Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1950)
■f * u ; .n' 1 Deadline Fo Award Nominatio * • ’ 3 i 3 ■ | 1 All ministers and faculty mem bers who wish to. recommend any student for the Henry Cohen- Hillel Inter-faith Fellowship Award should do so before- May 1, Mrs. Esther Taubenhaus, director of the Hillel Foundation, has an nounced. >1 • The (800 fellowship is awarded each year by the B’ nai B’rith Hil lel Foundation to a student, pre ferably a junior, who has in the opinion of a faculty selection coni- mittee, done .the most to promote interfaith amity and better group relations on the campus, Mrs. Tau- henhaus said. 1 [ J, In Cohen’s Honor - , . • i 2jL- \l Three years old, the fellowship is in honor of 82 year old Rabbi Henry Cohen of Galveston, Texas, Spring Picnic Held Today by Masons The annual spring picnic of the Sul Ross Lodge will be held at the Consolidated High School Slab, at 5:00 p. m.,-Wednesday, April 26, 1950, for the families of the lodge members and student Masons. In the event of rain, the picnic will be held in the High School Gymnasium. The picnic affair will be con ducted as an old fashioned “din ner on the ground", with softball, horse shoe pitching, and other forms of recreation. • Transportation will leave from the YMCA at 6:00 p. m. and the Campus Corner as j>:10 p. m. Stu dent Masons are not expected to furnish' any food- All E. A. and F. C. Masons are cordially invited. who has been friend, counselor spiritual guide to men and womi of all faiths throughout Texas f< more than half a century. N. R. Leatherwood was first recipient of the award. Don Jarvis, who is presently a fifth year architecture student from Ft. Worth, won it iri 1947. Last year’s winner was Jarvis, Miller, Ag-Economics major from Orange Grove. Miller presented a program in the interest of intep- faitn relations last weekf In the 'YMCA. Selection Committee *■ Selection of this year’s winner will be made some time in May by a selection committee whion consists of Chairman Df. T. F. Mayo, head of thp English Depart ment; Bennie A. Zinn, assistant Pe*n of Students; Dr.J. H. Quis- enberry,. head of the poultry hus bandry department; J, Gordon Gay, associate secretary ojf the YMCA; and Mrs. Esther Tgubeh- haus, director of the A&M Hillel Foundation. Recommendations should be sent to J. Gordon Gay, secretary (of the committee, a. the YMCA. BONFIRE PHOTO ^SYMBOL, OF AGGIE SPIRIT” Size 8x10 —ONLY— 50c ' : Now on sale at u STUDENT CONCESSION NEWSSTAND by Milner Hall — or from — JAMES UPTMORE A&M Annex T-222 >le BSU To Dedica Student Center The new $80,000 Baptist Stii- dent Center of A&M will be dedi cated in special services £ unday afternoon at 3:00, according to Rev. A. M. Smith. Open house was held M' afternoon for the inspection student Aggies and Tuesday noon for the general public Dial Martin and a group fro lege Avenue were recepti Monday, while Mrs. J. W. H her First Baptist group wer^ ess the following day. Reverend Smith is head Baptist Bible Chair, which/ housed in the new building. ondgy of the after- Mrs. Col onists ill and host- jf tile be will First Graders Taught Fast Reading Methods st Three teachers from the ton, Texas school system the reading classes of Mrs L. Sloop, yesterday to the teaching methods used sotidated Grade School. The visiting teachers we Sally Cobb, Miss Esther T and Mrs. Duncan. Mrs. Sloop’s reading ir teach first grade pupils how advanced lessons in a shor; Her first grade students learned to read the newsps the close of the course. dantil- visited Fred Observe Cdn- Miss apmjis, ethods ;oread tiitie. have per;at Mrs, by Virginia Mullinnix MulHhnlx has been chosen the duchess to represent the #nagemeht Engineering Wives b at the Cotton Pageant and I. Virginia will be eacorted her husband, Ted Mullinnix. Jerry Ray Jerry will represent the San An tonio A&M club as their duche»-s in the Cotton Pageant and Ball. She will be eacorted by Robert Schero, junior CE major. Both hail from San Antonio. Jane Reedy Mrs. Ready will represent the American Society of Agricultur al Engineers as their ducheaa in the Cotton Pageant and Hall. She will be escorted by her hua- hand John, a junior Ag. major. They are from McKinney, Texas. Pat Mlaa Levin, a Hockaday student from Dallaa, will |A&M Hillal Club aai eaa in the Cotton Ball. She will be ;eecerted by Jerry Fineg, senior Vet Med major from Phoenix, Aria. •kaduy student represent tho as their duch- i Pageant and Room Sign-up arts Today rmitories 14, 15, 16, 17, Wallton, and Milner will be used for Summer School stu dents, Bennie A. Zinn, as sistant dean of students said $$$ Do You Need Money fair Lou is now buying boohs for 5 big let’s make a deal. The sooner j “A trade with Lou—A leistratibn for these dorms will bta/t todayi and end May 3 for the! occupants of these dorms. Re- istrjation for men living in other dorpts will register for rooms at thej regular registration time, Thursday May 4. Students jin school under the G. I. Hill of Rights ( should secure fee waiver slips from the VA advisor, Taylor Wilkins in room 104 Good- \vip Hall. Waiver slips will he Available April 27, Zinn said. Fiscal office representatives will be in Goodwin Hall' all day Thurs- daj,[April 27 to receive fees for the Suirvmer Session. After April 27 fee, must be paid in the Admin- isti ation Building, i- Day students, including those living in College operated apart- me ita should secure waiver slips, pay fees and get receipts stamped beginning April 27, Zinn said. Men living 4n porms 14, 15, 16, 17, and Walton or Milner who want tp change rooms may do so be tween 8 a. m. Thursday, April 27 until 12 noon April 29. They must als > get a room change slip signed by their housemaster, Zinn con- cluled, I . LOU u • yoi ( 01 TRAD the BIr Week-end?f book houses. Come by and u act—the more for you. steal lor you” ING POST i L 11 1 - i ? SHOWING J. C. ROW, BRYAN PAINTING CONTRACTOR APPLYING SEW ALL PAINT AT COLLEGE STATION CUNIC “SEWALL'S COLOWALL AND SEMI-NAMEL V EASIEST WORKING PAINTS THAT I HAVE El THEY COVER IN ONE COAT, DRV QUH STAND UP.” - You Can Get These _ This Area That Can Help YotrWi Fine Paints at the Only Paftit Store in Help You With Your Painting/Problems. THE USED. iY, AND 8EWJ “4 SEtyALL’S COLOWALL is an oil flat paint that comes in 12 lovely colors. ^ j GET A COLOR CARD p-* \i . uwra^wrJ'S PAINT ST 81 is s hard drying enamel that stands DAY •M AMEL satin " wear. / • 2 2201 COLLEGE ROAD j 7 1 PH< 2-8684 What's Cooking AGGIE AEROCRATS, April 28, Friday, 7 p.m. Contest plans will be discussed. AGGIE SQUARES, April 28, 8 p.m., Parish House. DEL RIO A&M CLUB meets Thursday night at 7:30 p.m. Read ing Room, YMCA. Very Import ant. LUTHERAN STUDENT’S AS SOCIATION, April 26, Wednes day, 7:30 p.m., Student Center. Dr. Miller to .speak. Refreshments served. PORT ARTHUR CLUB, Wednes day, April 26, 7:15, Room 303, Goodwin. Special meeting to make final plans for Cotton Pageant and Bali, other important announce ments. ROBERTSON COUNTY A&M CLUB, April 27, Thursday, 7:30 p.m., 305 Goodwin Hall. SENIOR VETERINARY CLASS (Picinc), April 29, Saturday, 3:30 p.m., Hensel Park. All seniors, wives, and faculty. WICHITA FALLS CLUB, April 26, Wednesday, 7:15 p.m., Academ ic Bldg. Business meeting. A&M Mothers Club Meets Thursday The Brazos County Mothers Club will hold its final meeting of the year Thursday afternoon at three o’clock at the YMCA. Included on the agenda is the g' tfficers and a discussion of plans for the Parents day week-end activities. i Consult Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST With Tour Visual Problems MS 8. Main — Bryan Phone S-1MS Tostos better ...if better lor you. X-ray Unit Ends Survey at College A total of 13,024 persons were X-rayed for chest pictures during the three week survey conducted in Brazos County, according to Mrs. A. A. Blumberg, executive secretary of the Brazos County Tuberculosis Association. Of this total 1,437 were made at A&M Annex, 6,161 in Bryan, and 6,426 at the YMCA at College Station. 1 I W “Individuals may expect a re port of the results through the mail from the State Health De partment in Austin within two weeks,” said Dr. D. ;E. Brown, director of the local health unit. “If a chest disorder is indicated in the X-ray, a report will be sent from Austin toj the individual’s physician,” Dr. Brown added.. W. L. Penberthy, dean of Snen at A&M, said that more students reported for X-rays this year than last year, even though the enroll ment is not as great. This year’s survey made 3,276 mors X-rays than the combined county survey during November, 1947 and the A&M survey con ducted January, jl948. Only 9,748 adults reported for X-rays during these two surveys. WH1TENER COMPLETE FLOOR COVERING • LINOLEUM • ASPHALT TILE • RUBBER TfLE Consult us on any Floor Covering j WHITENER FLOOR CO. 1901 S. College ■/ Mrs. Rupel Servies Seafood Luncheon t. The A&M Foods Group met last Friday for a seafood luncheon, giv en by Mrs. I. W. Rupel in her home. Mrs. Rupel was assisted by co-chairmen Mrs. P, G. Murdoch and Mrs. Robert Carls, and Mes- dames W. F. Lewis, J. V. Roddy, S. C. Hoyle, and R. G. Reeves. ' •- V * • 0 . • r ^ 1 • ‘-11 ressive attitude in sponso rogram of this kind |o spots of our stats Tom H. Taylor, the information service as Highway to the Campus Study day, on “vacationing He accompanied his talk slides of Palo Duro Bend National Park, wildflowera. ■ r “I would like to cl_ Campus Study Club for gressij progrt people on the recreation in •aid. In addition to Taylor’s slides, Program Co-chalyn Fred Smith and Mrs. F. arranged exhibits whl historical documanta of [the of San Jacinto and Ta: numerous folders on ■pots of Texas, and otosr information. ! . ‘ • 1 . * . l Vacation . by Taylor 1 i 1 k ’ [<h; •“ -V | ' *. • d, ' ested in promoting and directing travel in Teaas and Stimulating recreation in the state which is tho purpose of the information ser vice,’’ Taylor said. “There are 10 bureaus of infor mation near or on the border which give out information and literature on the state designed to aid and assist the public and en courage travel. Some of these bu reaus need extra personnel during the summer and I am here to in terview interested student*,* he continued.- *'j 1 • rmation section — Battalion CLASSIFIED AD Taylor presented ei present with a special er containing information creation spots, imsgf wildflowers and state Besides speaking to club, Taylor is here tp in students who are intenjsted ii i mer jobs with the info vice, which is a sec..— Traffic Services Divip on Highway Department, Fred T. Bennett. “We want men who Page 4 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, anu- with a hattauoh < AD. RatM . . . Se a Word par with a 28c minimum. Spue* I all tanoo to tho Student All ads should fea a.m. or tho day bofon elasalftids with rscstt- idaot Aetlrttlo# Offloa. M tamad la by 10:00 • FOB FURrJri-URE usU model electric 1948 model sax ranee 8130.00: 6 piece oak dinnette set $30.00: one metal com bination ladder and stobl $5.00. R. W. Wilson, Room 31, Mitchell. less than a yearVTWl refrigerator $215.00: iSr - 1936 CHEVROLET convei W. Wilson. Room 31. title, $90.00. Mitchell. 1945 MODEL JEEP. $150.00 . 113 Cooner Street. Colltg* “ 5:00 p.m. • WANTED • STUDENT with tST -who has 'from t till ins. Will do ItsM 284. Faculty Exclii LOST Jm LOST: One engraved, ward, 4-; X Ur psn and pencil. ‘ H. ahull*. Jr. Seal Covers Seat Custom Craft Aul Over a Manufacturing PLAIN OR! QUILLED PLASTIC CO Fit Guaranteed! ' 1 $19.95 — Maroon — Green — Blue f- $21 WHITE AUTO STORE BRYAN 1,95 no: LAN HUFF ’49 FORD SALESMAN USED CiUt AND TRUCK HEADQUARTERS , ‘■■s '* Specials 1948 FORD — Two Door Super DeLuxe — Radio Heater — White Side- walls — Clean ... $1195 1947 STUDEBAKER Club Coupe — Heater — Ov erdrive — Plastic Seat Covers. Like new. $1195 . ,■ I . $795' |h Bryan Motor Co. Hl-way • So. 416* N. Main 1-1331 9-1507 Come To CORONET CO. 203 N. Main ■/ ■ ), and fiid out !/ j “WliT GOES HITE WIIT” Wt'll match your Carpet by Lm with tho greatest o| ease I about color la your home. X own I You have your Your drtperiea, your favorite pain ting—(oven your •yea)—may have a iot to do with it. Begin with a beautiful baric Loot Carpet—and let us help you with the rest of your color plans with good counsel, personal guidance, wide selections—{Jus the fiamt of workmanship on your Lees Carpet installations. Cos"" to us for “those heavenly carpets by Lees.* V'- ' Limited FQR THE COITON B I!-"; ! • A 1 ■.V k • .i _ j Your summer tuxedo is right for the Cotton Ball . . . and there’s plenty of comfort in this handsome, unmis^kably correct NORTHCOOL tux. Very 1950 touches . . . the shawl collar natural shoulder line, finer finishing. '•'WVji i 1 i ■ ■ | — 1 i Be ready, be right for Cotton Ball festivities. Come in today for a new treat in formal JACKET AND TROUSERS $sb. (Jacket alore $25.00) T At Our College Stat I ' tion Store 1 . attire. v- - r\. 1 ; MtNa: fiA : - THING I j 'irll-'J;