Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1949)
\ m l-H .• * ! ‘•K \ • • • 77 ;•) 1i ii •" ; ,r Biological Scie Starts Expansion I f,r£™ • i i i t r f A ■J ir' I t , By BILL THO AU orer tb^conntry in tie past few years there has hecn in building. A&M is no Tbe I Memorial Student well under way in its find just recently a new rms been started on the corner of Ilhbbeid and Nagle streets. It is the beginning of the first unit of the hew Biological Sciences Build- iion is on. , The foundations, which are now Wing lakh are the largest of any building on the campus, are of a bell typjK and only one to two fleet in ‘ at the top, range from ht to twelve feet in diameter the boHom, and extend ap* 28 feet into the U I 1 f i walla; It will have cement, —‘ and asphalt file floors. , r _ leal facilities provided, by j the contractors include plumbing for hot water heating, gas pipe, ventilation pipe, distilled water i, refrigeration, electrical wiring ontracts for the building were Valley Clubmen Elect [Officers 77/, - It f ■' t ■ Tf. ' Bobby Conine, senior busi ness majbr from 'McAUen, president of the Valley A&M Club j Other officers elected at the clnVa erpanfrational meeting were Jack Rnelarid Jr.. HnrHn««*n. vice'- p5iaWen^:\Jnek Belothor Weslaco, secretary: TWi Josenh, Fnrlln«ren. treasufer: Mavo Corr*n Rnvrmond- ville reporter: and WUMsm Moore, McAllen, flercennt-ftt-arm*. Ihir I^vne. rrf Pnvinondville. was apnolnted chairman of the club’s ! intramncfl) activity committee. Rabab WtlHAms and Arthur Galhiei will assist lJ»vne. Jack 1 :8o*atber was annointed. chairman of the ChVfotmes Dn^ce Committee IKek Oodwln. Bdl n«n^c. r Olift. Mefioweu. arhl.OHn Braahfar are committee member's Thf Rio Omnde Valley A*M Club will meet at T’flrt n. m. everv n m ffioes,' iaboratoriee, class rooms, and feefiwf rooms for all the bio logical' Bci4ice|. ! | T , l The first! flo^r will include a ture; room with a seating ca; of 192. ■ It; wifi have a project lA)oth for visual aid instruction. Also on the first floor will be :the offices for the Biology and Ebtor- modogy DcpaHments, thria 'c|au rodnfs, two general biology labs, two general zoology labs, and a chemical storage rooml On the second floolr there be Wne laboratories which indEude physiology, toxlcoh '1 *' T, "I Sm Wwlneaday, AGfilELAND U> What'* (UHiking AOGIE CHRISTIAN FELtOW- 7:16 p.mi,! | ( • ■ 0 I staff Tuesday, after iyell practice; Aggie- land Office. 1 !j L ii AMERICAN CHEMICAL Sa CIETY, ToeadAy, 7:80 p.m., Chcnv- latry Lecture Room. Officers pill be elected. ; .BRAZORIA COUNTY CLtlB, Tuesday, Oct. 8, after yell praedee, Itypif 226, A J ' " COUNTY AiM GALVESTQ1 CLUB, Tu< Room 127, A< 6rTiculi emic Building. jjM , Oct 4, 7:80 j .mi, emic Building. IRE SO 7:30, Room 103, >A CIE 03. U & FINANCE Oct 4, after yell 812, Agrieu Build rketii CLUB, Tuesi! oractioe,. Roo: Building, PALESTINE CLUB, TursHay, ), ^oom 307 Academic, Election ifef - 7:30i Room 307 Academic, of of facer*. ' f [ RE-LAW SOCIETY, Tuesday, 7:30lp.m., Assembly Room, YS: CA. !ty, gri- Ifcun SA Tueaday, 7:30 pjh., AI SOCIOLOGY CLUB, Tuei ADDLE AND SIRLOIN CLUB win meet at n. m. everv „ “T « r.t , ^eond ami fourth Thursday ottfMl ^ 20f, Agrieu ture.l each month in tho VMrA. , i* 1 !?- Officers Will be elected. Correa, club' jSUL ROSS RESEARCH CL le students I Wednesday, 7:00 p.m.,'Asset each month jn the YMCA j Accord) tv* to M«vo reporter, all Rio Crande ve invited, to attend meetings. Room, YMCA.| i—' f 1 j 1; UB mbly ■ ■lb Best Groomed Gtr In Town 1 _ r [ , |f: I | Is the Guy who takes her clothes to US CLEANERS “Oyer The Exchange 8tore?* IMWftl i U! research, floor will Include plant . r — Pro-medical zoo- adyanced anatomy,'compana- y, invertebrate zoology, and advanced and £ elementaryj bacteriology laboratj ries. Also! included will be a ph tograpbLc jroom and a penthouw structure on the roof to house hr. animal tolbny room. A student may walk by the proj ect now and see nothing but stacks ’ equipment and materials and a fW holesiI in the ground, but i hs the year goes on, so will the con struction and before we know it there Will be a new Biological Sciences Bjuilding to serve A rouve .rrrr I' ' 1 UfLASMOb tuSSr i only Done. ME DUTY aba! ^BaARiS k fHESYME/r-F )'D KCM YOUR I -WttHE po: NtVfR ■ X l If] m t; j [•! m zc&rJ m ■i m : k W. Gould, above professor of •: FTT BUMS ued from Page 3) ™ i the University of Arizona, has 'j been named curator <f the i 1 racy Herbarium and ass Delate professor in the Department of Rakige and Forestry.' ' 1 -BURGE#- Continued from Page I ! l ! ! ; ■ J ' ; The Aritansae-TCU and Rice-! games seemed to kwek everyone’s gUesses off and SMU-Missouri contest ran sec the swiftly ascending Boston Red Sox flung themselves into the lead. The Yariks were heartsick. They felt similar to a lover who had lost his fiance to another man j! after many j days of happy romance. Then, with micalculated fuiy, they overcame |a four to nothing lead '■‘ timlay against the Red Sox to °* CsJSjfcek* c ed prizes tomorrow night at! the . for ,, v Quarterback Club meeting aiie: y the Yankees rode Samir shadid) G&v]{lM M . Sluder, , — . ltk , r an*! handsome behind w T> Haya( David Thomas, l C. the bnlliajnt pitching ot Vtctbh r-rady, Jr., J. C. Keeling,T R. A. Raschi, successor to Spec Shea, Hooker, Tom Kelley, Jr„ Clifford A. to lasso the Sox and grap the MiUe j H (Vave. and R. J. American iLeague flag for the six- Goode The 11 prizes to be presented at •r HomTln AmariUo 'J' ' i [,• ! • ' r:| \ ■ . ' I I r i 9 •j. ■ llo, Tex^-bTl—The Ger-, stadt, tracing and restoring hto what It will be, but PH have time to shop cess who married! a Tex her way to her [hew,; tered by the Amarillo. i i His job torie fine arts collections seat- K® me - | j Before Amarillo, Ho a hit" , ing his wife to ii; Donated for Research _ * oviuuns rtmurino, Harris, Amarillo^ Interior Wolfsgarten^ a^picturesque hunt- meet his , was enroute to New York ing lodge to meet his-' wife, Princess Hesse, in the heart of a forest not the 1 ?, hazel-eyed daughter of far from Langen. i Prince Wilhelm of Prussia, Ludwig of Bert Harris There, the two at Hechin- “We knew each other for a year,” ny, last June 21, and Harris later related. “Then I went cere married came back to Amarillo to home to Amarillo In 1946.’!’ e-LSU Harri nearly mike i the Tod ' * thfTi • meet! mi | ris | stopped In Oklahoma City on k business home for his bride. Todlay a friend that the Texan left Amarillo Monday to h.s ondjin mixing up some of ^he en- meet [hisi wife in New York riar- arits. ! 1 j j ris stopped hi Oklahoma The winners Who- will Be award- business and leti there, By ear, "ew York today. Amarillo friend said Prin- ceas Cecille, a granddaughter of Germany’s late Kaiser Wilhelm, wus tn nrri teenth time. Whether or not the Yanks can tomorrow nights meeting “Ti ? 1 fa2 e v l rto’£ ‘irioSftS'riS m“». na11 wm “• jt 1 ™ 1 *‘“irtsk.'STJsrr was to arrive on the Queen Eliz abeth. The arrival time was not ed here immediately. afris has been living in an Amarillo apartment It was asaum- in the ed thjat the apartment will be the For three years the couple cor respondent l ast May, Harris returned to Germany. He apparently propos ed then, for he said: “We made our plans after I. got back to Germany.? The princess was quitq excited— at the time of the marriage—about going to the United States to live. iid h ing to^fet ship Harris sai ■■ reservations for; since her entry into mm' uat this country was cleared Is July through the State Deport*! meat and Immigration Bureau. > About 100 wedding gifts from his friends and relatives are wait ing for the princess in the Ama rillo apartment, Harris said, add ing: “Pve been pretty curious about some of them, but Pm saving them both for her to open.” ' He said the couple! will live in a A check for #,000 has been re ived : by the i Texas Agricultural rfoneht Station. Texas j A&M ollege System. The money Is to phi; used lor research and training re^aiyh assistohu “who may! b<^ loyod as a : result of the avall- f these flunds," R.; U-Lew* director, uky$. 7 David D. Flint Po< chief food Rosearch, feerals and Cheji “PMple Wl m . flyrta o, ^ til ies about Texas. Many Germans!The foundation for the home will think It is full of cowboys and be laid while Harris is on the fact yet to oe witnessed, me foiiowinp.. Dodgers are out for revenge. Auth- ™ -®* oritiesi didn’t give Burt Shotten’s team a ghost of a chance to win the seriesj of '47, but they literally frightehvd the daylights out of a slugging [New York Team that was forced to go all-out for victory. i When the Brooklyn Brigade rolls ihto YaBkfe Stadium Wednesday, U | firyan of *Th| First Nati e Bi couple were married in the years. Ur » C Tt The above firms »and business Joe Faulk of Lack’s Auto Supply, It i B situated In the French zone Charlie Ferrer! of The Triangle ^ nhrmany' Drive Inn, The PnrkeriAstiii Hard- HarriB met the princess In the ware Co., W. S. D. Clothiers, Alex- Bum iner of 1946, not long after ander-Beal Insurance !Co., Travis iho ^ ^ f T onal ryan Haswell’s ' wnh to save you monev. cme in today and hear the champion-^ Gil Ho<igee. clutch-slug ging first-baseman;; Ray Campe- nella, powjerful catcher Newicombe l^ad Bums And to| back them Up will be bazooka-bbys Don • Newcombe, big right hander; Ralph (tough when he’s on) Branca; and relief hurler Erv Pali To combat this devastating at tack front Flatbush will be such veterans as ,Joe Dimaggio, spirit booster of the team; Tommy Hen- reich, “Old Reliable”; and Yoga Berrai-slugging catcher. The; Yankees boast the best mound :*thff of the year. Victor Raschi, AlUe Reynolds, and Joe Page aimbst assure the Yankees of another World Series victory. Fans Seek Ducats Eager-beaver baseball adherants have already begun to stand in line at Yankee Stadium as they await; the tickets that will hurtle them | through the turnstiles of what promises to be another great series! spectacle. A record-breaking attendance is expected as fans will pour into baseball-minded New York from all ovier tbe country. Yes, the fans are expecting to witness another great series in which new stars | will be crowned. Will their expecta men are giving prize? each Week throughout football season to the winners of the guessing contest. Contest Continues Tbd contest goea on again this week, and the guessing again is on the games in which Southwest Conference football team pate. i j. To enter, persons should :«lip the entry blank out of the Quairtetback Club page in the Battilion ihe day of the Quarterback Club meeting and put down their guesses. Guesses may also be suMitted on ia plain sheet of piper, All en tries shouki be brpughji to ojr mail- mm the eind‘ of hostilities, a captain in the Amy, Ha M1H Indiana and they can’t imagine the trip to moot his bride, princess going to live there. But *—h- J-t from what Clyde tells me, I think ' L ^ I will like it.’’ Before leaving Amarillo, Har ris told the Fort Worth Star- Telegram that his wife Waa sche duled to arrive in New York next Sunday aboard the Queen Eliz abeth. He’ll be waiting at the dock in his statton wavon he said. He said be would be in New -tio-h j '• -* re her 'ax* ......UK Feed and Plih Iniernntit onl Mi leal Corporation, 1 20 North Wacker Drive,- Chicago fl, IHinois, initiated a graiit-lh-ajd Under which our Ag ronomy Department wn* able to extend their investlgationls in aoil fertility,”) DrJ Le wiH poihti out. ! fThls grant-inTald was made par- * tiqulariy for the purpose of deter mining if magtiosiata or potash hr both might pi omote the Intake of phosphorus 0- otherwise (benefit j the value of pasture graiues in animal nutrition. At Dr. (Long’s suggestion! some of thejsi have also be01 Used to ii the bccu^nce of amino bf grasses.” .H Ra/Zapon CLASSIWED ' -r Page 4 H i L i" hrT funds ! ! . jtiKote acids In Yr- had a job with the U. 8. ( rival, to buy her a wedding present Government in Dam- l“l haven’t made up my mind Jehovah’s Witnesses Have Ran in, But Get Run Out AXEL WITH A AD. Rate* Classified Section 1 60c per column tneh Send HI classifieds with remit Student Aetlvitlee Office >e turned In o» lo^yn before miMlrntton TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4[ 1049 ,l)le, •TTALION CLAasmsm lAs FORD coovertal 3c ■ word per Insertion '-<■»— Space rate# tn R RENT eti ito i tu: baouhon Ibportti Desk GAINESVILLE, Tex., Oct. 3—OP)—A Jehovah’s witnesses meeting ended abrubtly yesterday and 300 members; of the sect faded from Btght! after a run-in with about 100 Gainesville men. ii nits by four or five men and oi .• I j ' , „ . .. itneasea begaB the meeting was taken from them Saturday night. 'hej religious sect began a semi-auifukl meeting Friday night. The ^n>up announced a public meeting would be held in the audifi)^ The witnesses, here for a three-day meeting, apparently left to vaa escorted to the city limits by four or five men and on< ■eported struck. ; •*;| i !;; / ! ' ! : i 1 j. Ise of a Junior high school auditorilun in which the wit wKji south npoaurc h.1 I OoUcca inauuc- student# prrtcmd. Trlrphonc Z-BliW. funtUhrd h«dfooin. Afl- jurblatod^ house ^7 afternoon. \ , en met in the American Legion hall; Legion commander Henry by 6 p. m. Friday. ' Cotteln said the men were veterans but ndt all of Uiem were Legion- Winners will be announced next | natrea and it was not a Legion movement ; * T|- week and the prizes awaifded at j The group asked school superintendent Roy P. Wilson to deny nexjt week's meeting Of the Quar-, further use of the auditorium to the sect« A large crowd of Witnesses gathered: in front of the auditorium _ .00 P*r mum! B-13.T. CbU#t# Vh DRMRR.UUJ5 tedroocu jin private hotrt#. orttt to tuith, Call «-»S47, 710 lowopd v. tiMitM- whK# ■Idrwail Ur#*, iiMit i: ;mtoiy oth«r ac^oortesi .1 (. Like to «#H.[ Call Bryan 2-.’-2K0. 'ptirUhiu typuwritrw.i fjvw' ymit, suthoriMd Royi ~ IWITAL . J. «x*lu*lv« you m 1 try. , UiUt icbiM an, Lai radio bn ■' *0^"; LOB It >q'» tyeyci rS’ triM. Brvn: ;dCT»f. •r. thbt com*! HI Bry- Bualn«Ht •In. 1 FOR avl: £ B<riy. I.j . try! muiti room »u|u|t- ii&.O *10.00. B-3-A, COM. . f'j| EAl*-ltot- t!»3C Ford mod* vrtth O-C Jfa&'gf'fib { t^n MotwlervlM Statiop. J'OftT'VBM. ■ union: o-ti cw bfirr a. WMhvr. torrwt ooo- !i> L< •nuEiEia; D • North di * •I i ■ ( dUloo.,*to.00. N#d Johnaon, *0OJC. terback . Club. The guessing this yiieek (will be upon the following games: ! A&M vs. LSU baylor v 8 ; Arkansas RICE vs. NEW MEXICO TCU vs. INDIANA ! TEXAS vs. OKLAHOMA TABLE TOP OAS RANdU, ttcrilrot ditloo, ,'*60.00. 24th at.. Apt. 3, LOW: WtLk eocXw itwhJl. ijiU. FldN FRESHMAN I Bho. R#palt will to pklud up And d«llv*rrd nn ay.i stul ThurstU)* at your A A M ltc«n»# Ifl, Nuntr tioto Shop, ATTBNTii Lose something!? Then fihd it quickly with a BATTALION class- yesterday. They said they hadxi’t heard if! had been closed. of til films About 100 men arrived. Went inside file, building and carried kU e sect’s equipment—-literature, moving picture j projectors and and loud speakers—and set it oh life sidewalk. tions come true? Time will tell, ified ad. Cajl 4-5824. Pliyi ttiTMifi yew prMMt lot dally engtnaared 16, play 45 rpm records—the finest recorded mak tn the world/ Simply attach the changer to your present set—and enjoy these amazing advantages I e Plays the amazing 100% distortion- free 45 rpm records l« Plays up to 10 rec ords at oee touch of a button—up ta 80 minutes of music! • Basior loading I No paste or clamps to adjust. • No storage problems—all records are con venient 7-lnch slzol (Can play as long as ordinary 12-inch I) • Non brook* able record si Wear up to ten timae longer, e Virtually no surface noisel and 41 rpai retards er* few b md Red Isel •sly M* ell others 4S* (pto* mis* tax). 1100.00 an ARB in Bryan Lorker W*U located box R»ni paid until mart. Prlee $30.00. Baby mauroae i *—$3.00. Call 2-144S. FOUR ROOM furntatod houar. on Jene 91ms, CoUefc Station, 74 n. by 70 ft. are owner, ~ House ^4-D. | > ; FRESHMAN; Shoe Repa picked up and dtlivtrad Thurndayr at your A A —a Annas. Thla is a ssri* i, to yau i without, additional chars*. OUCICa SHOL REPAIR SSRVICS; tORTII 1 OATS, COLI-EOB STATION. 1 rt i \] I' I T DO TOO NEED TUTORING IN ’ MH NO i^jfjiteoaa Pmbytortjui Mho*# (One Merit' '—‘ ‘ RACTOR t LH« ! T of Dust loir I Diri le . a Oomo fhpsodir U I Allowed to Kntiato t ■ DON’T T.VKK A Cl WIU laapeet Year Ws R. to MfCAR’ (Arrose .Street Prsm ■ T ^«rth(Hid STILES FLOWER SHOP 1903 S. CoUege Rd—Ph. 2-6188 PROMPT DELIVERY ELIVERY and WIRE SERVICE Stiles '48 llbritton! | 44 J. S. StUfs '48 Reed AUbritton ’51; ' Prepare now for rainy daya with a comfort able, smartly Styled raincoat. See our Dane- » Wear Cosmopolitan Trench Coats, made of weather-proof gaberdine, sturdily construc ted, and fashioned to look bright in rain or shine. \ ; t' . Ii;! .{_! 1 I: "j L The Exchange Store “Sening Texas Aggies’’ , J ' I Main Campus | | j , f; I A. & M. Annex For Your Patterns — GO TO PKUITT S - IN STOCK - i'j! MfOUls Simplirtty J aU]6[j ORIGINATOR PRUITT’S HI ■ • 1 • 1 1 » ' 1 I . i ' —.1. J • trrr - -t rr 1 . I I L ,■ 1 fabric Sh Southside College T ' I For Sale — AERONCA CHlSF - 1 ■ I • Lycoming • Newly Relii ■ , , ,.i' • ' } i'. ! - ' : j!i ' 1 Cardwell Flying Academy j Coulter Field IVEY*™ i*. " 's . I-.’! i 'll" [ r You have to, make a decla- ion right away tf W ' comfortably settled very Mcadowlb This house 't| • ! want to be One of the aw remaking home* ihj ,,l I I I and bu)|tjn therefore it haa structio) are all li n 'porch alidlaloo 4> necting the la!a roo;n the whole family love. Tiat is not the Whole ato ao call is'! for an appointment