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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1951)
Battalion Editorials Page 2 FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1951 Still, Crime Hasn’t Stopped SENATOR Estes Kefauver’s crime commit- ^tee seems destined for an early death. Surely the Arkansas senator and his co workers have worked extremely hard for over a year and deserve a rest— plus the commendation of the nation. But let’s not stop crime investigations now, just as we were beginning to scratch deeper than the surface. We like what J. Edgar Hoover had to say about the committee’s cease-fire action. “We are in a state of moral depression,” the FBI chief said. And how true his words are. Which came first—this lack of morality or the nation-wide crime syndicates—is like the chicken and egg question. But the situation still exists. Crime hasn’t stopped, so our investigation shouldn’t stop. Perhaps the senators were hitting too close to home base for the Washington big wigs. When Bill O’Dwyer, former New York Onward, Onward, Cries the WCTU PROHIBITION has been dealt a hard right to the jaw. And thq WCTU and other Texas drys claim it was a foul. “Unreasonable, undemocratic,” moaned Mrs. Claude de Van Watts, Texas president of the Women’s Christian Temperance Un ion. But Mrs. de Van Watts and her cohorts aren’t too dismayed. “On with the battle,” she says. When the House solons in Austin didn’t let the proposed prohibition amendment get out of committee, they accomplished one of their more rational acts of this year’s ses sion. Good try, Mrs. W., but such narrow-mind edness has no place in Texas today. City mayor and now ambassador to Mexico, was raked over the coals, we doubt that top Democrats in Washington rejoiced. Bill is “one of the boys.” If the “high sign” was given the com mittee by the powers-that-be in the nation’s capital, it is tragic. Senator Kefauver has gained the country’s respect by his constant aggressiveness against crime. Yet the battle seems to be dying alto gether too soon. On Castor Oil And the Dollar 17IDS, YOU’VE been sold down the river! Yes, it’s sometimes very hard to under stand grown-ups. They will do practically anything to gain the almighty dollar. Can you imagine anyone so heartless, so cruel, so inhumane as to make their liv ing by selling torture for youngsters? But that’s what the farmers of several counties of North Texas are doing. They’re raking in the dough by raising—ugh—castor beans—they make castor oil out of them. Last season, 1700 acres of castor beans were grown in Wilbarger and Hardeman counties alone. Each of those acres produced from 600 to 2000 pounds of the obnoxious vegetable. With an already near-limitless market, castor bean growers are looking to a rosy future. And the younger generation can look for no help from weather, insects, or disease. The castor bean is a strong, vigorous plant which can withstand all the onslaughts of Texas’ climate. Caesar had his Brutus, Washington had his Benedict Arnold, and you, our dimpled, cherubic, young friends have the North Texas farmers. The Battalion Entered as second-class matter at Post Office at College Staton, Texas, Under the Act of Con fess of March 3, 1870. Member of The Associated Press Represented nationally by National Advertising Service Inc., at New York City, Chicago, Los An geles, and San Francisco. CLAYTON L. SELPH, DAVE COSLETT Co-Editors John Whitmore, Dean Reed Managing Editors Andy Anderson, Bob Hughson Campus Editors Fred Walker Associate Sports Editor Joel Austin City Editor Vivian Castleberry Women’s Editor Today’s Issue John Whitmore Managing Editor Bob Hughson Campus News Editor Allen Pengelly... .City News Editor T, M. Fontaine, Carter Phillips Editorialists Alien Pengelly Assistant City Editor Leon McClellan, Jack Fontaine, Ed Holder, Bryan Spencer, Bob Venable, Dale Walston, Bee Landrum, Frank Davis. Phil Snyder, Art Giese, Cristy Orth, ■ James Fuller. Leo Wallace, W, H. Dickens, Fig Newton, Joe Price, Pete . Hermann, Wesley Mason, B. F. Roland, Ivan Yantis, Sid Ragsdale, Bill Aaberg, Ide Trotter, John Hildebrand, Chuck Neighbors, Bob Selleck, Bill Streich, Curtis Edwards, Howard Heard Staff Writers Jimmy Ashlock, Joe Blanchette, Ray Holbrook, Joe Hollis, Pat LeBlanc -...Sports Staff Writers Sam Molinary, Bob Alderdice : Staff Photographers Sid Abernathy — Page Make-up Joe Gray Photo Engraving Shop Manager Tom Fontaine, Johnny Lancaster, Charles McCullough, R. R. Peeples, R. D. Witter Photo Engravers Autrey Frederick - — Advertising Manager Russell Hagens, Bob Haynie Advertising Representatives Dick Kelly — Club Publicity Co-ordinator Poultrymen Name Junior Judgers The Junior Poultry Judging Team will represent A&M at a southern contest held in Memphis, Tennessee, Monday. The team has four members; James Newman of Rockdale, an Agronomy major; Harlem Vaught of Fort Worth, majoring in Poultry Husbandry; Charley Mailhos from Jasper, a poultry husbandry major; and Bill Boardmap from Bluff Dale, also a poultry husbandry major. The team is sponsored by the Poultry Science Club and is under the instructorship of Cecil Ryan of Poultry Husbandry department. The team will leave for Memphis March 31, and return in four days. From the City Desk Who Is Qualified For Council Vote? By Joel Austin JH.AT ARE THE qualifications necessary for a candidate of the city council? A good question and a hard one when you’re put on the spot to answer it. During the past few months, we have seen these men in action, doing their job as civic leaders and receiving no mon etary compensation for their work. But to answer just what kind of man would be best suited for the job, we’ll let the voters answer that when they go to the polls Tuesday during the annual Municipal election. A reader wrote us' the other day about the attendance record of councilmen at the meetings held each month. His inquiry definitely proves that some people are interested enough to investigate the qualifications of the men running in an election before voting for any of them. Do you know who the candidates are ? When the election will be and where the polling place is ? Here are the few ne cessary facts; now it’s up to the voters to make use of them. Candidates and the wards they are from: Ward I: Homer Adams, H. W. Badgett, J. W. O’Brien. Ward II: L. G. Berryman, G. W. Black and Harry Boyer. Ward III: W. D! Fitch. Polling Place: City Hall at the corner of Church Street and old Highway 6. Time: From 8 a. m. until 6 p. m. Postal Delivery for College Station Postal delivery for residents of College Station may be something to look forward to in the months to come. Post Office authorities have inspected local postal facilities and asked Chamber of Commerce officials to poll College Station people to see if they want house-to-house delivery. With only the facilities at the North Gate and MSC to serve all the people of College Station (including A&M students) city postal delivery would alleviate post office con gestion at the beginning of each term when new students are forced to receive mail through General Delivery because of the limited number of boxes available. The new house-numbering system adopted by the Col lege Station City Council will contribute a great deal to the success of a decision by the Post Office Department to es tablish this mail service here. In their initial survey, postal inspectors asked that street markers be replaced at all intersections not now having them. Forms have been purchased by the city to make concrete street signs for all intersections in town. As soon as this pro ject gets underway, postal authorities should have few ob stacles standing in their way to initiate home mail delivery here. News About the City ® The Consolidated High School Band will offer its first concert of the year Sunday evening in the high school gymnasium. Col. R. J. Dunn’s bandsmen promise a color ful program beginning at 3 p.m. The program will also include num bers by the Junior and Senior Or chestras. • The Bryan Lion’s Club mem bers combined wit, good acting, and a fine cast to present their mirthful minstrel show last night. If you were one of those who missed this laugh-packed program during the first performance last night, you’ll certainly want to be at Stephen F. Austin High School in Bryan at 8 p. m. tonight when the curtain rises on the civic club’s 1951 edition of this blackface extravaganza. • The Methodists laid the cor nerstone of their new sanctuary yesterday. It won’t be long before they will have the entire $500,000 building program completed, add ing much to the looks of the North Gate area and, of course, also add ing to their own comfort and con venience. Japanese Peace Treaty Under 15-Nation Study WASHINGTON, March 30—(A 3 )— ^ The State Department is dis tributing to 15 nations this week a completed American draft of a Japanese peace treaty. These na tions are being invited to state their reaction and propose, as soon as possible, any changes they may want. State Department officials hope that within about three months an agreed treaty draft may result from the formal negotiations now getting underway. Some difficulties are foreseen, however, since Australia and New Zealand are worried about possible future Japanese rearming, the Phil ippines have insisted on prepara tions and Britain would like to curtail the Japanese shipping in dustry. Russia Gets Copy, Too Russia is one of the countries receiving a copy of the U. S. ti-eaty draft but is not expected to ac cept it as a basis for negotiation. The Soviets have strongly indicated they do not intend to cooperate with the other World War II allies on an early peace treaty for Japan. Ambassador John Foster Dulles, it was learned, has been distribut ing the tentative treaty text in a series of talks with Ambassadors of the countries directly concerned with shaping Japan’s future. The draft treaty was described by authorities here as conforming in all major respects to a set of principles which Dulles circulated among 15 nations last fall and on the basis of which he has since been negotiating with them. He re cently returned from a visit to Japan, the Philippines, Australia and New Zealand. In substance what the U. S. is proposing is a treaty which would end the state of war with Japan, give that nation full control over its own affairs, and impose no bar riers in the way of Japanese re armament or economic develop ment. Japan would, however, be bound to accept the principles laid down in Article Two of the U. N. Char ter. These include the basic re quirement that all U. N. members settle international disputes by peaceful means and refrain from the threat or use of force. State Department officials note that nations which are not U. N. members may also be covered be cause the article provides that the U. N. shall insure that non-mem bers “act in accordance with these principles so far as may be neces sary for the maintenance of inter national peace and security.” Would End U. S. Occupation The treaty would end the occu pation of Japan by American for ces but the U. S. and Japan plan to negotiate simultaneously a sep arate security agreement. This would provide for stationing Amer ican forces in and about the Japan ese islands. The U. S. favors Japanese mem bership in the U. N. but without Russian cooperation on the peace treaty authorities see little chance of such membership for a long time. DANCE! Glenn Dewey and his COMBO 8:30 - 12:00 p.m., Friday NAVLES Hiway 6 & 21 (Reservations Requested) $1.20 Per Couple—Tax Included TALK OF THE TOWN Where Everyone Meets To Enjoy Good Food at Popular Prices Air Conditioned > .... i A f) Phi Eta Sigma Sets Meeting Monday Night A short meeting of the active members of Phi Eta Sigma will be held Monday night at 7 p. m. in the assembly Room of the MSC to select a Cotton Ball Duchess to represent the society and to make plans for the spring initiation and banquet. TU Medical Professor Schedules Friday Talk Dr. Ira Jackson, assistant pro fessor of Neurological Surgery at the University of Texas Medical School, Galveston, Mill speak to the Veterinary students on Surgi cal Techniques at the Veterinary Hospital at 7:30 p.m. tonight. This announcement was made to day by Dean I. B. Boughton of the School of Veterinary Medicine. LI’L ABNER Cheaper By The Dozen By A1 Capp SO DIS IS DOS- ) ( WE GOTTA PATCH.r THEY'LL MIX IN WJD DE NEVER KNOW WERE \ POPULATION, STRANGERS, IN THESE ) SO AS NOT CLOTHES,"' WE LOOK LIKE SIMPLE RUBES n£lIW4 Bryan Z'8S79 IONITE PREVUE 11 P. M. Campus Interviews on Cigarette Tests Number 16...the harlequin duck taaidMGManalMI B£l miraniaiHKstwro fluJi ((dkivliuimj fiOtfZO NOW SHOWING GINGES R0GEK R0N410 DUGAN |rjfo) DORIS DAY' STIVe COCHRAN SAT. NITE PREV. 11 P. M. V I 7 may be« I’m no pol!' m E I >*'' „e might be the merry-andrew of the marshlands, but lately he’s been downright glum about these trick cigarette mildness tests. Never one to duck facts, he holds nothing much can be proved by a sniff of one brand or a quick puff from another. Snap judgments can’t take the place of regular, day-to-day smoking. That’s why so many smokers are turning to ... The sensible test... the 30-Day Camel Mildness Test, which simply asks you to try Camels as a steady smoke — on a pack after pack, day after day basis. No snap judgments needed. After you’ve enjoyed Camels — and only Camels — for 30 days in your “T-Zone” (T for Throat, T for Taste), we believe you’ll know why ,.. •' . . . ’. ' . •■7,. vT >•' More People Smoke Camels than any other tigarette! : | - 1 ’ A