Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1951)
$MC, A Inf Vie for Mural Grid Title BLANCHETTE fntry gained the 'ntramural football fday by nudging ast B Engineers on s as the contest 0-0 deadlock. The ns were also tied, try company will QMC this afternoon New York, Jan. 18—(AP) A basketball gambling scan dal erupted yesterday with disclosure of an attempt to fix Tuesday night’s Manhat- tan-Depaul game and arrest of two former Manhattan players accused of throwing games last season. The players were Henry E. Poppe, 24, and John A. Byrnes, 22, co-captains of last season’s team, charged with taking bribes in the Siena, Bradley and Santa Clara games. Assistant District Attorney Ed ward F. Breslin of the Bronx said each received about $5,000 in bribes, Byrnes played this- sea son for Bridgeport in the Ameri can Basketball League. Also arrested as alleged “fixers” were Irving Schwartzberg, 36, his brother, Benjamin, 35, and Cornel ius Kelleher, 35. They and the two former players were charged with conspiracy and bribery. Kellogg Refuses Bribe The case was broken when Jun ius Kellogg, 23, of Portsmouth, Va., six foot, seven inch Manhattan Negro center, refused a $1,000 bribe to help assure a Depaul vic tory. "■Irllitread he notified authorities —and jManhattan won, 62-69, in an upset over the Chicago Catholic College. Breslin hinted that scandal un earthed so far may spread to other colleges. He quoted Kellogg as saying that Poppe, in urging him to take the bribe, told him other players in New York and other cities were “doing the same thing.” Poppe Unaware of Bribe Kellogg said Poppe boldly walk ed onto the court during the pre game warm-up to give Kellogg his final instructions—unaware that the Negro had reported the bribe offer. This was the second major col lege basketball bribery scandal in recent years. Five Brooklyn College players signed a statement in 1945 saying they received $1,000 to throw a scheduled game with Akron at Boston. The game was not played. Two men were arrested on gamb ling charges. Poppe was arrested early yes terday in his home and Breslin said he admitted the bribe attempt TODAY & FRIDAY rt1 einNB^ r and Frogs Letter 38 Fort Worth, Jan. 17—(A 1 )—Thir ty-eight varsity football letters have been awarded at TCU with 15 of them to be lost from next year’s squad. Seniors receiving letters include Capt. Clarence Marable of Waco, Co-Captain Charley Jackson of Denison, Dexter Bassinger of Hillsboro, Johnny Dunn of Steph- enville, Dick Lowe of Wichita Falls and Billy Willingham of Stephen- ville. and of his own participation in throwing games last season. Police arrested Benjamin Sch wartzberg and Kelleher on the basis of Poppe’s story. “I was shocked and surprised by the revelations that gamblers reached my kids (last year),” Man hattan Coach Norton said after the arrests today. “I had implicit faith in them. I had no idea last year that some of my boys, were throwing games.” TODAY thru SATURDAY FIRST RUN —Features Staid— 1:35 - 3:16 - 4:57 - 6:38 8:19 - 10:00 ‘jsr h NEWS — CARTOON s Sweep owling jls were victors in the of competition in the Icience Bowling League, ss marked the mid-way licipated 24 match sche- the Bull team in its st place were Col. Par- Cols. Bowden, Schmitz, r; Maj. Burrus and Lt. 11 be resumed in the nd of the series after n next month, ndings at the end of the nd are as follows: Won Lost 32 16 Anhy non-coms 23 25 Air) Force non-coms 19 29 Flyers 22 26 for the championship of the Military Leagues. The infantrymen scored one touchdown just before the end of the first half but the six-pointer was nullified by a roughing penalty. Gaining possession of the pig skin on the Engineer 45 yard line, the gravel agitators drove to the 20 yard line in four plays. From this point Harold Hudspeth, Infantry halfback, broke around end for a 25 yard gain before Bob Travis stopped him on the four yard mark er. Score Called Back Don Morris dove over center for a two yard advance. On the next play Morris took Gene Nash’s pitchout and scored but the costly 15 yard penalty was called nulli fying the preceeding scoring play. The Engineers opened the sec ond half with Bob Bradford streak ing 20 yards to the Infantry 35 before he was halted. However, the drive bogged down when the con structionists resorted to power tac- Rice to Play Navy, Pitt, at Home in ’51 Houston, Jan. 17—WP)—Rice’s 1951 football schedule includes non conference games in Houston with Clemson, Navy and Pittsburgh. A fourth non-conference game also will be played with LSU at Baton Rouge. A Penetrating Analysis of Civil War Campaigns and Commanders by Col. Robert R. McCormick A concise and graphic chronicle of campaigns and battles with the details of which years of study have made the author familiar. This book features 21 | plates presenting 45 four-color maps. A volume with instant appeal to the general reader. ULYSSES S. GRANT—In 1934 this au thoritative study by Colonel Robert McCormick set off the revisionist move ment that has since restored General Grant’s military reputation. Both Volumes Boxed . At Bookstores, or (KeW) PATRICIA MEDINA SATURDAY EXPLOSIVE ACTION! SATURDAY PREVUE Sunday & Monday Edgar Buchanan TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY > ERNIE PYI.E Dueled by WILLIAM A. WELLMAN | An Eoole Lion Films Re-Releos© SALE! (ENDS SATURDAY) Genuine COWBOY HATS Values to 17.00 Now 8.89 Western Embroidered RAYON GABARDINE SHIRTS 6.95 Values Now 2.89 All-Nylon and All-Wool SLEEVELESS SWEATERS Regular Price 5.00 & 6.50 Now 2.89 Special Group ODDS & END SLACKS (Not much to look at—but pants just the same) 3.89 Regulation Khaki, Broadcloth and Poplin Shirts 1.58 or two for 2.50 (Size 14 only) CLOSE OUT HICKOK BELTS Broken Sizes 1/2 Price Special Value Cotton Gabardine ARMY Ol FILERS TRENCH COAT Regular Price 15.50 Now 7.89 MENS CLOTHINQ SINCE i ft Q These and Many Other Exceptional Values at Our College Station Store Only tics and the only significant gain was Travis’ five yards advance to the 30. Morton Sullivan, sensational En gineer tailback, was halted on practically every occasion by the stout defensive Infantry line head ed by Bolar Brown. The Engineers drove to the Dog gie’s 19 on one occasion but were halted and never encircled deeply into enemy territory again all afternoon. Both elevens had one 40 yard penetration and one twenty yard penetration but A Infantry gained the victory by leading in first downs, 3-2. Battalion SPORTS THUR., JAN. 18, 1951 Page 5 HORMEL Good Food Sole Happy days are here again . • . The HORMEL Boys are in town again . . . They are slap happy passing out coins good on the purchase of HORMEL PRODUCTS! Specials for Friday & Saturday - Jan. 19th & 20th THE FOLLOWING PRICES GOOD WITH COIN: 12 Ol. Spam .... 33 c Dinty Moore—1(4 Lb. Beef Stew . . 29 c 3 Oz. Potted Meat 3 for 25c 4 Oz. Vienna Sausage . . 2 for 35c . lb . 79c 8 Oz. Breakfast o Pillsbury’s Sausage 33c (] a £ e Mixes .... pkg. 32c Lb. Can Spaghetti & Beef . 4 - $1.00 Lb. Can Chili _ Plain . . . . 3 - $1.00 Lb. Can Chili With Beans 2-59c Lh. Can—With Sliced Baked Ham Beans 39c 15 Oz. Tamales 2-39c C O M BINATION : Dinty Moore—Big 1 /i Lb. Can Beef Stew . . . Box Pillsbury’s Pie Crust Makes Beef Pie for 4—10c Per Serving Both for 40c • MARKET • HORMEL PRODUCTS • SPECIALS • Pillsbury’s Flour . . 5 lb. 43 c Imperial Pure Cane Sugar 5 lb. 41c Hunt’s—2(4 Can Peaches Halves . 29 c Mrs. Tucker’s Shortening . . 3 lh. pkg. 89c Dixie Margarine Ib. 32c Kimbell’s—No. 2 Grapefruit Juice . . . 2-19c Mission—303 English Peas .... 2 - 25c Del Monte—Country Gentleman—303 Corn 2 - 35c White Cream Style Hershey’s—'/2 Lb. Cocoa 23c Kellogg’s—8 Oz. Corn Flakes 2 - 29c Small Size Picnics . . lb. l,y Sliced Bacon . ... lb. 56c Weiners . . . . ... lb. 49c Minnesota Pure Pork Sausage . . . . . lb. hag 2 lb. bag 49c 89c By the Piece Slab Bacon . . .... lb. 47c Pork Chops . . .. . lb. 49c 10 Oz. Braunschweig er ... . 35c • PRODUCE Red Delicious Apples . . lb. 10c Texas—Size 150 Oranges . . lb. 5 C Central American Bananas . . . . . lb. 2 - 19c Fresh Texas Valley Carrots . . ... 2 bun. 9c California Pascal Celery . . . . . . stalk !9u i COULTER D RiV Ranch Boy Dog Food 3 cans 19c Large—With Cannon Cloth Silver Dust 31c Del Monte—No. 2 Spinach 2-29 Diamond Dill Pickles Qt. 23c 1 Lb. Pkg. Admiration Coffee . . . 81c Diamond—28 Oz. Apple Butter 23c My Own—8 Oz. Bar-B-Q Sauce 29c Kraft’s—Kay Cheddar—8 Oz. Cheese ......... 25c • FROZEN FOODS • Minute Maid—6 Oz. Orange Juice . 2 - 39 c Birdseye Green Peas pkg. 23c 2 BIG DAYS —REGISTER FOR DOOR PRIZES— No Purchase Necessary You do not have to be present to win K. M. Electric Corn Popper K. M. Electric Automatic Percolator O 'UER PRIZES THROUGHOUT THE DAY The Shopping Center “FORMERLY BONEY’S” Open 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. We Reserve the Richt 7 Days a Week / To Limit Quantities Closed Sundays 1 P. M. to 4 P. M. YEAR ROUND AIR - CONDITIONED FOR YOUR SHOPPING COMFORT LARGE FREE PARKING AREA