Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1950)
/ i 1 Elects , i By H tltHkion '' ot a&m ^onaolidatcd are slated to be held next week to fill »»ven high school otllcea and similar vacancies in the diviBi" U ? 1 8< -’^ 0 °l end grummer , As yet only a few names have ; peen_ entered in the races. Spring - elections arc held at the Consoli dated School system > the second Week in May of each year ahff the preceding week is set aside for nominations and student campaign- ing. .. . < -f To Qualify for sttident offices a nominee must have a “C” average in his combined list cof courses. Another qualification as stated by the school constitution calls, for a petition to be signed by twen ty students and/ approved by the administration and sent to the class/ president to be placed on the ballot. ? . ^ i ’ i Offices- to ibe filled next week in the elections are those of the president of the respective class es, '■editor of the high school an nua], four editors of the school icers JUN^ES paper, two senior yell leaders, two junior yell leaders, a senior busi ness manager of the annual, and a junior business manager. The presidents and editor of the annual must have grade averages of at least 85. The business man ager nominees must have at least an 80 grade average.. All offices are filled by^ a plur ality vote system of the 1 student body; The election will be held by the student council and super vised by the school faculties. Consolidated FHA Votes New Officers . ■■ \ ‘ Celeste Curran was elected pres ident of the Consolidated Chaptei of the Future ’Homemakers o: America at the chapter meetyij 1 held this week. Liz Miller was elected second vice-president for the College Sta tion area and Louise Street was selected to the FHA chmp as tb> C^hsolidated chapter nominee for district office. ; Graduation Plans Made, for May 26 " *-* A - ^DM led Coin te*, Baccalaureate and commence ment exei-cises are scheduled this month for the 21 A&'M Cojnsoli dated High ; School graduate; . cording to Lloyd Boze, high tichool principal. Reverend James Moudy ojf the A&M Chijistiun Church will deliver the harcf’luureute aiklress at the services 10 llic held in the First Baptist Chureh in College Station, May 21 at .8 p. m. Graduation exercises are to be held in [Gufon Hall May 26 at 8 p. m. ibean Charles N. Shepard- son of tjhe school of agriculture will give! the commencement ad dress. ; Lloyd iCay is president qf the Gonsolid4ted class of 1950. I ^ • -' ! . • , . A • . t . ' • '• 7 . A pi T 1 i News - Society Y n i H ? Band Bnd Orchestra Guests at Dance Party The miembers of the A&M Con solidated band and orchestra will be entertained tomorrow night at 7 onj the dance slab with a skating j phrty. The B^nd Mothers Club is spon soring tjhe skating and dancing party. Mrs/ .Norman Anderson is chairmar] of arrangements. 4bm i SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY & SATURDAY i MAY 5 & 6 Arvnour Star BACON .,,. . . . lb. 48c Armour Star ■ PICNIC . . . : . . lb. 39c Fresh Water CATFISH STEAKS, lb.# FRYERS . . . . ,. lb. 39c ArAtour Slat '' ■ ' BABY BEEF Hi. 69c * l ’ 6>/z Oz. (Jreen lailml Star Kist Tuna . . 29c No. 2 Crystal City ; Spinach . . . Pare! v Dog Food . Large Ivory Soap . Largik ii. Super Suds ^ ...... I9c Skinner’s Lour Spaghetti or Macaroni. 10c 1 Lb. -r (Plain) Parkay Oleo ..... -..27c • < ■ . 2 /Lb. Armour’s 4 lii Cliedda (Iheese . . 85c Lb Frisco .... . 69c Sugar . . ... . 5 lbs. 39c Gold Mtslal i Flour ... . . 5 His. 39c I Lb. .Swims Down , Instant Cake Mix . 2 - 67c ? • * f ’• /\- ' ; ' ^ f ’’ t I Lb. Sunshine Crackers . . 23c Jewel . - r ' • ' , Shortening . . . 3 lb. 59c Air Conditioned 28 Oz. — 5 Minute Cream of Wheat . . . 29c Delsey v ^ / - Toilet Tissue . :2 rolls 25c No, .800 Uiiisle William Pork & Beans . 3 cans 25c 12 ()z. Kounty Klsl Whole Kernel Golden Corn 10c , , i . No. .800 Kimble Fres i Green Biack-Eye l eas . 2 for 19c 12 tUC i i Log Cabin Syrup . . . 25c Folgers Coffee . . 1 lb. 73c . . 29c Catsup . . w . . . .21c 12 Oz,i Hama. Apple Jelly 15c 1034 Scholastics Listed in Census A&M Consolidated Independent District prtcently shows a 10.47 -ptir cent Increase in echolaetica in the white schools and u \hree per cent increase In negro school*; according to Les Richnnlson, sup. crintendent of schools. The figures were compiled In thi 1960 Kchoul census and is compared with 1949 figures. A scholaotlc is classified as a person of school age and eligible for schooling. The total number of scholastics to date is 1,0:14. This is the first time the district has enumerated over T ,000, Richardson Saidv. .The 1940 school census listed only 7(14 scholastics. ’ • I, Interpeting the News ... -f Bradley and Hoffman Differ on Cold War Shown above is a portion of the. building of the First Baptist Church to A&M students. The student centu. church area where much constructioi new Baptist Studeift Union of College Station now open r is located at the North Gate has been done the past year. No. 2 Del Monte Whole Green Beans . . . 14 Oz. Del Monte Carton — With Funny Book /• Dr. Pepper . . .;...!. 19c V, Lb. Maxwell House Tea . . 55c PROPUCE LETTUCE . 2 heads 19c CARROTS . . . Bunch 5c f 1 • X. Green ONIONS .. 2 bunches 15c "RUMMACu x \* POTATOES . 10 lbs. 48c Delicious APPLES ..... lb. 10c RKE T f COULTER DRIVE AT HIGHWAY 6 OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK 8 AM. TO 8 P.M. Two Chosen For Skiout Jamboree Bill Swoger, son of Col. and Mrs. Frank R'. Swoger, aiwF Philip Bu chanan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Spen cer Buchanan, have been chosen to represent TrOop 411, College Sta tion at the national Boy Scout Jamboree in Valley Forge next month. These boys were selected on the basis of troop competition under way since March. Many factors were considered, including;activity, attendance at meetings, advance ment, attitude, service. The select ion was approved by the trojip members and by' the troop com mittee. (, These boys, together Iwith boys from other troops chosen to go to fhc Jamboree, will meet at a “shake down” camp at the Bryan Fair grounds Friday. . At that time special Jamboree camp equip ment will be, issued and plans for the trip discussed. Swoger and Buchanan will be pirt of a group of 38 boys from Bryan, College Station, and Burle son and Robertson counties. They rili have a special car all the way fiom Houston on June 25 across the country to Valley Forge, Wash- gton and back through Niagara alls and Chicago. A&M Garden Club Pilgrimage Date A&M Garden Club’s Pilgrimage has beep changed from May 5 to Thursday, May 11 and will be held at the a.iendo Plantation near Hempstead. Memb^s have been asked to ieet at 1 p. m. in front, of the &M Administration building on the above date. >. .i,- Battalion CLASSIFIED ADS Page 0 THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1950 HKI.I. WITH A HATTAI.IcAn (•I.AMStFIKIl AD. Knit* Hr n word t*tf ihiMirUoii with ii 2ftc minimum Hpur* rntr In Mrctloh . . , ooc p»r column Irtrh.y Hrml all cluMMlfledM with remit- tanr^ to the Htudent ArtlvHlee Office All pdR nhould he turned In by 10:00 n.m.of the day before publication. • FOR SALE • POKTABDK radio, hew mlcroacope with three objective*, I.eKett*44. Fred Toma. IIRIJ* WANTED fj-TtJDWN f advet-ttMlnR Nnlenmen ^nnt#d for fall 1UAo Apply advertlNlnB deek BATTALION OKFBJIO, mortilnKR 1947 KIT CHATEAU trailer hpime with room and bath. Trailer or room sold separately. See on Watson Lane at Midway, Bryan. o . LOVELY HOME with 4% acres, only 1 Uj miles south of College on Highway No. 6. Lakevlew Acre addition. AH city conveniences. Perfect for raising chick ens. horses, cows, rabbits, and garden space. 4” • FOR RENT • FIVE ROOM HOUSE completely furnished. Attic fan. Nine months. June thru January. 60S S. Baker, Bryan. Phone 2-2040. TWO COOL corner rooms, two blocks North of North Gate. Available June ftth. Mrs. Robert L. Jackson. Phone 4-4761. Prompt Radio Service — Call— Soslik’n Riulio Service Ph. 712 S. Main St. 2-1041 Bryan 'S’ANTED: Hludents who would like to write for The Battalion. Contact Ro land Bing. Manager of Student Publi cations. Rohm 211 Goodwin JlUll. • LOST AND FOUND • »ERSON leaving rain coat in car whit# hitch-hiking to Houston In early . April contact Bill Richey—Dorm 12-4W' • MISCELLANEOUS • jSEWINO AND ALTERATIONS: Mrs. Mary Brown, A-ll-B, College View. 5 Save Your Eyes! Periodic eye examinations are the best assurance that your vision will always be at it^ best . . . / —CONSULT— Dr. J. W. Payne OPTOMETRIST 109 S. Main Bryan, TexaB (Next to Palace Theatre) 3 TYPES • 4 SERIES • 10 SIZES - ALL NEW! r !l«] Ef I P' 1 i I MocUl shown DM-90 \ | Refrigerators Crlgldolr* hoi b modal and prlco !• lull your oxact noodi I • Now ityllng —Inildo and out • Now ad|uilablo aluminum •holvoi • Now twin ilack-up Hydralori • Now Moot Storage Tray • Now Improved Motar-Mlior Look at It outtldol Look ot It Intldol You can't match a Frlgldalrol AGGIES!!! . . . Come to our Southside Store for a choice selection of Mothers’ Day Gifts — $1.00 up. GIFT WRAPPED FREE C. E. Griesser Electric Co. FRIGIDAIRE SALES & SERVICE 212 N. Bryan 2-1423 Southside Jersey St. 4-9876 =,1 What'* Cooking BEAUMONT CLUB, Thursday, May 4, 7:30 p.m., Room 106, Aca demic Building. Make plans fbr partv. BRAZORIA COUNTY CLUB, Thursday, May 4, 7:30 p.m., Ro<|m 129 Academic Building. COLLIN COUNTY CLUB me^ts Thursday, May 4, 7:15 p.m., Ro<)m 308, Academic Bldg. All members are urged to attend this final meet- '"eAS TTEXAS CLUB, Thursday, May 4, 7:30 p.m. Reading Ro^m YMCA. Discussion of after schjjol EL PASO CLUB, Thursday, May 4, 7:15 p;m., Room 307, Acadeipic Building. FISH & GAME CLUB, Thurs day, May 4, 7:30 p.m. Ag. Engi neering Building. Dr. Carl ;-A. Riggs, University of Oklahoma, will speak. JOHNSON COUNTY CLUB, Thursday, May 4* 7:30 p.m., Room 226 .Academic Building. Picni<i to be discussed. LAREDO CLUB, Thursday, May 4, 7 ;30 p.m. Roorh 1*25, Academic Building. Election of officers] SAN ANTONIO CLUB, Thurs day, May 4, 7:15 p.m., Room ;301 Goodwin. Final plans for June Dance to be planned. waco - Mclennan county CLUB, Thursday, May 4, 7:30 p.m., Rooip 301 Goodwin. Party plans to be made. Simek to Represent City During Fiesta Frances Simek has been select ed to represent the A&M Con solidated High School lu the I Al falfa Fiesta to he held May 11 in Hvarne. The fiesta is scheduled for |5:30 p. in. of May 11 and will be ipre ceded by a parade at 10 ai m. and h barbeque at II a. m. A band festival of music will he played at 12:45 In the afternoon. Miss Simek, a junior student at Consolidated, Is to participate in the Bathing Girls Revue dtlring the fiesta. Morris Frank of Hous ton will act as master of cere monies for the program. Fjrauk is noted throughout the state! ns a sportswriter and after-dinner speaker. By J. M. ROBERTS JR. - AP Foreign .Affairs Analyst Paul Hoffman, leader of Amer ica's economic effort in the cold war. and Geh. , Omar Bradley, charged with responsibility for the nation’s military safety, apparent ly do not see eye to eye on the world situation. Hoffman's optimism over the prospects that Russia's postwar empire will crack under the weight of its own excesses is not shared in the, State Department, either., Situation Woreo „ ^On the otljjBr hand, secretary Acheson. while^ot exactly endors ing General Bradley’s statement that the situation is worse than it was a few months ago, did say that it was no better. Hoffman told the U. S. Cham ber of Commerce that Russia’s satellites would break away from their tfiraildom "within the fore seeable future.” Walter Lippmann told the chamber the crackup al ready had begun, referring to Yu goslavia. (Lippman said two years ago that the cold war was then over, and that j Russia knew she had lost it.) Titoism is of course important, but Russia’s losses since the war are infinitesimal compared with her gains. Bradley told the House Armed Services Committee Tuesday, on tH% other hand, that the outlook in the cold war has worsened re cently; that he saw no letup in Russia’s “aggressive extension of Communism toward the goal of world domination.” Recognition Problem In all talk of pea£e with Rus sia one of the great problems is whether America’s traditional at titude would permit her to recog. nize Russian conquest of Eastern EQrope as permanent, abandon ing countries like Czechoslovakia and Poland to a regime which is believed fundamentally repulsive to them. That these countries would break away, given the op- + Funeral Held For Mrs. C. R. Paggart Funeral services were held today at tht* Hillier Funeral Homo; In Itryu+i for Mrsi Charles Ross Pag- R urt of College Rtntlon, with Rev. orinun Anderson officiating. Burial was at the College Hta tiori cemetery. Mrs, Y’aggart died Wednesday at thehome of ngr daughter, Mrs. Thofnus K. Cham berliiin of 31)0 Montclair. Mrs. Paggart is survlvod by her husband who lives in College Sta tion^ three daughters, Mrs. Cham berlin with whom she made her home; Mrs. Miriam T. Smith, Ded* hani, Muss.; and Mrs. Willard B. 1’hilpH, Columbia, Mo.; and three granddaughters. nrtunity, U_ generally accepted, ut what will provide that oppor tunity? There 'are rdenty of .anti-com- muuUts. But their opuoituniti*a for organisation ayo limited. There ia the Catholic, Church, which al«» becomes more and ^nore limited. The Coinnt'uiiistg.well know how the purge and the police San handle such situations. They learned in Russia. I I NOLAN HUFF ’49 FORD SALESMAN • * Cr ' •--• } , I USED CAR AND TRUCK HEADQUARTERS * - * 'f'' Specials 1948 FORD —r Two Door Super DeLuxe — Radio Heater — White Side- walla — Clean . . . $1195 1947 STUDEBAKER Club Coupe Heater ~ Ov erdrive — Plastic Seat Coyera. Like new . $1195 1948 JEEP Bryan Motor Cb* $795 Hi-way 6 So. 2-1333 /■ 415 N. Main 2-1507 -fhr GET IN THE wim With Beachwear from Waldrop’s \ Featuring A - - \ the famous • McGregor I I • Catalina • Coppers \ Nylons, Inslex or poplins infittecLpr in u variety ' A solid colors. boxer trunks of patterns or 28-38; 92.95 to ^7.95 Matching Shirt and Short Seta . . $10 a Co. MtNt CCOTHIMA ' SINCK l«4« r;; c “'&' 1,'; ’*■'/ - 5 AT OUR COLLEGE STATION STORE ■A