The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 22, 1951, Image 1

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    O.B. .
College ktoVavxst
jk-'SE^ Circulated to
More Than 90% of
College Station’s Residents
Number 118: Volume 51
The Battalion
Communism in Movie
Colony; See Movie
Star, Page Two
Price Five Cents
Council Candidates
Homer Adams
Ward I Candidate
L. G. Berryman
Ward II Candidate
G. W. Black
Ward II Candidate
Campaigns Dwindle With
City Election Time Nearing
Battalion City Editor
With the city election less than
two weeks hence, candidates for
the three vacancies in the College
Station City Council have not be
gun any all-out campaigns for .the
balloting, although several men
have been contacting prospective
voters and extending the tradition
al political hand shakes to people
in their respective precincts.
The list of absenlee Ballots cast
at the City Hall remaining blank,
Assistant City Secretary Ran Bos
well said this morning. The last
day for casting absentee votes is
March 31, Boswell said, “but we
expect very few people to take ad
vantage of this service.”
Unopposed Candidates
The only candidate unopposed
in the election will be W. D. Fitch
j from Ward III. Fitch is the incum
bent councilman from that North
House Tacks
$200,000 On
Spending Bill
Austin, March 22—(AP) —
The House tacked on $200,-
000 to their $159,000,000 state
spending bill despite pleas to
keep expenses down.
Debate on how much the state
will need to keep running for two
years went on all day without a
final settlement on the figure.
The House quit without bring
ing up the question of the appro
priation for State-supported col
leges and universities.
The House Appropriations Com
mittee recommended the $159,000,-
1)00 figure. The Senate approved a
i''.lf)9,000,000 bill yesterday, but it
included some items the House
measure doesn’t cover.
The House voted to reinstate the
Rio Grande compact commission,
tvhich the .committee had eliminat
ed. It also approved more funds
for the attorney general to use in
fighting crime and the Communists
•and for the tidelands. A larger
appropriation for state hunters who
kill predatory animals was ap
t The House refused to reinstate
the Aeronautics Commission, the
Veterans Affairs Commission and
the Pecos Compact Commission—
all of which the committee had
“We’ve got to economize some
what,” Rep. Jack Cox of Brecken-
ridge, a member of the Appropria
tions Committee, argued.
side district and apparently has his
old seat at the council table insured
for another two years.
In Ward I on the South side of
town, two candidates will be run
ning against incumbent H. W.
Badgett who will be seeking his
third term on the council. Homer
Adams and J. W. O’Brien will be
Badgett’s opponents in the three
man race. Although Adams has
run for a council post before, this
election will be O’Brien’s first ven
ture into College Station politics.
Three B’s, Boyer, Black, and
Berryman, will vie for the Ward II
post in College Hills. G. W. Black
has served for two years as rep
resentative from that area and
will be running against L. G.
Berryman and Harry Boyer. Berry
man was narrowly defeated in the
same race last year, while Boyer
is also a newcomer to the local
Two Year Term
Winners will be allowed to serve
for a two year period, with their
new position becoming effective at
the May meeting of the council.
All three of the councilmen
whose terms expire next month are
candidates for re-election.
Members of the city council
whose terms do not expire this
year are Mayor Ernest Langford,
J. A. Orr from Ward I, R. B.
Halpin from Ward II, and E. E.
Ames of Ward III.
Mayor Langford was re-elected
in the municipal election held last
Election Judge for the April 3
election will be L. W. Boze, prin
cipal of A&M Consolidated High
School. Boze has not yet announc-
Well Known Firms
Give Monetary Aid
Two national organizations have
contributed aid to the Agricultural
Experiment Station.
A $4,000 grant-in-aid has been
received from the Midwest Re
search Institute of Kansas City
through Dr. M. H. Thornton, chair
man of the chemistry division.
The money will be used “toward
the research on grain sorghums
under the direction of R. E. Karper
at Substation No. 8, Lubbock,”
Dr. R. D. Lewis, experiment sta
tion director said today.
A check for $1,000 from the
American Cynamid Company, New
York will be used “for an exten
sion during 1951 for the mem
orandum of understanding* relat
ing to studies of formulations con
taining Thiophos Parathion and re
lated compounds for control of
cotton insects,” Dr. Lewis said.
“This work is being conducted
by the Department of Entomol
ogy,” he added.
ed other officials for the ballot
To be eligible for office, the can
didates were required to be a resi
dent of the ward for whose position
they are running, to be of legal
age, but not necessarily a proper
ty owner.
The city Council is charged with
the duty of establishing the city’s
policy on all civic questions and
issues which arise. The council is
presided over by the mayor, with
his term and the councilmen’s
terms set for a two year period.
Labor Leaders
Unite Against
Washington, March 22—
(AP)—Big labor union lead
ers displayed such unity in as
sailing the mobilization pro
gram last night that there
was talk the great AFL-CIO
schism which started 15 years
might be healed.
AFL and CIO leaders joined in
an all-out attack on the mobil
ization program which they called
weak, ineffective and “a closed
shop for big business.” They raked
the handling* of prices, rent con
trol, housing and taxes.
The program up to now, asserts
Walter P. Reuther, head of the
CIO-United Auto Workers, has
been put together with “shoestring,
baling wire, and old chewing gum.”
George Meany, AFL secx*etary^
treasurer, called for an entire new
price control setup.
The speeches were made at a
rally of 700 local and statewide
leaders assembled by the United
Labor Policy Committee (ULPC).
The rally was a move to g*enerate
support of housewuves and com
munity groups behind the labor
union rebellion against present
mobilization and stabilization since
the CIO was created 15 years ago
in the big division or organized
The ULPC pulled all its repre
sentatives out of the mobilization
agencies three weeks ago, but
Reuther called it “a lockout, not
a strike.”
“We are negotiating the kind of
contract that will guarantee that
the capital will remain in Wash
ington and not be moved back to
Wall Street,” he said.
Reuther and Meany hinted that
the conference might lead to a
unified labor movement. There was
marked unity among* the labor
groups today. The ULPC does not
include John L. Lewis’ United Mine
Workers and the four operating
railroad unions but significantly
each was represented by observers.
Reuther got a big hand when he
said “the people running the de
fense mobilization program stand
in violation of the Taft-Hartley
Act because it make it illegal to
have a closed shop.”
Big Strip es Back,
Little Chevrons Go
Non-commissioned officers of the
Army will once more wear the tra
ditional large chevrons which were
in use at the end of World War
II, the Army announced.
For the past five years the Army
adopted the use of two types of
chevrons, which were worn by in
dividuals in accordance with their
Reversion to the traditional large
chevixm will eliminate the necessity
for individuals to change chevrons
upon being transferred from one
type of unit to another during cur
rent expansion of the Army.
Manpower Strength Dou bled
Since ‘Police Action ’ Starts
r Washington, March 22—(A 3 )—
President Truman told the world
today the United States now can
strike against any new aggression
with double the strength it had
•when the Communist camp gam
bled on the South Korean invasion.
An exchange of telegrams be
tween the chief executive at Key
West and Defense Secretary Mar
shall showed the total manpower-
strength of the armed forces has
'mounted from 1,458,000 nine
months ago to more than 2,900,000
“This tremendous gain in our
strength,” the President said, “has
been made necessary by the law
less aggression of Communist for
ces in Korea, and by the menace
of still further Communist attacks
against other free nations.”
The announcement was intended
to produce a dual psychological
effect abroad—warning Russia; as
sure America’s friends.
Marshall’s telegram said:
“For your information, the
strength we have already attained
—a total strength in excess of
2,900,000—was not attained in
World War II until more than 21
months after our build-up started
in June 1940, following the fall
of France, and more than three
months after Pearl Harbor.”
Part of this probably is account
ed for by the availability this
time of hundreds of thousands of
Today’s announcement showed
the military well along on the road
toward the 3,500,000 manpower
goal set by Mr. Truman. The in
flow from the di’aft, started last
September, now is beginning to
make heavy contributions to the
buildup. About 400,000 have been
inducted so far. All have been put
into the Army.
UN Thrust Led
By Tank Units;
Gooks Retreat
Tokyo, March 22—(H 3 )—An American tank force stabbed
' yesterday within four miles of Parallel 38 in Central Korea.
, It pushed northward through the former Chinese stronghold
i of Chunchon on the heels of retreating Communist troops.
But in the West, the reds appeared to be digging in for
! a desperate stand in South Korea.
Field dispatches said some 60,000 Communist troops
manned Western defense positions in depth for 15 miles
south of the border. These included two divisions of the
j Chinese Third army, idle since the Hungnam action in De-
| cember.
An Allied tank patrol ran into a hot fight Wednesday
on the approaches to Uijonbu, north of Seoul.
The thrust north of Chunchon was the closest announced
Allied approach in force to the Red Korean border during
House Crime
(Committee Gets
Mickey Cohen
Play In Kansas City Tonight
the current drive.
Patrols may have crossed the
A delayed dispatch from AP
Correspondent William C. Barnard
said the armored column rolled
north late Wednesday from Red-
abandoned Chunchon. It pulled
back to positions for- the night.
Chunchon is eight miles south of
Parallel 38.
Allied tanks and infantrymen oc
cupied Chunchon Wednesday after
noon without a fight.
AP Con-espondent Leif Erickson
reported from U. S. Eighth Army
Headquarters that Allied forces in
Chunchon “appeared in position
today to strike across the 38th Par
allel any time they choose to move
after the withdrawing Reds across
the political boundary.”
Chinese Mortar
One tank force that rumbled
north of Chunchon Wednesday ran
into Chinese mortar fire about four-
miles north of the bomb-burried
city. The tanks killed nine Chi
nese, took one wounded Chinese
prisoner and then withdrew.
Another- tank column striking
northeast of Chunchon killed one
and captured one of a gr-oup of
Chinese soldiers.
East of Chunchon, South Korean
troops finished wiping out 4,400
Reds of the Red Korean 10th Div
ision which had slipped .behind Al
lied lines in January.
Only about 300 remained of that
unit, which had been hacked to
pieces by U.S. planes and artillery.
Eighth Army Headquarters re
ported 1,500 Reds killed or wound
ed in ground action Wednesday.
Casualties Increased
This brought to about 179,000
the total Communist casualties
since the Allied offensive began
Jan. 25.
South Korean troops were eight
and one-half miles south of the
Parallel in Eastern Korea.
Allied war-planes pounded Red
troops in western Korea and hit
their supply lines from the north.
Maj. Gen. Earle E. Partridge
announced Allied planes in the nine
months of the Korean war have:
Killed or wounded more than
93,000 Red troops, destroyed near
ly 1,700 railroad cars, 184 bridges,
more than 1,000 gun positions and
more than 40,000 Red-occupied
Damaged about 900 Red tanks,
more than 7,000 vehicles, nearly
400 locomotives, 5,000 rail cars,
nearly 600 bridges, more than 700
gun positions and about 29,000
Red-occupied buildings.
Look out Washington, here come the Aggies front
Texas! This is the Aggie squad which meets the
Huskies in the Kansas City NCAA tournament
tonight in the nightcap after the first round game
of the semi-finals between Oklahoma A&M and
Montana State. First row, left to right, Ray
mond “Woody” Walker, Bobby Farmer, Don Gar
ret, Bill Carpenter, Don Heft, and Jewell Mc
Dowell. Back row, Coach John Floyd, Glenn
“Mouse” Williams, John DeWitt, Walter “Bud
dy” Davis, Leroy Miksch, and Marvin Martin.
El Paso, March 22—(AP)
—Texas’ new House Crime
Committee found gambler
Mickey Cohen at El Paso to
day and ordered him to testi
fy before it as its first witness.
Rep. Fred Meridith, chairman of
the committee, said Cohen was call
ed because “he is one of the out
standing figures in the nation
connected with organized crime.”
Cohen was directed to appear
before the committee in Austin at
9 a. m. Tuesday.
Mickey quipped: “I guess that
gives me a free ride into Texas.”
He said he was ready to appear
before the committee. But he’d
have to confer* with his attorney
in Los Angeles.
The Los Angeles gambler would
be the first, witness at the first
heariug held by the newly Texas
crime probe group.
He was here for the funeral of
Detective Ralph Marmolejo, Jr.,
killed in a gun fight Sunday. Texas
officers kept Cohen under watch.
He was to fly back to Los An
geles today.
Sheriff Jimmy Hicks served the
subpoena on Cohen at 12:05 p.m.
at the home of John Hartridge,
El Paso traffic patrolman. Hicks
said Cohen asked immediately who
would pay his transportation to
Meridith was asked in Austin
what the penalty would be if
Mickey failed to appear Tuesday.
He said he wasn’t prepared to
answer the question immediately.
“One of the reasons we’ve been
slow getting under way is that we
don’t know exactly what powers
we have,” he said.
But later he received a memor
andum from the Texas Attorney
General’s office citing some powers
of legislative investigating groups.
A check of statutes showed that
wilful failure to appear to testify
when ordered to do so makes a
person subject to a fine of $100 to
$1,000, and imprisonment of 30
days to 12 months.
Midnight Prowlers Sought
In Rifling of RFC Files
Washington, March 22 — (A 3 ) —
Midnight prowlers were reported
today to have gained access re
cently to confidential files of the
Reconstruction Finance Corpor-a-
tion (RFC).
The files contain many confi
dential documents, some of them
related closely to a Senate investi
gation of RFC affairs. Highly
placed sources, declining to be
named, told the story. Top offi
cials of the big government lend
ing agency were not immediately
available for comment.
Qualified informants said it has
not been determined whether any
documents were stolen, but that the
prowlers’ visit explains the recent
installation of special locks and a
burglar alarm on the files.
A severed chain on a door lead
ing to the file rooms gave evidence
of the prowler’s visit, they said.
They did not date the incident.
Senators debated, meanwhile,
whether the RFC needs a new name
as well as a change in top manage
ment to restore it to public confi
They are considering President
Truman’s proposal to replace the
five RFC directors with a single
The agency, Cosgriff said, may
recover “a degree” of the public
confidence be says it has lost in
a Senate Banking subcommittee’s
investigation of its affairs. But
he added:
“The public may never bear of
RFC again but what they think of
a mink coat.”
He referred to the stir which
greeted recent disclosure that Mrs.
E. Merl Young, WTiite House sten
ographer, wears a $9,450 mink coat
paid for* by a Washington lawyer-
accused of wielding improper* in
fluence on RFC loans.
A Senate Banking subcommittee
investigating* RFC charged that
the lawyer, Joseph H. Rosenbaum,
and Young are members of an in
fluence ring with White House
Playful Senators Pare Bill
Til Not Even Title Remains
Austin, March 22—(A 3 )—The Senate playfully voted today piece
meal destruction of a House bill to require deposit with the state
treasury of all funds for fee-collecting state agencies.
Amendments were first adopted to exempt the Board of Pharmacy
and the Board of Optometry.
Then by a 19-10 vote, everything in the bill below the enacting
clause was struck out. That left a blank bill with only a number and a
Sen. Dorsey Hardeman of San Angelo, floor sponsor of the mea
sure, was granted permission to amend the title to conform with the
body of the bill.
That removed all traces of the measure.
contacts. Young said he has sign
ed a note to repay Rosenbaum.
Sources who told of the files
incident said the only item defi
nitely known to be missing is a
bank or building and loan associa
tion passbook owned by Mrs. Don
ald Dawson, who has Charge of the
files. Mrs. Dawson, asked about
the reported disappearance, brush
ed aside questions with “no com
Mrs. Dawson is the wife of a
White House aide also named by
the subcommittee as having exert
ed pressure on RFC loans and lend
ing policies.
Chairman W. Elmer Harber de
nied first reports of the installa
tion of the new burglar system
Monday when reporters asked him
about it. Later in the day, how
ever*, he authorized a statement
that the alarms had been installed.
He said he knew nothing of any
missing passbook.
Stored in the file rooms are ap
proximately 800 letters written by
Senate and House members to the
RFC on loan matters. They be
came the subject of controversy be
tween Congress and the White
House. Truman had obtained pho
tographic copies of the 800 letters.
The Banking subcommittee, headed
by Senator Fulbright (D-Ark), ac
cused the President of attempting*
to intimidate it.
Game Recap
Set by KORA
Radio Station KORA in Bry
an will broadcast a recap of the
basketball game tonight be
tween the Aggies and Washing
ton. Information from the game
will be furnished through the
facilities of Western Union.
After 26 Months
Death Ends Coma
Of Wreck Victim
Rankin, Tex., March 22—(A 3 )—
Pretty Joan Edwards “slept away
peacefully” yesterday.
Death came after two years, two
months and four days of uncon
The 26-year-old West Texas girl
had been in a coma since she was
injured in a traffic accident Jan.
17, 1949. One person was killed in
the crash. She and some other-
young people were en route from
Midland to Odesso during an ice
She was an employee then of
the Midland Reporter-Telegram.
She died at the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Edwards
of Rankin.
Services were held here this
morning—at 10 a.m.
Several months ago, specialists
had told her parents they had lit
tle hope of her recovery. They said
they could do no more for her
than Joan’s family could do at
Mrs. Edwards quit her job in a
Rankin bank to care for her
daughter. The father is the post
master, and three weeks was re
leased from a hospital after a ser
ious illness.
Joan began sinking last Friday,
and her condition worsened over
the weekend. Her last nourishment
was a few spoonsful of oatmeal
gruel, given early Sunday.
In the early stages of her ill
ness, she was fed intravenously.
Then for months nourishment was
given through a tube in her nose.
During the past several months,
she was able to chew food and was
fed orally.
She weighed less than 40 pounds
when she died.
Her parents thought she showed
signs of recognition occasionally,
although she never fully regained
consciousness. Most of the time
she lay motionless, as if in deep
sleep; a few times she would stir
West Texans contributed more
than $5,000 to a Joan Edwards re
covery fund sponsored by the Re
porter-Telegram. Her case attract
ed wide attention. She was exam
ined at Dallas by a noted brain
Mrs. Edwards thanked the pub
lic today for its interest.
“We are more than grateful for
everything people all over the na
tion, and particularly in West Tex
as, have done for Joan and us,”
the mother* said.
“Joan had all the help human
hands could give. People have
been more than generous and have
done everything possible to make
it easier on us and on Joan.”
Dollar Drivel Dull
For Sleepy Duet
Austin, March 22—iA 3 )—-Virginia
Lee Etheredge was only four and
found all this talk about millions
of dollars monotonous.
While the House debated the
state’s appropriation bill today,
she climbed up in the lap of her
daddy, Rep. S. B. Etheredge of
Huntsville, put her arms around
his neck and went sound asleep.
So did her daddy—for a catnap,
leaning back in the big leather-
backed chair in the House while
debate droned on.
Templin to Talk
At BA Meeting
The annual meeting of the Bus
iness Administration Section of
the Southwestern Social Science
Association will be held in Austin,
March 23-24, said Ralph C. Hook,
Jr., business administration sec
tion chairman.
John J. Templin, business law in
structor, will speak at the meeting
on “The Chattel Mortgage and the
Conditional Sale—A Regional Con
Aside from his duties as an in
structor, Templin is a member* of
the Texas State Bar Association,
Brazos County Bar National Pro
fessional Law Honorary.
Business Administration is but
one section of the Social Science
Association. The association in
cludes all subjects of social sci
ences, such as history, economics,
and sociology, and each subject
has it’s own sectional meeting.
Faculty to Attend
SSSA Conference
Seventeen A&M faculty members
will participate in the annual
Southwestern Social Sciences As
sociation meeting scheduled March
23-24 in Austin, T. W. Leland,
head of the Business Administra
tion Department said this morn
Section chairmen for the meeting
from A&M are L. P. Gabbard, head
of the Ag Eco and Sociology De
partment, in charge of Ag Eco
nomics; Ralph C. Hook, assistant
professor of Business Administra
tion, in charge of the Business Ad
ministration section.
A. R. Chalk, associate professor
of Economics, will head the Eco
nomics section. Leland is a member
of the Constitutional Amendments
In the Accounting section meet
ings, N. D. Durst, professor of
Business Administration, will par
ticipate on a panel discussing the
teaching* of auditing. W. F. Farrar,
Professor of Business Administra
tion will be discussion leader for
the, “Analysis of Manufacturing
Expense Variations Under Stand
ard Cost Procedures.” Leland will
speak on “Replacement of Fixed
For the Agricultural Economics
Section, C. A. Bonnen, professor of
Ag Eco, will be on a panel discuss
ing “The Role of the Agricultural
Economist in Basin Programs.” W.
E. Paulson, professor of Ag Eco,
will preside as chairman for one of
these section meetings.
M. C. Jaynes, cooperative mar
keting specialist, will participate in
a discussion on “A Survey of Texas
Farm Business Cooperatives.” K.
A. Fugett of the Ag Eco Depart
ment, assistant professor of Animal
Husbandry and O. D. Butler will
discuss “Resume of 1950 Marketing-
Workshop.” J. R. Campbell Ag
Eco. will be on a panel discussing
“How I use Agricultural Economics
Information on the Job.”
J. J. Templin, instructor of Bus
iness Administration, will talk on
The Law of Sales, and Hook will
participate on a panel, “Appraising
the Marketing Curricula of the
Southwest,” in the Business Admin
istration Section meetings. In the
Sociology Section meetings, M. S.
Brooks associate professor of Rural
Sociology will serve as chairman of
one of the meetings. B. H. Nelson
of the Ag Eco Department will talk
on “Socio-Psychological Problems
Involved in the Adjustment of
Students to the College Commun
G. W. Schlesselman, head of
the Geography Department, will
talk on “Natuval Boundaries With
in the Borders of Texas” , in the
Geography Section meeting.
In a joint section meeting of
Economics Government, and His
tory, W. H. Delaplane, head of
Economics Department will talk
on “The Impact of Postwar Belli
gerency of International Econom-