Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1949)
'.Uj '•f i %' ; .'V- Battalion Page 2 VIONDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1949 • • • i The Sputtering T Burst To Moral Victory Within a dozen hours Saturday our Jcapable of playing on a par with any team AP news wire changed its tune from the lin the nation. morning dispatch, of “Southern Methodist I The hopes for A&M’s football future University matches its single wing power [surged forward into the rosy pink with against Texas A&M’s sputtering T to- | the demonstration given Saturday of what day f The once beaten Mustangs are an [the Maifoon and White could do. Much of easy favorite over the downtrodden Ag- * present student body unre$t can be tied gies, victors in only one of seven games directly to our football misfortunes. For this year ...” tg the after-game roundup here football is more than a game, an Ag- lead of “Texas A&M rose from the depths gie defeat on the gridiron is regarded as of ridicule and defeat today to tie mighty a personal defeat by nearly every student. Southern Methodist 27-27.” i j f Defeat after defeat engenders an anta- Only the uninittetecl would conclude, sonife a">o”S ^ent body "So what? It was a tie." Only the most and MtUy considered conclusions are a- 1 I 1 ignorant after-game quarterback would remark “Just an upset.” , | , A&M doesn’t have an “inexperienced, suit of sophomore teim” anymore. A&M doesn’t with your team?”, we hope to achieve a have, and never did have as far as we are better balance in our thinking and regard concerned, a team that is “down and out”; things more 1 in the impersonal attitude of that has been demonstrated throughout what’s good for A&M than in the personal this season. But A&M does have a team “what’s good for me.” '• : , . ’ * ! i ,1 I. • ; ■■'] i 3500 Aggies Present Impressive Symmetry... Saturday at half-time 3500 Aggies ' each yeir, not just because one was form- stood for a few moments in the famous ed last year. Aggie “T”, then the “T” burst and like an exploding grenade its fragments flew in all directions. I The whole sequence — forming the “T”, holding it, and then the dissolution—. is an impressive sight to witness.. The “T” is in itself impressive, and simply* because The Mitoria - . ■ I ^ ■V- ■ v dopted as irrevocable policy. Now with a glimmer of better days ahead, when Ag gies wo n’t have to endure the personal in- being asked, “Say, what’s wrong Sati rday’s “T” was well formed. Lines of captess Aggies stood straight and made the fonnation possess a human symmetry that ina nimate objects so arranged would- j n’t inspire. | ‘ “T” is one of the things that is Hi it has bee^pne here annually for so long singularly A&M. The “T” is symbolic of ; it is Considered a tradition is only in- the solidarity that A&M men feel toward cidental. Its merits justify its formation one ancther. Mighty Infantry With Backbone of Steel... ■-T " i' •' | ’ i ’ • I peacetime “glorious” but Wartime “in- the arrqored - artillery - infantry combina- glorious” infantrymen shoWed top mill- tion became integrated to form a single at- tary brass and pressmen the other day tacking foyce, The Infantry School has just what the “Queen of battles” plans to presented its solution to the Army’s role do in the next war. Staged at Fort Ben- ning, Georgia, home of The Infantry School, a mock attack involving infantry, tanks, 4.2 mortars, and field artillery mov ed along a mile and a half advance, dem onstrating the tight control smd split- second 'timing required to synchronize suclj a coordinated assault. J’ . Artillery shells whistled over infantry men’s heads and burst a hundred yards ahead of the attack. Tanks chugged along side advancing infantrymen. Mottars pin- in the hext war. Ground forces are now backed by machines and armor in quan tities that make even the last war’s dough- foot feel he was alone in battle. r j j! : ( This demonstration of the Army in combat is especially important at this time when our attentions are focused on the relative parts to be p ponent ment. Will Rogers: Every invention during our lifetime has been just to save time, and time is the only commodity that every American, both rich and poor has plenty thing tiis Wil of. Half our life is spent trying to find >’ our s « vin g s O'* 1 b “y some E ood st °<* and something to do with the time we have rushed through life trying to save.” J ; ' i * “4- ; Will-Rogers: Our foreign dealings are an open book, generally:a checkbook. "t. * I Will Rogers: There is nothing as stu- ayed by com- in the national military establish- definition and coordination of their pointed hot-spots nqt silenced by the ar- separate holes during this Indian Summer tillery barrage. As infantrymen moved of peace, the United States may more ef- into newly captured positions, exploding fectively present a consolidated striking artillery shells were softening-up posi- force if and when there is another war tions ahead still held by enemy forces. a strik Profiting from blood-written lessons of our gained during the past two wars in which service ng force bent more on th0 defeat enemy than suppression of other components. pid as |in educated man if you get off the at he was educated in. Rogers: Don’t gamble. Take all till it goes up, then sell it. If it hold it don’t go up, don’t buy it. i Rogers: The United States never var or won a conference. iJ ■ .j P ij; j i 1 1 Rogers: I am not a member of Wil lost a Wil any organized party—I am a Democrat. i. lj\ The Battalion :j i 1 | -j I. •jTir "Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman" Lawrence Sullivan Ross, Founder ci Aggie Traditions 7. The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the City of College Station, Texas, is published five tihies a week and circulated every Monday through Friday afternoon, except during holidays and examination periods. Durings the summer The Bat talion is published tri-weekly on Monday, Wednesday and F’iduy. Subscription rate 14.30 per school year. Advertising rates furnished on request. ..j— „ The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and 1 ed herein. Rights of republication of all other matter hen i V Entered u «econd-claM matter at Pbat ^ Office at Collect,Station. Texaa. voder the Act of Congreas of March 8, 1870. Member of The Associated Pj )r republieation of all news dispatches p news of spontaneous origin publish- fare also reserved. News contributions may be made by telephone (4-6444 Goodwin Hall. Classified ads may be placed by telephone Office, Room 209, Goodwin Hall. BILL BILLINGSLEY, C. C. 'MUNROE.. Represented nationally by National Ad- vfertislnt Service Inc., at New York City. Chtcayo, Lot Angeles, and San Francisco. at the editorial office, Room 201, !>324) or at the Stuudent Activities Co-Editor* Clayton Setph, Lewis Burton, Otto Kunze Dave Coslett ....Managing Editors ..Fsature Editor Charles J lrkham. D&V6 COUCH . •#•###•#•# •eweeeeeeeeeeeee • * WttaUS W csusvvs Chuck Csbani*. Bill Potts Bports Co-editon Herman Gollob. •. Amusements Editor George Cl Carlton. Dean Reed, t >n Kelph. .Editorial Board Chairman r Editorial Board Bmms Kenneth Marak. Emmett Trant. Jack Brandt .. Cartoonists Martin Howard Photographer Brad Holmes, BiU Hites. Hardy Rose. Joe ST^llteto Ad vert IMng ^ Manage " K. Colville, Roger Coelett, G. F. Newton, John Tapley, Thotupson, John Whitmore .,. Feature Writers j iMVidge, Lawrence Ashburn, Jr., Emil j*p Jr.. John Drisdaie, Curtis Edwards, J. C. David Folsenlogen. Boh Lane, Bee Land- 3eb Lindheim. Brace Newton. Jack Raley. Mt ...... Bill Weldon Bunjeji Fails, rum. Dean Bob Allen, Resd, L. O. Tiedt News Writers / Harold Gann, Ralph Gorman, Frank sasesasa Sport* Writers mm ■ WWSa© t thought rm THtHOWHS V5 / i O'* S- ■ * ^ ■' / n- : T Letters To The Editor 1 1 / (All Istters to the editor which are signed by a student or employee of the college and which do not contain obscene or libeloos material will be published. Per sons wishing to have thstr names withheld from publication may request such action and these names will not, without the consent of the writer, be divulged to any persons other than the editors.) MISSING NOTES Editor, The Battalion: Thursday morning, the 4tb., I left two 15 cent spiral notebooks in the newspaper room of the library. When I returned, they had dis appeared. I know this act was un intentional and the books are worthless; however, there were some very important notes in them. Thejy were labeled Bus. 305 and Eco. 311. I would greatly appreciate it if they would be returned to my room, Dorm 7, Room 408. Carroll Davis ’51 WHERE. OH WHERE IS BRYAN 400? Editor. The Battalion: We have heard of that select grodp of Bryan girls, or rather beauties, who were to be for the exclusive dating of Aggie sen iors!; For three years we wonder ed kbout thorn, and now that we are! seniors, we arc still wonder ing! !.T ! ! | We would like to know what has become of the “Bryan 400” or 'how may we become acquainted with them or how they might meet us. Thanks you for the information we hope to get. P. S. Our address is c/o C Cavalry. Tommy Cooper ’50 Jimmy Arnst *50 Kd Balagia ’50 Brad Sweeney ’50 Vinn Mandolo '50 “Speedy Willis '50 Don Calome ’50 Webb Dean ’50 J. N. Fallis ’50 Ken Rogers ’50 i i V ’ : RICE WONT LIKE YOU Editor, The Battalion: IVe think we have the solution to i the A&M-Rice game. Bus strikes, construction strikes, steel strikes, no midnight yell practice Official Notice SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING November 5, 1#4» NOTICE—ID CARDS—Will alt students in all schools having ID Cards numbered be)ow please phone or call at the Dean of Engineering Office (phone 4-5744 or 4-S3441 at 210 Petroleum Building an4 give the name corresponding to their card hujmber. A new list will be published each day H. W. BARLOW. Dean of Engineering Will the students with the following Identification Picture Numbers please con tact flic office of the Dean of Engineer ing Office l-4Syt as soon as possible. 3, 2«, tl. 40, 63. S6, 01. 62, OS, 74, 70, H2, oa. Ill, 113, 117, 120. 115, 117. 100. 167, ISO. 1*6, 224, 230, 244, 247, 202. 203, 273. 2S7, 332, 336, 3!«, 350. 851, 356, 307, 300, 402, 410, 414, 417. 120. 422, 485, 427, 431, 430, 437, 140, 447, 452, 456. 400, 404, 171. Uttch candidate who expects to complete the requirement* for the Master s Degree at the end of the current semester should file hppliostinn for the degree with the Dean of the Graduate Hchoot and with the Kegislrur not later than December I. Dr, Ide P Trotter Dean, Graduate lichool or what have you. Let’s move the game to Kyle Field and simplify the matters, or complicate them, whichever the case might be. Charles Secrest, ’49 William H. Baker. ’46 R. Daniel Pratt, ’49 Dan H. Lucy, ’48 OPEN LETTER Editor, The Battalion: Well, Ole Army. I imagine you boys have a closed corporation on picking the “lineman of the week.” But “me” and the ole lady (my wife no less) just couldn’t resist the temptation . . . Our nomination is, who else—That fightin’ Aggie Line. And furthermore, did you SEE that new Aggie backfield? That boy Smith, Guardemal, Royalty, Tidwell—but of course if you saw the “Farmers” ploughing the field with Purina you know I could in clude the whole roster of players with no misgivings. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gould ’50 CIRCULATION QUERY Editor, The Battalion: In Wednesday’s editorial on Cow- town, you mentioned that the cir- culation of the Star-Telegram— 230,000—is “far from the largest circulation figure in the state”! Lewis R. Jarrett, ’52 -7 (Ed’s Note—The Star-Tele gram, under the same manage ment and roof, puts out a morn ing and an evening paper, both called the Star-Telegram. In dividually, neither of their edi tion s takes the circulation crown. Together, however, the Star-Telegram’s double barreled daily production makes it the state’5 largest. PALACE Bryan Z-$W NOW SHOWING J0NN VOTE ii REMNANT SALE ■ ! • w • i - Vs Price •| ' My . ./ V j LARGE ASSORTMENT Skirt, weskit, blouse lengths! DL %L lUti Main .oppe Uik-vj-: 1 , ;L l: Bryan - tV” ♦X* • v ' * - - . ic ■ ’ . . • -i; .*» -if ! \ , 1 ! f ■ f From Where I Sit TKvpyy im Where I Sit . , . ^ Carle Has A Bi^ Week-End With Two Concerts. Dance With Two Concerts, D :i r By HERMAN C. GOLLOB Those of us who weep and wail about the overwhelming boredom of an Aggie weekend have lost our causa for tears and/howls ai this psst week departed Up a glorious blase of activity whicrHiRluded the triple appearance of a big-name band, two dances, snd one of the sweetest “wins” ever scored by in Aggie team on Kyle Field. Prepping for a limited engage ment at Houston’* Shamrock, Frankie Carle and his band played “Iron Man,” appearing in two concerts and playing for a dance. Friday night the Carle aggrega tion served as Town Hall’s second presentation of the year. Person able Frankie, with the infectious smile and ingenious fingers, n a great showman, as any member of the Town Hall audience will readily attest to. Informal and affable, he quipped constantly with the boys in his band and the audience as well. At one point, Carle cleared the stage of all except his rhythm accompaniment, moved the piano up to the footlights, and played all of his past recording hits. Carle’s adroitness with the “eighty-eight” was more notice able in his jump numbers: “Margie," “Twelfth Street Ra<?.’’ “Carle Boogie,” “Rose Marie,” and “Hindustan (part of which he played while standing up. liis bands behind his back). These he played with the staccato bounce which distinguishes his style from the rash of piano playing bandleaders. On the slow side with “Sunrise Serenade,” “Roomful of Roses,” “SUrdust,” “Twilight Time," and “Rumors Are Flying," Frankie seemed to caress the keyboard. I • 0 . ; Casting Shadows November 9—Robert Shaw Cho rale; Town Hall. November 10 — E 1 s a Maxwell; Bryan Artists Series. t\ Bell’s Income on Rise ST. LOUIS, '(P* — Southwestern Bell Telephone Company’s net in come of $3,922,944 (M) for the third quarter of 1949 represented an increase of 18 per cent over the figure fo|- the corresponding period a year ago, the company reported yesterday, / ■ P^amptt TODAY & TUESDAY , !< ' 'it • | ' —Features Start— 1:45 - 3:50 - 5:55 - 8:00 - 10:00 FIRST TEXAS SHOWING Midniglit girl ii a. niie o’clock torn! Bette Davis Joseph Cotteh BiYDNDnFOMSfl j UteMuitBMClWCMamdticSiiteaai 1 i MHD NUI ■ Don MMMm JNGvioOR hcmSy&W ^ — Plus — CARTOON . • iVj. cadent! and te too frequently In thest, e them a bit too rich for 1. With the exception or Serenade," a Carle For us, he used the grace note and made our blopd. his “Sunrise gem. -j Frankie's band is ! adequate, nothing to engafc in wild- adulations over. Like Carl does best by the “Fast the brass section being too strl- deni to get foil effect from the dream numbers. A novelty ; ar rangement of brought down t^e boose. j bl Vocalist Marjorie Hughes, Carle’* daughter, elicited whistle* and howls of approval when she warbl ed “Oh What It Seemed to !Be,” “You Told A Lie,” and “The Chick Who Sings With the Band.” 1 j Saturday night Carle gave a non-Town Hall concert in Gpion, theh played for an All-College dance at Sbisa, where the liigw before Curly Broyles and his band had furnished the music for; the ABC ball, a most successful affair , h } I - ' ! afternoon had -aturday afteraeon had j of course ;seen a lucky SMU efeyeii out a 27-27 tic with the n«v- er T say-die Aggies. Watching Bob Smith go againat plht- d John Champion! of the Mistangs brought ^ ri<« of high wnmy 'Mivt-wmiimEi \ ; LAST BAY “We Were Strangers’ 1 i.TTH'' JENNIFER JONES JOHN UAF1ELD j 'iI ■ ii '"It : Tl ES & WEDNESDAV “Kiss in The ] Dark” til ! rlwtth— DAVID NIVEN JANE WYMAN t it in . I — T~n „ H ! : ; rkplugs of Ii School dis- the two were great Lamar trlct champion Another fruitful week in the wi of entertainment js upon us. W night ToWn Hall brings Shaw chorale to the sta •t 7 [111 tful week nt is upon 'own Hall chorale to of Qtjrion Hall. Concerning the singing ensemble, Oscar Smith of the Akron Bi-m-on Journal saidi “With the skill of, a chemist wht ingredients to g4 Shaw hqi blends various ingredients the tfesired mixture, Shi d the voices of the younu Rd women of his group.” On Thufadsy evening party iver Elsa Maxwell will ,appeal a the second guest of the 1 Bryar trtlsts Series. }We hope to pick V giver Else Maxwell as A|wm »««•««• .iW|P«r vu |»-vw from Elsa a few choice words >w to throw d: ty in Houstodi advice on helliiva good this weekend. [ i it Capitol has manufactured a gold mine in the new Jo Staftyrd-Goti- don McRae receding of all the famous Christmas carols. The joyt ful exuberance and majestic ar hallpwod solemnity of the sei have been captured beautifully ky the :duo. | I ^ V Last Day "it- Coming— TCES. & WEDNESDAY “Gir| From Manhattan” -uL Emerson Was f e e e i i ! !l i id f T l v]l;| .[ . tj|_ •• s “If a man ;.. . built k bettor mousetrap than his neighbor,” he said, “though he build his house in the woods, the World will make a “ r ; ; n F \ 1 beaten path to his .door.” I . f •i t Evidently he ’ i I . ; , i' I advertising. ' ; had never heard of i l! i l- ■ i j'L r 1 * r' '' ' ' I ' I His hero wouldn’t find the world at ; I i ;! . j j rr his door unless he let the world i r know what he has to offer. . i It may not be mouse traps which you have but trie;!world—well part of it-r-will beat a path to your door if you advertise in. rii T The Battalion — In BraM County ■nu' JlLi a:> Twice the Circulation of Any Ncw« ; I-: ■ "f ii [>a[>cr - r-a ' CoUege vmiege fe. •• I- ■ I '■I:’-' Trading Post Lilikk -.)• IL : : ! j ;W' wU ■ .4.: a - 1