Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1951)
/ KBS copi eS 5W . Circulated to More Than 90% of College Station’s Residents The Battalion PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF A GREATER A&M COLLEGE ‘Russia’s Plan For World Conquest’ See Page Two Number 73: Volume 51 COLLEGE STATION (Aggieland), TEXAS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1951 Price Five Cents tort ael 20. our “m- t. ew 1). an. md is er- rk. IF nto HI *es. us- ili e ter Dr. md es. ;he rt- of nd 1 is rs. in ra ter ch. m. it- :im <»S- ud ed nd *w led is a American, French iTroops Reoccupy Korean Rail Center k ■ Tokyo, Jan. 10——American and French troops with tanks to day founht back into the strategic central Korean road-rail hub of .Wonju. b The town had been abandoned to the Reds Monday after two days of tough fighting over it. 1 Field dispatches said a company- size patrol smashed a Red Korean counterattack and rolled into Won ju from the southeast, i The Second Division company jwith French support drove through ...deep snow into Wonju along the imain highway from Chechen. I There were no Reds in the city, AP correspondent William Barnard reported from the Second Division front. I Other elements of the division ■ground 100 yards closer to Wonju from the south against a strong ■counterattack by six Red battal- Fertilizermen Begin Meeting Here Today Experts of the Agricultural Experiment Station and other : organizations will take part in the program of the Texas Fer tilizer Conference here Wed nesday and Thursday. Following the welcome by C. N. Shepardson, dean of the School of Agriculture, J. D. Prewitt, idee di rector of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service, will discuss the national cotton program for 1951. J. B. Page, professor of agronomy, will explain why soils differ in their response to fertilizers. A symposium, “A Look Ahead at Fertilizer Usage in Texas,” will be led by J. E. Adams, head of the Agronomy Department. Dr. C. E. Ferguson, who recently returned from 15 months in Europe with the Economic Cooperation Ad ministration, will speak at a dinner meeting on “Some Observations on European Agriculture.” At Thursday’s session, W. O. Cox, executive secretary, Better Pastures, Inc., Houston, will speak m “Building and Utilizing Pas- lures in Texas.” M. K. Thornton, extension agri- iultural chemist, will discuss the activities of the A&M soil testing laboratory, and Dr. R. D. Lewis, di rector of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, will talk on industrial aids to station research. Freshmen Accept Queen Pics Friday The Freshman Ball Queen Com mittee has announced that it will be ready to accept pictures Friday of candidates for the Freshman Ball Queen. Any freshman may enter his girl’s picture in the contest by sub mitting a 5” x 7” or larger bust portrait and snap-shot photo. The girl’s name, age, measurements, and addresses should be written on the back of the portrait. The name, dorm, and room num ber of the freshman entering the candidate should also be included. A freshman from each company will be chosen to serve on the judging committee and to collect the pictures from his company. Pictures must be in by Jan. 20. to enable the committee to pick the six finalists. ions. This force, fighting up the main Chungju-Wonju road, last was reported two miles from the road center. Assault Launched The American-French assault teams launched their assault to retake Wonju in a swirling snow storm Tuesday. They fought through a hail of enemy mortar and small arms fire. Wonju controls a web of roads leading into the heart of South Ko rea. The attack by the Second Divi sion veterans of the Naktong and Chongchon River battles of last summer was the biggest United Nations offensive effort in days. “We are in contact with North Koreans now and we intend to give them hell,” the Allied commander said as the attack started. Christmaslike Scenes Correspondent Barnard said the battle scene was like a Christmas card picture. He added: “There was the soft white valley, majestic frosted mountains and a peaceful looking road. . . Snow sifted down. “But murderous enemy fire from foothills . . . swept the valley and the road. The thunder of Allied artillery rolled continuously and echoed through the valley and around the peaks. “Small arms fire crackled inces santly. Enemy mortar fire found the road. . . “Allied soldiers with rifles lay on their stomachs in the snow.” Escape Threatened The French-American force ob viously was fighting to throw off balance the Communist drive down central Korea’s mountain roads. The Red thrust threatened the Tae- jon-Taegu escape corridor for Eighth Army forces withdrawing in the west toward the old Allied Pusan beachhead. General Mac Arthur’s Wednesday afternooh war summary said a “very large” Communist force strung along a 70-mile front from Osan to Wonju was “capable of mounting a powerful offensive sup ported in great depth.” Three R&F Men Attend AAAS Meet Three members of the Range and Forestry Department attended the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Cleveland, Ohio Dec. 26-30. Dr. Omer E. Sperry, Dr. Robert A. Darrow, and Dr. Harold F. Heady represented A&M at the meeting of the national organiza tion of scientists and affiliated or ganizations. Dr. Sperry and Dr. Darrow pre sented papers at the Botanical Section meetings of the Associa tion. Ag School Makes Course Additions Charles N. Shepardson, dean of the School of Agriculture, an nounced today several new courses in Agriculture will be offered at the beginning of the spring semes ter. These courses offered for the first time at A&M are Physical Properties of Soil, Soil Microbio logy, and Dairy Manufacturing. Bell to Speak Here Thursday P. R. Bell, a principal phy sicist of the Oak Ridge Na tional Physical Laboratories of which A&M is a sponsor, will give an open lecture on “Scintillation Spectrometry” a t 7:30 p. m. Thursday in the Physics Lecture Room. Here under the auspices of the A&M Physics Society, Bell will also address a seminar in room 36 of the Physics Building at 1 p. m. Thursday on “Fast Electron ic Circuits.” Bell has been a leader in re search in nuclear physics, electron ic instrumentation, and radar since he became involved in the Nation al Defense Research Committee’s nuclear project during his grad uate study at the University of Chicago in 1940. He was a member of the Mass. Institute of Technology Radiation Laboratory from 1941-46. At Oak Ridge, Bell has led the develop ments in scintillation spectrometry, one of the newer, and powerful, techniques for measurements of nuclear radiation. ’5# Vanity Fair Girl Cherry Blair Cover girl for this week’s issue of Collier’s and frequent visitor of the campus, Miss Blair holds a number of beauty titles. The Amarillo lass, a University of Texas sophomore, was included in the Aggieland ’50’s “Vanity Fair” and a finalist in competition for sweetheart of the Artillery Regiment in November. Business Group Opens New Offices Daily Board Upped 12 Cents To Meet Increased Food Prices By SID ABERNATHY .the price the students now pay for I m6£ils ** J] 1 ,® P^e of meals in both of Peniston further quoted the A&M s dining halls will be in- m unn an( j Bradstreet report for creased 12 cents per day or $3,60 1^0 j as {; W eek of December which per month beginning with the Spring semester, J. G. Peniston, supervisor of subsistance, said to day. Brought about by the increase in price of food and a decrease in en rollment, the price of meals in. Duncan Hall will now cost mem bers of the Cadet Corps $1.34 per day. Meals in Sbisa will be boost ed in equal amounts. Board OK’s Request A request for the price hike was mailed to Dr. M. T. Harrington, president of the college, on Jan. 1. The proposal was forwarded to the Board of Directors and was ap proved by letter. No special meet ing of the Board was necessary. In his letter to President Har rington, Peniston wrote, “The in crease in price of food supplies has reached a point where it is im possible for us to serve a satisfac tory meal to the student body at By ED HOLDER The Business Department has moved into their new and modern offices in the $115,000 wing on Mark Francis Hall. Seven class rooms and seven of fices, as well as a supply room and two modern rest rooms, compose the wing. Modern Features Everything is modern. The class rooms, which will go into use at the beginning of the new semester, are each of a different color scheme. They have new and modern heating systems and fluorescent lights of the latest design. Hat racks, coat hangers, and book shelves add to the accomoda tions designed for the students comfort. Reversible movie screens for the showing of pictures while the rooms are lighted; also add to the moderness of the rooms. These screens are designed so the stu dents may take notes about the pic ture while it is being shown. All new furniture is being install ed as well as many new adding machines and a special tabulating machine. Some of the furniture however, due to the war effort, has been delayed in being delivered since it is of all-steel construction. Venetian blinds are another con venience in the class rooms, and Craft Committee Sets First Meet Tonight The Craft Committee of the MSC will hold its first meeting to night in Room 2B of the Memorial Center to elect officers. Carl Moeller, sponsor of the group, will be in charge of the meeting. Aggie Debaters the office of T. W. Leland, head of the department, is equipped with glass Venetian blinds, as well as an attractive waiting room for the added convenience of the student*. Some classes will be he'fd in the new wing, but due to lack of suf ficient space, several classes will still be held in Splinter Village. In the future, the Business De- pai’tment plans to take over all of Francis Hall, when the Veterinary Medicine Department, now occupy ing the main building, moves to their new building yet to be con structed. Sorrells Is New Head of C of C Joe Sorrells was chosen yesterday to head the College Station Chamber of C o m- merce during the 1951-52 sea son. The newly elected president re places Hershel Burgess as head of the city boosters. Others elected include Marion Pugh, vice-president; and John Langley, secretary-treasurer. Dr. M. T. Harrington, president of the college, was named an ex-officio member of the board of directors. Mrs. Carlglynn Brod was named by the C of C to represent College Station at the Houston Fat Stock Show and Livestock Exposition parade. She will ride a horse along with representatives from other Texas cities. The College Station Chamber of Commerce’s Board of Directors is made up of Frank Anderson, Ray mond Rogers, John Longley, Josko Roberts, Earl Cunningham, Dr. C. C. French, Joe Sorrells, Ray Oden, Les Richardson, Mrs. C. B. Goddy, Ralph Rogers, Marion Pugh, Hershel Burgess, Dr. R. L. Hunt, Cotton Price, and Joe Moth- eral. Alexander Writes Article On Disposal of Rainfall “The contribution of Texas ag riculture to the nation’s economy will be determined largely by what we do with out rainfall,” E. R. Alexander says in an article in the book, “Water and Man.” This and other matters pertain ing to water are pointed out by the head of the Agricultural Ed ucation Department. “The Texas Farmer,” Alexander says, “is al ready irrigating two and one half million acres of land.” Expansion of irrigation, he writes, “Has reached a limit ex cept in a few areas. Our State Conservation Association is wisely planning for conservation of ground water.” Alexander says “The program of the State Soil and Water Conserva tion Board is beginning at the Forestry Service Offers Seedlings A half million free slash pine seedlings, furnished by the Texas Forestry Association and purchas ed from the Texas Forest Service, a part of the A&M system, are still available to East Texas youth. These pines are offered without cost to schools, Future Farmers of America, 4-H Clubs, Boy Scouts, and other youth organizations. Vet eran vocational agriculture stu dents are also eligible. Orders for the free seedlings will accepted after Jan. 10. Photo by Battalion Chief Photographer Sam Molinary Paul Jones, left, sophomore pre-law student from Dallas and James Farmer, junior accounting student from College Station are admiring the debate trophy they won when they defeated entries from nine other colleges and universities! at the Forsenic Tournament in Houston in November. Kelleher Receives Aviation Award James F. Kelleher of Kaufman* a graduate student in aeronautical engineering has been named to receive a scholarship awarded by North American Aviation, Inc., Inglewood, Calif. Kelleher, the son of Major and Mrs. Frank W. Kelleher, will re ceive $250 for the current school year. North American makes the award each year to help a grad uate student fit himself “for a career that will contribute to the advancement of the aircraft indus try.” right spot—out on the land away from the streams and the cities.” Alexander issued a. warning that “we must stop all wild flowing- wells; we need to stop the pollu tion of useful ground water by salt water and other ground waters carrying so much minerals that the water cannot be used for dom estic purposes or for irrigation.” He said in the article that “our lack of useful water is keeping many large industrial plants out of Texas. Expansion of irrigation and increase of industrialization have hit head-on in their need for water. “Business men and farmers in Texas,” he pointed out, “must join together to solve this water prob lems.” showed an increase in the price of 31 basic foods of 20.6 per cent since the beginning of the Ko rean war. Dining Hall figures show an even greater increase in price of food supplies purchased during this period. According to Peniston, this is the first hike in meal prices since Nov. 12, 1946, when the prices were boosted from $1.10 to $1.20 per day. Subsistance Department records show that prior to World War II meals cost students 69 cents per Cadet Singers Begin 4-Day ProgramTour A four day road tour for 37 Singing Cadets began at noon to day when they boarded a chartered bus for Corpus Christi where the first of five performances is sche duled. The first program will be pre sented tonight at the Wynn Seale Junior High School at Corpus Christi. It is being- sponsored by the Former Students Club there. Thursday morning the cadets will present a program at the Alice High School at Alice, and Thursday evening will find the group singing- in the high school auditorium at Laredo. Harlingen A&M Mother’s Club will sponsor the singers at the City Auditorium Friday night. Saturday night the Singing Cadets will end the tour in the high school audi torium at Refugio. Performances in Laredo, Harlin gen and Refugio are being spon sored by A&M Mother’s clubs in ehch of the cities. The Cadets will return to the campus Sunday. At each of the performances, classical, selections from Mozart, Bach, and Palestrina, patriotic songs including “Where in the World But in America,” and a number of spiritual numbers will be presented. Included on the program are the traditional Aggies songs, and sev eral novelty numbers. Open House Day Committees Named Open House Day committees were chosen yesterday at a regular meeting- of the Inter Council in the MSC Senate Chamber. Members of the Follies Commit tee are Doug Hearne and Lloyd Manjeot. Heading the program-ex hibit Committee is' Dick Goodwyn, and assisting him are Herbert Mills, Frank Sims, and Joe Perry. George Charlton and Curtis Ed wards are handling publicity. Jack Humall will head the Con cessions and Guide Booth Commit tee, other members of which are Bill Hollowell, Charles Copenhaver, and Jack Berkner. Jess Mclver will be in charge of housing arrange ments. Dick Tumlinson, president of the Inter Council, will be an unofficial member of all committees. day. At the present time, meals cost $1.20 per day. Since students no longer pay the mess halls for meals during Thanksgiving holiday and Spring- recess, this figures out to be an increased cost of 69 per cent for the student. However, in the same period of time the price of food supplies has increased 131 per cent. Decrease Possible “We have been extremely lucky in keeping the prices down as long AF to Offer Two Courses For Veterans The Air Force ROTC has received authority to continue the enrollment of seniors and graduating students in air craft maintenance engineer ing and air installations who are qualified in all other respects for admission to the advanced course, and give them commissions at the end of summer camp. This includes seniors with either one or two semesters remaining before graduation. Applicants under the above pro visions must be qualified in all re spects for admission to the ad vanced course and for enrollment in the two courses. Aircraft main tenance engineering veterans must also present a valid reason for being unable to enroll in advanced AF ROTC at the beginning of the current academic year. Prospective applicants should contact Major Bowden in the air craft maintenance section, or Capt. Otts, air installations section in Building D, for information and applications. Engineer Society Schedules Meeting The mid-win ter meeting of the engineering drawing division, American Society for Engineer ing Education, will be held here January 18-20. W. E. Street, head of the En gineering Drawing Department and program chairman for the meeting, announced that the group would make an inspection trip to Humble Oil and Refining Company, Bay- town, and National Biscuit Com pany, Houston, on January 18. A dinner meeting of the execu tive committee is set for 7:30 p. m. in the Memorial Student Center. On Friday, January 19, open house will be held in the Engineer ing Drawing Department, follow ed by tours of the college. President M. T. Harrington will welcome those attending the meet ing at a luncheon in the MSC. AAUW Meet Set For Wilson Home Mrs. Robert Wilson will be host ess to the Drama Group of the AAUW in her home, 303 Marsteller Drive, College Hills, Woodlands section, Thursday evening at 8. Mrs. Walter Delaplane will give a reading of Macbeth. as we have,” Peniston said. “If prices decline, we will not hesitate to request a decrease in cost to students,” he added. Meat products account for 45 per cent of the total cost of food supplies for the dining halls and in the past year the price of meat products has increased approxi mately 44 per cent. Groceries. Gro ceries have also increased in price but not as much as meats. Examples of the increase in price of meat products is shown by comparing prices of January, 1950 with the price of the same products in January of this year. Meats Prices Increase Steer and cow rounds have in creased 56 per cent, boneless veal chuck is up 45 per cent, boneless beef chuck is up 44 per cent, and salad oil is up 77 per cent above the price of the same pro ducts just one year ago. These are not extreme examples but are re presentative comparisons taken taken from Subsistance Depart ment records. Further investigation of food costs showed that in one week’s time some of the products increased in price by as much as 8 per cent. As another example, the steaks served at the Football Banquet Saturday night cost $1.35 Christ mas week. The same kind of steaks are selling for $1.75 this week. According to the most recent re lease of installment fees payable during the Spring semester, board for February will cost $31.70; March, $36.95; April, $35.65; and May, $56.75. Fees for the semes ter total $256.55. Houston G-Man Tells FBI Story W. H. Story, special agent for the FBI, of Houston, spoke to members and guests of the College Station-Bryan AAUW Monday evening at the Woman’s Club Building in Bry an. The history and organization of the Federal Bureau of Investiga tion and its various functions was described by Agent Story. “Rigid requirements and inten sive training must be undergone by all FBI agents,” Agent Story said. He pointed out that the Bureau is not a judicial body, but is essential ly a fact-finding organization and does not attempt to evaluate an investigation. It is concerned with some 124 classifications of offen ses which violate the federal laws, Story said. Previous to the presentation of Agent Story, the club, in a short business session, named Mrs. J. W. Batts, Jr. to fill the unexpired term of Mrs. H. P. Rigsby as sec retary of the organization. Texas’ First Big Gusher R Vs and Band Lead Parade In Spindletop Celebration By GEORGE CHARLTON The parade began at two this sued, there is no intention of drill- afternoon and lasted an hour and ing to such a depth. Forty-five white coated members a half. Soon after the “spudding in” of the Ross Volunteers Company The Spindletop celebration is ceremonies had concluded, the left for Beaumont this morning to keyed to stressing the significance Spindletop Hall of Exhibits was march in a parade and serve in an that oil has contributed to Ameri- formerly opened, honor guard for the Spindletop 50th can progTess during’ the first half Anniversaiy celebration. 0 f the 20th century. The much-publicized event, in “Spindletop — where oil became honor of Texas’ first big gusher, a n industry” isn’t just a catch officially opened Saturday with the phrase. An almost inexhaustible “spudding in” of a wildcat test in flow of fuel had been found for the Sunset Park in downtown Beau- automobile, railroad, aviation, ma- mont. rine transportation, and chemical Today’s activities began with a and steel industries. The importance of the Spindle top discovery was emphasized at Saturday’s ceremonies by John W. Newton of Beaumont, chair man of the Spindletop 50th Anni versary Commission, and Mayor Otho Plummer of Beaumont. downtown parade led by the Ross Volunteers and followed by the Aggie Band. After the parade, RV’s were transported out to the famous Lucas Gusher, the country’s first big well, for more official ceremonies. And there also, a six- man detail from the Volunteers, fired a military salute. After arriving in Beaumont this morning, members of the Company were taken to Lamar College, formerly Lamar Junior College, where lunch was served. The exhibit is a historical and education display of a rare col lection of books, pictures, souve nirs, and relics of 1901. Exhibits trace 50 years of progress since the turn of the century. There are paintings of famous oilmen, financiers, prominent citizens, and leading women. A few feet away from the Spin dletop modern rig there stands a replica of the wooden derrick on the famed Lucas gusher. After the ceremonies and dinner, the RV’s will begin their trek to- As hundreds of people stood on ward College Station via busses, the Southern Pacific right-of-way, They are scheduled to arrive on the ijnodern heavy duty drilling the campus around 9 p. m. equipment started the bit on its Sunday, Gov. Allan Shivers will projected depth of 5,000 feet. Al- officially proclaim January 10 as though a Texas Railroad Commis- the Spindletop 50th Anniversary sion drilling permit has been is- observance day. Astronomy Course Offered in Spring By special request of the stu dents, a new course in Astronomy, Physics 314, will be offered in the spring semester. The course, entitled Introduction To Astronomy, will be taught by Professor J. T. Kent of the De partment of Mathematics. A three credit hour course, and descriptive and factual in nature, the new course will require no mathematics other than algebra and trigonometry. A certain amount of laboratory work will be introduced at the discretion of the instructor. The course will be a general elective in all schools of the col lege. Hedgcock Attends Writers Meeting The annual national convention of American Business Writers As sociation held in Chicago was at tended by E. D. Hedgcock of the English Department. The meeting was held in Hotel Sherman from Dec. 27 to 29. Hedgcock presided at a panel discussion on report writing. The panel discussed the title, “Report Writing Outside of the Textbooks,” and the practical aspects of re port writing. A large number of Chicago busi nessmen and college teachers of business writing attended the con vention. B. F. K. Mullins to Give Speech in Washington Professor B. F. K. Mullins, De partment of Engineering Drawing, will be the leader in “A Symposium on Designi of Urban and Rural Highway Intersections at Grade” before the Department of Traffic and Operations of the Highway Re search Board.