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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1950)
' I htv; i ; - r -i i t _ ,1 . 1 . i Battalion Editorials )AY, MARC i 30, 1950 Another ‘First’ and-Another Success . .. i script tied to ^ether three the correct ms ecs and form furnished by 7 Wi CAN DREAM cSSfe^K^ *8 clothing ormhl wear. Lo- ten cadets A&M tried another “first” last night cleiverly and came up with an all-star success. . acts fea ■ The men’s clothing show in Guion Hall for sports. Was just another untried idea a month cal talent was ago when a group of senior cadets went while five Foley’s models Provided the to Houston to put it before Foley’si To the feminine touch. Two masters < rf ceremony, I v. best .of anyone’s knowledge nothing like one from ASM. and the othnr from the they proposed to the store had ever been Houston store, teamed to < ngineer the done before, but Foley’s and the seniors highly entertaining and infor native show were willing to take a fling at it just to on stage. Foley’s provided ail the props see what each could learn. ^ and all the clothes which I ad been in* The idea behind the show was good— dividually tailored for the wearers, let everyone at A&M learn the latest and An enthusiastic audience turned the correct fashions in clothes for the college trick and that “untried idea" became a graduate and the young buaineea. How successfully accomplished fac:. We left the best to do it was the problem. And the show with the feeling that tpe transition problem was licked by close collaboration from “boots to boutonniere*” or from between the store’s special events depart- “bluejeans to boutonnierea ” whichever [ ment and the cadets assigned to work the case may be, will be made easier and urtth the show. [ better as a result of last night’s product- That work paid off last night The tion. I * Letters etUr* to ■totor which Ms «_ new of the Ir /r' i I piW 1 ?fi j j,|: iii kj : !. ■ . ! I 1^1 1 : 1- _ Why Worry About the Umpire! r r\. r i .1 tV. a loot tnTA . rr ool. o T.TO to*.. Twice within the last two weeks we tend to, thjOngh), but it doesn’t seem that have received complaints that the ball the expense of under-facing the part of the » , * ‘”'}i ’ AWVIM MSS* SV. V-/. M, WVOy Wi players aren’t the only ones in danger of stands over the walk-way would be too Agronomy Department, being beaned at ball gamea. Beth com- prohiMv^ ^ ^ ^ Plaints came from strapping students who had been walking under the stands and inexpensive, ;and if applied property should were narrowly missed by falling coke hot- roll the bcttle barrage a little farther Un ties. v der the stands, facilitating their recovery If you’ve ever walked under the Kyle and also swing the Aggie noggins. ?5eld stands when the frenzied crowd is As any prof will tell you, A&M stu- booting bottles off in bunches, it isn’t dents haye traditionally hard heads. But hard to see how someone could receive a there’s no use proving the point by having painful, and possibly damaging, blow from * a hospital the falling glass ware. We haven’t checked into the finances The umpire ra or construction complications yet (we in- shouldn’t the crowd get an even break? ■ ’ Gulf Coast Pasture Official Slides Scheduled au§ ars, writer, be divulged to aar mm tto editor*.) *. FT[ NON GOLLOB FANCIERS sour. Th« iimmlk ^ • According to a famous humor. themselves am royalty and peo ple With tape worms. May we in quire to w«eh of these categories Herman C. Gollob, your witty (T) columnist, Moucs? M Such deoultory remarks as ap- that Ms silly palaver Ja-esore ap* <Rdito?] V,n Note editor Gollob la Hhooked to losm so many so two poople on tho campus who aren’t aware of his roynl iineate.) ]: : i] i ifjf;, ; and in *mni otMmaR... .4- *1 I** I DISCOUNT on si CCmSAtWS —- THRILL . I l Anniversary grest i I :! i|1 KINO OKDKMN Mr. 'Gollob's in Mo reply to Battalion a He Is quit Slides showing pasture produc- Aprll Benlorn to b* the last day plaM ihvtr ordwa • btfor* Uw J hr*' this, Veek-end I FLOWERS n'x ■ p Us Celebrst©r-M*ke Yours«f Happy A^ieland Flower “Next to Campus Theatre” tion and research in the Gulf Coast «gw» Region will be shown to the Ag ronomy 417 pasture management class at 7:30 p. m., tonight, in the ThunMla y. Xprtl „ u,. Agricultural Engineering Lecture paymvnt of tt)« final fnauiimvnt H. L, Heaton, ItasMtrar Room by Dr. R C. Potts, of the ^ SI ■■ .. Mn. laundry la *72,25. W. H. Holxmnbn, Coma, t roller. I terial it will see on a field trip be delivered from All ring* promlwd on^ April 5tU wJU scheduled April 5 and 6. Building Administration full of coke bottli s dents ironed out of their skulls. ets, waiting to.have pas way, at the Angleton Experiment Station. ^ Attendance is required for Ag ronomy 417 students, but any one interested in, seeing the slides is invited to attend. , ' te*i a screen. Why loism In Cleburne Voters Shake Status ' T ; ' ‘ . '• nr I . j * People in small Texas cities have a ten- Cleburne iwas used to its mayor-type of dency to prefer the status quo in city gov- government and,*! nobody knew exactly ernment rather than try new worlds of what a city manager could or would do. government they hope will be better. It The new charter would separate city takes much prodding and cajoling by pro* schools from the icity governmental tax i gressive persons and other influential fee* structure.! tors to bring about any serious change. pair s< m 1 Lookin’! Back From the Battalion Files of 15 Years Ago Such a serious change was achieved in the north central Texas city of Cleburne sive citii roj w and '(pop. 15,000) earlier this week. Ham* collared qn the other by reluctant voters ''strung and walled; in by an outmoded city who think the old system “the best of all —'*-•* —'ids’* voters of Ocbunm went Student fees for state colleges were reduced to |15 per semester by t£e legislature, in March, The reduction came as a result of a movement against u proposed bill to raise fees to $150 per year. AAM’a baseball squad bout the ' (-7 in the “fifth the year. The ... . .. 2,| lost 1 and tied One. A«M s baseball si Conroe ©llers 14-7 jsro'M. 13 ': 7servo the pruMent city with adequate gov* to the polla Tuesday. 1 r- r attempto, civic leadera ter. citizens got together to tial. :- ^tnuhsntal services. r- They decided In favor ot the new char- “ After previous attempts, civic leaders ter. The margin of victory was substan- Voting by the senior class which dosed Monday night elected K. H. Buchanan, ng stulent from Bryan, valedictorian of I he class of 'fill. Runner-up to limMiatian was Karl K. White of Eastland. M—a«—K——aawtoaa* |iim p iM'" i« 1 and the Interest' cd c draw up a new charter. It was painfully Another city of Texas has shaken the slow, and the end, result produced several bounds of status quoism and freed itself con|trover8al points. of chains holding bask ita future growth. Under the hew charter a city manager Such civic action achieved by the democra- would bo appointed by the city council, tic ballot is commendable. MMVWAir SHOW rr I'M . NiM DRIVE IN TON ITS — ! . Clark is i W ••KBV TO rut: < i i: b l A young wife made a specialty of serv- “Honeiy,” she said, "aren’t you going ing up meals with as many leftovers as to ask a blessing first?” possible. One night the menu consisted j ...j.,. ... f i t C4. , ,, . , r “My dear wile,’ he replied, “if you will entirely of leftovers which she had daint- . - T ’ ily prepared with many clever attempts Point oUt a single article here which has nt at camouflage. The moment her husband been blessed be’ sat down he began to fill his plate. praying can do - ' r fore, I’ll see what a little for it.” I The Battalion T u 4 J ; ! ' Gtntlenuar of Aggie Tradidoos new* ■oin mwA a Is "Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gently Lawrence Sullivan Ross, Founder of -r The; Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use . iited to it or not otherwise the paper and L— _ >4 herein. Rights of republication of all other matter herein are ition of all new* reserved. The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural Cite of College Station, Texas, u published five times a r Friday afternoon, except during holidays and examinath talion is published tri-weekly on Monday, Wednesday and yngfr Advertising rates furnished on request, College of Texas and tbs and circulated every Monday through iods. Durings the summer The Bat- jr. Subscription rate $6.00 per achool "Newt contributions may be made by telephone (4-6444) Goodwin Hall. . Classified ads may bo placed by telephone Office, Room 209, Goodwin Hall. ■atcr*4 as mm*+«Im* moMm at Post Mil** st OolUo Its ties, Tssas, esdar Mm Ast si Owsrw* si Jlsrth I. UTf. Member of The Associated Press i or- at the editorial edfiea, 1 (I-G324) or at the Stuudent Activities BILL BILLINGSLEY, C. C. MUNROE Clayton Me jMMjW«*s«t******«**********e*«********«***»«***»*s***eo**e*e*se**o*„ ••«*•*•••••] £k&vf) Ck)«Utt John Whtlmoro, L. O. Tiedt, Dom Hood, Otto Kunso ... ••*•«**sseseesseeeeoeee '••*h*..i Today’s Issue DU VO C!OOiO$ti««M»«««M»»«»eMtv»eta«M»fMn«*ess»MtMMMMst*iistfia»*»e*.s*a>ssfeaeasseess«ss jTt.M»t**n»i***r**»i»«.«*»*M•*«»••*•»tiM«**».*ss**s*«s*«*«*o*e.*i rriotk Ke JUttm did Atarnittliy «* »»*«»»«» *«$*%»«* te**«t»«it •m*» »*«*•• k**** 1 »t*tM**' l|, ' , *«t»«ss(l*ee»tsss*eateM I 3 .cur Dae. Sob Bnyd, Ch**t*r Crllchfl.ld. cSitW k®K«i, MkrvHI M..U..I.. Otoft* Memo, B »• W.IW .T«n*StoAl. rhr Ohlasse, L«s AafAs, ss« TV* STOP! OUR SPECIAL TODAY Dettjeious CHICKEN A LA MARENGO With Flaky Steamed Rice We Car Ijour Dn HOTARD’S Cafeteria wmt. ’•M THURSDAV * FRIDAY Hoot S ! xiui; i > V m -v ii; S S S S I s slss S tf SiOSS S,|| • sis #• SS S s • • * * • Isssstasssi' Bi * Stews 'T****- 1 **** — -... 1 i mus....l>mto ismswia .ITSSSSS I |.j - ] ; '7:' | » .'« * J i, I MtTMUR lAtH f***** W.SOMERSfir MAllfiMAM'8 .■ • ■> '';i‘ ' r . i i , on April 6th and < 6th from SrfH) Wednesday, April 5. the group' druvrred m 0 th. n ^it«rnS>n» rln o‘rdIIiI l for will visit farms in the Houston- w111 not b * ' ,ll * n on April 6th and Cob roe area to study pasture pro- H . L H**too. ! duction practices. Thursday it will Re*i»tr«r. observe pasture research under- ; w. L. Heaton, Registrar, PALACE Brtjan NOW SHOWING TOO WU HAS IT *S A OHAT KMU* M Heiress tern*! "csr PREVIIK FRIDAY 11 I TSlvfiiKPriae ^tTsyeawy DONALD O’CONNOB Patricia Medina • Zau Pitts Ray Collins * John Mclntin. ^"FRANCIS" y fhe Talking QtfEEPy LAST DAY FAREWELL TO ARMS and HATCHET MAN FRIDAY — SATURDAY LI’L ABNER - rr-nyrynT •• ■; hi iM-.f ! r ill fj! ' . • ■ s ]l r - j'!!.! 1 • I 'nJ .‘I ; . i ■ : l ies Food — ^ ! . ' i Charlies North Gate SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY* MARCH 31ST - APRIL 1ST ^i ^ J i;.,..,,.4-- College Station fir “ m fl! | 3 Pound Can CR1SCO . 73c 1 plAC^^S 4 cans 49c Doles PIN 2 cans,55c MtWcckKTAlL . APPLE JUICE. • , s • « 2—890 Mi BLA MyfPEft 12-os. Can Armours t |r' 12-os. Can Ar TREET 2—4-os. Cans Armours VIENNA SAUSAGE . Produce Carton TOMATOES . _lr ij. J Firm Crisp 2 Heads 15c California Suntust LEMONS ....;. dozen 20c M’lNSPCCl V«, MUM One Dbanter AraicoTl KrT.'. 3i CATSUP. • f sstenssvEs 1 j ini AM IS 'L • 7.9c .r r ■ COFFE^* ’ ■ ' T [ UXMh & Holder . 2H' 'T. r ffll' * Market * LOdN'STEAK . j V. Ib. 71c er: SHOUM)] Krafts Velveets CHEESE . OAST [j Uc -—- : 'FT - 1 |L ; :in . 2 lbs. 73c sHceTbacon . lb, 41c ■ ' ■ : - ' : ' , j if __ Home FRY , HENS & BITS • ■ u 'Mi' ^'1 : B i; ... .7 WE DELIVER .i;' i PHONES 4-II64 — 4*U«>; i:i; ill p S Ml l ill ■vmw. r * v TT!' , np-'x*^ , ^r fum ii! r I \% *! ri V .k iii:;