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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1950)
V- .T • j ■' -i ' I • > '• ■{ ■ ' ^ ; r • " ' I. ; 1 \ ' j f- ''I t ' p Page 2 ■ V ■ 1 1. rj : !!, Batt . - ' ■ ' . V ; ‘ j;. .iV!'/' a lion Editori MONDAY, als i MARCH IS, 1050 More Support for the Twelfth Man ->! ; The men who pushed and supported the Campus Chest did a bang-up job. They planned well, worked hard, and got re sults. But fJhey missed one bet—they did n’t ask the College staff to contribute. The reason for this, we imagine, was a desire to keep the Campus Chest drive an all-student affair. However, since such a drive ultimately benefits the entire col- lege, we believe the staff should have been given an opportunity to donate to the CC treasury. We didn’t think of this angle ourselves and we probably wouldn’t have either until the other day when a staff, member—an Aggie ex, by the way—walk ed into the office, handed over a goOd- sized check aind said, “Nobody came to me for a donation so I thought you might give this to the collectors.’’ The donator, who asked to remain anonymous, suggested that other staff members might want to contribute to the Campus Chest if given an opportunity. “We don’t hesitate to tell you when you’re bn the wrong track,” he said, “and I im- 1 . j ' w.' . just as anxious to with you when ■ :a agine you’ll find we’ get on the band you’re right.” -J We like that attitude and support. It’s the kind you respect, and it’s also good to know that others besides students can see a good motive behind the Campus Chest. Officially, the'collection drive is over. But an exception %hbtjiid be made because the anonymous jdonator’s idea strikes us as being A-l. The Battalion will be glad to collect any donations to the Campus Chest from staff members or students. We feel free to make this offer because we have the assurance of the Student Sen ate that donations from the staff are high ly ^acceptable. j’ If you feel inclined to give, mail yoin check to the Campus Chest, c/o The ~' talion. We’ll see that it’s turned in. Rin / And to the man, the idea and the ready pen, thanks a million from usall, includ ing the boy who will get the Twelfth Man Scholarship. r ■ 'i ! ' IP C Ip H "If ' ; Thoughts While Listening to This Weekend’s Debates I r\~ i No doubt many of you sat in on any t'of the debates tht| past weekend got about the same feeling we did—that A&M in general and we in particular haven’t giv en the emphasis to public, speaking that \ should be given. I i There are only two ways of conveying abstract ideas from one mind to another. One is by the written word; the other is i through the spoken word. 1 We may be able to Conceive great ideas r within our own mind, but until they are given expression either by the written or spoken word, these ideas remain locked in us. And consequently they are of no bene fit to anyone. « '1 Accompanying the spoken word are techniques in manners and expression that - the capable and effective public speaker employs. A pointed finger, a whisper .that risas to a -shout, a facial expression— these ’are but three of many techniques .that afe as vital to the effective speaker ds good form in any athlete is to the mas tery of his sport. 1 . This form and effect is more “deve loped” than inborn. Practice and more practice jand more practice ; can develop speakers the same as practice and more practice lean develop better football play- / *.ers or trackmen. ! The curricula of most departments on 1 this campus contain but one speech course Ir—a one hour attempt to give senior stu dents the rudiments of public speaking •and a bit of practice. Public speaking gets one liqk at most of our students. If that lick hits home, a fair, only fair mind you, speaker is developed. If the lick doesn’t connect, the man graduates from A&M •with a professional degree but without the ability to express himself before a group. Afore courses in speaking, courses that fi/ ; ' ’ V . j give students practice, and more insight into the techniques for effective speech are needed here. One way to improve this unhappy con dition Would be to establish a speech division in the English department, per haps with enough sppech courses that a student could major in speech if he should /choose. j .j I ■ '% A speech division could offer more cbiirees that students who didn’t choose to major in speech could take as electives. The number of speech courses offered iber of speech tally inadequa adequate for students speaking experience riculum. now are total; desiring to get mojre s within the college icurr if ■ ■ j 11 A&M has not attracted Its share of students who posses innate abilities to speak; they go somewhere else. Men who do choose A&M, for their undergraduate work in pre-law, or pre-ministry, or any professional field that would require the development of effedtive speaking abilities are handicapped later whpn they are placed in competition with men from others schools which do emphasize public speak ing. These men from A&M must either exert special efforts after graduation from A&M to develop their speaking abilities or they must enter fields where this abil ity is not demanded. Dr. Crane, our Religious Emphasis speaker this year, was an example of a master at public speaking. To watch him speak was to observe perfection of deliv ery. This “past weekend, we saw debaters developing their styles of delivery. “There are many flowers that blossom on the desert unseen,” a poet once wrote; there are many ideas that blossom in minds unexpressed, we may paraphrase. The Battalion .i • ^ . f • "Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman" f S';-. Lawrence Sullivan Ross, Founder of Aggie Traditions The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republication of all news dispatches 4* II- AM MA* AfVtnv^iricso In +Ka rvoTMat* nnft innixra eyf SpOIlt&TICOUft Origin pilbllsll* me ABSOCiaiea rrese ib enuuea cxciumvny wie use lor rrpuoncation oi credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontac ed herein. Rights of republlca^on of all other matter herein are also reserved. The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of. Texas and the City of College Station. Texas, is published five times a week and circulated every Monday through _ .. .. x during, holidays and examination periods. Durfngs the summer The Bat- Jdy on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Subscription rate $6.00 per school furnished, oh request. ' i ' I 4 ' ^. TV • 1 1 ■ ■ T 11 .|,i,■ n News contributions may be made by telephone (4-6444) or at the editorial office. Boons 801. Uoodwin Hall. Classified ads may be placed by telephone (4-6334) or at the Stuudent Activities Office. Room 209. Goodwin Hall. ' Entered as Meond-elaw > at CoUeva Station. Iho Act of Congraaa of , BILL BILLINGSLEY, C. C. MUNROE ; Clayton L. Seiph... - Dave Coslett J.., Chuck Cabanisa otter ot FM Lion. Texu, and ! Hank t. 1370. Member of The Associated Press Barrie* lac., at Now York OMr. Angola*, end Bon rrapilaao. • **aa*aj—• •—•#•••••*••**•••••« ••••***•.• •••**»**'•*• VvIlULK --* ri — John Whitmore? L- Tiedt, D|an Reed, Otto Kunze.. Otto Kunze,.; John Whitmore Chuck Cabanlss . ....... Today’s Issue ■•4-- N ! jT JVewa Editor -Acting Copy Editor ...Sports News 'curt is Sid At bwnathy," 'kin' Bernhardt .Sid ..City Editor .. i.. k Acting Copy Editors am Adkins, { BUI Batber, * - athy. WUU _ ... - Bee. Bob Boyd. Chester cntchfleld. Hicks. Marvin Matiur>ck. George ee. B. P’. Roland, Waijtt Tapley. BUI Thompaon, 4 ’Rip” Tora, WtlUaiifc News * “ J!p Public n<jl Feature Writers j and F< echoo! Correepondant .CipeuiaUOQ SUna«er Charles Ktrkhain. George Charlton.. Kerman Oollob. .. Frank ~ Roger Ralph ttsas. 1 Hardy Jar* Brandt, •;V iv | ! • ' '• Li lM: ; ., ihind the Barricades . . . ' ■■ — I ; •'If College Directors 9 Grou nvestigates Student Lift - MUNROE The Student WI'PKH ajft)—M S4 h r*,l in, intcrvfew. Battalion headline, Friday edition: “ Again With Clear Skies Slated Sports Pay Tries Tomorrow”. Letters To The Editor (All 1 attar, to the aditor which ars algned by a student or employ college and which do not contain obacana or Ubalooa material will be published, sons wishing to baa* their name* withheld from pubUeatloo may requaet auob — these names will not, without the other than the editor*.) UNNEEDED CENSORSHIP Editor, The Battalion: Last Tuesday, March 7, a pro gram was presented at Guion Hall [ for the benefit of the Campus Chest. One of ^he attractions was the showing of !‘‘We’ve N ever ® e ^ n Licked.” We think it could be called the feature attraction of the evening. At any rate, that was why we went. But the film was censored and we think that the best parts were omitted. Specifically, some of those parts dealing with the main char acter’s 'life as a freshman were edited and discarded. Why wore these portion? cut? Was is that since certain happen ings were not concurrent with the " - *—> to . of the writer, be divulged to any ! will find a lot of support for your complaint and you can in clude us in it. Removal of scenes depicting practices not now con doned by the college failed mis erably in its purpose if that pur pose was to hasten the day when such practices will be forgotten. (If the college didn’t want these scenes shown on the Guion. screen the whole movie should have been shelved rather than ai- tempt a compromise which insulted the intelligence audience. Censorship ol sort should have no place in our college or in our country. As you point out, “history is history and cutting a few feet out of a film won’t change It*’) Committee of rs (net on the «ln this weekend. Its time—ns H was two age—was to inquire Into of student life on the ain It conducted sentvh- ews, for only by ing with Ml r sons connected with student life can its members gsin • true picture of our living conditions here at AAM. This commit tee has not at- tempted to reach any con clusion regard ing student life, we know that to be true. Its job is to investigate, separate false hoods from faets, and listen to testimony from both students and staff members. The commit tee may be asked to ’present its facts and findings to the Board ■' of Directors. It may be asked to make recommendations for im proving our student life. OF, it may be called up to do not more than it has already done—checkup and student living conditions. , ★ We did not sit in on any of the committee meetings. We didn’t want to—although they • probably ' would have been interesting—be cause the presence in the board room of anyone other than com mittee members and the persons they talked to probably would have hindered completely free dis- SUnce we were not pig- the meeting*, w* are not ‘ 'on to report on what PHrar on ! engj ske how d. However, we are c which who! the:. has |i greatly since the hectic ,ys of 1!)46 and 1947 when pcio- here were undergoing £ pie everywhere the confusing process! justment from wsr to peace. 'It had to, for seldom in the history of the college have there keen darker days. iTnis improvement is evident to day. And, although the process'of conference is sponsored 1 by the Department of Business ftnd Accounting, and chapters of the Texas Society of Certified Pul lie Accountants, chapters of the Con trollers Institute of America, ohiip- ters of the National Association of Cost Accountants, chapters of the Institute of Internal Auditors, Texas Society of Accountants, ~ ’ ole HIGH SCHOOL STUFF present Basic Policy, they had to , be removed to promote more fav- • K( | itot , The Battalion: ornbli- uronucamiii about the wav rr.i__ _ arable propaganda about the way life at A&M should be? These thing? that were cut out might be considered insignificant to outsiders, but to Aggies these historical fact? #re very important. The picture ^presents (or did) the true history of traditions that, existed then. History is history and cutting a few feet oulj of a film won’t change it. ; i A. J. Tjhorpe 52 jpe Price ’52 (Editor’s Note—We think you Geneticist Back From Carolina Dr. I. W. Rupel, head of Ihe Dairy DepaijtmentL and Dr. R. R. Shrode of the Genetics Depart ment recently returned from the annual meeting of the Technical The editors in striving to make the Battalion . more newsworthy are to he commended. However^ in their enthusiasm they have cijme up with onb\ particular article that stinks. It is in Herman C. Gollob’s (ml- ! umn “The Night Owl,” The run- < down on the state's beat night.ories is fine, and of possible value toi all readers. On the other hand—.j Without a feeling of animojuty towards Herman or any of the Ag gies he mentioris I will express my opinion about the article “Ftiol’s Names Fool’s Faces,” it stink?. It is strictly Louella Parsons, Hedda Hopper, and high school stuff. That type of journalism we can do with-1 out in the Batt. On this campus where there is a “date” story to tell, is i in- ; terestingly told, and it reaches the ears of all who might be in terested. Why don’t you leave coverage of gossip to our bull sessions and direct Herman’s Tal- committee of the Southern Region- ent to m ° re . Pnntworthy efforts ?! al Cattle Breeding Project held at „ 0 Guevara 50. Cattle Breeding Project Clemson, S. C. j on March 6 and 7. The purpose of the meeting was to review the different phases of the work being carried on by the participating states, according to Dr. Rupel. The theme, he stated, was “breedihg! better cattle for the South.” Acording bo Dr. Rupel, the pri mary objective in their work is to improve the milk producing qualities and to improve the abil ity to withstand heat of our dairy cattle. In Texas, the work being carried on is crossing Brahman females with proved Jersey sires. The female progency of this cross will be mated to other proved Jersey sires and then, de pending upon results, a breed will be established. A Control group of Jersey fe males being mated; to the same proved Jersey sires is being kept. Bible Verse tor by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of vforks, lest any man should boast. —Ephesians 2: 8-9 P. S. On the other hand, as I mentioned,-"the coverage of the joints is good poop. Veteran Records Still Incomplete A few Annex veterans have not yet been in to fill out a perman ent record folder, the Housing Of-i fice reports. This matter must be taken care of as soon as possible, the Housing Office representative said. Meen in the veterans barracks that have not registered their furniture numbers with the Hous ing Office are also urged to do so immediately. Positions Opened !] In Civl Service l • ' f Vacancies in the position of Bank Examiner at entrance sal aries ranging from $3,100 to $3,826 have been announced by the U. S. Civil Service Commission, Employment will be with the Fed eral Deposit Insurance Corporation in Texas, Louisiana, New Mexico, and Arizona. Advisory Board OKs $1,000 Gift to Center At the request of the Memorial Student Center Council,! the Ex change Store Advisory Board will recommend to the Student Life Committee that $1,000 he made available for the Student Center special events program, Septem ber 21-23, I960. This was the de cision of the Exchange iStore Ad visory Board at its meeting last Thursday. | To be taken from the. Exchange Store profit fund, the money is to be used to create interest in the Memorial Student Center when it opens unofficially at the begin ning of school in the fall. The Board also recommended that Carl Birdwell, manager of the Exchange Store, contact a used book buyer to buy books which are not salable to the Ex change Store. For the past two years such a program has been sponsored by campus organizations which have received from the used book buyer a percentage of the total purchase value. The Advisory Board meeting was in the Office of the Comptrol ler, Members of the Board who were present were Tom CaHmub, F. W. Jensen, Ernest Langford, Lloyd Manjeot, J. C. Miller, C, G. White, J. J. Woolket, and W. H. Holzmann, Comptroller and chair man of t))Le Board. The next Advisory Board meet ing is April 13. "’■■'I 1 ' T I " j ' Wayne Stark Speaks At Camera Club Meet * J. Wayne Stark, Direct©? of the Student Memorial Center, will speak at the Camera Club’s next Accountants To Meet April 27 The third annual Account ing Conference will be held here! April 27-28. D. C. Hig ginbotham of Port Art* chairman of the confen High-ranking men ih thi of aeci deliver improvement may not yet piste, so much progress ha* beeh made without changing our basic way of student life that thu fu ture look* brighter than iver. I discussions. This of Port Arthur! is 'eren i talks and lead ounting and business in ts, Dallas Petroleum Accountan Texas Association of University Instructors in Accounting. The first session will be Wld a 2 p. m. April 27. President FJ. C. Bolton will give the welcome ad- dress. 1 J R?lph Harrison Galpin, partinjer, * tour " - - -- r IjOPI is Arthur Young & Co.,' New York, will!open the scssiop, with a tydlc on “Progress in Accounting Pro- cedUrda;” J. F. Stuart Arthur, partner, Lybrand, Roam Bros. ?nd Montgomery, Dallas, will discUas “Progress in-Auditing Procedures.” E. A. Krucks, partner, Haskin ind Sells, New York, will (lvl|ver tho principal address at the ban quet at night He will talk on "Currant Profcsalonal Problems,” ARM la a unique school. It* problems, because of that unique ness, are Involved. But the extra effort required to solve our prob lems la not In vain. We say that because we firmly Iwllcvo the men who coma to A&M directly from thie high schools of tihe stafte receive something here that thpy cannot get in as full a tqeaimrc at ' any other college or university jin Texas. We refer to the opportun ity for leadership. This opportunity is available in many activitie*# We have an ever growing club and scholastic frater nity program. Our intramural sports schedule is one of (he na tion’s largest. The relatively new and increasingly respons " dent government setup offc chances for leadership. Ai cade? corps, ; constituted at is ■ it, A&M provides almost ur limited opportunities for leadership not available to such a degree in any other school in the state. i Wie | are confident the board’s Student Life Committee 1 fouSqd the student leaders in the campus clubs, intramurals, studer t gov ernment, and the corps are, with a ' very few exceptions, carrying out their duties in a mature and! ef fective manner for the bet ,erment of the ecollege and the smdeirite. At the same time, the mcn : in these hundreds of positions of l?ad-. ership open to every stuient at A&M are enhancing their q|wn ?du- ingi 'LL; cation by being able to l?ad jand work with men while lea PALACE Brijan TODAY thru WED. If • ' ^ mm OMDJUOT’MffCJtltiT *:v SKYWAY SHOWS—f:M - 8:30 DRIVE IN L A. f NOW! EAST JUU BAY Vm John*** tie*. MurpSy - ••BATTMMfltOltND" LAST DAY TBUtl. - U>EP.—''tlESIKF MF/ meeting, Monday night ih 35 of Physics building at . Art Howard, president, announced. room g at 7:30, Stark will discuss the function of the Photography Club in ..the new Center. The new equipment and dark room lay-out will be dis cussed. !• -.] 4= OMBt HMMB —{XTB QUEEN TODAY — TUESDAY 5U Of 5L 5< otvn We Now Have . .. \V j-\ I Fillet Migiion Steaks • • • • with Potatoes, Salad, Vegetable -\\ l| 5U Of DL % 118 So. Main Qa/npu TODAY k TUESDAY! —Features Start-- 1:10 - 3:26 - 6:40 - 7:56 FIRST RUN I ;. • ; J. ' Plus: Cartoon- BW)B WEDNESDAY & THURS This exciting story depict^ the adventure, courage, & love of the nurses trapped [j| on Corregidor at the begin ning of the war 1 f • . I JI Plus: Two Cartoon “Mother Goone the Loose" & ’Goofy Gj News Co-Editors Managing Editor -Feature Editor =ses?J8S LI’L ABNER Love Is Blind —^£*£1 SaaS Wnm* M**- J ! yen. Jr. .77.a«i*rt» WrUac* SUtf Ptu>t*ar«Bher Tommy i Hit** Shot* —»r*y— • TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY ASKAT BOM KCOMB k GKATCT HCTUttl THE. sar ,.A«E1 ;the most : M I MUCT < ALWAVSBCi6N T ' AGAINST OTHERS WHO PALL _ .UNDER VOUR DICK POWELL i EVELYN KEYES* '' I'l EStS 0 QEAlOUSi^AW-NO-eur I'll NEAR- A MAKE SURE/r-l'Ll a o 1 f ’ PCCTigacsasss. ~ ^