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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1951)
Pas M Page 4 THE BATTALION Monday, March 12, 1951 Some Happy Faces and an Ugly Man Wj^OOK Mabel we’re movin’Things were pretty crowd- year itch ded at the Ball Saturday night. The only person that Fame comes to all those who wait and that is true in the case had enough room to dance in was the OD with his sabre on. of Battalion Managing Editor John Whitmore. Whitmore The crowded conditions prompted more than one person to was chosen the Ugly Man of the Press Club by persons at- compare the dance with that of a sardine with the seven tending the Press Club Ball Friday night. He edged out such men as Spike White, Nick Nichols, Allen Pengelly, Frank a rubber lizard. Manitzas and B. F. Roland. Dr. J. P. Abbott made the pre- Meeting the Big Brass are Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Folke. sentation after counting the votes, by saying “Whitmore wins On Mrs. Folke’s right is Major General W. B. Palmer, c<>m* by a nose.” The winner was chosen after making a speech manding General of Ft. Hood, and Col. H. M. Pendleton, Sen- on why he should be named the Ugly Man. The prize was ior Army instructor, Texas National Guard. cs m to* *ec nil of J oei na CSE BATTALION CLASSIFIED ADS TO BUY, SELL, BENT OR TRADE. Rates . ... 3c a word per Insertion with a tfto minimum, space rate In classified Section .... 60c per column-inch. Send all classified to STUDENT ACTIVITIES office. All ads must he received In Stu dent Activities office by 10 a.m. on the day before publication. • FOR SALE • DON’T fix it! Exchange your old worn out motor for a guaranteed Factory re built engine. Fords $124.95, Chevrolet $104.95, Plymouth and Dodge $129.50. Guaranteed 1,000 miles or 4 months, whichever occurs. LACK’S, 217 So. Main. 2-16G9. TWO BEDROOM home on extra large lot at a price you can afford. See at 135 Cooner Street or call 4-8772 after 5:30 p.m. Each One Reach One A Every Boy Is A Man At A&M Because every boy has equal opportunities to make the most of his abilities. Each student stands or falls on his own merit. What he does, says, and thinks are the criteria by which other students judge him. EACH ONE REACH ONE But Few Misses At A&M There may not be many “misses” here at A&M, this being a non-coeducational institution, but many boys are “hits” with their friends, classmates and oth er students. That's because they took advantage of their opportunities. So tell your home - town friends about opportunities at A&M. Show them what they have to gain by com ing to A&M. Then, when they come, YOU’LL gain, A&M will gain, and most of all, the NEW STU DENTS will gain. Each One Reach One LACK’S Seat Covers are Better Buys. See Joe today at 217 So. Main. Dial 2-1C69. 70 ACRES wooded land, 1% miles from Wellborn on Main Highway and power line. For information, call Mrs. George Foster, Bryan, 3-6984 or No. 4-051, Staf ford, Texas. 1948 STUDEBAKER Champion Club Coupe radio, heater, overdrive, original tires, one-owner car. Must sell immediately. Phone 4-1215 before 5 p.m. or 4-9394 after 5:15 p.m. Perfect buy for grad uating Senior. • FOR RENT • POSSESSION March 15th, comfortably fur nished apartment, large screened porch, block from Campus. Oden, 4-8244 or 4-8274. • HELP WANTED • M.S.C. is interested in contacting a student with sophomore or junior classification who has had experience in electronic and radio repair; a working knowledge of minor repair work essential. Must be able to put in 10 to 20 hours per week for remainder of this semester. Apply at M.S.C. Management office between 8 and 5. • WANTED TO BUY USED CLOTHES and shoes, men’s — women’s — and children’s. Curtains, spreads, dishes, cheap furniture. 502 N. Main, Bryan, Texas. • LOST AND FOUND • Course Scheduled The annual short course in egg grading will be held on March. 20, 21, and 22 in the MSC. Purpose of the short course is to train egg graders for both in dustry and the United States De partment of Agriculture. Official Notice GRADUATING SENIORS NOTE: Orders are now being taken for Graduation An nouncements at the office of Student Activities Second Floor, Goodwin Hall. The deadline is 5 o’clock, March 13. The Board of Directors have approved the following policy and directed that it be put into effect: (a) AH clothing turned in to the Mili tary Property Custodian prior to 5 days following the close of school will be ac cepted without penalty. (b) Clothing turned in subsequent to days following the close of school and prior' to the 16th day following the close of school will be accepted subject to pay ment of an additional uniform handling charge equal to 10 per cent of the value of the clothing so turned In, with a min imum charge of $1.00 to defray the cost of billing, delayed handling, and cancellation of billing. (e) Due to the ending of the fiscal year and the necessity for completing a physical inventory, required by Army Regulations, no clothing will be accepted for turn-in subsequent to the 15th day following the close of school, but all students will be required to pay the entire amount of any clothing not returned by that time. C. A. ROEBER Auditor What’s Cooking AGC, Monday, 7:30 p. m. Room 3D, MSC, Guest speaker. CALDWELL COUNTY CLUB, Monday, 7:30 p. m. Room 3A, MSC. PRE-LAW SOCIETY, Monday, 7:30 p. m. Room 2C, MSC. W. S Barron, District Judge of Brazos County, will speak on. “The Dis trict Court.” COLLEGIATE FFA CHAPTER, Monday, 7:15 p.m., Agricultural Building. Results PALACE Bryan ZSS79 NOW SHOWING A RONSON lighter with initials R.E.G. between Kyle Field and Dorm 2 on Sports Day. Finder please return to Ralph Gor man, Dorm 2, Room 108. REWARD. SEWING AND ALTERATIONS YEARS of experience at Bryan and College Station at altering civilian and military clothing. Special form-fit shirts, quick service, also alterations, plain, and fancy sewing for ladies. Mrs. Webb—403 North Washington, phone 31345. • MISCELLANEOUS • WILL KEEP 2 or 3 children, ages 2 or older, while mother works. Located be tween Bryan and College, Phone 2-5464. SUL ROSS LODGE No. 1300 A. F. & A. M, Called meeting Monday, March 12, at 7 p.m. Work in M.M. Degree. S. R. Wright, W.M. N.’ M. McGinnis, Sec. Belvedere's Here! (Continued from Page 3) 120-yard high hurdles: Val Joe Walker, SMU; Paul Leming, A&M; Bill Howton, Rice; Gerald Sehal- lorn, Texas. Time: 15.0. 880-yard run: Edwin Wilmsen, A&M; Bill Graf, Rice; Otha Byrd, Rice; R. H. Allen, A&M. Time: 1:57.4. 220-yard dash: John Venable, LSU; James Baker, A&M; Ross Youngs, Baylor; William Stalter, A&M. Time: 21.7. Two-Mile run: Charles Hudg ens, A&M; Bob Reise, Texas; C. A. Rundell, Texas; Charles Gabriel, A&M. Time: 9.59.5. 220-yard low hurdles: Ralph Person, Texas; Val Joe Walker, SMU; Bobby Ragsdale, A&M, Wil liam Bless, A&M. Time: 23.7. Atomic Physicist To Speak Tuesday Dr. Charles W. Sheppard, bio physicist from the Oak Ridge Na tional Laboratories, will address an informal technical seminar Tues day at 2 p. m. in Room 107 of the Biological Sciences Building. His subject will be the “Inter pretation. of Isotope Experiments.” Dr. Sheppard is one of the few individuals who are equipped to work on the borderline field be tween the physical and biological sciences. Negro Entertainer Is Biggest Hit H fbr raven's Sake ‘ Clifton.. WEBB loanlBElm ^otarIDIMINGS IE, JOAN BLONDELL GIGI PERREAU LAST DAY “The Winslow Boy” S T ARTS — TUBS, thru WED. “Ma and Pa Kettle” TODAY thru TUESDAY FIRST RUN —Features Start— 1:48 - 3:51 - 5:54 - 7:52 - 10:00 NEWS — CARTOON LAST TIMES TODAY “The Glass Menagerie” TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY The Gun that became Ifie tew oP the Land! I RUTH (O MA///b JJCMfyfCsJl woven BY GOODAU-SANFORO, INC. ONLY FFA to Set Party At Meeting Tonight The Collegiate FFA Chapter in a meeting tonight at 7:15 will de cide whether to have a banquet or a barbecue and the date to have it. The seniors will go to Houston on a field trip sponsored by the Agricultural Department of the Houston Chamber of Commerce either March 21 or 31. One of the two dates will be decided on by the group. (Continued from Page 1) winners. A small Negro entertainers, who could dance and do panto- mine of records* such as “Open the Door, Richard” and “Temp- tayshun,” supplied the most in the way of entertainment. Betsy Ross, the dynamic lady of song and dance, gave a good husky rendition of “Summertime” and “Just One of Those Things.” But leaving the seats of Guion for an all night stand at Sbisa the Cadets and their dates entered the West doors, where they were pre sented with leather bound souvenir programs. Upon arrival on the dance floor they saw Sbisa at its gaudiest—a parachute suspended from the ceiling, red, white, and blue streamers draped around the lights and fans. Flags of the United Nations were hung around the wall and palmetto plants placed around the border of the dance floor added to the color of the dance. Beckner’s band played slow danceable music throughout the Ball. However his faster ones were almost as appreciated as the slow ones. Reminiscent of Cugat’s visit to A&M two years ago, Beckner gave a mass dance lesson and the militarymen did “Le Raspa” or Herr Schmitd.” “One thing you can really say for Beckner. He played what peo ple wanted to hear. They re quested, and he played the re quest,” says Jack Cochran, senior business major. Other people remarked that Sbisa was too crowded, hut from the look on their faces, no one seemed to care. “A mighty good dance, hut kinda like sardines,” said one of Vanity Fair winners. “A mighty good place to give a show. A really fine place. Here’s where I’d send my son,” said Beck ner. ■OMHm py moricari Loupot’s Trading Post—Agents **V* then w okc But ask thei" ^, L stfike"! the answers Luctiy James Eickmann Michigan Coll, of Min* S* Tech. 1 may be {lush, 1 may be nob - No matter to my date- For it l come with Lucky Strikes Then boy l really rate! Joan Marie Nixon University of Southern California. LUCKIES TASTE BETTER THAN ANY OTHER CI6ARETTE! Fine tobacco-and only fine tobacco-can give you the perfect mildness and rich taste that make a cigarette com- pletely enjoyable. And Lucky Strike means fine tobacco. So if you re not happy with your present brand (and a SS-aty survey shows that millions are not), switch to ^ d l hat duckies taste better than any other cigarette. Be Happy-Qo Lucky today' WtoValeplaasHawaa " a 3 a One of the two mystiose. But you will always t*ck the champ. If Lucky Strikes you choose. ZACHARY SCOTT EDWINLMARIN §> Vfttnoi IVTH0MAI SUCftbUKN LEON B. WEISS MILITARY CIVILIAN FURNISHERS CLOTHIERS H ^ COPR,. T H F AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPAN' foe Tobacco