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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1950)
: -f . ' yj Hr, City CM ( Coll^eStati«a Official Newspaper '■ Volume 49: Number 102 i, ; 7. .i- - f /// if- f PUBLISHED H STATION (Aggieland), t* : :1 : v1 drive of the Collene Station Develc Chaml B. Adams, membership Development Asso ciation and Chamber of Commerce, congratulate S. A. Lipscomb, College Station druggist, who was among the first businessmen to send in membership du «. Coll isation set a goal of tawed before midnight per family mj>mbershi membership. CTomtnei portion to the r it's civic organ- KaM members to be regls- rch 11.1 Dues are $6 or $5 (for individual establishments give in site of {heir busiij ,A TER A&M — COLLEG 1950 * Manners Series Begins Tonight With First Talk The first in a series of 4 talks on manners and socal customs will be given tonight at 7:16/ in the Chemistry Lecture Room by Mrs. Fred Smith, Her topic will be “The Value of Courtesy in Everyday Life." An invitation to attend the talks was extended by Senior Claat pres ident Bobby Byington to all stu dents, student wives, and residents of College Station and Bryun, Tha talks, together with a spec ial show of the latest trends in man's clothing, ara being spon sored by the Senior Class. This I L year of the coarse. Lufkin Scribe Will Speak To Journalists Sena te Names Five As TISA Delegates V!; .. •• 7i' * j Vice-president and General Manager of the Lufkin Daily News, W. R. Beaumier, will address a journalism assem bly Tuesday, at 7:30 p.m., in the YMCA Cabinet Room. His topic will^be “Your Newspaper is You’’. ^ Beaumier went to work in 1924 on the San Antonio Express. He * . stayed in the newspaper business for 16 years, 10 years of which he spent on-the Express. He was . sports editor, night city editor, „ ' and hews editor of various papers. He was. news editor of the Gal veston Tribune and city editor of the Galveston News at various times. For a time he was tele graph editor “of the Beaumont ~ Journal, and In 1940 he quit the newspaper field temporarily and served for one year aa Trade Ex tension and Convention Secretary ofthe Beaumont Chamber of Cbm- '' mere#. \ By R. D. CARROLL Five official delegates to the Texas Intercollegiate Students As- ociation, meeting in Waco April 111 OO '/nrsvsMt S( •21 and 22, were elected by the Student Senate in its meeting last week. ■' Keith Allsup, senate president, Allan Eubank, Charles Kirkham, Bill Parse and Charlie Royalty were the delegates elected. Three alternates were also named. They are Bill Moss, Harry Raney and Llbyd Manjeot. nofficial delegates to the con vention were instructed to register ith Allsup before April 1. Tom Calhoun and other senators visit. They met a group of Prairie View students and were conducted on a sightseeing tour of the cam pus. The A&M delegation, consist ing of several student 1 govern ment members and student publi cations men, invited Prairie View students to visit a senate meeting! here add to look over A&M publi- X . , , . year, but that TCU be requested to consider having A&M send a male representative next year, , Eubank reported that the organ ization bf A&M Mother’s Clubs has selected, their mother of the Year. She will be recognized also as the Aggie Mother of 1960. Previously, the social committee had recom- (See SENATE, Page 4) Tha manners course ia divided into three phases this year. By ington said. The first consists of the four “master” lectures to which the public is invited. The second phase consists of ten min ute talks to be given by cadet seniors in rpilitary science classes. Cadet Talks The cadet talks are to be based on the “master” lectures and all cadets planning to make class room talks were asked by Bying ton to attend the “master” lec tures. The third phase of the manners course will be the clothing show. Foley’s Brothers of Houston has offered to stage the show. It is tentatively set for March 22. Fa- ley’s has. iasked for ten cadets to help in staging the ehow. In addition, several models from the store will join the cast of the show and model ladies sports and even- t : !t‘■ Nation*! Top Daily 1949 Survej ing clothing. Other Talks ; * I- I The second of the “master” lec tures will be given in the Chem- 1 istry Lecture Room Wednesday evening. Mrs. R. M. Sherwood will speak on “Manners in the Home”, Mrs. Sherwood will also deliver the final “master” lecture on March 16 when she speaks on “Intro ductions and Social Cuatoma.” Wendell R. Horsley, director of the Placement Office, is the third speaker for the four talk series. Ills subject will be “Getting That Job You Want”. His talk is sche duled for Monday, March 13. All the lectures open to the pub lic will begin at 7:16, Byington said They will a|l be given in the Chemistry ] Lecture Room. The men’s clothing show will be held in Guion Half A team from Foley’s will be on the campus next week to make preliminary arrangements for the- show. The ten cadets who will aid in staging the show will be taken to Foley’s in Houston later this month where they will be fitted in the clothing they will wear. All the items of men’s clothing will come from the Varsity Shop of Foley’s. t I - i I 1. 5 \ 4-1 : Mary Louise Liles of Houston, center, was selec ted by a group of faculty-staff judges as Sweet heart of the Sophomore Class at the Saturday night Ball. Dick Ingels, class president, bears a pleased smile as he completes; presentation of the Mary Louise Liles Selected Sophomore Class Sweetheart gift, a large bouquet of roses, and the rus- ry kiss to Miss Liles. At the left is one of class tomary the five other finalists, Mary Margaret Smith of Asgieton. By DEAN REED Jl In 1942 ho went to Lufkin ns cations facilities. manager of the Lufkin Chamber of Commerce. Two years Inter ho took over as managing editor of the Lufkin Dally News, n which he holds t|)dny. Is president of the ry Club nnd n diroet- Beatimler ’ Lufkin Rotary nr nf the North nnd East Texus i Press AUsoclat^n. , He has n daughter, Mnry Lou, ‘ S‘ho is a junior journnllmn major St Texas University. All Jhiimalism students nnd oth- irs interested in writing arc In- ■ cited to the, meeting. i — !i M" S. 1 . Aggie Turfes Cotton Bowl ' v If— i : 1 i' Aggie Footballers will have a chance to defeat SMU on a Cot ton Bowl Field planted by an Ag- gie. . 1 In the past, the Cotton Bowl “has been noted for its poor turf. This was all- changed, however, When Maurice L. Bryant, ’35, was hired last April. j Through constant j effort, Bry ant, a landscapt arts graduate, established a string stand of lush hardy Burmuda grass. The Cotton Bowl now has. What is considered by maney, the blest gridiron turf in the country. „ Who's Who at A&M - i. r No Duchess The senate overwhelmingly de-j fettled a motion to send a duchess! to the Cotton. Ball. Principal op- position to" the motion was that the senate was not n social orgnn- izntlph. Allsup, with the approval of the senate, named the Welcoming (’pin- mlttee to work with college offi cials in planning nnd holding this yehr’s Aggie Muster on Anrll 21 The senate Instructed Allstip to wijlte letters of appreciation to thtjs churches of pastors who parti cipated in Religious Emphasis Week here. T . i The hospital committee was di- dected -by the senate to investi gate the method used by the hos pital to inform professors of hos pitalized students why the student would not be in class. The hospi tal; committee, after this investi gation, will submit to the senate recommendations on improving the present method of informing in structors. The Exchange Store committee reported it is working on a plan to provide a better used book mar ket on the campus. TCU Reoresentative; Allan Eubank,^ social committee chairman, told the senator of an invitation from TCU to send * re presentative to their annual Spring Formal. The invitation requested a girl representative. Eubank am the senate agreed that a represen tative from TSCW be sent this - Who's Who at A&M - ‘ ’ * ‘ cations. Senate’s G. C. Drive Opens Today ii I ! I ■ I ■ ! . . ..... . The Student Campus Chest opened today wit set-up, aimed at one 1 the campus Senate’s S4,000 drive -forjmally today with a complex,drive imed at reaching evej-yone campus at least once, ain. arm of the drive is indi canvassing jfor contributions of- all dormitories by representa tives from each floor or raihp. Otiher drive methods include a 7:|10 Tuesday night show in Guion Hall made up of a screening of “We’ve Never Been Licked” and music by Dean |H. W. Barlow’s faculty band. jib •' addition, contribution tables will be set up : in the -Academic Buildingiand Agriculture Building, and contribution jars will be placed in the principal campus eateries and coffee shops. ! i All plans for soliciting are be ing engineered by Monty Montgom ery, drive chairman for the sen ate. ' j Division Of the $4,000 hoped for by the senate, will be half for the Twelfth Man Scholarship, which will send a deserving high school graduate through A&M; one fourth to be placed in a local contingency fund for use on the campus; and the last quarter to the WI5SF fund to gid students in war-rav eigti countries. Any size contribution is needed, Montgomery said quota is estimated on a 61 per body. piged for- u "gently but the b isis of man for the entiri itudent Most of the soliciatiorl vill be! conducted today, Tuesda y, and Wednesday, Montgomery said, or until everyone has been cortacted. “This is the only time ;his year that campus-wide solicitations will be made, and we hope ei will participate in giving),” gomery concluded - Who's Who at A&M - - Who's Who at A&M. ei eryone Mont- mui “red spring social season as the Class of ’62 took to the floors of Sbisa for the Sophomore Sweetheart “S. types of music, hot and smooth, for the second-year men, their dates and their guests. ' Mary Louise Liles of Houston was selected Sweetheart of the Ball after a vote of the judges. Miss Liles, was escorted to the Ball by Charles Mqchala of “B” Flight Air Force. Sweetheart Nominee* Six nominees had! been selected earlier in the week for finalists in the contest, Otht^r entries were Miss Mary Kay Jkekson of Dal las, escorted by Grover Elltspr of the White Bund; : :Mlss Anita McDonald, also of Dallgiipwho Was the weekend date of Tom Mahr ty of "A" Coast Artillery; Mary Mar garet Smith, of Anitleton, entry ISf Thurmond Munaoh, "A" ASA 8hiijl(>y Walker of Paducah, 5s- corted by Carl Monger, "A” Ath letic company; and Jean Richard son,I ' another Houston entry, the dntu of Jock Brandt of “A” Flight Air I Force. Ralph Rowe, chairman sweetheart selection commit emceed the introduction of the tet of finalists. Each of the En tries was brought upon the stage, interviewed by Rowe, and scru tinized by judges and audience. After another intermission, R. A. “Dick” Ingels, sophomore class president, stepped upon the podium and brought the finalists once more to the bandstand. Miss Liles was then announced the winner. Ingels presented the new sweetheart with a gift from the class, a large bouquet of red roses, and the cus tomary kiss. , T ~ Surprise Appearance Patsy Cater, sweetheart of {he class at its Freshman Ball l^s t. year, was also brought front and center by Rowe. “It’s just been wonderful being your sweetheart,” Miss Cater saijl in a quiet And slow voice. Judges for tht contest were IDr. M. T. Hairing on, dean of the college and piesidrtot-elect; Dr. J. P. Abbott, d >an of the School orf Arts and Science; Howard W. Barlow, dean of Engineering; Gra dy Elms, assistant director of Stu- One of the irost attractive and unique displays (ever seen in Sbisa was the center of attractions at the Ball. Situated at the south end of the hall was i large table, hold ing a “Class of 1962” carved out in ice, with the letters measuring about a foot hiigh. The table was elaborately dec mated with rose* covering the fiont and gladiolus the back. The display vas prepared j per sonally by eln* i president Irjijoltj, with the assistance of Dave Nel- * on " ” i| \ ; ■) ■ • The entire ha l was eovored; with crepe paji<«r< < raped from side to side. The dm oration committee, headed hy Erli Carlson, nsetl a green and yel ow color scheme, with balloons extending froth the colUnff, . ■ | The Ball waij well attended by the class metrbers. Including a goodly sprinkli ig of \non-fbdrpa members. \ Another attraction of the pre sentation ceremonies wn* ttvinock duel staged by Harold Cottlo and Rick-Wescott. r, he pair jumped to the ttUge after Ingels had ¥ii the sweetheart and insisted doing likewise. The duel folltr ... with the two—l oth tumblers—dis playing their talents on a mat, before they we e chased away by a pseudo-femal *. ki4) nisied 1 on follOU'^b Miss Reni Haupt Ls Study Club Duchess Miss Reni I aupt, a freshman at the Univenity of Texas, was elected duchess to the Cotton Ball 'by the Campu^ Study Club, Mrs. J, E. Poore, importer announced. Miss Nancy Blank, a senior at Stephen F. Austin High School was,elected alternate to the Ball, at”' the Thursdi iy luncheon. - Who's lii ‘ ■ William D. i k-- ■.. , -+ 1 ' ie .! 4 'r- .i. Writer, Talker j To Hold Forum Here! Tue aK< 1 h< Page, author "K r ind lee* Hoatilon Vny of world Kirb' . turor, will hold h twi conference on "The Jeratln Thin Hour o. L CriHla," In CoIIoko Station and! Hryan Wednesday, acenrldlhg In) Reverend Robert Sneed, assM'latei pastor of the College Station First) Methodist Church. "The Way’ of Total Allegiance"! • will be I’ago’s first talk, at 7 pJ m. In- the First Methodist Church of College Station. At H p. m.-, he will speak in the First Christiaii Church of Bryan on thk> “Way •if Power and Joy", The American Friends Servlel- Committee, aided, hy the local churches. Sponsor! these Confetf ■cnees us part of their world-wide, ivon-seeturittn program of relief ahd reconciliation which gained. 1.. the 1947 Nobel Peace Prize. : j- >cai churches cooperating with the AESC are the Wesley Found tion of College Station, and Up First Mvthodist, the First Christ tioh andVSt, Paul’s Methodis Churches,qf Bryan. The United | Nations recognized the impartial and effective wojk of the CommiXtee when it invited the friends to odminister an ex tensive refugee \elief program |n Southern Palestine: on behalf the UN. . r at A&M - - Who's Wjho at A&M - - Who's Who at A&M -! - ■■ . *^ M * ff **** t - t ^——— - - illl JI 1 . -r ,1 ‘ : j 1.1 , , • .: mm I m 'J i ' v f! If • , : ■|0! : if •li ' ! 1 J\ i; I |j|j •'! il John L. Taylor