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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1949)
- ' (f:" v 1 ■ , -h 1 i i-f J #. A ■ Redskin, Still on Warpath Lamar’s Gi t Rapid Ra By FRANK SURMRN, JR. Grid fans called the big line cracker “Rapid Robert” in high school becauseJie was so fast; today the former school boy star is just fast and is gaining a reputation as one of the Southwest’s most powerful backs. The full back referred to is Robert Smith, Lamar’s outstandingi Jialfback of three years" ago, : whoi is. currently pacing " the confer ence runners with a record of 410 yards bn 86 carries. Rob has aver aged 4.8 yards per carry and has accounted for almost 58% of the Ag ground yardage. 1 Smith, who was offered scholar* ships to Tulane, L8U, Rice, Baylor, Texas, and 8MU and had an ap pointment to West Point, says that the spirit at Agyit'land attracted him. ; The lt>2.poundUL, admits, though, that he was u victim of the well organ Used Aggie-Ex Club of Hous* -ton, The Exes consistently kept after him before and after he com pleted his high school eligibility with the two-time district cham pions of Houston, Lamar. « SMI! Almost Nabbed Him The young gridster also ^dmita that ho came pretty close to accept ing a scholarship to SMU with his Lamar backfield mate' John CpaMjrton. iWhcn asked what he thought of Champion 1 , Bob quickly said. "He’s damn good^ought to burn the con ference up next year when the Mustang seniors.leave." The inter view took place before the Rice- SMU game, so for the interest of the readers, Champion compiled an average of over 10 yards per try against the Mustangs’ toughest opponent in three years. Smith feels, along with room mate Jim Dobbyn, that the Cadets havB the best cbaching" staff in the Southwest Conference. Bob’s' folks ’ are now farming just outside of Dallas, but when • asked where he considers his home he remarked without hesitation— "I’m from Houston^” Teammates Went to Rice “Most of the boys I went to higbi school with arje now at Rice,” said Smith, "that’s why I would especially like to beat them.” The husky back had not plqyed against any of his old high school team mates until last Saturday when, he faced soihe of "them in the Bay lor game. ‘ J , f \ . Coach Dick Jodd 34>'.s that he wants ta use Bob on both the of- 4' - I _ || fense and defense as s Houstonite’s shoulder enough to d< so. Smith’s shoulder injury consists [of some: ligaments pulled out of ri l 3fr i ii£ h „r eck ’ tathew i Smith, as you may remember, wai out of practice for a week with thi shoulder injury before the Villanovi kl’-i h ■ ■ ' 1 m ■«? M ir.; m .■ -L B attalio P 0 R 1 * ^ TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25, n ] i says that he didn’t have much ; chance,^to do anything in high school bufOhm, since Champ ion took care of all the -passing, kicking and ball handling duties of thej team. * Thai two all-district performers led thbir team to a district champ ionship in ’46 and advanced to the state [semi-finals where they lost to Thomas Jefferson of San An tonio. Kyle Rote and Tuck Chapin were on the Alamo City squad that year land both played a part in the dose, hard fought contest, i | Redskin Led Scoring “Rapid Robert" was high point man ;ifor the city in ’46 with end 1949 r t Page 3 Billy Wright jess Smith many l (mi i score no Wright of Milby second. B iMlTH game, and; only in the TleClk ok part in four plays ini that tilt, carrying the ball once fo| six yaids. , Sijjjith Topped Runners Despite this fact he still led the conference ball carriers the week before the TCU ftay? Another factor to takje into- con sideration is the fact that when Bob made 214 yards in 31 carries is now ' ’ g gUard on Ne+ly'a Rice aggregation, couldn’t remember just how pointa he made, hut reported He had plenty of chancea to bocaune the Rednklna wero potent | that year. Both Lamar ladn, Champion and Smith, along with Billy Wright were placed on Houaton'n ull-uja- tilct loam, with Champion making 1 honorable mention all state. ,i Scholastically Ineligible last I year, Smith played on the "B" [team., Says Bob, “I learned more playirjg ball against the varsity than 1 ever could with the fresh man team.” Apparently the year lay off resulted in rapid improve ment'for the big fullback. Coach Stiteltr watched Smith closely while; working with him last year, so thi 1 head mentor had first hand information on the former Lamar Star, i -'.! Houstonian Is Trackman Not only is Harry Stiteler glad about Smith enrolling at A&M, but ! head game, he hkd to carry j the mlove. the bait with bis left hapd clutched ! Sm up agiulnst his left Shoulder to | put, avert further injury, j -4'j ‘Colonel Attdy” Anderson, track coach, |is happy over i th will compete in ithe shot javelin, and discus [ on the (See SMITH, Page 14) Infantry Basketball Teams Show Power; Handball Starts On tjie Intramural basketball courts Wednesday, F Flight skipned by a 115-14 Win over a hard fighting eleven from B Infantry. Outstanding player of the match was high point manlof the Air Force team, Leonard who set the pace by smooth ball handling and shooting. A fligjht vras swampejil by a pow-f . . _ _ urn ^ ^ erful E !Infantry fiVe f7-3 in one of the inmost one sided matches tlhe yeat • In their first game »r ‘ " Baylor - A&M 1 Statisties Baylor texa^ a&m' IS . First Downs > 7 M3 Yards Gained Rushing 135 36 Yards Lost Rushing 9 127 Net Yords Galnd Rush, 126 188 Yards Gained Passing 40 22 Passes Attempted 6 U Passes Completed ' 2 2 - Passes Inteircepted By 3 86 Yds. Interceptions Returned 2 l)3.2 Pont Average 39.4 8 No. of Punts , , 10 40 Pongltlea (Yds.) 20 1 Opp, jhimbles Recvd Hy h 0 Fumbles 3 DSC l» BOOKS H*- |»:i\ )h»> luuhrsl uriirs lor l -t-d Hooks We maintain wholesale ami retail lists tin- year ‘round. (.ft oi k i‘Ki< f;s ni loki; sm.i jst, thk i;\( ii\m;i; stohiv "Ser\inu Texas A-^ies" r of the yeai. In A Flight looked strong but were almost hapUss in the hpnds, of the Infantry teiun. BUI Barber was high point nan for the victors as well us. the match with sever) points. | , S mop thi ball handler. A. B. Harris paced the high scoriicg A Chem -team to a 26-16 win over C Field'. Outstanding player for the Artillery feanii was a toss-up between Trcky J. v l). Hinton and Hayeai On tl)ie Tennis counts, C Aiv Force dbwhed a hard fighting A Otjdnance team 2-1. The (; Flight vl( tory was led by u powerful eoup- le.lj of Steve Dardiganiiiii and Lam* nr Walker. \ Infamfy Takes Tennis Lead A Infantry showed they still had the tennis niateriajl that took them jso far last year jin downing a goojd D Field Artillery team 3-0. Abe i Gorman and Jack Prince paced the victori. Nance and Thonas led E Infantry to a I decisive vi Cedric Copeland (84), 176-pound end from Waco* Is playing his, second year on the varsity. As a sophomore last fall Copeland was named one of the outstanding sophs in the country and made honorable mention on the United Press all-conference team. T Baylor, Rice Hold Top Ten Ratings, Williamson Says ■ii f v m . jpmston Chronicle Editor To Address QB Club Baylor Among Nine Unbeaten College Teams New York, Oct. 24 13P)—Nine teams held the thinning line of major unbeaten—untied college football forces today, but the cas ualty rate is getting terrific. The season may 1 be lucky to squeeze through with as many perfect elevens ns last year yvhen Michigan, California and Clemson alone closed out with spotless es cutcheons. California fell later in a bowl game. Notre Dame and Army, the coun try’s two top-ranking powera, up- P#ar good bets to survive the lust six weeks ami fourth-place Oklaho ma may extend Its string, ' But the other untarnished teams 4-Citlifornla, Cornell, Baylor, Pbnnsylvnnla, Boston U, and .Vir ginia- havu rough sea* ahead, Baylor bus yet to meet the Southwest Titans—Texan, Mouth* *rn Methodist and RlCe. Four teams with nothing but big, fat victories took a tumble Sat- uirdajy in the most violent reversal of form this season. Nprth Carolina, Minnesota, Ken- ttidky and Pittsburgh went down With a thump. Y UIT LSU Strikes N € North Carolina was stunned ly Louisiana State iin a night gan e at Baton Rouge,! 13-7. Minnesota’s Cophers, already eyeing the Rose Bowl, were trim med by Michigan’s defending na tional champions who bounced back from two straight, 14-7. Bear Bryant’s Kentucky, 1 riding Freeman, is the official speake The .'!! * as Matty Denies •Win for BY HAROLD V. RA Dallas, Oct. have been a awe day that Southe one for the Doaker. All the ingredients (JP). story Meth 7. Would say-j; ,o- t f’ajonj . 4 ^re jthare for cooking up ope of those drama tic tale* Whereby a football game waa dedicated to its greatest siar‘ who couldn’t jtlay. Anti that would haVe’ book tjho' story If Coach Matty Hoi had 1’t stolipod in. AILAmorlca Uttak Walker goiiiig to miss thii first gamie t>t colloge career because of There was a meeting of the [8 squad lasl. Wednesday! dh<d dky! Walker wont to a hospital, It tviuj a and no J ope *knbw secret meeting r ..„ what wont on, not oVeft t , The assumption was that: AM boys were pledging thoy’d win this game tho victory that was Sorely needed to build up flagging Kplrjts —aa a tribuuto to Wnlkpr. The tip- Opponent Waa Mighty KenttR'ky Friday—the day bcfoiieith^ Kon* tucky game Bell blasted ai the press for carrying such a isilorf.ij! He snapped: "It isn’t truq that the boys dedicated thy game to Walker. Captaii) Dick McHissack’ told me they didn’t. The meeting urn-j s\r\ n 1 i Ir /1 ds'iitn/l <-»l /1 oi ■’na. 1*. *• I» m ■ r 1^ ll listen Chronicle, ie sixth meeting Thursday night second and greatest year, dbM itself well in attaining i ■* ^tera so well known as IP l I, I ' ' ’ The honored guest has achieved OMSMM id deserving recog- that he great success nition n the ]15 years has beta associated with Chronicle, with Ne the top; writ els on activiUea sports world) , Wihnjera o^ last week’s , tho winner «*>ntost” are ,Tbe present Thursday nigh celve their plfxes. If for son, a jwinnei! is ahsent, the prison will be awnr(H*d to the person who turned in theHmext best unswul The krueMiing contest will Icon tinue again jthls week with U sponsoits aga^n offering prises for the best giieSsers on the outcomd Of gamjBs in which Southwest Con ference h ams play next Saturday. ' ht sponsors who are rises each wiusk arei an of thf Kirst N*» C. Holla rdf of Ho- MMer of Thi mnevo contrlbjjting Tmvls M. Hr] tlonnl Hank, lard’s C’ltfetel Grlnasd.r Kim Music Co, J< Auto Supply 1 a, C. g. Grin ric Co;, J. J. Peters Faulk j of Lack’s was one like tljc slquad week—a pep talk. McKissack t0li_ them they hadp-t been blkyijig thp football they were capable-ofi l a five-game winning streak, lost! f? 8 ** 11 A he , p f. ss [ "\ aki ;^. f 8 ^ 1 ! to Southern Methodist, 20-7, and 1 c Se , ^°i yS l • i Pittsburgh slipped up against a ^ hr f^ 1 were today; that BY FRANK SIMMEN i is par tiy of due to a readjustment . , I l . . . ( oi Tulaq^’s squeak by 14-6 over Again. P&ul B. W ilhamson in his j Auburn statistical ratings places two! Oklahoma takes over fourth Southwest Conference teams among p] acei 0 ne jump higher than last the top) ten of the nation, but this tirhe its Baylor and Rice in stead ofjthe Bears and Longhorns. Baylolr, ranked in the number five week. The Sooners, who ran dp a score ir) the forties over Nebraska took oyer Minnesota’s while tjhe Boilermakers in thb remaining the On Field score day. the flag and B Ca\ ess end but took the win wit! i, 1 . t l . ’■17; I K > /■ ♦ m i ! -V : 4 IHt I'.SUING ui.J tlUNHNt; (tUB' Mff IN''- 1 "r ■ .* .7 ^ »■ i;: ■ , ; ally. excel both negeft Both teams lucked the dory over ATC, tennis match of football field, A airy fought to. a the Cavalry tddm one 20 yard fttin- showed they had; ent defens vo teams, b u,t spot \behind Army, Notre Dame, i ( j own d, the ninth position. Oklahoma, and California, is still California, ranked last week leading! the Southwest conference | number as far i as Williamson is concern- fourth ed. The Bears to date have racked i j n fifth up wins against South | Carolina, (gum w Mississfppi State, Arkansas, Texas I Champ Tech, ahd A&M. | in the Last week the Bears were in thi*! Rj co number! eight position, after tary to score Btihson craahc lone TD for B C the Win over B offensive power d; over for the oast to give them gMC. Hink and Dougins were outstanding players for tjhe Quartermaster elovtMi, 11 jAlr Force took the nod over B Composite by ponelutlons after knocking the Composites over the U . I1 VJ'‘' J field but lacked the punch to score. Higdjui and Hill led the victors hy outstanding offensive and de fensive play. E Flight Wins Again E Flight <von on penetrations over E Vet after both teams fought to aj]6-6 tie. Both tegms had one twenty yard penetration but K Flight had two 40 yard penetrations to onje for the losers. F B;[Field won pver the Senior Compjany in their Opening hofse- shoes match. Hampton and McMa han led B Athletics to a 2*1 win over D Vet. B Vets won over A Composite 2*1 \jnth the outstanding play of Gfeorge Hartwell and Albert Con- dtfon. Clajyton and Sayfath led A Vets 2-1 victory over A Coast. C Cavalry took the nod over E Flight by a forfeit. Op ;n handball sjipa are now out to tl e entrants and games must be pi eyed on or before the date on the ejards. It is up to the players to schedule their own matches as long hs it is within the limit on the cards,. . Tb s outcome of all matches shall be reported to Intramural Office before the deadline or shall be considered as forfeits. Texas 11. who held down seventh place, Now the Horn* by virtue of thoir lol*» to the Owls arc down the list at | thirteen. Rice lumped from the 24th. posi* tiori to] within the top ten. Thy Owls, ijontlnuing their winning ways aic now in thr eighth spot in the ijiational ratings. tliiNlung* Jump (Ip who, all hough without the of their All-Americun hulf- Djoak Walker, outpointed a avored Kentucky eleven ih jumped into the eleventh) rise of 18 over last week, | spffering Uydr worse com defeat In over ten years, behind the Mustangs, in SMU buck Highly Dallas, spot, a after ference Right In It) yeat did a of "ho thump ipoi Thi hy the except! were fired-up Indiana team, 48-14. These upsets promised an up- heavhl in the Nation’s first ten, which will be determined by an Associated Press vote today. Minnesota Drops Minnesota had ranked third in the last weekly standings with North j Carolina sixth and Kentucky) sev enth. Notre Dome was idle last weekJ Army, which overwhelmed Col- | umbia 63-6, should enjoy another touchdown parade against Virginia ! Military Institute. Unbeaten Penn entertains Pittsburgh., i Michigan will meet Illinois at P 0 .. lor ] Champaign in a game that should slipped unrave i the confused west ern conference race. The best games in the south send Mississippi State against Tulane, Tennessee against North Carolina and Duke against Georgia Tech. Texas. Indication: Walker won’t bt in the line-iup for that one eitper. He’s having fever again, his throat’s so sore he cptijt eat like he jwaats. to. Ladder Truck Burns, Providence, R. 1., WPl—Liidd in sixth place, at present in position followed by Baylor Pennsylvania, sixth, Mjch-1 ana u UKe against ueorgn 10 meets underdog Illinois in Texa8 v .s. Southern Methodist is ttgn this week, is ranked, the Southwest headliner. seventh position. | Oklahoma has Iowa State next on bolds down the. eighth with iK tl nu . en( i., Minnesbta and Southern Caliifor- | * ‘ nia roupding out the top ten. no other week during the m of the Williamson system relatively greater number pelcss" teams rise up to down their prospective grid opponents. lero Were quite a lot of picks system that could lie called .mul, among those included VrkHnsnH over Vanderbilt, Fordhntn over Syracuse, TCU ov er MlNii)s*lppi, and Wyoming over Utah. llliii|oia Pull* Freak Again "lllii >is’ Fighting Illini’’, again went against the word of the ex perts ip rolling .over Purdue. Ill* inois; tanked in the second divi- 19th. plpce is Atkaims. The Pork}-tsion of the Big Ten, meets i>owerful ers, undetdogs against Vanderbilt, Michigan this week. (RTB) Came (through with a win. \ The results of three of the lead- Next. among SWC contenders * n R games also confounded the ex- is TCLj who at present is in the perts. Michigan 14, Minnesota 7; 38th. place, after skimming by SMU 20, Kentucky 7; and LSU 13, Mississippi in a free for all scor- North Carolina 7. A&M Ex Complete* Masters in Colorado B. €. Doggctt, instructor jn the Engineering Drawing Department, Xpent the summer at Fort Collin*, Colo., finishing work on his Mas- tor’s degree. T-*- • j '■Hjl r 17; 7: ing affair. The (Aggies, who Were ranged in 62nd. sjtot last week, are now lodged in number 68. , This; week Texas meets SMU in Dallasj Williamson picks the Mus- jtangs jto take this one bjy a slim ! inargil). He also chooses Arkansas | bver the Aggies along with Rice 1 over Texas Tech and Baylor over j TCU i|n the expected close game of the week, .j Army Leads Nation Getting back to the top ten we find Ajrmy is now lodged in the number one spot with Notre Dame second.! Powerful Army, who rah wild oVer Harvard took over the leadership from the idle Fighting Irish. The last, so Williamson says Major games involved teams rated at 78.0 or above. The top ten teams of the nation in order include: 1. Army 2. Notre Dame 3. Oklahoma 4. California . 5. Baylor 6. Pennsylvania 7. Michigan U. 8. Rice 9. Minnesota 10. Southern Calofornia. .* j H i /ii h'I: VICTORY PIPE CRAFTSM1 i : ' I .b LARGEST PIPE REPAIR CO. IN AMERICA WE MAKE YOUR PIPE LIKE NEW EXPERT WORKMANSHIP ON BRIAR PIPES KAYWOODIE - CUSTOMBILT - SASSIENI DUNHILL - BARUNG & CELLINI PIPES EXPERTS ON MEERSCHAUM Ml ■ ./ Manufacturer* of Cellini Pipe* Pipe* Made to Order • ! .' • ' *•': ' '• |i / •' ; •i' i ■' i • Shaw New Addition To Ag. Education Dept. Professor B. B. Shaw, former) vocational agriculture teacher at Belton, Texas, is the newest addi tion to the staff of the Agiicul-* tural Education Department. Shaw received his B. S. degree from Mississippi State in 1985. In; the summer of 1942, he received his master of education degree from A&M. / ns Company 10 \yill be a long living this one.down: On a practice run to \Vayla id Square to stage a demonstration in connection with Fire Preyenti Week, a battery cable short c cuit set the truck on fire. 7—# 33 id i 1 it •#*V S '-A (HARLEY MCDONALD Cadet Defensive Safety UNDERWOOD i TYPEWRITERS ; SUNDSTRAND ADDING • / MACHINES ’ | 15% Discount on Portables ■ i ■! C. M. WRIGHT W.S.D. Clothiers PHONE 2-1475 Bryan, Texas “Fine - Great - Super’’ I That’s the Service : f ■ ' ; i. CAMPUS CLEANERS (Over The Exchange Store) y • ; i ; •I i piy| Charlie Forrerl of . Trlanjf e Drlle-Inn, Parket-Aatln^; Hardware CA, W. ,8. D. Cloth- ; lore, Alcxitiijiler-Bcul Ihsurancu Co., OhnHle Cade of thle. Bryan Motor po., an| The Battalion. To miter pen-sons shoulq clip the entry blank from the Quarterback , , Club page Itj Thursday’ii, edition j 1 of the Battalion or obtair froin.t ne of ^he sponsor*] i d i All entries ihoula be turned ‘ The Battalion] Sporis desk by m. Friday. Eptriei mailed si be postmarkeil by tha^ time. Guesses ar4 on games in SWC teams play this weeg-em lltion bUnk : m Vfbich and should! be placed ontthe entby blanks in thi: A&M vis. ARKANSAS RICE Is. TEXAS TEC TFXAS vs.vSMU TCU xs. BAYLOR •f Cuemen Kick Flowers, Gorman apd Girouard Jan es H. Flowers was ck president at vie Thursday mcctii I of th'4 A&Mi ! zell Hall, j Ral ph Gor | were sleeted 1 retary, regf Jilliards Club in m and J. C. tiiroudfrd- Ice president and ctively. -r •f! * Annoiincing The NEW STUDENT! FACftTY DIRtTORT COMPLETE INFORMATION <J)N f STUDENTS INCLUDE?]*j v I , ! lege Subject COMPLETE INFOR^iTION ON STAFF & FACUUrr BUYERS GUIDE ON LOCAL :fcur Copy cp I the cou . ^«« w clt noNs. i ^.sua^T,™. liegv r - - - - ■OT +•' «». b , Student Publications , Texas A&M College ! . College Station Texai ] ti,; Enclosed is $LJj of The New 1949*5( 'Name ' A ! City, i . I )■ llii ,• .!), i y j,-/ r . l. ^ • ! 77. ■5 i • r; " ^ordered. -our name directory tjc*. i Sim * >er copy r y fd Studen BUS New 'W to &M College lose 50 cent Telephone address, be delivered to the delivery boy brings them - - - "i - ; i r .. ...... t Faculty ■' 1: ' State. the , l i i . J -i ' ..i i ■ ]; 7 .