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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1950)
_ CcS'^ Ast Ce^ eT siu d0^ a Cop 3 - 6 p. ;>«t J P 5 ° C Circulated to More than 90% Of College Station’s Residents Nation’s Top Safety Section Lumberman’s 1919 Contest PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF A GREATER A&M COLLEGE Number 61: Volume 51 COLLEGE STATION (Aggieland), TEXAS, MONDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1950 Price Five Cents NTSC Players Vaudeville in Guion By JERKY ZUBER Tonight’s Collegiate review from North Texas State College, set for 7:30 on the Guion Hall stage, promises to ease the pain of re turning to the campus and fac ing another week of College Sta tion. The review, composed of both professional and amateur talent, is an hour and a half long and features a varied entertainment program ranging from Dixieland to sleight of hand. Included in the price of ad mission is the regularly scheduled Guion movie, “The Flame and The Arrow” starring Virginia Mayo and Burt Lancaster. Feature attraction of the stage show is the 18 piece stage band, led by Gene Hall, director of the Modern Music Department at NTSC. Several members of the Jack Alexander Jack will appear tonight as chief comedian for the NTSC group as it presents its Vaude ville show in Guion. Nine Presented Nobel Prizes In Oslo Norway Stockholm, Sweden, Dec. 11 —Nine men were presented Nobel prizes yesterday at re splendent twin ceremonies here and in Oslo, Norway. It ■ was the 54th anniversary of the death of Alfred Nobel, inventor of dynamiteand creator of the awards. Winners of the prizes, totaling »nearly $200,000 in cash and rep resenting the world’s foremost hon ors for contributions to humanity, included four Americans: Mississippi novelist William Faulkner, awarded the 1949 liter ature prize, $30,007 Dr. Ralph J. Bundle, the first negro ever to be so honored, who received the $31,674 peace prize for his work as United Nations me diator during the Palestine war. Dr. Philip S. Hench and Dr. Ed ward C. Kendall of the Mayo Clin ic at Rochester, Minn., $10,571 each for their research in hormones, in cluding the discovery of cortisone, a powerful agent in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. The other recipients—Two Brit ons, two Germans and a Swiss — were: British philosopher Bertrand Russell, 1950 prize for literature $o 1,715. Prof. Cecil F. Powell of Brit ain’s Bristol University, physics prize,* $31,715, for his work on cos mic v ays. . Dr. Otto Diois and Prof. Kurt A d 1 e r, German teacher-student team who shared the $31,715 chem istry prize for their discovery of the dien synthesis, a method to produce odors and complicated chemical compound artificially. Dr. Tadeusz Reichstein of the University of Basel, Switzerland, , who received $10,761 along with Dr. Hench and Dr. Kendall in the three-man medical award. b a n d double as the Dixieland Crew and will furnish several numberrs of Dixieland music. Jack Alexander, professional night club entertainer, is chief comedian for the group. In addi tion to comedy, Alexander will perform feats of magic and sleight of hand and will present imita tions. Solo Numbers Adrian McLish, formerly with Vaughn Monroe’s Moonmaids, will sing several solo numbers, as will Leo Vincent, male vocalist, who will sing, “All The Things You Are” and other numbers. Miss Les ley Ryall, another female vocalist, will give her version of “Happi ness is Just A Thing Called Joe” and “That Old Feeling.” The combined stage show and movie is sponsored through the auspices of the Student Activities Office. Screen lovers should be as pleased with the screen hit, “The Flame and The Arrow” as with the review. Set in medieval Italy, the picture is highlighted by the acrobatic antics of Lancaster and his band and graced by the lovely Virginia Mayo, the “villian’s” beautiful niece. Buddy Ryland, formerly leader of the Stephen F. Austin State College Band, will assist the band with his trombone. Fiery Ags HP T> • 1 o Jt>rm Georgia, 40-20 Presidential Cup By DAVE COSLETT Aggie Greeters Oak Ridge Man Sets Nuclear Physics Talk Dr. Edward C. Campbell, research physicist from Oak Ridge, Tennessee, will speak! in the Physics Lecture Room at 8 p. m. Thursday on “Nu clear Reactor Piles’’, Dr. James G*. Potter, head of the Physics Department, announced today. Dr. Campbell’s talk will be ac companied by demonstration. Dr. Potter said. The discussion will be of a non-technigal nature and is open to the general public. At present, Dr. Campbell is assisting in research on reactor piles at Oak Ridge, under the Atomic Energy Commission. He was . Assistant Professor of Phy- ics at Princeton in 1942. He was also one of the many scientists who performed research on the first atomic bomb. Dr. Campbell was awarded his Bachelor of Arts degree from Michigan University in 1925 and his Ph. D. from' Oklahoma Univer sity in 1938. The lecture is sponsored by the A&M Physics Society, Potter added. It was a fiery march through Georgia, this 1950 trek that found a lad named Smith rather than a general named Sherman lead ing the way. This march, though, took place within the 100-yard confines of the Univer sity of Maryland’s new Byrd Stadium at College Park, Md. And though the Aggie team was on fire, 12,245 spectators in the stands and a size able number of press-box onlookers shivered in the 40 degree temperature. The initial Presidential Cup Bowl game lacked nothing but a decent crowd. Of color ful pageantry and spectacular football, it had plenty. There were several slightly colored faces in that press box, too—colored with embar rassment at having overlooked one Bruisin’ Writers Generous In Jrraise oj leam Francis St aim Washington (D.C.) Sunday Star “Press box Observers at Byrd Stadium were virtually unani mous yesterday in rating Fullback Bob Smith of the Texas Aggies as the best running back to play in the area this season. Sammy Baugh (Washington Redskin star) went so far as to call the 22- year-old junior from Houston a better, faster ball carrier: than John Kimbrough, one of the Southwestern Conferences’ all-time greats.” Sporting West Texas headgear almost to the man, the 42 man Aggie contingent pour off the airliner at National Airport for their date in the Presidential Cup classic. Aggie Head Coach Harry Stiteler is .shown receiving the keys to the A&M Film Society Slates ‘Intolerance’ - The. third program of the A&M Film Society series will be held tqn.ight at 7:80 p. m. in the YMCA Chapel and ’features' “Intolerance.” -This film, one of the early “greats,": deihonstvates. the first I OsV ,o’f effective' photography and ' phbtbgrapliy experiment with the dSe-of huge set’s, mphy extras, and crowded ^sceheiS. This’ film is the fofenifmer Of the “extravaganzas” of today. f Admission to - person's , not hold ing. season tickets will be' available according to ..George Charlton, sec- I retaryitreastify pf ' the. organism- ; tion.- And persons, “who already haVe, season tickets may give them to their friends, and they, in turn, may use them merely by present ing the tickets at the door,” says Herman Go]loh, president of the society this year. city from Col. Waldron E. Leonard, acting for District commissioners, as President Tom Har rington looks on. Behind Stiteler are Charles R. Garity, game chairman, and Texas Congressman Olin T. Teague, former Aggie star. Merrell Whittlesey Washington (D. C.) Sunday Star “Few college, ball games this season produced ball-carrying performances that exceeded Those of Smith and Tidwell of the winners and Morocco, the shifty Georgia lad from Youngstown, Ohio . . . .” • Jesse Abramson New York Herald Tribune “A nian named Smith from IfoAston, Tex , used the American Legion’s inaugural Presidential Cup post-season football game to day as a vehicle iV.r a brilliant demonstration, proving that more All-America selectors should have included a man named Smith on move All-America teams. “. . . . The Aggies were not only a rampaging running ar ray which wrecked the heretofore stout Georgia defenses, they were also an alert and strong defensive team.” “. . . , The football used at the start was parachuted from a Piper Cub. It landed among the Georgia rooters. They gave it to the referee. That was their first and biggest mistake. The next time the ball went into the air it landed in Smith’s hands, and Georgia never recovered from the shock." • Louis M. Halter Baltimore Sun . . Texas A&M gilve Georgia’s vaunted defenses a long- to-be-remembfred lesson in offensive football—Southwest Confer ence style. “Smith . . . was unquestionably the best back on the field.” Mac Optimistic On Return From Front Bob Smith during the recent All-Americau selection spree. The wearer of the Maroon and White numeral 36 wasted no time in, raising a few eyebrows. The game was fifteen minutes late in starting. Smith more than made up for that lost time at his first encounter with the ball. The opening kick-off sailed straight to the great Aggie full-back who was waiting for it on the 2-yard line. He fumbled the ball, though, and had to chase it back to the Aggie goal-stripe. Then he got down to business. Behind beautiful blocking, he cut to his right and roared down the side-line. A lone Georgian, Fred Bilyeu, made a futile dive at him on the Georgia 40. From there on in the ♦ field was bis. Seventeen seconds after the game started Harrow Hooper was adding his first point-afer touch down for the day. The sprint seemed to be merely a warm-up for Smith. Before the dazzled spectators left the stands, they saw him account for 206 more yards—-158 rushing, 121 kick-off returns, 22 pass reception, and five passing. Eighty-one of the rushing yards came 45 seconds before the end of the first quarter when Bruisin’ Bob charged through a gaping hole at tackle to take another solo trip to pay-dirt. Not a Georgian touch ed him. ? Smith Tosses The five yards in the passing department came when Smith toss* ed his second aerial of the year, a running pass to Cedric Copeland who took it in the air on the Georgia five and a half. A touch down followed one play later. !: That touchdown was scored by Billy Tidwell who bested Smith in TD honors three tallies to two. The First downs ..: A&M 10 Gu. 15 Rushing yardage . 304 220 Passing yardage ... 73 65 Passes attempted 9 17 Passes completed 6 6 Passes intercepted 2 0 Punts 6 7 Punting average 39 39 Fumbles lost ...... 3 4 Yards penalized ... 50 40 • fleet-footed Aggie j- half-back was the second name Hon h lb l 'of Christmas Slated for uet Riwanis Mary Colder, 20 year old secretary for a private business concern, was chosen over six other finalists to reign in the Presidential Cup classic Saturday afternoon. The Queen, seated in the center, is surrounded by the lovely princesses who are Janice Breaux, Helen Bunce, Marion Edwards, Jeanne Coleman, Margaret Harnois, and Francis Swann. The College Station Kiwanis Club will climax its year’s activ ities with a banquet in the Ball Room of the Memorial Student Center tonight at 6:30. Principal speaker for the even ing will be R. E. Jackson, asso ciate professor of government at Texas State College for Women. A humorist and lecturer known widely throughout the Southwest, Professor Jackson has been at TSCW for 30 years. W. L. Maples will be toastmaster for the evenings with entertain ment to be offered by James W. Jordan, with vocal selections, and guitar numbers by W. R. Schrank. Betty Hollander, assistant social director of the MSC will play Ivackground music on the piano while the dinner is being served. Motheral to Review Year Also featured on the program for the evening will be Joe Moth eral, retiring president of the Ki wanis organization. He is sche duled to give a review of the club’s accomplishments for the past year. The group, which will consist of club members and their wives, will also have Edward Schreider of Galveston, lieutenant governor of the third Division of the Kiwan is Club, to install the club’s new officers for 1951. Magee Is President A. C. Magee will take over the reins of the loegl civic organiza tion, having served as first vice- president and a member of the board of directors daring the pre vious term of officers. Other leaders to be installed will be Otis T Miller, first vice-pres ident and H. G\ Johnstpn, second vice-president. To be installed as members of the board of directors will be Dick Hervey, John bong- ley, J. G. McGuire, and George Summey, Jr. The committee in charge of ar rangements for the banquet in cludes Dick Hervey, chairman, J. B. Coon, W. L. Maples, and W. H. Dawson. The House Receptions Committee includes George Sum mey, chairman, F. L. Thomas, L. N. Flannigan, Jr. R. Couch, C. B. Campbell, Joe Sorrels, and W. E. Briles. Tickets for the banquet have been on sale in the MSC and at the South Side Grocery. Chiang Guerrilla Warfare Effective, Military Believe R. E. Jadreon Washington, Dec. 11—</Pi—Some American military men believe guerrilla warfare on the Chinese mainland by Chiang Kai-Shek’s forces, with some help, could do effective damage to the China Communists This opinion, expressed to a re porter today by officials who can not be named, is based on military factors. It does not take into ac count international, political and diplomatic considerations. Be cause of these latter factors and White House expressions of dis- J approval, there is reluctance to push the idea. One military view is that such operations would he of definite value as a diversionary operation to draw away some of the Chinese Communist strength now being poured into the war in Korea. President Truman has been cool ; to proposals to aid the Chinese Na- ; tionalist guerrilla effort because of the danger that Russia might ; seize upon such aid as pretext for openly intervening in the Asiatic 1 war. Nevertheless, it is known that some quiet, long-range studies are underway here which could be used if and when administration and diplomatic policies change. Among other developments, a j high ranking officer of one of the services who was an expert on guerrilla activities in the Far East during World War II has been brought back to Washington from an overseas assignment to help in the studies. Dispatches from the Far East suggest that a sizeable Nationalist guerrilla force exists in China. Spencer Moosa, Associated Press correspondent in Formosa, says es- ! timates range from less than 1,000,000 up to 1,600,000. But he I points out they arc poorly equip ped, with old arms and little am munition. And, he adds, they need a unified leadership. Gen. Douglas MacArthur was re ported to have wanted to accept, early in the Korean War, Chiang’s offer to send 33,000 of his Formosa troops to Korea to join in the war against the Communists. Wash ington turned thumbs down on his proposal for both political and ; military reasons. Aside from the now well-debated I political reasons, some high penta- | gon officials have opposed the idea on purely military grounds. One argument advanced has been that Chiang’s men would be more use ful in waging guerrilla warfare in South China. Ag Experiment Station Gets $1500 for Research A check for $1,500 has been 1 | made available to the Texas Agri- | | cultural Experiment Station. The ! | money will be used by the De- j j partment of Poultry Husbandry j , in continuing research relating to j the feeding and nutritional values I sorghum by-product feeds. Dr. R. D. Lewis, statiion director, says. The check is froih the Corn Pro- 1 ducts Refining Company of Argo,! Illinois, Tokyo, Dec. 11 — ( 7Pi — General MacArthur flew to Korea today for a hard look at his heavily-hit United Nations command. He said it remains unbeaten, relatively se cure, and able to battle the Chinese hordes. His secret visit to both the northwest and northeast fronts came as the last elements of 25,000 bone-cold, unshaven American ma rines and doughboys streamed down onto the Hamhung coastal plain from a series of Red traps near Changjin Reservoir. A huge fleet stood off Ham- hung’s port of Hungman. But whether it would evacuate the wea ry, outnumbered U. S. 10th Corps units in the northeast remained to be seen. The northwest front was relatively quiet. Mac Optimistic There was a note of guarded op timism in MacArthur’s statement to correspondents after he return ed to Tokyo from his quick trip to the warfrouts. He had confer red on-the-spot with his top gen erals. “The United Nations command, in spite of its recent heavy fight ing, is in excellent shape with high morale and conspicuous self confi dence,” the U. N. commander said. “Although heavily outnumbered it has come through in a superior manner. “The enemy’s claims of United Nations losses in men and material are fantastically exaggerated. We are being forced to give ground but our fighting capacity has suffered little general impairment.” He added that the Chinese Reds had failed in a plan “to encompass Henderson Club to Party The Henderson County Club will hold a dinner and dance for the boys attending A&M from that county at the Athens Country Club on Dec. 21, J. D. Martin, ’30, of Henderson County Junior College, reported in u letter, today. our destruction by one massive stroke.” “All our units are intact and the losses inflicted on the enemy have been staggering—estimated by lo cal commanders in the field as high as 10 to one compared to our own,” MacArthur said. It was the General’s first state ment to correspondents on the Ko- | roan campaign since he personally j directed the Allied end-the-war of- | fensive at daybreak Nov. 24—a J push turned into a full retreat the j night of Nov. 25 by bugle-blaring i hordes of Chinese infantry. It was evident that MacArthur ! was concerned seriously about the condition of his forces, particularly , the U. S. First Marine Division j and units of the Army’s Seventh ! Infantry Division which battled : through a frozen, Chinese-lined | hell for two weeks on both sides | and south of the Changjin Reser- l voir in northeast Korea. players who played infallible ball. The whole Aggie tikm earned tha;t Presidential Cup. Tidwell, who rushed for, 53 yards | in 12 carries made his first e rid- zone trip eight and 40 ! seconds deep in the second quar- ! ter. He swept si* yards, arou'hd | end. Tidwell Tallies Tidwell made his second tally |30 seconds before the end of the I half On this one he. supplied the 1 necessary five and a half yards following Smith’s toss to Copeland. Two apiece for he and Smith plus another TD picked up by Lippman on a pass from Gardemal. I left the score-board marked with Jan impressive A&M 33, Georgia 0 ! at halftime. | The next Tidwell touchdown, this ! mid-day in the third quarter, found Billy racing 36 yards for the. filial Aggie score of the day. i Quarterback Dick Gardemal play- ! ed one of his best games of the j year excelling in all of his duties, j He fired eiglrt aerials, five of them I complete for passing yardage of 68 yards. One of the tosses was : the scoring throw to Lippman. j The Aggie signal-caller made I even familiar A&M grid boosters J sit up and look, though, when, ear- | ly in the first quarter he faked a i hand-off to Smith, then galloped 1 (See AGGIES SET, Page 4) i Tiger’ Teague, Prexy Aid Robbed Bowl Winner Aggies Members of the Texas Aggie victorious 42-man squad celebrated Saturday night in Washington, D.C., in spite of the efforts of the culprit or culprits who stole $675 from their dressing room. Thirty-two of the players re ported losses when they began to dress following the game. Representative Olin E. (Tiger) Teague and President M. T. Har rington came to the rescue and made up the players’ losses, at least for the time-being. The dressing room had been locked all during the game and had been guarded by Barlow (Bones) Irvin and 4 University of Maryland staff member excApt for 4 15-minute period duriirg which an Inteitral Revenue Inspector and a member of the campus police force were there. • The team members had hung j their clothes on wooden pegs in ; the new dressing room. The thief : or thieves methodically emptied pockets and bill-folds. Two expen sive billfolds were taken. No oth- i <Sr articles other than money were reported lost. Investigators believe that the thief must have been in the dress ing room during half-time and re mained behind when the team rie- turned to the field. Footprints were found in the soft mud by an open .window. The prints led awgy •from the building- only. No other information on the in cident had been turned up Sunday morning. Murray Holditeh managed t,o save $90 which he had placed in’ one 0/ ttis shoos.