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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1951)
Circulated to More Than 90% of College Station’s Residents The Battalion PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF A GREATER A&M COLLEGE How Can We Be So Stupid? For Answer See Story, Page Two Number 119: Volume 51 COLLEGE STATION (Aggieland), TEXAS, TUESDAY, MARCH 27, 1951 Price Five Cents thinese Said Massing North (M Parallel 38 siTokyo, March 27—(/P)—Elements “of six Chinese armies today were reported massing for a stand in Bed Korea just north of the border. M There were reports of heavy ji'/uth-bound Communist traffic to- ward the front. This indicated the Reds plan to resist any United Na tions’ thrust into North Korea. v . Theer were no reports of heavy ground fighting Tuesday. The main allied line inched through the mud closer to the old border between North and South Korea. Sizable allied forces moved within small arms range of Parallel 38. I South Korean troops have occu pied the small village of Younpo, three miles north of the bolder on the East coast. A U. S. Eighth Army spokesman said the village has no military significance. It apparently was not defended by the Reds. I Fifth Air Force planes bombed and strafed Chinese troops on the "Western front. They hit gun po sitions, pillboxes, tanks and vor hides ahead of advancing allied Units. i The Chinese 2Gth Army, which has been fighting a rear-guard ac tion in this area, pulled back across the Imjin River northwest of Ui- jongbu on the Western front. The Red buildup was reported f pn the central front around Kum- hwa. This is a road and rail center 20 air miles north of 38. Com munist troops have been spotted south of the town, and in the hills to the east and west. Heavy traffic also was spotted on the roads around Pyongyang, the North Korean capital, and Suk- dhon. Of the 850 vehicles seen moving Monday night, 600 were headed south. This is the largest group spotted in two weeks. . All were attacked. [ The air force said it destroyed or damaged about 100 vehicles, 60 I tail road cars, 930 Red-occupied \ buildings and 30 supply and fuel : dumps, tl also claimed 450 Red soldiers wounded or killed. Local Men On Teachers’ Card Three men from. A&M will par- ticipate in the Conference of Col lege Teachers of English in its | Sixteenth annual meeting Satur- 1 day in the MSC. J. Q. Hays will be a member of i 8. panel which will discuss recent , proposals for improvement of ! teacher certifications and standards. John P. Abbott, dean of the School of Arts and Sciences, and T. F. [Mayo, director of the Enlish de- ‘partment, will also be on the pro ram. Presiding over the CCTE meet ing in the absence of President Er nest E. Leisy of Southern Method ist University will be vice-presi dent Truman W. Camp of Texas Technological College. Dr. Leisy is scheduled to deliver a series of lec tures on American literature and life in Vienna this spring. “Recent Proposals for the Im provement of Certification and Standards in the Teaching Profes sion” is the subject of a panel dis cussion for which Professor Aut- rey Nell Wiley, director of the English Department at the Texas State College for Women, is mod erator. Participating in the panel discussion will be Hays, Mrs. W. C. McGavock, Trinity TJniversity, Johnny Shirley, Tarleton State Col lege, Cothburn O’Neal, Arlington State College, and R. H. Griffith, University of Texas. Miss Mattie Sharp Brewer, teacher of English at Thomas Jef ferson High School in San Anton io, will report as chairman of the Joint Committee for the Integra tion of English Teaching in hig’h schools and colleges. Others on the program include 'Program Chairman Troy Cren shaw, Director of English at Tex as Christian University, Abbott, L. N. Wright, chairman of the de partment of English at Southwest Texas State Teachers College, and Mayo. Papers will be given at the con ference by E. G. Ballard, North Texas State College; Lorraine Sherley, Texas Christian Univer sity J. D. Thomas, Rice Institute; ‘Edna Payne Casey, Baylor Uni versity; R. A. Law, University of Texas; W. B. Gates, Texas Tech nological College; and William Reery, University of Texas. Guest speaker for the luncheon program will be Texas born T. V. Smith, nationally known educator and philosopher. School Held For Water Plant Men C. A. Sanders, field insti’uctor for the Texas Engineering Ex tension Service, is conducting a water school in Sherman for 40 water plant operators from 16 Texas towns. The school began March 19 and will continue through April 6, BRITISH VISITORS — Antony A. Part, joint head of architects and building branch of the British Ministry of Education (in dark suit), and Mrs. Part visit the Texas Engineering Ex periment Station’s revolving classroom while at Texas A&M College on a lecture engagement. The revolving classroom is used to study the ef fects of various shapes of classrooms on light. air and sound. John Rowlett, right, and T. R. Holleman of the A&M Architecture Department, are demonstrating to Mr. and! Mrs. Part the use of a sun dial in studying lighting of the class room. Part will speak to A&M students and faculty tonight on aspects of England’s school building program. Fire-Struck Lumber Yard Will Be Rebuilt By Pugh Work of rebuilding the lumber yard of the Marion Pugh Lumber Company was going forward this morning, after a fire Sunday night destroyed the stock and two trucks at the lumber yard. Origin of the blaze is unknown. The alarm was turned in at 5:45 p.m. Sunday and the blaze was not brought under complete control un til around midnight. Volunteer firemen remained on the scene throughout the night. On Monday morning the remains were still smoldering. Loss was estimated at $30,000 by Pugh, owner of the firm. “In- Citizens Attend Lutheran Meet The Rev. Wm. C. Petersen, pas tor of Bethel Lutheran Church in Bryan, and Victor Dittfurth, are attending the 31st State Con vention of the Lutheran Church— Missouri Synod in Houston. Also in attendance from Bethel Lutheran, as delegates, will be August Byer and Professor Edward E. Brush, chairman of the congregation. “Striving Toward a Stewardship- Conscious Congregation” is the subject chosen for convention study. The convention will be held at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Houston. The Rev. Elmo E. Hiert- schin is pastor’. Dr. J. W. Behnken of Chicago, president of The Lutheran Church —Missouri Synod, preached for the opening service of the convention Monday evening. He will also make reports for and represent the inter national office of the church body. High School Grads Stand Chance To Get Degree Quick “By offering basic military sci ence and freshman orientation as well as the regular pattern of be ginning courses, Texas A&M Col lege will make it possible for a June high school graduate to ad vance by one semester the time of his graduation and possible commissioning,” J. P. Abbott, dean of the School of Arts and Sciences, told the faculty of the School of Arts and Sciences this week. “The same program,” Dean Ab bott said, “will also make it pos sible for transfer students to bring their basic military science train ing level with their academic pro gress.” John D. Moseley, executive di rector of the Texas Legislative Council told the faculty members that “during the 70-year period, 1870 to 1940, the population of the U. S. increased three-fold, while high school enrollment increased 90-fold and college enrollment 30- fold. “At the present time,” Moseley pointed out, “three-fourths of high school graduates go to work direct ly after graduation.” He said that coordination between the various colleges and boards is of paramount importance. Dr. T. F. Mayo, head of the English Department, discussed plans for “Arts and Sciences Week,” March 31-April 8. surance covered only about half of the loss,” Pugh declared. A railroad track lay between the scene of the fire and the nearest fire hydrant almost three blocks away, so blaze-battlers laid hose from the hydrant through a cul vert under the track. Their work was hindered by the crowd of spec tators attracted to the scene by the rich glare of flames against the night sky. All available equipment was call ed out to fight the flames, which are believed to have started in the south end of the lumber yard. The two trucks destroyed by the flames vvere parked in the garage. Mrs. Pugh, who was reached by telephone this morning, said: “We are very grateful for what the fire department did. We are out of the city limits and because of that they didn’t even have to answer the call. They did come, though, and they stayed until they had done all they possibly could.” Plot To Kill Tehran Governor Thwarted Tehran, March 27—(A*)—Police said Monday they had thwarted a plot by the fanatical Moslem group Fedayan Islam to assassinate the military governor of Tehran. This came after a decree im posing martial law on portions of Iran’s rich British-operated south ern oil fields. Mounting strikes by oil workers brought on the decree. Two high Iranian officials al ready have fallen victim to assas sins this month in this strategic country on Russia’s southern bor der. Tehran is under martial law imposed in wide unrest and poli tical tension. A high police official said nine members of Fedeyan Islam are un der arrest for a plot to assassin ate Gen. Abdul Hossein Hejazi, the capital’s military governor. This is the same sect that claimed responsibility for the slaying of Premier Ala Razmara on Sept. 7. The official said police found a list of 40, including High Court functionaries and ministers in the late Razmara’s cabinet. Armed guards were placed around the homes of those on the assassination list. Hejazi’s life probably was saved, the official said, because he work ed late at his office that night. Fedayan Islam is a fanatically nationalistic group Which has been Guitarist Segovia Due Here April 23 Date for the appearance of Town Hall attraction Andres Segovia, guitarist, has been changed from the originally-planned March 28 to April 23, Spike White said to day. White, assistant to the dean of men in charge of student activ ities, said it was a necessary tour change for Segovia. Oscar Levant, who will also ap pear on Town Hall this season, has recovered from his illness, White remarked. Negotiations are still in progress for a play date for Levant. Pokey Too Noisy Claims Prisoner San Antonio, March 27—(A 5 )—A county jail prisoner wrote Mayor Jack White Wednesday asking for more quiet around the jail at night. Prisoners are unable to sleep at night, he complained, because the juke box in a nearby tavern is too loud. agitating for nationalization of Iran’s rich oil production, includ ing the holdings of the British-con trolled Anglo-Iranian Oil Company. Razmara was strongly opposed to the move. Hejazi was appointed militai’y governor and police chief of Teh ran when martial law was pro claimed in the capital last week. The governor decreed martial law at seven places outside Teh ran—all in the rich southern Anglo- Iranian oil fields. Apprentices and students em ployed by the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company at Abadan Sunday join ed a strike for higher wages started Saturday by older workers at company installations in Ban dar Ma’Shur, Persian Gulf Port, and at the Agtajari oilfield at Abadan. Nationalization of the oil indus try, including the British-controll ed Anglo-Iranian Company, has been voted by the Iranian parlia ment but has not yet gone into effect. Austerity Out for US; Re-Arming Goes Well Truman Urges Preparedness In Hemisphere Washington, March 27 — (A 5 ) — President Truman told the 20 Latin American Republics Monday the time has come for all to join in a Western Hemisphere defense buildup against “aggressive ex pansion of Soviet power which he said threatens the world. He opened an emergency meeting of the Western world foreign min isters with a keynote summons also to consider ways of strengthening the United Nations. As partners in a “common en terprise,” the President said the American nations must increase production of strategic materials and take other economic measures to support the “men in Europe and Asia who are batling for free dom.” Mr. Truman pledged by impli cation that the hemisphere gov ernments can look for continued help from Washington in dealing with the threat laid bare by the Korean crisis. He mentioned no specific aid measures but the administration is reported giving urgent consider ation to an $80,000,000 program for hemisphere defense assistance. “We must now plan as a pri mary task for the strengthening and the coordinated use of our de fense forces in this hemisphere,” Mr. Truman advised. “We must also consider how we may best use our strength to support the cause of freedom against aggres sion throughout the woxld.” Truman addressed the inaugu ral session after the foreign min isters in an initial flurry voted at a preliminary meeting to invite President Vincent Auriol of France to address them Saturday. Auriol arrives Wednesday on a state visit. Guatemalan foreign minister Manuel Galich objected to the invi tation saying it might set a pre cedent for inviting others to ses sions which are by custom strictly American. He withdrew his ob jections on a plea by Mexico to make the invitation unanimous as a gesture of courtesy. The ministers by acclamation elected Secretary of State Acheson president of the conference and voted unexpectedly to try to wind up in less than two weeks with April 6 as the target date for ad journment. Working committees were direct ed to tackle today the agenda: Measures for political and military security of the hemisphere internal security measures and economic cooperation. Mr. Truman laid heavy stress on the need for conceiving defenses and combining the strength of the Americas. He assailed a theory, that the Western Hemisphere can protect itself regardless of what happens elsewhere in the world. Dr. Charles Towne • Noted Scientist Will Give Talk On Microwaves A new field of research in phy sics, microwave spectroscopy, will be the subject of an address by Dr. Charles H. Townes of Colum bia University Thursday at 8 p. m. in the lecture room of the Bio logical Sciences building. In some respects similar both to ordinary radio waves and to radiant heat or infrared radiation, microwaves belong to a wave length range intermediate between the two. They have special prop erties, some of which Dr. Townes will demonstrate to his audience. Growing out of wartime radar developments, studies of micro- waves have already provided new information about the structure of molecules and atomic nuclei, and important applications of micro wave techniques in chemistry and electrical engineering have been found. As a leader in a scientific field of rapidly increasing significance and broad general interest. Dr. Townes was chosen 1951 National Lecturer by the Society of the Sigma Xi, devoted to the encour agement of research in this coun try, and he appears here at the invitation of the local Sigma Xi Club, composed of members of that society. More Cuts Seen In Civilian Goods LaundrymanLucky To Have Hat Left Pittsburgh, March 27—CP)— William Yee, one of the few Chinese laundrymen in Pitts burgh, went out of business Monday. This note posted on the door said: “Very sorry. I am moving. Somebody stole all the shirts. Came through the basement and stole all the merchandise.” Yee left no forwarding ad dress. FROM THE WOMEN'S DESK 4 Ghost Town’ Lives Again As Aggies Return to Classes By VIVIAN CASTLEBERRY Battalion Women’s Editor Miss Potter, who is a senior at the him. Fred went to the hospital University of Texas and was last for an emergency appendectomy, summer Women’s Editor of the Today he is much improved and Student living areas took on the Battalion, was a bridesmaid in the Batt staffers are expecting to see look of a ghost town last Thurs- wedding of Miss Lynn Sparks on him around again before too many day evening as Aggies began a Saturday. days. In tjie meantime, Mom and wholesale migration away from the College View and Vet Village Dad, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walker, campus for Spring holidays. Today looked Thursday as if all its resi- Sr., and fiance Audrey Caughey, as the paper was being put to bed, dents were moving out as many are keeping him in line, some familiar faces were still ab- students loaded their cars with sent as stragglers held out for winter clothing and small pieces of the longest holiday possible, but furniture to take home before grad- for the most part students were uation. Early Thursday Cedric back in the classrooms and secre- Copeland was attaching a mattress taries were back at their desks. Mrs. Marvin R. Rush and her daughter, Miss Patricia Rush, who have been College Station residents at 107 Angus since February, are back from Easter vacation in Corpus Christi. Mrs. Rush is a secretary-reception ist in the office of Student Ac tivities and her daughter is a junior high school student at Consolidated. Their husband and father is Sgt. Rush of the U. S. Marine Corps, now in Honolulu. Miss Betty Potter, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. George E. Potter, vacationed at home with her par to the top of his car. He told passers-by that “my wife told me to get my bed and get out.” Some minutes later Dorothy and Cope were waving good-bye to friends on their way home to Waco for the holidays. Battalion sports associate edi tor Fred Walker was having a hard time of it Thursday night. He had decided some days back that he just couldn’t go to Kan sas City to see the Aggies in action, but he had plans all made to be with them via radio. Thirty-three students in the School of Agriculture received a very special kind of Easter pre sent on Thursday just as classes were letting out: These gifts came in the form of notices that they’d been bid to the Agricul tural Honor Society, which in April will become a member of Alpha Zeta, national Agricultural School honorary. Three members of the Ag Eco and Sociology Department Dr. Rob ert Skrabanek, Dr. Melvin Brooks and Dr. B. H. Nelson, were in Austin over the weekend where they participated in the annual meeting of the Southwestem Social Science Association. Dr. Skrabanek Washington, March 27—UP)—Mo bilization Director Charles E. Wil son was ready to report today that the arms production program is well launched and won’t impose on Americans an austerity economy. Wilson, arranging to meet news men (11:30 a.m., EST) for the first time in 12 weeks, was expected to forecast more cutbacks in those ci vilian goods which compete with munitions for scarce materials. But persons who have consult ed with him recently said Wilson now is convinced the country can expand its industrial capacity to maintain the $275,000,000,000-a- year rate of civilian output while adding a $50,000,000,000 defense load. Record-breaking figures on plant expansion plans, announced Mon day night, supported this view. In dustry intends to spend $23,900,- 000,000 on new plant and equip ment in 1951, the Commerce De partment and Securities and Ex change Commission reported. Manufacturers foresee a 45 per cent increase in investment over last year. Mining will be up 30 per cent, railroads 33 per cent, other transportation 41 per cent. Electric and gas facilities will be up 12 per cent. The total planned investment is 24 per cent above the $19,230,000,- 000 level of boomtime 1948 and 29 per cent above last year. It repre sents outlays nine per cent greater than the same industries planned as recently as December. Rising costs of construction and building materials account for part of the increase, the federal agencies said, but mqch of the Honor Society Names 33 New Group Members Thirty-three students from the School of Agriculture have been elected to membership in the Ag ricultural Honor Society, accord ing to Dean Charles N. Shepardson. Membership in the society is based on scholastic achievement, charac- tetr and evidence of the qualities of leadership. Preliminary initiation for the new selectees will be held at 5 p. m. on Monday, April 2. New members are Sid B. Aber nathy, H. O. Baker, Bruce Brown, Curtis W. Castleberry, Billie Joe Cervenka, Morris W. Davis, Dewey C. Edwards and Odel S. Frazier. Also Ervin Frierson, Billie Mack Frost, Bobbie J. Griffin, Kenzy D. Hallmark, A. R. Hardin, John T. Harris, James B. Harrison and Lowell A. Holmes. Other new members are Carrol W. Keese, William J. Kocurek, Carlton C. Kothmann, Howard M. Kruse, Joe T. Lenamon, William Mason Lewis, Werner M. Lindig, Pablo E. Maurer and William A. Messer, Jr. Also Ernest L. Noack, Warren M. Pierce, Paul J. Saunders, Grady L. Smallwood, Gilbert Scott Stiles, Robert L. Sturdivant, Lester K. Taylor and Billy R. Trimmier. Preliminary initiation for the new selectees will be held at 5 p.m. Monday. On April 12 the local honorary will become a chapter of the Na tional Agricultural Honor Frater nity of Alpha Zeta. At the time new Agricultural Honor Society stu dents will be eligible for Alpha Zeta initiation. total represents defense plant ex pansion. Wilson was represented as be lieving that 1951 will see a very high production of civilian goods. This in turn, he believes, will pro vide a national income great enough to make possible pay-as- you-go defense program. Wilson’s aides reported him en couraged, also, over recent signs of a leveling off of prices—or at least a slowdown of the rate of the inflationary climb. However, there was no advance sign of immediate solution to the wage control dispute which has snarled federal stabilization ef forts. The controversy has boil ed down essentially to labor’s de mand that the wage stabilization board be reorganized with power to settle any labor dispute. At a cabinet level conference in the White House Saturday, Attor ney General McGrath insisted the defense production act forbids tha creation of disputes-settling ma chinery, in the wage board or else where, until a full-dress labor- management conference is held. The conference would send recom mendations to the White House through Economic Stabilizer Erie Johnston. Johnston reportedly feels he quirements of a conference, he may be able to work out a com promise between unions and in dustry by continuing month-long mediation efforts behind closed doors. These meet the legal re believes. Johnston’s proposed solution would give the board power to handle only wage disputes, plus non-wage issues if President Tru man certified them as being a threat to the defense program. Management contends only wage or related questions should be han dled, and labor has not declared its acceptance of the Johnston plan. But Johnston is said to hope that time and the pressure of strike threats in some industries—may bring more concessions. A&M Receives Portrait From Cattle Raisers The Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association recent ly presented to Texas A&M a por trait of George R. Rollins, for many years a leader in the Texas cattle business. The portrait is the first to be presented since the Association voted to select and honor one out standing member per year by pre senting his picture to the college. The presentation was made in Dallas on March 13 by Ray W. Willoughby, president of the Asso ciation. Dean Charles N. Shepardson of the School of Agriculture accepted the portrait for the college and in turn presented it to Dr. J. C. Mil ler, head of the Animal Husbandry Department. The portrait will hang in the Animal Industries building. Then on Tuesday night a stomach and Dr. Nelson read papers at the ache with which he’d been troubled meeting and Dr. Brooks was a ents during her Easter holidays, for several days got the best of sectiion chairman. Child Gets Well On Borrowed Blood Houston, March 27—(A*)—Wayne Gibson, 7, who lived for a week on other people’s blood as his own poured out, is home again and looking forward to riding his tri cycle again. Wayne had a stick in his mouth and fell. It punctured his throat. Doctors couldn’t close the wound. When brought to St. Joseph’s infirmary last Tuesday, the boy was so weak from loss of blood that he couldn’t move. His blood ivas a rare type, O-RH negative. Ten pints of blood—more than Wayne had originally—were placed in his veins. The only way to keep him alive was to give him transfu sions to replace that which flowed from the wound. His doctor can’t explain why Wayne’s wound closed. Journalist Sponsor Farm Editor’s Talk C. C. Scruggs, associate editor of The Progressive Farmer, will speak on “Writing for Agricultural Publications” tonight at 7:30 in Room 2C of the MSC. As a student at A&M, Scruggs had several articles published in The Progressive Farmer. He was employed by the Farm Publications upon graduation in 1948 and has been with the magazine continuous ly since graduation working out of the Dallas offices. The talk tonight is being spon sored jointly by the Journalism and Agricultural Journalism Clubs. Former Student Upped to Colonel Joe C. McHaney, 37, a former student of A&M, has been promot ed to colonel in the Marine Corps. He is now dean of the Marine Corps School at Quantico, Virginia, where he lives with his wife and small daughter. McHaney served in four major Marine campaigns in the Pacific in World War II,