Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1949)
£1 \B at tali on i O S P 0 R T S :-y-, MONDAY, OCTOBER 3,1949 ^T-H. • " ^I' \ m 4 Page 3 1 Yanks, Dodgers Win ■ TV’i j | i ' 1 ‘ Pennants Sunday NEW YORK, Oct 2—(/P)—Vic Ragchi and the gallant New York Yankees survived a throbbing ninth-inning Boston rally to win the American League pennant Sunday by a sparkling 5-to-3 triumph over the Red Spx on the last day of the season. ■f.'-.-i- - .! V ! themselves a “team of destiny” be-- most of the season, thus gaye New elves a “team of destiny” be cause they shook off seventy^one injuries and still succeeded, finally tumbled the favored Red Sox slug gers tp touch off a wild celebration by the 68,055 fans wfyo jammed the Yankee Stadium, i Casey Stengel's battered crew, held together by adhesive tape for Don Nicholas, who handled the man-iidfler duties for the Aggies Saturday against the Oklahoma Sooners, showed unex|>eeted pas sing skill In his first real dehut at the quarterback position. He completed IS passes out of 23 for 156 yards, -~ York its sixteenth America^ League flag. 1 t In .doing their job, they handed Joe' McCarthy, Boston manager, another crushing blow in the last game of the year. Boston bowed to Cleveland last year in an un precedented playoff game, they failed once more. j Raschi, pitching the ganie pf nisi 30-yeqr-old life, weakened sudden ly in the ninth with a 5-tp-G le|b4, but the husky righthander gath ered himself after three runs were’ in to put; out the blaze all by hiirt*^; self.' f 1 After Birdie Tebbets fouled oi^t to Tommy Henrich down the rfghl- field line for the final out of the game, Raschi and his mates hajd to struggle through the wild - eyed throng that; blocked their way to the dugout.-- , ' PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Oct. 3 — IA»»—Brooklyn’s battling Dodgers) clawed i t^ieir wiay into the World Series just before darkness Sun day night with a rousing tenth- irtning rally defeated this I City’s prideful young Phillies, 9 to 7, , j When Richie A’shburn, the lnj»t Phil batter, 'drove a liner into the) clutching g|ove of Luis Ohpo in left field to ;«ind the tense contest, the entire Dpdger bench spilled on to the field With a whqop and car ried their great young relief pitch er, Jacl^ Bknta, to the dressing room in trijimpH, | For four | innings Banta hahd- f cuffed the dpngcrous phil sluggers while the Biiooks, after blowing an early,5-1^46 lead and finding them selves in iiinmirient danger of a play-off With the St. Louis Card inals, slammed over the money; runs cjff their old nemesis, Ken Heintzelb)an ( in the pulsihg fcxtra cnapter. j Smith, Aggie sophomore fullback from Houston, ther 46 yards in 16 tries against the Sooner* Sal t’s performance against the double tough ’ )tdaho- mans Was one'\of the outstanding feature* of the Cadet eleven’* playitig Saturday. \that 9 » the smari mm... SMU Squeaks Past Missouri IL, 28-27 DALLAS, Oct. —Doak Walker piloted a blister- _ Southern Methodist ground offensive to a thrill-a-minute :28~fe7 victory over Missouri tonight. h The great Walker not only as the game’s leading yards- gai ler but he made three touchdowns and kicked lour extra poiits, j ); l |[ ’ crowd of 58,000 roared as wit-t - nesies t° one of the wildest offen- sou hw^st. ir pas spa roll ^on air. $47-50 And, believe u*,'it’a an •ll-out flattering atyle. The; lengthened line*, deep roll lapots full drape of thi* one button, double breasted model are a Welcome : innovation in youthful suit trend*. In soft doeskin flannel, gabardine* the new gab twist, sharkskin, arid it lends a bran new’ personality to classic covert It does iii lot for your figu and it's kind to your budget.' North Gate ■ WEISS (Nfact to Campus) ever played 5 luthern Methodist had to come fron behind but did it in big lehf; ue (fashion. Spotting Missouri a ItoucHdbwn in the first (quarter, \Ma ' r 1 ing led, Is g k^ri got the Methodists to roll- the second period and SMU 1^-t at the half. >Uthefn Methodist never was nd (from then on but in the fad-* minutes the Tigers missed a cha ice to gain a tje when Burty ; Hjariidoy, SMU guard, crash ed Ihrobgh to block John Glorioso’s fprlektra point. Second One-l’oilnt Defeat li wgs Missouri’js feecond straight one point defeat. Last week the ?rs lost to Ohio State 35-34. Southern Methodist, .known as a ing i team; used the joverhead ingly. Instead, the Methodists ed along the ground for an awe- e 2$4 yards with only 66 ini the Misshuii'i whipped out 206 yards ling .and 99 passing, talker vied ’with Dick Braznel! Missouri for individual hotiors pf anq rustling and passed for; won tout. Doak made) 105 yards r 68. Braz- st fiwirnruet'd work done crti. Prompt service. Free |ipcctioD. Bring in your witdi. >wer Mainspring* LOIN OWNERS \<aihbte for rrplorrmmtt in most JBgkijiJ/ # Ma<l» of **Elcfl6y" metal. Patent r^orling. ! • I \ : I 1 1 I • R. L. McCarty J E We l e r s (Across from the Bus Station) cleaning.... PRESSING.... I ALTERATIONS ndl got 114 on the ground and 41 in the air. i i T h e first Missouri touchdown was on a 54 yard drive; with Phil Klein plowing over froih the six- inch line and Glorioso [kicking the point. Southern Methodist tied the score. on a 78-yard auhge with Walker! pounding left guard from' the Missouri three and converting. Southern Methodist scored again ter. [Bob Henley fumbled -off on the.-Tiger 28 -and u Kussell recovered for S|MU. In eight plays the Methodist scor ed, Kyle Rote circling end from the Missouri eight. Walker kicked the point. Further Ahead The Methodists shot further ahead as they romped 68 yards to another touchdown early in the third period. Walker made this one, bouncing over tackle from the one. He kicked the goal, tdo. MissouMj. go^ back iiitjo the j ball game by parading with the lj:ick- off 76 yards to a score; Braznell made it from the Methodist tljiree. Glorioso converted. «. j i Southern Methodist came right back to surge 51 yards to a score, aided by a 15-yard roughing penal ty against Missouri. From the 17- yard line Walker cut ground j [left end fpr the score and ’kicked; the extra point. Again Missouri took' the tyick- off and rolled to a touchdown With Glorioso making it from the Meth odist two but here Halliday block ed his try for point and that was the ball game although the Tigers put on a 79-yard drive for another touchdown with only 20 seednds left to play. It was on a 11-yard pass from Henley to Dene Acker- Glorioso made tbiq ‘ By Air, Groan AUSTIN, Oct. 1—UP) —Ia devastating University p f Texas air and ground attack wrecked the University of Idaho today, 56-7. Tied 7-7 at the half,: the Long- horn*. came back in the third pe riod to ipanhandle Idaho in merci less fashion. . jl, Texas scored from close in and fat out, rahnming ever four touch downs and a safety in the third quarter and three more touchdowns in the final 15 minutes. ’ The touchdown avalanche 1 sent Texas’ three-game point total for this season to 153. Randall Clay continued to ppce Texas scoring with two touch downs and six extra points fo - a total of 18. Sophomores Tally Two sophomores each got 1.wo tallies for Texas. Byron Town send,' bruising left half, collected his in the third quarter, and C arl (Red) Mayes hit pay dirt twice in the fourth. . i Idaho's lone touchdown knotted the count 1 minute and 25 seconds before the gun ended the first half. After muffing one ; chance w'nen they were down on the Longhorns’ three-yard line, the Vandals ciiine back again from the midfield msrk- er. jerry Diehl went to the 4 on a Statue of Liberty, and King Block went over three plays later fiom the 1-foot line. Tackle Will Ooer- gaard converted. Paul Campbell’s passing and quarterbacking, coupled \Vith TownueH’s pulverizing power, men, set the Longhorn scoring machine in action. Aggie Freshmen To Play Weatherford Texas A AM’s freshman football forces make their long-awajited debut here Thursday night When.- they engage the Weatherford jun ior College eleven in a game ppder the Kyle Field arcs. The first kickoff is schedpled for 7:30 p.m. Weatherford will enter the game with three contests under its having met Blinn, Navarro Allen. The Aggie Fish ydll call on Graves of Stephenville, Ken of Orange and Darrow ! Hoo handle”tHeir T-forpiation. 1 Magouirk bf New London, Hill of Ballinger, Raymond of Kingsville, Ralph Reynolds j add Herbert McJunkin of Dallas add i 'iii {•. f ; l i * *07' B H ad8l Ar To 27 to 7 Rout Of #1111 mmm f M i4fp ■Mil 'ml one defensive HtanjdoutN, omorO halfback from 'El Paso, was Inst [the Sooner* Saturday. Rentdas 1 scoring touchdowns, he was al*o one of the Aggies . ’ ' . : r r- M—- ' i :• l ■ 117177 . ,l Miss. State Defeated) By Baylor Bears 14-6 v J \ | ' ! U •• [1-, STARKVILLE, WSss., Oct. l—i. 7 ?)—Baylor ran up yard- alty-rld- den, fumbling Mississippi State 14-6 in a Southwest-South- age but couldn’t run Up the score and defeated pens eastern inter-conference football game here Saturday. small homecoming crowd of 15,000 in A disappointingly Mississippi State’s newly! enlarged* stadium watched a second) game and at times a first-fate run ning battle. Baylor did a great part Of the nerueri mcjunxin in Juanas aipu Cart Meager of Hearne-will ig] the. ' “r fe Cij h principal ball carriers. But it is the big Aggie Fish; line that has been causing all the eye brow hoisting in the past two wedks? workouts. ' M ’ l j • : I ‘ - I - I i I • T T. K. Niland, Harvey Smith and Gerhart Shulte of Houston) Alvin Langford of Fort Worth Poly, [Dick Self of San Antonio Brackenrldge, Bobby Dixoii of Ingleside, jack Little of Corpus Christi, William Garner of Waco- and Charles Saxe of Beaumont are among the leading line candidates for the Aggie first- year club. Bright college careers are pre dicted) for these heavyweights, some ! of whom are expected to cent of the timje. move [into varsity berths in 1(150. Mississippi .State toi passing. The Texans hedged the ball throughout the first naif and only after intermission did Missis- sippie tSate get, a sustained grip on the offensive. ) |l 1 Fumbles End Dritbfi Three minor Mississippi State drives ended witfi fumbles) The game was supposed to have been a pass loVers’ ronijp but it turned out that way orily when Baylor got near the goal. Both Baylor touChdoWns were scored on beautiful passes while Mississippi State’s touchdown came pn a 69- yard punt return by Don Robinson, The Texans gained continually and held the ball nearly 75 per rate line ^fter'pdnffttjr flfld"moved!;ior only one first down to Baylbr’s 11 dur ing the first half. ; The half lacked 50 seconds when the good Baylor got its first touchdown. , _ T — r _ T Quarterback Adrian Burk threw j itor both teams aqd marked Ark to end J. D. Ison In the end zone for the score) | , Uns highly-touted Llndy Berry vhen it cojunted m6st as be passed for two touchdowh* and rap for the other two. * A crowd Of about 16,000 as Logue called anfl execu that prodii watched piay« iced twd touchdowns in tNe first quarter dnd two moire in He fourth. Two aparent t>uch- owns for the winheis were Mil-' ied by penqitie*. fl>,rb las’ heretofore poor i pass , Va* superb today, illow- the loose-armed Berry am Dan ilde to complete only smr tosses. Four of Be W)er6 intercepted. po much; t W w.. ’ ifete ball 13 tiihes for led in id in paaslM ■ I* u “ ‘Uni 13 held rds to 46, ; but od the ground K« ■ n - r7 '^ T1 while hc lding two. Leoh made 85 yards on 1 uscles) Camp! kansas! rdshing Bies and ft tvas he! Who ran for the (failed back TDs. f 7i Minutes Old seven nil who corji| e paSeM for the lunked IGjyardic. to end Bill or thsi |fir*t toichdown; ‘Tk Jhd a halfl mlnfltes later, at. Louie Schaufelc-iifterceptod < np o t Berry’s throws, thi Porker qu irter- back :ju»|ipod-passJ(d five yaid» to *oph end Pat Sumimerall for ino^- dr siy-painter. . | ■ j . j Befry, nmning tfor 20 yards and Basing, for 38, lied an 80 — tCU!drive late in; the second er, John Mortgp crashing om: the two. j /' LpgUe went; otyf ag'dlH’1 ri til ui'th (JOarter, snieaking ovet it * yard out for one tally and ffigifna tea yards for the j! It was! the firstji conference for both team fer h *’ t: ITmT '■ I'J f'n. jjv'hi AGGIES !! ! . .wliB/idis Mairi watches fofithe past: 10 Vears at is now doin^g his expert work at — J. P. foobyrie Jelvelers ) ^ Drop in and say hello f-f He'll be glad t<) see you TON ROUC i—IjSU’s startling Timers me out on the long end of a. 14-7 score over Rice’s fa- vfored Owls here Saturday night. 1 : 1] .J : j The heavily-favored Owls scored first early in the game on af 71- (See LSU, Page 4) N ; .j -j We Deliver PAT :* * * * I •a ;) ; i ' ,' !NM SMITH CLEANER North Gate : , Phoi 4VING.... REGULAR SHAPE 90 CIOTHE5 MAO TNI MANt Write for) ww, When end Vfo«r of Mm’t tlolWng.’’C body & Co. Inc, 10 I. 40th St., N.'T. Id, ARROW | nil'. undrWem I y J .!