Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1949)
Ericson Will Speak On IE Experiences Professor Emanuel E. Ericson fcill speak on his experiences in the , field of industrial education tonight - I at 7:30 in the Petroleum Ehgin- " eering building lecture room. The speaker is now on sabbati cal leave from the Santa Barbara Division of the University of Calif- ,©mia. The Industral Education Departr ment of A&M is the only school Ericson is visiting on his trip through Texas, Chris Groneman, head of the IES Department spon soring the vipit, says. Professor Ericson has been in strumental in shaping much of the industrial in shaping n underlying lot only in philosophy education, not only in the south west but in the entire United States, Groneman added. ^ Gerhardt Schulte F1SH- . . (Continued from Page 1) two, but m the next play recovered a Stol- to end the Steer a personal foul against LTexas, moved out i where JjlcJunkin fumbled, rlings began another drive ed the Ag 8-yard line, in* nevt tv 'o plays lost 20 is and the pish took over on 28. fill plays and punts MUMS Large r Medkun . 1 Spider j/ ’ ' T I Special SEMI - FORMAL CORSAGE \ s for T. D. Dance wfti Wen WED - Bonfire s j; orchids!. • • y . .. ! Cypripiduim - Cymbidium j j: J Odentoglossum • v L / . f SEE YOU^l DORM REPRESENTATIVE Student Floral Concession NOV. 23 followed. Then Texas moved back again. The Stee momentum on tl Cadets, failing the TU 32. ,rch ran out of AM 14 and the punted to -POLO- (Continued from Page 3) Maroons in the Second half of the bnd ucond overtime! period largely hrough stronger reserves. AAM, s^ .tl wjth only seyejn really strong shimmers, was handicapped in the overtime when t iree of the start ers, Adamson, Pleming, and Sar gent, were fouled out of the con test. ■ ;' v , Having used more substitutes than the Aggies the University group was con paratively fresh. The four Cadet utarters who were still in the tiltl when the host team scored its deciding goals had been lying about ap hour and forty- rt minutes and were more fa- rued than their opponents. Bob Tarletori of the University quatic Club team is a graduate student; Jack Tder and Pryor are pjrobably doing g raduate work, too. A return engagement between the two teams which was slated Tuesday night has been post ed until afitt the Thanksgiving idays. It wil probably be play- ,, on December 1. The St. Louis] road trip of the iter polo squ id has also been called off since most of the players ’ i previous committments which ‘vented them from taking the nded trio. .here is a possibility that the ggies will plsy Baylor later in fall, but rothing definite is known about stub a match yet Texas lost yardage plays and the fourth was partially blocked by 1 the Ags recovering on the Short horn 47. After several si the Cadets kicked out on 21. Five plays later the fumbled and the Cadets claimed the pigskin on the Texas 32. Hooper, Haas, McJunkin, and Hill blasted through on successive at tempts to the TU 1-inch line. A penalty set the Aggies back five, and a fumble cost the Fish four more. Then Hooper roared through right tackle to the four. Hooper Tallies Hill rammed right guard, driv ing to the one, and on fourth down Hooper slammed over tackle for the score. Hooper’s first kick was wide, but Texas was too eager in charging across the line and giv en another try, Hooper put the spheroid squarely between the up rights. With only a minute and for ty seconds left in the game the Ca dets led, 18-to-0. Dawson took Hooper’s Kickoff deep In the end zone and plowed out to the 26. Three desperation passes failed and on a fqjurth down try Cadet safety Gene DeVeny gath ered in the Texas pass and sped to the TU 28. Graves ran the ball to the 15 as the game ended. It would be monumental task to mention all of the excellent plays and players seen in the game. How ever, somq, were too outstanding to overlook. Walt Hill looked fine in defense and offense—a real wheelhorse; Bums turned in a great defensive game at end; Trojack looked good on pass defense, while Ray Haas ran fast, hard, and far on the at- tack. ;! • • j. ,. • McJunkin was an offensive pow- house; Darrow Hooper kicked, blocked, and ran in outstanding fashion and Ray Graves was tops with his clever ball handling and top notch puntihg. Among the linemen Langford, Self, Scott, Schulte, Little, Stubbs, and Rush were unbeatable. It was the big line/ that made the differ ence; there was so much good line play that we are bound to have overlooked some top performers, so to all—a “well done” for a real game. What's Cooking HOMETOWN CLUB PRESI DENTS, Tuesday, November 22, 7:10 p.m., Room 301, Goodwin HaU. Meeting to discuss home town club pages in Aggleland 19.00, . If ‘T’ CLUB, Monday, 7:30 p.m., Hart Hall Lounge. Fall dinner- dance plans will be discussed. SAM, Tuesday, 7:30 p.m., Room 301 Goodwin. Hughes Tool offi cial will speak. INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION WIVES, Tuesday, 7:30 p.m., South Solarium, YMCA. GEOLOGY CLUB, Tuesday, 7:30 p.m., Geology Lecture Room. ,ri Lawson will talk. >EO CLUB, Monday, 8:15 p.m., A&I Library. / ENTOMOLOGY SOCIETY, Tues day, 7:30 p.m., Room 10 Science Rail. Beat TU ANTIQUE DISHES FOR SjLLE 24th Street Bryai i, Texas ; i’- I Arrive fatted and fajAet/wt i ■ 111 mr -wetsw ri Turkey Day Dances HOUSTON A&M CLUB, Annual Turkey Day Strut, Friday, 8 p.m. to midnight, Hi Hat Club, informal. Admission 60 cents per person. Floor show. —Beat TU - DEAN’S TEAM - Continued from Page 1) »uch arc eggs on the Wabash tty Market?" Evan students who get the right answer arc docked 75 percent for not uglng a correct method of reasoning. ' /]! Grades, of course, conform to s system known as Inc Dell Curve, In this system, with A4M modi* flcatlons, the ton seven nereent of the class just barely fails and the bottom of the class flunks horribly. The principle is to tftve the stu dent a oO-ftO chance. Half of the time he funks and the othfer 50 times he just busts the course. Go back, fellow members of the dean's team. Tell your friends you have learned the trade secrets of most of the profs. Then go out and enjoy yourself—you couldn’t win if you tried. -FAIR- / (Continued from *Page 1) something to be proud of. For this reason, the editors feel that it should be required that all of the whmen be presented in person to the student body. The men who enter the winning nominees will be notified a min imum of two weeks prior to the social event at which the six win ners are to be presented/ so that they can make arrangements for bringing the girls to A&M for the presentation, the editors said. Senior Favorites Accepted Pictures of senior favorites will be accepted at the Student Activ ities Office from now until Jan uary 14, too, Woodall said. The pictures can be of wives, mothers, girl friends, children, etc., and sen iors can submit more than one pic ture, but will have to pay $1.50 for each picture submitted, the editor said. Photographs must be 6x7 inch gloesy prints and should be bust pictures, the editor added. The editors said that the sche dules for individual pictures of corps students, unit pictures, and club pictures will be announced tn the Tuesday Battalion, They added that pictures showing the type J f_S ( .-1 m A‘ .« _ • .a- a i r poses \leslml for the sports attire- photographs for Van! ” ' also be published, I - nBfgt TU> Yokosuka, H? ualrol type frigates loaned to itussia under wartime lemllease have been returned to the (I, H, Navy, It was Football Program Sales Meeting Set Students interested $n selling programs at the A&M-Texas gar Thursday should meet this afte noon at 5:15 in the Student Activi ties Office. Clayton Selph, pro gram concession manager; said this afternoon. A greater number of students will be needed to handle sales for the Thanksgiving game than for previous games' because of the large attendance, he explained. Selling procedure for the game will be revised considerably and will be outlined at the meeting by Roland Bing, manager .of student publications, Selph said. -—Beat TU -LETTERS - (Continued from Page 2) 100% disliking for him, (Yes. I’ve befriended him several times, with out his knowing it, in hopes he would change his attitude toward his fellow Aggies.) Mr. Editors please do not feel this is a criticism of your policies or college paper as I know you have done a fine job so Tar this year. Also, I realize you will say that you personally approve all ed- ithorials written. , But please do something about that editorial as sistant of yours who seems to think he is irreproachable in character^.. In closing, I want it known that I don’t object to his writing edi torials as long as he leaves out personalities. Name Withheld by Request P.S.—I withheld my name—not because I’m not firmly behind my accusations — but because it will serve no constructive purpose. Be sides your editorial assistant knows who I am as we have discussed his editorials in days gone past, LET US PROVE * * * oui* exclusive SANITONE SERVICE ( is Best! Ph. 2-8665 PERFECT© CLEANERS Page 4 SELL WITH A BATTALION CLAMinBD Twioj YKA» AD. fUtM . . . 3« a word par ln»«rtlon with a 26c minimum. Space. rate* in CiiMificd section . . . SOo per column Inch. Bend nil elaactned* wtta nmft- tance to tho Student Actlvltlta Office. All ada ahould be turnpd In by 10:00 of the day before publication. PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS, Royal!. [ Smlth-Coronae. Rtmlngtona. and Under, wood!. A typewriter apedallat can acyva you better. Service and Integrity makei. Late model rent ma our lay-away plan or aaay ta itegriiy on all nichi) Bualneaa Machine Company, 209; N. Mail Bryan, Texaa. lachijnea. Dee ] • 1—Delta Lathe, 12'• Swing; all toote. ■ 1—Harley Davldaoo Motor Cycle, Model 126 1—26.000 B.T.U. Floor Furnace 319 Footer Avenue, 10U CUBIC FOOT electric refrigerator. Excellent condition. Phone 4-1105. Alio lawnmower. 1941 FORD Tudor, flrat claaa Condition, see at 107 Highland, Colleger Station, after 5:00. Phone 4-M276. SPECIAL RATES t 1 year Life—$4.75 1 year Time—$4-76 1 yeaf Fortune—$7.80 1 year Reader* Dtgaat—$2.76 1 .year Coronet—$2.80 JOHNSON'S MAGAZINE AGENCY Box 284 College Station, Texaa Good pay n|ca won Ppcarance and abl ulw. LOST: tWjf’obrj 203 Announcing • ■ni The NEW J9 r Jv : i ' ;/' ff I ^ . • i i. • :i/ f •S>ia>W«glVVZS 1} insure Tomorrow Today KUOKNE RUSH, fleiteral Agent American National Insurance Co. > i North Gate Above Aggleland pharmacy . j: , . ii A Hi’’: || III Planning a trip this Thanksgiving? Then plap to go by train and enjoy t pleasure complete holiday from highway hazards and - i '•i*' - weather worries. It’s fun to sit back in a roomy, comfortable chair and re- lax as the SP engineer drives you over smooth steel rails, the world’s safest ^ v » i r k ■ jj ?t highway. \ | ■ ■ A ;i. rv-'-■v- . . ‘ . ' N From College | Station to: SALE! SPECIAL PURCHASE SALE! us Chnetl ... Beaumont Brownsville Corpus Danis . El Paso Fort Worth Galveston ... Harli Lake ingen . 5 Chari New Orleans Shreveport $ 4.44 .J.,; 11.37 *' 7.98 . 4.25 . 21.01 •L. 4.53 ' 3.53 i... 10.75 lek .. 5.92 11.86 6.60 $ LOO 20.50 1L50 L65 37.85 3.20 j 5.45 19.35 10.70 21.35 HILLIARD CORDUROY Soft, Warm .... in these 13 vibrant colors. Ideal for Sports, School, or Square Dance • GREEN , | • GREY ■ Nraa (pk»* m t04Kh*», 1 i r*<Ufd • ROYAL ^ • BROWN SP SOUTHERN PACIFIC DEPOT East Otto, College Station Phone 4-1175 - p Nr HdteM «b4 tAsdeb btanslss, THE FREHDLY 1 l | I' !•' j .-.V' PACIFIC • WINE • TAN • LIGHT BLUE • RUST ’ • AQUA ■ ' I ' r $1.29 Per Yard Dlie 3alric Sk ’ Exclusive Fai • PINK • RED • ROSE oppe Your Exclusive Fabric Center 106 N. MAIN BRYAN X i H ^ . i I ‘ ^ 11 I . COMPLETE INFORMATION ON STUDENTS INCLUDES ..;. |il ■ f hMI r • Home Town f • Year 111 College • Major Subject COMPLETE INFORMATION ON STAFF & FACULTY . . J* • Department I , • Home Phone • Campus Phone BUYERS GUIDE ON LOCAL BUSINESSES ‘i ' I Vi J : , * a- 50c To get your copy of the New Director simply mail thq coupon below to STUDI PUBLICATIONS, Texas A&M College, j lege Station, Texas. ; Enclose 50 ednts for each copy ordered. Or .. Telephone 4-M44 j -->ur name and leave your name and address. Your copy of the directory will be delivered youii office. Simply pay the delivery b copy when he bringn the l A: • : / J: ‘ !• Per Copy 50 “ nt * E* r IJr i j. ' L il I ■ 1 j’ ■ um-'ii r * r * “ - tj" • Student Publications . Texaa A&M College ( College Station Texas Enclosed Is foi of The New 1949-50 Student ^Lddrens 7 FTI t T r i Z Clt^r a. 6 m m m m m m m ■ 1 m mm « jw 4- Special Semi ■ Formal Corsage FotffD. Dance See Your Dorm R ' ‘ 1 I- ■ L ’1 dent Floral resentatwe s' r r i , v oncession ! i •>, i