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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1950)
Regimental and Group Commanding Officers for 1950-51 David Haines Commander Artillery Regiment Wilman D. Barnes Commander Infantry Regiment Herbert G. Mills Commander Armor-Engineer Regiment Raymond J. Kunze Commander Composite Regiment Jack L. Raley Commander 1st Air Group Dare K. Keelan Commander 2nd Air Group Donald H. Sheffield Commander Seventh Regiment G. W. Mayben Commander Eighth Regiment Martin Exec. 8 'A. D. Martin, senior mechanical engineering major from Dallas, has been named corps commander for the 1950-51 school year. Martin, sergeant major of the corps last yfear, will hold the rank of colonel of the corps. t Executive officer of the corps will be Waymon C. Nutt, senior agricultural education major from Kertram. Nutt’s rank will be that of colonel. ’ Announcement of the appoint- ntaits was made by Lt. Col. Joe E. Davis, assistant commandant. The aimouncement was made in the form of the year’s first general order, published by order of Col. H. L. Boatner, commandant and PMS&T with the approval of the president of the college and the dpan of men. Corps* Staff * Named to the Corps Staff for the coming year are Lieut. Col- opels Frank L. Sheffield, adjutant; Carroll C. Taylor, intelligence offi cer; James E. Pianta, operations officer; John M. Oglesby, supply officer; Richard L. Goodwin, com- mander of the consolidated band; Dave Coslett, public information officer; Wallace B. Ball, communi cations officer; Royal F. Brown, corps information officer: and Cur-, tis Edwards, corps chaplain. ' Master Sergeants Jesse C. Flet cher, supply sergeant; Bob Chap man, communications sergeant: Charles R. Dunn, artillery regiment liaison; Harold T. Chandler, first Air Force group liaison; Eric W. Carlson, second Air Force group liaison; A. F. Madison, composite rpgiment liaison; Roy R. Streick- ert armor-engineer liaison; Voris R. Burch, consolidated band liai- sbn; and Kenneth M. Wiggins, cprps information sergeant. * Consolidated Band Hq. Major Robert W. Jack, executive officer; Captains, Hubert P. Davis, adjutant; Mike A. Adkisson, intel- Chosen Cadet Colonel; Other Colonels Named Drapes Being Placed in , Among the numerous jobs in furnishing the Memorial Student Center is the making and hanging of drapes for the building. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Felts of Houston have been assigned the task. ■ Robert D. Harrell, Shamrock Hotel decorator, blended wall col ors for the MSC, selected uphol- sjtery and drapery material, and -furniture. He asked Mrs. Felts to ipake and hang the curtains. J Mrs. Felts and her husband came to the campus three days ago and have since been sewing and hang ing drapes in the Center. Among the 33 rooms in their job are the ballroom, the main dining room, rAain lounge, assembly room, and ttie Serpentine Lounge. ’ Curtains for three rooms on the main floor have been completed. I Mrs. Felts said that materials for drapes are linen, knubby wov- eji fabrics, and “lame”. Cmdains for the long hall in the front of the building are to be Foam Glass oh traverse rods. • Drapes in staff offices are green. Other rooms completed feature height and printed materials. \ New York Companies are fur nishing the materials. Among them are Moss Rose Mills, J. H. Thorpe, Howard & Schaffer, F. Schu macher, and Goodall Fabrics. ligence officer; Major Henry G. Wickes, operations officer; Cap tain William S. Price, supply offi cer. Maroon Band Captain Joe E. Rutherford, com mander; Captain Robert H. Bu chanan, drum .major; James W. Rogers, first sergeant. White Band Captain Charles H. Neeley, com mander. Infantry Regiment Hq. Colonel Wilman D. Barnes, com mander; Lt. Col. Jack H. Hollo way, executive officer; Majors, Al bert J. Dennis, adjutant; Marion F. Thomas, supply officer; J. W. Dalston, sergeant major; Lewis E. Jobe, operations officer. First Battalion Hq. Lt. Col. Horace M. Sanders, commander; Major Paul C. Cof- i n, executive officer; Captain Le von Massengale, supply officer; Forest W. Snyder, sergeant major. A Infantry Captain Arthur W. Noll, com mander. i B Infantry •Captain Kenneth W. Schaake, commander. C Infantry Lieut. Jim B., Steen, executive; Bibb A. Underwood-, first sergeant. Second Battalion Hq. Lt. Col. Billy J. Brabham, com mander; Major Charles T. Easley, executive officer; Captain Jerry L. King, adjutant. D Infantry Captain Henry C. Atchison, com mander. E Infantry Lieut. Francis R. Wilhite, ath letic officer; Paul L. Shaffer, first sergeant. Artillery Regiment Hq. Colonel David G. Haines, com mander; Lt. Col. James A. Warm- ker, executive; Majors, Edward B. McAllister, intelligence officer; Robert S. Bradley, operations o - ficer; Joseph D. Hinton, supply officer; James G. Anderson, ser geant major; Lloyd W. Booth, sup ply sergeant; James H. Hughes, transportation sergeant.; Lynn W. Stallings, color sergeant. First Battalion Hq. tL. Charles R. Ruble, comman der; .Major A. Jackson Stansbury, executive; Captains, William J. Dunlap, adjutant; Joe L. Johnson, intelligence officer; Wallace Hoop er Jr., supply officer; John H. Wallace, sergeant major. A Field Artillery Captain Charles L. Sanders, commander; Lieut. Martin Rach- ofsky, executive. B Field Artillery Lieuts. Robert B. Johnson, Eu gene W. Types, platoon leaders. C Field Artillefy Captain Mark R. Corbitt, com mander. Second Battalion Hq. Lt. Col. Richard M. Elliott, com mander; Major Clyde E. Schultz, operations officer; Captain Ken neth S. Hartman, supply officer; Horace W. Van Cleave, sergeant ntajor. D Field Artillery Captain Morris W. Davis, com mander; Walter E. Fosberg, first sergeant. E Field Artillery .Captain James C. Lewis, com mander; John A. Schmidt, first sergeant. Coast Art. Battalion Hq. Lt. Col. James E. Higgins, com mander; Captain William T. Kauf man, adjutant; Major Fred L. Max well, Jr., operations officer; Charles H. Davis, sergeant major. A Coast Artillery Captain William R. Cornish, commander;. Lieut. Joseph C. White, executive; Clinton R. Hack ney, first sergeant. B Coast Artillery Captain Carl H. Hagen, com- Welcome Back Aggies For the best. . . HOME COOKED MEALS — Visit— A&M Grill Phone 4-9384 North Gate mander; J. M. Clifford, first ser geant. 1st Air Force Group Coldnel Jack L. Raley, comman der; Majors, Richard B. Kelly, ad jutant;'Francis A. Vickery, intel ligence officer; Gerald W. Hanson, supply offi'ere; Charlie F. Parr, sergeant major; Elden G. Clayton, supply sergeant; James T. Hilman, communications sergeant;. Hershel A. Sexton, color sergeant. First Squadron Hq. Lt. Col. Bert S. Bailey, com mander; Major Emory L. Meek, executive; Captains, George V. Charlton, adjutant; Charles E. Francis, intelligence officer; Major Forrest A. Garb, operations offi cer; Captain William D. Richard son, supply officer. A Air Force Captain Eugene B. Morrison,, commander; John T, Tapley, first sergeant. B Air Force Captain Henry G. Phillips, com mander; Hansel C. Kennedy, first sergeant. C Air Force Cajjtaih Robert G. Blanchard, cqimnandev; Stanley R. Lives'ay, first'sergeant. ■’ Second Squadron Hq. Major Richard R. Tumlinson, ex ecutive; Captain Norman Braslau, intelligence officer; Major Ray W. Long, operations; Captain Arnold F. Schmitz, supply officer. D Air Force Captain Clarence E. Jones, corn- bander; Donald R. Reeves, first sergeant. E Air Force ,i 'Lieut. James Cruz, executive. F Air Force Captain Walter C. Robertson, commander. 2nd Air Force Group Hq. Colonel Dare K. Keelan, com mander; Lt. Col. Stanley G. South- worth, executive; Majors, Joseph A. Bodine, adjutant; Milan' F. Thurman intelligence officer; Jo seph T. Lenamon, supply officer; John D. Hardwick, sergeant major; Donald C. Owen, supply sergeant; Jack E. Leonard, communications sergeant; Judge E. Sandusky, transportation sergeant. See AIR FORCE, Page 8) Military School Gets New Officers Replacements have arrived for seven officers who have completed their three-year tour of duty as part of A&M’s military personnel, according to Col. H. L. Boatner, commandant and PMS&T. Lt. Col. Leslie S. Moore, recent ly assigned as a student officer at the Chemical School of the Army Chemical Center in Mary land, replaces Major 0. A. Wiken as senior Chemical Corps instruct or. Graduated from A&M with an M. S. in agriculture in 1925, Col. Moore received a. B. S., in chemical en gineering , here in 1931. He has been in the service since 1925, and was overseas during World War II from May 15, 1944 to Dec. 30, 1945. Colonel and Mrs. Moore are liv ing at 722 Garden Acres. —o— Assigned to duty at A&M as senior Quartermaster instructor, Lt. Col. Edward F. Sauer replaces Lt. Col. W. P. Scholl, who has been reassigned to Japan. ' Colonel Sauer was commissioned a second lieutenant in 1922 upon graduation from Indiana Univer sity, where he received a, Bi S, in commerce and finance. He. was awarded a Bachelor of Laws de gree at the Jefferson Law School in Kentucky in 1928. In the European theater from May' 29, 1942 until Nov. 16, 19^; Colonel Sauer served the latter' part as commanding'officer of the 544th Quartermaster Battalion. He and Mrs. Sauer are living at 731 Meadowlane in Bryan. Replacing Lt. Col. F. R. Swoger as senior Ordnance instructor is Lt. Col. Cecil M. MacGregor, re cently assigned as a student of ficer at the Ordnance School in Aberdeen, Md. Entering the service as a second lieutenant in, 1931, Colonel Mac Gregor was, awarded a B. S. degree in mechanical engineering at Oregon State College the follow ing year. He served on Okinawa from April, 1947, until June 1949. Colonel and Mrs. MacGregor and their three children are resi dents of College Station. —o— Major Jordon J. Wilderman has been assigned as assistant instruct or of Artillery, replacing Major C. F. Ostner, who completed his tour of duty here last June. A West Point graduate of the Class of 1940, Major Wilderman served as a staff officer with sev- Welcome Aggies.. . WANT JEWELRY ? 0 WANT GIFTS ? We have a wide selection of — JEWELRY & GIFTS for every occasion SANKEY PARK JEWELERS 111 N. Main Bryan eral Field Artillery units in the European theater from December, 1944 to August, 1945. Prior to his A&M assignment, he was a student at the Armored School, Fort Knox, Ky. He served previously as an instructor of cadets at the Military Academy in West Point. Major and Mrs. Wilderman and their two. chydren are living at 503 'Gilchrist in College Station. Major William A. Burrus has been assigned as assistant instruct or in the Corps of Engineers. He replaces Major V., C. Williams, now in Japan. Major Burrus entered the service as a second lieutenant in May, 1934, upon graduation from Virginia Military Institute, where he was awarded a B. S. in civil engineering. He served overseas in the Mar- ianas-Bonins command from Feb ruary 1949 until July 1950. He and Mrs. Burrus and their two children live at 408 South Sterling in Bryan. Returning from a three year tour of duty in Germany, Major. Stan hope S. King will serve as assist ant instructor in the Quartermaster Corps-: He served with the 691st Quartermaster Battalion in France and Germany and oh Okinawa dur ing .World War II. Major and Mrs. King are living at 1800 ■ Echcols''Street in Bryan.- Major Robert W. Carpenter, 1942 graduate of the Military Aca demy at West Point, and an A&M student from 1934-37, will probab ly be assigned to the freshman instruction team. Serving, overseas from September 1944 till October 1947, with the 117th Regimental. Combat Team, the Eleventh Corps, and the Eighth Army Headquar ters, he participated in the New Guinea, South Philippines, Luzon and Leyte campaigns. Major and Mrs. Carpenter and their daughter Katherine reside at 512 Brooks Avenue in College Sta tion. —0— Replacements for two officers- have not been announced. Those THE Page 2 B A T TALIGN THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1950 leaving are Captain George M. i signed to Korea. Staples, transferred to an Air rp wo non - CO mmissioned officers Force base at Tucson, Am., amU, transferred al- Major L. E. Garrett, associate pro- have alb0 Deen ^sicrrea, ai lessor of infantry, has been as-1 though replacements have not been WELCOME TO AGGIELAND Stop by Floyd’s Radio Shop for the Following FREE SERVICE ★ Tubes Tested A Radios Checked ★ Tube Installation A Pick Up & Delivery FLOYD’S RADIO SHOP 2 Doors East of College Station State Bank Music! Music! Music! FOR THE BEST IN MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS SEE PETERS MUSIC CO- RECONDITIONED PRACTICE PIANOS Prices & terms to suit your pocketbook. NEW PIANOS Estey — Gulbransen — Cable Sohmer —- Krakaver BAND INSTRUMENTS New & Used — Rent or Buy Opposite Bryan Post Office Welcome Aggies... Before You Buy ... Come in and See Us For BACK TO SCHOOL BARGAINS A SCHOOL SUPPLIES A SUNDRIES A DRUGS A FOUNTAIN SERVICE AGGIELAND PHARMACY Keep Right at North Gate ... You Can’t Go Wrong North Gate Our Flowers Say It For You WE DELIVER IN COLLEGE STATION AND BRYAN FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS FLOWERS ... by Wire AGGIELAND FLOWER SHOP LOCATED NEXT TO CAMPUS THEATER PHONE 4-1212 Member of Florist Telegraph Delivery Association