Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1949)
•V* (' ! ■ . ' : i ' I Art Association i Honors EE Prof • • • j " Prof. Gene H. Brock o;f the en gineering drawing department has been elected president of the Los Alamos Art Association. Professor . Brock is presently, chief engineer of the engineering planning department of the Uni versity of California’s Los Alamos Scientific Laboratories. He is also provincial director for the New Mexico Alliance of Arts. • RECORDS / v •RADIOS H' School ft Office . Supplies ALL YOUR NEEDS DASWELL’S 4- / ii Wh 4— ASCE Tuesday, Dec. 20 , 7:30, C. E. Lecture Room. C^ffe and doughnuts. Bill Londoh, guest speaker. AGRICULTURAL ENGINEER ING MEETING, Tuesday, Decem ber 20, 7:30 p. m., lecture room, Agricultural Engineerin|g Build ing, all faculty member:; Invited. AMARILLO A&M CLUB emer gency meeting Tuesday i t 7:15 in Room 207, Academic Bid %. ELLIS COUNTY A&M CLUB, Tuesday, Dec. 20, 7:30 p. m.,] room 307 Academic building, . discuss Hill-Ellis Christmas dan :e; EL PASO A&M CLUB, Tuesday, 7 p.m. third floor Academic Bldg, to discuss Christmas da ice. GRAYSON COUNTY CLUB Tuesday, 7:30 p.m., Room 205 Ac* ademtc. Important meet njjf about Christmas party. HILL COUNTY A&M,! Tuesday, Dec. 20, 7:30 p. m.. Room 307 Academic building, disquas Hill* Ellis Christmas dance, HOUSTON A&M OLUH meet ing, 301 Goodwin, Tuea<jiay after mess,' Invitations will' be checked In (’lirialtnua ilitnre buamfSH, 1 1 : -f mmm ~ 1 au. Hueas. i I ■ Vs Cooking Look Your KcnI at (lliriNlmuM Time BHn(f IhoMtt clethos to uh for tho twnt tn dPHtiliiK lorvloo, Wo give you , . , PROMPT NttttVIOK EXPERT WORKMANSHIP INDIVIDUAL APfENTION CAMPUS CLEANERS "Over the Exchange Store” i IAS meeting Tuesday, Dec. 20, Aero Bldg. 7:15. Business discus- T. L. McNEW STUDENT PTER ASCE, 7:30 pm. Tues day, C. E. Lecture Room. BUI London will speak. LAMAR COUNTY CLUB meet ing, Tuesday, 7:30 pm. Discus sion of Christmas banquet and dance. ; ( ' NAVARRO COUNTY A&M CLUB, Tuesday, 7:30, Rc)om 228, Academic Bldg. Tickets for Christmas dance will be distribu- REAGAN CHAPTER HOUS- UB, Tuesday, Dec. m., room 303 Goodwin TON A&M CLUB, Tuesday, Dec. 20, 7:15 p. Ha|l. SADDLE AND SIRLOIN CLUB, Tuesday, December 20, 7:30 p. m. AI Lecture Room. Business Meet ing. SENIOR PETROLEUM WIVE’S CLUB Christmas dance has been cancelled, rEAGLES- (dontlmied from Page 3) wete the finest club In the Nation al League a|i they racked up one TD In the Hecond quarUr on the craek- shot iiasslng arm of Tommy Thimipaon, and added seven more polhts In the third on a blocked limit, the owners and the players wapted to postpone the game until Christmas Day, and so did thou sands of protesting fans. But Cotn- mlHslorter Bert Bell, In Philadel phia, forced the contest—the sev enth National League title play- offLto go on. | Christmas Dances BASTROP 1 - LEE COUNTY A&M CLUB,| Christmas dinner- dance, Friday, Dec. 23, 8 p. m., Moe’s Restaurant, Giddings, $3.60 per couple, i DEL RIO A&M CLUB, Thors* day, December 29, 9 to .1, Fire man’s Hall, Buddy Hancock’s or chestra, $3.00 stag or drag. EAST TEXAS A&M CLUB 8 p.m., December 23, Club Do-So- Do, Kilgore. $2 stag or drag. ENLISTED MEN’S WIVES CLUB, Christmas social, Ray Chandler Home, 1009 E. 29th St, Thursday, Dec. 15, 7:30 p. m. FALLS COUNTY A&M CLUB, Christmas dance, Dec. 30, 9 ,p. m., Falls Hotel, Marlin, Aggieland Orchestra. HEART O’ TEXAS CLUB, Fri* day, Dec. 30, 8 p. m., Gaines Lodge, Lake Brownwood, Brown- wood. HOUSTON A&M CLUB, Thurs day, Dec. 29, 8 to 12, Emerald Room, Shamrock Hotel, music by Buddy Brock. # KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, Christmas party, Thursday, Dee. 15, Bryan K. C. Hall, rides at St. Mary’s Chapel, 6 p. m. VETERINARY MEDICINE CLASS OF ’61, Saturday, Dec. 17, Fin Feather Club. 7 p. m. WACO-McLENNAN COUNTY A&M CLUB, Thursday, Dec. 22, Scenic Wonderland Nightclub, Ag gieland Orchestra, floor show. CHRISTMAS PARTY, Austin, Thursday, Dec. 29, 8 p. m., Crys tal Ball Room, Driakill Hotel. FORT WORTH A&M CtUB, Christmas party, Tuesday, Decem ber 27, 8:30 p. m., Two Bucks, Ag gies and friends. AGC JUNIOR CHAPTER, Christmas party, Monday, Decem ber 19, 7 p. m., Franklin s 76f to memherHi steak dinner, PORT ARTHUR AOOIB MOTH* WRH'H CLUB banquet and dance, Wednesday « ii, m,, December 2M, Avalon Club, High School (Irouim Vlftlt PH Department Twelve vocational agriculture teachers and twelve students from various high schools were visitors on the campus Monday afternoon, They were given a demonstration on fitting and showing poultry for poultry shows, E. D. Parnell, professor of poultry husbandry, said today. UXABNim i ■ : ; |!! , n v >iid tl»e 11^ : i. '"V 1:1' Jt .-i * : LTL ABNER Who Opened the Otge? mi MAMMY MVS THf BURLAP CAtbfT B£ ONVtILEP FUM JONES UNTIL TVI' - BANQUET « nNISHffi Vk'KfrTr. TMAR haiMt a WATT IT SHRED O FOOD TH‘ BANQUET left; PANSY- HAlKfT oven., . |l|0^- ^ hTET/Y- IT'S A WILL MO'UNVEIL m in m ■4k By A1 Cpp !tr i I —fq'th hs: DEGROOM r'SETTLE * CK. AFTER TH'WEDDIM BV RAMUN' EVERY TH'MOOSK, MAN. CHIUL -L r' Mx(|iii,sito , I BraHH for the Fireplace T. '' 1 i ■r; , Andirons Fire Sets Fire Lighters Wood Holders Screens AND FOR THE YOUNG FOLKS •h • • • ■ WE INVITE YOU TO SEE OUR LARGE DISPLAYS k r T ■•i 4 • tK HARDWARE COMPANY R-ASTIN Ji m Soil Conservation Classes End Trip The soil conservation class under the instruction of J. F, Mills made an all day field trip to Temple, Saturday, to see soil conservation practices carried out on the Black- land Experiment Station and farms of that district. . j Thu group's first stop was at Rosebud where Thomas Elder, work unit consepfationlst of the Rosebud Soil Conservation District, explained now farmers ware using K*R Mluestem In constructing ter race outlets, That afternoon the group visit ed the Temple agricultural experi ment sub-station, According to Mills, the purpose of the trip was to familiarise stu dents with soil and water conserva tion methods being carried out In that district and the research work at the Blackland Experiment Sta tion. A&M FFA Chapter Elects New Officers J. C. Welborn was elected pres ident of the A&M Chapter of the Future Farmers of America at a recent meeting of that organisa tion. Other officers elected were Steve Lindsay, vice president; C. E. Willis, second vice president, Ster ling Lindsey, treasurer, F. E. Kerns, secretary; H. M. Ruther ford, reporter; T. L. Peacock, par liamentarian; M. K. Orman, his torian; and H. R. Spaulding, advis or. According to J. D. Hampton, cur rent president of the chapter, new officers were elected early this semester to enable them to attend an officers training school before taking over their duties next semes ter. ; . . . t-OUTSiDC-AN (r’AH CAHfr HAtf.r AH SCC. WHUT FABULOUS JC LOO** UKL—NOW ft, - WHUT KIN AH LOSE u M/UD* ii j ,i ■ i.. l | PI Sr Battalion CLASSIFIED ADS Page 4 2SDAY, DECEMBER 20,1940 (■U. WITH A BATTALION CLAMin AD, Baua i, , , ita a word i»r with s t* mialmum. apwe- rsl«i OlkMlflM MmUm , , . «m M mhu 1BD rtiM LS in*h, a*M su vlkMiriMlk with r*niii- tkSM IB m* annual AHWIlhM WflM. All Nik ihkuM b* mraMl in hr loipo km, of IN d»r NhtT* ituttNSIlN' ItWU.T' '■ « IU -Kig-g-aBS'iifflBiiTWi roil MALE • hUrwM ^uKvrnirsi i-rHi* Ulft wmiitsai, | SETK’-jfiElEai EE Prof Speaker At AIEE Meeting L. M. Hnupt, professor of elec trical engineering, Texas Engia- eering Experiment Station, A&M, was one of the principal speakers at the meeting of the South Texas Subsection ox the American In stitute of Electrical Engineers held in Corpus Christ! Wednesday night. Professor Haupt presented a paper on “The Modern Network Calculator Use in System Planning and Research.” He discussed the work that ! is being done on the A&M network calculator j for the electric utility companies and the progress that is being made in adapting the calculator to problems other than electrical. Marseille — <A > * — Domineque Faggiani, 44-year-old trolley hus driver, was checking his motor when the vehicle started moving, ran over him and killed him. His wife, who was conductress of the same bus, witnessed the accident. AND FOUND • 4,OUT I an Illy uTari ; pjlU rul», imm* 0. II. HaNntWn, lunihuF ana*. If!faunil, iUmn* ha- kl MIS, j iWM»,t Isal nuuiiafiX, I,HI a( . i4 Inn an Frldi ii k WlfTlIlfiltl, Wu 4St, OilllifM AyslalHi Mkliiri inn mi Friuy, luNinbar wiir ‘Mi; ’■ Ni l, NWN« MIIHIM Nil, IMS A.KiAA.M, 0 h 11 y il |nt>«llii|i, TUMlnir, | mt*i Uii, !'hl n "m ir tt, Will'll Ih Ills M M lisyrnki Harry hayar, W M N, M MHIInnla, Maui, T--———!'. ii—— NiiTU-r, TO Iitll’K llUNTMnni TIifif will lia no liuntiMK iiliowad on Norttiktn l.nita neat aanaos. tiFalniiliiR In 1 * t'emUariniat nml at,inn ilirouyii Jnmiary j' ,, X .1 Lille, France Profiting from the temporary absence of his parents, four-year-o)d Jean Dii- monchel, of Merjcourtfsous-Lenii, near here, downed a pint of rum, The child died shortly Afterwards. 5%! . - ■ | I ; 5% New Automobiles New ft l T sed AUTOMOBILES ! FINANCED j i ; ' Jl ' ’ New and Used Phone 4-1232 Flop Colson Travis Nelson — Official .11 Ii ' i ' kJV ' { ' •jl ' Student • Faculty DIRECTORY M0 ■:!- J ‘ fl J Texas A&M College , 50c per copy PIlOBO 4’M-M ■ r or Mail Mb’ to | PIIUKNT l-nm.II!ATKINS , TesiW ASM (iolIfKti NIhIIiim, Tex mb | • —On Mule mt Annex— SNACTi BAR ft NEWS STAND }" -j—; 1 wing. Into The Holidays — I -i r I WITH A SMART NEW WALDROP SUIT ! I I !■;, ! You’ll be riding high - - - knowing you’re ■1 WE HAVE IT! the NEW ' 1 * RAD&NT CONTROL TOASTER Automallc Xayond Ballaf. All you do is drop in the bread. Brand la .:;|4 oraaa Iowan iHalf owtamaKfally, which turns onj current. When perfectly toasted, cur rent turns oil automatically.; Tkatl rolioi liialf illanlty with out popping or banging^ C. E. GRIESSERl •, ELECTRIC CO. 212 N.| Bryan South $ide phone 2-1423 Jersey St. jersey oi. Ph. 4-9876 ■r [. ■ ■ ■' ; i ], ; i ■ ji- ' Come in today for an expert fitting by skilled tailors. ife. well dressed for all the happy days ahead when you’re comfortably and distinctively attired in one of our fine suits. in one of our fine suit (OofirWpaCo. —""44.4 t. m I ■i is V ‘■'“'I — R ;| ' I*" J 1:1 •/» i This year give a gifth that is personal but propttv. . Let Lucien L&Long be your personal envoy to tl^e most {icrsonal gifts eveif, t' .r ' r perspn 4/' •) I : I I | very breath of he: ality. Our sales girls help you pick a perfi which is ideal for “Her.” ucien h'' - U1N Biyan