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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1950)
- ^ 1 1 • ** ■ '■ 11 . : r- * ■ ij K ' :• ■ If ’ City Of College Station Official Newspaper Batta If o n PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF A GREATER A&M COLLEGE : ; J : Vphune 49 COLLEGE STATION (Aggieland), TEXAS, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1950 — I : I' ! I Ags Risk Leag Face Ponies i John Whitmore Whitmore will edit the Friday edition of the Battalion during the Spring semester. He also serves on the feature staff. New Editors Named In: Mid-Term Staff j /.• i ~ i! ■ Re-organization Your Batt should look and read a little better this semester. A complete staff re-organization aimed at better coverage, better written stories, and a better looking Battal ion went into operation today. Co-Editors Bill Billingsley and C. C. Munroe effected the change both for improvement of operations bn the paper and to fill staff positions left va cant by graduating seniors A single position of managing editor was established to assist the co-editors In overall supervis ion of editorial production for the paper. The managing editor slot will be filled by Clayton 841ph, former editor of The Little Batt and co-editor this past summer. Selph is a Junior journalism and economics major from Houston. News Editors Named ,i. •. II Under the new organization, re sponsibility for each day's paper will be in the hands of one of five news editors. Each day’s news ed- tor will make story assignments, edit and correct all copy going into the news pages, and design the front page each day. ' I j ’ \ Monday news editor for this se mester will be Otto Kunze, who has served in this capacity for the past two semesters. \ Kunze Is a senior ag engineering major from La Grange. Tuesday’s Battalion will be un der the supervision of L. O. Tiedt, sophomore ag journalism major, also from La Grange. Tiedt was managing editor of the Freshman Page last year and served as copy editor during the fall semester. Dean Reed, editor of the Fresh man Page last year, will edit Wed nesday’s edition. Besides his news jpj; editor job, Reed will handle sports & I stories this semester and serve as Sports news editor for the Friday Battalion. Thursday's paper will be edited by Dave Coslett, present Feature editor of the Batt and former asso ciate editor of The Little Batt in 1947-48. Coslett, who is a junior journalism major from Miles, will also continue to direct the feature staff this semester. John Whitmore, junior journal ism major from Houston, "will be news editor for the Friday Bat talion. Whitmore served as man aging editor for the Tuesday Batt j the latter part of the Fall semes- j ter. Besides editing the Friday paper, ho will continue to write j on the feature staff. Copy Editors to Try Out Assisting the daily new* editors j will hi five copy editors who have “hot yet been named. Various mem- hers of the repetorfal and festure staffs will try-out in the copy ed itor slots! for the next two or three weeks, At the end of the three week period, the co-editors will name permanent copy editors from these men showing the moat ability at the job, George Charlton, Junior Jour nalism major from Dalis*, was named to the poet of assistant fea ture editor for the Mprlng semes ter, He will supervise the feature staft while Coslett Is serving as news editor. Charlton was a,staff writer for The Little Batt :al‘the Annex and served as a feature writer last year. During the Fall semester he was a member of the editorial board. Sports Editor Named > With the graduation of Bill Potts, sports co-editor for the past two semesters. Chuck Cabaniaa, senior pre-law student from Garland, was named sports editor. Cabaniss was sports co-editor with Potts during the Fall semester, and is also co editor of Aggieland 1950. He was sports editor of the year book last year and also served as an edi torial writer for the Batt. The sports department will be under the direction of a single editor for the remainder of the year. Features on campus sports per sonalities during the Spring semes ter will be handled by Frank Sim- men, Jr., junior business major from Galveston. Simmen, who was sports editor of The Little Batt, has been named Sports Feature (See EDITORS, Page 4) «f WeditaMlxy itaws editor and serve nn the flatl nporla staff during this semester. L. O. Tiedt News editor for each Tuesday’s Battalion will be L. O. Tiedt, sophomore ag journalism major from, La Grange. i 1/ - Otto Kunxe Otto Kimse, senior Batt staffer from La Grange, will eerve aa New* Editor lor the Monday Battalion fur the remainder of the year. Clayton L. Selph Selph has been named Managing Editor of the Battalion for the Spring .Semester. , Dave Coslett Coslett, who is presently Feature Editor of the Batt, will also serve as News Editor for the Thursday paper during the Spring semester. Andy Anderson Speaks Tonight To Journalists Andy Anderson, roving editor of the Houston Press, will deliver a talk on “The Human Side of Newspaper Work” in the Cabinet room of the YMCA at 7:30 this evening. His will be the first in a series of talks by prominent jour nalists being secured by the Jour nalism Department for this semes ter. Author of ^ two Houston columns, “Fishin’ With Andy” and “Ramb ler,” jAnderson also writes frequent magazine articles and broadcasts a regular program over station KTHT, He .has been in newspaper work for 30 years, 22 of which | were xpent us sports editor of the Press. Hej now devotes most of his newspaper work to helping char ities and welfare drives. Among his titles are chairman of the Out door Writers of Aiperica and chair man of the Employ the Handicap ped Committee. Anderson plans to gather mater ial for an article on A&M while he is here. His talk will be open to all journalism students and any other persons interested in attend ing- ~ T wt By HAROLD GANN Battalion Sports Staff tiqp. January 4. A&M’s 48-53 los Walton to House Weekend Guests Ramps I, J, and K of Walton will be open for dates to the Jun ior Prom and all college dance Feb. 10, and II, Bennie A. Zinn, assistant dean of students an nounced today. Students having guests stayin, in Walton Hall will be $1.25 per night per guest, itted to ests staying be charged uest. Guests their rooms st 4 p. m. Friday. Rooms must be vacated by 11 a. m. Feb. 12. Room assignments may be made at Room 100, Goodwin Hall. Stu dents whose guests will stay both dents whose guests will stay botl nights may secure assignments, be ginning Feb. 0 at 9 a.m., Z 1 n r 'night < nts be, said. Students whose occupy the room One may secure assignments ning at 1 p. m. Feb. ed. J Dates must be in not later than 2 a. m. Friday and L a. m, Sat urday, Zinn concluded. nn will only gin- 8., Zina add- CHuck CahuniHM The Battalion ■porta page goes hack under a single editor this semester with the naming of Chuck Cabaniss as Maoris Rill- tor. Cabaniss and BUI Potts Were Sports Co-editor* during the Fall semester. Medical Speech Slated Tuesday “Embryonic Circula t i o n” will be discussed by Dr. Brad ley M. Patten, noted medical researcher and professor of anatomy at the University of Michigan School of Medicine, in a lecture in the Chemistry Build ing tonight. Sponsored by the local chapter of Sigma Xi, national scientific research society, the lecture will begin at 8 p. m. Son of a distinguished biologist, Dr. Patten grew up in an atmos phere of devotion to science. Lat- j er he went on expeditions into the interior of Canada and New foundland with his father, shap ing his later interests. He was graduated from Dart mouth College in 1911, summa cum laude, and with the award of the Chamberlain Fellowship, In 1912, Dr. Patten received his M. A. at Harvard and a Ph, D, -Ahere in 1914. Currently Dr. Patten is devot ing himself tb the preparation of the sections on the development of the ncairt and th»K normal structure of the adult heai'L for a forthcom ing reference book on the path- ologjy of the heart. F<5r the same work, he Is serv- Ing as embryolngloal consultant to Dr, JosKe Edwards of the Mayo Clinic, who is preparing a sec tion of the hook on the cnnhenltal defects of the heart. Handball, Mutnien B«»gin Next Week Intramural wrestling and team handball will begin Monday, Bar ney Welch announced yesterday. All wrestling entries will have to weigh-in today or tomorrow, Welch added. Chaplain Steve P. GatikinH Major Steve P. Gankins Jr., post chaplain at Ft. Sill, Okla homa, will conduct informal dis cussions among atudents during Religious Emphasis Week. Sophomore Class Meets Tonight The Sophomore Class will meet tonight at 7:15 in the Assembly Hall, according to class president R. A. Ingels. Col. H. L. Boatner, commandant of the college,) will speak to the class on a topih yet unannounced. Col. Boatner said, however, that the meeting will be “very impor tant” and requests all class mem bers to be present. All regimehtal commanders, first sergeants and staff sergeants are also requested to attend the meeting. Confident of winning their first conference crown in 27 long, lean years, the Aggie basketball squad left for Dallas this morning where they will battle the SMU Mustangs in Perkins Gymnasium tonight. The seven SWC teams, who have the habit of beating each other on any given night under any circum stances, start the second half oj the 1949-60 i race this evening. TCU plays Texas in Austin Another crucial contest. I A&M stayed among th SMU is the team that bowled 1 with convincing conques was its first exposure,to. basketball this season. SMU 1, A&M 0 '# Id have another poor season. But coach Marty Karow’s assemblage —bolstered by the greatest'talent in many years—used TCU as a ht to idi** The Mustang victory )ed backers to believe that A&M w m- in many years—used TC,U s of springboard the following nigh ig. 1 catapult back into strikuiF in ! tance of flrs^ position. ' Symphony Fine In Guion Appeardnce By HERMAN C. GOLLOB Two Guion Hall audiences -<— a sparse matinee gathering and a capacity Town Hall assemblage— yesterday found the magnificent ly responsive and tempered Hous ton Symphony Orchestra, lucidly and brilliantly conducted by Efrem Kurtz, to be the most satisfying event presented in the venerable Auditorium this year. Reorganized last season under Kurtz, the Houtson Symphony is a first-class orchestra without a disturbing weakness. It is ari or chestra of character: thick, rich, Adth deep tones, yet full of clarity and precision. The orchestra’s strings sounded Volunteers Begin | Year With Banquet He Served Time Here, Too By GEORGE CHARLTON Once again the oldest) organized student activity on the campus will formally begin another year of activities at the Ross Volunteers initiation banquet Thursday night. The annual affair begins at 7 p.m. in Sbisd Hall add will feature Major General A. p. Bruce, Deputy Army Commahdeif of the 4tn Army Headqu^rtArx, as guest speaker. .The RV’s haVe U>hg acted as es cort and honor guard at inaugura- lions of Texas governors, And on many other occasions, the honor company has acted as honor escort throughout the, sthte. . Organized in IHH7, the first company was called th* Scott Vol unteers In honor iff Colonel T, M, Meott, who was at that time busi ness malinger of the College. Pur pose of forming the organization was to hand j together the most military men It) school Into a crack drill company,j i When ex-Governor Lawrence KulllVan Roes^beciime president of the College IhT 1801, the name of the company ufns changed to Ross Volunteers. Following his death in 1898, the hamls of the organ- lzqtion\wns thonged to Foster Guards, again honoring the new president 6f the College, L. L. Fos- f— • McCarthy Due Here Friday To Present Junior Beauty By DAVE COSLETT Glenn McCarthy, Houston oil And gas millionaire and owner of the Shamrock Hotel, will be on familiar grounds when he presents the class gift to the jgirl chosen sweetheart at next Friday's Jun ior Prom. The colorful Texas personality ate in Sbisa Hall, scene of prom, as an A&M student. : was about 20 years ago when he was here studying Civil En gineering in the class of ’31. McCarthy was born Christmas Day, 1907, near Beaumont, Texas, beside Spindle Top oil field where his father was a driller. After being grad San Jacinto High Houston, be attei A&M, and Rice tag vacations, he wi roughneck and oil fields. Making a little money on some denning and pressing itation venture*, he In the oil field as i 1983. His first well lig Creek after he had drilled Iry hole at South Strang. Several dissppointmanta follow and service legan work wildcatter came in at a ed, but he cleared enough on a well at Conroe to enable him to make his first fortune on a well at Anahuac. Until 1940 his oil activities consisted of s series of ups and downs, but since that time, he had pretty well been on the road up. After ’40 he brought in most of his major wells that rank him to day as among the nation’s most important independent oil and gas operators. Ten years ago he pioneered the selling of low cost gas in the Beau mont - Port Arthur - Orange area. Today, his operatiens include ex ploration, drilling, production, man ufacturing, transmission and sales of both oil and gas. In addition to his oil and gss interests, McCarthy owns s pub lishing company, a radio sta tion, a motion picture production company, and the Shamrock He is director in one of Hous ton’s largest banks and s direc tor of Eastern Airlines. In the civic field, he la director of the Houeton Anti-Tuberculosis League, a trustee of the Methodist Hospital, and he serves on the executive committee of th# Sla ter Kenny Foundation. Last December, he sponsored the Shamrock Charity Bowl profes sional football game and raised money for the National Kids Day Foundation, Damon Runyon Can cer Fund, and Holly Hall, home for the aged in Houston. His most recent accomplish ment along civic lines has been the institutiion of the Varsity Matinees at his Shamrock Hotel. Each week, he opens the Emerald Room for teen-agers to come out and enjoy top entertainers at prices compatible to a teen-age budget. J \ Married to the : former Faustine Lee, McCarthy is the\father of four daughters and a son. He has a home in Houston and A 15,000 acre ranch. At the forthcoming junior prom, he will help a committee of faculty members select from previously chosen finalists, sweetheart of the prom. He present the class gift to the girl chosen for the honor. At the bsnquet preceding the prom, McCarthy will be a guest of honor. He has bAsn asked to say a few words in addltlion to the talk being given by the main speaker of the evening. ter.' Houston Rifles was the name attached to the company during President Houston’s administra tion. i In 1902, H. H. Harrington, son- in-law of Governor Ross became president, and a movement was started to name the company the Harrington Rifles. However at the request of President Harrington, the company again assumed; the pame of Ross Volunteers. The pre cedent had been set and thence- forth the company wss known as Ross Volunteer*. \ i At the time of organlzatlori the membership was restricted to 40 Cadets chosen from the Junior ami Senior classes, New members Were accented Into the company by nn eleotlon held early each echo. lastlO year. Basis of acceptance Was military ability and popular ity, After the war gpme non-mill- inry students Were elected, but In 1923 the company decided to make hon-mllltsry students and those hot rnnklhg "R” In military science nellglble. At present, to bo elegl- ble for membership one must lie taking, the advanced military sci ence course at the time of Ms ap pointment, must have a 2.0 over all grade point average In his mili tary science course, and at no time failed a military science course. An overall scholastic grade point average of 1.26 was required for membership at initial reactivation. Beginning September 1940, a scholastic grade point average of 1.5 was required. The first uniform of the com pany was of white duck with gold ornaments. The headgear was a tin helmet which has long since been discharged in favor of the lighter white military caps. For th^ most i i-' ; • part, the uniform has always been if ,' of white duck; however in 1907 if* grey breeches, blue shirts, and big | Stetson hats were worn. This type of dress, according to some old ^ timers, was not so appealing to j the eye, and therefore the white | duck uniform again became vogue, j According to present statutes of the organization, at rto time shall the Company exceed more than 125 members. Beginning in September of 1948 the membership became I limited to a ratio of two juniors ito one senior. mellow nnd unmechaaicUl, its woods apd winds and/tympAni al ternating between effective' solos and a satisfying blend, 1 Kurtz! reading of Beethoven’s “Symphony Nb. 7 in A Major” was incisive, and played up the dramatic aspects , of the ‘work, Particularly appealing was the fourth moveinent, which was properly fiery and bomabastic without soundihg brash or harsh. Barber’s “Adagio for Strings”, with ite langoi-ous, lush use of strings, was; technically and sen suously exciting, along with Sajht- Saens’ hapnting “Danse Macabre”. It was in this! selection that the orchestra displayed some of its most vital tone color. Three of th# orchestra’# most enjoyable selections were ballet suites: Tschaijcowsky’s “Swan Lake,” Chopin’s; “Waltz in C Sharp Minor” from ^Les Sylphides,” and Von Weber’s ^‘Invitation to the Waltz.” Each was treated to warm strings; and long melodic line* in; a combination that produced some of the most pleasant moments' of the evening. We found Faure’a “Pavanne"too buoyant and airy for treatment by an organization the sjze of the Symphony. A srhall, string ensem ble would have been touch topre effective in extracting full worth from this selection. ! Lively, energetic, and when thfe occasion demanded it, Jyrio, Were Kurtz’ Interpretation of Herald's* •‘Overture to ; Zfttoba,", Haydn* ’‘.Symphony No. 88,” and excerpt* from Berlioz’ "The Damnution of Faust." Two encore mimbera-r "J#** Plzzlraio” and "Fiddle F»ddle” Hue example of high INillah In orcheNlral performance. Kurl* put hi* charge* Ihrimgh theae numberijwlth vigor- ling, and flneMea. The mualc crackled and nparkled with remarkable, excitement. |l Beat received- by both audience* * ' ■ ere’ "South J?a- (Mcfi wax a »egulni innllnee perfortonno was Richard cine" suite, port of tho and an encor* at Town Hall, On- der firm control the orchestra de Rvered the romantic tunc* i with mellow suavity, and the m6re flip pant numhersl wiith a zestful, pep. perty bounce,-. ■■ . ! np i i Texas Unr Ag$, 48-46, fast-moving tty tripped the n Austin, but the tadeta quickly re sumed their p ice by slapping Bay lor Friday ni| ht Jn Waco—a feat that hadn’t b len accomplished in four campaig s. Anythin : Can Ha A&M is the only quintAt in the conference that hasn’t boon beaten by a decisive margin. Arkansas absorbed 10 aid 11 point* lickings from the Heirs after bowing to the Aggies bi *Rrht talll SMU lost tqTCU by lOlmarkors but was able t|> beat A&M by five. Rico defeated |TCU with J8 points Tho A&M-HMU basl(ietlM*ll game will bo broadcasted tonight at 8 over KORA, roach Marty Karow announced totfpy. to spare, undjlutar A&M Kic# by 19. /inyttiing call happen iii Southw.Mtl ponfeix-ncC ball. When the CAdets tangle with the£ | Mustangs tofight, they will be seeking reveiige over a smooth running, well-hoached quintet that came from bojjind in the last eight minutes of play to hand A&M one op ft* two SVIflC' defeat*. r'S ~ Mitchell Spurs Mustang* The Ponies lire spurred by Paul Mitchell, 6’ 3 pivot m#n who is fourth amoni conference scorers with 77. Two Jiotches below Jewell McDowell, ir seventh place. Is guard Fred Fi seman, another standout with 68 points. J To complfte the starting five, d Charlie Lutz will .positions, and 6’ 4” 11 be in the other ’s triumph ove r Friday, Coach Do : igs ore always jdif Ion their hpme hurd- Jack Brown be at forwan Tom Holm guard slot. Despite T SMU in Dali Hayes’ mus ficult to beat woods. Ags| Risk Title An SMU ictory would place the Mustangs in a tie for first place with A&M, and if TCU takes Texas, the Ffogs would gain un disputed poss ssion of the lead. On the otl er hand, if the Ag-. gies .win, thf| r can rest comfort ably on the 1 >p rung at least un til Baylor coi es to DcWare Field House Friday A&M’s defensive work Improves with every gsmo. Before lust Rat- irday’s tilt | with Baylor, tho ranked nineteenth ng the teams that [or defensive work. , Farmers wet nationally *n were noted A AM Now th* l*i In th* top fi n th* nstior lias been tur .tieil, Walt Witt. flctory Hound? u*-le*dm are with- 'leen defensive clubs Excellent guarding d In by Jewell Me- ivls. ami John De- The Aggies ball club *s nuxtor, rolled over blockades—A Aggie fkns <r|nrv-bound railed in DalAis tonight re a much-improved compared . wltli th# daed group of in- < lea who lost to MMU the outset. I the steam It could Aggieland Kxprees lie toughest SWC kanxaix *nd paylor. ire hjipingv that the xpress won’t be de- - i ! unorgK 11 zed group of li .icient athlete* who Inst to MM n DeWare al Exerting a the Leach to Address ‘Great Issues’ Class Dr. Henry Goddard Leach,-Pres ident of the American Scandina vian Foundation will address the Great Issues class at 8 p, m. Feb. 8 on “Scandinavian vs. American Democracy" in room 301 of the E. E. building, according to S. R. Gammon. A question and answer session be held at 11 a. m. Thursday same room for non-members students of tha Great laauas class. All those interested may at tend to the capacity of tha room, Gammon, chairman of the Great issues Committee, said. McCarthy, Houston i Shamrock Hotel, v Junior Prom. At tie prom, to the girl chosen sweetheart. He the banquet preceding tho prom millionaire oil and ns villi be honor beautyf judge man and owner ■ rri- he will present tl gift