Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1950)
I ii* K " ; - * I |, '■■■. j . ' . j . ' - Committee Named To Improve City Five committeeji wero nar tnpntmy jUimUdr, lait night 1 v^^Five rommittPOB wero named by airec* monthly mooting Ju*t "night at the Uty Hall. ThttBe eomntlltM* will Invcutlgute vuriouH prublemH of the city and report to the ’council at lu^nyt meotlng, Mayor Lang* meeting wa* well niitemled InrludiniC K. A. S. Jones, local property owner, that his lot 1 In West Parle be zoned from apartment to business property. The request was denied oh grounds that surrounding neigh* vl "i® urd sail -Wranau and Phil Newman of the (lulf mutes Utilities Company. Cit izens BUI Carll, A. H. Jones, L U. Jones, L. R. Winder, L, 1'. Dulaney, M. L, Anderson. Dim Russell, ana • newspapermen L. M. Newman of the Bryan News and Curtis Ed wards and Bam Molinary of the Battalion. • !> City officials present wete May or Ernest Lanjtford, Councilman Howard Badgett, J. A. Orr, R. B. Halpln, W. D. fitch. City Manager Raymond Rogers, City Secretary, N. M. McGinnis, and : City Attor ney J. W. Barger. 1 The Gulf States Utilities Cow poration represented by Granau and Newman proposed to furnish College Station with electric pow er by building a high line to the city limits where the city would build a sub-station with trans- _ transformer i reducing the 69,000 volts down to the amount needed. They proposed to charge!their reg ular commercial rates. r The j council directed Mayor’ Langford to appoint ‘NrF. Rode, professor in the E.E. Department, and City Manager Rogers to choose a third member to form a com mittee for the purpose of studying commercial rates of electricity and report to the council at the next meeting. Other sources of power being considered are Brazos Valley Transmission Co-op, Lower Colora do River Authority, and the City of Bryan, according to Councilman J. A. Orr. We want the most de pendable aijid the cheapest' source of power possible, he said. Other buniness taken/up at the meeting- included the request of ra had bought adjoining prop- y with the understanding the linn was restricted and until bars art .Mil all property owners within 200 feet agreed, the property should re main restricted. The order of appearance of can* “The order of appearance of can* dldutes on the builpt in the coming city election was chosen by lot with a disinterested party doing the ^ The order for Ward 11 R. B. Hatpin, Billy Mlt- i. 8. Berryman, and Jack For Ward III, E. E. 1 CHonyJon d (f^aht drawing, will be chell, L. Keese. Ames will head tfve ballot followed by W. H. Frleberger. The council voted down the ap plication of Charlefli W. Thomas, Jr., who filed for a councilman position in the April election; Grqunds for the rejection were that Thomas had not filed any declara tion of residence in College Sta tion, but had done so. in Green ville, Texas. Under law a candi date must be a legal resident of the city according to City Attorney Barger J An application for refund of $1200.91 for water mains in Breezy Heights Addition, was submitted by Dr. L. R. Jones. The city en gineer,. Fred Benson, was directed to make a survey of the claim a report at the next meeting. An Equalization Board of E. O. Siecke, chairman, W. I. Truettner, and A. Pi Boyett, was appointed by the mpyor with approval of the council to approve the tax rolls. Dr. S. R. Wright of the C. E. Department was named chairman of a committee, along with City "Manager Rogers and City Engineer Benson, to recommend types of street surfacing, cross-sections, and drainage, to the council. City Manager Rogers reported that the State Highway Depart ment will not allow parking in thje middle of the street for the pur pose of unloading trucks. A corn- mittee of truckers and business men was appointed by the mayor to study the parking situation at North Gate and make the neces sary recommendations to the coun cil. 1 Members of the committee are M. L. Anderson, chairman and salesman for. Lilly Ice Cream Com pany; H. M. Scnlicker, salesman _ Typewriter* for Bent LATEST MODELS BRYAN BUSINESS MACHINE CO. 2IMI N. Main Dial 8-1528 IT 1 --, P lor Tom’s Toasted Peanuts Comi puny; Charles Opersteny, College! Station gweerymunj and City Kni gmeer Benson. An Informal mooting of thh council will he held Tuesday night March 21, for the purpose of nutm boring lots, and deciding the boun- durles of the streets of the city; l ire Ttl your Nheor for Spring I U’a the droaa i u’ll live in iM’dimn- It'n itylea by Johirt Junior 9 fit and flatter it young figure. It’a a drew* t u'H love for it’a important flap pockete, daahing erf patent belt, pearl buttona and eriap white ollar and cuffa that come off for tubbing! vy or, black sheer crepe. Siaee 0-17. 822.95 Other Junior Dresses $14.95 :' /> Algp ^4/VSmari 5hop K 1; ' ' 1 j • V. i • .*•■ i ; to Seek HCity Post In, professor in the nomica and sociol- t, has announced run for re-election Of Ward U. He has ity in this position 1st two years. J J her things, I want to lily situation through", when asked why ha for re-election. r ami electricity prob. I* IC* BUtion are of prl- ;anr« to me particularly Us, he continued, of paying Bryan a electricity when that be used to improve he said, f per Electricity We knop that electric power can be lobtained at cheaper rates and whltt profit there is can be used in I College Station, and that is what I would like to see, he concluded. f Before coming to College SU- tion four years ago, Halpin served in the Quartermaster Corps of the Army for five years, being station ed in Houston for most of that time. Beforle going into the army, he taught jschopl at New Hampshire University. BS Degree He received a bachelor of sci ence degree in agriculture from the University of Wisconsin. He has also done graduate work in agriculture! at Iowa State Univer- aity. /ij Halpin’s home is in Madison, Wisconsin. His wife is from Hills boro, New Hampshire. The Halpin’s have two children, Jimmy, 6, and Betsy, 2, and live at .403 Faster in College Hills. ■ ■ ' V*. !■’*'. / ’ 7 I • • 7\.. : . V , V - ■ ■■ t-L 3.: a.,;' r } R. agriculb during "Amo see this Halpin was ru The leme of mary In In Collel jl I am profit money our ow ’ I . ~r\' I li !|v-: Tanzer Addresses Garden Club Meet Tanzer, local Wild- rity, spoke on the nd large representation of eraj found in Brazos Coun- also native to East Texas, and thei Gulf her talk to the AAM b. Friday afternoon, in slides furnished by Dr.: and wild flower dis-l god by fifth grade I (dated students were Mrs. Tani#r>Ths stun dents tiad labeled each flower with name and plant family to which each belonged. \! In the business session of th*h meetink. Miss Judy Oden, daugh ter of [Mr. and Mrs. J. R. 0» Ws* selected to represent the club As [duchess in the Cotton Pageant. men. - Chairmen of the committees in charge of putting on the show are Mrs. A. B. Stevens, horticulture classes; Mrs. H. W. Barlow, ar rangement classes, and Mrs. D. W. Williams, special exhibits. Door prise of the meeting/Was a pslr of garden gloves and/h Pot of English ivy contributed by Mrs. W. F. Farrar and aW*»• d• d Mrs. F. I. Rehlberg. i’ |:/ . College Employees Go Cov^boy Mar. 16 The spi it and color 'of the cat tle country will prevail at the March. m< etilng of the AAM Col lege Emp oyjees Dinner club. Ranch-ftyle food will be served at the dinner which is to be held in Sbisn Hill March 16 at 0:45 n'An evejnirg of square dancing Will follpW the dinner. Arrange- mnnts Hi ve been made for an , old-time fiddle band to provide ■ music and several local callers; have bee 1 nvlted to partlclpatn ; in the ea Ilng.H JV / Battalion CMmFIED ADS The table settln ford (left e setting of the month wee displayed by Mrs. Joe Mog* , . 0 and Mrs. R. R. Lyle (right) at the AAM Garden Club meeting Friday In the YMCA. the setting demonstrated the use Alt deughi LynchJ is Miss Pet I.yr >r of Mr. and Mrs. 8. Lynch, A of spring flowers in dining rooms. JJ C 1 News - Society Decoration Designs Exhibited at Schoo Winning designs of the inter ior decoration contest held in the AAM Consolidated Art class for seventh grade girls will bq put on display in the junior high school show cases this week and Coulter’s Gift Shop next week.' The contest was held tc judge the artistic abilities of tb; seven th grade art students and to create an opportunity to exhibit work done in the Consolidated art class es. First, second and third places were won respectively by Miss Les Adcock, daughter of Mr?. T. A. Adcock; Miss Carol Williams, daughter pf Mr. and Mijs. G, F. Williams; and Miss Carol Barker, daughter of Mr. and Mils. L. S. Barker. Honorable mentioh was awarded to Misses Bonnie Caroll and Louise Conrad. Coulter’s Gift Shop ih Bryan has agreed to offer the designs for sale, according to Mrs. J. V. Perry, Jr., class instructor. Flamingo Lounge Has Opening Today Under the managomen of Mrs. Betty McVey Kelley, Bryui’a new est restaurant, t n o Flamingo Lounge, opens today at 11:00 u.m. Specializing in sticks mid ehlck- Th< Sam lege turn Club st4 Darb J. C. SHSTC Wed. , AM Golf Team will play aton State Teacher’ll Col- tomorrow afternoon in a re- maitch at the Bryan Country at 1:15. ■s for AAM will be Gene y, Tom Aitken, Victor Curry, Fljftcher, and Bobby Beal. A* [op )rt>( II to Speak At rian Fish-Fry . L. Purcell, superinten- ome missions of the Bra- ssbytery, will speak at a given by the men of the A&M Presbyterian Church Tuesday i m. in the Sunday School the AAM Presbyterian Pur Presl dent zos fish at 6 roorr Chuich Gv es: Church' towns from Presbyterian s of nine neighboring lave been invited. HAve You Seen the M? Why it’s Dickie’s Khaki Shirts and Pants. Drop in today, h TAYLOR’S CAMPUS VARIETY North Gate on, this unique restaUran: is high lighted by tne many fine | ndorning it’s walls. Th 'so are a group of color drawing:i in wax crayon done Bv the nationally fa mous J. Standfsh Willlanis of New Wk City. If; an ’’off the beaten path’’ lo cation, 4 blocks off Highway 6 on Sulphur Springs road, M|rs. Kelley expects to cater to those demand ing people who know tie differ ence between “eating” and “din ing.” Child Study Club To Meet Today The Child Study Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Grove and Elm Streets Park, College Station, o’clock this afternoon. At that time the toplic for dis cussion will be “Neat Manners for Childrc E- E. Ivy, in West at three and No Damage in Fire At South Qakwood A chimney fire did little or no damage to the home of D. B. Cofer last night, according -fo Fire Chief C. H. Warren. Two trucks answered the call which was turn ed in at about 8 p. m. mKwowamuaBLMmmminatt McMbM thill Jghr School Trustee Elected April 1 At Consolidate New school trustees w r ill be elec ted to office when a dual election will be held at A&M Consolidated school April 1. j j, X’ Two separate ballotings are scheduled to fill offices opened by the expiration of terms in the in dependent school district And the county. ~ Z Three terms to e^rfrire by April first are those of/C. A. Bonnen, J. E. Moseley, arid Raymond No lan who represent three areas of the local independent school dis trict, according to Fred Brison, election Ju«fge. To date, there are no candidates competing fol’ the offices./ In the county election, John Stockton will have an opponent in the rac* if he decides to run for re-election for trustee of precinct tine. The opponent will be Rudolph Leighton. Precinct one Includes the city of College Station and all lands south to the county line. Both elections will he held simul taneously on the prescribed date In the Main building of AAM Con solidated and will include voters of precinct one only, Brison said. Flower Clinic f Mrsi A. B. Nelson, presidept, re minded tha club of the flower ar rangement clinic to be held April 6. A Scrapbook which will be eli te fed 5n the contest among towns of ISJOOOj or smaller at the an nual state convention of /Garden Clubs in j Tyler in May, was dis played by Mrs. R. E. Snuggs. Arrangements of spring flowefs including : calendula,/forsythia, yel low ajnd purple ipis, pansies arid violets were shown by Mesdames A. Bl Stevens^C. M. Simmaifg and R. B. Hickerson. Table of M usss UMt tO tb* All k4o abould bo «.». of tbs dor b • FOB SEE US to bar or •oil Phono 2*7007. Wood Furnlturo pobr MIM fumlturr ■ro Com- tuebdayJ march 14, iom /I ho Agricultural j bidding forms, [ riloc, Tasoi wot bo'^aa/TS? Official Month The table of the month was ar ranged by Mrs. J. S. Mo|gford ahd Mrs. Ij/yle. Featuring a St. Pat- rick’s Day luncheon, a pale green damask overlaid the table as : a background for a green crystal jug pf flowering dogwood branch es op green velvet. Irish figurines and potato pig place cards with greerf crystal sternward ftirnished by Parker-Astin of Bryan com pleted the Irish theme of the ar rangement. : Copies of the schedule for the A&M Garden Club Flower Show entitled “Spring Symphony ' Flowjers” which will be staged; Sbisa Hall pn April 13, weye d* 8 - tribqted by Mrs. P. W. Burns and Mrli. A; B. Stevens, ,co-chpir- j - [ j [ Foods Group Meets Friday Afternoon The Foods Group of the A&M Social Club will meet Friday: 1 1:15 p.m. at the home of Mr Roy Garrett, 220 Fairway (pear the (Country Club.) : Co-chuirmun for the day (vHl be Mr*. Royce leRoy ana Mrs. Hyrpn Daggett. The jlunchjeon cum|miHee includes Mrs. Jesse B Coon, (Mrs. K. A. Downurd, and Mrs. Dale Leipper. Mrs. C.j W. Buishard will conduct the dem* ons( rations. Student - Faculty DmECTORY at Texas A&M College 50c per copy Phone 4-5444 Mail 50c to STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Texas A ft M College College Station, Texas —Ob Bole at Abbot— SNACK BAR ft NEWS STAND rucllmn, b* inm |UMt, PtopmuM b« ■ubmlli rorau fumlihid anil »h “ ‘ jnvatopM turn Ishrd with . ColUg* will nMTT* onf-half •ral. oil abd gu rights. 1— — Director* re„rr«« tho right to re)oet »n| had all bldg uni to wgfvo any hod all tMIr ICkllttM. : I Ho[itnann , Comptroltor * I. . .Vr T«ug A. and M Col).** College Btfttion. Texas February I 11 I 1 !’ I''' [ )M BUILT RCA CONSOLE -Vvj wore bond,. Twin it” 4-itM—Only $80.00 RADIO. AND 1LIANCE SHOP ■II i ! 7 11 a ; TWO 8HBTI. pony—10 2 D PONIES. 1 block more; re old. 1 spotted otgflloa old. )B RENT • LARGE 3 BEDROOM HOUSE comp furnlohed. I Can sublet part, diets possession. Souths Id* 4-8039 FURNISHED APARTMENT—Frldlgslt* 404 Montclulr, Call 6-42.52 NICE LARO furalshcd 4-8907. APARTMENT — utilities — $, Msadowbrook addition. I, ■iiaW Cel i ■ • SERVICES • NOTICE TO BIDDERS BRAEOM RIVER BOTTOM LAND / FOR HALF, SPRING CLEANING is right aroutl earner. Now Is th* time to stoek up Fuller Brushes and take ndvgntsgs our now —— —— sod broon or writ* atatlon. irugnss ana tax* aovamags « spsclals. Dry mopa only $7.t ims syiow aa $1.79. Call 4-40$ Sieve Shaw, Box 2381, Col!t| The oosru or i.irrnors or . soo .... College le offering for, sale 1,271 aoree |of “Iver battom land near the xpernnbnt atatlon Umd In y. Lsahled In lha Johb IP. Board of Director* of A. and iga lu rich llrsio. River I Agricultural B»p , „ , I seen County. Lsebted in the • Grant Ml Farm Highway •O t _ It 1* about as van mllsa aouthweet atatlon. Bide will be received on asperate tram ef 670, 151, and as fee: on Oi* sntlre aersag* and on < nallona of traels. WANTED 01 ™ nd 450 ooubl- isd In Hltlng them: I or part lirrte, lal In a revolvtionar ther persona Inter paintings What’s Cooking proposal, th* offlr* for bids will i ef the ('nmpt roll. AVMA AUXILIARY, Woilncs- tiny, March 15, 7:30 p. m. South Solarium. YMCA. AIEE-IRE, Tuesday, March 14, 7:30 p. m. EE Building. Dean Trotter will speak. BUSINESS SOCIETY, Tuesday March (14, 7:30 p. m. YMCA Chap el. State Senator BUI Moore will speak. CALDWELL COUNTY A&M CLUB, Thursday, Mar. 16, 7 p. m., Academic Building. All mem bers are asked to be present. CAMPUS STUDY CLUB, Tues day, March 14, 7:30 p. m. Topic: Shall We Encourage New Indus tries. CORPUS CHRISTI CLUB, Thursday, Mar. 16, 7:45 p. m., room 227 Academic Building. Plans; for the Easter picnic will be dis cussed. , J CREATIVE WRITING CLUB, Thursday, Mar. 16, 7:30 p. m., room 328 Academic. ENGINEERING SOCIETIES NIGHT, at the Annex, Wednes day, March 15, 7:30 p. m. Presi dents and other Chapter repre sentatives mefet at YMCA by 6:48 P ‘ ENTOMOLOGY SOCIETY, Tuesday, March 14, 7:30 p. m. Room 10 Science Hall. H^LL COUNTY A&M CLUB, Thuraday, Mar. 16, 7:30 p. m., room 307 Academic. NEWCOMERS CLUB, Wednes day March 15, 2:00 p. rrt. Cabinet Room, YMCA. PANHANDLE CLUB, Thurs day, Mar. 10, 7:15 p. m., lounge of; porm. 1. ANGE AND FORESTRY CLUB, Tuesday, March 14, 7:80 p. jm. Third Floor Agriculture Building. RURAL SOCIOLOGY CLUB meeting Tuesday night at 7:30. Ropm 208 Agriculture Bldg, j Be ginning of talks in Job Opportun ity Series. ROBERTSON COUNTY CLUB, Thursday, Mar. 16, 7:30 p, m. third floor Goodwin. TAU BETA PI, Wednesday, March 15, 7:30 p. m.. Civil En gineering Lecture Room election meetihg. VMjC OF ’53, Tuesday, Mar. 14, 7:30 p. m., at home of Mrs. Major- ie Hhrdy at north gate. Rinal plans for weekend social will! be made. Weatherford A&M CUib, Thurs day t!:30 p. m. March 16, Academic Building. A. and M. Collage System, SlSIlon, Tsgaa, until 2:00 p.m. on Iftj 1950, then publicly opened and TT WANTED—t demonstrator* for an •IsoU'lf ral appllShe*. • sales persons Intsrsstsd In ■ sslvs# up, sillier full — - indsptnd*al ; ’ _ rhsmloal product. Ollier pet—. •sled in [independent part urn* work. Call at room »5o Dorm, 15 or wHl* Bruso^Mj' Hegee, Bog 1855. College iftaj. ItKI.IAIILN PERSON to car* for h • otd bgby; anil do light bousekeeiilng. Meg N. O. Tlbbllt. 404 Mgryem, qoH« stslam alter ft:mi or call t-ftftoil an inn*. 1 imply (BeaiitifJ” ! 5% 5% New Automobiles New ft Used AUTOMOBILES FINANCED New agd Used , Phone 4-1232 Flop Colson Travia Nelson AGGIES . ; LI J’ CALL 2-2400 /: r | ; ■ ili : ' :! Y‘ / !■ And let un have your . . . * J J , j i ' ' Corsage Order Early We Deliver to Dorma Sa j I WYATT FLOWER SHOP 26th & Main i ■ J It’s ever so beautiful and designed by Jack ie Nimble just for you. A flattering one-piece dress of Pima Broad cloth with amazing skirt pockets both front and back. White Birdseye Pique trim gives a very pretty contrast to the cool comfort of the collar- i.i " *■ ' w -.» . A less and sleeveless bo dice. ' ' Sties 9 to Iff N /•. -57** ' 1 Mzim \ . Price 114.95 -■ The Collegiate Shoppe : Bryan, Texas J! ■ h