:' ■&' 9 City Of College Station t Official Newspaper Tm. • , , / •. j ‘ * I /' ' ■ ' I Tie Bath 'f ■ PUBUSH ED IN THE INTEREST OF A GREATER !: COLLEGE i I . rf S ■ ].: v , Nation’s Top Collegiate Daily NAS 1949 Survey Volume 49 J McCarthy and Mai Highlights of Juni COLLEGE STATION (Aggieland), TEXAS, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1950 Number 87'; om Two Prom I V. ■'r By GEORGE -CHARLTON ^ One of Texan’ mo«t colorful «haractern calmly atood up, cleared hlN throat, and apoke to memberM of the Claaa of '51 and their date* unaembled in HkiMN Mena Hall Friday niirht for the annual Junior banquet. =, s ^ Glnnh f McCarthy, Mouaton oil and millionaire and owner of the Shamrock Hotel, told the group that it wan an honor and a privilege 16 be Invited to ASM and that he would return anytime if naked. He alao aaid that It hud been 21 yeara afnce he hud eaten In Sblaa and that for eure the ateak nerved him at the banquet wna much better thun that “bull- neck” served him while atill an A&M student. •/ 1 Arriving at 5:45 p. m.; on a i DC-3 at Easterwood Airport, Mc Carthy was met by class officers and an honor guard of Ross Vol unteers. He was driven to the campus in a shiny brown Chrysler 1950 model furnished by Bemath Motor Company ip Bryan. That night he reviewed the corps at supper formation. 7 Introduced by class president Wilrrtan “Pusher” Barnes, McCar- thy presented orchids to the six finalists for Junior Sweetheart. Barnes introduced other honor guests and the main speaker, Cayce Moore of- Hearne. Moore, known heretofore in publicity as the “eminent Dr. Klipp,” spoke on humorous remarks with the H. Bomb interspersed; Menu for the enjoyable affair included broiled filet mignon, demi french potatoes, pineapple and cot tage . cheese salad, tomato juice coektajl, green peas, coffee, .and coffee, and chocolate - cream pie. The dance began promptly at 9 p..m. to the much improved musi cal arrangements of the Aggie land Orchestra. For some reason, the music was a good deal faster than usual. During one of the first inter missions, the six finalists for sweetheart were again presented. They were \Ahre Maleom, Docia Schultz, Jo Ann Whittle, Doris Ellis, Zanna Landers, and Wan da Jean Kerchaval. During tha next intermission, beautiful brownette, brown eyed Aiin Malcotn. of Abilene and a stu dent at Hockaday Junior College, Nr A&M - Arkansas Tilt on KORA Station KORA, will broadcast the A&M - Arkansan banket hall at 7:45. Coach gam i Marty Karow and hln bankctball squad left by train at 6 p.m., n tonight arty uod .Saturday for Fayetteville, where 'they will meet the Porkers. Earlier In the day cage star Jewell McDowell had been tak en to Houston for x-rays of his shoulder which Is still quite, sore. He Is .expected to play, but still will not be at full effi ciency. j. Currently Arkansas is a half gome behind the Cadets in the SWC standings. However, the Maroons must win this tilt In order to remain Ut the head of the. pack. A loss to the Razor- backs would definitely hinder A&M’s title aspirations. was hanied Junior Sweetheart. Ann was the date of J. D. Hinton. She was presented a huge corsage of black orchids and a gold scribed compact by McCartny, stjjlj adorned by a. pair of dark glasses which he had; worn during the en tire evening. : McCarthy also, pre sented the other five nominee* with; gift* from th* Class of ’01. After the presentation, dancing underway again. Hblsa’s floor be came crowded during slower, more • omiintlr ballads which Wcro fur- shed in not plentiful enough mbers, but during the various j tterbug arrangements the djmee f oor offered ample space to w lirL ifg dervishes. When the dance ended at 1 a. m. H sturday morning, there were « mugh people on the floor to Aost- ig>ne those final notes for at oast an hour longer. This had been cfie of tho best attended da sees t its year and, to a majority of t lose present, the best'shlndlgl the (lass of ’61 has ever held. ~ still Crane Opens RE Week With Onion Talk Today High rqliglion is life, not just 0 way of life, but life itself. It’s the way you live your total life—the spark of vitality you give your life. The degree you are alive is the de gree you are | deeply, ethically rer ligious,” Dr. Henry H. Crane told some 1,200 students in Guion Hall this morning at 10. “Life and death are not opposite i but relative terms, Dr. Crane said. No one is all alive or all dead. We are alive in certain areas and there we are deeply, ethically religious. A man who can appreciate a beau tiful sunset is that much more alive than a man who accents it with indifferehce. The same holdis true all through our lives.” The talk by Dr. Crane, pastor of the Central Methodist Church of Detroit, Michigan, was the first of a series of five such talks tb be given by him in Guion during the coming week. Classes will be dismissed for these talks which will be held Tuesday at 10 a.m.; Wednesday and Thursday at ligand Friday at 9 a. m. Today’s session was presided over by Cadet Colonel Allan Eu bank, senior geological engineer ing major from Dallas and presi dent of the ■! Inter-Church Coun cil of A&M students. Eubank introduced Dr. Crane; and the seven discussion leaders who will hold discussions in var ious lounges i of the dormitories every night at 9 p. m. i? Today’s activity schedule calls for Rev. Paul G. Wassenich, di rector of the Texas Bible Chair, to hold a forum bn "Men and Women Relations” In the 'YMCA Chapel 7rom 4 to 5:30 p. m. this after noon. In addition to this fonim, Rev. Wassenich will hold r Idls- cusslon In tho lounge of Puryear Hall atp. m. Tho discussion in the dorm fl lounge will bie conducted by Dr. Crane. The Rev. Bertrand Abell, Cath- Dean Will Address University Women Dean T. D. 'Brooks will address the local branich of the American Association of University Women at their regular meeting Monday evening. -- — Dean Brooks will speak on trends in modern education. The meeting will take place in the small assembly room of the YMCA, Mrs. Robert Darrow, chair man of> the educational commit- e has announced. pic Priest of Holy Name Retreat O 1 Houston, will be in the lobnge 0 ' dorm 10 to conduct the nleet- ii ig there. Dorm 5’s discussion will be held by Ned Linegar, regional secre tary of the YMCA from Dallas, j Rabbi William S. Malev, spiri- ti lal leader of Congregation Beth Yeshurun of Houston, will hold t »e discussion in the dorm 1 1c unge. Rev. R. B. Sweet, minister of the 1 niversity Church of Christ of ■Austin, will be in the band room ojf dorm 11 to conduct the dis cussion there. : The lounge of Legett Hall will be the place of a discussion to bp conducted by Major Steve P. Gaskins, post chaplain at Ft. Sill, Oklahoma. j^The Rev. Grady Hardin, RE eek speaker here at A&M dur- 1 jpre- sfnt pastor of Chapelwood Mjeth- ist Church of Houston, will pre side over the jdiscussion. to be held the lounge Of dorm 14. As Scouts Brew, Veteran Eyes Stew No, enrollment at A&M hasn’t reached a point that tents are being stretched on the campus for students. The tent you may, have seen pitched a block west of tjhe post office Saturday weren’t N ftiled with overflow from the local housing office. They contained Imembers of College Station Scout Troop 102, observing national scout Scoutmaster BUI Manning was putting his Klwanls- which included cooking a pot [ C '■ week. troup through a program laying a vigorous softbnl Or 11 game/ One veteran watched minutes, and then added thoughtfully, “If the checke ar month, they'd better keep itew and ihls an eye on that pot of itew." group late thl K berts Killed In ‘Tin Crash of BT13 Saturday su .1 I Ki Ik & f • | yN- /.Nr fonor Society ipproved For All SMU Regrets Fight Incident &MAg School!Tate Reports To Penbertby- ;The possibilities of getting a lo- c|l chapter of Alpha Zeta, the‘Na tional Honor Society for the School o| Agriculture In land grant col lages, and plana for the All Col lage Day program were discussed by Dean Shcpurdson and members of the Agricultural Council at a regular meeting Wednesday, Feb ruary 8, at 7:30 p.m. Dean Shcpurdson reported that tile merhbershtp requirements of pha Zfetu have been modified In er to admit A&M to the Society, nization of a chapter has roved by the college pffi- ah