Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1951)
> t u i Friday, February 2, 1951 THE BATTALION Page 3 Hogs Seek to Save Face in Bout With Iba-I)isciple Floyd By FRED WALKER Battalion Sports Writer It would be sweet revenge, however indirect, for Arkan sas’ head basketball coach Presley Askew to relieve the Ag gies of their pantaloons. Askew has been having quite a bit of trouble getting his Hogs to stampede this year, but since 1934, the year that Henry P. Iba took the basket ball reins at Oklahoma A&M, every Arkan sas basketball mentor has been screaming to Jove to deliver him from the terrible Cow pokes and a guy named “Hank.” Iba has put his charges in the field against Razorback teams 18 times and 16 times they have brought home the pork chops. The usually mild-mannered Askew has developed into a manic-depressive after be ing subjected to six of those boar hunts. This year Texas A&M was lucky enough to engage John Floyd as head basketball coach. From 1939 to 1941 Floyd learned his basketball from Iba, and when he moved to College Station he brought with him his version of the celebrated “ball control” style of his former teacher. At this moment Monsieur Floyd will begin to get a sniff of champ- is the fair-haired boy of the cam- ionship basketball odors that have pus. Lord John’s Aggies sat on a escaped them since the early twen- previously - unbeaten Longhorn ties. quintet Thursday and the coach’s Here’s the point! If Askew can’t coronation was held immediately beat the Cowpokes—and he hasn’t after the game. in two years of coaching at Arkan- “The credit goes to the boys. Walker said Floyd. V Part of that statement is true. The Aggies scrapped and screamed *ithat night and were worthy of all sas—wouldn’t it be hunky-dunky if he could taste a bit of Floyd’s hide? If you can’t beat up the old man, maybe you can whip one of the kids. One thing, though, don’t praise directed to them, but thanks be surprised if the youngster turns to the superb tutoring of Floyd, it out to be a bigger man than the ' appears that in a year or so A&M sire. Bible Lauds, Falk Condemns—Tompkins There seems to be a big bulla- He is backed up by Phillie scout baloo going on in the Longhorn’s Hap Morse who said $“50,000-plus bullpen—that’s not a pun. All- is ridiculous.” round athlete and key sports fig- An equally great sports figure, ure on the Texas campus “Bonus Dana X. Bible, commented if Tomp- Ben” Tompkins has forsaken his kins got the “big dough” it would teacup in lieu of a big league con- be “a good thing.” tract. Needless to say, candles are Bible was then heard to mutter, burning in dormitory windows at “Tompkins would have been a ' TU. much better player if he had fin- Bibb Falk, one of the best col- ished up under our coaches.” lege baseball coaches in the land From here it looks like a case says Tompkins won’t see much of of one man congratulating a fine the reported $50,000 bonus he is to ball player on a good deal while receive for signing. An ex-major another is peeved that he lost a leaguer himself, Falk snorted: boy he was counting on in the ap- “Ile didn’t get anywhere near proaching baseball season. Anyway, that. I heard it would be about half we don’t really think that the that much. The Phillies were just Phils are that destitute for publi- saying that to get publicity.” city. Man-0f-The-Hour, Fioyd Does It Again Coming back to basketball wo It was pointed out at the time find a few words from John Floyd: and then later confirmed by Floyd “Toar Hester is Arkansas’ first that one play used against Texas threat and I would say their sec- was thought up “at the moment.” ond threat is Jack Hess, although A&M was given the ball out of he has yet to really break out this bounds during the last few min- season. utes and Floyd quickly calle<f a “The Razorbacks are running time out. When time was called f more this season, that is, they anc i the ball put into play, the shoot quicker. They sure won’t be crowd, and the Longhorns, were 1 as deliberate as Texas. As far as amazed to see long, lean, lanky playing against them is concerned, Buddy Davis loping for the bas- , we won’t play them any faster than k e t. A few' seconds later the Ag- Jr we did Texas—but w r e will play p-i es were two points better off. & tbpm a little better.” ,, ** , them a little better Floyd then added, with a Gary Cooper grin: “I hope they (Arkansas) have a bad night.” Whatta Man! -Beat Arkansas- Youngsters Go “Big Time” In Little League Baseball By RALPH E. GORMAN Local merchants and business men are bringing- something new in the field of sports to the Bryan- College Station area—a Little League of organized baseball. Still in the planning stages, the sponsors of the newly-formed Little League baseball organization are meeting tonight in the Bryan Chamber of Commerce office to put the finishing touches on the pro gram. “Big Time” The Little League is something that has been in action in various cities throughout the state and is brought to this locale to afford the youngsters an opportunity to compete in “big time semblance.” Little League teams will be composed of boys between the ages of eight and 12 years and each team will have 12 players, who will have uniforms and all, while there will also be six more eligible play ers in reserve. Final Plans Tonight At tonight’s meeting, with the State Little League Commissioner in attendance, teams and managers will be chosen and the season opening date will be set. When the program is establish ed fully there will be eight teams in the area, divided into f o u r teams for each of the two Little Leagues. Two Teams From College Most of the league strength will come from Bryan, while College Station will enter two teams con sisting solely of boys from their district. Plans are now that the College Station nines will be split up with one team being in each Little League. Of the 12 uniformed players, not less than three must be 10 years old or younger and not more than five may possess the maximum age of 12. Sponsors Lined Up In College Station Little League sponsors are Marion Pugh Lumber Co. and South Side Food store. Managers include Taylor Wilkins, John McNeely, Les Richardson, Earl Tishler and Wayne Smith. Umpires are “Flop” Colson, Jim Mann Bevins and Bill Carl. Bryan sponsors are Corbusier Chevrolet Co., Seven-Up Bottling Co., J. A. Williams & Sons, Am erican Steam Laundry, Lilly Ice Cream Co and Lester’s Smart Shop. Managers include Mack Tate, “Pee- Wee” Smith, E. C. “Buddy” Moehl- man, Rev. Vern Swartsfager, Bill Davis and Walter Eldred Jr. Um pires are “Nooks” Bond, Boon Bob bitt, Harold Woodward, Sam “Moe” Emola, Melvin McNeely and ‘Bama’ Smith. Spring Training Set Spring training and coaching duties are being split up between the two cities to facilitate trans portation to practice areas. H. W. “Rip” Collins and Johnnie Hudson will be supervisors of the spring training program in Bryan, while an impressive roster of “coaches” will handle the chores in the College area. Roland Cyr will offer his ser vices and knowledge of the dia mond game to teach the Little Leaguers the art of catching and base running. Blanton Taylor and L. E. Winder, Jr. will be on the spot with the proper advice for the moundmen, while Paul Andrews, Les Palmer, and Bill Manning will coach the infielders and give a few pointers in batting. D. W. Williams A&M, Bay lor Iii 1st SWC Swim “Freshman Eligibility”, Says Bell; S WC Prexy Disagrees By RALPH E. GORMAN Batt Sports New Editor In the Southern Methodist camp there’s a move proposing two maj or changes in the rules that govern Southwest Conference athletics. Ram-rodding the possible inno vations is Matty Bell, director of SMU athletics, who has asked Con ference President D. W. Williams of A&M for a vote on making- freshmen eligible for varsity sports. Another vote has been requested by Bell to waive the one-year transfer rule in the case of col leges which discontinue sports. From Dallas comes a clue that SWC coaches and scouts may be expected to increase their cam paign for high school star ath letes. Freshmen Eligible From the same source comes a clue that the freshman rule might we waived within a week, with first year men becoming eligible for varsity sports immediately. The second rule change con cerning transfers would make those students who switch to SWC schools eligible for participation in sports discontinued at their schools. Two-Thirds Vote * Williams talked with Howard Grubbs, conference executive sec retary, yesterday, and asked him to poll the faculty committee of the conference and letters went out immediately. A two-thirds vote is necessary to enact any rule change. Bell, who said he talked to other athletic directors and most of them wanted the two rule chahges, con tends “The manpower situation is not yet critical, but it is going to get that way.” “Also, 1 think it will be well to make the freshmen eligible in the interest of the spring sports pro gram. I think we should let them participate in collegiate athletics as soon as possible, because they’ll be going into the service them selves shortly,” concluded Bell. Williams Says “No” But in our own backyard the conference president had an alto gether different view in regard to the proposed changes. “When the voting takes place, I’ll vote ‘No’ in hopes of letting the conference continue the pre sent program,” Williams told a Battalion reporter, “because I see no reason to plunge the freshmen immediately into varsity athletics MICKEY KOONEY in “He’s A Cockeyed Wonder” IONITE P K E V U E McDonald Carey in “MYSTERY SUBMARINE” SATURDAY NITE PBEVIIE Ann Baxter “ALL ABOUT EVE” . BING CROSBY in “Mr. Music” Polio Couldn’t Slop Him, And Now Davis Improves Steadily to Lead Ags By JOHN DetVITT One good reason for the fine showing the Aggies have made this season is six foot-eight inch Walter “Byddy” Davis. The towering Cad et center has shown more improve ment than any other player on the Aggie roster. A star in high school at Neder land, Texas, Buddy was the most sought after high school player in the state in 1948. Rightfully so because in his senior year he scored 648 points, 46 of them in one game. Buddy is married and study ing animal husbandry. Worked Hard One reason for the rangy Ag gie’s vast improvement this sea son is the fact that he has worked hard since practice officially start ed in October. A&M. Cage Coach John Floyd worked Buddy over time on numerous occasions in an effort to iron out his bad habits and strengthen his strong points. Buddy didn’t start one game early in the season because Floyd thought he had been working the big lad a little too hard, but the all-conference nominee is reaching the point now where he really looks like a polished center. Fouling out of ball game is a big problem which Buddy is trying- hard to solve. “Fve got a reputa tion for fouling a lot so the offi cials take it for granted that I’m TALK OF THE TOWN Where Everyone Meets To Enjoy Good Food at Popular Prices Air Conditioned going to foul whether I do or not,” says the Aggies’ leading scorer’, and his teammates readily agree. “ . . . Biggest Thrill . . . ” Buddy says his biggest thrill came when he “crammed one” against Long Island University in Madison Square Garden in 1949. This stunt was a thrill for the New York crowd, too, because it brought a tremendous ovation from the Garden throng. “Big Dave,” as he is often called, is the Aggie’s leading scorer thus far this season with 207 points, and his scoring punch gets more deadly with every game. His super ior height offers a big advantage for him in getting tip-ins against smaller opponents. He’s got a good eye for the bucket to go with that height, and that is a combination which can’t be beat. Track Star, Too After this school year, Buddy will have one year of eligibility re maining. Not restricting his ath letic ability to basketball, Bud does a fine job of high jumping for the Aggie track team. Would you ever believe that the big boy was once afflicted with polio? Well, he was, at the age of nine, but fortunately for A&M he was cured. Drive carefully - want to dirve again. BE YOUR VALENTINE? How could she refuse, when you ask her with a card from our delightful collection, THE EXCHANGE STORE “Serving Texas Aggies” and possibly jeopai’dize their col lege careers.” Williams offers additional sup port for his negative stand and says, “Let them have a program of their own and give more persons a chance to participate. Seek “Finished” Athletes “With the four year eligibility rule in effect, conference coaches will immediately seek the “fin ished” players and will not want to take time with the up and com ing high school athlete and waste a year in developing him into var sity material,” he continued. Still contesting the change Wil liams said, “The fans like to see new faces in the sports spotlight once in awhile and the rule will find many of the same players listed on the lineups year after year.” “The present military situation is not to be considered a short term problem, for today’s world conflict could go on for years. This is quite different from the problem we faced in WW II which we expected to last only a year or two.” In support of the players Wil liams argues that “high school athletes should be allowed to be gin their college athletic career in a sports program not so intense as that which confronts the var sity, and therefore they could find time to adjust themselves to the educational transition facing every beginning student.” In a closing comment, Williams said, “If a boy were forced to meet the rigorous training schedule of the varsity athletes, as well as the problem of adapting himself to his college studies, he would have a greater tendency to fail in his classwork and hence be disappoint ed in his college career.” Bill Sargent and Don Blundell, both point up the backstroke team; Tommy Comstock is the breast stroke expert with football star Jimmy Flowers and John Darnell aby assisting him. By CHUCK NEIGHBORS Batt Sports Writer A&M’s tankermen plunge into the chilly waters of Downs Natatorium tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 to vie with the mermen from Baylor in the first official Southwest Con ference swimming meet of the year. In an interview this morning, Cadet Swim Coach Art Adamson told a Battalion reporter, “I am well pleased with the way the team is shaping into form this season and their high spirit and morale shows a ‘ strong desire to win top honors.” Baylor, who has had anything but a successful season in the wat er events with a poor showing of fifth place in the pre-season relays in Houston, will carry the sym pathy given the underdog against an Aggie tank team that missed a first place in the relays by a mere four points. Texas University copped the No. 1 seat in last month's meeting and is conference favorite for the 1951 campaign, while Southern Metho dist and Rice are in third and fourth places, respectively. The Cadet aggregation of water athletes show a definite weakness in the distance events, as Adam son has yet to find a man who is strong in that category. Another hindrance that the Ag gies wall have to overcome in their struggle for the conference crown is the limited number of reserves, as the strength of the team depends on the improvement of the sopho mores. The Cadets have a total of nine meets remaining in the 1951 sched ule; including dual, conference, NCAA, and AAU contests. Regarding Baylor, the ’ Aggies show five wins with no losses in the swimming history of the two schools, which began in 1940. Sparking the Aggies are Ralph Ellis, a versatile freestyle swim mer, good in both sprints and dis tance events; Van Adamson, holder of the SWC record for the individ ual medley and a standout in dis tance and sprint freestyle events; LAST TIME TODAY “Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye” SATURDAY Saturday Prevue 11 P. M. SUNDAY & MONDAY with Directed by Produced by MILLARD MITCHELL • HENRY KING • NUNNALLY JOHN? DYERS-FURSTOFL FURSTORAGE HATTERS Loupot’s Trading Post—Agents you might *>*•**>* Faculty! Staff! NOW You Can Have The Battalion Delivered to Your OFFICE! It’s as easy as pulling rabbits out of a hat! • . . Just Cali 4-5324 and let us enter your subscription NOW for next semester ! Or use the convenient coupon below SUBSCRIPTION RATE — 50c PER MONTH ENTER MY SUBSCRIPTION TO THE BATTALION For O One Month □ Four Months (One Semester) □ One Year (12 Months) And Deliver My Batt to Room Building Name □ Payment Enclosed. Address City □ Send Me a Bill. State (Please Type or Print.)