Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1950)
■ i, — i'v. • : t* r ! i ’~l us, '• r -ku^ » %' t ' j I ^ i/i J I J £*■**•£» L: • • fetMi,, • - Following through with a hard forehand is Allen Aaronson, 01 le of the stars in last Tuesday’s varsity tennis team’s victory over the Southeastern Oklahoma State team. I Baseball Prospects In Squad Practice Sa tu rday Even ing ’MUR NEW An upset marked the matches when 110-poui Mrimberry of I Air Fa and pinned defending Don Kutch of C Field This ended Kutch’s chan ning the title three years. E into the da: .■'I/' nto •iv. wrestling Si? mpion rtlllery. df win- nsecutive sd him Tues- ,rs. Brimbeny’s win finals scheduled Ifoi Warren Pierce of D Air Foi^ce gained the finals of the i78t-pound division when he defeated Joe Wil helm of ASA. Ralph day of A Ordnance turned the same trick when he pinned Dick Vehon of A Cavalry in the 169-poiind class. Finalists in the 129-pouhd weight ere decided yesterday wjhert C. W. in of F Air Force beat Sonny iwley of B Field Artillery and Shelby Newman of B QfylC down ed James Karmen of E j Field. A default by Charley! Smalling of C Field, who couldn’tj fiffht be cause of illness, movc^ Bland of K Flight in final pound of the hea' vision. Others to gain ood to reser- l.ary A K 1 ted lly I’RANK MANITZAH Aggio hauchiill fana will have n chance to watch the-1050 team in action when the spring train ees take to the diamond Saturday afternoon for an intra-squad tilt. Coach Martji Kurow, who must divide his time between the cagcru and the baseball team until bas ketball season ends j nex t week, supervised yesterday's workout, postponing his usual hardwood practice until last night. Except for the mound position.- all | places in the lineup are well represented, with JUjainy having re placements two t/> three deep. Tifying.out for 1 Che'pitching spots are Pat Hubert, letter man;, Blan- t?n “Hondo” Taylor, another ’49 letterman. Tank Tankersley, up | College Station Swiih Club, from the freshman ranks; Bruce a u compose( | of co i le} . e> high Atonsse, ^etterman; deorge Brown, school an(1 g raduat e .swimmers Sid Goodlow, Charlie Smith, Nor-j f h; wiu - Phersoh, and John DeWItt. stock of reserves Is expe< buck this trio. Among the Vos are Hollis Baker, Yalt and Billy Wurnor. any Wallace, who made the all- conference team last year, seems to have the shortstop slot again sewed up, but may receive plenty of competition from a rising new comer, Joe Ecrete. . j J Among the catchers are J im Cal vert, returning letterman; A1 Ogel- tree, and Bob Drago. College Swimj Club Meets Lamar Team man Robertson, Billy Warner, Bob G^How^uSam Blanton* also from last year’s fish squad and Lou powers. Infield Ready Hopefuls for the first base bag ^jire Hcrschcl Maltz, letterman; Jim Tunnel, freshman squadman; and Weldon Vornkahl. - Second base duties will be as signed to either Job Savcrino, let terman, or Lester Lackey, up from the Fish team and who will also alternate at third. .Henry Candelari and Charlie Opersteny from last year’s fresh man flock will fight it out for third base, only positiorr not hav ing a returning letterman. The outfield will be under the able protection of three returning lettevmen-—Wally Moon, Shug Mc- a dmjd Schoipi stage meet- With the Lamar High team f>f Houston Saturdaj after noon in P. L. Downs Nataloriuni The meet is scheduled 1 o start at 3 p. nv., according to Art Adam son, who is coaching tl*e local swimmers. Lamar is expected to offer strong oppositiiSi} to the College Station club since they w; e rle state champions in the sport! la^t year., Diving events will also be held, with Emil Mamaliga coacliirijg tljie honic team. Glenn Davis Lealves Army for Pro Ball Fort Monrue. Va., Feb. M. First Lie.ut. Glenn Davis,?f |! TEVERWEAIf AlTO PLASTIC SEAT COVERS Quilted or Plain Trim CUSTOM TAIEOKBJO Tt) 101 YOUU CAR • Mu t oon ) r • Orccn • Hluo While AuloStofe »18 N. Mu'w ftag at av ; be football i ^nge- All-AmCrica gridiron | Ar my, said here Thursc j would play professional next autumn with the Lo | ks, Hams. Davis was notified 1 huisduy ! afternoon that the Army hall *c- ! ceptefl his resignation. AMHoui'h j <he resignation become* jffecti J June 3, Davis said he would be free to' aeeept civilian omploymo I March 1'. Except for a couple of p|clubiti j games played for charlt | has played no football, since 11147, the Army-Navy lnttle A^jujirn'lake FI If '• ; m u Bobby seml- iight di- semi ass in- Infantry skS of D. Coast of D Cav- Anderson final iround in the elided Don Grubbs of who dropped Jack Bano' Vet, Charley Jackson oi who pinned J. W. W|lhl Fiicld, and Ken Rogers Of airy who by-passed Kelly ofic Infantry, completing) the semi- fiiial round. Semifinalists of the l59j-pound division are Ken Timmons of A Infantry who dropped Otto iVelton of A Quartermaster, Harold Springfield of A Ordnance who pnnned J. H. Edwards of I B In- fintry. Max Word of Dorm 15 who matted Bob Davis of E Air! Force, and Ben Coleman of D Field Artil lery who defeated Ken Schroeder of B Cavalry. ♦ 1 Handball play slacked o[f con siderably when six forft its j occur red within two days. Thoaej enter ing the forfeit doghouse Inqlude A Field Artillery, B Con poilte, B Infantry, B Vet, B Infanjlryi and E Vet. Defaults subtract from i Intra mural scores and throe forfeits will drop a team from the sport. “/i i* - : Sfc 7 / 1*'^ The camera catches Boyee Tate, another top man on the Aggie varsity tennis team, as he completes a driving smash in a prac tice match. Tate defeated his opponent from Southeastern Okla homa State Tuesday in two straight sets to aid the Aggie win. Consolidated Kits Twenty-three member* of the 1949 Consolidated Junior High “Kittens* received letter* in an assembly at the school Thursday. Two managers of the team and four yell leaders also received letters. Jim Beyans, coach, presented the awards. i Co-captains of the Wildcats for the season were Dave Honnen and "Pinky’' Cooner. Yell leaders re ceiving awards were -i Eleanor Price, Carolyn Landiss, Jean Put ty, and Eugenia Kush. i Name 23 Lettermen Frank Barnes and Clifton Bates were given letters as the team’s managers. Other lettermen were Fred An derson, Dan Williams, Melvin Free, Robert Jackson, Douglas Norcross, Freddie Len*, Robert Cleland, Jim] Richards, Bill Hick man, and Gelorgc Sousares. Jimmy Bond, Charles Jbhnson, E. Simek, Jerry Oden, Tom Ter rell. Bobby Joe Wade, and Billy McKay .were the remaining letter- men. ^ 'raining Hits 7'7 By DEAN REED ipring foot- kc place to- The second of ball scrimmages morrow afternoon Kyle Field in White clash. , - in. on Maroon- With this game the spring train ing hits mid-season. Two weeks ago, on Feb. 10, the gridsters took the pads out of mothballs and be gan hitting the dummies. Under conference rules, teams are al lowed exactly 30 days from their first practice to complete spring training. This schedule leaves no “time out” for rainy periods, Sundays, or holidays. With most of the {practice occur lust ing on the field jyst west of the —r- Battalion SPORTS FRI„ FEB. 24, 1950 Page 5 / Pensacola Tankers Call Off Dual Meet The match originally set for tonight between the Aggie swim- sters and the Pensacola Navy team has been called off, accord ing to Art Adamson, swimming epoch.' j In a letter received from tb 0 Florida group this week, they, asked that the meet be cancelled,' since lack of funds make the trip here impossible, Adamson said. Next event for the Cadet 4 men will be in Austin against strong Texas University Thursday night, March 9. "Some of our boys have been a llttla under the weather, hut meat of them are expected to be in ton shape for the mutch with Texas, Adamson said. 1 . stadium, oXtypIcal „ Iron grandeur can be Men afternoon. a fairly colorful act, . from the many onlookers day. \ There’* the usual amount of grumbling from both player* and coaches, but a noticeable Improve ment has taken plahe since the training period The coaches range ito sites al most at much a* tfcjk wridinen themselves. Quite a few iitches and pounds separate the measurements of Harry Stiteler, head coach, and “Dog" Dawson, line assistant. For heaviest man on the 14 a close battle is raging bet nter, ‘!. Fit.. workou the scales rang up 224 for Huderk. ! According to the weight chart, big, Flbwers seems to have ciuite a time with his poundage. Wed nesday afternoon he checked in at 225, but left a trim 220. Lightest men on the .squad are Charlie Royalty, halfback, who currently hits 154, and Dick Garde nia!, who tallied just one pound W»*«- '| .• • j , As many players as possible will be used in tomorrow’s scrimmage, jaccording to Stiteler. Following is a complete list of those/expected to pl)|y ini the March 4 Sports Day flash, which should be quite like tomorrow’s. | / Maroon Roster f MAROONS—(ends) Walter Da venport (80; Carl Hill, (81); Dor- bandt Barton (82); Jerry Gross- man (84); Dick Self (85); Jaro Baat (Mi; Nctardus (86); Rodney Robert Pratt (90); add J. D. Gen- tilli (91). (Tackles) Bobby Mickey Spencer (72)1; {Dixon (70); . T. K, Ni- lund (74); Murry Hplditch (76); Tuck Chapin (77);i Jack IJttIc (78); Alex Stroble (79). (Guards) Marshall Kush (63); Klo Nohavitsa <M); W. G. “ lit (68). Max Grlener (07); Bobby 10 ■ ,.' ’/ omorrow of grid- Elo N( icen aiiy (66U (Cer . / Hugh Meyar/( (54); Bob (Quartei ; DsiTo 'ullbacki iat>d Lei U UW! ^ft half , — , i Carl l..v.. ov , , —— i, — Lippman (26); David Yeager (27) ; Herbert 'Scott (2SB). ■ « nters) Cooper, Robbln* <*0)i Bi); Chuck O’Neal Gardemal to* > (M. s): Dick (II); paTrev Hooper (16). (Fullbacks) Doyle Berna “Bui] neks) Doyle Moore (33); Lemmons (36); Clarcnoc Lawson (88). Ra; (Left halfbacks) Raymond )); Carl Monger (22); Glena (Right halfbacks) Charlie Mc Donald (44); Herbert McJunkin (45); Billy Tidwell (46); Wes ley Parma (48). White Roster WHITES: (Ends) Walter Hill £80); Charles Saxe (81); Frank iurhs (82); Cedric Copeland (84);‘ Hinton Owin (85); Charles Hodge (K6); Howard Zuch (87); Roy BuMi (88). (Tackles) Durwood Scott (17); Dwayne Tucker (74); Sam Moses (75); 'Harvey Smith (77); Rus sell Huaeck (78); Alvin Langford (7.9). \ (Guards) Gerhardt Schulte (60); A. J. Dugas (6(5);' Richard Frey (66); CarlXMolberg (67); W. T. Rush (68). \ (Centers) Jim Flowers (50); Pat Diffie (SS); Van Hetherly (55): Ralph Cox (56); Jim Fow ler (90). X (Quarterbacks): \ Dclmcr Sikes (15); Ray Graves (19)1 , (Fullbacks) Max \Stofcltje (32); David Duncan (83) ;\ Rob Smith (36); Austin Stubbs (38). (Left halfbacks) ClWlto Roy alty (20): Robert Bradford (25);; John Christensen i(26); Yale Lary (28). I V (Right Halfbacks) Jim Dobbyn (42); Kay Graves (44);'Conuio Mngourik (45); Auggle Saxe (46). Carl llill. O’Neal, and Nilsud will ho back in the lineup after missing lust^ week's scrimmage due to minor injuries. BANKI| COLLEGE! (, Da he *u d. ulcl Of Hoik»r Satiirduy The Aggie I'Ynelng Hq enter an open team e sahre meet, this weekem C University of Houston The piobahte sjaiiinv for i h" Aggies is j/ic MapckJ Jo GoUlnh end f'lirlis Wtlktu •ape. Parrol Bell, ChafSaji ami John Gottlob ou the (ting snb'e. Ous Mist rot, team ve still nut of the storting to n twisted knee. .-X-, I imd v ill pr nml al Ilia y « line. on ayps. ne-r . Shb. Hue < * - '■ . v Rev. James Jackson Pastor A & M METHODIST CHURCH — A You are cordially invited to tend all the church servi' Sunday: 9:50 A.M.—Church School 11:00 A.M.i—Morning W. 7:00 P.M.—Evening Wq Wednesday: 6:00 P.M.—Dinner-^-pr for Aggies (College ;<& SERVICE STATION’S OWN Station State Bank North Gate Tlie Exchange Store “Serving Texas Aggies” With Two Stores Main Campus i NASH A & M Annex ****** NASH MIT LEE AND CO. .1 I • - { 27th and Bryan BRYAN, TEXAS Complete Automobile Service &C' Among the many kinds of tree* in exist ence, very few retain their foliage during the cold winter months. Only a few withstand the driving winds and storms and still main tain beautiful green branches. The graceful scene below shows a remark able characteristic in the pine tree. Some miraciilous element within the pine enables it to display its lush greenery amid the whiteness of faUen snow. Such are the amazing qualities of nature— the millions of wonders in God’s creation. In order to understand more fully the God- given powers within ourselves, we must study the Holy Word and attend regularly the services of the Church. By doing this we will come to realize our potentialities and talents and will learn to live a fuller more useful life. 5 * i '. • ’ j .. City National Bank Member Federal Deposit Insurance {Corporatior Bryan, Texas ! • 1 / - r QUALITY CLEANING Fast 3-day Service PARK CLEANERS Southside College Station \ , I ' American Laundry and Dry Ueancrs Hryun, TexM Serving tho Collcgo Stfctloij and Bryan CommunitiOH Since 1900 First State Bank & Trust Co. BRYAN TEXAS Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Henry A. North Gate Hardware Miller & Co. Phone 4-1145 U,, Furniture Gifts WE CHURCH FOR AU i ~ AU ' rOR THE CHURCH strur 8 ’'’ -!»»* .. v «“ pF«‘» 11 Southside Shoe Shop I I i' s li t J i I First Claps Shoe and Boot Repair Shop i !j ';; r, ' ■ J ': Polishes, Dyes. All Shining Equipment. ] T . ; • . T ./ ' ! , I ■ ■ ■ /, m j i . 'ij ■ l I A & IM Christian Church 9:46 A.M.—Church School 11:00 A.M.—Morning Worship 5:00 P.M —Supper Group A & M Church of Christ 9:45 A.M.—Bible Classes X0:45 A.M.—Morning Worship 7:15 A.M.—Youth meeting A & M Methodist Church 9:30 A.M.—Cadet Coffe Hour 10:00 A.M.—Sunday School 11:00 A M.—Morning Worship 7:30 P.M.—Evening Worship Christian Science Society 11:00 A AL—Morning Worship St. Mary’s Chapel 8:30 A.M.—Sunday Mass 10:00 A.M.—Sunday Mass Calendar of Church Services Oolleee Station Bap 9:45 A.M.—Runday (School 0:50 A.M.- Morning Worshi list K 10:00 A.M.—Morning Worship 6:15 P.M.—Baptist Training Union 7:16 P.M.—Evening Worship St. Thomas Episcopal Chapci 8:00 A.M.—Holy Communion 6:30 A.M.—Aggie Coffee Club 9:30 AM.—Church School 11:00 A M.—Morning 6:30 P.M.—Evening A&M Presbyteriim Church 9:45 A.M.—Sunday Srhobl 11:00 A.M.—Morning Worship 6;30 PM.—Student League 7:30 PM.- Fellowship Service American Lutherani Church 9:30 AM.—Bible Class 10:45 AJJ.—Worship Sendee A&M Grill ' 1- . 1 -North Gate l \ ;' 1-. ' ’ THE BEST SUNDAY DINNER IN COLLEGE STATION AFTER , ^ | CHURCH f CREAM LAND : ; -• ■ . ■! V ' f, - - SPECIAL - r Htudent Plate Liiuch / ,l'i Sandwiches All Fountain North Gate Drinl^i I J. A. Williams & Sons |l ■' / 1 ; | I ' . . • ; - Sl • -!• 113 E. 26th St — Bryan Telephone 2-1574 ; 1 . HANCE REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE LO KVA*} •/ p l rr i' ii