Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1950)
u j | I Coffee Honors Visiting Wives Sixty-four wive* of the County Extenwofi Afent* at- tending the tn&ttni agent r conferemw and the 4-H Club Round Up were (uenta at an informal mumtnf roff*^ givrif la the home of Mr* G. G. (lihm* raoodajr moraine Mr* Gihaoa frwrU-.l the niMit* af the foor Mr*. Fr*d C. EUJoO aad Mr*. R E. Burieoon. retir irtf prMMlont, and now proaifon of the clot *l*o atoiatod Mr* Giboon ia rreotinf tho ffve<iU W For w w ■ pi Swj*wninf (lifh lafomwHala) Pee Wee H*ndwr»ft 10 aw a m- Jr Handle rift 11 00 a m Swimminff i Adeaneod) S <10 p m Swimmirtf Reerewtiiw S 00 p. tn Swinmunc Revroation Program 4#0 t p rr »^* ‘'W mm f a RaeiaoUua 5 P p. m ► Svianaanf KorreaUon IP p m it. laftpll • wt p n. it. and Hr Softball • so p. m. Ir and Sir Softball 7 P p ». APH Handrraft The hoot***** of the aortal wore Mr* fork Sloan, Mr* M C. Halaoa, Mr* Wallare K m brouph Mr*. J W. PotU, Mr* R. E Burleaon, Mr*. M. K Thom ton, Mr*. W C Bank*, Mm Fioptl Lynrk, Mr* A. M Meekma Mm i. F VanRooenburv, Mr* K % ' B**nbio««oin, Mm W. J Mixim aod Mm J A Deer Tho refreahment table wo* at-, ♦ended alternately by Mr* RE, Burleson. Mm F E. Lirhte Mm.' Fred C Elliott and Mm E L Weddmptoti The refreshment table *»•* attrartieely adompd with fladiolia F«*r Nowday * on a. m Fee Wee Softball Supervised Play Period ifolefe Billa) 0 0f> a. m Swimmiaff (Noewe Befrinner*) Tumbling 10 00 a. m. 5w irnminf itxiw Beginner*- Group B) Tumbling ? 00 p. m, Ihvinir, Plan ^ and ¥\M Sunday■. . The ASM MethodiM thurrh m nim|<etmg a two*w«tkH vacation Bibir at hod Friday with a Pcord rnrdiment of 90 atutiernta reached thp WPk. Forty people helped make tho one of the moot aurveaeful e-hpob tho rbumli ha* ever had Mr* J f. Mpfueii, direr the erhooi The theme of the school Wo* "My rhaWh,*’ with meet ni the hahdrraft protect* bemf made for the equipment of tile Churches Change Regular Schedules B> JOEL UMTlV 6 with Vocation Bible School i iassea open fur inspection by ^arent^ ami frw-a«l*. the Mrvorend K Jackson announced Uxlay After the prinf the congre gation will begirt the evening »er- vice* at 7 ;u» with a < athedral I f n for the equipment of the hew ommandant s Son rh 2r* .ed ePctKm.i bu.uiig With the aunimof and ti^ t<mpniart P**i-h e in student* awl rveiJeMaj in t^l- lefe Htapm, many *.f t|e rhurch- pol* e* are changtiig tpi* reg ilar(§ pki j schedule, to fanUMUMurvtfe* for nim entitled. “Man bf FM • of those that are hofoJ ~a Man * Ancient E Bt tndrew . Kptwwpgi < burck R"* Jackaow’s fati Swart* Faith 8X ins Far Kasl Trip on the chorrh hwn Sunda] b m Mr* bp 1R until September to the Reverend ' facer raMor of thg The • a*let James Boatnor. f eimandant and Mr* B at son of ■ L ktnor, baa been selected along With 0 ud hie West Point rlaa* ♦nates to make an eduction.l i sier ^ ,l f rr • 'WPkor of thy dhpreh at I b m, Mr. MoamM ""*** •^JN l ** ld onnouwed Each family .* to runjuncUon with (forth school bring a «C pa rate picnic lunch for ; •* • ni WH^ r their own need, including dnfckt ; • nfH cu , w#d tbe efon i Sbturdey they fan visit the diffeiwnt dr K *NO*rm Eu.han*t 0*1 lie rele- aartmei.u and aer the work done ktaUd at V a m <00dpt during by the children at this time .he August Regular <»qrg| hour* will will Day the morwfng hour [ in at 10 M instead indav School cloa*- at Vwb rather than the of 10 *. m., he adfoi. Oristiaa Science Society “la the l niverwe. Including 1 Man. itolved hy Atomic Force?" ia the aubjirt of the leaaon-aer- s inon which will be read in the OthH ChaflB (bafhi ia corroarth directing tbe summer recreation program for tbe < ollegie StatMM Recreo tioa < eoncil Ootaiie bia regn lar dotteo of reaching al and teaching at < saaobdalod Srhaet. he is also inatrnctiag noftkall sad tenaM for tbe aommer pro gram. . • » { • 1^'1 Troup 15 Girl Scouts Receive Award Radges in Troop 15 rw- badfca for tbM hm morning »t in tl UMmrd fo F Ubh m t and Girt troll to c«»vgd their yttr'a work thm morning 11 p. 0. in the home of lira. W&lker at U5 Lee F B dark gave a demon- on obedient* and train- •be Kandod tho obod- training badge* to tbe L % nted tbe He trip this summer tn Arthur's Far Eastern (ion Mar- < ommand Battalion CLASSIFIED ADS Page 4 FRIDAY. JUNE «. 1960 OtlX WITH A hATTAl lON < I.ASSIPIlW At) Rats* Jr • vur* per iamcmss oils s Mr auaionas apa<e rat* IS OssairM Sarthue aOr per <'<>luHt* tnch Send ah ciMMirieU* wuh rerun- tss e Is IBS WuAesf Ar4W*ws OffWs AM aS* WhioM ke lume* « b* leu* • » uf Ih* Sb> be fee* suBOrsllus e n>B MALM e M*KT o It tab rnplITT ir •Me ut |7Vi *1 Drive prefer, for I***- Oei. gMi 212 * MuMvertl* BAOT CARltl At)K 112 So *«>i • » ».-* bike HiA* MirfuroU Csr Kevtuv II* min r*o »i JAb Call « *71.1 BVe»:K ''OUMWAl ber*»u> IS4S Che* rulet 4 *«u> Merk «e<Un i* **iellei* runCitHia nnir «ni leevum »re* ■ muet *ell Call fro** * * m 6 b m,. • ri*m Ur Okllery rt’OPT tt HO Mother ■ pur* bre* .•<*.>« Ukrti.A Ter rail . *<« l»>ier*«e» Cotlr** Perk a W ANTED TO HI Y o 2 BEI. M)M epertlOeol • *rlv kte Mia. eieeinr rWnaerktW IsmAe Tee Mwke fmo> Hen. il Me. -Avllkbte June I. Ct^Hve 4-4t#4 f [ TWO C«F(»«i»tTAai.r heOrmen* be*y •«r«i~.» (itedoet* eliMl«eU or prwf-e e>e* prelerr^ l%<<ine 4 kT?4 1 HKI*a<Mihl ACAinlMlWl t bl<» •• fr.** SoKli Ileie uff jCkluip Ue n ('alt : « •«<•), * 411 er l .htmm V*:eT Wt('M rW irtear IW*. mnM fv*r- j *.•1. -4 (*. tn merit ml to4.11’ Sul* Jumt i.ff v f tn i eiSpua l.arae 1*4 re- ] fn*er»i.e *1-'> 401 Mervlrikir PIok^ 1 4 4«U or * 0314 The trip, a port of the edura f i»onal pnqrram of the United Slate* Military Academy will take the group to Guam, fopan. Okinawa, and the Philippine* The Woat Piunter* will sea ! first hand, the social, aroaomic land podtumJ problems faring the j people* and government of these * lands Parti* ular attention will i be paid to the pmbWms encoun* ; trred hy the Army, Navy, and Air Fore* in the Far East imlud- |ng occupation forces an*I mHi- i tary government In Japan and Okioawa The men of thm group were *e At 7 td a religiuli# till will be Rhown as part of the evening service. TV Sdnday afternoon pirmc had ortgihally been plantied for Tueada) night, but because of a conflict it will be on Sudday afternoon, the director *0id Mr*. J. (ronton (tay dincteil the Kindergarten «las* for the school, while Mr* R F <lsii wa in charge of the primary grtrup Mr* R T. Iwighton, aad Mr* John G Mr Sadly were in charge of the jtniorn, and Mr* J, F Mogf'>H lirecUil the intermediate rla** Bill Mogfond, lodustnal Erlucstiofi ma>ir at A AM, nm in charge of the Weed working |irv jsfete for the *chix>l be diaroaitinued w fall ape* isl appointmerg ndlh Rector ran be madr i>t the Sac r» merit of Penance * i ><! AI>*oul- tion. he added First Baptikt (hurrb The Reverend R> E Brown, pastor of the FirstItRpqst i hurvh of f ollege Station, Mnbouncud a special rather’* dgy *0rmon for hi* church Sunday Sts day School l>egin* at V 45 a m with mortnng Worship getting if”ter way lb 45, Rev Blown k.«d ilM Methodi«i < burrh A family picnic «i|l Ip the fea tore attracUon at th*» NAM Meth odist rhurch Sunfo^ dvening at (Jlurrh of ( hnst Scumtut Sunday fn YMCA Assembly Room. Mr* Pauline Price annou«kr*<l * >ui Male! U»e IA M Preeht lenao < horcb The Reverend Norman Amler son will commence regular w®r ship service* at the ARM Pres byterian Church at 11 a m Sun day morning Sunday School class- ef start at S 45 a m Si. Man « ( bapel Only one ma.«« i* *che<biled for B " the St Mary’s ( hapel in College Station for Sunday mormng ac cording to the Reverend T J Valent. The mas* will be held at H a m rather than the two held at M R) and 10 a m during the long .semester* Birdwrll to Vinit fo ith PtrpntM Hpre Knugn and Mrs CaH Birdwell, Jr are expected to arrive at Col lege Station sometime this week end for a 10 day visit with its l>arents, Mr and Mra Carl Bird well. Birdwell has been stationesi in Coroqado (aliforma, where he ia a member of the Naval Air Cerp* Gibka areae I badge* aa foalth and service wise talked to tbe girls about health, safety first, and service Money. caber ted by the giala for the Girl SeOgt CMnrU w*a presented to Mr* Ftwd C. tltiett, (>resident of the Rnroii College Girl Seoul Council. The money will go toward owtdbliahlng a negro girl scout group Girls receiving award* were; Eleanor Price, president of the troop, Jean Adama, Ire*- Adcock, Anna Beaty, irtsy Barrhard, Pat ricia Burk*. Polly Carney Saadra Couch. Manly. Floack Other* were Matrhe Frank, Maram Coddia. Edith Jonea, Car- oiya Landia*. Penny loverly, I.mda Potts, Jean Paddy, Eugenia Rurh. Jane Danteia, Carole Wil- liams, and Helen Reas aSL^TSSTottS; rs?, <™*- o« t*r.*iu,-u«m b’gh -Urxbtig III social »< lerve* ' The ewiets are c spec ted to con- IfilrUte to their < laasmates know Mdae, after their return, through lOaderwhip of dteruaiuon in social •rience and military history cour se* nest year In Japan on Im reasc* Tokyo -* | A* V - Japan ia expected te prvsdude at W-ast 2.0MliMW bar rels at i fu«le ml in the |2 namth fiscal period ending next March 5U This compare* with 2.5h|(Mdi horrelx l«-t year. CULPEPPER INSURANCE AGENCY Fire — Automobile - CoauaHy — Liio Mortgaqo loan* 141 Walton Diiee PI*- 4-12M MAJOR’S CAFE •• H F N R V R R C L « H F H far Your ( owyrwieeww 217 North Mam Bryan Miws ru run istiisstic* «e kuuema. «»*»»**i *• pairs sM ’oM-cst# »•**, r«H D a r>sw liwtsrsl 1 oalswien Pnune 4 42T3 m * v i that Tiirel* *i4 •r dik 24 a«>T a aii-Ti'i.r W SIX’ ijsll 4 114* Mr* itlwtiiS* ll« StilpOer I ('*< .NS t '»* llrif>k« Ki>«4 e HEI J* W ANTED # |9(Pr.lU«N< ».J> i>.«i*ks«.p»r and rwspll.s* l^vrlksr csrryint 1ft. 4iur| rsn< p«4 tsi permai.n,. p*MH»si %% 4»v Berretcry Mr* lewis 14*4 A*. (‘.Ulete nn.i.« ^r ..i,W»<r»t MaOetii 4 t. Si4s I4*r I tV'en «m list M .*4«|Mft.>.r 4 4t*l |. Mustt lUli • LBGAL • oeisiv «*i » vh ns an oaniNserg nnut'inimi erniit rnsTioN r*iH wiiji itin.i * n t< TSKINC OKUIKA "K AHBrk KITTIONh n»* (H'T *>F atATK <»e..iu« A n t' rtat H ATtoN i-aijiCRibiN*. urtd Op or RKOHfTKATHiN AND PK<> vjr>INO V PKNAITV ■1 fr uRDAiNKb av rug oity cvm'R CII. or THK ' ITT or I'ta.I K'll *T 1 TltlN Tl.* A S l Nu p«fcei aowaa l>» A** r«*lsl»r«l I*r Ibkl sAkll s«4H-it or i»ks 4n urtfsr ut •uOscrlpI iu*i etO.o Ihs i'l|* fur mi meeksmll** |#u.i«a»sp*.< new* pAgsrs ma«*«.n«s of .iSIwr Mnns »r sSrvlre* si live new suck seMl • ■Hum m muds or •wt' krTor >f mb scrip.HSI M tskee »r» kartise 4s snotASr Mats or will Im p*<e»cm k> »»ooer Mats smI •k.piwct « ,s risrunw* s«ii is(«. ows cur <• in* minnmmt of s.»rs urew u# waaiHU* r i tat Msgi f fur akevr porese* snail ro# MSI of tie follow n>i <a nilM* <aii a form prr.»'4~f kf **» cur aacrasary atvin* ow MlaarfOg tafonnaUm 1 Nsne hums a.IUfuss *n.l I'Sfa l a*i Iroos If any of rsfislrsnl 2 Ns ms sad k«Mrs«s of oe psrw* firm or r.ets.rsnos If sny t*a< >M or s»u rsprssswls or fur O'.** or 0*ou»ft »hoB> ordors srs is h* sutirttsd or lie*ski 1 Nsl.irs of 'Us artS-ls* m ’ 1 Ss* wl.ict srs Is hs s«4d .W for wf.lrl. ordsrs srs I a bs kotuitsd 4 W hofhsr rsfistrsni. u»o»s *i>y »*ls or .jr4or ihS’ 1 domsnd or rocaivs or s.'rsp. poymssl at dspiwii of ■xmsr in s4. oft. • of final 0s|* •tt 5 fAsrtud <d tlms when rsgtsirkn) ssports lo mtu-H ut soil m skid OMy (Oi rv.m •f inf satlofortary writton or eoruinoniory svmIsmw of tn# rsgts tract s utsutity I ABJ Senu-a nutai m* thW .,rd non.» Mtall (ttHty of s mtndsWsae... kitd | try a ftosi of ger ■SOTS thou <«• hueamri |1«. ml. 40M4r« ima o>e or* ■M0M0PMMMMI nad.HAMN. nlsolt bo pucMOad MS ms Oian tse |i« J* Ih4s 12th day of Jons a r> Kmoot Ijanaf.od Moyor HITTNY KOHM DKF ss SHOP KAMI GATE (tMXU.K If it’t ceul rt.UtNi you want •‘Forgot me pot" Pbwne 4 I Ml Dr Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST 203 8. Mam .Street Call MM2 for AppoThiment ISED C4KS I'.ft'i NASH p^l.H.r dHOfl"—R*- di'i, heat. r{ rdnvi , at>at. c.v. rt. ; . *l7»r..Pd 1H4H HI DSoN 4 d.a.r 1.» w mibqge ( j $ l AO.'.tte -. 1 j l!i4f NASH "«(*•'■-ikadio. Hent er II MEW I!f4: CsHEVKkivET 4d.H.r Hectlinc i HlkS.Pd —i ... b - im: HI’K'K aefonrftw — Raili.. heater, plaaMc aept- c.fver* j f I Mi te 104' NASH AmbaOaadtvr —j 4 d<M>rr Radio, hewfor over drive j IIP*! P« j f • ~ l**4h NASH AnibaMad..r 4 tkor Radio, hegter R over- dnvv , j ITfi N 1P42 FIT HFBtKKR • hampi.m dp-r Had to. heaUr and - t vehlnve , IMS.Pd Ii*41 BCICk Special 4 door —« *- radio, heater, plgatw ,aeat- rtivfra M0.M lorte MFRci l<> flub < t wii**, heatef j ftei OP I l?W» CMEV Hnl.Elr 2 tbrnr — new tire*, rpna ypr- fect , f3S| 0# 19.17 FORD “85” 4-foor — Ha dm. heater, pgw pgiitt job v I tx>* M 1 — HI NTING R FISHING CAR SIT* UIJ S2'.M aad ap CASH MR IKK MS —Your N.tnh Dealer MIT LEE & CO 29th P n*mth Main St B S Y 4 9f i IL X -S—— We pay the hiqhet-l prices tor Used B^oks We maintain who esale and retail list-, th** year round. GET OUR PRICES BEFORE SEUING THE EXCHANGE STORE Servinq Texas Aqgitf imm mm, , j- /*- BANKING sSERVICE COLLEGE STATION’vS OWN Cullrgf Station Stair Ranlv North Gate Centra] Texas HarHwarr Co. Bryan. Ti-xon • HARDWARE • CHINA WARE • CRYSTAL • (lUTF Thf r,M'lian»f‘ Store “Serving Texas Aggiew” With Two .Stores Main ('dm|>ud A & M Annex Ameriean Luimlrv and Student Pulilieations Texaai AR M ( (dirge City National Bank Member Federal Depuatt Insurance Onrporatior Bryan, Tpxm Dry ( leaners Bryan, Trxa* Flerving the College Stition and Bryan Communities Since 1909 First Stale Bank & Trust Co. BRYAN TEXAS I amber Federal Dofwait iMuraare Oorymrattaa llenrv A. Miller & Co. Th« dd wagon whppl m th« pictura. leaning ugalnai the sid* wall of the log shop, is iast be- oomiyig a robe of a departed mti Tim# was when the bl< iftklfuth and wheelwright did 3 thninng business and tild rumble of enrts and wokgt>r.s Was a familiar so.rd in every community. Some of #ie'ie r>kf vehicles duftive on the farms, but tliey are |a*l disappearing TVie tfuck trailer and tr*c*W today are doing the lurm wodk and hauling the farmer * produce to maiket These ha TP ushered In a new era in trans- portgtior, Tfie flonditiona of humcfi lie are thus constantly changing under tbe imp#u4( of mans inventive jenbia A je follows age Ri gnpid succession and chiitge is the ^rder of the wofb The only endunng Uunfs are tfie thing* of tfi# |*md and spirit Love and hope and faith are eteikvjl The Church minister* |o tie spiritual needs of man ft Meks to impart the pffcvnples of nght bring end ‘each men to love and hpnor God Tnese are the changeless and eternal (Kings tn a world of cooMart dwmje and they c*p as necessary today tar wholeeome Lrtng as m eggs past Is AUNDR0MAT HALF HOIK LAI NDKY it C LKANKRN Authormed Dealer Hamilton (Home) Dryer One Block Kant of Colkge View Apia. Collefe Ststkin, Texan A & M Grill North Gate THK BEST SUNDAY DINNER IN COIJJCCE STATION AFTER CHURCH S * J. (1 Prnnrv & Conpanv (lalemlar of (.'hurrh ServiceH CHI^ H ScIphI W rah p AIM ( HKISTIAN » 4i AM (fburrh 11 1)# AM- Morning A A M < HI KCH OF (WllST 9 41 A M —Bible < 'laa*fl - l(i:4$ A M —Mernmg MfoqRup 7:I| AM — Youth nweliiqf A A M MITMODINT (HI KOI (OU.F(.K STATION BAFT1ST b 45 A M Senfoy Scboul 10:54 A M -Momfo* W.<r»hip 7 aa p.a.- Trafoiag t aion S :P4 p.W.— E»ef#ag Harabip ST. THOMAS EntCOPAL CHAFFI* North Cat* Hardware Phone 4-1145 Furniture (iittM DM 4 M 10 0# A M tl n$ A M 7:0 ru Cait.-t I of ft- I Sunda) S.J Murning tf»0hi ■>0|D| Kvemng ( HKINTI %N aOHENCB f#CTFTY • 0 AM Aenday M*** 10 0 A M .Sunday Mtaa W. MARVM CHAPFI. ) 5:0 P M Supper 11 0 A M - Meming » on a M » .w A M 9 <0 A M ii i» a.M 4 .14 I’M r. M I* M.- 7:0 FM -Holy rommunioti AggW <’<»ffef ('tub Chufth SebniW M-.mlng WiWahip Evening Service* Student League hip Service FeltoWahip AM pane AN l.l THI'.RAN ( HI RCH »K> A M 10 45 AM Bible riaaa WorObip Service A A M PKUMBlTFKIAN ( III R( M » 45 A M 11 (W AM Sunfoy Sc brail Morning Worship Bryan, Trxae nothing for tbe Family MARTIN’S PUCE For a apodal evening of entertainment bring the family to kiartiiTa for a de Ucloaa Barbecue Dinner Fremh barbe me aeven days a weak Special rate for p0u0a yi