Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1951)
Pa re. 6 THE B ATT A T JON Thursday, March 15, ^»5t Truman Sends Russia Notice Of Rearming To Prevent War Retiring Council nig'ht: “It is, above all, an effort to prevent a world conflict, while at port, a conflict if it is forced upon us. Key West, Fla., March 15 — (JP)—Russia had notice today from President Truman that the United States is rearming primarily to prevent war but also “to meet such a conflict if it is forced upon us.” He again challenged the Com munists to agree upon a foolproof control of atomic and other weap ons to enable the world to find peace. Until this is done, he said, “it is essential to our national security that we build up our defenses as Holmans (Continued from Page 4) the island, beach parties, swim ming, fishing, tennis and talent shows. “We had something going day and night,” Evelyn says, “and 1 tried my hand in all of it.” In November 1947 at the North west Air Force Base, Guam, Ma riana Islands, Evelyn Barkalow met Donald Holman, Sergeant, United States Air Force. They knew it was love, but they post poned wedding plans until they were home again. In Cushing, Oklahoma, on September 5, 1949, the two were wed. At A&M the Holmans make their home in Trailorville in a 1950 Sparton trailer that is the last word in convenience and hominess. Here Don is a civil and manage ment engineering major. Evelyn is a secretary for the International Furniture Company in Bryan, and a homemaker. In College, Evelyn studied busi ness administration. She also has taken flying lessons and violin les sons. She is a good cook, loves to keep house, “dabbles” around with making her own jewelry and in leather and ceramics. She makes a great many of her own clothes. When surprised friends compli ment Evelyn on the beauty of her trailer-house, she says simply “Thank you. This is our home.” That, Evelyn believes is the se cret of a successful Army wife— to take top honors in the ability to make a home where- area. Bill Rainwater placed sec ever and of whatever is available. quickly and vigorously as possible.” Me Reconstruction I inance Cor- Mr. Truman gave this definition poration. 1 he names oi an ad- of the United .States’ rearmament ministrative assistant Donald program in a letter made public Dawson, and a White House sten- at the little White House here last ographer, Mrs. E. Merl Young, have been brought into testimony. The White House denied one re- by Rep. Keating (R-NY) the same time it is an effort to that Mrs. Young was slated for prepare our defenses to meet such dismissal. Mrs. Young’s expensive coat, paid for by u luuxiii.u i. ... la .• cuul, iw, uj a Washington What we are striving for is peace lawyer interested in RFC loans, at,<1 intvcnMtional order.” has figured in testimony before the and international order The letter was addressed to Sen- subcommittee, ator Flanders (R-Vt) and a bi partisan group of senators and rep resentatives who wrote him Feb. 2(5 suggesting he propose the lift ing of the ix-on curtain, complete disarmament under the United Na tions and immediate establishment of a UN police force. Mr. Truman may have something further to say on the tense inter national situation at a news con ference at 3:00 p.m. (EST). He invited reporters over to the presidential quarters for a confer ence on the lawn—his first meet ing with the press since he flew here from Washington March 2. Reporters are expected to have questions about the Senate subcom mittee inquiry into the operations AF Riflemen Fire In National Match The A&M Air Force ROTC Rifle Team is now firing for the Nation al ROTC Intercollegiate Rifle Match as representative of the Fourteenth Air Force. The top one third of the rifle teams in each Army and Air Force ROTC area compete in the nation al intercollegiate riflemen’s com petition. The Aggie AF riflemen were the top team in the Fourteenth Air Force Area, which, is com prised of the southern and south western states from Georgia to New Mexico. John Rowe and Bill Holland scored 775 out of a possible 800 honors in the AF ond with a score of 761. USB BATTALION CLASSIFIED ADS TO BC¥, SELL, KENT OR TRADE. Rates . . . . 3o a word per Insertion with a 80c minimum. Space rate in classified section .... 60c per column-inch. Send all classified to STUDENT ACTIVITIES office. All ads must be received In Stu dent Activities office by 10 a.m. on the day before publication. • FOR SALE • i8-KOOT Ollder house trailer and S x 16’ room. Sec Bill Hailey, Trailer IM Area 2. NICE CLEAN Innerspring mattress, also sturdy coll springs. Phone 4-5691. 2 BEDROOM home on extra large lot at a price you can afford. See at. 13. p > Cooner Street or call 4-8772 after 5:30 p.m. WRINGER TYPE washing machine with twin tubs. Good condition, $35.00. Phone 2-6888 after 5:30 p.m. POSSESSION March 15th, comfortably fur nished apartment, large screened pdfeh, block from Campus. Oden, 4-8244 or 4-8274. MISCELLANEOUS FOR THE BEST, see Cangelosi’s South- Side Shoe Shop. Material and workman ship can't be beat. BUL ROSS LODGE No. 1300 A. F. & A. M Called meeting Thursday, March 15 at 7 p.m. Work In E.A.&F.C. Degrees. S. R. Wright, W.M. N. M. McGinnis, Sec. DON’T fix it! Exchange your old worn out motor for a guaranteed Factory re built engine. Fords $124.95, Chevrolet $104.95, Plymouth and Dodge $129.50. Guaranteed 1,000 miles or 4 months, whichever occurs. LACK’S, 217 So. Main. 2-1669. GOING IN ARMY—11 cu. ft. Refrigerator. DeLuxe Range, Blond Oak Desk Model Singer Sewing Machine. Big reductions on all items, must sell by March 30. A-9-B, College View. LACK’S Seat Covers are Better Buys. See Joe today at 217 So. Main. Dial 2-1669. 70 ACRES wooded land, ly, miles from Wellborn on Main Highway and power line. For information, call Mrs. George Foster, Bryan, 3-6984 or No. 4-051, Staf ford, Texas. • USED CARS • BRAND NEW Mercury, radio, heater, and overdrive, white sidewalls, $2550. Phone 6-2574, C-3-Z, College View. • WANTED TO BUY • USED CLOTHES and shoes, men’s — women's — and children’s. Curtains, spreads, dishes, cheap furniture. 502 N. Main, Bryan, Texas. • LOST AND FOUND • LOST: Narrow rhinestone bracelet Sat urday March 10—Sbisa or vicinity. RE WARD. Luke Senior, Dorm 10—Room 208 • FOR RENT • SMALL furnished apartment, bills paid. College Hills. Phone 4-8826. Box 1749. Prompt Radio Service —Call— Sosolik’s Radio Service 712 S. Main St. Ph. 2-1941 Bryan Official Notice Senior Favors for all years may now be ordered at the office of Student Activities lor delivery May 10th. Favors with, chain and guard $■!.25, favors without chain and guard $3.00. All orders must be in by March 21 for the May 10 delivery. There was speculation that Mr. Truman might voice his strong op position to congressional attempts to limit the size of the aimed forces to 4,000,000 men and require Sen ate and House consent before send ing troops to Europe in addition to the four new divisions already promised for General Dwight D. Eisenhower’s North Atlantic de fense command. Round-up (Continued from Page 5) day, 10-8. Burbank, Calif. The St. Louis Browns had the doubtful honor- of having more errors than hits as the Chicago White Sox walloped them 10 to 2 today. It was the third Chicago victory in four starts. The Browns have yet to win. Six errors were charged to St. Louis. Miami, Fla. Pitcher Dan Bank- head missed the Brooklyn Dodger workout to<lay because of a virus infection. He will be out three days. Ailing Manager Charlie Dres- sen’s temperature was normal and he was greatly improved. Lakeland, Fla The Detroit Tig ers announced today the outright sale of outfielder Johnny Creel to Oklahoma City of the Texas League. Creel batted .273 for Buffalo last season. He said he wanted to play in the Texas League. His home is in Dallas. Proenix, Ariz. Frank Shea, vet eran New York Yankee righthand er, offered early evidence today that he may make a comeback. The heavy-set righthander hurled three commendable innings in an intra-squad game and, after he was finished, said his arm felt better than it has in the Spring since 1947. Shea permitted two runs, both in the same inning, to a lineup com posed largely of regular players. -——Beat Washington The first full MSC Student Council will complete their terms next month. At the Tuesday meet ing, next years officers were elected. The new president will be Dan Davis and the new vice- president is Lamar McNew. Standing, left to right are Fred Smith, Sid Loveless, Walter Dela- plane, Charles A. Roeber, John M. Rowlett, J. Wayne Stark, Clayton Selph and Lavonne Mas- singale. Seated in the same order are Dr. John Quisenberry, Dave Coslett, Joe Fuller, Dick Ing les, the newly elected president, Dick Hervey and Lamar McNew, the vice-president for the next term. WhaVs Cooking AUSTIN CLUB, Thursday, 7:30 day, 7:15 p. m. Room 301 Goodwin, p. m. Room 3B, MSC. ™' T ™ TT ' TrnTr ™ TT ” BELL COUNTY CLUB, Thurs day, 7:30 p. m. Room 123 Academic. BRUSH COUNTRY CLUB, Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Room 2D, MSC. Selection of Cotton Ball GALVESTON CLUB, Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Room 305 Goodwin. HANDBALL CLUB, Thursday, 5:10 p. m. P. E. office. Organiza tional meeting, all interested are invited. HOUSTON CLUB, Thursday, 7:15 p. m. Room 301 Goodwin. Bring pictures for Cotton Ball .se lection. HUNT-HOPKINS CLUB, Thurs day, 7:30 p. m. Dorm 2 Lounge. LAND OF THE LAKES CLUB, Thursday, 7:15 p. m. Room 305 Goodwin. LAVACA COUNTY CLUB, Thursday, 7:15 p. m. Second floor of the Academic Building. ORANGE COUNTY CLUB, Thursday, 7:30 p. m. ,303 Goodwin, Discuss Easter plans. PASADENA CLUB, Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Room 2C, MSC. PORT ARTHUR CLUB, Thurs- Floyd Explains Reasons (Continued from Page 5) two heads. In fact we were treated courteously and respectfully by the And this, infidels, (If the shoe people whom we met at the Jour- fits, wear it.) comes from a man na lism School and The Daily Tex- who has done more for Aggie has- an< ketball in one season than has been accomplished in 28 years. Or rather Of course at the basketball game 45—counting the 17 years of has- two jeering lads had to create a ketball crop failure in Austin. conflict of emotion and opinion as When we went to Austin Monday they sat behind us and flailed us we found out that contrary to re- with great chunks of paper. We ports, the inhabitants do not have still have the wounds to prove it. Coach Awards—Iba—Washington But back to Floyd. It’s too bad there isn’t a national eoach-of-the-year award for we feel that the name ol John Floyd should be sung from ‘Frisco to New York. When he takes his boys to Kansas City, he’ll be back on his old stompin’ grounds. If they don’t remember him now, it won’t take long to bring to mind the name of the man who once starred for Henry “The Lion Duke” Iba. • Washington University? They have a record of 22 and 5. After late December that was all that A&M dropped—five games. Washing ton lads still clean their finger nails and look at girls. Here we are one up on them—no girls. Beat Washington Gifts of quality are what you will find in our complete stock, whether it be jewelry, stationery, stuffed animals, or sports wear. You will be delighted with the wide selection from which you may choose. Come in and see our complete collection of lovely, jewelry gifts fashioned just for the occasion. There are bracelets, lockets, and compacts — all with your Aggie Seal to make them doubly cherished. Stationery by Montag and White- Wykoff in a wide variety of styles and color. Gifts of sportswear by Norris and Puritan, just the thing for father and brother. You can not go wrong with these gifts of quality. Come in and see them now. The Exchange Store “Serving Texas Aggies” .y, , .x., ; 5:15 p. m. In front of the Ag. Build- ROBERTSON COUNTY CLUB, ing for pictures. Thursday, 7:15 p. m. Room 306 SOUTH TEXAS TRI-COUNTY Goodwin. CLUB, Thursday, 7:15 p. m. Room SAN ANGELO CLUB, Thursday, 301 Goodwin. AF to Call Reserves Washington, March 15—(A 1 )—The Air Force announced Wednesday that all Air Force ROTC students graduating from college this year will be called to active duty. About 8,100 students in the Re serve Officer Training Corps are affected. Those who graduated at the end of the midyear term in January and February will receive active duty orders within 90 to 120 days. Those graduating in June will receive their orders and be com missioned second lieutenants with in ninety days of their graduation. The Air Force said that all the ROTC graduates will be given an opportunity to volunteer for flight training or for a limited number of training assignments at special one-year university courses in me- terology. ROTC officers selecting either of these two programs must agree to remain on active duty for three years after completing the special training. ROTC officers who do not enter the special training will be assign ed to such duties as the Air Force sees fit. UN Club Schedules Calk by E. J. Kyle A talk and movie about Central and South America will be given by E. J. Kyle, dean emeritus of the School of Agriculture, at a meeting of the United Nations A&M Club at 3 p. m. Sunday in the YMCA Chapel. The movie was taken while Dean Kyle was ambassador to Guate mala, according to Pierre Mommes- sine president of the United Na tions A&M Club. All members and interested per sons are urged to attend, the pres ident saiid. Women’s Desk (Continued from Page 4) March. . . . And students can brush up their dancing steps again for the weekend ahead when the MSC will be decked out in St. Patrick’s day trimmings * for a terpsichorean encore. THE STORK has been a busy creature lately what with the host , of new babies about. . . . Mary and Joe Barrett are the parents of young Terry Lee. ... Mr. and Mrs. William H. (Dog) Dawson have a new son. . . . Mr. and Mrs.” Raymond McCallum also have a new son at their home. ... Mr. and Mrs. Luican Morgan are the par ents of a boy. . . . And; in Athens, v Texas, Dr. and Mrs. Troy White have welcomed a baby girl, Su zanne. Jann (Mrs. White) is for mer secretary to D. W. Williams here. PAGING STUDENTS AND STUDENT WIVES. Betty Bolan- der of A&M’s living room, the MSC, says she still has openings for beginners in dancing at the Friday, 7:30 p.m. Couples Class. This class represents a lot of dancing instruction, an hour per week for six weeks, taught by a near-professional Mrs. Clara How ard, who is the wife of an Aggie grad student, all for the sum of two bucks. . . . Miss Bolander also can use more talent for her “Road Shows” which are scheduled for personal appearances at McCloskey Hospital, Temple on March 21 an^ 29. Students and student wives are invited to audition from 5-6 p.m. on Wednesdays. Or at special times which the designate as tal ent for these shows, Betty said. v "ARVIN or DINUBA? n ‘‘Which shall it be?” The answer to that question is of vital importance, not only to every bus inessman of College Station, but to every resident as well. What is its significance? A few of you may know. If you do, or can find out, write your idea in a letter of not over 25 words. All letters will be timed and dated as received. Next Tuesday night, at 7 p.m. will be the deadline lor entries. The first entry received properly setting forth the significance of the phrase will re ceive $10 in free groceries, the next four correct entries $1 each in groceries. Watch next week’s ad. Grocery Specials for Fri. & Sat., March 16 & 17 3 Lb. Carton Mrs. Tucker’s Shortening . . ea. 9;j c Ken L Ration Dog Food . . 2 cans 27c (EVERYDAY PRICES) 1 Cup Size (3'/ 2 Oz.) Large Pieces Fresh SHELLED Pecans .... each 37c SAVE—Buy 3 cup size each 95c Chase and Sanborn Coffee lb. can 85c Star Kist Blue SOLID PACK Tuna . . Label—G'/r-Oz. Cans 2 cans 75c Everyday Price—Lilly’s Vi GAL. Mcllokrcinc . . . . . 65c You Owe It to Yourself to Try Heavy Duty Detergent—Large Box Surf 29c Flavors EACH Pre-Summer Sale. Big Bars—Nut Only ------ Hershey Candy . . . 15c In 1-()z. Squares—Baker’s Semi-Sweet Dot Chocolate PKG. 35c Popular Brands Cigarettes . CART. .$1.86 The Original Niagara Falls NBC SHREDDED 2 PKGS. Wheat Biscuit .... 33c 1 Lb. Boxes Sunshine Krispy Crackers . Evei (Kit Fli EACH 27c Everyday Price. Pillsbury’s Best (Kitchen Tool Free) . . . sack ) lour U9 For a Refreshing Drink Kool-Aid . . . 6pkgs.25c Assort, to Suits. White, Black, Colored Thread ... 6 spools 25c Hiffh Quality—Northern Toilet Tissue .... 3 rolls 25c The Original Hot—Brooks, 12-Oz. Catsup Bottle . 19c Big No. 7 3 /l Size—Rio Grande Stuffed SALAD BOWL Olives ea. 25c Regular Cans Campbell’s CAN Tomato Soup . . . .10c An Excellent Value. lOJ^-Oz. Cans Little Kernel Cream Style—Country Gentlemen Corn 3 cans 25c Mo. 2 v /i Cans Libby’s Halves Peaches can 31c Best Maid—Whole—Full Quart Sour Pickles .... 25c Willinir to Experiment? We Guarantee You Will Be Pleased—Save 30c. McCormick’s Extra Fancy—Orange & Pekoe Tea Full lb. 97c MEAT SUBSTITUTES GRC Mountain Grown PINTO Beans 5 lbs. 59c Fully Guaranteed—Candled or Infertile Large Size in Paper Bags Eggs dozen 39c Tn Quarters—Colored Keyko Olco lb. 31 Frozen Foods 6-Oz. Cans Old South Orange Juice Honor Brand Broccoli 2 CANS 41c pkg, 29c Birdseye Green Peas . 2 pkgs. 29c 0 Market Specials Decker’s Tall Korn SLICED Bacon lb. 48c 2 lbs.-95c Jasmine Pure Pork Roll Sausage 2 lbs.-65c II). 33c Mild Wisconsin Cheese lb. 59c For Added Enjoyment- Fryers . . . . -Heart o’ Texas . . lb. 65c Loin End Cut Pork Chops . . . lb. 49c Grade AA Veal or Beef—Square Cut Shoulder Roast lb. 78c Brisket Slew Meat 11). 33c Hormel Assorted Lunch Meats . . .lb. 49c Short Shank Hormel Picnic Hams lb. 48c ARRIVING NOON WEDNESDAYS Fresh Fish - Shrimp Oysters ® Fresh Fruits & • Vegetables Fresh, Clean, Crisp Arizona Carrots. .2bunches 15c 5’s Size Iceberg Lettuce . 2 heads 19c Medium Size Florida Avocados . 2 for 27c Fresh Radishes . 2bunches 15c Fancy Florida Bell Green Pepper . . lb. 25c No. 3 Size Florida Pascal GREEN Celery . . .2 stalks 29c We Reserve the Right To Limit Quantities SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY & SATURDAY March 16th & 17th Southside Food Market AKVIN OK DINUBA? WHICH SHALL IT BE ? ?