Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1950)
Insurance Checks Start Coming In For Veterans | Washington, Jan. 17—<**>—The firat trickle of a $2,800,000,000 irmirance refund started.jroing out to World War n veterans yester- The Veterans Administration and the Treasury Department to hit a one>mUlion-checka*a«week pace, which would mean that ments to the 16,000,000 eligible; veterans, would be completed by .80, \- - . ■ — The first batch went out In bundles over the weekend to pONt- offices all over the country, f- : The checks vary in also from #0 cents to $628, averaging about $180 each. They are being paid for an accumulation of cash collected on National flervioe Life insurance. The VA said premiums were far In excess of the amount needed to pay eiielme~ which ran much tower than originally expected. fi% ' 5% New Automobile* New ft lined AUTOMOBILES FINANCED ■i- \ ' ‘ . , ‘ New and Used Phone 4-1232 Flop Colson Travis Nelson -t — • RECORDS • RADIOS School ft Office ~ Supplies ALL TOUR NEEDS HARWELL’S K of C Council Hun Membership Drive A drive for new members in the local Knights of Columbus coun cil $3206,has been announced to- dav by th« Grand Knight, Sam Llb- erto Jr. ■ Initiation date fdr the new Class has tentatively been set for Feb- huary 26. f „ W, ■■ .MU',-, I r. ,S.— I . ■ .1—! • Agronomy Society Plans Grad Party The Agronomy Society will hbn- or graduating agronomy students with a barbecue Wednesday, 1 p. m. in Sbisa Hall. Entertainment for the evening will be provided .by the entertain ment committee of the Agronomy Society. City Limits of Col] liege Station On Highway 6, South — NEW — STATE MO-TEL ULTRA-MODERN The Perfect Place for that Friend to Stay What’s Cooking I ANNEX' COLLEGIATE 4-H CLUB, Tuesday, Jan.'17, 6 p.m., Chemistry Lecture room. New members invited. BAYTOWN CLUB, Tuesday, January 17, 7:16 p. m,, room 106 Academic Building. BELL COUNTY CLUB, TuesdMrj January 17, 7:16 p. in. Room 126 Academic Building. -JUNIOR- , (Continued from Page 1) gift from the Claes of ‘61. Deadline for entering candidates for Junior. Sweetheart has been let at Friday, February 8. This Will allow juniors to secure pic tures while they are home between semes teri. The clase selection at the Aggie- land Orchestra to* provide music for the occasion waa made at last Wednesday night's class meeting. Theme of the dance will follow fcn ‘‘Out of This World'*, scheme, which, in so many words, means that the sky’s the limit iri decora tions. Abstract drawings and hang ings of crepe paper will adorn the hall. Banquet tickets will cost 41.26 bach, bringing' the total cost of the meal and dance for men with dates to $6.00. Dance tickets sep arately stag or drag will cost $2.60. At the class meeting Wednes day, Barnes asked all juniors wish ing to help in dance preparations to offer their services to the Chairmen of the committees in which they are interested. LET’S TRADE NOW!! Bring Your Books in Early While They are Still Good * and Save 33% to 50 % LOUPOT’S TRADING POST Trade With LOU — l|e’a Right With You J. College Employees Feted January 19 The A&M . Employees Dinner Club will have its first dinner of the year in Sbisa Hall, Thursday, January 19 at 6:45 p. m. j The Aggieland Orchestrja will provide the music following the dinner. Tickets for the dinner are avail- able at the Aggieland Inn at $1.50 each. They must be purchased be fore Noon Wednesdi 18. 18, 7:80 p, m YWCA. Elm CLUB, Tues- m. at YWCA* Wednesday, m, 3rd floor ing. Club Prln- Wodnesday, m. South Sol- tion of offl- (j- TEXAS . CLUB, Business Society, Tuesday, Jan uary 17, 6:16 p. m. Steps of Ag riculture Building. Aggieland Pic ture will be taken. CAMPUS STUDY day, January 1|7, 3 p. EL PASO CLUB January 18, 7:16 p. of Academic Buildin cess to be chosen. FIVE-0 |CdUB, January If urlum of ■ WKHL HEART I O’ ^ Thursday, January 10, 7:30 p. m. 306 Goodwm JUlf. Officers to be elected. , INDUSTRIAL RDUCATI 0 N CLUB, Tuesday, January 17, 7 p. m., IE chops, election of off!- “nEWCOWER’B CLUB, Wednes- day, January 18; 2 p. m„ Cabinet Room. YMCA. PANHANDLE, CLUB, Thursday, January 19, 7:16? Lounge Dorm 1. Discuss Aggieland picture, bring money for picture. PORT ARTHUR CLUB, Tues day, 7:16 p.m., Room 301, Goodwin. Special meeting to discuss annual picture, holiday dance and Cotton Pageant. PRE-LAW SOCIETY, Tuesday, January 17, 7 p. m. Assembly Room YMCA. SADDLE AND SIRLOIN CLUB, Tuesday, January 17, 7:30 p. m., AI Building lecture room. Movie, and election of officers. SAN JACINTO CHAPTER OF THE HOUSTON CLUB, Tuesday, January l7, 7:15 p. m., 223 Aca demic Building, Mid-Term dance will be discussed. . SENIOR PETROLEUM WIVES’ CLUB, Friday, January 20, 7:30 p. m. YMCA Asseembly Room. Of ficers to be elected. SUL ROSS RESEARCH CLUB, Wednesday, January 18. 5 p. m., Steps of Chemistry Building. Coats and ties or number one uniforms. THE HORTICULTURE SOCIE TY will meet Wednesday. January 11, at 6:45 in the evening. The meeting will be held in the South Solarium of the Y.M.C.A. Build ing. WACO-McLENNAN COUNTY CLUB, Wednesday, January >18, 7 p. m., room 301 Goodwin Hall.' LTL ABNER IMiomqht—a wcrem m Jw rwTI Tb.R j ' oilman Cm. By Al Capp IC DARKNESS. THC TORN SiKHj CO TO THE FLOOR, ARE INSTEAD r XO TOWARD THE MACHINERY, , 4C BAEEZE FROM AN OPEN A DAY OR TWO LATER —YOONfi EDDIE M*SKONK COMES RQARMff ROUND THE MOUNTAIN/T , ,, - "' / A\\i\V\\\\\\\WY |l li n "y ■tf* _ Nomination — (Continued from Page 1) dergraduates in the School of Vet erinary Medicine. However, grad uate students will not be eligible, the committee decided. European Tour The Student Life Committee vot ed to sponsor a summer tour to Europe for an A&M student and to provide him with at least $400 traveling expense. The decision to sponsor the tour was the result of a report on other towns by Bob Page. The committee stipulated that the person who accepted the mon ey must write at least one article per week for The Battalion while - A At MARQUETTE and Colleges and Universities throughout the country CHESTERFIELD is the largest-selling cigarette PAT O’BRIEN Famous Marquette Alumnus, says: “Chesterfields are Milder. At the end of a long day at the studios, no matter how many I’ve smoked. Chesterfields leave a clean, fresh taste in my mouth. It’s the only cigarette I’ve found that does that.” WMfll Sliilgy • -y. ">*t ■ mwmr Ml lilii fmM : : he is overseas and also one article a month for the school year fol lowing his tripi Any student interested in ap plying for the aid was asked by Page to contact either him or M. L. Cashion. Requirements are that a student must have good enough grades to enable him to pass his work dur ing the year after his trip and still be able to fulfill a nominal number of speaking engagements* He should also possess a degree of journalistic ability in order to ef fectively write of his trip. Aggieland Cost Floyd Henk, business manager of Aggieland *50 reported to thei Student Life Committee the cost of the A&M annual compared with yearbooks of other Southwest Con ference schools. The Aggieland, Henk said, is the lowest priced among the four year* books reported to him prior to the meeting. Both the University <at Texas apd Rice Institute charge $7 for their annuals. Baylor and TCU each charge $5, while A&M charges $4.70. Reports havi not yet been re- ceived from either SMU or Ar kansas. Committees Named \ A special committee to inves tigate atree paira was named by chairman.Dr. Ralph Steen. Members are Bob Page, Floyd Henk, Bill Billingsley, Joe Orr and Do--le Avant. A second soeclal committee was appointed to investigate the avail ability of certain technical text books. The eopimittee will con- feii with Carl I Bird well, .manager of the Exchange Store. ) A committee to work with Wen dell R. Horsley, director M the Placement Office, in aeU^jig up a Job Clinic was also named by Steen. Members are Hal Stringer, Bob Page, C. C. Munroe. and from the Student Senate, Charles Kirk- ham. Battalion CLASSIFIED ADS TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, Bail. WITH A BATTAIJON CEABSXglHD AD. Ratss . . . Sic » word pmt fekMrttoa with a 26c minimum. Spscc *»«*■ In Classified Section . . . SOc psr column inch. Send an daaoltMs i WlUi remit tance to tbs Stadont Activities Office. All ads should be turned In by 10:00 a.m. of tbs day before publication. FOB SALE E US to buy or sell need furniture. Phone 27067, Wood Furniture Company. BARGAIN I Studio Couch. A. D. Cook. p-4-A. Collese View. STATIONERY CONCESSION.j Will *»U Hiock at wholesale price, j Your eern- irK* will pay yqur education, j Seniors ire owners dlmdlvln* portnerthlp al of semester. jContsct O. C. bureaux. NE 4-ROOM frame COTTAXJB with gurace and one tt-Room frame cottage frith three amell out bulldlnaa t», be re moved from A.*M. -College teumpua. Sealed bide will be received In ,the Of fice of the Manager of Physical Plante Until 2:00 P.M.i Tuaday, Jbenuary 1250. The right la reserved tip', reject Uny and all bide and to wglve hnty and *11 leahniculltlea. 1 Addren* Man ager of Phyelcat Plante, K. * Mi Col lege of Texas, College Htwtlon. 'IV*«* (Phone 4-11481 (or furlher Information. SPltlNO Cl.RANINO la right around' III* rorner. Now la the time to elunk up On Fuller Ilruahe* end lake udvuntuk** of uu* 'new *peclalel Dry plop* only 19.14 nnd' broom* a* low n»«gl.7u, Call i dOhJ or writ* Ml*v* Shaw. Box 22*t. Colferg* Station. HELP WANTED ■ ■ SKCRKTAKY who .want* only *om«: pari time worjt. Not Uftnporary. Call a|t Austin Official Student - Faculty DIRECTORY of Texas A&M College SOc per copy Phone4-f r' M*U SOc to STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Texas A ft M College College Station, Texas —On flsle st Aasai— SNACK BAR ft NEWS STAND ' WATCH FOR THE ANNIVEKSAMY RALE! AGGIE KAMO k . *. Al’PLIANUKM North Gate Uollege Hts. “FIVE for POUR” Bring Ua Five of Your Old Books You Don’t Need pick Up Four Good Books You Do Need j ^ : LOUPOT’S TRADING POST You Know “LOU” He a for ‘‘YOU’’ 7 U; STARRING IN JOHNNY ONE EYE A BENEDICT BOGEAUS PRODUCTION RELEASED THRU UNITED ARTISTS By Recent National Survey 5 !X MS ■ f. , .esrf? f \tio |U Ay* WMmTZv* TOPS/-/- HESIERFIELD //Af AMEfi/CAS COlifGFS /A/AAfEfi/CA'S COLLEGES WML THE TOP MEAL LA/ SPOPTS W/TH THE HOLLMOOD STAGS 9 .. I •' TEp’" ■ - Mw.. Mot/m/.. MmSf/ ’-H ' 1 '■ ' I I for porfoct fit plus mild athlotic support why^men go for Rela Scandals[ iftcally shaped to mala anal* ww*/. # ** ...» comfort ara tailored in. Pal* ented dart-ititched pouch provides mild* prevent fatigue. All-around * ;lc wautband. Concealed no-gap fly. i quality cotton, closely knit for long, ehape-reUining wear. _ Rele ahlrta—eepeclally da. to bo worn with Relg Scandali CUT TO FIT .“.TO «*MT ransua* Famoak Roig pauntod Full cut teat for extra dart-stitched pouch comfort. Letter looks. No shape* Scandals to body aeams to git on. ri-w*mt . provide* mild support design for extra comfort, trim fit better fit ! •“ • -L rT. provIdMmlld ,.. ajeurei bim fit better The Exchange Store ■ - j ■ -»~ '--i i i Main Cam pus ) ;■ ’Serving Texas Aggies —TWO STORES— -vf™ i \ li 1_ •. - . ■i A&M Annex 6 • i ll