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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1950)
•i 4 f City Of Cottef^ Htation OfflcUJ Nrwmp«p^r i *1 Nation’* Top ruitfiiafe IhtUy N AS xm Survey lyratEST or a gkatkm a*m college 2: Volume 90 COLLEGE STATION (AowUndittlixUs, WEDNESDAY. JUNE T. 1950 1 '\ Xrm f ^ nP ' 1 • .; r ^ •' ' i '% J Price: Five OnU Three Negroes Eligible for TU Tta^ NVfnir* •*» tlifribl* f*r im- Sw*att aivI two qu«)ifWd ■Mdiatf MiMUtMnt m to* l'pi- M*fr» afipiiraiiU for fiMuat* And Giles Criticizes Remember 7V(/e/«m/« Wciy f T lirnffcr PJpl^c 4 RJn Rlto’ Tiilelands (W V_ i °cSS East, Kehearsals Start Price Daniels, - wn Uftt- »#r»ity of Tmo* mi * non^ofrofAt •* t'wvtnrtf ftwJm T. B. t'oinUr a»t of RfffrnU •pH J^tordAy Th* two wKool offioaU «aid th* Suj.r»m* Court’• doriaion in thr Sw*oU coAr “rfeorty roquirm Negnw RtHjuent Golfing Equality ' rort Worth. Juno 1—Wf>_ Tlw ■Fort WortS City ParS Hoard waa Mkod y*»U>nrtay t<> open thr** mon Wtpol f«df rourw* t« N«fr«i*« or provid* a rt»un*o for Noftti ua* TK* roquont waa (onuin*«i in a t*t»**r front tho Kort Wortlt Mo^ro (aBtf Awoa iation It pointi'd out thro* n»ui mpal rouraoa ht-ro arr Bow op*n to th* puMic exrafit to Nrrrooa TS* Irttrr iWarnhod aa ‘mok* otlift" a nin* h«4* court* in (iroon- way Park for N**fro*B. City offinaU rauiMai funda ar* •vailaklc for a N**(frt) rv< rratum contrr and g<4f Itnka but that a awtoM* «it« haa not v«t b*«*n ob- tainoit \ct Med Board !\nw Kxamininv 71 Applicants The State Board of Vete rinary Medical Examiner* ta giving the board examination to 71 applicants here The ex amination* began yesterday *ed ar* b*ing cuntmuotl today, at- mrdMif u» L>r H K Mai*r f>ooH pBMBBt A*l| applicant* tnak* up th* lara«ai,purUari of iba aruu* mu* . 11 «Mn On* applicant m from Coioradu AAM on* from Iowa BUto, on* from Alabama Poly tarhnir IrmtHut* and four udorod •tu«t*nU from To*k«f*« Institata in Alabama Thia m th* i*cond tim* ‘ in th* Itat* Boonl t hiatory that colorwil applicant- bar* taken th* riain- htation acrordm* to Dr Mai*r, M*n takinj th* H-hour wnttaa j etammation which cuvtra 11 »ub- '■Jorta. muat mak* at l*a*t **70" «• th* f|ui« to h* aW* to practic* 1 their profeattor in T*xaa If a |TBd* l»*low “iO'' i* mail* oa any part of th* (lamination, th* apidwart i« r*iort*d. Dr klaier, %bM Mcnibnr* of th* Hint* Board ar* appointed for two-year toraii of offw* btr th* irovomor and must! hove hew in practie* for at l*nat fl** y*arA Wfnr* »*rYing, Pmacrit m. mb*r« ar* Dr Mai*r. j pr*Aid*nt of Hcaumont, Dr I**y* J. 1 jiu rail i* vic*-pr*oid*nt, of (fOBtal**. 1>r R. (1. (larwtt, arcr* tary-tmaturcr. of Taylor; Dr, J Stock. Jr., of Mamhall Dr J W DoUahit* of Marfa; Dr Valton C*i of Ijibhock; and I»r Raymond Baadpr of Childr***. Staff To Mert I'oni^ht All atudent* int*r*atad in »t>«k- Inff dutinf th* «umm*r on th* Af- vi*tiHuri«t »tud*nt af nrultural ntngann* ar* invited to attend a I atnff nmoting tonight at 7:11, H** -J And rum. aumm*r editor of th* magaatn* antd thi« momukg Th* aMeting wiR h* h*!d in th* AarMultanat office. fOT t.oodwin More ataff mamhem ar* n**d*d *ln all thee* phanw of th* puMna tion—oditorial circulation, and ad vartialBa. Landrum aaM No pre clou* •xp*n*nc*j n im working on th* fttagnai foe y n peolnaaikuai work m t|* Cniccraity of Team N A uatvmity •puimaman aaid Bon* of th* thra* ha* indicated officially wtwn hr Oautd rnrvU Sw*att told reporter* y*M*rday h* would enroll ia th* law uchoo) in Srptomiicr The other two Nrgruca declared •ligibi* Ui eater ar* Hbranr* Lin coln H*ath of Waco (<i i.arnaon St | and John Sauddar* < haa* of Auatin 111(11 Junipar Bt ) Haatl ••ok* a doctor * degraa in goaarn* rnont, Chaa*. a ma*ter’» rtegre* it architecture Painter and W oodward' iaau*d a joint vtatement after raodina th* *upi*m* court» opiniori and con- fernng with Attemry Lencral Pnc* Daniel and Scott (>amaa. ab tom*y for th* amveraity “All agra* that no further inter pretation of th* Auprcm* court** 'pinion » necetaary at thi* tim*.’ they aaid “By unammou* deci*ion. th* tuprem* court ha« held that tlw preaent law ichool of Dm Try a* State CmverAity for Negro** at Hour to i> ia not ■ubatanfuUy e^ual to the taw M-hool of th* Uaiv »ity of Texa* and therefore that Sweatt muAt be admitted te th* Cniveteity of T**a* The other* Horace I incoiit Heath, candidate for a doctor'* degree ia govern ment. and John Sounder- ('haa*. seeking a maater’* itegrar in arch- tectur*. hav* no coaraa* offered for them now in any *tate Negro • metnution and therefore the Sweatt opinion ia Hearty applicable to them " Kilgore, Tea,. June t -*m-- Kilgopr Junior Chamber of ( *mm*rc* member* ha** broken off dipiadnatic Sriation* with th* I’ntted State* result Monday's Tidelanda decigioa by the (J. S Supreme Court They apt honied th*i r p refid* nt, Claud* Meadowa, Jr„ today to Auatin, Tax , June 7 tend thia te^gram to Benaton \ Fom Cannall) and Lyndon JohiM<>n and Land Comrttutaionrr Bauacom BpHtww^lhi GUea today criticia^ Twta* -1 have b**n inatimted U> pintact you immediately and adviae that ■tratggy in fighting the Tide- y ov gather your *taff and '•ollaag-u*# and return to Teiap after noti lamia By DALE W ALBTON He aaid Dm Supreme Court'* de- noa yesterday isfavorahle t a Teas* cam* a* “bo particular Mir prise” and that h* had reluctantly agreed and cooperated in the Tela* *trsugy to nak ”au much" on a ro*rt trial. Attorney Pnc* Daniel aaid he thought th* Tidrland'a fight should be earned on both in court and in ! rongrea* “No oa* should five up on eith *r frost until the last word ia ipokeit,” Daniel aaid M ! shall con tiaue my part of th* fight, which haa been canted on for three year* in both the court and rongreaa “But I ahail never favor any congressional compromiar that puts Teiaa in a position of voluntarily giving up a foot of the Tideiaads now dedicated to the public school fund ”A last ditch fight in rongreaa will save these lands if final court action fails '* (hloa, in a formal statement, •aid that the nak of a court trial wa* “against my better judgment “ “Our firat fight was in rongreaa and So must be our last one C the Gites statement aaid “Let ail T*i- m official* and ail Teiarw abandoti the illusion that we will get jus tic* from a slacked court and stand togvthei in Dus fight before eon igiea* There w* have never had a formal setback ” id Ute two-art A graduate i HMto IdMBi • / led mological > years. Mrs. * She. loo, had a major part in The a soloist in the ConanBdated A , ^ .. „ _ . , _ Mikado” and last summer played ( spells choir during Ms high L “Buddy Boyd and BU-! tn "The CWolat* Soldier " ncKooI days He. too. is a member lie Jean Barron h»v* been oaa* in A ..^uau t ,f TSCW and Ste of the binging Cadet*. > ihd* kad role# for “Rk> ph^n F AM#tin High Hrhotd in Bry Mim* TKom^ton will jity Cmr- e maatkeartfU. .to i tk i mm kia t f4 b# prwntrd 4 com in ^ tih! in im Bar a cabaret |irt> id IM twa irt fying pmper authorities that tto Une SUr tepublic is toeakmg off (nMII ,ty chat June 2K and », ar ri>fl -f Bryiin she has pa run pa western melodrama diplomats telationa With the United But*, following Supreme Court cording to Bill Turner, director of tK , tKt lMt thr ^ Lions of Wmniruw W.laon decision residing Tidetenda. \] th* production Rehearsal, beg*n Hub Minstrels ia Dallas she stud “P.irTet Cwnaid Clark stay up there ,f h* wants te. H 2n »)J3Lte a Julv t>th * r rMt ,n ' m ^'rtant roles. •[» in BMV f.m tgo years. Mrs. five the federal g netnment top right* in Teiaa •almerged oil the Hactof ' n «• ,u " , -1 ry tMnNi’.ng, Bill Evan* lUlv Moss. •*'«»! r<Vic productioni. land* , "wr of M<. he plaH ^ w Giving has been cast as CW/ 1- 1 I principal rol^ m “Th* - ‘‘'‘U ' ^ •'Vne.nage.i j Uvett. an Amene.n lawyer. A -A k i—.— . 1 i another operetta prewe/ited then VcNew ( ..median graduate of AdM in UMd, he i* Cast as Jim. a Tetfn* Ranger Boyd wiR sing the leading male role. Veteran Singers Mr* Barron, who will play the top female rote, Rita, is also a vet eran of local operetta productions 1 civil engineering student Lovett, an A m*n«an graduate of AdM in . now employed an arrhitect for M< New will enact the Me of th ^ AdM System Chick Bean, supplying a major Dor- mu. VcNew Comedian tion of th* comedy for the pris tion “Born and raised" in Col lege Station, M< New is a sophmore He was K«ans Plays (.meral V. TV ■ , \ Iviv V I Civic Grotips Hold Joint Grove Ouling 1> v «* < Jt A - i i I By JOEL AlSTfN tw ui better view of the proceed ing- He made a few remarks about Kvana, a veteran member of th* Cadets, sang one (if the principal role# in “Tn* Chocolate Buidkdr**’ last summer He will piaj ijita- ban. a Mexican general, in “Rio Rita" (dull* by comcidemw, Bfcordiag to Turner, a “Dnily” will play “Dolly ” It may hr ron/unng. but DuUv M.-a# of Bryan haa been rant is Dully, another u.idition to the feminine tide of th* operetta Miss Moss attended Hardin Sim mons for two years and la now at TCI' She was soloist for th* Har- Ov«r 300 member* of the Ki-' .liff-rent duU renresente.1 at din Simmona A r*p*lta choir and wan,.. RoUry. Lion, and Jayce. I n!l .Ji for th* high achm>| chter> Brydn. club* of Bryan and Colteg* Sta tion turned out for th* ”Big Four” outing in Th* Grave last night Perfect weather prevailed as the Jibe played Aurrli* in “The Choc olate Soldier" Cast as “Maly" Heath hold* t bachelor ol sci ence degree from Cathy CaAeg*. WatervilW Maine and a master’* from Dt* L’mearaity of Pasmsyt trsnia. ‘ has* tok a B John A. Guinn Becomes New TSa Head [teuton, June John A Guinn. Texas-born educator wa* namsd president of Teiaa State Colteg* for Women Monday He te a combat veteran and ran from Dm Un*v*rsity of Texas. | muranay Smc* Jum 1, 1*411. h* ha* bewe 1 annual T*ga it of San Angelo (juniorH ermandns Tbe Twelfth Man Scholar ship became a reality when retinug Stu dent Keapie preasdem, hetlb Alteup. crater, sad Msntv V.migom- ery, rtgbl. senatar who headed Ibe I am pus Cbeat drive, presented a near-lflPM check to K. E McijutMan, director of the Itevelapmeni Faad. The money raised ihrowgk th* Campus (heal will send some ymmx man through VdM, giving him ttIHI annoaUy. - * • - * ■ - - - - +■ ♦ Veterinary Authorities «f’ Hold I)i scussion Here Top Dutkorities in the field af uie* ami assistant (hmcgl proves vateripar y nsadicin* will dismaaiaur of madicuw af th* 1 moor vartomi -*4*rmary problems here city of Chicag-. will utk on hu- gmi Friday at the (hirtl g, an l.nisellosis His maior inter- Confefeme for JV’et- i asu for the last It) yutr* ha' th* outing and introduced their president* Visiting memtwr* from the Greater Houston Ktwams Club were recognueil Burges* intro- groun iwgan to form the food lines duced th* members of the program in th* southwest corner of the committee and complimented them slab about 7 15 p m The club on th ^ f )n , program Diey didn't member* and their families were (, BV e served barbecue, bean*. potato; Th# benches were |iu.he.i back salad, pickle*, and bread by col* # , u | r(H , rn niade for the <i.(Tiare leg* mes* hall worker* Tea ami dancer* who danced to the calling h *«vi. played th* part of Katmka toft drinks were also made avail-; u f c ar | l^ymun . J in “Th. (.TitK-olate Soldter." _ | Walts** and fox trots were then played for those who preferred -moother dancing Food Kxpires M s* Scheihagea from Bryan, ia a grad note of N.wth Texan Stnt.- College, w here she received a Bach elor of Music She sang in the Women’s Choir and the Oratorio Chn r at North Tetaa. Mian Schei- Sh* will play K<ity in “Rio Rita." I ho ruse* C Club officials had planned for j approximately 3(H) people to pur* rhase the II meal and as the last few people passed through the line the pans and tray* wer« nearly empty H E Burgess president of the College Station Development As- ; sociatten and ( hamber of Com- I mere*, was master of ceremonies i for the evening As soon a* the members of the V * I VUthering had finished the meal. Truman Slams Reactionaries* Propaganda Inn's name was ope of 57 con trod by regent* after the oat s longtime president. Dr L. Hubbard, said be would retire Among #mni is D» W L Hoyd of chief <4 thf Division of Veterinary D r (A>rdon Danks, head of the Medwia* of the Cniwerwity of |fin- Veterinary Surgery Depart mem t. nesota. wte> wss among the first fucneii Cmversit) will lecture on to become interested in th# igve* ( “Diagnosis <yf Bone Dis*a*e with tigatiop of Brucellnpts. or Bang* the Aid of the X-gnjf apd Iteirx , .disease D*. Boyd wi( discuss ‘The ( a ttie Practice" ** m “*’ 1 Vetennarign sml the Operatnm of the Artifitial Insemination Pro gram of Dairy ( attie Breeding " Dr N B McCullough surReon of the l' S Publit Health Ser * -4 t * Pr,, '' t,,> B^.* called for everyone to move near the utage in order to Girla in the chorus for the pro duction are Judy Oden, Ann South ern, Mary Fuaaell, Betty Mt**»**y. Martha Miller, Jean Marie Edge, Lois Mcpaniel, Betty GiMidman, Jeii) Rutledge, Mary Jane Akin and Mrs. Jim O’Connell. ^ The mate chorus is enmooned of ( Bobby Blisaard, Gcrrg* Kodgeia, she. Jimmy Itelton and Date Wal ston Bob Stinaon is designing acta Dr. Turk, of the arhwal of \H- eriaary Medtetoe. will chair the Texas I safer MM* far ' rlersns te be held here Thursday snd Fn day. Dr Tarh's cwmmlttee U cempowed of H T. Harraa, H E Date. M A Haney Jr. tad J. H. Mittiff, all af the H eh eel af Vei- eriaary Medicine Pai|!r-lianks \ows \re Solemnized M Aaguat SI Gtenn assumes his dutiea Sept 1 Hubbard to •mantas Thar* had I wan much ipu* illation what her a woman president would < be named Some ware among the I candidates conaidared I Guinn's satectioo was announcad by rwgwnts after the graduation Monday far 8W students The board picked • man who •aid IP hlS application he britevrd “(tee of the most compelling of all rsapoimibtlities that muat be accepted among their -tu.tent* s pass lunate Wyalty to. an mtelli- gant uodarstamiing of ami an imteatructibla faith ia the ideal* of Amarhan Democracy " The board ha* not made public the names of others considered The number of name* was reduced yesterday to three Ha was principal af a two teacher, nine-month rural school lit Guadalupe County In ltftf>-*7. headed the English Denari ment at Schreiner Institute, KemrilW, in ltfi-,17; and returne.1 u. Arhriener as .tean and head of the English Department in IIMt-tf then he went inta the Navy t "Surguai Repair of * Penneai Hernia" and “Endocrinology in Small Animals” will \w discussed by Dr L. r M<os Kesearch Trustees fill Meet Friday Washington, June Pres ident Truman *aid last night he for the operetta, will continue to use government ar- Th«. cast will b«> measured for tion to help maintain the good costumes this wr-ek, Turner said, time* we arc cnyoying " held of the Attention, Sum nier Grad* Graduation in*Uation, for summer grodualp, may new hr urdered In the Student yc#vi nes offior Grady Elm*. aa4at- awl director said ibis mornhfl- l^atM*-covered and card board covered booklH* with thr list af tandidale* for degree* and the French fold MMlalfcn* may be ardered before July IS for August delivery. Elm* «»»d Students finishing their aSork ia July must order invitallaaa oa or before June 15 for ddM«- cry prior to July 15. TReoe atudenl* may order tbe Preach fold invitation a, according to k»ma Th* board of Research Foundation will hold its ►. _ . , w , . . , regular tiuarterly meeting here Department of Medittne. Colorado ARM College Dr Jjasd Formerly ^ m#rt , , t 2 wjl| ^ operated a -mail arimM ho.piUl , n thf ^ ni ((f (lirtcU)r ' M rww coB . In Honolulu fenenc. nKm, In addition Ui .liacumions and Routine business to he trans- tecture* by visiting experts, the acted includes acceptance of new conference program sell include contracts several expert* of th* A4 M staff D W for agriculture of the AAM Sya tom. will diacIMS the cattle uulua- try of South America white Dr H G Johnston, head (M the En- ' tomology Department will lec ture on vyntheDc insecticide* "The Poultry Industry and the Vetennanan" will be dipeueaed hy mavM ."" 0 f Haifa Dr J H Quiaenberry. Rrad of the Keltys, J B Thorns* of Fort Poultry Husbandry Itejiartment w.irth and A P Buetel of Free Aithur Stewart, tewypr and in- pwrt structor in the Bu*iae*a and Ac- The councillors alao will hear a I counting Department Will review review of all new project* wbieh some legal asperu af veterinary have been activated duiing tbe medicine ! current fiacal year ^ ay s - Means J Administration Groups Differ Tbe marriage uf Miss Mary Margaret Darnell te Donald Paige Hanks was solemnised at Die First Jack Marnh Rrccivpft MD Degree From TV The parents of Jack Marsh Colteg# Station Dr E Mai of J Mytkodtat Cbureh ia Bryan teat 1 ttotwl the commencement of the W ednestiay sight la a randtelight TtM# Kch-wd of Me.1. ami Mrs wont to Galveston A r s limns it y The bnde ry for btepheh F Auatin the rnkreraity of Texas where •he was a member of Zeta Tau Alpha aafority She is alao a mem ber of the Beta Sigma Phi, ami ha* taught school for two years in Biyaa Public Schools Her husband graduated from AA M with a degree in chemiatry and wiO complete work foe a masters degree this sumaaor Ho ia an instructor at ARM. Th* bride's parents are Mr and Mrs Albert Lman* Darnell , flf Bryan and tbe groom's parents •re Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Hanks af Abilene cine whore their son. Jack Marsh, waa a candidate far aa M D de gree He accused "react ion* rt**” of trying to "frighten the people' ' i»y spending huge sums nn propaganda claiming the government is »eek- * mg to “wreck everv industry in trustee, of the Action hy the government is necessary at time* to make the private enterprise *y*tem work" he told a national dinner of Bet ter Business Bureau* in s prepar- He called again for enactment j WgAhlllEton, JlUtoT^JJD of h'* recent proposal* tii provide The Housp Way* and M»*ans government assistance to "channel Committee Stamped It* fin*! Saturday .t 9 . m the sixth J c ^' ul ^^ approval veatertlty an a WM k ^ annual councilor*’ meeting of the fn ir rpr, * M o , ’” W , $1,100.000 000 excise tax CUt William* rte* chanrottor Found . tion ^ [t , ^ |( , Truman *..,1 Social Security onv u Vonfront .^tLment br » . r . suraoce maintained by the govern- 1 '"I'y ~ * suttement Dy in the same conference room The ^ ,timulate.l the orivate »d' T ''n'*l''«tlon leaders that there councilors will elect five trustee* , , ^ , may be no tax legislation at all *m i— i-s. *i.-^ w - msurarwe business hy increaa ng w 1 K'*iau«n ai an to fill vacancies left by those whoae . . f : thia year term* expire this year private life insurance poiicie* 50 Damocratic Leath-r Lucas _ , . per cent and that private power r»uc l*b«h r imcaa. Term, exp.nnv wwiude tho^. of ( . omp ,nie* have incraaaed t h^ ir 11 • ft «' r 1 IVra - H W Barlow. Dean of the School , upm< . ]ty (u, ^ c , nt th , "J-ratic policy comnuttee meeting of Engineering; Victor Sshoffeb | ment entered the Itewtr! ,k *lL # V R" P uh,1< ‘ ,,n ^ ,,ur leader, told reporter! . . ... 0T 7 ne considers an excite out a “aiuat'* and increase opportunities ' ,,r ‘ fyr thte aeaaioo. business Eves if a tax bill te approved' “Rcaasmy Strengthened" finally by ( ongreaa it ia likely .... . . . , to run into a veto hy I’reaident Oar whole economy has Imen if it „ ^. nt ^ hny . ! *trengthene,l by the program* thm|t „^ r , u nt f#r|n ^ which the government ha. follow - j N„,w ithaUnding the dreary out- ed during tbe last 17 years,' be hook, the WTava and Mean* Coae- mittee called for a aiaah ia half for He mentioned loans to bosin***,! many of th.- i in posts, and elimma* hank deposit insurance regulation tion of some others, fke liat of of sarurity markets, old-age an,! cute mriuded furs, jewelry, p«a-ket unemployment insurance, minimum hooka, movie tickets, travel tickets, wages, slum clearance and lew- baby bottle warmers, and arnrea such government irtiviUea, added, "increase the wealth Old-Time Artillery Pieces Placed in I rani Ross Hall tHKKN iTMY Bob H ear Wear will pearaaeat the Battal tea AdverMalag departamat te Bryaa thte sumaier A jaater from Kart Hsrth, he ripraaeated the BattaMe* te t allege Htattea daring the paat year. Local Girl* Elected m* Officer* Miaeea Ethel Hi.tgeae and J*yre Fatrarwlla of Caitege Slabua have ! to OB O^fQfeBfB of slato neat year at Texas State ; ( oltege far Wawwa. M - H . rgaro -ill to of tha gteaal < wiR as re a al proaadaat of /inn Announce* Hoii*in^; for Kail Housing arrangements foj next fall have been announced hy Bonnie A. linn, assistant down of mon. The Corps of ( adets will be housed hi the "new area" —dor mitortea I through It Athlete* will again to housed in Hart Hail, white all Bask Division stadenta will live te dormitories W.15,l«,17 and Walton Hal! Non-military studonte wfll be housed te Milnor, loggett. Mitchell. Law, Furyoar, and Bix- Tw# Made) 1902 IGmch field ar tillery fidia place*! on display for All-ColleW Ibiy thto veor wgl nr- mom on permanent display in front of Ron* Hall, heaihpiaiters f*^r the Military Pepartmett Cate of Die gun* will be handl-d by panognoi of the Motor Pool They haO* just r«-*ntlv fimahed suding the lawns wdlh Saa Ahgua tine gram Wheeis of the guns are bolted down to cement blocks, making it safe for tbe gua* to remain oftante enough for a litUe mote than see- efficient recuil system, modern en brigade* iiemg available breoeh. and rifling During tbe war, those horse- They are of 3-inch caliber with drawn weapon* wera converted to ; an M inch bore length ami 87 * handle 75mm ammuaiRon. which | inch total gun length Weight of wa* more readily available in one round of ammunition was 1* 75 pound* The muixle velocity waa rent housing and other steps “All this ha* been accomi lieh of other items. TH* proposed cut ia abnoot twice France Handled II to IS Mound* 1,700 a maximum .C7.~”( a, Th : 'eattsom** I'm* tl» most nersistent rampaign of pro- uarsrvia thst thi* country ha* ever known." he *aid 'Thi* pronaganda campaign has been directed against government *ct ion for th# benefit of *ha peo- rang#**of*%*,SOii "yard! M«iern I ^ Bn ' field range of lOteam Howitxer .. ^ rTnin * * $• j| jgQ yards. ♦tolr government It ha* triad to frighten the people away from us- Repioced by 75 Millimeter in* the powers of government for In the transition of fteii artillory nwn ro °^ pieces the 1902 gun was replaced Policies Flayed L ” the 75mm gun whteli In turn „ v . • “Year after vaar. it has a—-* •laced by the 75aini How The firing meihapiam was of the lodfinuous-pul tfpe — no cocking of the firing pa was nec essary and it couw handle from 10 to 15 rounds per minute Three kinds of shell* were used with thi* gun They were the „ . ^ ^ , ,■ common »l#el shell, tie common ra*P® n li** * n •URchod >rH j the Mgi| exploaiv# waa . fl*'*** • ,,fW aheU. (Shrapnel ahel* are no itaer lory of Die gun snd * few stat * by modem artillory ) or mosmtain artillory only The | ties on tenge weight etc AfUr ^ war thaoe guns wore 75mm Howitxer was replaced for IMS Misdei leeued to R0T(' unite (or matruc- general use by tbe lUAmm Howit vw sj l *-i / 1UA 4 . t^onal purposes but hpvg siaco beer aer. T* replaced by later mod# guns and For the umaitiate, thera ia a dif- onfteaRy «N«faM te aquif the H owitaera AAM ia now using feronce between a gun and a How- •rmy wnti a type of rapid fti* gun ^ DM min ant i i&fimai Howitaor itaor A gun fires on a flat pro- whick would to tto oguivatent of T | frcUry about Die aamo aa a rifle. whereas a How liter haa an airbed protectory making it poaaiMr to nr* ouar buildi-.g* trees, ar hlla. Tto two runs in front af Rosa Hall wens aalppad hare about two tch i. still ia urn by pack 1 T U? ^ I"*' ..... Tv. ; tortoir would load straight to dis aster Truman aontinuod: “My own belief is that the gov ernment ia entitled to part of the crpdit for the good ttpte* we are aajapiat I also balled that bus iness i* entitled to credit, and so ore Is her and agncultarv " "I think the groat Mason we have Mamed M that we ran all work together for our arataal ben efit—that each of us haa a pro- • NT* r*to» Oaiassaan wtero per part to play te keeping our hao been on display economy strong and healDiy ” which would be tto equivatenl "f f i» a tnJtion tto guna ttoa te tee by other na- ^ luma. Faroraanors af Urltoin At tto satbrsak af World War I Weapana of tto tppe ■ front of the UlrilM Stotoe was sadly defi- Row Hall ware tto furorunnora of cleat te Hght gvte, as in every Amoriran Field Americas guns eqaipfted Tommy Dtexier •alter has toes named College | V StoMte ItoirtMtof Bmwfmto* live far the Battaltoa. Baaier la l a saptoaiaee from Part Arthar, ■ajarta* te haaiaeoa.^