The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 13, 1950, Image 1

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    :' ■&'
City Of
College Station
t Official Newspaper
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Tie Bath
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Nation’s Top
Collegiate Daily
NAS 1949 Survey
Volume 49
McCarthy and Mai
Highlights of Juni
Number 87';
om Two
^ One of Texan’ mo«t colorful
«haractern calmly atood up, cleared
hlN throat, and apoke to memberM
of the Claaa of '51 and their
date* unaembled in HkiMN Mena
Hall Friday niirht for the annual
Junior banquet. =, s ^
Glnnh f McCarthy, Mouaton oil
and millionaire and owner of
the Shamrock Hotel, told the
group that it wan an honor and a
privilege 16 be Invited to ASM
and that he would return anytime
if naked. He alao aaid that It hud
been 21 yeara afnce he hud eaten
In Sblaa and that for eure the
ateak nerved him at the banquet
wna much better thun that “bull-
neck” served him while atill an
A&M student. •/ 1
Arriving at 5:45 p. m.; on a
i DC-3 at Easterwood Airport, Mc
Carthy was met by class officers
and an honor guard of Ross Vol
unteers. He was driven to the
campus in a shiny brown Chrysler
1950 model furnished by Bemath
Motor Company ip Bryan. That
night he reviewed the corps at
supper formation. 7
Introduced by class president
Wilrrtan “Pusher” Barnes, McCar-
thy presented orchids to the six
finalists for Junior Sweetheart.
Barnes introduced other honor
guests and the main speaker, Cayce
Moore of- Hearne. Moore, known
heretofore in publicity as the
“eminent Dr. Klipp,” spoke on
humorous remarks with the H.
Bomb interspersed;
Menu for the enjoyable affair
included broiled filet mignon, demi
french potatoes, pineapple and cot
tage . cheese salad, tomato juice
coektajl, green peas, coffee, .and
coffee, and chocolate - cream pie.
The dance began promptly at 9
p..m. to the much improved musi
cal arrangements of the Aggie
land Orchestra. For some reason,
the music was a good deal faster
than usual.
During one of the first inter
missions, the six finalists for
sweetheart were again presented.
They were \Ahre Maleom, Docia
Schultz, Jo Ann Whittle, Doris
Ellis, Zanna Landers, and Wan
da Jean Kerchaval.
During tha next intermission,
beautiful brownette, brown eyed
Aiin Malcotn. of Abilene and a stu
dent at Hockaday Junior College,
A&M - Arkansas
Tilt on KORA
Station KORA, will broadcast
the A&M - Arkansan banket hall
at 7:45. Coach
gam i
Marty Karow and hln bankctball
squad left by train at 6 p.m.,
n tonight
.Saturday for Fayetteville, where
'they will meet the Porkers.
Earlier In the day cage star
Jewell McDowell had been tak
en to Houston for x-rays of his
shoulder which Is still quite,
sore. He Is .expected to play,
but still will not be at full effi
ciency. j.
Currently Arkansas is a half
gome behind the Cadets in the
SWC standings. However, the
Maroons must win this tilt In
order to remain Ut the head of
the. pack. A loss to the Razor-
backs would definitely hinder
A&M’s title aspirations.
was hanied Junior Sweetheart.
Ann was the date of J. D. Hinton.
She was presented a huge corsage
of black orchids and a gold
scribed compact by McCartny, stjjlj
adorned by a. pair of dark glasses
which he had; worn during the en
tire evening. : McCarthy also, pre
sented the other five nominee*
with; gift* from th* Class of ’01.
After the presentation, dancing
underway again. Hblsa’s floor be
came crowded during slower, more
• omiintlr ballads which Wcro fur-
shed in not plentiful enough
mbers, but during the various
j tterbug arrangements the djmee
f oor offered ample space to w lirL
ifg dervishes.
When the dance ended at 1 a. m.
H sturday morning, there were
« mugh people on the floor to Aost-
ig>ne those final notes for at oast
an hour longer. This had been
cfie of tho best attended da sees
t its year and, to a majority of
t lose present, the best'shlndlgl the
(lass of ’61 has ever held. ~
Crane Opens RE Week
With Onion Talk Today
High rqliglion is life, not just 0
way of life, but life itself. It’s the
way you live your total life—the
spark of vitality you give your life.
The degree you are alive is the de
gree you are | deeply, ethically rer
ligious,” Dr. Henry H. Crane told
some 1,200 students in Guion Hall
this morning at 10.
“Life and death are not opposite i
but relative terms, Dr. Crane said.
No one is all alive or all dead. We
are alive in certain areas and there
we are deeply, ethically religious.
A man who can appreciate a beau
tiful sunset is that much more
alive than a man who accents it
with indifferehce. The same holdis
true all through our lives.”
The talk by Dr. Crane, pastor
of the Central Methodist Church
of Detroit, Michigan, was the first
of a series of five such talks tb
be given by him in Guion during
the coming week.
Classes will be dismissed for
these talks which will be held
Tuesday at 10 a.m.; Wednesday
and Thursday at ligand Friday
at 9 a. m.
Today’s session was presided
over by Cadet Colonel Allan Eu
bank, senior geological engineer
ing major from Dallas and presi
dent of the ■! Inter-Church Coun
cil of A&M students.
Eubank introduced Dr. Crane;
and the seven discussion leaders
who will hold discussions in var
ious lounges i of the dormitories
every night at 9 p. m. i?
Today’s activity schedule calls
for Rev. Paul G. Wassenich, di
rector of the Texas Bible Chair, to
hold a forum bn "Men and Women
Relations” In the 'YMCA Chapel
7rom 4 to 5:30 p. m. this after
noon. In addition to this fonim,
Rev. Wassenich will hold r Idls-
cusslon In tho lounge of Puryear
Hall atp. m.
Tho discussion in the dorm fl
lounge will bie conducted by Dr.
The Rev. Bertrand Abell, Cath-
Dean Will Address
University Women
Dean T. D. 'Brooks will address
the local branich of the American
Association of University Women
at their regular meeting Monday
evening. -- —
Dean Brooks will speak on
trends in modern education.
The meeting will take place in
the small assembly room of the
YMCA, Mrs. Robert Darrow, chair
man of> the educational commit-
e has announced.
pic Priest of Holy Name Retreat
O 1 Houston, will be in the lobnge
0 ' dorm 10 to conduct the nleet-
ii ig there.
Dorm 5’s discussion will be held
by Ned Linegar, regional secre
tary of the YMCA from Dallas,
j Rabbi William S. Malev, spiri-
ti lal leader of Congregation Beth
Yeshurun of Houston, will hold
t »e discussion in the dorm 1
1c unge.
Rev. R. B. Sweet, minister of the
1 niversity Church of Christ of
■Austin, will be in the band room
ojf dorm 11 to conduct the dis
cussion there.
: The lounge of Legett Hall will
be the place of a discussion to
bp conducted by Major Steve P.
Gaskins, post chaplain at Ft. Sill,
j^The Rev. Grady Hardin, RE
eek speaker here at A&M dur-
1 jpre-
sfnt pastor of Chapelwood Mjeth-
ist Church of Houston, will pre
side over the jdiscussion. to be held
the lounge Of dorm 14.
As Scouts Brew, Veteran Eyes Stew
No, enrollment at A&M hasn’t reached a point that tents are being
stretched on the campus
for students. The tent you may, have seen
pitched a block west of tjhe post office Saturday weren’t N ftiled with
overflow from the local housing office. They contained Imembers
of College Station Scout Troop 102, observing national scout
Scoutmaster BUI Manning was putting his Klwanls-
which included cooking a pot
[ C '■
troup through a program
laying a vigorous softbnl
11 game/ One veteran watched
minutes, and then added thoughtfully, “If the checke ar
month, they'd better keep
itew and
an eye on that pot of itew."
late thl
berts Killed In
Crash of BT13 Saturday
f •
| yN-
fonor Society
ipproved For
All SMU Regrets Fight Incident
&MAg School!Tate Reports To Penbertby-
;The possibilities of getting a lo-
c|l chapter of Alpha Zeta, the‘Na
tional Honor Society for the School
o| Agriculture In land grant col
lages, and plana for the All Col
lage Day program were discussed
by Dean Shcpurdson and members
of the Agricultural Council at a
regular meeting Wednesday, Feb
ruary 8, at 7:30 p.m.
Dean Shcpurdson reported that
tile merhbershtp requirements of
pha Zfetu have been modified In
er to admit A&M to the Society,
nization of a chapter has
roved by the college pffi-
ah<l action will be takeh to
,t affect in the near future, ac
cording to the Dean.
1 11 Charles Modisett, chairman of
e All College Day planning com-
ittee, asked that each club in the
hool of Agriculture submit a
riport to Dean Shepardson’s office
by March 15. This report IS to
include the nature! and scope of
( exhibits and activities that are
nned for the All. College Day
igrami These reports are neces-
' in preparing programs, which
to be sent out with the invita
tions this year, Modisett explained.
le organ
en appr
Reagan D. "Tiny" Roberta, 19-year-old junior from
Moran, waa killed at Coulter Field at 2:40 p. m. Saturday
when the planeX* waa piloting noaed in aharply from An alti
tude of 1(H) fe*t, after it had been in the air only a few aec-
This close-range, front shot of the. cockpit of the
BT 13 surplus army plane in which Reagan
“Tiny” Roberts was kiped Saturday afternoon,
shows the terrific impajet with which the plane/
struck the ground. The propeller and engine were
completely buried, and the tall section (not
shown) was telescoped into the fuselage. The
earth in the foreground was trampled by persons
inspecting the wreckage after Saturday night’s
Southern Methodist University
deeply regrets the incident which
occured Tuesday night after the
A&M-BMl’ basketball gnnjm, Dean
of Students W. L, Penbertby said
this morning.
Citing it letter h« had received
this weekend from \Vlllls Tnte,
dean of - mien at’ SMU, Pcnberthy
said the authorities of thj< hilltop
school were making a full Investi
gation of the fight which took
place between three Aggies and a
gang of SMU students.
Dean Tate said the students at
SMU took their sportsfnanship
seriously and all regretpd that
such an incident had happened.
Penberthy <|ontinued.
The Aggies involved in tjhe fight
were Bill ‘‘jlTex” Thornton, veter
an yell leader; J. A. “Bitsy'' Davis,
former cadet captain, and Bob Mc
Clure, colonel of the corps |in 1948-
The Associated Press reported
Glenn McCarthy, Houston’s muitl-nUlttonaim In
dustrialist, Is honored by n Ross Volunteer guard
of honor at Easterwood Airport Friday even
ing. Escorting McCarthy Is Wllinna "Pusher”
.. . ^f'
Barnes, president the Junior Class. McCarthy
and Banes is Data P. McClure, commander of
of the- RV Com pa ly.
7 ^
Adams to Nominate
Graduate Teachers
Dr. J. E. Adams, head of the
Agronomy Department, has been
asked to nominate spring or sum
mer graduates in his department
to be awarded assistantjship- at
Washington State College.
Six assistantships in the farm
crops section of the agronomy de
partment at Washington State are
available to agronomists with a
bachelor’s or master’s • degree.
There are a few similar Openings
in the soils section.
Afost of them are research as
sistantships, with one or twfo teach
ing assistantships to be offered.
A stipend up to $1,800 per year
may be received by a marl with a
master’s degree.
Tjhe State of Washington is re
claiming a million acres jfor irri
gation which offers an opportun
ity jfor a student interested in ir-
—j j, j ater
in Texas or elsewhe:
rigstjon and agronomy
Sales Forum Plbns
Drawn in Houston
j Elans for a sales forum to
conducted on the campus in Ma
Houston I
wore i completed
T. W. Inland and E. H. Bulow
of the Business and Accounting
Department and W. D, [Horsley,
director of the Placement) Office,
attended a meeting of the [Houston
Sales Executive* Club Saturday
where arrnngcmenta for the forum
were made.
The club is also planning to help
build the A&M business library
through contribution of hooks in
the sales field, JBiilow 8a j^
The sales forum is scheduled
from 1 to 4 p. m. on March 22.
Sunday that Dean Tate had mailed
apologies to Dean Pcnberthy; he
was preparing apologies to be sent
to each of the Aggies involved;
SMU Student Council President
Bob Gibson had apologized to the
Aggie Student Senate president,
and the SMU Athletic Department
had apologized to the A&M Ath
letic Department.
None of those apologies had been
received nt press time this morn
May File Charges
Thornton, according to an Asso
ciated Press dispatch from Pales
tine, Sunday said he and the other
Aggies attacked at SMU planned
to file “aggravated assault char
ges” against the SMU football
players unless the school; apolo
SMU Paper Reports
One of the athletes inVolved in
the fight was interviewed by Bob
Andrews, editor of The SMU Cam
pus, Mustang student newspaper.
“My girl called me a brute and
a bully,” the athlete said; He con
tinued, “we felt kind of bad about
it afterwardsj.”
The Campus also interviewed an
SMU girl escorted by McClure the
night of the fight. She said a
group of 8 or 10 boys followed
them when they left the gymnas
“Someone grabbed Thornton by
the shoulder and caught hold of
the dog’s leash,” the girl; said.
“Thornton said, ‘Hello, Army’,
thinking the hoy was another Ag
gie.- Then lji e yelled, “Army!
Army!’ when! he realized the boy
was trying to take the dog.
“Not many Aggies showed up,”
she said, ‘[[and Thornton was
knocked down.”
The athlete who hit Thornton
told The Campus that the fight
began when about 20 Aggies ap
peared to help out. “McClure took
a swing at I me,” he said “and
somehow I h|t Thornton,”
“We started out just to get the
pennant off ^he dog, and it ended
un in a fight,” the athlete said,
“My girl friend won’t even speak
to me now.”
The Campus carried (he story
as its lead in the Saturday edi
tion. It was headlining "Athlete
Regretful After Aggie Fight”
Burton’s Column
Charles Burton, sports Columnist
for The Dallas Morning News,
commented On the fight In his
Sunday column.
“I don’t knpw exactly ^hat hnp-
pened,” Burton wrote. “It has been
variously described as ’a little
scuffle over the AAM dog mascot’
and ’an unprovoked gang attack’
on three A&M studenta, two of
whom were accompanied by SMU
coeds. Whatever It was,” Burton
continued, “it wasn’t good.”
The Columnist referred to a let
ter he had received from J. A.
“Bitsy” Davis, one ojf the three
Aggies; involved in the fight.'“His
letter,” Burton sajd, “is one of
remarkable poise and was written'
with commendable spirit.”
Davis wrote Burton,\”All three
A&M students made statements to
the A&M student body asking that
no retaliation he attempted.” The
three Aggies also made nn\“. . .
appeal to the SMU student body
and to all schools to help us pre
vent another incident of this na
“Black eyes (Hid cht faces al- N
ways heal,” Davis wrote. “School
relations arc somewhat different.
“I dp know things,” Davis con
cluded, “(1) That my own school
is guilty of attacks,. but not on
boys accompanied by dates, and
we try to eliminate ajl such inci
dents. (2) That, to my knowledge,'
this is the first breach an A&M
student has encountered on th£*
SMU campus in five years.
“This last ip itself is a fine rec
ord, so let us all refnember this
as an isolated ihcidenjt . . . none
of us must commit ajgain ...”
Six Aggies Hurt
In Car Wreck
Wear JMavasota
Six Aggies suffered injuries
Frijlay afternoon as the result of
ah accident on Highway 6 near
Navasota as they were bound for
Houston. In the car were Wilbur
Lippman, Bill Lee, Francis Otken,
Gijlan D. “Jeep” Reddell, Robert
Schawe, and T. J. Anderson.
■ Otken, a junior pre-med stu
dent from Falfurrias, suffered a
broken left leg. Anderson, senior,
received a compound fracture of!
thej upper right thigh bone. Both
weife taken to the Bryan Hospital
immediately after the accident.
Lee, pre-med junior from Weath
erford, suffered slight lacerations
of the face and. abrasions of the
khe(e cap. Lippman, Galveston jun
ior, received a split lip. Schawe,.
jar [or biology major from Hous-|
tpnl and Reddell, junior business
major from Texas City, both bad
badly bruised and lacerated faces.
The accident occurred at 2:45
Friday afternoon about five miles
outride of Navasota. According to’
Schjawe, the Aggie occupied car
wao driving over a hill when it
suddenly confronted a slow mov
ing! car at the bottom of the,hill.
Corhing from the- other direction
waij another car, Schawe says. In
ordjer to avert the impending crackj
the Aggie car swerved off to
road’s slick, muddy shoulder.
’49 Ford slid for^ about 50
Tho piano, * surplus BT IS Con-
mil Muted lw«-HS»tor, crashed Just
oast of tho runway, going Into n
loft bank after It took off Into a
south wind. Motor failure dua to a
lark of fuol was believed to havo
beep tha oaiisa of tha oraoh, as-
cording to airport personnel, al
though no official report has been
issued by the CAA. /
Engine Burled
The plane,'owned by Allan Aca-
de(ny student Billy Price, crashed
at n sharp angle, bOrying its en
gine in the soft earth and tele
scoping the tail section up against
the trailing edge of the wing, The
Silver Taps for Roberts will be
held Tuesday at 10:30, L,t. Col. Joe
E. Davis, assistant commandant,
said this morning. Members of
Roberts flight, G Air Force, will
be in Moran for the funeral and
have requested that Silver Taps be „
postponed from Monday night so
that they may attend.
feet into a tree.
“We could see it .wa* going to
happen, but it was all so Sudden,
X® couldn’t do anything," Schawe
mmm »■■■ ■ . a
Agronomy Prof
Works in Paris
(barl E. Furgoaon, aaaoclate
profesHor of agronomy, on
ieaye from A&M, is working
in the Paris headquarters 'of
the Marshall Plan as part of
a team helping Europe to regain
economic strength.
He is a specialist in the food
and agriculture division of the
Economic Cooperation, Administra
tion and has been with the EGA
in paris for six months. !
As an agronomist, Ferguson aids
in the tas)c of advising Marshallj
Plan countries of measures to in-)
crease production and in review ofj
farm mechanization arid other ag
ricultural programs under EGA
crashed was witnessed by Harrison
G. Harper, an A&M student who is
Coulter Field’s shop foreman and
C. A. A. maintenance inspector,
and Roberts’ roommate, Thomas
W. McAshun, who saw the crash
from the air in an Aeronica he had
taken off in just in front of Rob r
erts. ,
Roberts was killed instantly In
the crash and his body was thrown
partially clear of the cockpit. Har
per said. The plane was banking
to the left, Harper said, apparent
ly trying to regain the runlvay
when it Tost airspeed and crashed.
Witnesses based their beliefs: of
the gas failure on the fact the
plane’s fuel selector was on Pre
serve” position, which opens ; the
wing tank flow Xo the motor, and
the fact that both McAshan land
Price had reportedly warned Rob
erta that the plane was low! on
Body Bent Home
Roberts’ body has been sent
hi* homo, which is 50 miles
Abilene, where funeral ser
will be held this afternoon alt 3,
Assistant Dean of Students Bennie
A. Zinn said last night. Robarts’
younger brother, a sophomore In
K. battery field, has returned to
Moran for the services.
Arrangements were being made
by Zlnn’s office for transportation
for other members of Roberts’
outfit, G Flight Air Force, to tho
Roberts was the holder of a Stu
dent pilots license rind, according
to Harper, had about 30 hours
flying time.^ien of which work In
the type plane in which he Was
, A. C. Reed, C. A. A. inspector
from Houston, was at Coulter
Field Sunday afternoon, inspecting
the wreckage prior to making:his
Nelson Brunneman Elected
King Cotton for April Show
Nelson “Nellie” Bmnneman, a
22-year-old senior from San Beni-
ta, has been chosen King Cotton
to reign over the 16th! annual Cot
ton Pageant and Ball. He is a
veteran student, with two years
infantry service in Korea, and is
a former secretary of the Agro
nomy Society)
Joining Brunneman as the cen
tral Student figures: in A&M’s
most colorful agricultural produc
tion are the following’eight mem
bers of the cotton court: Seniors
Jim Troublefield, Quanah; Conrad
Ohlentlorf, Lockhart; ! Roy Cook,
Waller; and Dave “Rlverboat"
Rives, Rrookston. Juniors are Tom
mie Duffle, Vernon; Raymond
Kunse, Glddinge; and Leo Mikeska,
Temple; and the only Sophomore la
Don Hegi of Petersburg.
All Elected
The King and
liar* of hi* court ire
of the Agronomy Society, and are
elected each year by members of
the society. Announcement of their
selection wes made by Rives, soc
ial secretary of the Bad and Pa
geant. ' !
April 28 ie the date for this
yesr’s Cotton Ball, and the king
and hts court will ge to Denton
March 11 to select the cotton queen
and the eight duchesses. They will
chouse from a field of 32 beautiful
the eight mem-
all members
Tespies, eight from each of th#
foup classes, also elected by their
classmates to vie for the honor, j
New Management
..The 16th Annual Pageant and
Ball will be under completely new
management, but promises to re
tain its past polish and glamour.
Professor EH Whitley, an Agro-
y department instructor and
pongressional Medal winner,
replace professor Joe Mogford
a* faculty advisor. Mrs. Bill Tur-
ner, wife of the director of the
Singing Cadets, amj Aggieland
Orcjhestra will succeed Mrs. Man
ning Smith as director of tha
Sanger Brothers of Dallas will
agailn handle the style show which
accompanies each year’s pageant.
' Tewte Medela
'Hollowing the custom originated
14*1 year, the 23 Tessle* not cho
sen In the cotton court.will bo
niMels In tho style show, Rive*
nother customary note In the
nt, which Is repeating this
Is the appearance of the
national maid of cotton, Mias
Elisabeth McGee, hi the style show,
the way to Denton the selec
committee, made up of the
ilty advisors and the 9 male
irs of the court. Will sto;
to confer with 1
top in
garet Wedell, Sanger’s style show
director, on production details i of
the show.
•t! I
;., ,,
Nclaon "Nellie" Hrunneman, nen-
lor Agronomy Major from Ban
Benito, has been named at King
Cotton for the l«th Annual CoS
ton Ball and Pageant. The color
ful cotton show, sponsored each
year by the Agronomy depart
ment. will be held this year oh
A « wU “• : :
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