Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1950)
V f* ¥ . T Aid Renewed To Ag Station A grant-in-aid which the Midwest Research Institute, Kansas City, Mo., has made available for several years to the Agricultural Experiment Station to support the Rrain sor ghum breeding program has been Renewed and the amount doubled. | ® r . - Thornton, chairman of . the institute’s chemistry division, tonfirmed the renewal to R. D. I«ewis, director of the TABS. 1 This year, the amount of the grant will be |4,000. It is to sup port work in grain' sorghums be ing done by R. E. Karper at the Lubboe ~ ck Substation, c “The increased grant,” Lewis i “The said, “will" make it possible for us to employ some highly-qualified — jaasistants which Mr. Karper bad ly needs in order to carry on his extensive programs which have been so productive and which •have, great proilnise for the fu ture.” J In conforming renewal of the grant, Dr, Thornton wrote Lewis, “the fact that this agreement has been renewed from year to year -* is testimony that you people are doing a very good job.” I -iM that fagoted UoU [ CAfllEO S. \ \ ' j Smooth, sleek — a treasure in leather is this 4 procisely crafted billfold for men. A wonderful 'gift. Removable case for 8 cards or photos. Bill pocket with di vider, card pocket Wide choics •of handsome leathers #3.50 to #10.00 The Exchange Store / ' AGGIE SQUARES, Friday. 8 p.m., Parish , House. Beginners come at 7i30. AGRICULTURALIST STAFF MEETING: Room 207, Goodwin, Thursday^ February 16. 7:30 p.m. BAPTIST STXJDEN'r UNION BANQUET, Wednesday, April 22, 7:3 p. m. , BELL COUNTY- CLUB, Thurs- day, February 18, 7:15 p. m., Room 123 Academic Building Plan Spring formal. ; BRAZORIA COUNTY CLUB, Thursday, February 16, 7:15 p. m., room -126 Academic Building. CALDWELL COUNTY CLUB, Thursday, 7 p.m., Academic Build ing. COLLIN COUNTY CLUB, Thursday, 7:15 p. id., Room 308 Academic Building. CORYELL COUNTY CLUB, Thursday, February 16, 7:30 p. m.. Room 126 Academic Building. EAST TEXAS CLUB, Thursday, 7:30 p. m., YMCa. Picture to be taken, officers elected. Uniform 'Humber lj‘ coats and ties. FIVE-O CLUB, Thursday, Feb ruary 16, 7:30 p..m., Bryan Coun try Club. Covered dish dinner, single men invited. \ FORT WORTH A&M CLUB, Thursday, 5:15 p. m., Picture for Aggieland on West side of^YMCA. at’s Cooking - BOXING - (Continued from Page 3) Star-Telegram sponsored tourna ment. The 120-pound ring strategist is the most experienced of the three local ringmen who will be entered in the North Texas competition. Last year he was not allowed to continue participation in the Tem ple regional tournament when it was discovered that he had only a thumb on His right hand. -However, he has a special glove which compensated for the niisis- ing fingers which he lost in an accident some time ago. It is not expected by officials that he will be disqualified this year, accord ing to "Cotton”' Slovucek, who was one of the directors of the lo cal tournament. 'j . HlL>L COUNTY ^LUB, Th 7:30 p. iSSS day, February 16, " 307 AC ^ Wednesday, 5:15 p.bu. front YMCA. Club plctum will be tik- en fog Aggieland ’50, Latin American (Hub, Friday, February 17, 7:15 p. m., YMT Assembly Room. Pictures will made at this time. * NAVARRO COL UHTY CLUB, Thursday, 7:30 p. m.. Room 228, Academic Building, officers to be elected. PASADENA CLUB, Wednesday, February 15, 7:30 p. m. YMqA South Solarium. Pictures will taken. PORT ARTHUR CLUB, Thurs day, 5:15 p. m., Aggieland picture to be taken on YMCA steps ROBERTSON COUNTY CLfSiB, Thursday, February 16, 7:30 in Hall. VETERANS WIVES BRIDGE CLUB, Thursday, February 16, 7:30 p. m., YMCA Assembly room WACO - McLELLAN COUNTY Thursday, February 16, 7:30 m.. Room 301 Goodvjdn Hall. WEATHERFORD CLUB, Thdrs- 7:15 p. m. day, February 16, YMCA lounge. Pictures to be made, all members year suits or class A uniforms. Director Speaks On Conservation : !“i ! 1 I “Each graduate should give con sideration to whati kind of employ ment he is going to do upon grad uation,” , Paul Walsler, State Di rector ot Soil Consjervation, said Sunday. Students husbandry in agricul on soil conservation employment on Feb. 12 in the Cjhemistry fiec- ture Room. “Four important points of con- sideration before looking for a job are careful thinking, setting an objective, qualifying youriielf. and driving toward jthe objective," he said.; t majoring in animal isbandry and others interested agriculture heard Walser speak SAVE 10 TO 20% 'On Your Automobile and Fire Insurance Stock or Mutual Policlea f i ALEXANDER - BEAL AGENCY 203 Sduth Main Phone 2-5547 PICK UP SHOP • j - j - 418 N. Main COMBAT BOOTS PARATROOPERS BOOTS ‘'I ■ '• Officer’s Pinks. New O. D. Pants ENGINEERS pOOTS Suntan Shirts & Pants New Khakis Teachers Here Today for Vet Ag Meeting Sixty-five teachers and nine^ area coordinators were wel/ corned to A&M and the Col lege Station Area Teacher- Coordinator Meeting this morning by Dean of Agriculture Charles N. Shepardson. The one- day meeting opened in the YMCA where it . will continue until 3:15 this afternoon, according to E. R. Morrison, state board supervisor for this veterans' vocational agri culture district. In Texas there are about 25,000 veterans taking on-farm training, 10,000 enrolled in trades classes, and 5,000 in distributive education. All teachers and coordinators used Calvin Pigg, coordinator for Brozas County, led the other pan el which discussed the way in which Brazos County dairymen are producing more milk cheaper during these winter months. After lunch in the Sbisa cafe- teeria, Jack Gray will lead a dis cussion on tenant-landlord rela tionship problems, Morrison said. Achievements of Veterans Vo cational Agriculture and adult education outlook will be present ed at 2:15 by B. C. Davis, also of the state board. The closing address will be from E. R. Alexander, head of the Ag riculture Education department. “Mental Fertilizers” will be the title . of Alexander’s address. The agricultural training pro gram for veterans as conducted in Texas consists of class meet- ingis shop training, practical demonstration, and individual sup ervision on the individual veteran’s farm. Classes are established where- over a sufficient number of vete rans show a need for them, and are based on the problems peculiar to his farm and the type of farm ing in his community. Rigsby Cites Old Faces in Library Oxford, England—UP)—Curators of the world famous Bodleian li brary at Oxford University are slowly unveiling 200 faces that had been forgotten. The faces— of English scholars antedating the middle of the 17th Century—were painted into a frieze decorating one room of the building in 1618. When the ceiling was repaired in 1813, this frieze was covered with plaster. Last summer it was re discovered. Its restoration is now LIT ABNER Y Whammy, LOOK WHO t NABBED, YER LTbw 1 riumtrj HIM BACK I DEADLY WEAPON ■ HHoKLYN mt* LLY DREADS If I ii i e •Le, HtSTOtsrn ALL Web COMPARED TO THRT I HORROR. PISTOLS ■ I By A1 Capp Trade become the method of ils and* all types ■oducts,” H. P. ;ge welding pro- an interview yes- Clty Limits of College Station On Highway 6, South — NEW — STATE MOTEL, ULTRA-MODERN The Perfect Place for that Friend to Stay Typewriters for Rent LATEST MODELS BRYAN BUSINESS MACHINE CO. 209 N. Main Dial 2-1328 Chevrolet alone in the low-price field gives you highei it dollar value . . • famous Fisher Body . . . lower cost motoring! • t. .%'X ’ 'ji ..^ F/RST.. and Finest... at Lowest Cost! I' lha ItytaU— Oa Use « Poor _r I AMERICA'S BEST SELLER Here’s your buy for 1950 ... for all the things yon want in a motor car at lowest cost . . . the new Chevrolet with Style- (r - Star Body by Fisher! | [ It’s the one and only low-priced car that offen yon a choice of automatic or standard drive ... with die thriQing new Powerglide Automatic Transmission and new lOS-Iup. Valve-in-Head Engine for finest automatic drive results - - - . I | . AMERICA'S BEST BUY! SHU . . . NEW TWO- mmo AND UNITIZED WINDSHIELD WITH PANORAMIC DW-PMCSD CARS . . . PROVED EXTRA-ECONOMICAL TO OWN, and with a highly improved, more powerful Vahe-in-Head «SJ^***j * engine and the famous Silent Synchro-Mesh Transmission Cetnbinatkm at PowergUdt Tr for finest standard drive results—at lowest cost. optiemoi cm D* Lux* \ ' . ■>: SEE YOUR LOCAL CHE 1^ Transmission and IQS-hj. Engine mutdeb at extra com. \ i i ( VROLET DEALER ±1 f r :> i \; : t' J. r ■ “Welding has most im joining me of metal ] Rigsby, coi fessor, said ip terday. Rigsby cit«|d the collie’s ef forts to provide better and ad vanced instruction in welding for students who desire it.] Besides the basic courses in welding, the Mechanical Engineering ; Depart ment has added a course in Ap plied Welding Technology (ME Only one section was offered this semester, but Rigsby hopes engineering students’ interest will demand more sections next fall when the course, will be 1 offered again. Applied Welding Technology is a two credit! hours course which bus one hour of theory jand two hours of laboratory per week. The ory classes study the processes of welding and the metallurgy of metals, us applied to welding. Also studied are methods of welded joint inspection and testing. Tho laborapry classes peovlde practical experience in tV appli cation of the varioup welding pro cesses (spot welding’* oxygcetylene, electric arc) and training in inspec tion and testing of Jvelds, Rigsby said. The course is nowj allowed as a technical elective for Mechanical Engineering istudents and is open to majors in all engineerihg fields, Rigsby added. He said that the course in Applied Weldipg Tech nology has been well received by students in l|is section. According !to Rigsby, this course should be interesting to | civil en gineering students and structural design and r° ns t ru Ctiion students in particular, fa rMWUU' F ^< ; * ^ 1| •»« ,\. J J : H Movie Oscar " rr . 1 # Nomindtions Annoudced 1. Hollywood, Feb. I 15—^—“All the King’s Men,”[ a critical treat ment of U.S. Politics, drew top honors in the Academy Award nominations announced tonight. The film, which resernbeles the life of Huey Long, drew seven nominations — for] star, Broderick Crawford; supporting actor, John Ireland; supporting aptress, Mer cedes McCambridge; director-writ er, Robert Rossen j plus film ed iting tind best picture. Other nominees for best picture award are: “Battleground,” “The Heiress,” “A Letter to Three Wives," “Twelve o’clock High.” Nominated for the: best actor award; Crawford; Kirk Douglas, "Chaniplon;” Girt gory Peck, "Twelve o’clock jUg* 1 ," Richard Todd, ; “The Hasty Heart,” and John Wayne “Sands of Iwo Jlma." Actress nominated for top hon ors w<)re: Jeanne Uraln, "Pinky;" Olivia DeHavillandj "The Heiress; Susan Hayward, Heart;" Deborah My Spn;” Loretta to the Stable.” ’’M y Foolish Kerr, "Edward Young, "Come WANTED! Newspaper Delivery Boys FOR BATTALION Apply: Mr. Bing, Student Pub lications, Goodwin Hall, Campup Battalion CLASSIFIED ADS Page 4 / WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1950 masiamm^^^musaam^mauimuumeeuumaamatmtsmammmmmmmumammm BILL WITH A BATTALION CLABSIUBD AD. ILstaa ... Ms a wort psr loscrtlon with a 25c minimum, apse* ratsa la Clsaslflad Ssctlon . . . 80c par column Inch. Band all elaaaiflada wtta ramit- tanas to tlw Otodant Actlvlttoa Of no*. All ada mould bo tnmad In bjr 10:00 a m. of Um day baforo public aUo«. I • FOR SALE • SEE US to buy or sail used furniture. Phone 1-7007. Wood Furniture Com- pany. . rt- Offlclal Student - Faculty DIRECTORY °f Texas A&M College 50c per copy Phone 4-5444 ' Of Mail 50c to STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Texas A&M College College Station, Texas —On Sole at Annex— SNACK BAR & NEWS STAND • LOST AND FOUND • LOST one pair »la*»e» ' In brown caaa imarked "Capitol Optica 1 "- Acrca — M.E. Dept. V‘ i J WILL person who found my billfold plea»e, at leaat. return the papers and the bill* fold. Roota 25. Chemistry Bldg. Mra. J. W. O'Brien. • SERVICES • • FOB BENT • NEW FURNISHED upper apartment — 3 rooms and hath. With garage. 406 E. 23rd. Phone 2*7580. C. D. Salvato. f- i r 1 1 j y Week-End Specials at Charlie's Food Market SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY — 17TH & 18TH North Gate rnllftM Station College Station 3 POUND PAIL Spry . . . . j . 73c : • •• j . 1 \ 10 POUNDS PILLSBURY’S BEST !Flour . . .... :(• . 85c 46-OZ. CAN NU-ZEST Orange Juice . . . . j . 31c NO. 2 CANS LUSH’US Sliced Beets ... 2 cans 19c 46-OZ. CAN LIBBY’S Tomatoe Juice . . . . . 26c NO. 2 CANS NU-CREST Diced Carrots . . 2 cans 19c QUART BOTTLE TEA GARDEN Apple Juice | 25c 80S CANS KIMBELL’S Fresh B.I. Peas . . 2 carfs 19c QUART BOTTLE CHURCHH’ Grape Juice ! j '. 39c -i 4— j 1. 803 CANS PRIMROSE Cream Style Corn . 2 for l]9c rrm: r v LARGE PACKAGE Tide - 25c NAME ti SANBORN’S ; lakuk Coffey - 69c Ivory Snow - 25c Ifl-OZ. JARS PURE ! Plum Jelly ... 2 cans .‘lie S3 CANS LIBBY’S Fruit Cocktail . 2 cans 35c ! j “tH - ”— • MARKET TENDER VEAL Loin Steak . . . . . .. Ib. 65c FRESH GROUND MEAT FOR I ' Hamburgers .... t lb. 42c. ARMOUR’S COLUMBIA Sliced Bacon .... [lb. 35c WE DELIVER PHONE S|— 4-1164 - 4-1165 , ; ■ Ur. 1 POUND CANS IIKRSHKY’N Cbocolate Syrup. 2 cans .31c No. 21/, CANS CALIFORNIA DAYS Peacb Halves ... 2 cans 45c • PRODUCE ... . » HOME GROWN Carrots .... 3 bunches 10c CALIFORNIA *!; I Potatoes 10 lbs. YELLOW Onions . . —"ir CALIFORNIA Ninons lb. 5c T , . j jL_ dozen 21c -Sv TFT r, BRING YOUR CLEANING, pmalnt. dying and alt.ration! to th. new S.rvlc. Cleaner* atatlon. Locatrt In Guy. Boy ette Apt. acrou from "Campu. Theatr.", W. W. Richard*. Prop. SPRING CLEANING I* right around th. corner- Now I* th. tlm. to clock up on Fuller Brueha* and taka advantag* of our n.w apodal*. Dry mopa only g2.14 and broom* aa low aa 11.7V. Call .-.082 or FfU* Hl.v* Shaw, Box 2381, College allpn. Conault Dr. Oarlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST With Tour Visual Problama SOS 8. Main — Bryan Phona 3-1663 .1 -w- J ' H Used Car Headquarters FULLY SERVICED FINE USED CARS WE HAVE BUILT UP A BIG USED <!AR AND TRUCK BUSINESS BY SELLING CARS WHICH MAKE FRIENDS AND PERMANENT CUSTOMERS FOR US. SOME EXCEPTIONAL VALUES HERE NOW . . . 1949 FORD Custom 2-door Se- ; dan. Radio, Heater, Over drive, Plastic Seat Covers. Very Clean /..$1650 1949 FORD Custom 4-door Sedan. Radii), Heater, Bay- view Blue and like new .J....: 81595 1948 FORD Super Deluxe 2- door Sedan. Radio, Heater, Seat Covers. Very low Mileage ... 81160 1948 FORD Super Deluxe Club\Coupe, Radio, Heater, K White Wall Tirea f Spotlight 8H60 1947 FORD Super Deluxe 2- door Sedan. Seat -.J r Covers ...J 81095 1947 PLYMOUTH, Special ^De luxe 2-door, Heater, A»85 1947 MERCURY Station Wag on, Radio, Heater, Overdrive, lean 81696 1946 FORD Super-Deluxe Club Coupe, Radio, Heater, Clean fa..: U...... 8850 1946 FORD 2-door Super De luxe Sedan, Seat Govern 8AHA POST WAR BARGAINS 1941 PONTIAC jClub Coupe, Radio, Heater] Very Clean ..,,.1.^..... 8496 1941 MERCURY CLUB Coupe 8488 1941 CHEVROLET 2 door , 8895 1940 MERCURY 4-door.;....8458 1940 DODGE Coupe :....$450 ALSO HAVE CLEAN STOCK OF LATE* MODEL TRUCKS ON HAND. FROM J/, TON PICKUPS TO 2-TON TRAC TORS, ALL GUARANTEED AND READY TO GO WORK . „ . . r' i 1 i Bryan Motor ! Company j; Tour Friendly Ford Dealer’ 415 N. Main — ' Bryan A 25 “aBSi'sfir | JOIN THE MARCH OP DIMES ■ . 1;