Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1950)
T. t u‘,3 i t 0 * * j * f Wilkins, Dr. and Mrs. John E. 3903 Stonewall Greenville, Texas Williams, George W. Biology Department West Virginia State College Morgantown, W. Virginia Williams, Dr. and Mrs. J. T. 128 Goodman Sulphur Springs, Texas Wilson, Capt. David G. Hq. CCA 5th Armored Division Camp Chaffee, Ark. Wise, Lt. Sidney L. Co. C., 10th Medium Tank Battal’n Combat Command A, 5th Armored Division Camp Chaffee, Ai'kansas Woods, Major J. P. 4020th Infantry Trng. Reg. Camp Chaffee, Ark. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. 513 North Lancaster Dallas, Texas Yantis, Lt. C. 281 Ordnance Ballistics Service Detachment Ft. Bliss, Texas Yarnell, S. H. 177 St. Andrews Charleston, S. C. Tolley, Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. 937 B, Avenue , El Dorado,. Ark. Wall, Mr. Robert F. Research Division Monsanto Chemical Company Texas City, Texas Wallace, Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Mound City, Missouri Ward, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. 2107 Avenue K Lubbock, Texas Warren, William M. Dept, of Animal Husbandry University of Missouri Columbia, Missouri Watson, John C. 000 East 48th Austin, Texas White, Robert F. 1005 Berkshire Road Ann Arbor, Mich. White, Dr.' and Mrs. Troy Athens, Texas Wick, Mr. and Mrs. Robert 910 Roosevelt Neenah, Wisconsin Wilhelm, Mrs. Paul L. 925 Kentucky Ave. Lawrence, Kansas Allen, Capt. William S. 4216 Virginia St. Fort Smith, Ark. Andrew, Mr. Ed r ■ ^ General Delivery Edgewood, Md. Apple, S. B. Department of Horticulture University of Oregon Corvalis, Oregon Arnold, Ret. Aubrey W. U. S. N. 54-023-151' Hq. Co. 1st Bn. 224th 40th Inf. Div. Camp Cooke, California Ashby, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. c/o Winkler County News Kermit, Texas Benish, Mr. Joe E. 3609 Bisbee St. El Paso, Texas. Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. R. O. 509 East 42nd Austin, Texas Boone, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. 1.8082 East Collins Orange, Calif. Boone, Sylvester 809 Courtlandt Houston, Texas. Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. 6611 Burkett Houston, Texas Buffington, Gordon Supt. Sweet Potato Investigation Laboratory Gilmer, Texas Bnrdett, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse N. Jr. Box 754 Hamlin, Texas. Burt, Mrs. Frederick A. 123 Union St. Bennington, Vermont Byers, Ret. Milton Co. Ath 224th Inf. Regt 40th Inf. Div. Camp Cooke, Calif. Carter, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. 820 North 11th St. Beaumont, Texas Carver, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. 325 Perry St. Marlin, Texas Chilcoat, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. 3116 Hamilton Fort Worth, Texas Gofer, Captain David B., Jr. Hq. 108 AAA Brigade Fort Bliss, Texas Coke, Mr. William B. Agronomy Dept. A. E. S. Purdue University Lafayette, Indiana Dale, Dr. IT. E. Apartment 21 417 Sterling Court Madison, Wisconsin Dana, Barson R. 1499 Posen Ave. Albany, Calif. Davis, Col. and Mrs. Joe E. - 3712 Morris Drive Fort Smith, Ark. DeArment, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Clinton, Okla. De Laney, Mr. and Mrs. William Van Hornesville, New York. Desmond, Mr. D. M. 312 North Street Meyersdale, Penn. Dominy, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Clarkwood, Texas. Edds, Dr. G. T. Department of Pharmacological Research Fort Dodge Laboratories Fort Dodge, Iowa. Edmonds, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce J. G. Box 217 Silsbee, Texas Ervin, Prof, Burl H. Apt. 627 1107 West Green St. Urban a, Ill. Jones, Mr. Ivan H. Box 1203 Ketchikan, Alaska Kerns, Mrs. A. H. 1133 High Ave. Topeka, Kansas Killough, Mr. and Mrs. D. T. E. C. A. APO 2064 '. c/o Postmaster New York, New York King, Dr. and Mrs. Herbert, Jr. 232 Short St. Seguin, Texas Kirkpatrick, John 210 Corporation Hillsboro, Texas Krause, Fred 3003 West Louisiana Midland, Texas Krause, Mr. Milton W. 414 West Hollywood San Antonio, Texas Lamberth, Mr. and Mrs. Tom 850 College Tulsa, Oklahoma Landon, Cedric R., Jr. 302 Marquette Drive San Antonio, Texas Lang, Dr. Anton Kerckhoff Laboratory of Biology California Institute of Technology Pasadena 4. Calif. Lennon, Mr. and Mrs. Everett 1705 Houston Longview, Texas Liverman, Mr. J. L. 1035 South San Gabriel Blvd. San Gabriel, Calif. Loma, Mr. and Mrs. W. Cheapside Route Cuero, Texas V Longley, Mr. James F. 725 Amarillo St. Abilene, Texas Manke, Mr. and Mrs. Karl F. 4520 Kahala Ave. Honolulu 28, Hawaii McDonald, Mr. A. G. 418 South Willomet Dallas, Texas v • McQuillan, Mr. H. R. Athletic Department TCU Fort Worth, Texas Files, Prof. Carl W. FPHA 338-1 West State West Lafayette, Ind. Fish, Dr. Floyd V. P. I. % * Blacksburg, Va. Fuller, J. D. P. History Dept. V. M. I. Lexington, Va. Furr, H. 2916 A Miami Ave. St. Louis 18, Mo. Gaines, Lt. James A. Hq. 10th Med. Th. Bn. CC A Camp Chaffee, Arkansas Garretson, Dr. and Mrs. H. H. 351 College St. Lynchburg, Va. Genrich, Dr. and Mrs. M. E. Sonora, Texas Glenn, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. 410 East 7th St. Coleman, Texas Goode, Mr. and Mrs. P. B.. 1002 Concordia Austin, Texas Goodheart, Mr. Clarence F. Union College Schenectady, New York Grandi, Mr. L. L. 1937 Kelton Ave. Los Angeles, Calif. Gray, James A. c/o District Agent’s Office County Court House San Angelo, Texas Green, Mr. and Mrs. John S. Bastrop, La. Green, Mr. Roy C. 174 Carteret Avenue Jersey City, N. J. Grinter, Dr. L. E. 5749 Kenwood Chicago 37, Ill. Haines, Frank S., Jr. The Texas Company Box 72 Liberty, Texas Hall, Mr. W. Hanson 212 Fourth St. De Bidder, La. Hayes, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. c/o University Press Austin, Texas Hazel, Dr. L. N. Iowa State College Ames, Iowa Hickman, Mi', and Mrs. L. R. Longmont, Colorado Hill, James R. Highland Park Public Schools Dallas, Texas Hill, Rev. and Mrs. Sam B. Cuero, Texas Hollimon, Jack C. 2614 West Craig St. San Antonio, Texas Horlecher, Dr. W. R. Colorado A&M College Fort Collins, Colorado Hubka, Mi-. E. F., Jr. 520 Elgin Ave. Forest Park, Ill. Jennings, Mr. and Mrs. Roy •1301 Mier St. Laredo, Texas Johl, Mr. and Mrs. Carl 143 W. Si, N. W. Ephrata, Washington Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. College of Commerce University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyoming Medbery, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton A., Pinkerton, Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. 131 LaSalle Ave. /■ Hampton, Virginia Randle, Dr. C. Wilson Dean School of Business Western Reserve University Cleveland, Ohio • Ray, Mr. William O. 6647 Lindy Lane Houston, Texas Rea, Mr. Homer E., Jr. International House Berkeley 4, Calif. Reynolds,- R. H. C. Route 2 Milford, Neb. . Richey, J. J. Escondido, Calif. Roadie, Dr. and Mrs. Wilson 566 Stoes Rd. Shaker Heights, Ohio Robertson, G. L. Genetics Department University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Rollins, Mr. and Mrs. James J. 113 West Avenue I Apt. 3 San Angelo, Texas Rollins, Dean and. Mrs. J. W. East Texas State Teachers College Commerce, Texas Sack ton, Dr. A. H. 2905 Jarratt Austin, Texas Schenk, Dr. William E. A m eri can E mb a ss y San Salvador, El Salvador Schipper, Dr. and Mrs. A. L. 1023 South 21st St. South Bend 15, Ind. Self, Mr. and Mrs. Allen The Victoria College Victoria, Texas Simmang, Prof. C. M. 1700 B Northwood Road Austin 3, Texas Simpson, Lt. Col. O. R. 3327 Ravensworth Place Alexandria, Virginia Skiles, Mr. and Mrs. Joe c/o Skiles and Jackson Denton, Texas Sloan, Clive- 1814 North Lee Apt 5 Odessa, Texas Smith, Mr. H. P. E. C. A. Special Mission to Tur key A. P. O. 206 A c/o Postmaster New York, N. Y. Sommer, Mr. Helmut 5022 Bradley Blvd. Chevey Chase, Md. Spahr, Mr. E. K. 3812 Austin St. Houston, Texas Speigel, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley 3615 Thomas Blvd. Port Arthur, Texas Stalworth, T. W. C. E. Dept. University of Missouri University, Mo. Steel, C. W.- Dept, of Public Health Div. of Sanitary Engineering Springfield, Illinois Stephens, Thomas S. Food Technology Dept. University of Massachusetts Amhurst, Mass. Stevens, Dr. G. S. North Carolina State College Raleigh, North Carolina Sumner, Vance D. * Route 2 , Hillsboro, Texas Thames, Miss Gena 504 Thurstor Ithaca, New York Thiers, Mr. Harry 1121 Packard St. Ann Arbor, Mich. Thomas, Mr. H. A. 4521 Sleaford Rd. Bethesda, 14, Md. Thompson, Mrs. Eloise V. Box 183 Cameron, Texas Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon D. 1517 Crittenden Road Willow Run Wilmington, Delaware Tinsley, Mr. and Mrs. James 1319 West Elm Denton, Texas * Jr. Apt. 65 Sutherland Ave. Village Knoxville, Tenn. Melton, A. A. Box 726 Morton, Texas Michael, Ralph Horticulture Department University of California Davis, California Miller, Mr. and Mi’s. J. T. 602 Apt. A West Watson Midland, Texas Milliff, Dr. John H. 2401 OV2 Avenue Galveston, Texas Moorman, J. M. “Flash Hempstead Public Schools Hempstead, Texas Morrow, Mr. Homer N., Jr. Taylor Refining Company Corpus Christ!, Texas Mosher, Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Nedderman, U. H. 192 Pammel Court Ames, Iowa Neal, Dr. and Mrs. J. D. 103 Waggoner Hall University of Texas Austin, Texas Neff, Mr. and Mrs. Russell C. General Delivery Steilacoom, Washington Noton, Mr. and Mrs. James T. Route 1, Box 290 Austin, Texas Orth, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. 3445 Hanover Dallas, Texas Owens, Dr. W. A. Rockland Road Sparkhill, New York Ozment, Major and Mrs. E. P. 816 North 39th Ft. Smith, Ark. Packenham, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. East Texas Motor Freight Lines 422 North Walton Dallas, Texas Persons, Mr. and Mrs. J. V. 4615 Beech Bellaire, Texas 'b 4' i * 9 I i f v / i * o Ot ♦ i j * \ We Can’t Eliminate Commercials ! I -V I . . . But we can make listening a real pleasure, by eliminating the annoyance of poor reception. Service is rapid; the cost is low. Tubes tested and estimates giv en without charge. Call us! * * THE RADIO SHOP >« 1 One Block West of Post Office on 26th Street BRYAN * J i) f’ PHONE 2-2819 * ; - . l *« « * •• \ ft r A K 4 i A BANKING SERVICE r) ► v % lllllf > & ( v t • i K • v X COLLEGE STATION’S OWN i • ->41 I > M t/te /cemt of d$/ dwX' * s Texas A&M College 4 h x.yX.r.y-:’:-:-:-: * s vXvXv .• V I r* along wherever men live and labor < at the center of any city At the heart of any town the lanes of any rural settlement and search for happiness—there you will find the Church. It has always been so since the time of Christ—even in the days when men paid with their lives for being Christians ... when cellars were chapels, and catacombs were hiding-places for the faithful. So deeply has the Church imprinted its truth upon the life of our country that none—not even the man who tries to live religion—can visualize an America without the marks of Chris* , tianity. Our heritage of freedom, our dream of peace, all of our < treasured blessings and sacred hopes were born of the teachings of our Church, of the faith of our fathers. 4 Attend, join, support some churchviYour smntual riches never be taken from you;.they can be lost .ONLYiTHKOvutt NEGLECT. ' : 4 4# • 44 '. mt ttX Xv >Xv 4 4 4 ii •X I GV.. y.w r.y.v » • • • • . ■ i «.• •: • • • v. x x*: • « A • e J U % A v/ ft • • •. I • ft • ft • ft $ 4 • ft North Gate • 4 ft ft • • • 1.1 1 4 .ft • 4 ft 4ft 4 4 ft I • ft ft t ft 4 4 a 4. • f • • f » 4 ft • • / ft ft 4 ft • ft 4 • .41 * — • • \v .... • • ,V.\V<V • . ■ ■ • • • ■ * » •Crt V* . .•.v.v.yA* - • i »_•.« • «_Kj ... * . .VAV V.W ii ft ft 4 ri • • -* » . . • I - tVt St • • V I *. * « ■ » '.V A ! X ». I vX\vX*XvXf«' v.v.*»%;*A’‘Sy-V»«vo ^i§§ .y..v/A‘<A*X<Vj ^*iil 7rr» • sv.v * r*:* Bryan, Texas • HARDWARE • CHINAWARE Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Bryan, Texas • • r.v i Prompt Radio Service 'jf m i * vy v I < • CRYSTAL ft Call i t Sosolik’s Radio Service 712 S. Main St. • GIFTS ! • »•••«•• • • # 4 • # ft ft • • #••••••< • f • 4^ J A % * • Bryan Ph. 2-1941 > • • • - I VC \ » / ,4 V. • # . » I LAUNDROMAT a • • • » « i • . I * • r Battalion 11 CLASSIFIED ADS « HALF-HOUR LAUNDRY & CLEANERS e [A ( .* * isv.v.y ■ > » V i. « ,*.v • i • • • • u it* » >-» * i . 'A*'*. TV Authorized Dealer Hamilton (Home) Dryer One Block East of College View Apts. College Station, Texas THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1950 Page 4 ••.v.v.v.w.v 4 • C / Serving Texas Aggies << THE CHURCH FOR Alt ALL FOR THE CHURCH r • *,V,VV . • * SELL WITH A BATTALION CLASSIFIED AD. Rates ... 3c a word per Insertion with a 25c minimum. Space rate In Classified Section ... 60c per column inch. Send all classified with remit tance to the Student Activities Office. All ads should be turned In by 10:00 a.m. of the day before publication. Phone 4-8578, FURNISHED Apartment Meadowbiook addition, 200 Meadowlane. • < i ■ ■ »» m -4 » • • f*' Y I • # • • • •••_>• O’ .. i Ths Church i« ih# greatest fac tor on earth for the building of character and good citizenship. It is a storehouse of spiritual values. Without a strong Church, neither democracy nor civilization can j survive. There are four sound reasons why every person should attend services regularly and sup- I port the Church. They are: (1) I For his own sake. (2) For his chddren s sake. (3) For the sake ot his community and nation. (4) | For the sake of the Church itself, j, which needs his moral and lerial support. Plan to go to ym ' ■ %. Book i Ch Sunday.,,I j^hn Monday,.. I Chroniclas Tuesday. .Acta Wednesd'y Romani Thursday.IICorinthian* II Friday,., .Hebrew* Saturday,, Hebrews TWO - BEDROOM house; onelbedroom apartment. Call Theodore Holt, Ph. 2-8123. v.v-vv 4 i • 4 wA-'A-ys* , i lk r • • . >Xvvi* •W'.i . • \ e e r * * • •.* m ■ m s COLLEGE PARK, small unfurnished house newly decorated, large shady yard, de sirable neighborhood. Ph. 4-9964. .v. ■r • • * r • t • I s t JCy Cjr,cc * a ■ • 99 • • • ii ■ 4 m KM ;K SiP « * A JL. v.v/ ••N « , a • < V 5oOC I ■ r a OCX jooOC /AV • > V OCX X VAVA iBr I I & V ■ ■ 4 K ■ I » V > ■ .v.v.v. •ftft • FOR SALE O t • American Laundry e e * • i • e a • •Xv A A ■ • • ■ • E * 4 ‘ A&M Grill J0C - ■ . fi Ksa eefl ■ a * a 4 » ' v.vy.v tQOOOOOC . .•.v.v ■ •a 1 » TWO BLOCKS from Campus, furnished room for rent in private adult home. Garage. Ph. 4-9964. *V.V. YkjocjljljHI mmm . i «* ■ □ooooc XjOOOO • I MOT rr ■ » i • • • a ■ ■■ 4 ■ , aDDOljI $ axe & ,V i • «*» NS&wi s a ■ * • ■x-x-y-yv!*: ’ ■ Phone 4-4808 after 5. 1940—2-Door Ford. 52 e. i *v rxx • > VOTV •j a V t I tl e V.V.W • • • .■ • y Fx.y.x::::::::-: * ■ aW x : : : : : . vx:-: w ■ ■ North Gate FRIGIDAIRE, good condition, $45.00. A-14-X, College View, after 5:00 p.m. a • MISCELLANEOUS • x y and P » %4 >x \ ft FOR ESTIMATES ov. Duilding, general re pairs and concrete work, call D. R. Dale General Contractor, Ph. 4-8272. PERMA-STONE DISTRIBUTOR. ONE MONTGOMERY WARD Refrigerator, One Garland Gas Range, both four years old—in excellent condition. „ Phone 4-4808 or see at 217 E. Dexter. • • 4 t g v.v.v. v.v.v.y.y. v.v.v. Dry Gleaners s t, ■ ■ • 4 THE BEST SUNDAY DINNER IN COLLEGE STATION AFTER CHURCH X. :> . ma* XvXfiSrXf;: ,4 ■ A vv.'.v/.’.v.v.v.v.'.v.v.’v'ivri:* ► .V.’iVa* » V}*V i a 4 ANTIQUES VICTORIAN HOUSE Opening Saturday Official Notice . • V: V x mm apt.r V.rats 4 11-21 29 10-19 J 24-29 < 31-39 , 23-2* 11 32-40 12 1-3 M. ii *:• Bryan, Texas V i • A 5wy:x:v:x:v:v.:.: - a BS A change will be made in the regular class schedule on Wednesday, December 6th,, to equalize the absences which have occurred during the fall. Thursday class es, scheduled to meet from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., will meet Wednesday, December 6th, at their usual periods. All classes nor mally scheduled to meet on Wednesday, December 6th, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. will not meet on that date. C. Clement French Dean of the College t' i (With coffee and cakes) Highway 6 South, across from College. You are cordially in vited to attend. » A M A * a i yi Era v r i v.v.y.v. rv V Serving the College Station and Bryan Communities Since 1909 S’irst Slate Bank & Trust V. » a> ■ •j i • :• • • » • • • > • >: ii. % • • V J. G. Penney & Gompany Si: • • V < X 1 ft • » • > * * / .Smyk., StruftuTg.Vt Merle Norman Cosmetics Copyrifht l55d # Kei4tcr A » > cx wm Calendar of Church Services Jan^lar> , Graduallon Announpcmcnts must be ordered prior to December 9, in Student Activities Office, Room 209, Goodwin Hall. Grady Elms, Assistant Director, Student Activities. r Bryan, Texas AMERICAN LUTHERAN CHURCH 9:30 A.M—Bible Class 10:45 A.M.—Worship Service ST. THOMAS EPISCOPAL CHURCH 8:00 A.M.—Holy Communion 9:30 A.M.—Aggie Coffee Club 9:30 A.M.—Church School 11:00 A.M.—Morning Worship 6:30 P.M.—Evening Services 6:30 P.M.—Student League 7:30 P.M.—Fellowship Service A&M CHRISTIAN CSURCH 9:46 A.M.—Church School 11:00 A.M—Morning Worship A&M CHURCH OF CHRIST 9:45 A.M.—Bible Classes 10:45 A.M.—Morning Worship 6:15 P.M.—Youth Meeting A&M METHODIST CHURCH 9:30 A.M.—Sunday School 11:00 A.M.—Moming Worship S. MARY’S CHAPEL St. Mary’s, Sunday Mass, 8:30 and 10 a.m. Treatment as well as make-up. For information, call 4-4884. - Clothing for the Family u BRYAN TEXAS Candidates for degrees in January must file a formal application not later than December 1, in the Registrar’s Office. This applies to both undergraduate and graduate students. M • WANTED TO BUY • Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation * 4 FOUR TICKETS for Thanksgiving Game. Call 4-1149. H. L. Heaton, Registrar * 9 • FOR RENT • MARTIN’S PLACE ♦ NOTICE TO CANDIDATES FOR GRAD UATE DEGREES IN JANUARY, 1951 Graduate students planning to grad uate at the end of the current semester must submit formal application before December 1. Forms are available in the office of the Dean of the Graduate School. i ft < < NEW UNFURNISHED apartment, 2 bed rooms, living room, kitchen, dinette, bath, good location. Also new furnished apartment with real nice furniture, 2 bedroom, kitchen and dinette combined, bath. Call daytime, 3-6015; after 6 p.m., call 2-7859. BETHEL LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri Synod) A&M PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 9:45 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 6:30 P.M. - For a special evening of entertainment bring the family to Martin’s for a de licious Barbecue Dinner. Fresh barbe cue seven days a week. Special rate for picnics. - ' Bryan,, Texas Sunday School and Bible Classes Morning Worship Sendee 800 S. College Ave. 9:30 a.m. 10:45 a.m. Wednesday Vespers—7:30 p.m. Club—Wed. 8:30 p.m. The Rev. Wm. C. Petersen, pastor Phone 4-1145 V w Sunday School Morning Worship Sendee ^^QH^miHptudent League and Fel- ' lowship. COLLEGE STATION BAPTIST CHURCH 9:45 A.M.—Sunday School 10:50 A.M.—Morning Worship 6:15 P.M.—Training Union 7:15 P.M.—Evening Worship North Gate IJ (Signed) IDE P. TROTTER, Dean M Hardware BEAUTIFUL five-room brick unfurnished Two bedrooms and bath There are two scholarships of $250 each available through the American Guern sey Cattle Club to freshmen students who plan to major in Dairy Husbandry. Any freshman student interested in these schol arships should see me within the next two weeks. A. L. Darnell, Room 213, Agri cultural Building. ft ft Luther apartment, with plenty closet space. Large glassed- in front porch, living room, large kit chen with double sink and tile drain- board. Hardwood floors, Venetian blinds throughout. Carport. Conveniently lo cated to grocery market, and laundro mat. Furniture Gifts 9 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY 7:30 P.M.—Supper Group (3rd. 11:00 A.M.—Moming Worship Wed.) 3403 8. College Road 4 » > ♦ Call Sulphur Springs Road. 2*1419 or 3*2055, A. L. Darnell Profeasor—Dairy Huabandry ft