Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1949)
’. l I ■ V ! V -FISH- L (Continued, from Pajfc fi) or of the mnny A&M fumbles nml another movory by the alert Coy- otM. Weathei-ford tried run mined two; Hu*b «nd Qan.or $ ~ up the runner. Second down the Weatherford team quick ) out on their own 45, im aftnln the man under and - ROUNDIN’ - (Continued from Pam 5) .r liuied squad would seem to be In the carda. ' i r . : ILindy Retry (iOecn't seem like the type pigskin wrangler who :wo week* in a row with* would go two out turning In some spectacular/ work—and we will be more than glad to see him have his top per* formance this week rather than next Oklahoma 27, Texas 14 •• . •; ! /• Too much experience will mean the end of the Steer glory road that so far has been paved with wiiia over weak opponents. Not that we consider TU weak, but the Sopners xrb undoubtedly one of the top combinations in the coun try. ; ; ^ We agree with the statement some football sage,cast to the winds ‘ to the effect that playing weak elevens would not reveal a team’s flaw—only a strong opponent could) do that. SO we feel that- Long horn weaknesses that might have > been corrected if exposed by p stronger foes can not have been corrected yet A&M 20, LSU 14 Our feelings may have entered into this decision, but we do be lieve that If the Cadets can repeat last week’s fine play against the Tigers, the SWC will stand all even at a win and a loss with the Southeastern loop team. ’ The praise the Ags received from sports writers at the OU .4 game and the remark* of Sooner | coach Wilkinson reveal that our troops are improving by leas* , and bounds—as we all thougnt they-would. If further improve ment is made this week and a win results — lookout, conference, there’s a boss pistol not a cap gun here In Aggieland. I Magouiric, in field for a p< fie high and : -r' ; thelaS in the ficlcfj to bteck span out of tackier, bulled : h three more, ovu and crosceu th< for the first T . Twolro minu th* first qua , kicked the flmt j of point* and A AM wum Hooper kickeid-off f< and Stewart ran the the 23. Three; plays b| ot«* i lost one yard, and 11 and Weatherfi Carl Menger deep'In ry. Behind terrific hi ger moved out; to the ajmeurrent clippini against the Fish mov back to no. ,1 Menger unddr caririM and Trojcak r"-*" u - 1 Firs^t and a again the Wee covered on the _ ford made twei yards nihg plays and the fijrst ended. Weatherford tried wo both incomplete and the b over to the Fish on downs. |W|e$| ger still the roan undj?r, gavel '(j Weisinger who made it: to th Weatherford 46. Bently carrid next and made it a first down dn the 34. Rubs by Prew t and ^ en ^ ly and fine blocking by the whole forward wall nioved the ball io the ten and another fil st. A pen alty set the ball back five. Tie hi • | m had elal Darrowj goal.' Lar.g- oko up several s and Weather* on third down to their 18 be- Weatherford I the extrs Mngoulrk made i'Is terrific nml Mngvuirk fumbled, dfil recovered. uUt| on uAnMSfg raves! pitched a (TD pass to Saxe ut AAM was piiiallsed 5 for be* ng in notion. Hp made the goal again n two bruising trios, but again A&M wu* penalized 5 for be? ing offflido. 4 Li *‘*s to Saxe and several line by Hill made it first and blocking. HtU the spark and ovat for the first score. Darla kicked poih 1 * i ! ' I i || • I II A&M made yards up the middle after receiving the kick but . > 1 were forced to ki< to thjs Wen the -fc the ball died. So Ags fumbled b)ut Trojcak recovei on the 18. Prewit took ,104 hsj] off and bulled ;his way to the three yard line. On the next play Tvdj- cak plowed ovtohfor another sco Hooper made It 14-0 with) anot er clean kick.; Three hunq^ elapsed In the: second ^juarwr. Throughout the remainder! 1 pf quarter, the teams see-sav and down the field with neit team able to push thp ball ;ovpr | double stripe. Tho half cpded leading, 14-Q. ] f .. Second Half Weatherfoid kicked; and A made some 18 yards hi fqut , { p: rtUg down, I Fprced kick on fourth down, Hill boote before slowing down. — LUCKI Hill then third score 45 seconds the goal, over for the prlth f ve minutes and left |n the third quarter. Hoop er’s tjry for point Was good. Score: Ags 21—Coyotes! 0. Weatherford took the kickoff and tried I severail pass plays, fi nally; beinjg forced to kick to the A&M 20. ! Two pflays Iqter Weath erford covered another A&M fum- HiU kicked eight Where Little broke on a third dowftf ihtiHvcpied and the! 1 yard lino. til fumbled on first duwi and Weatherford recovered It gain. Gtaves inturccjptcd on tho \i and rsed his field; Itwtce to Hcore standing up. Hot>p«r!s kick jnmde our straight PAT’t. catherford passed and ||afi fol two first downs befon stiffened ami held. Tl, kicked and Mittgvr returned to 20. Three plays and a penal later the Fish tumbled' and Weatli* erfprd recovered' Oh the 18. lit ' VCW-NlTT-D OTATtfi THATAWAV—BUT, IT’S 'OJlTt A SWIM MM AUS TRALIA. MAIfVT VO' y-** AgK.-CRKO VO'U. J | l»T WONGPeY? ABNER ‘ Company Comln* Hass intercepted a secomi down mss and returned It to th» 30. Weatherford retaliated with i n in* ble on the A&M 16. "A run and a penalty against the Fish put the ball, on the 2 whore Stewart bulled -ATOMIC- (Continued from Page 1) mac from! the Atomic Energy Commis- ¥ Ision will be used ijo buy instruments for pleasuring thie radio-active iso topes; Undi for salaries of laboratory technicians, Dr. Reiser said, A&M already has most of the facilities needed; The experiments will run fo^ three |toj five years, Dr. Reiser said/adding that additional grants will be received from the AEC from Weatherford retaliated with terception and seemed destined for a score as the ball carrier jrok* into the open, but Charlie Saxe catbe up fast from behindhand the tackle on the 30. Hooper tried several pass* little gain and on fourth do am a fake kick and pass was incomplete and Weatherford took over on the 48.. Stewart tried one incomplete pass and then hit McCauley for p { TD. The try for jpoint was ed. j . Menger received the kicko the 10 and made k nice run hut to the 48 as the game ended. The final score: A&M Freshmen 28—Weatherford J.C. 13. HFtv million or DOLLARS WARNTTl -IT WERE FIFTV MILLION MlZZUfiLt u’LCRfmeAo.r 'siisLi r c£rrro«? *j2a1>4 ooroNt- Mt/r. \f ' ' tjE: m r >/£ What’s Cooking - BERRY - time] tb time until the completion " e experiment Experiment RcauIU Questions which Dr. Reiser be- GAME AT A GLANCE A&M . ! ! ,, ‘j j 15 Fh-S;t dptvns 251.. ..; Yards nishing 7.. . Yards lost rushing j. EL PASO CLUB, Friday, Octo ber 7, 3i-d floor, Academic Build- ing. !| LAREDO CLUB, Friday, Octo ber 7, J:30 p. m„ room 126, Aca demic Building. Dance plans will be discussed- (Continued from Page 5) Cotton, Bowl. A futy-tifty split between line man and backs existed on |th lieves will be answered by the re- 244 Tptal yards rushing suits! of the experiment will be 11C.. auch as: Why can .a cow put on hard 21- fat yihilcf a hog on the same feed 9 ... will (produce soft fat? Why do l4.... somej animals store more fat than 22.. others i? How do animals transpose their fat 7 Thie Physics Department will co- crato with tho experiment sta- ion ! irt carrying out these exper- 77.. Yards gained passing .. Passes attempted Passes completed j- Passes intercepted by Yards punts returned. Fumbles ........j.. Fumbles recovered by No. penalities 4- LATIN AMERICAN CLUB, Fri day, October 7, 715 p. m., assembly room, YMCA. Election of officers. .Oc tober AGGIE SQUARES; Friday, ( >ber t. 7:30 p.m., The Grove* operatO with the experiment sta- 106 Yards penalized ..;.i 51 — .... - 1 1 "" Yanis kickoffa returned ...flo 1 rerryii _ imonts, Dr. Reiser concluded. [14 No. punt* AIEB & IRE, Tuesday, October 11, after Yell Practice. SADDLE AND SIRLOIN CLUB, Tuesday, October 11, 7:30 p. m., Committees meeting, AI lecture loom. ! the liat of Bob Seaman of The Daily Tex an. Halfbacks Randall Clay and Byron Townsend, center Dick Row an, and end Ray Stone were named. For the Temple game Clay, full back Lew Levine, and guard Bud McF&din were listed. Howard Martin of The Rico Thresher sent in the names of Gerald Weatherly, center, and Son ny: Wyatt, ^halfback, for the Owls’ clash with LSU. Jim Hale and Bob Burke, co-sports editors of The Baylor Daily Lariat, were passed ttall Page 6 hKLL with a battalion CLaSSIFIEL AD. RstM Sc * word ptr (iismio with a 25c minimum Space rat** li ClMslfied Section 60c per eolumi inch Send all elsapifteda wlthj remit tane* to the Student Activate* Offlc» AU ad* ahould be turned lu uj into, e m of the da> before publlratir MT DAY I football j Haylor Daily Lanat, were passed with the perfomance* in the Miss- MpPi of quarterback Ad 1 * • FOR RENT COMPORTABLR furnUhed Jolnlnx >ath. Ilnerui furnlili •ATTBNTlf ' r MY MORE rian Burk, fullback Prank'Boyd* stun, tackle Steve Dowden, guard Don Mouser, end J. D. Ison, and lialfback Buddy Parker. pu« pr«f« Iroom. . ticur eator or sraduSU 1 " TeMphona <-0781. Ad- eam- udaot - INTRAMURAL - TWO RF.DKOOMH on Pun l|p«; (in* prlvat* bath. 2010 Ca|l*n* Hoad, ephone 8•«»<).V J (Continued from Page 4) TABLU TOl» ga* run**, lion, |M. Ned Johit»on. at., ap< a. - ‘ with T*l- iWl l(wtt' J two Kiel 4-tM4 WANTKI* CRTS ll U for A AM * for AAM - T.C.l’. gitiu*. for AAM • Ulce gnme. 0*11 ween H and 0 p,m. L. V 1 ilerit *)oadl-i Stttlij to give you g finer cigareth u hard fought 11*7 victory over I Flight, Top scorer for th# I Flight team was Morris with three points. FOUR RQOM furnUhod Imu**, Lwated). on Jan* Mr*«t. Con*g* Station, ESI 75 ft. by *0 ft. So* owner, fTiJoctc! IfouM J4-D. : • -j ” Yes, at tobacco auctions Uidqf than official parity prices for ike pays millions of dollars more X : There’s no iiner cigarette in the world tod? than Lucky. Strikel To bring: you this fine cigarette, the makers of Lucky Strike after fine, light, naturally mild tobacco—o I A’.' pay millions of dollars more than official parity prices to get it! So buy a carton of Luckies today. See foi* yourself how much finer and smoother Luckies really are—h( much more real deep 7 down smoking enjoy ment they give you. Yes, smoke a Lucky! f % r It’s a finer, milder, more enjoykble cigarett ) ' CURTIS A. WALKER, I'eteran indipendent icare* houseman of Wendell* N. C., saySeason aftc season, I’ve seen the makers of Luckies buy tint tobacco.. .. tobacco that makes a mild smoke I’ve smoked Luckies myself for 20 years. "Hire* i more evidence that Luckies are a finer cigar b- i-* % '} \ A : .ut * -t V'c I -v.4 ; ' yi '-'k ” 1,> ; iml Hit -f; 1P ; *| V’?' •!' ' m •rlii j m • iA ^ |r V'V re:} t v .a. ¥ * 'A- ' i V ( ; v : v} l ' 'fry-. ■ . mm s a ill W- K Bi V<OT - ^ . 'V ' ; ’ L V I A.-;bxv.- C t 6 ^ iS Tennis Cora petition Close On thii toiuiis courts^ a strong A Flight team led by Alvin Aron* son, Forrest (larb, and Spec Fails downed the m P, TC in a tougn r l A Engineers recked up thdr hard fighting team TO in a tough mateh. first win by,* drfaat 0 'Flltht. Hays, Die Engineers was the out* WKU. CONSTRUCT let) on* Iwtlrpcm MS- IM*. BMh, eom* »nd: »u»fM*'mm,: . slitvbs it/xl htwn, Mulltblr tur inuMsd’ *(ud«n(i»r worklb* couplv. yain i*w,;; ' (Vdlegu I'urk. Jonu-Hsiudtn H Company. iTion* 2-1*02, Laasil* MM MMliding, a**oc. Mm, Margarn K, I*oyw, Mian* 4-P32B, il VOHjb eoov»rt*ls», jr4Uow, radio an* d*r Whitt aldawall Ur»*, Mat oov*r*. standing player in the match. E Vets swamped the Day Dod gel's of a Composite by a three to nothing count while 0 Infantry IBM ... final *>■ many other arcMOorlwi , . ,* n*W,' priced to **11. Call Bryan 2.52S0. ( |] ItOTAL Urt! axoluslvo n DER IN iKIHUKE t Equipped alf Hour Laundry n Doily 7:80 a.m. ium Ai’Eu givot you th* factory; RparuitM. uhi* iyp*\*rit*r*, luithorUnd Royal d»al*r. ash Received Monday .m. - Sat 8:80 p.m. ir Days 8:80 p.m ng & Drying PacibDM Avnilable Time 4:30 m downed 9 Veto, i hardest contest of thee day Whs h fight-to-the-end match bo* tween A Quartermaster and E Flight. Quartermaster won by a 2-1 count through excellent play(mg by Frank Johnson and Howard Winter. Outstanding for the E Flight team Were Stanley South- worth and Tommy Butler. Schedules, Monday, Oct. 10 Basketball Team Vs. Team Court A QMC I B CA 1 A INF { B TC 2 AJ AF A CA . 3 E AF A CWS 4 A FA ! H AF 1 A ASA D VET 2 B ATH BCAV 3 B VET A COMP 4 TENNIS Team vs. Team Court B ENG F AF 1,2,3. B INF E FA ! 4,5,6 CINF S G AF 7,8,9 E VET B FA 10,11,12 D INF SR CO 13,14,16 E INF B AF 16,17,18 No games Tuesday. in. try, and buy. from « typ apMUllpt—easy Mrrae. Bryan Machine Company. 2o« North Main. Bry. Data modal r#iin\». «J1 make*. • MlHTRUANEXiUR • LET ME doTyour KaU MWlng 1 atton*. I 107 Hlshland, one-half Do eouth of project houeea; GIFTS j fpr every occdsiot boil! HENRY A. at pate tone 4-1141 -e Tbc RmallMt Bit ttj Diut -er Dirt Ir Your Woteh COo COMM ;Fi peas vi D&moge If Allowed M Remote. DON'T 3N T TAKE jWUI Inspect T 1 R. L. MeCARTY m Bus (Arrow Street From ] ’ North date Time 6:10 Uoiuiuit i\ Carlton B. Lee OPTOMETRIST ! With Your Visual Froblexns 2Q3 8. Main - firyan Rhone 2-If do ion NEED P" • 1 JWt He* MM. 1 (One Eteelc Mondnya i l:M —J#;## p.m. and SiM)- tiM p/a* Approved by A.dM. EagMaB T 1ST Save SOTS,.. Your Du BUY SIGN I CHEAP TORES, Dorm 4, Rm. 122 Money Robertson Club To Meet October 9 H. B. 1 PARKS - '*Tj .• V : . -e-'.f--- i.g/M m ' ''T i"! ' ■ ' ’•! : : -J So round, so firm, so .-i-i ¥■ • I TTT TH« AUMICAN tobacco COMPANY lly packed wurig ( | Tf** amaniv-M•* * w ratew'-'*' (* 4fea»t ptocecr -so free and eqsy on the draw P \ li Fox-Hunters Wounded No Fox Casualties ! IPSWICH, Eng —UPi-Sir Peter Grenfell, chairman of the Country Agricultural and Small Holdings Committee organized an all-day hunt; for foxes which h&d been rald'ng chickon yard*. Tho foxes suffered no casualties, he reported, Two of th# hunters were wounded. The tentative plans for a| ertson County Club meeting last night was postponed beca of the conflicting freshman foot ball game, J. H. Merchant, ciiib chairman, said today.! The club will definitely have organizational meeting in th* Aca demic Building on fTuesday, Octo ber IE The meeting will be hjT' Immediately after yell pract Merchant erly of the Muse unces... concluded. will coach atudint Any, Entomolojgy d kind: • red aubjecta Identify Plants 4)0 Highland Street C'ollegn i 4-8177 35c VALUE For Only 5c FREE FIRESTONE TISSUE MSPENSOR FOR YOUR CAR • You Iwy a Package of Tissues for 5c and i;et the Tissue Dispenser Free MtCEl S SERVICE STATION L. J. McGee, Owner ' 1214 S. College Roacf ' 1 I Ford ... ..«. $125.00 Nash Ws... ; from $1000 up PlymouthfCoupe;! buy .....[..$275.00 V? — r :#* cry clean^.itl7®'W there tci choose fron^)! LEE & CO. ■'HI UiSED CAR i:,,;