Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1949)
v • prf 1 ! * Letters Continue bod r=r rr— i • JP.I; . 1 -• 1 ' ,r > . f . t, t ■i- '• ,■ ■' ■>. 7 Sgat y has some r pat on the twek. - • ■ fire. Evidently some’ ' Did they do anything so wrong? spirit. Did they commit a sin or some- (Signed by 72 members of the Ag' thing? All they did was put some- 1 gie, Band) -the sips only little spirit booster. So what? Tihey got in and they got out again without being caught and .they made/a lot of teasips look pretty sick in the process, too. Our hats are off to these sophomores. It was a job weH done. At the A&M-TU freshman g$me P. S.—It has been brought to our attention that the studeht body doesn’t know what went on at the Ffa! w * ' thing over on a bunch of cookie pushers. What if they did go over to the TU campus-and set fire to the sips only little spirit booster. Fish-Shorthorn game last Satur. So what? They got ip and they got day. The TU "fish” band was j dressed in "toe-sack” dresses which were to represent khaki uniforms. They painted their legs with shoe polish to represent boots. When Col Adams attempted to di« last Saturday, the TU freshen freshmen wojld tund b^hiiThiral sX r d a i y M aXmMn St ^' U e m c« 1 )m- t over-did themselves trying to make’) and i mita t e him. This delighted the j unihent vou for th^ rem^lV vou fun of A&M, the Cadet Corps, and TU studeiit body to no end. vinrrpiit-. in’vmir inwt lint* every way tf); embarrass our direc- tori Col Adams. Now you nave material tc write i good editorial—an editorial that Thle only wa,y we can come tack at the tea sips! is to show the/n that We still have “the best band land” . I' i (Editor’s ; Note—Ypur letter, received in our office at night last' night, was the gotten: on the ac- ie Aggie Band in particular. u Kv i’ IS ■ ■ •' [jf- J ~ But we didn’t see an editorial com- I men ting op that little episode. Maybe that was some of the goodwill we 8,000 Aggies "had worked Jong and hprd for and denied ourselves a long-standing tradition to buitd up?” If there ev er was any goodwill between the -tea-sips and us, we didn't/ know v about it! "Goodwill” was overflow ing at the "midnight yell practice 'ih Austin last'year, wasn’t It? j _ Again we would like, to con-. 1 gratulate the two spohomores wh studeiit body When, the “fish” yell leaders di rected the 12th Man, some more of the comical freshman wouUl atand pp and imitate them. Whep thp "Fish” drill team came on at the half, they were booed off theTteld joy ihe V(J student body. , Then their freshman band came onto the field imitating the Ag gie Band. They played the “Ag gie War Hymn” as lousy as they could; Each member played in A different key. Don’t forget that about Hi.OOQ people were witnessi ng ing this hilarious onslaught oi|i made a good try to Set off the bon'- the Aggie Band. They tried iri I ' f: ROBESON MOTOR CO. , 'j. • • . ; ' j * ' ■ 1 . - ' — ; : • . *r- f For services on all makes of cars at reasonable prices. Specializing in motor tune-up and wheel alignment and motor repair. 724 W. MAIN PHONE 2-8815 T"" ; : 'IT : - ! • What’s Cooking ’ H AICHE MEETING, Tuesday, Nov. 29, Pet. lecture room. Film and discussion of banquet. BRUSH COUNTRY CLUB, par- we are sure! ievery Aggie aijd Ex- ty at Raymond’s Gardens, Corpus Aggie will F&nt to repd. W j have j Christi, 9, p. m., Saturday, Nov. 26. worked hard on this week’s, drill. Admission, $1.20, stag or drag. mid- first suggest In your last line. Beat TU-i— st Effort Editor, The Battalion: This letter ia # 'last resort in an effort to locate my raincoat which I loaned to an Aggie buddy nearly'a month ago.' ; •On Sundni, October 30, I got In the Aggie line at Ft. Wqrth to catch a ride back to school. There Were several Aggies already; there. It Was cold and sprinkling rain. Being as I had both a raincoat and field jacket, I gave the rqincoat to an Aggie that did not have a coat. I took a ride to! Waco which ho one wanted, leaving my rqincoat with the guy. I felt sure that he would return it. * i "frell, he has not brought it back, and I can’t locate him. It might be that he cannot find me either; so If he reads this, I live in Dorm 1, "Room 403. j I i Joe R. Alexander Everyone invited. HEART OF HILLS CLUB, Sil ver Spur Room, Bandera, Friday. —Beat TU Gifts Donated For v r Jr !. I Experimentation Several gifts and loans have be^n made to the Agricultural Experiment Station recently, Di rector R.,1). Lewis announces. Loans include Brahman heifer from J. T. Garrett, Danbury; four Brahman bulls and 20 Brahman heifers from Ernest Steinman, Ateinman Cattle Company, Yoa kum, all for beef project and a Brahman female from Tommie Gresham of Louise, a dairy pro ject. The gifts include a Brahman female calf from J. T. Garrett and a Brahman female from Henry C. Kountz of Inez, both for dairy pro ject. „ Beat TU US Asks Nations To Free American Consul Washington, Nov. 21 , A > >—The United States has appealed to 80 nations, including Russia, to inter vene with the Chinese Commun ists in behalf of the imprisoned American Consul General, Angus Ward. UPL ABNER H s End Is Near A LOVES W i LARD IN THIS COMPORT PRIME RIBS MORE'M ANYTHING.'?’ THAR’S A Y'ARS SUPPLY 0 : AN' BULLY BEEF/T 4i ' Mg* LFL ABNER i r -T-t Hz ij ir ri I if 1 -l t I >!: ',! i r • * I'l j m H OH,S°a f -SHE DON'T LAD - NOT TMENSHUNjl WANTA WOO ME - SHE WANTS T* CHEW i , :l ^ C»pp The' Man Who Came to Dinner NO GAL KIN NAB ME, HERE, ON TOP OF "O' SLIPPERYSlOES”'— EXCEPT ONE WHO KIN FLY-'T-AN' AMY FOOL KNOWS NO GAL KIN ??-WHO IS •ALT’ H-WOW COME I TO’ K»N FLY? 1?A Ml ffpl •iff! r., \i 1V\ A1 Capp HOW COME YO'tSSO FAT? :uz AH WAS BROUGHT UP BY POLKS WHO . WAS £22^321 VJ1AS brought ■ sHwho could i howdy- r th” ilil ; - FOLKS .r MOPE we HAINfT laje TO' DINNER ! -I ■ I ' ! LI’L ABNER Oh, Harpy Day ! ! ! : i 1 1 MUMS FOR THE GAME 1 CORSAGES Specially Designed For Her Wilson Floral Company Day Phone 2-8822 707 S. COLLEGE 11 ; / 1 Night Phone 3-6265 BRYAN TV SLOM.aiAL OUTFIELDER, n tuvin' r ketch me- but AH GOT A PERFECT WAY T% EXCAPE T ALL SET THIS Ll'L t KlGMV IS TRAINED T’GRAB HOLT O’TH' FIRST THING IT HITS— v ' AN' THESE SUSPENDERS SNAPS ME T SAFETY.*?’ c.*- »4iw 1* U i By A] On ■d jil I r THIS 1$' \ BREAKlfsl'UPA SINGLE, ALL • xuiriJtir; I t I r K- n Lords Delay Steel Nationalization J, ' London IA 5 '—Thp Labor Govern- j meat yielded to the Conservative I House of Lords today and defer red the date for nationalizing the 1 British!steel industry. rt: Battalion —^ CLASSIFIED ADS Page 8 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23,19^9 SELL Wit HA BATTALION CLASHIKIRD^ . , , i, . , . , , i AU. Rates . . . KT.c u word ptr InBtrtlpn Fills jdears the lemslative decks with a 26c minimum. Space rfttes iln for an iearly general election, pro- r: haldy in February or March, in j which government ownership cf the j steel ntills will be a major issue. The I government offered an amendnient in the Rouse of Com- 1 nions changing tpe date , the in dustry would be tak,en over froiin May 1, 1950, to January J. 1951 or a date not more than 12 months inter.” The Lords had insisted the bill should not be effective until July 1, 1951, so that the voters could first express their opinion of It at \ a general election. If the government hud refused to compromise on the effective dates: of the steel nationalization hill, the Lords could have delayed final enactment until after the House ! lecCKses for Christ mas Dec. |6, even though a government; bill curbing the Ilord’s veto power passed the House last night. lMO to 187, | j' Clasulflerf Sectloii ... line p«r column incii. • Send all | cla»«ifl«dH with remit tance to the StfnlNat Activities Office. All adh should ibe turned In by 10:till U m. of the day before publication. ; • FOR SALE J.lj-ii 1 ,::. =ts= Odnvenient ttrma. Gift wrapped; I, tte '•, rn rale I rent machines. Typewritejr ihd adding niachtnet. Bryan Huxlncixa > l|a- cldne (lompnny. 2011 North Math, t |al Z-I328, Bryan. ! i- Delta ll(Mhfc,| IB" HWlnj;; all topi;!, Harley Dayldepn Notoif Oyrle Mm)«| \2f> tf-2. r »,000 B.frfu!. Fhfor Funiaee Jill* Boater Avenue, relieve Hill* liiPl KOKH THDOR, ftr*t cliLa eondtllon. See ai 1(17 HlKblaijid. dVIlK-e Htatlbn, af- ler 5:D«. phone •DH27li/ | V MISOELLANKOUS POKTAHLK TTPgWHITBtUl. IHUKI Iff «n all ipake* anp mo<leb<. Royala. Srnltii- TTJJ.d KkKi* pr.lldpen* <IUrlnS Tmiriiday*- Onroia.i, L'tfdeiWooda, and ftemlnstoja. \, ham*. ■ <K)| n kame, , jA-DA, CoHeicr Prompt Radio SeirvUse —Call - Soslik’H Radio Service l\ 712 S, Main St. Ph. 2-1911 Bryar \ T \ li'' Cepti|kriH9) Uoun a Mnu Tmmc« Ca K.L -ru ' t 1 • *r '■IC- -T- --y~ •«! i Use 0 it r economical taxi service when you are in a hurry. Just phone 2-1400. StfETItyp TAXI -f •TF 4 -.f i cLUXE GAIT. SERVES The BEST IN FOOD \ \ The Bryan Home of the i \ Texas Agnes 1 \ 1 - j k?; , IT T iT LET US PROVE . . . ^; " ' j 1 our exclusive SANITONE SERVICE is Best! Ph. 2-8665 PERFEUTO Cleaners — SAVE 10 TO 20% On Your Automobile and Fire Insurance Stock or Mutual Policies View.; or phone 4-126S 'CHILURKN * kept [fiurlH« ThankHirlvInR ; same, .Madeline Mejifr.' Vet Villnse, ffijJirallli fi|l| ~,.i Coinull Dr. Carlton K. OPTOMETRIST. With Your VUual Proble *03 S. Main Bryi r Phono *** ■ ih4*m'** "It j Tf ALEXANDER k BEAL AGEN III YfiUIf 203 South Main ,, l 1 ! 2-1662 TO to pfopular Sarr////<r# ty — McKenzie - Baldwin Business College' i 702 South Washington St. — Bryan Offers standard office training courses in new term starting Monday, Jan. 9, 1956 NIGHT CLASSES IN BOOKKEEPING Monday and Thursday Nights PHONE 3-6655 1.1 rJ k i iio I !;■ i I' Mi ; nr For Thi atf til • * e ■ ’ \ Mit M bee’s Dept rvice J Ik I BRAkES ADJUSTED 3TOR TUNE-UP ■ ' j ■ Bumper to Bumper iService that pleases ■T •jJ: I i'iii & • I;! ll'l j * I ti; : : i. » I. *■