Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1949)
iv ! pi- 1)1 m " Battalion tp:i :T FRIDAY, A.UC&ST 5, 1949 ri Vv! .-n College Station S liompete m G H44^ -r The, College Station swimming teaml spons^ ege Station Recreation Couhc 1 and coach will represent j %• 1 1 Collefee Station Recreation Council and swimming coach Art Adamso tidniat the Crulf AAU meet in Rosenberg This affiair is the 17th annual Gulf * uwimming mceUT y. ; j 'V Aqua talent from 29 Texas coun •. I (ties is expected to compete fort the trophies offered. Serving as one of the officials of the meet will be Art Adamson, wty> is co-chairman of the Culf Cofast committed along with E. A. f Snapp. : - The meet is divided into three divisions respectively for male and " female entries. . i ^ - - Competition is open to' all reg istered amateur athletes! of the - . . rTcxus (Gulf Coast and thic dead- * /• l'! line fdr entering’ ik 6 pjn. tqday —. j for women hhd 6 p.m. tomorrow for men. 1,.| _ ^ A championship trophy will be r; awardetl the team which scores thp most points in all divisions. According w- present plans of Adamson, tW io” ^' hed by m cham P StoitioSii swi|nmer8 will trip: eh: Paul Fleming Didck, Bob McBride, son, Billy Hale, John WglJy Anderson, Mill Geie Summiers. , . i; jj,.. Boys: Bill 1 Karow, Gaylf Klipple, ; Di< R WiecK, Jake Magee, Homer Lapiottc, utid Bob BarioTr*‘ | f j 1 : 1 Junior Boys: Bobby Karow, Orin He^vey, Tom j Barlow, David! Bon- neu, and Tommy Terrell, > Vomen: Mary Leland, Aiih OV Bannon, Elizabeth Miller, Betty O’! lannon. ^ ' ' ?■ ! ! I ! j Jirls: Elizabeth Blank; A:nn Dickerson, Frances. Copeland, iPpt- sy Bonnen, Anna Jean Godb^y, Frances Sii»ek. Junior Glrlai Pam Wilson, Car ol; ri Landiss, Martha EJngle, tofeelimd. ip i' ! 'if!! I j* , s The swimming teams of Boy Scout Ration won the Bravos district swimming meet Wednesday A roop 411 df College i£p jYicct/ Wcdnesd night in Downs Natatorium with a total!of ibv po.nts. .> | Troop 102 of College Statibn came in second with 44 points, Troop 12 of Bijyan thirt with ll points, And Troop The winner Ulatrlct at the Sin SSuatp 1 Team WlHS One, Loses tine rtibet fir y w -v r ^ Boy Scout swimming Houston, August 15. , . 5 Officials were: W. L. Pcnbcrthy, starter; E. Mamalign, head judge; NfPonjthleux, head timer; Sam CLclahd, Ralph Stioen, and T. Ter rell, assi^Unt timers; Jack Linn, Starting (Clerk;.JwiliiHm Swdger, rini^h clerk; Spencer -Buchanan, scorer; D. D. Burchard. announcer; dL.H. W. Barlow', chairman of :Js '• ■■ r. f’ f 1 the thcct. j ; • I..'**- 1 . ReeHilts ’ * ^ c jnedley* relay, 100 yards; tll-Ai T. feb rlow, Bobby Karow, O.fHolvcy. . 6^.2 aegonda winning time., ‘Second.' 411-8; third 102. < i Senior medley relay, 100 yards: til-A; KUptfle, Weick, Billy Kar- ow. \ Second, 411-B. Third, 102. ii 57.6., ■ ' f ; Junior, 33 yards. First, ' Of Helvcy;’; sejeond T. Barlow; w -third, P. Hickman and R. Cleland, 1 "tied. 18.2. ; \ ~ Senior free-style, 66 yards. First ■v* Billy Karow; second, J4 Magee;\ third, B. Barlow. 35.3. ^• Junior 33 yard breast-stroke. ~ First, B. | Karoty; | second, D. Bon ham,; third, T. Terrell. ,22.0. '.Senior, 66 yard breast-stroke. . First, Wieck; second, P.. E. Bu chanan; third, H. Lamotte. 18.^. l or 35 yard back - stroke. T. Barlow; second, Hick- third, C. Helvcy. 21.2. - Sen or A6 yard back-stroke. First, Klipple j; second, Magee; Ihird, 3. Barlow. 46.3. 100 rtiv Jun First, man; Junior yard free-style. if. I & j . In- 1 Galveston, Dallas IniMals 1; Tourney Toiiig 'i 1 ! 1 J Over Sod I BEAteONf, Aug. p-(JF)± Playing the first dwote bill of the series, the North cage squad, UoachedL by Adolph Rupp, Kentucky’s producer of champions,., stormed to tri umphs of 33-23 and 42-36 yes- |terday • afternoon and list HHMliMiMNliiiUl p American Legion igtate Ju- the Laredo team last night id earned the right to meet slight Hie NorWa margin ip if|year series to four wiiiii ■Hifl in the ; After a ; poor showing Madlsbnvlllp Softball foul Lou’s Aggies turned the Bryan Commercial League upside (Ioviti this week.; itou’s boys, favored oyer West® *n Auto, the team that they had tWice defeated, lost to the Auto boys t0«7. ' ; Tuesday night Lou’B team met tfie league eading Howell Lumber Co. learn which was; undefeated tils round j of pUy and upsfet 3-2. This game threw the league into a threo-Way tie f(jir first; place and assured Lou’ili team of staying in' thy. firijti dBybnpn. If ? j ■ The Auto gsmi^ was a hit and rim: affair. Both pitchers wept the distance. The leading hitter of the ~ame was Lawrence of Loupot’s e got two hits in two trips tbithe Mate 1 ' P ll'i Ti T 1 ' ' An error in the sikth 'imUng of ho Loupot-HbweU game cost; the owell team the ball game. Ojask -•as the swinning pitcher land Uiart was the loser. The *ead- ig hitter W’as DtiBois of Loupot’s ho got two for i three, [r . ! Score by innings: j I II Pt E 302 101 0—7 ; y 3 10 0—7 VO 3 II R E Pictured Myrle Gorey, Francine Hu Berans, 3rd; Fall Grid 1 votes m to the fou i against One defeat. i^l | The South squad, tutored by, Htertry I^a ,Of Oklahoma A&M, led its foes half-way in each game but couldn't match the basket-shooting of big O’Neal Weaver of MariiWgi Mill and; Derrell Murphy of Shhl-j lowater jh the stretim{ittiii. Weaver made nine points in the first game! antf 10 iri'oilSecond to I be leading scorer of the two games but he beat but Freddici Whillock of Cayuga by one point Whillock player, ^fwlwtiohw^ sports writers covering the i iBoth b^ys yrill receive Sports M >vi.u><^ jabove are ihe members of the Agf gettes softba I team from College View. In the usual order, fjrst row: Isabelle Guerrero, catcher, shortstop. Beth Hallmark, 3rd, and -St, fielder. Second row: Rachel Lorean Trent, fielder, Bette Kit Patrick, pitcher, t Bobbie Hayes. 2nd, and Mabel Hamlin. IstU ; Third row: Donna Loop, catcher, Florence Walter, fielder, Ethel Allison, fielder, and Billy Lewis, fielder. Back row: Luke Harri son and Phil Hamlin, managers. By BILL HAILE ; to he very true. He is the i work m .J ; ' i horse of the tcarh apd cbn; he September 11 isn’t too far away, I couJnted on to bo the full 60 minuU'a sol lets take al look at What the,if Necessary. Villanova Wildkts will have to of-! At least that, what hb told Bart fef-when thcy.langle with the Ag- flaltom when Bart Went into U j Loupot’s . West. Auto.).: 050 Lo Ho Upot’s . ...... OW'dll ^ j t ...L. f First,- O. Helyey; second, T.-Bon ham', third, Terrell. 69.5. Senior individual . medley, i00 yards. First, Biky Karow; second, R. Wieck. 104.4. j ! -i'-j;. Junior diving.. First, Bobby r -2 iCaroW; second, A. Kucera of Bry an; third, Quintero of Somerville. J Senior diving. Gayle Klipple. , /i.-^ only contestant. j ji Junior free-style relay, 133 , , yards. First, T. Barlow, Cleland, { CV. Hnlvey, Bi|ly Karovy. llg.a/ . Second, 44-B; third, 102. ! f Senior free-style relay. Barlow, Wieck, Klipple, and Karow. ; Only, orttrjint, Now Villanova football coach Jim Leonard, wl\o played under Knute Rocknb at Noire Dame, won fool ball letters bot h na aback ami ii a lineman. ji. I ■ • RECORDS • RADIOS School A Office Sapplios ALL YOUR NEEDS HASWELl’S :'i\ ^ V * ' .H. >1 0- , , ® 1 ioO G—6: B i nova e Ton ys will froth tbb Texas Association, • | The afternoon game #as a dull affair. ;It was sbearhy hot.- inside the gymnasium whifeh* beats only 1,000 parsons, it was 1 jaihed to t3ib ceiling In the afternoon but at night <mly jabout 500' fahs turned OUt* p I ■ . 0 • 'i! The Evening tilt wah a good ohe and: was very close untfli the final , period. U The North broke a'24-24 r tie |n the last mitiutd of the third double header will be play eston now has two wins defeat and Sunset has wins. Under the ruler le elimination tourne ed, the team with least losses ^ghriSredo drop- doubfes/wi'hle Galvfla^n ped Odessa 4-0 and Sunset defi ed Galveston 8-5. and:«#rned the ri; alia* teams wli in the bottom of the f at He retn-cd the next three .imen without allowing a sin pie hlt.T / The Laredo All-0tb(| Wrefb Un able, to come through In the-. ches. They garner to Gah'eston’s five blows for extra George Hatch hurtbd his Galvi Aon team iqto the finals Inst nig) The tall right-hander . took over mound chores for Galveston none away and the bases 1c )ws for Alfredo Botello, 1 the hill for Laredo an the fourth, blasted five times at bat, ei ho runner in scoring Gametime tonight rH Smth Squad Favored To In Eeaumont All-Star G BEAUMONT, Aug. 5~(/P)^Texas schooll squads clash Friday nightiiii the J5th annual a or the Texas Coaching School with a South aggi tored by Den Faufot, the split; T master of Mis to defeat the North hosts of Carl Snavely of N< wMirr' " thd single-tfingback prof. Both squads wound up training Thursday with Snavely sending his Charges through two practice iies- siofts and Faurot-Jwldil afternoon woricoUt. siohs and Faiirot holding only an t , ri . v{iR ; The forecast of a South vlciiory was based largely on the fact iluit Aggies | First Foe, h Again This Year U. S. Naval Academy, the .Wild- cats outseored the satlofs teh touchdown fo eight. Added 10 Ih* 1 is Giat the Villanova squad wiH probably year. WSD Aggids Again at Navasota l The WsD Aggies won the)^ bnd. game in m\e Navasota ball tourney IaU night ovpi burg of! Bryan .A>. Hurler L. B; Winder of; th« Ag gies was the featured mourldiman as hi? struck Out 18 men. Thi ppslng hurler s ruck.out igie«. ■ ! f" •• HI: The game; a j o-hittef, V by the Aggies iit the fourth ondnn fi ed out : to : gi >s' on Kyle Fibid under the lights; ( They have a|new head coachat V: llanova who was a three-year; there’s no use in le terman, undiSit the famed Knute R*ckne at Nqtro Dame. He is Jimes (Big'Jim) Leonard, j While playitK for Rockne, Leon- hi d lettered in both the line and hi ckfield. Bes|des this experience, jh' has played | some pro ball with tl e IPhiladelph a Eagles in the Na- jti mnl League While with the E t*|les, he plaj ed fullback, captain- ajid called the signals. I^e was on j of the boys that, gfeve little Dajrcy O’Brien a lot of ,g)od blocking; and protection. As head (bach of Villanova, icc *eds Jordan Oliver continue using the hat was in use last start practicjing alwut two weeks Ralph’s? territory for a pass last before the Aggies. That was the j Leonard sue* laiu» to Ralph told Bart, “fellow, coming out case last year. The one thing that will be in your . .. ^ here anymore;'131 bc| here all af- favor of the; Aggies is this Texas ternoon.” And he | was, too. Reports reaching 'The Battal ion state that in a spring scrim mage with the Middies from the lheat.- .. ... Don’t sell the Wildcats short. They’ll be rdugh and tough again 1 this year. Jack London fi find Hcoref i had pm ind pla F formation cetar. Big Jim is ' take over the what wc are he will have i half team. ' l, . No doubt blt whht a lot of peo- jlc have heara of a follow by the’ name of Ralrar Pasquariello. He is that|j225 pound fullback that did so fuch damage to the o doubt qualified to coaching duties, but itcrcSted in is what the way of a foot-i Aggie forwaid wal sVehr in after! the wor kt’her mtoi atch ud prcyiouMy ^valk field fti Gibson bdJ, \ The Aggies Win piny rtwrt Lumber tonight in Ihe finih < f tin tourney at w Stuwart KlecUd Coaches Boliutnoni, T» Maco Stewarts loaches .SWwart.was j(oe Coleman of 4 <A*I of IxmgyiiBwj wai of therf#ii Hlfl Association lodaV, named to; si cccoi Odessa Ut ti c a clccitd president school jO tot .7} ljual j I sociation Grady Rested of Corpu| dhHti ,a» .elected vic(: presidetii), business rjiceting ^fj tl c ai of Co: The meeting l Tli ci -s, IB MUl. , 40” wide 5 r-; j Reg. $1.98 yd. , was lUt'Ilt, !, held icction with tho Texas Co: chin t T? NYLON “Triple Sheer” cor -j V 5,1' i ?•. ,• —— —- . J: TISSUE GINGfl Reg.; 98c OL%U ;< ! . Bryan . :., ■ .4 -i >' i rank I in Fi(||d. He stands 6'2“ moves ?liis weight around terrifi<! speed. \ esides Puriuaridlo, thevo will a few othfr familiar names on ho it* roster. |Joe Rogers, the ntt- ioh’s numbefl one gi'ound gnineh n 1946, Doif Brown, 200 pound nd, and John|Sandusky, 26K pound jicklo who hSl been i‘alled , “tho fas test big man In footlmU.'* Even thnlgh Villanova lost seven of iiM si art inn eleven, (here will bda heavy infusion of sophs to hem handle the rugged sehcdule, there will he Me D’AloMUo toltelp rut in the full* i hack mM, JJhn Gippl will share the. hairhu(|( duties with Jo« Rogers and » host of other sec ond year nu n ^ho have speed to spare. Erotic Play Cost Snead And Locke Big Tourneys AP News: features NEW YORK—If your golf game was off over the week-end remem ber the fellow who shot a 19 on one hole or the chap who took, an 18. Both happened in the National Open. In the 1938 Open at Cherry Hills in Denver, Ray Ainsley required 19 strokes before he got down on the 16th hole during the second round of play, Going farther back, Wtliie Chishplm took an 18 on the short 17th in the 1919 Open at Brae Burn in West Newtoh, Mass. Sammy Snead also looks to the Open when golfers tailk about poor holes. “They always sayL ‘HMad took an 8 at Hprtng Mill.’’ says Hlaniniln’ Mammy from While Sulphur Springs, W. Va. n hup|N*ned in Up' 1930 Open al the Philadelphia Country \ Club’s Spring Mill course. “I needed! a 3 to win and a (I to finish In a three-way tie 'with B.vrori NeWon, Cmlg Wood HndXDenny Mhiiie,” sayia Mnead. “I shot an x on the par A final hole that year and finished fifth.” Snead iWi had art 8 oin tho par five 18th Hole at Hlllcrost during tho Lob Angeles Open. His tw I Ralph I'uHjjjmijriello will IteHhc big gun in Vj 11anova's offense and defense. Lab, year he proved this vj Milner Wins 124 Over ; M ' - W ilk.'* Law Hall ner Tigers 12-4. Milner hitlers collected six hfta off the pitching of Mat Uchie and Hank Vdrnkahl. F(vc errorjs made the going cahy for Werner Llndig and George |Barclajy of Milner. Newt Butt| lead' the hitters with e, boith of his hits ■s.'jj h ■ s led in the bottom of Milner scored three ght run rule was ih- two for ti driving in The game f ndi the sixth wb runs. The shot was fine but his second shot hit oh the edge of the green and rolled down!a slight hill about 40 quarter, and never was headed af- Sportlwdup sponded Richly to A scoring game wi Uie coaches; Fauro •as ford ast by the coauhes; Faurot said ic fig*- qred his team i^uid get at Ifcast three touchdowns. The attack is geared around Claude Klricannon the Waco pasher, the ruhnli Powerhouse Toni Stolhands: Baytown and tho fleetness shall’s GtfUen Dlnkle. The North haajv the jbi. stronger-running bacVfield and i Ted Jones of Childress,\Maf Fpwler of Van, Ray Graves of S ephen- yi|le hhd Wild WaldoTthing of Monahans, coupled: with big Dar- row Hooper, th(» N6rth Slds^Fort advan age in e. r •'liilil l\s Lbs Angles; Aug ' “ corher makes one more to Big J*wn Kimbrough,' the Angeles Dons’ fullback Who has TOCl' for iy a bad knee, his wife’s poor . w ^ s ■ e TP I- - : i iheo th and his own.-financial inter- ri ^ rr est . He owns a 1,900-acrc ranch \n/ I Pi amf is a big oil distributor in Has- ^ “v WAiavliEO */. ] keif Couhty, Texas. : : j. : i Big Jawn was a whale of a pom- pet tor for !the local AH-America ConfercHce Club. He Reamed the baj -packing load for under both T and singlo-wing dblij*' ditibns. The Dons may be hard- Preused to find a replacement for thef former Texas Aggiej ^tt-Alhd^ iran, even if he Was a stpp arid a half slower: i> ■■ ★ ■. i ■ ' Loose Ends: Good to read the. aat surance by New York , basebal writer John Drebingcr that CaH>' fornia’s Casev Stengel is’Atill CaB ey, and not Gnarlys Dillon’ Stengel « ad t .r i#* Jj. •at’ UjA A i^tliKUC^.1 Haa^MLL A y yards from the pin. biled He 1 P| ; . .. ,he g up and over. When he made the His third arid back more shots ...j pm. ..r • !shot rolled up the hill down. He took three before he got the ball role of Ben Hogan in a movie about Hogan may be played by MiMtiey Rooney. Shirley Temple, however, wifi! definitely not portray the role in the Life of Strangler. little criibankment Tie overshot tbp green and was'lying six. He fi nally chipped up and holed olit for an-8. ; * f, • : i;|V = Bobby Locke; of South Afi considered the top foreign g( to play in; America in the decade, recall® a hole he price played like a duffer. ‘Tt was- In last years Tam O’ Shantcr,” says Locke, he of the kniekers, White shoes, whitO cap and rusty! 25-year-oki WoOden- Shaft putter. ’1 needed a A tot'tie Lloyd Mangrum, took a 6 and finished second. “It Wahj»' par 4 hole with » creek running through the fair way. 3fy *ee<>nd shot hit a tree mMT <«m* Mwk inio the nat. r. I picked Hie hall out and was playing », I| chipped up and two- put tod for » 8,” The poorl jrim very shot sll H|<!y ofl , owily duffor; ey frit up na tSu) They expect to perfectly. When often got ua burned' ffor vokecl at tt '!!• Seoi UHHV by iimini Milner Law , .>a..*.«» U0 523-46 229—5 ml S^folRepei Bjeauriiont, Tex., Aug ^ The Southwest Conference jfooitball race this year I will be one of the best-balanced in; history but Sout h- »rti Methodist will repeat ridth the ,es from. Hie seven schdo s in a radio interview hero Wednesday night- . ; i v , The coaches were interviewed by, Harold- V. Ratliff, sports editor of the 1 Associated Press, as aii Feature of ,the Texas Coaching School. APP! - fri- j intramural iStandings If ; . vi.'-; ! ?' CAMPUS EBAi (includes Thursday r 1 \ . L « : V • • •• ■ ]li‘ 2 ^ •«»•••«•«••< ntchotjl ' 4 •ri(a«MM^M«4e*< 1 /flH I MM ”*roJ0ct as Ai and M-. Bob Woodiuff, ihead coach at Baylor, and f saistant coaches Deko Brackett' of] Arkan sas, ’Rusty Russell of Southern Jtethodist, Abo Martiri'•o' Texas Christian and Joe Davis of Rico. Only four have been sin# - T7 b , favored Carolin « j Iri thfc series thus frit the North has Won eight, gamesl the Soutm fiye and there has been one tie. |! j Coaches do not hinw the aq: up to the usual standard. The it*seniester rule, wh ph went in St year, has weakened fOotbtdl jnsiderably. It wl I ; i/quirt! an ither year or two tci li: 'frig hri ad- juatment* A crowd of 10,5(00 is i out for the gam< Purple Stadium, th< School plant. Snavfey surprised by guard tA left halfbackj-or block ing bac|^-on his starting deani^ He was Bob Daniels of Denison. Probable starting liripups (kick- of, 8 p.m4: . \ South Sexton, lAbllene . Dixon, Ingleeidc Athcy, Waco .Vj Reeder, Port Arthur Barron, Temple •••* **4 Davit, Palestine' Saxe, Beaumom Kincannqn, Waco ...: Dinklc. Marshall .1.,.) Magouirk, N. L. Stolhandske, Baj ~ Non , Toxarkan Wichita Frills Dal la a Hams, Philli hbmpson. OdeSap ... >rges, Fort Worth 1, Bowie .. cb, ChUdresri 4 ilels, Otmlsoi ng, Monahrihs .... ■rjaves, Stephehvillo . ••••««•••f tche^ Defeated Haft Hall 1 nitchell jfell before! the bfits of ednesday 'wheri Harry six hit ball t<> phalk d win in thre^ tries, into the lead ri the •n Hitt Hall Milleri pile: Hilrt J|um siuth <|nd twb ruris Mil verith innings when relieved curbing trie Hart bats. 1 /IT ulllt ft Mhchell lead Dio hit teira with)two for four ati the plate. • MMtKtMMMMMI JefL (Inrludeo flKKJr, • »•«•••»*•(••«•■ JmiImi*! 1 Lm. • ••t»••»« st:pushcd B-Evend ted colrimh W< C-West ings he wateLtSbri losing p 11 hits foi* 14 f fun, a double, and a -single.: drove in rtlns each timb .except; Tumbow Avab fcher, giving up |y|yj^. j . rirf’thc single. This gav^hihi’j age attlie plhte V Score by imurigs: - Had M 8 for four average at. C-West , ... B-Evcn . ... 2^—11:14 4 1 9-8 10