Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1950)
rflilP Civil Service . ■ 1 ‘The United States CWIL Ser- vice Commission has announced an examination for Supply Spec ialists for filling positions' in the fields of general supply, store- keeping and storage, property and stock control, requirements and . distribution, surplus property, dis posal, printing and publications, and supply cataloguing. The positions are located in Washington, D. C„ and vicinity. ^Salaries range from $3,100 to $6,400 a yean j . - To qualify, applicants must have had from 3 to, C years of experience in the field of ^supply work for Positions Oden t 1 which they apply. The amo int and quality of the experience varies with the grade of position priate education may be sul for part of the experience, ten test is required. The i its,' 18 to 62 years, are fpr persons entitled to preference. Further information ant I ‘cation forms, may be setjur the Commission’s local se Roger W.r‘Jackson, at the Station Post Office, froi service regional offices, the U. S. Civil Service sion in Washington, D. C. THE BATTALION LY, APRIL 27, 1950 Jo Anne WilshiiHen Jo Anne will represent the ll’e- troleum Club as their ducjiesK in the Cotton Pageant and ’ Hall. She'-will be escort^ by her hus band, John Wilshusen. They are from Houston* Patsy' Barfield v Palsy, a student at Haylor and hailing from New Boston, will 'represent the Four States Area A&M Club as their duchess in the Cotton Pageant and Ball. She will be escorted by Hob Mc Clure, senior from Texarkana. forger ets Ff ohm H. in ice, _ district en five accoi W. Hamili Getz name eck for rst Natioi July 1 He is out erabezzlei milton Convicted; ve Years . former office man- System Architect’s guilty to forgery Tuesday and was suspended sen*' ing to County Sheriff >n. guilty to forging J. W. Hoyak to a il,000 drawn on the. Bank of Bryan, on bond on a charge lent from the college, led. Betty Byron < i. Miss Byron, from Brenha been selected as duchess present the Brenham of Commerce in the Colt geant and Ball. She will corted by Joe W, 'Davie Poteit, Texas. diss Guyn las been he Robert is their <1 I ’ageant a vill be Lai|r or Arch. Hearne, T*: Ann Gtiynen a sophomore at TU, iielected to represent an County A&M Club ichess in tW 1 Cotton nd Ball. Her escort rence D. Brady, sen- major. Both hail from xas. Nancy Virginia Jones ajor at 1‘mphis, e ACC Cottop will be Hough- major Nancy, a freshman Art TSCW and from Tenn^i will represent as th^ir duchess in the Pageant ond Ball. She escorted by Richard B. ton, aenior architecture from College Station. t. * a&S r Shceby ) senior at Waco High, Will represent the Range and iforestry Club as their duchess ip the Cotton Pageant and Ball. She will jte escorted by Johnny Walker, sophomore R. F. major also from yvi .i h fer Very Light In Weight Very Long In Wear Tropical Worsted 1 with Two Pairs of Trousers r ROCHESTER WTO TAILORED Michaels-Stern I . 1 I jrable, distinctive and de lightfully cool (when the eather isn't) here is an all- irgin-wool tropical worsted •uit that’s a double barrelled —i -k~ 1 • buy, for any man. / ' . . . t “TSfs - « * I- Conway & Co. -103 N. Main — Bryan 1 .-uT , Betty Siihms Miss Sii McClenna Cottpn P duchess, cort, Waco. i will represent the n County Club in the ageant and Hall as their Both her and her es- y Brown, hail from Betty Jo < Betty, a student hailing from Hut^ been selected as present the Willip A&M Mothers Cl ton Pageant and ■cort will be Emz) Ag. Ed. major Texas. at TSCW and o, Texas; has duchess to re- mson County b in the Cot- Ball. Her es- - Naueft, soph from “Uranger, Caroline Spears Caroline, a sophomore jit 8MU studying biology, will represent the American Chemical Society as their duchess in the Cotton Pagealtt and Hall. She will be escorted by Don Webb chemistry major from Dallas. aHHi Susanna Landers Susanna, a sophomore and the Sweetheart of TCU, has been chosen as the duchess to repre sent the Intramural Club in the Cotton Pageant and Ball. She Will be escorted by Bob Blum, junior C. E. major from' San An tonia Judie Breeding Miss Breeding, from Houston, has been selected as duchess to represent the Engineer Regi ment ih the Cotton Pageant and Ball. Her escort will be Bob Barman, junior geological-, en- •gineering major also from Hous ton. Carol Olds Carpi, u junior at San Marcos and hailing from Kan Antonio, will represent the Fayette A&M Club aw their duchess ?n the Cotton Pngennt and Hall. She will he escorted by Herb Prede, senior business major from I,a (•range. Koenning Mrs. Koennihg duchess, ty Club in and Ball, i by her hus Arch major, ing, Texas. will represent, as the Caldwell coun- :he Cotton Pageant te will be escorted and A. G., a senior They are from I,ul- SlilV TAN UNIFORMS Margaret Dltzler Miss Dilzler, a graduate of SMC, has been: selected to re present the A&M College Moth ers' Club of Dallas a*'their duch ess in the Cotton Pageant and Ball. Her escort will 'he BUI Beatty, senior A. H. major. Both from Dallas. Ella Pave Williams Ella Faye, of Dallas, will repre- s e a t the GaQery 1 Committee, A&M Art C|ub as their duch ess iri the Cotton Pageant and Ball. Her escort will be James M. Williams; landscape major also from Dallas. AND BOOT PAINTS | Strictly Tailor Made by MENDL & IIORNAK College Station Simmons >- freshman at Texas A&l, selected to represent as duchess In the Cotton Pageant and Ball the A&M Mothers’ Club of Kingsvillp. Her escort will be Jack Turcotte, senior A. Ilj ma jor. Hotb hail from KingaVillp. I.ynn. a fr has been l.ouise will represent the-Ama- rillo A&M Mothers’ Club as their ' duchess in the Cotton Pageant and lull. Hhe will wa escort by Hob Amason, Junior, buslnt major. IMh arp from Amarll W..VC-.S.SI .j s iiAnTljHifnT'iJii 1 sll II sns ■»p|m4-s» • sM SUP£ TO PilAS£ BAPCA/PS PREMIUMS You could eventually obtain a complete set of ovenproof Holiday California pot tery just by trading here and saving and redeeming your cash register slips: We are recommending however that you take advantage of the; special deal on 5-piece starter sets, pbtaining as many place-set tings as you desire for only $5.00 in trade and $1.59 in cash for this $2.95 value; then use your additional cash registeit Re ceipts to obtain ; the extra, open stock pieces at your leisure. r r' During 1950 we will use much of ouri ad vertising funds to buy and give away premiums to oup customers. Make it a habit to shop here and savle your cash register receipts., * , FROZEN FOODS - '' : I Snow Crop — 4 Oz. Cans Orange Juice ... . 2 for 35c A Montz Brand L_J, Strawberries . . . Pkg. 45e mm Tftwtms T« encourage the FFA and 4-H Club boyN in their project, we will feature tlm week-end their Frenh, FRYERS. fully dreesed selected Fresh, Fully Dressed HENS Decker’s Tall Korti Bacon . . . .... . . lb. 39e i ■ ■ . . ! I Cello Wrapped Jasmine Franks ... . . L lb. 45c ■ * End Cut Loins PORK CHOPS or Pork Roast). . . . J. lb. 4 From Grade A Bjaby Beef Chops . . lb. 49c 69c • Specials for Fri. & Sat. ! j April 28-29 Regular Jar Borden’s Instant Coffee . each 45c No. 2M> Cans, Airmail Halves—in Syrup Apricots...... can 19c Swift’s—-Get an Extra Can for 1c Cleanser .... 2 cans 25c To Open Clogged Drains—Big |Can l\u-Drain .;..... . 10c Factory Degl. Monarch Cider Vinegar.... Quart 25c Get a second quart—1c N No. 2 , /j. Cans Libby’s Fruit Cocktail. . can 29c 5 Lb. Phil Blue Label Karo Syrup. . . each 39<* No. 2 Can Faultless . ...... can 7 Factory Deal—38c Value ~ FLAaES] ■' j box 1 large box and 1 regular BOTH FOR 29c Large White Infertile Eggs..... .3 Country $1.00 % Tcnderleaf—4 Or.. Tea . . No. 2 Can Little Kernel Genlteman , , Corn . ^ . . . .2 cans 25c 12 OZ. C1IILF SPRAYER . f. Gulf Spray . . Quart 3! Poular Brands Cigarettes . Carton $L Meadolake Quarters : Colored Oleo . . lb. 35c Shortening Snowdrift . . lb. can 23c Worth the difference Sanitary Farms—De Li| Ice Cream . . . . Pt 25c Extra Nice Bananas. . FRESH FRUrrS AND VEGETABLES Golden or White Fresh Corn ... 6 Medium Large Sire Avocados. .... 2 lbs. 25c i | . e j , , ; . . . * . each 19c r lonaa Juice Oranges. . 2 lbs. 25c Firm Green e . lb. 3c ears 25c Large Bunches Locally Gr \ MUSTAKD or CRKKNS /bunches 25c Southside # Blocks Due South of Kyle Fieli y j." ■ - y ■ F 'ffl 1’ ; , i : i, Ji •