Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1950)
t r 1 Girls In State College Student* Home for Summer CS Co-Eds Enrollment ■rm ann roma from roilefpe to o>lof* Wtmt hoppeni to tK* ( ..tUffe Uon «tudeoU who ore mmm- from for tk* Aaa SovtlMtni Dorotlit IUt*^ (rirrs Staters \V ill I^eave Tomorrow Repreariit nf ( SUUoa at the annual 'iiri'a State fathering a y Ha m C in Anitia thta week will V Ik>m. Bate* daughter of Mr. and H Bate* and Ann South ern whoa* parent* are Mr. and Mra J. H ihaithem Both girla were aelerted aa nutatandirtf junior firia hi i4>naolidnted High Sehool and deemed worth/|tf the honor by member* «jf the high •rhool fae- ulty in a apreial vote taken iaat month. Sponaonng the girt* trip to the meeting will be the ( ampa* Study Chib and the College Station Kt- warn* Club The meeting 1a *pon awred by the American Leften Women Auxiloiry yearly, a* the local girl* were aci-epted through Miration* from thia orgamiw s Thi* mark* the firat time that any girl from College Station ha* attended the meeting which i» held at the Teia* State Schofd for the H . a Auotm rnUning for ntitenahtp’* i* the of the meet, and Wpportum tie* for matniction and eipenencu along theae line* will be made pnw •ible when the girl* organise into two political group* for the elwr* tion of city, rdunty, and *tate of* final* Tney will hr allowed to hold hnnonyy p«witio«i for one day a* they we hoe the vinous depart ment* and office* of eur *tate gov eminent *A* run. Coventor Allen Khtveni will apeak to the group along with aev- •tal other distinguiahed leader* IB I the Capitol at A net in Selection of the two girla wna m«d« according to lead* r*hip, char* ' acter^ ( ourage. bonestf, wholar ahiu. and ere»peiativenews Their WtMingro a* to be of gen ice Ui their community and whool wa» alao a ma;«t factor in the wn-c , tom Karbar* Courtney daughter of Hr and M'* L H Courtnet, wil b« th»- repivaentative from Bryan She i* Rponnored by the Vkomeae Aunliary Poet Mo, 1'iP The meeting will la*t from June ^ r 14 Jtl imlunive. , It Heturning from SMI' Teen* nitrerwtty. North Traa* Suu Col yw, HaHiic Stiltmon*. Baylor Cm WrdKjr, TBCW, aad Baylor Modi •nJ Be bear! are a great many rollwge atudrnu Whose permanent ra*i denge* are in Coltofe Mat ton The las* of those ether whool t i* AA M * gain, bernuee moet of the returning undent* plan to con tmdb going to *chuoi here during the wuMMf. Becaua* the nmlorlty art girla. AAM * gain ate am ere* greater anlna yon art rampMel* agaiaai a ro-td 4AM even for three The following information ha* been obtained through interview* with thee# returning * tin lent*, moet of whom are *oa* or (laugh Chamber Men Invited to Meet of people eon seated with A AM tW mowtb V eontaa wpe taptei intormktion tatghi prote |n fnr the Army football team la tiag and valuable to t b e j pear and graduated Boat Mo TW wiN I r. Jull I. at MapBat Cban UT* Of The tereattag aP 4 valuable to tk*| Jjtut render who i» enrolled in e eoufet 1 Kesnt undei on* *f the prufeMoit cew- Carried Sntnrday rtmed j |L • in tbt Kiret The laforaiation about th# to tiir wf Brvaa Sji.‘*!5Sgi l ST ^ •• » ( SSif 5 -r., 5: ilU.-tt WS t and history at A*M th.* _ ^ ^ w >- Kn4r ' wdll enter Wi the fall . dkdwhter of Brofeanoi C. H Co^Mf. head of the tieneUc* Dtpartmett. > a rtu- dant of Southweatern College She t* taking psychology gad Rngli*h playing toft L E Wi* eminent and hiUory at AAl »uminer S|e l* the (laughter of ync llepartment; r», Rusty of Conch Shirley Lyngh. h*ad of the tMoid|Ky I 2T,w»,' Ilenartmentl "Sr ,<>r moan SI •tpnuasaM r Anna Jean (.odbey l.ail ( r^rlord. danghter of ( . W. < rawfard. m ham* from Hal* lor I ni«emit) to lake iheaHUfy at AAM th'* maimer Mr. Crag* ford head* the Mtrhenwsl Ka ft seer in* lie Official* of the Coll«fe Sta ll, .ri Chamber of C^mmercr and hevelougnent Committee and of the Bryan Chamber of Commerce have been invited to the Diathct 6 meeting of the Kaet Teas* Chamber of Com dierce to be held at Angiwtoa June tl. The meetiug will take place at the Angleton Community House FVeeident of the Collegfe Station organitation, H E. Hurg**a* is chairman of the East Teas* Cham her’e Community develooment r*m mittee and ig among those to be nr.•wet from College Station and Brvan fHberw to be fireaent from Col lege Station are Marion F*urh. aec I eetgrv of the College Station Chamber Col H 1. Boat net mem if the East Tea** education part aient Ward TlfhUr. son af Car| Tiph- ler. who is head of the Phyag-al Education department, i* varatipa- mg in We*| Virginia this *emntrr He i* aa AgM bu*iue«* major Joyce Pktrannella, daughter . of Mr* laike Eatranntlia lam* h«»ne : fnon TS< fl to go to 4AM tfu* cummer Sl|e i* taking government and health education Van Adigiiaoii i* continuing hi* work in AAM thi* eummtr Van i* the son of Art Adamwrn. the •wimming foarh at AAM Nr ig * ■wtmnwr ip hi* own right and i* learning U» cfieak Spani«h a* wsell I’stay Biginen. daughter of C. A B. mnea of the Agriculture homw mic* Department and nater of Jerry Bongen of the A AM trick team m hdme from TS( W to at tend AAM where <h» i* takwig kt* lory Bill Half, non of Fred Hale of the Animal Husbandry department ha* moved home from Haft Iwll. hi* (olttge resnlenct Hill Will pro bahly awiit for « ( allege Station team thi* summer Vlaia Jtan Vauar, daughter of Harold Vgare will hr married te Aggltt* VA illism F. V roman at AAM this aummer Norman Andermm Jr, *»»n of ttb- Reverend N'ormpn Andemon c*ne home frvjm Texas Itniveraity ta attend AAM thi* Minimrr Mary and Marge faAer alao attend th# Univereity tf Tex a* during the long They are betb enrolled in AAM for the mg «t|inmer Dr (Iradv Etrlier. fath the ef of M»ry and Mangt, I* a pro- | f«*i*or in the Edueathm [h-pait- nttnt at AA M John Ed Parnell. *an of Ed Par adU, i* going U> AAM from 7 u'tlock to 1 o’clock and twimmmg *11 afternoon thi* xiiraiier Jean Biaik I’piveniity of Texa* Siphomore i* home fa* the *um mer She it planning several inn dunug the vacation rao«th* She m the daughter of G, A Black ogner of Black * Pherwia< y William Rlumberg of Teia* i'uiveaaity i* at the HaiMi*t College Encampment in Ridge treat. Va Henry Ertflebrwcht, a recent AAM graduate, ia worithg m Stovenville this lummer Joyce EagiebrerUt w ka baa beau geiag to arbawl ia Aaatia. baa remained ia Aaatia (bia •ammer to work Holland Winder AAM etudent I* going ta AAM this *umue-r and softball . Jr, son of L E. Winder and Holland WVmier’* brother is also going to school and mtchiag saftball Jimmy (aahion, who piayed foot ball for AAM for four year*, graduated this June and ig piay- •ng •uftball thi* summer Lii Klipple. a Univereity of Tt« •» «tudcnt. i* staying in Auatm to work for the summer Graham Horsley it expected home from Denver on Sunday Graham attend* the Uatverpity of < olnrado in lienver He will begin work on the campus when he turn* Shirley Hampton it attending AAM «urmiier itchuoi after *tudy nl TM'W thi* year Khe i* daughter of H E Harapton Jnae Hughew is also home from TH< H and i* working I hi* sum mer llolik-l)i\in Vows Rattali on CLASSIFIED ADS ?**«■ 4 TTKSDAY JI NK 13. 1950 -i— ali wnn (iMirtM me* am* *a <1 «*a..« I* Om mt0t aa *4* wwaia a* am ag ia* am a* for • citiaenahtp committee ■ember* of the Bryan organist t’’ I • I 41 I «to~iv t^,. k.hv Nilrmmml >tinda\ weretarv manager H nd R F . D .WwBnflcr, preaident of the Bryan * 'V dm her <if Commerce FVetiiline at the meeting will hr- V'c# peeauient F A Cruft of Hmi* ton. T.» give the talk dealing with thi* year’* prorr-tm will h. Ban! Caipnngton, nreaident of the Kant T.-wna organisation with a aaTTaMOM '»*i IUim Sr * eue* *»r I § IV mhmimum MpAr#‘ •ifv«dl MvitWti «M W rwsli.mft a W ANTHi TO HI Y • rtaa* woh rw»n i n| ai * awytret-k ( sit «-w* ur« it«*a aai.MMMi utrie* mm* * a* ia c- roB KALB last (TBMM gM aooortlt »TS ue *•* H uri m •( R><*b>a*M I (tWarr PM AIX KUtrITT >• at n»»w*t I (ml rowai iv-m ('»»(. SW-dw ve.meno *44 IN> 4KI Un .-(Mil Mr- *r UrUMflHU MAC'UtltK le gnM '•no* .(Mr Jiao rrauili w*«Hnr SJA 8 H H taa t aa »u'm* >«■•»*** wmi <w—r ■ am • n»a*r p( «M lent* si KM aut'in * (MefSh Tor *»«• MM-* W t'W •« t* nr A*- Uaaaertra Drtra NOT ICK ta hereby given that application era* made on the 2nd day of June, Jtkgky the Western In ion Tele wpMpIl Company t«> the Federal OaaaPMMtttatioM Commission ta rtOwe the teb-gt sph affbv !.* ated at tie AAM Annex. Bryan Feld. College Statom. To* a* If the application i* >v J airvcui t an «-um e Kt >■ ttKNT • KHOMT NMUHiM Im 4a) • i*l* l^l M<4< «’ 4 aterr' <’.4l*a» *1* I « I'lHHM 4 *|TT n>: i >ki a) ■ Wwr 41\ i 'or^Mr b<-r* ’-•••M# .*** Tl 4n*m i PtMaa . . 4- - .. Hh.IiK<M>M »*«n-ami vrw»i» kali r-r-tri. reTnarrxor 4ara«4 Twa Mark* from Nortl' o*le AVaOaM* Inna I 0*«a.4 « 47*4 Mi** Glady* Evelyn Molik daughter pf Mr and Mm. A. I. Holik of (id^r Station wa* ’Bar rted to Jlpimie W, Dtvin, «oit of Mr and Mr* A J. Ihvm of Wal ler in the St Joseph - * ( atholo ( hurt h Stpiday, June 4 The Rev rrend Tim J Yaleata iwrf>*rtt(4Nl the rerefUpny Vow* wgr. ex. hanged iieforv the alter whifh was decorated pith white glafyodi and hanked pith fern. Mmu trwaeee Hrhults. organ ist. played the tnulitMinal Pedging ^1.* Dollve Jane Ramsey and! • n ’ 1 tjon* Gojrdon Spillman Yeargan Jr ! A -!' “ wepe marrte*) at H a m Satunlev ] * ^ ccremonr i»erf..rfn«d I"’ Dr a.c Ra.aett in the ()hanel of Temple Baptist Church Parent* of the r<tii|>te are Mr <1 Mm I B Ramsey 1703 Judy Mi-(Jud1en. daughter of E E, M. Quillen direrUif of the AAM lipvelopifient Fund, ig an SMI’ (-O-ed attending AAM thi* sum n*r Ix»u Burgess is home frpm TSCW ■ pd ia working at th« (’ollege Station Bank Ixri i* the daughter of Herwchel Burgeai dbvetor of the College Station Hank Manor I>“e Caahion Jr. son of I. t aahion, dira-ctof of the YpfCA ia attending a \MCA con vention in Oklahoma thi* wi>ek and will begin work wh«n he return* Bet tv Jean Copeland is working *1 the rqgrutrar'* offiec this »um- op-r Betty attend* North Texa* Slate Teacher’* College in the regular session* Aden Magee is working for 'he Agronomy Department this -ammer Hr goe* to AAM dar- mg the fall ami winter l^araar McNew. an AAM aopho- more, is playing one of the lead part* in the operetU ' Ria RiU" which will lie put on at the “Grove” later in the summer. Bill Mogford. also an AAM stu dent. is taking a vacation from school during the school recess Hi* father is Joe Mogford profe* sor of agronomy Hill ia an mdu* * It • \ -V \ Mr. mad Mrv (Tutric* InKnuii, 4r. I The Ingram* are abwwa jwal after their marriage .'Saturday in the Presbyterian Church t'barlea Ingram la aa electrical engineering matrurtor and hia wife la the former Miaa Klaie Marie Smith The Reverend Nwrmaa Anderwwn performed the ceremwaiea Smith-Ingram Wedding Held Mis* Elsie Marie Smith, daugh ter of Mr and Mr* W M Sooth of ( ollege Station wa» married to Chprles Ingram Jr., ton of Mr trial education mayor and he ha* and Mm ( harle* Ingram of Mena, recently graduated from Johh Saturday in the AAM FreakyAenan Tarleton College Church in College Station The James A Prewit, AAM nopho- Reverend Norman Aiuterson of more plan* to go to AAM sum- ficiated. mer scniMii during the secopd #ix- weeks period Prewit i* tjie son of J D. Prewit. vice-dire*tor of the Extension Service Bo Rilaing i* home from Bay lor Medical school and i* taking a rourae of history at AAM thi- summer Norma Jean Gibaan, a graduate of AAM Consolidated High School ha* been attending Hardin Sim on* College in Abilene thia year She is working this summer and plan* to return to Hardtn^Simon* in the fall. from AAM Conaolidated High School and attended Texaa State College for Women ih Denton. Mr Ingram wa* graduated from Texas Tech in l^iblaick and w an matructur of Electrical engineer ing at AAM College. Following a Yellow atone NaUunal Hark and to New Mexico, the couple will make their home in ( olkige Sta tion Mr* Ingram wa* graduated BITS! KONN DRESS SHOP EAST GATE (IH.UKK If it’a cimiI rotUm you want “Forget me niH" Phone 4 1232 Ramsfv-^ earjian \|ihs Exchanjirtl CULPEPPKR INSURANCE AGENCY Fire - Aulor-obile— Cuauully - Lilc Mi-tgaqe Leans 141 Walton Drive Ph. 4-Udb l.OOk KIDDLES This Ad and 5 cents is good on any Train Cars — Femswhcel — Airplane, t NTH. NOV. I, liMl —at— PLAVIAND P\HK Iftghway 6, South Hrtxppeti Hryan * 4Mtage • wa >>, Th* brtA>, who was gnen in *tar- uage by hei father, a tra- ditronal f#wn of white *atm.,She earned a white carnation bo T W () ( oMroKTAB p: b*4r»»WM »•»- a raw. 1*4* ataWwH* or ***.'«• (»r**arr#4 W-in* 4 *TJ4 tApUC (-001 R(inw prtvww hat* tar *4* aesr ranaaM e**.n« 4 7tm • KIM XLLAN Morn • rx»« nrriaxTas aa mmiwc «•» pair* a as -awiT^I wbc* «wM I>*M daaaraJ ('awlradar l-watW • I EG 41. • >nny>t The grpom » -uater Mm fiuo lel WawaTofsky of Mailer wa* matron of honor Bridesmaid* Were Minne* F'rPnce* Holik ami Ifcimthx Holik of College Station anal An gelme Relpier of Waller Bed man wa* Dam*! Wawarwfaky »f Wal ler and uaher* were Ru hard Frey *ev. slater of the hnde. were and Otto Dremlmg of Waller ami ' hariea Srhwarts of ( 4.)lege Sta Don After a abort hc.nevmwon Mr and Mra Il'Vin will make < ollege Statmn thptr home. OM|4Vi*4t %o IM Btlbatitute iwrtice will he available fgwpi T:l» AM H PM Monday ttu.mgh SatundaY. 3 AM ■ II AM tnd 4 I'M - A PM Suiulay, except Jane tl ta. •eptember it during a4kb pert.M pervice wdl b* avail able SAM - It N-m 1 PM S PM M—day th tough Saturday and 9 AM • It AM, huiMtay, at the West era Union mam office 2nd floor Karhange Htor**, CoiU-ge Station, INmaa. Aa nedmaitra •)**>•• M ualawmi ta .! e **.*» »a. Or»*r«. «n4litn the limit* ** It* (Xt) 1*0*. *.( ftraaiWu »M *ei.«Miaa granted- • m it oRi.* men hx thk citt (xm n( it or rua: citt or coc- i .Noe nr * tlop I tl nOail Im arm vttloa ”w antawfai in omw* a fl»V atH. <rf im rH> 2 a - r*«r**i e,aa a*. i<Mt* «aanfVaU) tail im* arlunitWi aiw •Im.i |ua *iatel riOa. air rtHa H H fun at •nr <xhar -wAarmw I Hal StM-nf*-* W *)aru 4*1 (miii*< (m.< «,Imm w an. noiar awtalgc Wax-I of aa* me t>> lam* mt e iiawna won nt air *11 2 An,. Any member of the public deair 1 inf »« protest or auppol tbe do* iaf wf thia office may rommtmi •* cate ip wrttigg With the Federa Cummunu atb»n» C n m m i a a i o n, Waehmgtoa lb, DC., on or before ISmI JtMy A IMA- *"« n4M >4*4*4 w* !h4* an44aaar* MWI *> »M*II* at h>i*4>4*»»*mm on* ***M< rna ,tciH>n aMH bn f.nort im* Inaa lima Wa* P> *» - mm murn Out* Mtl SV« '** • 4a4lar* Kvle, and Mr nod Gordon Spill- mae Ynargan. 122(1 Lausanne. Mra C D Fn-tnirg of t'ollege Station wa* matron of homo Miaa Margaret Ihinn of Roxtwn. I amar ('wdnty. ami Mt** Martha l/*u Kapi brtAeamuida. Mnrtha Adrian Chari i elwi*, the hridegro<im'« niece. Wa* floher girl (jerabi York of Sherman w»* Iwtt man for thi 1 ceremony, ami ualbr* were Jack Dwwe. Jimmy Rapiaey and Dmigla* Frehurg, of j Cofteg.- Station, Richard Robert imiiL and Charle* (ojwnhaver of Houston After a trip to Coterado the I Claude will go to Dum-an. Okla., I for the *uinnier Thia winter they will lie at home in » ollege Station whfre the bn.iggriioin in attend mg AAM • IJMiAI. NOTH K • tin or louai.t *T«nw> ai in.rv NKABibi. Maurn ia • •arlo fi.aa (Hal a *u!*m i Hnacina 4*. IM pmi*Mn,l !*.*(>< *4 IM (•44) at - a44*a* *1*1..* far tNn ««•* M | Onrtli rnnr will hn M44 I* IM 4'44) Hall - al f X* * m on Twaatn) Juan 17 iwfla Rraea4 I oat f»*4 *4* 4a. af Mt* IX tMB IW 4- Jim Flowers Wed To Constance Irby ConatattTe Colleen Irby J ami .lame- Lafayette Flower* Jr Were married ip the IHoheraon ( HaiM-l at the firat Meihodiat Chturch We«lii4**4laJ evening Mr*. Flbwer* i« the .laoghlar of Mr and Mia Colli* Parker |rhy I South weak* rn Boulevard Flofverw 1 i» a -tudbi't of AAM ami play* .-enter on the AA M football team Mi and Mr* Flower* will tome to Collwgt Station in S^itepiber where he will cowiplete Wor% on 1 hi* iegr** — f - - * A para, a* J A oKR Hat** era Taa MwitNNia arrnar* WA U > -i Phone 4-5324 - T"’- NEW, fUU-SIZED | STANDARD PORTAIIE a I ,h* ROYAL COMPANION | sun mm' low. PIUS TAX COMPlfTt MflfM CAMYMO CAM BRYAN BUSINESS MACHINE CO. SALTO — SKUNK I. — RENT AtH — MdPPUTO 4 300 N. Main -r- Bryan - t>ul 2-1328 Shirts That Shout ‘COMFORT’ Okay, so you can’t go to Samoa, Pago-Pago, or even Hawaii. Still, you can dress in the “almost official” atire of the South .Sean’ in one of these washable rayon» by HOLIDAY. Floral prints Kaleidoscopic array of colors. 93.65 & HlMt C1.0THIMR SlNCl iBA« AT OUI COLLEGE STATION 8T0IE ■Mia V lx /