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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1950)
> r - _ City Of College Station Official Newspaper Volume 40 Protect ‘Real’ Tradition BruceTells Volunteer^ Battali pubi jshed m mu iyrm:sr or \ r, nr atm UUL<Lil^01i< (A|()^iuiuuui. iL«wk»'. I'itkUtkXi ** J>a»wo*«• i ff -vr. Everjfj A&M cadet must d6 all in' his power to “preserver tradition?’ and. pt- the sanae. time ^preserve pride" in himself and his college, Maj. Gen. A. D. Bruce,. ’16, ’told the Ross Volunteers. at' their in itiation banquet last night. Speaking before 150 peppjd in' Sbisa Hall, the Ross Volunteer who is now deputy commahder of the Fourth Army urged cadets to examine their traditions.! Separate the /'real" ones fro the “so-called ,r ones, he advised. Preserve the “real"- one? which are compatable with the “thinking of modern times.” -- 1 ; . He qualified “real” ~ traditions as those which fostered character development through leadership, hot force. Too often, he continued, we la bel as tradition all those things we were required to practice as fresh man. “But, when you examine them closely; you will find they are not” true traditions., - Gen. Bruce joined sixteen other guesU of honor at the. first Ross Volunteer social function of the t year. They witnessed the formal i- initiation of approximately 82 ju niors and- seniors into ,A&M’s only honor military organization. Ross Volunteer commander D. . P. MeClure introduced Gen. Bruce and also C. C. Krueger, member of the board of directors" of the A AM System. Bolton Will Be Named r Krueger said that the college would miss the full time services ^of President F. G. Bolton when he retires. However, he continued, both the board and the college are pleased with the knowledge that President Bolton’s position will be filled, for the first time, by u former student of A&M. y “We on the board looked a long time and In all parts of the coun try for a successor to President Bolton, but after every seanch wo returned to A&M to find thd -most capable man for the job already on the campus, Tom Harrington ’’ Following Krueger's short talk, McClure Introduced Geni. Bruce. The Deputy Commander of the 4 Fourth Arhiv drove to AAM!with Krueger for the initiation ceremon ies. He spoke on discipline in miii- tary organizations and' on the fu ture of ROTC. | • Eliminate Branch Instruction? There ir-some -thought, Gten. I Bruce aaid, on whether, the Army should continue branch instruc tion in ROTC. “Some of us feel,” . he continued, “that by deleting- branch instruction in the ROTC, economy can be made in personnel, equipment, and funds. Another reason for possible eli-! ipination of branch instruction in | ROTC is that it would “simplify the interchange of students* . . .” add allow, cadets to devote more time to “fundamental subjects that all officers should have.’’ ng, no uld giyi army.“time tb develop and evaluate :eharafeter, integrity, discipline, leadership and related subjects,” Gen^ .Bruce said.; .. ’ J - 'Discipline Not Punishment “The Boss -^Volunteers have I’-ji; mission to be the highest exam ple' of discipline on the campus;” Gen. Bruce continues But. this discipline should, be . p'ne of; “self- control and .obedience to given standards or orders,” not one of "punishment or chastisement.” | Actually, he said, discipline is based on two elements. One is “willingness to obey” and the-othi- er the “standard or order of? the commander.” j j “Morale, esprit de corps and pride go hand in hand with mili tary discipline,” he continued. Ht traced the development of disci pline as a product of the home!, school, church, and society. A&M is perpetuated by taking this pro duct and “firming” it so that it “will stand the tests of adversity.” Deviating from his prepared too Jong i I can tell experience talk, Gen. Bruce said, “hazing has no place in the firming process and it has taken too many people a. time to learn this,, “but you from long years of that it is true.” The Fourth Army deputy com mander in 'ormed the RV Company that its members, as well as all (See MiANQUET. Page 2) A&M Students Are Guests At Fat Stock Show Pi: L , | -•*1H* J € Tessie Journalism major, Wanda Jean Kercheval, will be, display-j. ing her obvious talents tonight in quest of beauty honors at the Junior Ball. Bill T. Thompson will escort this green-eyed bru nette. ■ H * m v an t Nation's Top Daily 1940 Survey w. m f. -5 - —jp —r ^^ Junior Banquet, Top Big Weekend *6 'V'' j rom By DAVE COSLETT Glenn McCarthy, Carlos Molina, the Mysterious Dr. Klipp, six beauty contenders, the Class of ’51, a dash of old time vaudeville, and an invasion of female beauty from over the state combine for ces tonight and tomorrow to form the first double-header week-end on the 1950 Spring Social Calen dar. The Junior Class starts things off tonight with their annual Ban- JU Carlos Molina, reputedly presenting the smartest dance two continents, will provide musical background for A& entine Dance February 11 in Sbisa Hall. Twentir-six A&M students of foreign countries were in Houston yesterday as special guests cf the Houston Ro tary Club at the Fat Stock Show and Rodeo for the Interna tional Day ceremonies, The group left yesterday at 8 ! a. m. by ' >us accompanied by Col onel of 1 he Corps Doyle Avant. Avant jo ned the group on the request o ’ the International Day Committe< chairman Gale Whit- ( Cal comb as Ja representative of the Corps. . The stu lent group was the only college gioup outside of Houston honored at a luncheon In the Rice Hotel, Tbs students were present ed to thi - gathering during the program. The stu ients attending the-show 1 were:. S. deAlba, A. H. Bros, Alvaro; Perez Trelvino, Pablo Muerer, Tho-; tuas .J. Marentea, Robert W. Ru- fini, -Octaylo K. Flores, and; Jose Yassin thamut, all of ' Mexico; In Wai Hul, Chao-Hung [Hsu, "There Is a need for us to come Chung \|in Tsao, and Shuhert out of Ivory towers -and through Liao, all qf China; Joe Devadknam. unity wo may achieve action." Vishram Prasad, and Hurlihajan Judge Otis Miller, journalism de- Singh, of India. partment. said last night In a mcet- Others |n the group were James ln K of the American Association McArthur 1 , and Bruce Levelton. of University Professors. -'l M liv ’ *;i' llj lusic of f’a Val- AA UP Discusses \ Salary Proposal By JOHN' WHITMORE both of Canada; Ahmed Abu- Nasr of Egypt, Sheik L Ahmad of "■ 1 ■ • - Emilio Chomorro of Ni- Guillermo A,rteconn of Sabat v E. Joscj* of Thomas N. Stack of • Mario Sol of Ei Salva- Pakistan, „ ragua, Peraguay, Bulgaria, Australia, , Annar I duras. In this meeting the flnql draft of the "Proposed Criteria for Granting Promotions and Salary Increases at Texas A&M "College,”• was discussed. Dr. John Sperry, chairman of the proposal com mittee. read the proposal, while University—“they pay across the board." (all men with the same rank get the same pay-.) Another complaint n red at the meeting Was that Municipal Junior Colleges were paying more than state supported school^ were pay ing. J . While the group waa discussing the pay of the lower scale of teach ers one gentleman quipped “they get Juat as hungry as those in upper ranks.' Oi ne of the* subjects dor, Orlajido Recio of Cuba, and -nembers of the organization made Espat of British Hon- the i ■ which brought the most discussion was that of outside civic Work. The proposal read that introverts should not be encouragred. This / All American Cage Star Speaks Here discourage the true vcr <.}ty of Texas By CURTIS EDWARDS Doris Ellis, a Dallas lovely, will be among the ala girls trying for the Sweetheart title at to night's Junior Prom,; A student at Woodrow Wilson High, this blue-eyed blonde will be escort ed by Kenneth Hartman. $ Annual Notices All organisations desiring to reserve sptMkt In the Aggleliand 1980 must do so by noon to morrow, Feb. II, the co-editors of the yearbook have an nounced. There will be no more extension of deadlines for res ervations, they added; AH apace reserved by organ isations must be paid for by noon Saturday, Feb. II, the co- editors explained, Further ex planatory details can be ob tained from the receptionist at the Student Activities Office in Goodwin Hall, they said. Noon, Saturday, Feb. 18, is tbe deadline for turning in Sen ior Favorite and Vanity Fair pictures, the annual 1 Chiefs re ported. This is the second and final deadline extension for these pictures, they added. Sen iors who have made reservations for these sections must have their pictures In by the Feb. 18 deadline, the editors conclu ded. One jrear backrin the 30’s, a train stopped at a small whistle stop, 75 miles short of Durham, North Carolina. A mob of students of Duke University caused the atop. A cry went up for one man on that train and they demanded that he come with them. . He-did this willingly for these students were' his friends. They had formed a caravan of over 40 cars and had traveled 75 miles to welcome him to their campus and escort him there in hero fashion. And herp he was. For one week each year for 11 years, he per formed for these students in a manner truje to his all-American reputation, only now it was at a pulpit instead of a basketball court. What manner of person was this to command so much respect and why waa he in such demand; If we turn back the pages of sports history we fUMf'Idm named all-American basketball guard for Wesleyan College of Connecticut in 1910. , His collegia career also included heading the glee club and dramat ic society.His acting ability was acclaimed Outstanding, as even a possible profession, but his future Jay In another field. His popularity Is exhibited by the fact that he averages better I than! one Address a day. He is probably best known among the colleges of the country, having lectured In well over 150 academ ic Institutions from Maine to Cal ifornia. A graduate of Weslyan College, he went through the Boston Uni versity School of Theology. He took graduate work at Harvard and received his D.D. degree from both De Pauw University and his alma mater, Wesleyan College. Florida Southern College conferred upon him the Degree of Doctor of Laws. His experience and background seems extensive, having traveled around the world and to the Or ient and Europe several times. He was delegate to the World Council of Churches at Amster dam where he met many out standing religious leaders of the world.. - | A local personal opinion of him was expressed by Rev. Jackson of the First Methodist Church of Col lege Station, who while a student at Duke University heard him speak. -i .. this would ■ciifdar. One pro; said that under that ; proposal, Albert Einstein wouldn’t “He is he best speaker for col- alternative suggestions- from floor. ' In r'-'r—d to piV increases the proposal a cbskpleu'.^ ; rev.sed pay scale. Part of this scale embodied such changes as jiave a chance here. Another raising the current minimum and countered, that there was a small maximum salaries. , chance of us having to worry about One of the bitter problerfts dis- that, cussed by the group was the dif- | Folowing this discussion there ferance in the pay scale for the was a round of business dealing different departments. One pro- j with changes Of some' of the or- Sweet Conducts Church of Christ Night Services the.«vent will not be til ■ "" umn has “Out Hi filet ter qaet and Prom featuring the theme “Out of this World”. Millionaire McCarthy and the Mysterious Dr. Klipp, the name assigned to the main speaker at the banquet, will lead a long list of honor guestk. Music for the Prom will be furl nished by the Aggieland Orchestra. Valentine Ball Tomorrow’s schedule will be in the hands of Carlos Molina and his orchestra and troupe who havfe scheduled a concert in Guion Hall followed by the Valentine Ball ip Sbisa. i- The well-known hotel-orchestra ' six ‘ontenderg’ chosen earlier thii leader will bring with him a group weel:. of vaudeville entertainers to help Nominees for thie honor are Jc at his Guion show at 6:30. Ad-! Ann mission will be 70 cents. Sbisa Banquet - ■ - i Serving at the Junior Banquet ]•' in Sbisa tonight will begin at 1 Dqors to the banquet hall ‘ ' Ji .7:15. closed un- tbe banquet. “Dr. Klipp,” col st, speaker, and philosopher chosen a subject in line with of this World” theme, flighting the menu'wfU b< 'mignort.! Guests arriving'gf- :30 will: be allowed a refu t^ieir banquet tickets, l Junior Prom Turner and his boys soum off : 'or the Prom at 9 p. m. Thi? affa r will last through l a. m Higl point of the dance will t>e the nelection of a Sweetheart fron Whittle, Docia Schultk, Anr Malkom, Zanna Landers, Wandf I -1 1 brought forth the argument that his graduate degree from the Uni will be closed at 7:30 after whicj « i time no one will be admitted. Tick- R^V. R. B. Sweet, minister ets for the banquet went off sale of the University Avenue yesterday at noon. Chui-ch pf Christ of Austin, j;' Identity of the main speaker for will conduct services each night of Religious Emphasis Week in the Church of Christ of College Station, according to Gor-, don Gay, assistant secretary of the YMCA. In' addition, to these sermons 1 which will be held at 7:15 p, m„ he Will be available for dormitory discussions each night at 9 p. m. j The Rev. Sweet is no stranger! to A&M as it was |he who inaugu- >S8 _ rate4 the work of the Church of !;® Chrikt here when they built their present plant her* several years ago. Sweet left # good position with the ! Western Un|or) Telegraph Company to become full-time pas- ( tor Of small suburban church In Dallas at the request of the con-, gregjation to whom :h« had been;' preaching part-tiipe.; H* has served pastorates in Bel ton, ; home of Mary Hardin Bay-; lor; iat A&M and kt,;Austin, home;, of Texas University, thus glv- ! ing k number of yean experience with students in [all three types of schools, all girls, all then and co-eeucational. Inf. the way of education, he has done work at Austin College of ijlherman, 'texks, received hl^ bachelor’s degree ifrom SMU an i lege ‘students that I have ever | lessor present said that teachers ! ganizational committees, heard", Jackson said, "and I couldn’t say anything too good about him. He is dynamic and forceful yet speaks on the level of the audience and you never go away wondering what he’s talking about. He talks right to you and after hearing him once, you al ways war t to hear him again." A&M students have the oppor tunity to hear this man give five sermons plus special discussions and interviews as principal speaker during Religious Emphasis Week, February 13 through 17. His name is Dr. Henry H. Crane, in the engineering department were At the conclusion of the AAUP higher paid than those in such de- j meeting the University Classroom partments as the mathmatics or j Teachers Association met and English departments. elected Dr. Johri Sperry chair- A suggestion from the floor was I man of the local; council by ac- that the college start a pay plan j clamation. D. R. j Lee was named which is similar to that at Purdue i secretary of the Organization. $293,475 Given To Development Fund ‘Protest’ Message Actually an Inquiry [ The “letter of protest" sent to words of veteran yell leader Bill j SMU’s dean of students Wednes : Thornton, who was the chief fig- : day by the A&M dean of student’s ure in the attack. It continued by office over the alleged beating of naming' the three SMU foothill three Aggies by a group of SMlf squadmen, identified by the three 1 gridmen Tuesday night, was in ac- ; Aggies 1 and their dates. ! tuallty a letter of inquiry, Dean Asks For Details ■;y^X2£rT^ , *T|, Kercheval, and Dorik, EJ|is ® Six Nominees v Y»nt ucgiu at ~ hazel-eyed brownette, Jo Ann ” to the banquet hail Whi ;tle is from Dallas where sh* , is a student at Hockaday Jfr. Col-j lege Her escort will be Lavonnb Mas^engale of Corps Staff. Docia Schultz, a 19-year-old juni ior i.t TSCW, is from Garland. Shi will be escorted by Lee StkinbacH of t le White Band. J. D. Hinton of “C” Field Art ti'le - y will escort Ann Malcom, )k 19-gear-old brunette who is alko f n st ident at Hockaday in Dallas; Her home town is Abilene. TOJu’s nominee for the Swoet-t' * ''' heart title will ho IS-year-oId bru» btte, Zanna Landers. ^ Men-i ard, Texas' girl, she will ]he es-i eort sd by Bob Blum of “A” Ord-} nan re. Atbther Totfsie, green-eyed; hrnnette Wanda Joan Kercheval will have Bill Thompson of “A’ Che n Warfare us an escort. Frohi Marshs!!, Texas, she is a Juniot journalism maior at TSCW. . B ue-eved, blonde Doris Kills Is r Dallas girl and a student ,kt Woodrow Wilson High School. Shi will be escorted by Kenneth Hart mm of “D” Battery. Freed with tho problem of *<• iect ng the beauty will he a four- mar committee composed of Fred D. Meyers of the EffglneoHns Drn ring Department, Lambert Wll les of the Ag Engineering Dd- par ment, D. E. Newsom of th* Journalism Department, and Sill Wide, assistant manager of Stj» der^| -Publications.. j. McCarthy Honor Judge Cijenn McCarthy, serving as hon or jSwpefheart; judge, will assist them in ine task. At the flnnl in* jrm !'■ • bf. the ’ rrom;*;t|o Houston oil and gas magnate qnd er of the Shamrock hotel will See WEEKEND. Page 4) Zanna Landers, TCU’s contribu tion t» the beauty department at tonight's Junior Prom, seta forth here a few arguments for being chosen Sweetheart. Escort hi* this I8-year-old brunettje will be Rob Rlum. V Gifts and grants totalling $293- 475 were received by the develop ment fund in 1949, E. E. McQuil- len, executive director, announced a name qiat may be forgotten but today. The Former Students Asso- it is not jlikely Aggies will forget j ciation. surpassed all previous rec- what -he has to say. I ords as $94,000 was given by 10,- 968 former students and friends. Three objectives of the former students were reached. They were publication of a new directory of former students, a scholarship trust fund, and the supplementing of funds to Construct a golf course •„ . j,. i * * port” the letter continued, oe- There mil be , cause I certainly'don’t went to Penberthy sa'd, u ** make any false accusations. In this of the SMU deans investigation, cage j ^ Mr Thornton . s W(rfd are > known. | you can j earn an y details pf the affair, I shall appreciate a note from you.” A prominent SMU student leajd-: er, contacted yesterday afternoon The letter of inquiry, written by Assistant Dean of Students Ben nie A. Zinn, began by telling the story of the Tuesday night fight ^ferkihs Gym, in the in front of Pe Things in Small Packages New Commentator Issue Off Presses By GEORGE CHARLTON , comfortably warm on hia back. If lateness of publication means! greatnesi, the January issue of The Commentator should be tho otnunchegt epttomlc of writing achievement and artistic layouts that A&M has seen in a long time. Althptlglri the 24 page issue does not read i these proportions, what meager written material it does contain s quite good. Foremost of the issue’s good points is an intense short story concerning an, enraged veteran on the vkrge of dispatching his uni scrupuloi a father to that place where al unscrupulous fathers in evitably go. The son seems quite peeved gnd voices over a loaded revolver in the third paragraph, “I’m go ing; to, Dad. I’m going to kill! y< u, but you’re going to sit and whit and think about it.” The father si ts and waits, and how the well written piece of dialogue ends is a surprise that even, O. Henry would sipile upon. One of the most smacking-with- atmosphere short stories to appear in any campus publication in the last few years is “The Winner,” concerning a Negro boxer on his way to tpe top. An absorbing bout gets underway after the first few lines: “Jake scuffed his feet in the resin dust. The ring lights were ing cited swarm of bees. Someone was talking into the microphone in the center of the ring. Jake flexed his arms ami danced around a little.” About 27 paragraphs later, the Negro prizefighter finds himself In quite a predicament: "The champ battered a right to his head. Now the blows were landing almost un checked. Jake tried to ward them off, but the blood was running into his eyes, blinding him. He swayed drunkenly; the canvas seemed to tilt haphazardly like the deck of a ship buffeted by angry waves." In a lighter vein The Battalion amusements editor once again wields his Cinematic criticism on one of the late movie releases, (and when we say “late”, we mean “passed on recently”) entitled “Red End.” This tragic movie deals with “the controversial and delicate sub ject of hazing at a swank boys’ preparatory school.” The film mas terpiece was filmed “behind locked doors in the Men’s Lounge of Jimdandi Studios, working some what of an inConvience on male employees not connected with the production.” The amusing editor further goes on to pick out his own nominees for Oscars. His best picture of the year is “How Clean Was My Alley," a poignant dramatic monologue “about the trials and tribulations of a street cleaner, starring Lassie, with the voice of Humphrey Bogart.” In this issue we find another fu tile attempt to prove that A&M abounds with culture.^ Describing I “Behind the Ironed Curtain,’’ borrowed from The Texas Ranger, is perhaps the most amusing art ;tlcl* in the magasine. Subject of thi* tea sip discourse is what wo- mep talk about when men are sh it's a cinch we know noth- tator included in this isfue is the Pretty People page. In this month’s editloi from ey^s, the sidewalk cafes of College Sta~ Ing about that subject down here; tion, the author says: “College Sta- thri authority of the Ranger’s art tion has fewer sidewalk cafes Ucle remains unchallenged.. Top- than Paris, In fact, it has but one. les Included In the-feminine dis- But this place, owned by Judson E. cu « ? n » r « °" f ’,» nd T ™ ,h ' Loupot, is always crowded to the gunwhales with the intellectual poop ' et * nlak ® the m0 * t Four Hundred. Sipping absinthe, OI "• peering owlishly through horn ! A n ® w feature of The Commen- rimmed glasses, adjusting berets to the most rakish angles, they debate Aristotle against Mayo, Nietzche against Joe Meador, and Mencken against “Flop” Colson. Initial article of the magazine is an expose on faculty panel. And what’s more, it’s illustrated. Stu dents may be enlightened by the fact that “State law prohibits un usual punishments so the Panel contents itself with ordinary dis cipline such as bamboo strips be neath fingernails, tbe Spanish Boot, and the Chinese Water Treatment.” The poetry editor has come forth with ter cerning lion Is provocative Janie Booth San Antonio. Blue grejen lustrous golden hair, and a flashing smile make this one of the most interesting pages in the by The Battalion, said a letter of apology for the affair was being j drafted by the SMU athletic of fice. The student, who refuse to be , quoted, said Zinn’s letter had nbt | reached SMU Dean of Students Willis |Tate’s office Thursdky j morning, so no official action had ! been taken at the hilltop schobl. ; Had Not Received Letter ; < In an AP story, datelined F*b. 9 (Thursday), Tate was quoted as saying he had not received the Zinn letter and had heard nothing | — of the fight. “If I get a protest, we will inyi tjigntc the matter carefully '. i)aid. “It ia surprising to mo, ever,” he continued, "that some- thing l|ke that could occur with out news of it spreading around the camnun.” , \ , Dean Penberthy said he had' the utmost confidence in Tate, | a! former All-American tackle SMU. *jnd was convinced the SMU investigation wotild be fairly and,, | Impartially handled. Expects Cooperation “We have given the SMU fo ka [the information we have”, Pen berthy said. “an<| will work with them to assist in their investitra- ion from their end. We feel t^at If '::A Jo Ann Whittle, another darlin’ from Dallas, should offer stiff competition to her five contend ers for Sweetheart at the Jun ior Prom. A 5 ! 4” hazel-eyed brunette, she will be escorted by L, V. Masaengale. imge testa and an indlapen'aible feature ; when* ‘they ~have"'investfgated for future issues! ^ [M have the facts, they will take the The cover has perhaps more proper actions.’’ / negative against than positive As an example of cooperation pomta for Its favor. Faulty cen- tween dean of men’s offices i Penberthy c’ted ytween dean of men’s offices in tertng and too much white space. conference. detract quite a bit from an ex- recent recovery of A&M cad*t’e lent drawing of Sully and the ‘ ~ Iding. cted Academic Building. And from the spicted as inflicted on don’t blame him for as dean of student’s office recov red either. Birds, you; ered tbe cap within two days, and returned it with apologies. ' ^ situation depicted as inflicted on TU game. The U Bully, we blija know. ly, wi thing cap, stolen by a University Texas student at the Jah. 14 A&|M- niversity of Tfex- Georgc V. Charlton, Junior jour nalism major, has been nan .Assistant Feature Editor of The Battalion for the Spring Sena ter. He te from Dallas.