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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1951)
s^r“ T ?. ft* Circulated to More Than 90% of College Station’s Residents Number 86: Volume 51 The Battalion * PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF A GREATER A&M COLLEGE COLLEGE STATION (Aggieland), TEXAS, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY ^ 1951 Needed: An Exceptional President See Story, Page Two Price Five Cents Governor Appoints 3 Board Members; Await Senate OK By DEAN REED Three new members have been appointed to the A&M System Board of Directors. The appointments were made in Austin last week by Gov. Allan Shivers and are awaiting 1 approval by the State Senate. Named to the board are H. L. Winfield of Fort Stockton, James W. Witherspoon of Hereford, and Bob Allen of Ray- mondville. They will each serve six-year terms. Retiring from the board are John W. Newton, who has served as vice-president since March, 1949; Henry Reese III, and Roy C. Potts. Each of the three retiring members was appointed to the board in 1945 by former Gov. Coke Stevenson. Re appointments are not an uncommon practice, but Gov. Shiv ers has announced a plan of naming new members from a wider geographical spread on all college governing boards Nation Eyes Railways For Strike Break Sign Going Regular Col. E. W. Napier, PAS&T, left, gives words of advice to men named to receive regular Air Force Commissions. Upon graduation in June these men will receive regular commissions in the Air Force rather than a reserve commission. A total of 15 “regulars” were given. Left to right on the front row: Hubert P. Davis, William E. El more, Cloyd J. Dowling, Jr., Dare Keelan. Back Row: William T. Johnson, Robert G. Eng lish, Simon S. White, Burt S. Bailey, Robert G. Blanchard, Stanley G. Southworth. Not pictured are Waymond C. Nutt, Gordon C. Edgar, Nor man Braslau, Frank D. Frazier, Stephen Dar- daganian and James B. Harrington. Heaven Wins Out ASABAB Reset; Architects Jubilant; Plans Are Greater Lackland’s CO Has Conf idence Vote From AF San Antonio, Tex., Feb 6 •—(AP)—A vote of confi dence was expressed in Maj. Gen. Charles W. Lawrence, commanding general of Lack land Air Force Base, and his staff here Monday afternoon by the Air Force’s top general. General Hoyt Vandenberg, 52- year-old chief of staff of the Air Force, was here on a flying one- day visit. With him on his short stop at Lackland were General Nathan F. Twinning, vice-chief of the Air Force; Lt. Gen. Kenneth B. Wolfe, deputy chief of staff for material and Capt. Charles D. Schneider, assistant aide to the chief of staff. The group, which had been out of Washington “a little over a day” departed for an undisclosed air base late Monday afternoon in the Constellation which brought them here. General Vandenberg’s visit, he said, had no connection with the probe of conditions at Lackland last week by two separate groups. One of them, a three-man citi zens’ committe, has already issued a preliminary report, saying they found condtions satisfactory at the huge base. The Air Force chief of staff de- dined to comment on any phases of the investigation. ' “We are here,” he told the San Antonio Express in an exclusive interview, “to see what the prob lems are and what we can do to help out.” “We are delighted in the way the command as a whole has taken hold at Lackland. It has meant long hours of work for permanent party personnel but the operations have been smoothed out. I think the appearance of the base is very business like and I think General Lawrence and his staff have done a magnificient job. “I am greatly impressed with the type of people we are getting and the enthusiasm and spirit with which the new recruits are entering into the Air Force,” General Van denberg said. This was his first visit to San Antonio in about a year. DeMolayG To Organize Here Tonight Twenty-five College Sta tion and Bryan boys between the ages of 14 and 21 will be initiated into the newly es tablished chapter of the Or der of DeMolay tonight in Consol idated High School Gymnasium. In itiation ceremonies will begin at (5:30 p. m. . The Sul Ross Masonic Lodge No. 1300 of College Station will spon sor the new organization. Degree teams from a Houston DeMolay Chapter will put on the initiatory work for the local group. After the degree instruction is completed the team the Houston Chapter will install the newly elected officers of the College Sta tion Chapter. Refreshments will be served to DeMolays and Masons attending the initiation. Williams to Teach At Magnolia Plant E. L. Williams, vice director of the Texas Engineering Extension Service, will conduct a training program for the Magnolia Refinery at Beaumont, Feb. 5-17. E. L. Baab, chief of supervisor training, will work with Williams. ■fin Texas. Oil Executive Newton, who is vice-president of the Magnolia Petroleum Company, is a resident of Beaumont. He is general chariman of A&M’s 75th Anniversary Committee and head ed Beaumont’s^ recent “Spindletop” celebration, wliich marked the fif tieth aniversary of the discovery of oil in Texas. Reese is a Gonzales publisher, while Potts, is a merchant from Belton. Newton received a BS in Chem- istiy from A&M in 1912. He is the only former student of the three retiring directors. None of the three appointees at tended A&M, but only one of the six remaining members of the board is not a graduate of the col lege. He is A. E. Cudlipp, Lufkin industrial executive. With the ex pected confirmation by the Senate, a five-four ratio will exist with A&M exes in the majority on the board. Hereford Lawyer Witherspoon has been practicing law at Hereford since his gradua tion from the University of Texas School of Law in 1929. He was district attorney for the 69th Judi cial District from 1933 to 1940, when he was appointed judge of the district. The new director resigned the judgeship in 1944 to devote his en tire time to private practice of law. Witherspoon is married and has a son and daughter. He is active in Rotary Club and Chamber of Com merce work in Hereford. Bank President Winfield is president of the Pe cos County State Bank in Fort Stockton. He lived almost simul taneously in that city and in San Antonio until August, 1947, when he bought controlling interest in the bank. He has served several terms in the State Senate, withdrawing in 1948. Winfield was instrumental in setting up Big Bend National Park during his Senate tenure. In 1941, he was acting governor when Coke Stevenson left Austin for business in Washington. Winfield was president pro tern of the Sen ate at the time and took over as acting executive until Stevenson returned. Besides his Fort Stockton bank, he also has ranching interests in that sector of West Texas. He came to Fort Stockton from Aus tin, after previous business expe rience in Chicago. Third of the appointees, Allen is a vegetable grower, shipper and packer from Raymondville. The next meeting of the Board of Directors will be held on the A&M campus Feb. 24. New members will attend the meeting at that time if their appointments have been confirmed by the Senate. The entire Pacific area, includ ing such historic countries as Ko rea, the Philippines, Singapore, Japan, Burma, Malaya, and Siam, will be discussed tonight at a panel discussion by men who ac quired their knowledge of these countries through practical ex perience. Subjects to be discussed are con ditions of government, the politi cal thinking, the trends of foreign policy, and the customs, habits, problems and philosophy of resi dents of the South Pacific, Austra lia, and the Far East. Officers serving on the panel will be Lt. Col. Chester C. Schaefer, Artillery, New G’uinea; Lt. Col. Shelly P. Myers, Artillery, Phil ippine Islands; Lt. Col. Jordan J. Wilderman, Artijlery, Japan; Maj. Henry R. Greer, Infantry, South west Pacific; Maj. William A. Bur- russ, CE, Guam; CWO George W. Lynch, Jr., Korea; and CWO Rob ert B. Mills, Australia. Washington, Feb. 6—(A 5 )—Rail union leaders watched anxiously today for reaction of their striking members to a direct appeal from the nation’s top defense mobilizer for resumption of critical military shipments. The leaders themselves made no comment on the appeal. Mobilization director Charles E. Wilson, in a nationwide broadcast made last night under auspices of the White House, said the defense The Mother's March on Polio, originally scheduled for last Wed nesday night, gets underway this evening at 7 as March of Dimes officials stage the final drive to meet the badly lagging 1951 dimes fund. The “march” is scheduled to last from 7 p. m. to 8 p. m. Workers from each block in the cities of College Station and Bryan will solicit houses in their area, stop ping for donations only at these homes with porch lights on. College apartment residents have been requested by college officials Great Issues Program Sets First Speaker “Japan the Far East and the Occupation” is the topic to be discussed by Admiral Benton W. Decker, former commander of the American Naval Base at Yokosuka, Japan, at 8 p. m. Wednesday in the' Assem bly Room of the Memorial Stu dent Center. Admiral Decker is the first vis iting speaker on the current Ad ministration 405, Great Issues, pro gram. There will be no admission charge to the meeting which is open to the public, according to Dr. S. R. Gammon, head of the History Department and chairman of the committee on great issues. Yokosuka, located a few miles from Tokyo, was once the number one Japanese naval base. In the four years that Admiral Decker commanded the base, he developed it into the keystone of our navy in the Far East, Dr. Gammon said. Eric Sevaried, news commentator for the Columbia Broadcasting System, previously scheduled to speak Wednesday night, was forced to cancel his engagement due to the pressure of recent internation al developments which require him to remain close by CBS, according to the committee chairman. The second speaker for the Great Issues program is James C. O’Brien, chairman of the Man power Division of the National Re sources Conservation Board. O’Brien is scheduled to speak Feb. 19 on the topic, “National Manpower Resources in Time of National Emergency.” This will be a return engagement for O’Brien who spoke on a similar subject in 1949. Col. H. L. Boatner, Commandant and PMS&T, who has spent ten years in the Far East and has ac quired a well rounded knowledge of the existing conditions there, will present a short introduction to the program which will include a brief historical background of each country in the area, its emminence in world affairs, and its importance from a strategical viewpoint. Colonel Boatner will also ex plain some scarcely studied facts as to the differences between the Pacific Area and Europe, why these conditions were brought about and what is being done to change many of the more backward conditions. Discussion will not be formal in any way, and after the brief intro ductory remarks by Colonel Boat ner, any question which the audi ence wants to ask, will be answer ed by the board of officers. The program will start at 7:15 and invitation is extended by the YMCA to everyone interested. effort was being badly handicapped by a “creeping paralysis” of the rail transportation system. “No matter how serious your grievances may seem to you, they cannot justify the harm you are now doing to your country,” Wilson told the idle men. “The Communists could not hope to be this effective if they started a full scale campaign of sabotage.” His address was heard, among others, by the group of union ne on the outside door knob of their apartments if they wish to contri bute to the drive. This method will be used because a lighted candle or lantern suggested by the March of Dimes Committee would create a fire hazard. March of Dimes Publicity Di rector R. F. Cain said, this morn ing, all residents should make a point to remember the time of the campaign and make plans to be home between the hours of 7 and 8 p. rm A blast from the fire whistle in Bryan and the police car.sirens in College Station will mark the be ginning of the one hour period and serve as a reminder to people of both towns to turn on their lights. Members of the College Station Lion’s Club, sponsors of the 1951 March of Dimes, will stop at homes on all rural roads in Brazos Coun ty which have a light of some kind burning by their front door. These workers will also solicit donations only during the one hour set aside for the final drive. Collections Short Only $1,500 of the $9,500 goal has been collected thus far, Dimes Chairman H. T. Blackhurst said yesterday, however, all the iron lung collection containers in the city of Bryan have not been picked up. The containers are reported to have brought in approximately $40 in the Memorial Student Center at the College and approximately $60 on the South side of College Station. Other figures on College Station collection points are still unavailable. Blackhurst urged all residents of Brazos County to contribute gen erously to the Mother’s March be cause campaign officials ai’e de pending heavily on the outcome of this drive to meet the goal for this year’s polio fund. All tabulations for the campaign are expected to be completed by the end of the week, he added. Atomic Tests Little Worry To Nevadans Las Vegas, Nev., Feb. 6—(A 5 )—A little alarmed by a warning to stay away from windows, Southern Ne vadans waited anxiously yesterday for the fifth of the government’s current atomic tests, and the “big gest blast” yet. When it will fall no layman knows. But high government offi cials are in town, and presumably they want to get back to their desks as quickly as possible. The AEG, after Sunday’s warn ing to avoid windows which might splinter from sound waves set up by the next explosion, had nothing to say when dawn came and went today without the now-familiar flash in the northwest sky and jarring concussion a few seconds later. But residents figure this way: The AEG issued no warnings be fore, and last Friday’s jar broke one big store window and caused others, in the words of one witness to bulge “like baloons.” Therefore, they reason, the next one may be a pip. gotiators called together by the National Mediation Board in an effort to find some indications a break was imminent. Strikes by “sick” members of the Brotherhood of Railroad Train men and others have seriously in terfered with the movement of supplies and munitions to Korea, Wilson said. President W. P. Kennedy of the striking trainmen told reporters before Wilson spoke that “hundreds of our men throughout the country are responding to my appeal” to return to their switching and brak ing jobs in 100 terminals across the nation. Big Issue At immediate issue in the dis pute is the railroads’ insistence that an agreement signed at the White House last Dec. 21 had com mitted them and the four rail unions to a three-year peace pact. That agreement called for a 25 cent wage hike for yard service employees on Jan. 1 and 10 cents more for road service workers on the same day. But that White House memoran dum was rejected by all four unions —the trainmen, conductors, engi neers, and firemen and enginemen. In his radio appeal last night Wilson called on the more than 12,000 strikers in 100 key rail cen ters to “look at some of the things this stiike is doing to the country.” Basic Issue The basic dispute underlying the situation goes back 23 months. The trainmen and conductors then ask ed for a 40 hour work week at 48 hours pay in the yards and a sub stantial wage boost for those in road or train service. After an emergency board rec ommended a smaller wage increase, a strike was threatened for Aug. 27, and Mr. Truman seized the rail roads to avert it. Negotiations to resolve the basic dispute floundered until Dec. 21, when after a 25-hour continuous session at the White House the parties signed the “memorandum of agreement” which the carriers still are seeking to make the basis for new talks. A “sick” walkout at that time, similar to today’s, preceded signing of the memoran dum of agreement. Reject Agreement Local leaders of the four unions rejected the agreement which top union officials had approved. Union leaders have contended, however, that the agreement was only ten tative pending the members’ action and that the carriers knew that. The outbreak of current strikes came after the carriers launched a widespread advertising campaign reproducing the Dec. 21 pact as a binding agreement and charging the union failed to live up to it. Washington, Feb. 6—(A 1 )—Draft Director Lewis B. Hershey said yesterday an order now awaiting approval would remove the draft exemption of 220,000 childless mar ried men who a’re not veterans. He added he sees no reason “whatever” why physical and men tal standards also should not be lowered to tap 150,000 to 250,000 more men, now deferred. Both groups would be in the 19 to 26 age group covered by the present draft law. Hershey, testifying before the House Armed Services Committee, said these steps still would not meet the nation’s defense man power needs. He stuck to his guns in favor of an administration bill Hardesty Named Activities Manager W. D. (Pete) Hardesty, class of ’45, recently replaced Grady Elms as Business Manager of Student Activities. Hardesty entered A&M in the Fall of 1940, attended for a year, and was interrupted from his edu cation by the war. He joined the Navy and served till 1945 when he received his discharge. He then came back to A&M to finish his education. Upon returning in 1945, he con tinued to study Business and re ceived his B. S. Degree in 1948- He went to work for the Capitol Prefabricators, Inc., Tyler, and re mained there for a year. Hardesty decided to continue his education even further so he returned here in the summer of 1949, and receiv ed his M. S. Degree in business in 1950. He then worked for the East Texas Engineering Associa tion, and remained there until the present time. By HPLAR NAMROG What fate has befallen those who planned for months to seek the utmost in revelry at the Architec tural Society’s Annual Beaux Arts Ball. Ater extensive planning,' build ing - ; designing, costuming, and dec orating to follow the proposed theme of “Heaven ’n’ Hell,” all was in readiness. But something was afoul. Perhaps too much emphasis in costuming and decorating was placed on the ‘Hell’ phase of the theme. Hence the ASABAB area was stricken with devastating at mospherical elements forcing a postponement and allowing time for the “error” to be rectified and the more admirable aspect of the theme to be followed. Holocaust gripped the area and the fourth stoop of the Academic Building was transformed from a lowering the draft age to 18, and providing universal military service and training. Some congressmen are reluctant to take 18-year-olds until the draft of the 19-to-26 group it tightened. Tightening Process Committeemen suggested two ad ditional steps in this tightening process: drafting of National Guardsmen, and a stricter policy in deferring “essential” industrial and agricultural workers. Hershey told the committee an order to draft childless married men aged 19 to 26 has been prepar ed and turned over to defense man power agencies, where he is vir tually certain it will be approved. The step also requires an execu tive ox’der by President Truman. The order would not apply to married men with more than one dependent. The law itself exempts all war veterans. Vinson said some men are enlist ing in the Guard to dodge the draft. He suggested that veterans —not draft-eligible men—should comprise the Guard. Under present mental standards, Sgt. Alvin York, famous World War I Medal of Honor winner, wouldn’t have “much of a chance,” Dairy Team Takes Second in Contest The Junior Dairy Judging Team placed second in the Collegiate Dairy Judging Contest held at Ft. Worth Wednesday in connection with the Southwestern Exposition and Fat Stock Show. The team was composed of Billy Trimmer, John Chrestner, Louis Solomon, and James Lehmann. Judging was followed by a ban quet given by Ralston Purina and Universal Mills for all who parti cipated in the contest. haven of anticipated enjoyment to a frenzied melee of architects and constructionists. Dates, reservations, and plans were postponed as corsages wilted in the florists’ shops, but all is not lost. The “correction” can be made within a week . . . everything is rearranged . . . the Architects will experience another year of ASABAB. So continue with your prearrang ed plans and delete the “hellish” components of your costume and be at Sbisa Friday night at 8 sharp. Best not be a second late, for a mere moment may keep you from enjoying 10 years of fun and frolic. Protection Needed If you’re not a member of the ASABAB aggregation (a member-’ ship more exclusive than Glenn Mc Carthy’s Cork Club), then grab at least two regular members of the society for your protection; bor row the $1.50 for stag or drag cov er charge and join in the merry making. You’ll dance to music at its best emanating from the ranks of a combo of North Texas State Col lege students; all of whom have recently played with Ray McKin ley’s orchestra. ^ Buffet Supper If you’re goiina be hungry after the eventful dance, join the crowd as they journey to the Brazos Coun ty A&M Clubhouse for a buffet supper prepared by the Architects’ Wives Club for all those who at tend the gala affair. The supper will feature the reg ular buffet style of food ’n’ serving and will be free to all those in cos tume for ASABAB. TV Representative To Address BAs Richard H. Hooper, representa tive of RCA Victor Corporation, will address members of the Bus iness Society on “Television as a Career,” Tuesday night at 7:30 in rooms 3B and 3C in the Memorial Student Center. His talk will be directed toward Business students, but a portion of the talk will deal with the elec tronic side of television. The speaker has been selected by the RCA Victor Division of the Radio Corporation of America for his knowledge on specific sub jects and his ability to speak in an interesting manner, T. W. Le- land, head of the Business Depart ment, said. The meeting is open to the public. ’ UN Club to Hear Egyptian Student Aly Lasheen, student from Egypt, will speak to the United Nations Club in the YMCA Chapel Friday night at 7:30 p. m. Lasheen will address the group and lead a discussion on “Islam.” Only through the cooperation of the members of the architecture department and the concerted ef forts of officers and committees within the Architecture Society can ASABAB take place with the ulti mate success known in previous years. Assistants Lauded Jack Stansbury and Frank Welch are serving as chairmen in charge of planning for ASABAB, wdiile Milton Patterson, Tom Smith, and Dusty Thomas head the committees handling decorations and publicity. For the first time in several years first year architects have been able to assist in the planning and decorating due to their pres ence on the campus again, and they are commended for their indispens able aid. States Favor Term - Limiting Amendment New York, Feb. 6—GP)— A constitutional amendment to limit future presidents to 10 years in the White House has gained ground in recent weeks and may become the law of the land this year. Twenty-seven states already have ratified it, leaving nine to go for the necessary three fourths majority of 36. Latest to approve the change in the constitution were Indiana on Jan. 19, Montana on Jan. 25 and Idaho on Jan. 30. The proposed 22nd amendment has been kicking around state Capi tols since the spring of 1947, when it cleared Congress with the stipu lation that it must be ratified by 36 states in seven years (by March, 1954) to become effective. It is on many legislative calen dars this year. Legislative leaders in Arizona and Wyoming say they expect their states to ratify it soon. In Ar kansas, the resolution passed the House overwhelmingly and no op position has developed in the Sen ate. Indications are that at least six states will not ratify. They are Alabama, Tennessee, Rhode Island, North Carolina, Nevada and Mary land. In the doubtful column are Mas sachusetts, West Virginia, Texas, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Minne sota, Utah, New Mexico, Georgia and Washington. Purpose of the amendment is to make compulsory the two-term pre cedent that began with George Washington and ended with Mr. Roosevelt. It provides that a president may serv§ only two elected terms, A man who served up to two years of anothers president’s unexpired term could still serve an additional eight years, Officer Panel Will Discuss Far East Polio March Opens City Drive Tonight By JOEL AUSTIN Battalion City Editor to hang a shoe, tie, old sock, etc. Tightening of Exemptions Asked by Draft Director