. It would squeeze out of committee a bill to pay $100 a month extra to of- ficers, and $50 more a month to en listed men, for time spent in com bat. Their letter said the bill was in troduced by Chairman Vinson (D- Ga) of the House Armqd Sexwices Committee with Defense DepaxU ment backing, but has not been acted upon by the committee. Armed Guards Interfere When armed Red guards insis ted, politely but firmly, on cutting the newsmen out of the convoy, all vehicles were ordered back and talks wex'e broken off. The general impression here was that the break was temporary. The opinion axxxong many mili tary men and some correspondents was that the whole situation was the result of a Comxxxunist misun derstanding, although delegates have been arguing over press rep resentation since talks stax’ted Tuesday. There was a feeling’ that talks might be x’esumed later in the week. Admiral Joy’s message to Gen eral Nam made it clear the U.N. is x-eady to go on with the cease- fix - e talks, but insists on deciding for itself who shall be in the Al lied party. Message Dispatched His message, dispatched imme diately after the convoy returned, read: “Subject: Termination of recess of conference. “To: General Nam II, North Korean army. ' !< 1. At 0930 12 July 1951 (6:3(1 p.m. EST Wednesday) my motoj convoy, proceeding along the Mun- san-Kaesong road, bearing pex’son* (See PRESS STOPPED, Page 4) ‘Fifteen’ for Col. Schaeffer Aggies Put on Big Show at Ft. Sill Officers’ Club Dance for Cadets By FRANK N. MANITZAS Artillery Caixxp Correspondent Ft. Sill, Okla., July 9 (Delayed) —A&M Cadets put on quite a show at the 2nd Battalion dance at the Officer’s Club this past week. Battalion. Commander, Lt. Col. C. C. Schxieffer of Texas A&M px-e- sented the queen of the battalion with her award and the traditional kiss. 1 At this point the Aggies took over as they spelled it out for “Chester” and gave “15” for same. Everything seems to be rolling better at Ft. Sill even though it is still awfully hot. One of the old time sergeants told us something which was supposedly said by Gen. Douglas MacArthur while he was head of the Fourth Army. Mac said, “Fort Sill is the oxxly place in the world where you can stand knee deep in the mud and have sand blowing in your face.” We witnessed that during the week as it x-ained all last Sunday and Monday nights. It has yet to rain here during the day. The day of the dance, the Army really gave us a workout suitable for the dance which was to come We were up at our regular time ered a distance of six nxiles. That of 0600 and at woi’k by 0745. In night, of course, we had the dance the following eight hours we which for the majority of us last- marched to four classes which cov- cd until long after mid-night. Inspecting damage done to their tent after a tornado struck the first night of camp at Fort Sill, Okla., are Aggies Jimmy Ivy, Travis Toland, Donald Tschirhart, and H. W. Van Cleave. The storm did approximately $500,000 damage to the camp. The next morning we were up an hour early (0500) and ready to go in no lime out to the field and to our first day with the guns. Dog battery which has ten Ag gies, was working the guns while Charley Battexy (the second of the two batteries in our battalion) woi’ked at the front as forward observers. It was hot and evexyone was dead when we came back to the camp at noon and stax’ted stand ing inspection in the sun for two hours that afternoon. We have had four demonstra- (ions here at Ft. Sill and all have proven interesting. Two wei’e on direct fire from weapons of the artillery while the others were connected with the importance of communication to a firing batter during an attack. W’e are learning one thing here at Ft. Sill. War is more than hell, it scares the fool out of you. After this six weeks is over thei’e will be few of us who will ever joke of wax- for here we are x’eally see ing how deadly it can be. New weapons yet untested on the battlefield have been shown to us and with what we have seen of them, most of us ai’e hoping for a quick settlement of the Korean stalemate. (