Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1950)
1 \ I/. ' : . 4 i m i nm wma not \ In the conference. r ii. pr gies, 12-2, earlier in the Southern Methodist, on the er hand, has the highest hi average in conference games a .810 average and have three of their' hitters in the top four of the conference. SMU is also hpld- > ing the cellar position in the "con ference w|th four consecutive loses. Averages Favor Age The Aggiea seem to have the averages more in their favor while holding the runhot-up'Slot 1 in tho dlnmond race. Thelr liitUng holds third place with .288, their field ing is third at .045, two pitchers - - Sid Goodloo end Pat Hubert— are among the top three, and Wally Moon together with Shug McPher son are 1 among the top ten hitters in the conference. Moon is connecting with the sphere at a .464 rate while McPher son is hitting the pill/ at .416. Although the' comerehce race seems to hav* narroWW down to e nace on the not yet W comie TCU Games I® Emphasis should be pi the Longhorns such a rw at the beginning of the There, in AusSn, the F the Longhorns sweating < jihx' M of not having lost as won in both games by the of 6-4. ^ F ” •••• r 1 The Cadets have figisiir; es this weekei in. . ijrlor lost out last it garnered its third eight games, but remaine* l place behind the pade' Baptists are iri second the team hitting with of .288 and claim two ten in the top ten of the co; ence—Adrian Burk and Bill bell—together with tbrep hUrle: among the top ton. Frogs Fourth Tcil maintains the fourth spot in the race having won J while dropping 3.* Rice Owls have The very well this season, in loi sing article d AAR that Our Mistake A correction on Um:! about the Nlxon-Clay and softball game. We reported tnat the Auatin team scored the win ning cwi in the ienth hming when the pitcher balked. Th< pitcher did not balk, instead i was the catcher against whon the balk was called. Nixon Clay won, 1-0. For % f asliionable Bali . . . WE HAVE FASHIONABLE CORSAGES For Your Perfect Date £ / i [ 1 iSe Call Us EARLY as We Have A Wonderful Selection • i .f t\{- • .T v WAITS Phone 2-2400 We Delilver of their seve although thejf on the team only victory feated the Bruins, 11-9, Corbett third in conference the secoi list, when place Houston la ding ; nd The tl e; games, spot Owls y de- Baylor Stil Columbus, ended o., Jack Corbett, president of said Corbett us gl Pi ayer, aso’a Ver opening April 2S— Paso club of the Class C Arizona- Texas League, was still under sus pension today. And Georj;e Ttautman, the pres ident of the National Association of Professional baseball leagues (the minors , who suspended Cor bett, said: • “If there is any staterpept on the Corbett case at this moment, Mr. Corbett Should make it. He is under suspension.” Corbett’s indefinite suspension came last Wednesday. Trautman the El ed an ihelifnble tur« Morales, In El also was fined $1,000. Then Corb purchase of year, about) JO game begin . game. The club said he completed rales, who played with the Mexi 'an League Inst hours before the Local Tankers Are 5th in Dallas Meet A&MV donsoildatod’s swimming trio of Gayle Knpple, Dickie Wolck and Bobby fKnrow took fifth place In the Southwdstcrn High School Mcot held In Dallas last weekend. Highland Turk of Dallas won included teams City, Houston, Worth, as well .as Dallas ahei College Station. Klipple took second place in the 100-yard freestyle event, Weick gained fourth place in the breast stroke, and Karow, who was re presenting i Lamar Jr.' High of Bryan, placed fourth in the back- stroke and fifth in the diving. Most extra ploints kickdd by any National Football League in 1949 were 45 by Ifat Harder of the Chicago Cardinals Mikan Stars; Lakers Win Minneapolis, mighty-Minaa ipolia- I^>kar% Blanton Taylor Taylor was the winning pitcher in Saturday’s rather freakish k-3 A&M victory over Sam Hous ton. • / Ag Bowlers Defeated By tl of H, 8-4 J ^ ^ A&M’s bowlers lost tp the Uni versity of Houston kcglers, 4-8, last weekend in the YMCA alleys. Tho Cadet first string tied the Houstonians, 3-3, hut thi* sec ond string of the Cougars over powered tho Aggies second best, Hurtling of tho visitors squad bowled the highest line with a sporo of 178 (sdnU while Aggie John Geiger and Cougar Holliday' tied for the second spot with 1711. The Cadet’s first string, was made up bf Emmett Trunt, Har ris Cox, Clem England, Major Lundoford, and Geiger. Alien Reose. Bob Weaver, Burr Laync, Jack Fullerton, ami Lowell Holmes formed the second team of the losers. Three more matches are bn tap for the Cadet keglers—two with TSCW and one with the University of Texas. r t Battalion SPORTS TUBS., APR. 25, 1950 Page 3 April 25—UPb—l irlds to conquer dhampionship in a league in the last fresh out bf w day with third third different three years. As gigantic . George Mikan carved hiihself a deeper niche in basketball immortality by hooping 40 points, the jLakers captured the National Basketball Assn, title Sunday night I by defeating Syra cuse, 110 to JJ5, thus taking the final series, flour games to two. Last year St was the Basket ball Assn t bf jAmerica crown that the Lakers wore and the year be fore that it wps the National Bas- 7 l I- / Fuii tp Be fooled • • • • / (Sometimes) 7 ... but 4 we# you money to knpw the Profit-Sharing pro gram of ... NATIONAL FARM LIFE INSURANCE CO. A&M College Student Representatives W. S. Dalby Sam Routh W. W. Clifton Bob Templeton.. t , Leslie Gentry'.... f Pryse Metcalf ... .4— ——6rC, Pury Dorm 16, Boorp ‘ Dorm 16, Boom Dorm 17, Room ■ Iv ear 213 213 122 B-71 J. »[. TACKER District Manager 902 Pease St — Bryan Phone 3-2305 Box 15061, College Station W. A DALBY ’48 ' To be pistrict Manager East Texas District Effective Jupp 1,1950 )UPON TODAY! — INFORMATION .lagurapce Cp ' jty BWf., Fq any " orth, Tex. Kt FOB ^ „ To: The Jam Amexfcsm-j Name ■. — -kx ‘ vk*: y* • ;• - - ?• >' V. »**’• Address d Life rpiiuraaeei *'-*—« «»-.•■ 0 1 am interested o miirnf □ Full-timeM*n«f er (1 undeVatund .that signing thia coupon places me under ho bpugttU«5n:j To TEMPLETON ’50 be District Manager Souti Texas District Efiective, June 1 . Natio m /■ Fl. Worth, Texas f’7 • V ^30% Dividends^ Farm ance Co. ketball League’s. Both of those leagues now are out of business. Mikan, of course, was the whole show in the windup game just as he has been all season. The var sity star wasted little time set tling the outcome of the ganie, scoring 14 points in the first per iod for a 25-17 Igad and adding 14 more in the second for a 51-39 halftime lead. That was it. Red Pollard was Mikan’s chief scoring assistant with 1ft 'points, while Her*v Schaefer had 12. Forward Dolph Schayes was the Nationals’ leading scorer with 23 points, 11 of them on free throws, and John Macknowski had 17. NOLAN HUFF ’49 jj . FOBD SALESMAN ■ AND USED CAR BEADQUf TRUCK Specials 1948 FORD —| Two Door Super DeLUxe — Radio Heater — White Side- walls — Cleajn .. . $1195 1947 STUDEBAKER Club Coupe — Heater — Ov erdrive — plastic Seat; Covers. Like new . $1195 1948 JEEP . . J . $795 Bryan Motor Co. Hi-way ft So. 2,1383 415 N. Main 12-151)7 Ag Co Meets The Aggie which was hi 6-0, last Abilene day on the Field House. The matches were scheduled to start at 8:30 p.m. The young Aggies, three of whom are only sophomores, found the competition to6 keen at Rice, Team team, by Rice, meets ge to- of DeWare s at its best. where experience Rice-A&M I Results Singles Chick Harris defeated R. G. De Berry, 6-0, 6-2. . Jack Turpin Duncan, 6-2, 6-4. Bob Foley defea 6-2, 6-2. Bill Fithian Aaronson, 6-4, 6-4. Doubles defeated Bobby ted Royce Tate, defeated Allan Harris and Turpii Berry-and Tate, Foley and Fithia can and Aaronson in defeated De- ■2, 6-3. n defeated Dun- 6-3, 6-2. ’Mural News TeamDivin By NICK MANITZAS thje night at 7:30 in the annual Intramu meet will take ng to Intramural ey Welch. All divei in at or before 7 natator- ral div- ]>lace, ac- Di rector r» should 30, Welch er thirty entries jved in what shout the best spectator year, Welch conduct lave been d be one sports of led. Softball In the softball p 1 a Thursday, Dorm 14 def ton, 10-8; Ray Carrol pi year to a 6-2 win over ' 17 throttled Dorm 16, Bill Tumbow on the mo continued its winning s y e d last bated Wal- itched Pur- ; Dorm with ; TCW k down- Law; 14-4, iUnd; trea ing Mitchell, 4-3, with Williams tossing for the winners; and Mil ner shut-out Dorm 16, 10-0, using Clyde Martin on the hill. he military league played only le games' last Thursday with Leeman pitching A Engineers to a 13-1 victory over D Infantry; A Chem Warfare sunk A Coast, 9-3; and C Infantry defeated the B Quartermaster team, 10-7, with Anderson pitching for the winning "|> 1 "Forfeit Doghouse” It grows and grows—the “For feit Doghouse”, that is. Ten or ganization* 'that joined the long list included A Signal, C Field, A Athletics, Hillel Club, A Coast, Dorm 14, Galveston Club, Baptist Student Union,- A IComposite, E Air Force. Soirte of blamed on the the individuals al hleti the forfeits non-paf •. ■«v.». —.i in the „.i _ the athletic official in each grfy should see thalt the individuals il notified as t4 the of games. \ After two forfeits, a team;, dropped from the Sport in \ * " it is 1 entered and-'automatl loads i a sure f fty points, if g- can not be played when schedi other arrangiments can "X be made by contacting the mural office, DAK Proctor of lural staff announced./ intramun Injyesi occurred f DIAMONDS — / 112 N. Main ii : .Ti T : ’ 1 ,i , - i vjT- • ' " I W Call and Let Us Help You With Your " 1 sf WATCHES — SILVERWARE You Will Find Many New and Appropriate (iifts At .... ■ . , ■ - I- j 1 > / '7 h j' ■ Caldwell^ Jewelry Store yesterday’s games, a „ red and all gwenCn (hat not played halve been re-sch Proctor concluded. X .■l Y'X 'L Bryan Capfi Paul8us key, Mtdd/ekury, 38 3tr Intelligence, MS. Air Force An excellent student at Middleb * 'erlmqnt, Paul found lege, Ve rtn ont, Paul found timd tho coveted All Sports Tropl senior year. He graduated in Ji h;r ary Col- to Win in his «, 1938. ims over the far-famed flying C-54 transports. After V-J Day, he Dying (;-54 transports. All stayed on in the Far East until 1948—specializing in Air intelligence. March of ON . with lump,” He then joined a coated paper mill firm n research and control man. P«| ‘ ' changed all that—Paul went I Field to begin Aviation Cad Back home, after accepting i Force Commission, Captam Huskey woi to Air Tactical school, was there rated outstanding student, and won to Command and Staff scl I t • Captain B gence Officer on Staff at Andrews Washington, D. C. . iping future in Mkey i MATS Air Fi He loc If you bre single, between the age* c >f 20 ond 26'/j, with at least two yeort of College, consider the many career opportunities Of a pilot or navigator' In the U. S. Air Force. Procurement Teams are visiting many colleges pad universities to explain these career opportunities. Watch for them. You may also get full details at your nearest Air Force Bate or U. S. Army and U. S. Air Force Recruiting Station, or by writing to the Chief bf Staff, U. & Air Force, Atf. Aviation 1 Cadet Branch, Washington 25..Dj C S Headquarters dree Base, near looks forward to a tho 0. 8. Air Fqxce. ■, ,Y THE U. S. AiR FO BEST CAN BE AVIATION ' ,i_4-