Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1950)
J Basketball Roundup Points To Cadets as Up and Down Quintet Hy ( MUCK ( ABAMAN A AM'* 1MA-I0 kMkettMdl MMMI WM -uw of the hrct • local jainllt Hm hod u< year*, pat It wa* Util Maui pefaiMM fait that man for r an the A«vi«a howited the hast material in tie aptferware, hut the ".'C I* no better thee tie for fourth placv when the eelfc- The eeaeon ana aot nght ap>t> ut ' • hamptane w*ia Beyier ■a—and Coach Marty Karoarh < three »f f «wr ‘Lzni cr«r little haetlei from Bay. and Mike Gama, tnrky artiet from San Antonio * Jeffareon letter he completed their it let ter mar Jackie | At the center eput was fV Memorial Race d&SiSffSS tot;rt. - MareoM aareat (Mar ae-!H*** — —!"? y**?* ' At Indianapolis . (»ets 33 rsrcskws SirsFfnHfctt h ilianipoha Ind . May 30 —Thn faatent field m history wtl| mar away in the world famohe 500 mite autu- m.rbile race At the Indiana^ nlm s(M>edw«y todny The S3 daruif drwer* will be «.iwd U> a flyirt* start at U> a m., • intral etaod,.fd time, before a rm.n«troua M»irt-|jeev» crowd of iTj.mai, manual I y tht biff, o' at b-od^nce of art> aportma evenP in America. An eatieiated HRa.lMMi m pntc pefeat fey ~ money will fee at stake The Winner two we««a Will bag <d<>ec u< fAiQaih Keaide* Aggiea from the tT&jQOg upeedway purye. which “ will be increaaed if at tendance **( rante, therm will fee |2i,0M in lap pines. |!S,liai m entry fees and nearly $4(I,WHI in actesa ry prises l.4*t year the speedway mana*e ment added S4",itOtl to its estafehsh ••d ft6,000 purse li ’ 46 ^ ! himaelf in the Aggie hoi! of fame A AM upoot the Raaorhartn, 4S- m the Mit two seasons >*•"••• '‘""e >•— feet wees the twa teams the Lgng John DaWiU, C 4y," for ito Ud the Parker* till the ward Ttwtn Waca, loot some of the clock showed only «a minutoa and laaUu he gained ns a soph cantor ton aoconda remained hot the Oa- j feut often tnmad » eaceflenl per rUolUrty ip the niwt Baylor tilt Cnpnhle replaremenU Kiodrd I* 7” Ben Sutton, Marvin MaKm, and Eddie House, Pinal standings in the conference Mu, wed ark five forged ahead for a fit-06 victory that toppled ABM from the tap of the oeafeirare moat Mina. Lonen All Even The M a rooms took hath g senes from Baylor and TCU nut in tarn wore up ended twi and SMI' Sehee ware Aakanaos and BWe A lott at the hnnt dwelling Ku-e and a defeat by Teaaa TAI Texas a iti of the ■ i finmnis * of cellar single pmnf in the final Favorable Weather W Ui favnwbU weather condi tion*, and minimum «f mchamcal failure*, tht* field that act s record •coring 1.11 i>4f< mile* an hour uuni- ifymg average, is expected t« force th, winner to a new record speed approaching 126 miles fen hour. Hill Holland rtf Keading, Pa., won last year at ifl.fttT mile# an hour Starting from the »>veted pole position will be Walter Kaaikner. h dom had fared 128 pound mitr from North Ixint Beach. Calif., who jumped from the Pacific ( oast dirt train* to the No. 1 spot in the line e up n one Scorching assault. Kaulkncr scared the bricks of the 1 mile speed*»y at the amazing speed of J.U 143 miles an h-air, au an t i me recoid Next to Fxulkner, will b< Frerklie Agsboshiari of Aibanv. (Jalif. who MUiUlfied at mm Knee tims at Fourth Third m the f rat row will,he the veterai' Maun Rose nf South Hend. led , <■ mget to become the spsed wav s fimt fferr-time winner R<M*e firs’ won in !tr41. sharing the wheel that year wetli th< into Ho yd I»av,s He triumphed again in 1^47 and U<4>» K de and Holland *iB be the only two former winners to drive This time they will not be team mates, a* in the past throe years Kooe. at 44 IS the degn of the f). Id. H« has Tired 6.I*? mile* in 13 previpus Indianalopia event* und knows aH the bumps«nd short r rut* of the trark The starting field is a blend of 23 , experienced sp*edw ay drivers and in rfHAies, fresh from the dirt or midget tracks Three of the cars will fee front dnve* wjth th. re maining 3»> conventional n-ai dn vea # ' first placg. Little Jew«dl M r I towell wa* tap individual performer for the strung Cadet c.mfematiar A former all stater (’4Ti fregn Amarillo, Mr Dowell earned all conference and ail-District Six (K’< AA> honors on evel^f selection nSlinod Turnfeaw Captains Fixe Captain of the t«am was four vea, let term an Hill TumfeoW of Perrin, alno an >v! 1 stater as a schtMil-boy in '4<k At the end of the Buyior Won Lost 8 4 Pet .467 Arkansas B 4 .667 SMU 7 1 563 AAM fi fi .500 Texas 4 6 .500 TCU 6 7 .417 Bic* 2 10 .167 la non-conference games AAM won four, lost eight hot as bad a record a* it sounds, since seversl of th, teams were among the strong eat in the nation Victors over the Marteiu* were LIU t fib-621. Niag arW 163-30), St. Louis (66 5i), oi ls AAM 166 341, Arizona tbb-lfe' and 66-46), California (56-47), and Stanford (6fi-4t) Ftmr one suled triumph* against smaller Texa* school# were record- year MfD»»wett, the floor-man and ed by the Cadet* ACC was troun / / Baseball ChancesLookin 9 For Iggies as TU Weakens By HABOLD GANN Texas U•tiv•raity , • loo* of three key player* and next yeor*s field ing of a strong, well-balanced Ag gie crew, not suffering from the loss of graduating aentors, may in dicate a change of poaitions in the Southwest Conference baaeb > 11 campaign. In annexing their 2tth crown in U seasons, the Lmgharns finished with 14 victories and one defeat, losing to third place BagWc. la expert*^ lb roe pitcher man At „ . ence catcher Hogo Pearson. How They Kale Herr's how the Aggies will rate according to poaitiona. Juniors A1 Ogietree and Martin Hamilton will have to flip a coin to decide which starts at the catching pasition, since both are of almost «w(uw vgluo to the team. Oflctrfee for his ability and loot one during the acasoa. With Gorin hnd WnH aut of way, Pat Hubert, the Ac's » nee this aeaaoa with • M n shouid reign over SWC he held the numbag t jfr'^l Since ne new me numonr rnree *pn behind the paie-aetUng Steer pluh- I Tv range of the leading pomtiu* until to *iap the long ball cfenaiatcntly. the final taro game#. AAM com- Hamilton for hia wise handling of pared nine wins with five setbacks pitchers and light but dependable atkkwork. Both catchers were understudies of gtaduatmg Jim Calvert, pnd> to finish in the runner-up spat. TU Lowes Pitchers oy rDo Jini (aivept sr MM the moot valuable player Balialio* SPORTS Tl ES„ W it Mi. Ife'i# Ps|e J Browns Lose To White Sox In 7th Straight'S c**i twice, Mi-45 and 73 .3k. Trinity was topped 47-46, and North Texas was beaten, 74 33- best score in several years for”» Maroon qumt. Indoiduai si'oniig showed Mi Dowell leading th« way with 16b pout la iu coaferaute play for a 12 point aVeragt and 331 points o\et the full sxasoii foi a 13.8 point erxgt Next came Davis with H*H point* in th* conic re nc* ami 235 for the season and Itetfiitt with 103 and 217. B<dh men won hohtuable mentnm on most of the all-cohfei •■nee Saletlions named at the end of the Mason Returning for the IWO-fel season iMm't R«‘actl will be two war lettermen McDow - ^ ell, Moon, and IVWitt Other, t.t An> (irPHtPT ARPS " fee back, are Uavi*. Sutton. Martin, j and House', all lettermen Return men will include Tex Wo<id> Walker, and Glenn Williams (al>ert, <tne of (fee maidbtays of \AM baaefeal) for (ke past a*v- eral MAsonx a HI be <tae of the feurdeet men tp replace op »e\t >e#r‘» nine Althougfe he is welt backed b> kl Ogldlree and Marim Ham iR«Ni. both lack the ex,ter»eO«r af < alxert Thf pair of wiphowxorrx are prtMniaias however, ang it’ll be a hard rhomr far ( imrk Wart> karnw to make for bi» kUttia* man-behiad the plate ►j.. a- a-— - - - -y -4- 4 ray i n ¥\*m m * § a a ♦ Siam ‘Fifth CohlIn^l , * loduy s l itchvrs in Majors Siamese police carried out * J * probe ■following publication ia AMFKD AN Mound mainstay# Mur**v Wait and Charley Gorin, and ;stalwart renterfielder Bob Brock hfev« com- C eted their eligibility for Texas. all, a unanimoas all-conference choice, was the workhorse irf the ' league, head and shoulders above > opponents in strikeout* and inning* l pitched " The Ull righthander hurled 7fi land one-third innings and whiffed 64 while winning seven and losing j one. Gonn is the best oercentage ! stinger with four viegone* against j I no defeats Brock, while batting at J a .315 pace, tied with Baylor's Ad rian Burk for the runs batted in ; crown with 15 Considering that the lose of the above three will be Texas’ down fall, and considering that AAM will be strong in every department, it is onlv logical to assume that the Cadet# will have their best* season i since 1643. Despite tip* bowing oat of the Longhorn ace hurt cm, the B-oiae mound staff *>11 be far from weak, with Frang Womack and Jim F.hrl- ei leading the way All conference msn Ben Thompkm# and Kal Segnst. along with a stur dy line df veterans and replace ment* make Texas a strong con tender With a wealth of freahmanitalont i )*>lstenag Baylor, the Rear* are ably not because of Calvert's su penor technique, but because of his throe years of varsity experience. Fish Hurler* Up The pitching staff should be for tified by Jack Brinkley and Bill Stirling, members of Uus year's freshman team During ttvo years of high school and American Legion boil at A us tin, Brinkley maintained a mark of 40 w ins and three defeats. The little righthander «X# selec ted on the all-state high school nine in 4M and was named the most valuable plavet throughout Texas Louisiana. Miasissippi, and Arkan sas in Legion play. The freshman team's chief hur- STORAGE Store your footiockeni, funuture, houwhi.ltf i <*i* etj* in our fireproof, bond 'll warehouse for the «»nv- mjer. Low rate*. MARION PI (ill WAREHOUSE • Ronded • Hre Proof 3 blocks South af Kyle Field on IMA Highway fi PHONK 4 4214 Boati-0 at New York |2»e I'ar nell (6-tl and kind*' (3-4) t». By rne (4-li and bipiit (5-2) Washington at Uhiiadelplba (21 Marroro (2 0) and Weik (lv3i vs. Shantz 44-2) and Hfiofeh (3-8). Chii ago at Ht. LmA i 2j- Kui- ava (0-1) and H"ln>*fhe i fe-1) vs (»;»rver (2 3) and Finiin (1 S) • leveland at Ihtmiij i2l Lotion ((> 2) and Bearden (j f|i v* Houttp man (5 8) and Ni wh<>**< r ( 2 1). v N ATRMAl. )rdoklyn (papers of “flftk col- V. (2) Fish Will Help ns deeper into the American *" nl * 114 f "' u# cellar 1 pomt fcvrmg* A ^ ^ rouii ^ m t m i * * m4n, hi* ahnul4 pn»vf th«* m<*t vmJ nager 7.ark Taylor «<wd/<ve ^ of ^ , #1T „ n , prum ^ u «] . . great many pewpi* in our lerrtlwry never give a »econd glan«e In feu»ine«e advertise ment. and i( a . . . MAN , . . ka» a efemee xanHy •( ■ervice la offer. Afeich 1* at a very fair price. M some time** doesn't psv to ad»er Use However, we bare . . . FOUND , . .that if we apriartke un usual here, you r«ader» will take note Tfeerefare. we ia- eite you to try oar very ex pert and fnendb service. Tfeooe of you who (fin oisk to benefit and who aAr not . . . DEAD St. I>»uui Mav 30——{ Th«» ChioAfo White Sox hand- I'^tsupfrom theKi*ht^n , „ life iude Ihck He** Wallac* Bieyl, ed the punch-drunk St UttH ^ p (K> . h ^ Wllhlir o^ntei, Hrowna their seventh atraight Jerry Chapman, Malcolm Douglas defeat veiterdavt 12 to R be- J«* (Ml*dgw Ihm Heft, Max Mon fore (v24 fans Jimmy \ elvii It wa# the inly game played in ^ .. the Maj"i Lague* and pushed the Miksrh, Waelder all stater in 46, Browns league Ma 6 tcher> \n an attempt to stop the md> City outfit which posted its third victory In four starts under its n< w manager, Johnny ‘ ••rriden. I’hil Masi tripled with the fea«-S loaded m th* first inning t*> send the vtsirors . n their way to victory. The Browns later rallied to tie the •core, a ded by a two-run ht>tner by Dm la-nhardt in the fifth, feut the hose men put the game on >oe with a foui tun blast in the eighth. Mast singled home two run# m this frame to break the tie Gua / banged o«t four sirygle# to help the (Tiirago cause, which »a* ais« a d.-d Hr mn* walks given up by Brownie hUrlerw. 1 The oldest pi-ople r»o* living appfeifnily do not roa«'n gieater age# than the an* ents, sagx It' F^dtAted S. Iwvwy. Jr , Aaki *nol ogiat, In the M ScifiaitiD< Anidrtcan " Deetay thmkiwlong life nms i* families, but h* feMo \es th. amount of livipf a man rgn PS' k into a life is al" mi uuiform Those wgo live Chapman, Malcolm Douglas, longer live moro slowly Thp max rife imam Ilf. span Seems to b4 about 116 of )’2tt yeajU h< says Uhila<ieiphia at Roberts In 2i and Mejer (0 4l vs Roe i4 2) and Hsttnnfl 2) or Bar ' (Ml il-U). New York at Bdstgn (2) Ken- nedy (2 2) and Jipudn (2-4) vs. Sain < 6 3) and, Roy l( 2tl) St lamis at PittsMurgh (2) Muiiger «2 1) and J4«iyer (2-1) vs MacDonald (10) iaifii Chambers' (5 41. Cincinnati at t'M'-te 1 <'2) Kaf- fensberger (2 5) aipi plackwell (2- f. i v* VNmder M> er t |-(U an d Voi-. selle (0-3). Siam, se language new spa reports that Ante man umniata' had set up a network in Siam "under (fee supervision of General Ma. Arthur " Major General I'hao Snyam.nd. deputy diroctoi general of the IV ^ lice Depart merit, announced after the investigation that special a' gynt* questioned .Siamese edifeirs ami reporters atUnhed to the nfws papers ooncerned They extractid confeasnm* that the report* were based "u heartay and imagmatioa Stupid and ridiculous,” police bral th< storie#. . , lo your own feep uvlereots wilt drop by today a« At.(.IE 4VRANKRS and let up thow tired. dl|ly dot fur you . , . C IN . . . uur expertly equipped ■bap We doe t Am to cap ture all of lhoybu4neoo M . . STATION you owe M lu guur to fi*# won at •elf sad your cJatAtfi u« a try. PWj m l AGGIE Ck&Akttb. pro#pe<U though several of the other player* should *e*' a great deal of service in the future The '46 'Mt Fish finished the sea aon with a 7-5 record, splitting with SWC oval* Bavlor> Ric., and Texas a# well as Texas Con ferefece and sUte tournamfent vie tor l^n Morns JC and Toxaa Con ferewce South Eone champ Allen Academv Two victonea were tallied over Wharton. South Texas JC Confer one* tithat. Gene Behnckol and Les Peden cmdied the Fish during the last and first halves of the season, respectively -a- Vi tir? K CSowix to) Air 30 The amaiirat cara in the low-priced field -♦ the only, oneii to offer autoButic transmiamon and 105 H P. eagme FOK IMWKIHATC DELIVERY CORBUSIER CHEVROLET Bry»n. Texas CO. — —— For . . . ■ V . FINAL BALL \ n / . Orchid* Yundan . i CVDllHdilllllH * (surdrniu* - h / J. (miller Smitii Florist l 1800 £ GiIIckc Road ■ '{ ! Phone 3-6725, i. _ . r . J J ^ i . rrr x \ ( ome by And Irt mt* nukkt you the bewt e you cBRh offer for your I 8ED TEXT BOOHS —Herb Staffer airplane AHOBBY SUPPLIES RECORDS ^^1 —a- How About... SLACKS? /* ♦ t Hundreds are Keeping in Touch WithA&M This Sunfmer Thru " - \ Th e Balia lion \ Ik) vthi want Smart Summer SeleetfentJv"’ Vknnt cm to fit” And look good'’ , Right off the bat? and of oourae quality H Plus — Shaffer s Book Store | North Gat* — Colie®* SUUob . I .eon B. WoiMi ha» eir — Iroth of them -4- and jCK-ed 96u50 and ^7..^ NYIX>N WTTN RAYON AIX RAYON Come in attd try on a prilr. / LEON B. ^ EISS "Nrixt to Campus Theatre'' — — The Battalion... $ V Four Days A 'Aerk J All Summer for Only \ S2-IHI Subseriln* NO*! THE BATTALION Text* A 4 H College ( 4iHegr Ntatlnn Texas Please send THE: BATTALION to: Name f Addreaa \ City \ Encloied is 12.00 to cover the curt of my summer bubtKrqitioo. • M* SM - .w’i d. i ’A ■