Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1949)
PJ • 1 • •.; ( " 1 • What's Cooking V A&M BOWLING CLUB Wed- nesday 7:00, YMCA bowling al leys. Business meeting followed by regular, practice session. A&M EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Thursday 5:30 Parish. House Har- rest Festival Sale Supper will be served, Christmas gifts sold. , AGGIE SQUARES, Friday*, 8 ' p. nl. Episcopal Parish House. AMARILLO A&M CLUB, Thurs day, 7:30 Room 205 Academic Building. \ . ALL AGRICULTURAL STU r DENTS, Thursday, 11 a. m., Guioh Hall. General assembly, excused from aR classes. •- ' AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY PROFESSORS, Thursday, 7:30 YMCA. AMERICAN FOUNDRYMEN’S SOCIETY, Thursday, 7t30 p. m. Room 203 M. E. Building James R. Hewitt will speak of 7Advan- tages in the Foundry Industry." AUSTIN A&M CLUB, Wednes day 7:30 Room 108. Academic Building. BRAZORIA COUNTY A&M CLUB, Thursday 7:30 Room .224 Academic Building. CORYELL COUNTY CLUB, Thursday, 7*30 p. m., Room 125, 'i Academic Building. CORPUS CHRISTI CLUB, Thursday, after yell practice. Room 227, Academic Building. Thanks giving and Christmas-dance plans will be discussed. DEL RIO A&M CLUB,' Thursday after_^ell practice, Reading Room EL PASO CLUB, Thursday, Nov. 8 p. m., Third Floor, Acamedic Building. , FAYETTE COUNTY i CLUB, Thursday after yell practice Room 129 Acadencyc Building. Tickets for ThanksgivingTlance will he passed out. FLAX COUNTY CLUB, Wednes- HEART OF THE HILLS, Thu Jay, 7:30 p. rh., Room 303 Acadei 6 Building. > HOUSTON A&M CLUB-REG CHAPTER, Thursday after practice, 301 Goodwin Hall. Offi will be electejd. . KAUFMAN COUNTY A 2LUB, Thursday after yell prac .ice Room 305 Academic Building Business .matters, plans Thanksgiving party; i KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUp, rinijrsday, > November 10 7:30 m.,' in baseinent of St. Mai Chapel. "M JUNIOR CHAPTER A. V. M; A. Auxiliary Meeting Wednesday 7:30 South Solarium Room YMCA. Mrs. R. R. Childers will be ghest spGiikcr I • | LAMAR COUNTY A&M CLUB, Thursday 7:3(F Assembly Rdoim VMCA. LAREDO CLUB, Thursday, Na- vember 10 iat 7:30, Room 125,' Academic Building. NAVARRO COUNTY Aft« CLUB, Thursday, 7:30 Room 21181 Academic Building. Plans for Thanksgiving party will be dis cussed. < PORT ARTHUR CLUB, Thbis- day, 7:30.p'. m., YMCA Assembly Room. Christmas dance plans iv 11 ;e formed. PANHANDLE CLUB, Thursday, t^fter y^ll practice, Lounge, Dorm ROBERTSON COUNTY A&M CLUB will meet tonight in Room 301, Goodwin Hall immediately af ter yell practice. (7:30) Discus sion of party plans. .. I SAME, Wednesday 7:30 p. n. Room 103 Academic Building -N r. S. J. Buchanan, guest speaker. SHREVEPORT CLUB, Thursday night after Yell Practice, in Roon 106, Academic Building. Election of officers and plans for this yea/s ' S’T dav 7-30 n m Room 104 Academic on i cers and P lans lor tnis Building Academic jciub activities wilF be discussed Ff’A meeting Nov. 14, 7:15 p. m. Agricultural Engineering lecture room. Refreshments will be served. HJSK CL,UB Nov. TO, after -yell practice, room 325 Academic Build ing. Plans/for Thanksgiving- party will be discussed, DeLUXE CAFE SERVES THE BEST IN FOOD • •"I V The Bryan Howe of the Texas Aggies STEPHENS AND WESTLAh D COUNTY CLUB, Wednesday, 7:10 Room 323k Academic Building. Fi nal plans; fon the Thanksgivi ng and ChHstimas bbcials will be ma< e. VETERAN’S WIVES BRIDGE CLUB, Thursday 7:30 p. m. YMC • RECORDS • RADIOS School & Office Supplies ’ j ALL YOUR NEEDS BASWELL’S INTTIATI (Continued from ' • • R ineering office. Undergraduate ibers, who were previously noti- to attend^and who attended the' election meeting^ may pick up their free tickets at th^ Dean of Engineering office. Members who were unavoidably absent from the election meeting, may secure free tickets, Dean Barlow concluded. Aeronautical engineering stu dents to be initiated are .Frank D. Frazier and Richard R. Tumlinsoh. Agricultural Engineering Students Agricultural engineering stu dents elected are Samuel H. Barnes, Ware. Architectural students who were elected are Martin L. Andrews, Gerald Betts, Arthur L. Burch, Joe C. Denman, James D. Hay, William G. Irvine, Billy G. Langford, Er nest E. Merrell, Fred Minton, and Fred L. Vance, j Students frofti the Chemical En gineering Department are Elwood L. Carlson, Ralph H. Hahnfield, Arthbr B. Garris, James T. Mar tin, G'. W. Mayben, Terrell L; Mays, James B. Morris, Donald A. Rikard, Robert S. Schecter, and Joe P. Zumwalt. Civil engineering students to be initiated are Kenneth B. Bobkoff, Floyd J. Carroll, Raymond P. Hud son, Archje H. Kotara, Neal E. Lee, Arthin' B. Powell, Albert W. Rollins, Epgene P. Selle, William H. Sims, Robert L. .Street, and Roger L. Ward. 'l!,J Electrical Engineering Students j. I ■ Students selected from the Elec trical Engineering Department are Thomas E. Flukinger, Frank II. Gprdon, James D. Grant, John E. Knight Jr., Henry A. Knight, Felix N. Kusenberger, and Theodore M. IHmis. I ■ ^Herbert G. Mills is the only student who was elected from the Geology Department. Students to be initiated from the Management Engineering De partment are Arthur L. Burton, Robert W. Elkins, Robert A. Flake, Agust J. Otte, and James E. Sharp. Mechanical engineering students to be initiated are Carroll F. Co- gan, Roy N. Hughes, Frank H. McClain, Alfred D. Martin, Jr., Robert P. Nuccio, Charles R. Orr, and Earl E. Wawak. T^e only student elected from the Department of Petroleum En gineering is Jack D. Mahoney. Faculty Members ■ Faculty members to be initiated are Richard L. Acres, James B. Baty, Fred J. Benson, Burl H. Ervin, Carl Lausen, Peter T. Mont- fort, Joseph A. Orr, Alvan L. Par- rack, John M. Rowlett, John G. H. Thompson, Wiliam I. Truettner, Robert P. Ward, and Roy W. W’ing- Rival’s Contest Ends With Riot DETROIT, Nov. '— OPl-^A thousand howling, fist-swin z- ing fans poured from the stands last night and broke up a hotly contested hi{:h school football game with a not in which three persons were knifed. Two I football players were knocked unconscious. A policeman was slightly injured. Scores were battered and bruised. . Fighting between players in the final minutes of the game between Melvindale and River R o b g e schools set off the riot. Passions had risen to fevbr pitch as Melvindale struggled/to over come a one-touchdown advantage held by its old rival. Both teams were unbeaten. Mrs. Violet Higgins, 34, a negro, was in serious condition at Waype County Hospital with a stab wound in the back. Her husband, Branch, 44, was released pending investiga tion of fplonious assault, police Lt. Stanley Machurski said. Higgins told police about four white youths pulled him and his wife from their car a block from the stadium after the riot. Officers were checking two knives taken from the youths to determine which had stabbed Mrs. Higgins. They were investigating Higgins’; counter-attack on the youths. Achurski said police believed no racial issue was involved in the stadium fight although the squab ble that set it off was reportedly between a white and a colored player. The Melvindale team was an all white Their opponents were mix ed. The fight was along school lines rather than racial. Although the game was never completejd, River f Rouge was awarded a 7-0 victory. Double surprise in au Elgin! _ ' ■ I VuttJ'Bal-ilrrsstJ Man of Sport! in 1949, millions Invw' Lois RouJrtau as the brilliant playrr managrr of lit UtwIanJ Imtians X . ; Says LOU BOUDREAU, impressed by the distraction of ELMS styling and the promise of superb performance from the OnraPouer Mainspring PH Students Visit Cameron Hatchery The thrkey management stu dents taking Poultry Husbandry 303 went to Milam County on Oct ober 27 to study turkey production and management in the field, ac cording to Ross M. Sherwood, pro fessor of Poultry Husbandry. The class visited a hatchery in Cameron and a packing plant in Rockdale, Sherwood said. Two mar ket farms and two turkey Improve ment Plan were also visited by the class, said Sherwood. The field trip was designed give the; students an idea of hpw dl Rocket Research Goes, to Alabama, Huntsville, Ala. bPL-kThe army Ijias announced plans lor moving its Fort Bliss, Tex., rocket re search operations, including 100 German scientists, to Huntsville next year. The Germans are among some 1,000 scientists and technical ex perts brought to this country un der contract after the war. Col. Carroll D. Hudson, com manding officer of Redstone Ar senal here, said the transfer will begin early in 1950 and be complet ed in six months. , Transfer toj Redstone,! the Army said, will save apdroximately $4,500,000. Permanent facilities available here will be used, where- ajl| the rocket suboffi<fe at Fort Bliss was housed in j temporary bpildings. Involved in the switch from Fort Bliss will be 500 military per sonnel, the 100 German scientists and 65 civilian employes. The program includes construc tion of engineering and chemical laboratories, static test stands and flight range facilities for the free rocket, the Jafo (jet-assisted take off or planes) and propellant re search and development work. - FLUNKEE - (Continued from Phge 1) forts. They are worthwhile ef forts, we think. ; Then, too, each of us wants tq Someday receive a sheepskin from (jear old Texas A&M, ; so l have just proclaimed a Renaissance. Henceforth, we study the required number of hours. We change our major back to fertilizer-spreading, Switching from extracurricular ac tivities. The Battalion editors, a thought- classroom problems were actually encountered and dealt with in the , field, Sherwood said. P“ (r . hav « delegated us to a ! | sjomewhat ' less glonouS position, let less time-taking. Drop by to tee us any afternoon. Just ask for he janitor. Thief Gets Ring As She Breaks Wed Bands Canoga Park, Calif. 'A*!—A thief, Mrs. Irene A. Reid reported to police, took her $400 wedding ritig. Officers asked her where she was at the time. “I was in court getting a di vorce,” she answered. Fust as Lou Boud surprise in an Elgin.” First the the Fashion Academy Gold Mo DuraPower Mainspring. No dependable power for accurate tl tot your Qiristmas Elgin now. the new Elgins in a wide range J • • • •' I ' ’ ; Lord and Lady Elgins are print 7 front $67.S0 to )5000. Elgin De Luxe from $47.50 to $47.50. Other Eights us lew as $W.75. All Prices include Federal Taxs au says ... “There’s a douhh prize-winning style (winner dal Award). Then the amazing other watch in the world has such mekeeping. Better start hinting Jewelers are proudly showing of prices. TIMID j - j-; | The genius of America to wear on your wrist ): :• V . Used Car & Truck Headquarters lectmi of t'sed Can Fooad Anyyihei VO!' CAN BIT WITH CONFIDENCE HERE FORD 2-Ooor w<taa radio, bratar. Whit* mdo urm ., 1*47 FOKt» club coup*, radio. h*at*r. rl**n and ready to (tlv* you jwrvtc* fill# HM7 MKttamY 4 door • rdah. ovordnv*, radio . h*ator. ptaatle cover* flttl, 1*47 OUXUtOMLC club coup*, Hydraulic ft«ri<w 7*. radio, heater and very cUmmi i' .ji 914*9 1949 FORD MooT sedan, clean and won’t be here long at thla prtca.,. 1946 MERCURY 4-door 9I0A« •4 sedan, radio, heater, seat covers and like new; .J 1941 OLDSMOBILE club coupe,! radio, new paint ... 9750 1941 Chevrolet 4-door sedan, clean and runs per fect, only needs an owner $795 1941 FORD 2-door sedan super deluxe, radio 1940 CHEVROLET 2-door sedan, runs good and is clean i , j $491 1940 FORD 2-door sedan that is clean and ready to go I Brand New 1949 FORD Half-ton Pickup* for Immediate Delivery • LOW DOWN PAYMENTS • EASY TERMS' • GUARANTEED We have a complete stock of late model pickups and trucks that have b e en | thoroughly checked and re conditioned. BRYAN MOTOR COMPANY i “Your Friendly Ford Dealer” Highway 6 S — 415 N. Main Phone 2-1507 4 Phone 2-1898 BRYAN TEXAS LOU’S NEW BUYING PLAN I. . . We are buying books with out a spring book list -and paying the BEST prices that are available, including our five outlets. If you find that you can get more for your books drawing instruments and slide-rules after you have brought them to us, THEN come in add redeem them for Exactly what we gave You. WE like to see EVERY AGGIE get the BEST BUY. LOU gives the best price with a money-back guaran tee ... . REMEMBER: Lou is in the mm’ket for books the year round — (Books must be redeemed before Thanksgiving! Robert A; Hou?e, former assist ant librarian, has, been named act ing librarian of Cushing Memorial Library. He has already assumed his duties. Houze replaces Paul S. Ballance who resigned Oct. 30 to become public librarian for the city of Greensboro, N. C. Houze isi also in charge of the Texas Engineers’ Library. Being assistant librarian since September, Houze came from the library of the University of Texas where he was acquisitions librarian. 1 He served three from 1946-49. Bom in Buffalo, N. Y. Houze attended the East Denver high school, Denver Colo., before go ing to the University of Denver. Re ceiving his A. B. in 1940, he began work on a B. S. in library science which he completed at the same college in 1941. From 1941-42, he was order li brarian for the library of the Uni versity of Denver. After serving briefly in 1942 as veterinary li brarian at Colorado A&M College, he entered the army, serving over seas in the Mediterranean ’Tliea- ter. , Ij! Vi; Upon his return from service in 1945, Houze became he^d librarian for the Longmont Public Library. From this post he went to'the Uni* versity of Texas. Houze is a member of the Texas Library Association, American Li brarian Association and Phi Sig ma. Robbers Rob Copper CLEVELAND, OP)—Burglars let police Lt. John Mernagh’s watch dog out of his house last night then stole two of his police uni forms, a radio, a clock and silver ware. SELL WITH A BATTALION CLASSIFIED AD. 1 Rates . ./ 3^ a word per Insertion with a 25c minimum. Space rates In Classified Section i . . 60c per column Inch. 8end< all classifieds with remlt- / tance to the Student Activities Office. All ads should be turned In by 10:00 .! . da y brtor, publication; FOR SALE • ROYAli PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS, on our |ay-away plan—eaay term* Lath model rent machlpee. Typewrite^ serv ice on all make*, by typewriter special ists. Bryan Business Machine Company, 209 North Main, Bryan. Dial 2-i32£, , 1—Delta Lathe, 12’* Swing; all tools. 1—Harley Davidson Motor Cycle, Mode] 12b 1—23,oioo B.T.U. FI her Furnace ; ! I/; ; B.T.U. Floor Furnace 319 Foster Avenue, College TANDgM two hors* trailer. Make; a rea- sonable offer. Apt. 9-A, Veterans Vil lage. College. X s Ji* — y| TWO-PIECE living room suite, one year old. Wllf sell for half price. Ayt. S-A j Vet Village. I ’40 CUSHMAN SCt^OTER — Engine Jusl been overhauled. Body In excellent shape. Transmission type with sldi car. ’ Best buy anywhere. S13S.O0 P.Q Box 2654 . 609 Fairvtew Ave., College, - : PRICED TO SELL-j-Used 7 foot refrlger- ator. Apartment ! B-3-B or B-S-A. Col lege View, * A “NEW” STlNSOff 105 80 h.*. reV possession. Going for a fraction Of me chanics lien; new'fWbric, 27 hours: since major;; licensed until Heptember, ',16'5<;. $600100 cash. Will finance resbonsi-^ hie party or parlies. Nelli Blngli 223 S. Munnerlyn. Bryan. Texas. ' J—,-jib. , 4 ' ! ONE <30 00 share of stock with local op, allowing owner seven feet; of lock er space and other $rocery saving iiriv- eledges. Neill Singleton, 223 8. 0f un ' nerlyn Drive. Bryan, TexM< 1 ssH ' • MISCELLANEOUS 9 EXPERT^EWEAVlNa^OTra^rboroa. Damaged by barns, tears, moth holes Work Agnes ME GIVE your child the kind of that you would give it. | I am a Mother with three years teaching ex perience. Mrs.; Virginia Hendricks, A- If-B. College View, Box 2K3M. AND Q$T: Lady's green flow, vicinity N(>rth Gate 4-5994 or 0)6164. I _| I l earf, lil Sul; Rose Lodge No,; 1300 A. F. ;Stated meeting Thursday; Nov. m at 7:00 j.m. Ex-i j ams in all degrees Harry Boyer, W.M. N. M, Mcaijnnls, Sac -r T A A. .M, BATTALION classified He people’s market piac|e. 4.6824. f Prompt Radio Service —CeII— i Soslik’s Radio Service 712 S. Main St. f>h. 2-1941 ads T Cal T * - 2007 8. College Road; Phone 2-7120 Bryan i J LET US PROVE . bur exclusive SANITONE SERVICE is Best! | Ph. 2-8665 PERFECTO GLEANERS — r T~rx , u-r !jM' REPORT OF CONDITION OF COLLEGE STATION STATE •J. ' . ] ! - I Mi of College Station, Texas BANK V 1 I at the close of business Nov. 1,1949, a §tate banking institution organized^ and operating under the banking laws of this State and a member of the Federal Reserve System. Published in accordance with a call made by the State Banking Authorities and by the Federal Reserve Bank of this Dis trict. !; • | f' • I f T j ‘ 1 ill 1 ■ ASSETS' ; j 'I If ! i-. i Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve balance and cash items in process of collectionLl:......;...!. j $ 408,902.54 United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed 430,537.75 * t, r 14,550.00 »■»» F» •« •j 7 • f * w , a Obligations of States and political subdivisions Ut Corporate stocks (including $1950.00 stock of Federal Reserve bank) ; i Loans and discounts (Including $9,226.44 overdrafts) Bank premises owned $36,800.00, furniture and fixtu $14,975.00 . vs :» and fixtures Other assets ,. *e«*«v«**••*«( v••**i^-*«'**aaa «**t••*•«•»^*•« i!(*4tj«|t*« $ a*j|*a • |»*| l » t • « a » « j * Itir-tis ^•4a*Mraat r'a*’ • » k *l» V 1 V* •¥•*»•*: TOTAL ASHKTH • * ^ v * *;♦ NO MONEY) NO OftME jLIABILIT Demand deposits of Individuals, purtnorsbl >8, and ; COrpOfStloljiS * ;.iii,ii».ii. Time deposits of Individuals, partnerships, and Deposits of United States Government < including postal savings) 1 .......Li Deixisita of States and political subdlvialona Other deposits (certified and officera’ checks, etc. TOTAL DEPOSITS T U” ** TOTAL LIABILITIES (not including obligations shown below) ,.0. CAPITAL AdC Capital* . SlurjlluS . .4....*.. Undivided profits ..... TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAlL Common stock with total par valijM 1.950.00 455,487.00 51,775.00 2.440.00 iN» iiau.Mii j I UN I I i 1 k ' j, 1 i .$ 90M13,55 and cot^joratlohs 80,000,56 ^ j 1 1 j; iatsd 44a*w*aLi*a»*«Ks«a*a*4***«i > 1 7 LLlL j,. . UJ ii Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and other purposes J ; Jl? I, Thomas W. Lee, Cashier, of the above-named bank, hereby that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and