Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1949)
This Time; ■tViV Recent action ‘ Don’t Want to Pay Our Share . bty t^ie Texas I)|f belonging to the state is want! its a belonging to the state is Wandering around on our street*! and Highways right now. Garrison, whose renew tl giving those delinquents have run;out almost painlessly. ouneed that Garrison says ithat all yob need to do a chance to i partmefct of Publicis going , save a lot of people considerable time as But the State doesn’t jseern tot want it, well as a gteat deal of moiejr that taight because it is haw gone for Shw;.# ; This week, Colonel head of t}ie department, announcea mat liamson says itni holders of* expired drivers; licenses would if you Have a license tha<| was issued since not be required to take a re-examination 1944 is to ask for a Renewal by mail. *hWe Were amazed at the''figures issuid Holders of licenses issu^ prior to{ 1944 from the public safety office, Estimates, must make a hew application in the pres* froin that office revealed that there were* ence of a license examiner v three and one half million, drivers in this Curious to know howj we stood on the state, but that only two ahd one half mjl-; matter, we looked in our niusty billfold lion of those were driving with valid ji- and finally found that WoVn and browned ! [ s j ] I document we bad sweated blood to get That seems to be ant’aljmost unbelievp.- To our utter ble figure. With fines fori driving without had run-out censes. ntJ we found that; it k last March. ■■■■pm Smalt Budget : ' f v u bac • -c ...... ; - 1,1. .1-n . i . ■■ ir each, it means that the State could clean right away. We certaiiily don’t want to Brannan a license currently costing ten dollar We're fixing to get iours in the mail 1 op if it could fine all those people at ontje. pay our share of that ] two billion, five i -3iwo billion, five hundred million dollars hundred million. I ’ ' . ; ■ • | U ' ' ' < Texas Tom; And Now There Are Nine . . ' "i i • ,/ ’ r ■ | ! I \ ■ ■ ■ ' If you don’t believe Texans get around, nificantly because he isj loyal, Tom Clark take a look at some of otir boys (Texans, is President Truman’s nomination for the that is) in Washington, j ' ninth member to the Supreme Court of , V The Speaker of the House of Repfe- the United States. ; sentatives, the Chairman of the Senate The appointment ofU9-year-old Clark I Foreign Affairs Committee, the Attorney -is not an honor of the drder granted (very General-r^th'ese three key govemmental old men who have served their party well, positions are filled by citizens of Texas, and are put out, on tne Supreme Court However, we are about tb lose the Attor- pasture to' graze their few remain- itey General, but in a way we like. He is ing years; Clark can sejrve the people for ta become - a member bf - the Supreme many ’more years on tjie Supreme Court ys Nothing Divine About Farm Plan ■ - : : ' v . 1—OP).—Secretary of Agriculture Thursday there is nothing “Divine Brannon Farm Plan, i, he doesn’t adopt it oit let him give it a trial run. broken, he declared, if Congress Court, ,, 1 i « • | ; whose word is the ultimate in interpreta- % *Ofn! has; been la go^ public: L™Lt. ^ of M afi'd a faithful Democrat. Since-1945 he *' s T,ews wl11 ^ Iorrae 4 .' n “> e h S“ of ' , ' s t n 1. _ I . .H .r Trumanesoue Democratic disnosition. *'*•■£*?"Trarsi )uni(ig those >ears as Attotnev .... . .. T General, h s wqfk has been energetic a well dorie, 7 v ■i- ■■ '■ . 11 \t :ic disposition. t^neral. hls.wqrR nas Been energet.c ana mentaI tacton , that ovpr here we consid . W i ! V er almost insurmountable. In suite of the and _he kept right . „ dent when the days were pretty dark for ^ the Administration. Fair weather friends were dropping right and left, but Tom re- omined loyal. ! .”’ !' \ ' I i ' 1 • ■ 1 f Partially because he is a good Demo crat, partially because he is able, and sig- “In fact, I’d like to see some one come forward with a more structive and useful idea,” the ,, itng secretary cold a news con- .fwwwe. . i "The plan which bears my name , borrowed from experience, iiere’s nothing divine or inspired iut it. It may not be the final mid only answer. “If Congress works out a dif ferent plan, I’ll do my doggondest to run it so as to meet the prob lems. And those problems—of farm luses and maintaining prices consumption—are very diffi cult.*’ The career civil servant was ask ed ! if he had given up hope that Congress would authorize a trial ^ w _ r run of his plan, under which farm my column. But, of course, I expect products would seek their own lev- the boys to be a little timid, at els and producers would be directly first about AfTiting In with their repaid the difference between those problems. Soon I expect to be je- levels and a calculated “fair te- luged, maybe with mail, Or perhaps turn.” with tomatejes. “I don’t know,” Brannan smiled. “If our recommendations are any good their own virture is their would help la A little if I knew to chief support. If they are no good, will be and should be Mew York——So you’re com ing to visit Mew York this summer for the first time? And you ptht to know whether anybody can come here and have fun on iLlfljutil budget? Brother, at least 7,000,000 of the people who' live here will tell you “Yes”—with some qualifications. | You can. do it tf you have a real curiousity to sec and know as much as you Can of this circup too big to pbt under canvas. But if your, idea of heaven is to simper at , gilded celebrities iii plush supper chibs night after night—why, better wait until your rich uncle dies. The best things In New York— / its wonderful window displays, its famous streets, its great stores, its history-crowded mu seums, its skyscrapers, its tre mendous views—cost little .or nothing to bee. And the fsbulous people are the best show of all— and free. But there is a time to see V-bestl . 's Go to Coney Island on a steam ing Sunday and see humanity on the half shell. That is still the New York that O. Henry wrote about. And so is the Bowery and Chinatown—and the edge of Green wich Village. It’s best to see them at night, and the subway will take you C to any of those places for a dime. When you get off your bus, treat yourself to k your hotel. If you good, clean one. ask the BROW F|reud Editor Dear Mr. Brown: ,i i „ I read in jyour column the other day of the sad case of D.L.D, I have thought of a Question which has been bothering me lately, and perhaps you have the answer. My question is as follows: When? gET 11 '- i Dear C.L.B.’ Before answering your question 1 want to congratulate you oh your amazing eyesight. S9 far as I can tell, you are the only one who read tdes But novt’ for your question. You really have; a problem there. It Support Starts On Cottons* 1 WASHINGTON, Aug.;!— (iP).—The goverrimeni’s new cottonseed support program starts today with? 1 advance predictions that it wnljgo a long way towards helping the farmers. Inauguration of the prke-sup- porting' loans for cottonseed was discussed at a closed meeting to day between senators froijn cotton growing states and Director Ralph Trigg of the Commodity Credit Corporation. Afterwards, Senator Hoey (D- NC) said, “This support 1 program means the farmers don’tj have to sell at low prices when the'’ cotton is ginned.” irant \at lunch, y scaled lower an likely to see | Go to the resi ices are us you are Battalion Crosstpord . ««•** [... jifr ty then. Hit the theater ( half an hour before time. At all except the icals or “Death 0! (A Sales- you’ll probably be able to a pair of ticketsl walking and gawltng are t fun here if you r arches ng. Strolrf through the district any wee : day at, all Street, deser ed on a y afternoon; and Times on Saturday night, the country town in America. Human rac* ith cat 1 , .JB? ““ {!: t,,., If. to 31. American ...Thvau. 10. Symbol for 61. Ha' » sXf 1 "^ Now Zealand Texa^ Tom has shown great ability in hist field and a personal integrity that we alb : j . • ;r • r . ■ <- Five Percenters Worse Than It \ ; I : ■ 1 ■ '. \ I, admire. 1; ’ 'though this campus can’t claim him as an ex. WC are never-th^-less i^roud that he is frorji Texas (the Btite. that is). iU rv* WO Tfejcktdhy phrase j‘‘five percenters” Rather tian let the cjontracts fall where makes Aggies ears pCrk up. ' t they may, these “five percenters” work, We have our “two| percenters” and we the -angles for their clients and arrange to picture in our minds fajt govelrnment contpicts through men , I :[ immediately Perc a group two; hn^t a half time*! when we he*|r ' ‘‘five percenter tioned. Since the > A— new’s stories, abc a» large men- 5 ” / ‘five percenters” V4 have learned that they raC ' s ^ ate about the satn^ kind of people ih Wash- | ^ ‘of influence” in Washington j The namp “five pei center” comes from the commission thes i wranglers-of-con tracts collect from t icir contracts. Five what you kere referring. But I iwilTproceed^ \- ji {!• \ j- ) My answet isi just as soon as they Uaraed.. • ,r ■ . 1 . -i .if^ “We were performing our in- Senator Johnson (D-SC loan program “will pot \ 17 inters ing, •whisky, cold beer, watermelons, apopSibility rests with Congress." women and other perishables. Of .farm problems as a whole, If you need further advice meet the secretary had this to say: me at the Triangle most ahy night i ‘‘We’re the only country in his- and. weil talk it over. I’ll be the tory that has ha<( to cope with the guy with a bottle of orange soda problem of excess production. Pm pop in my hand. just as happy as can'be that we’re M. N. Brown not facing, instead, a problem of shortages." my -ri I - * Brannan also had some bad news \PYi At for the nation’s cotton growers lien UlIipiUJC^S ni; today-and offered a solution. ft • 1 iY •! R® to(d the Teilth Annual Cotton bngincers Library ,. iw TO P J Cotton export markets - are 1 take care of a bad cottonseed situ ation existing now, but it will help a lot.” To fully benefit from the pro gram, Senator Johnson slid farm ers should have some st >rage fa cilities on their farms, Cottonseed prices wH( be sup ported at 90 percent of parity un der the program, and agriculture experts say it will result (m a pricej of about $50 a ton. saidthe entirely 4H Boys to A ttend Dairy School Here threatened. ■ 1 i s cr than the farmer’s operating Farm income is dropping—fast- . OJ 82 St, both of Bryan are costs. ington that we call “two percenters” here: ;he spirit They don’t have ' P Ip Washihgtk T ' 4 r I ! i I • , , : , , | - n the spirit they don’t our “ttvo percenters 7 FROM THK VISALIA CAMPUS—Dan But democratic honestv. have th is not an unfair sum. thev seem • T ' T ; 11 ;■ X • !\- Mrs. filed Johnson of 811 East Oak St. and Miss Emily Michalak, 510 Ea two nek’ employees at the cirtula- | The cottoh carry oyer—that am- lion desk of the Engineer’s Library, ount left unused—is continuing its K. E. /Betts, librarian, announced three-year rise. ‘ t 1 , , . L, In the face of this, Brannan said, Mrs;,Johnson worked at the^cirf a “sound support-price" A training school for 4111 Dairy Club boys will be held in College Station \ on August 12, fo R. E. Burleson and A. •tna. Approximately 75t4H been selected by county agents we feel that jthey are about like they just don’t e spirit. \ Cupid was in the spot- ing tha t-he did not light recently at a Betal Kappa Sigma fra- neighbor’s door to a temity dance jat Visalia. As couples en- sister were inside, 1 „ . tered the gyih they stepped through a admitted setting fiix to the bam “so’I large ring ap'd were married Tdr the even- ? eould tell when everyone ran out.” T&i Case. In Renton, Wash., explain- vant to knock at a if his brotlicr and oy M. Redfield, 18, ing by a fraternity Ju ’ ■ r J ■ ■ }- Tff I i . L The Battalion “Rby, you have di l wrong. culotion desk at the Cushing Mem orial Library before being trans ferred to the Engineer’s Library. Miss Michalak is a business grad uate from Blinn Junior College in Branham, r. i I * .1 . . Mrs. C If 1 Elliott, who worked at the circulation desk, was pro moted to the position of secretory following the resignation nf Mrs. i 'Lewis Burton. : 1 r, . * T. :n I ,| : • j General Wooten Is Company Head Maj. Ger>. Ralph W. Wo< , AjfeM graduate of 1916, has ' ed executive vice pre: MidfSouth Chemical ifdiis, it was an recently^ pwgrtm • is needed to ntUtntain abundant production and conaumption. He also urged reduction of pro duction costs by mechanization— a theme stressed by many Congress Speakers—and increasing domestic consumption by (finding new uses for cotton. One of cotton’s problems, he de- v. dared, is that me dropping dol- lar-balance of nations in the Ster ling bloc “could! seriously disrupt the South’s exports of cotton and have from surrounding counties to ah- semble in College Station Tor the dairy training school. according M. Meek- club boys l jr Tl (, ■ •• it f T~ n 1 rip n TT F 7T - ; A m ?4 lit E c m H \ / \ c^L_ a« H A. 1 i”! L ' r "- P Jjiysvy. P 22 a ST Ss ft Li. 1. if 1 i| w i P Jo 3/ 5T 3S □ __ i! ST ~ u w / 8 m s r ■, 40 4T H” : f, 43~ s 4sr ■ i 4-7 c P W _ mm +r T ■ ■ A- 37 St M sr ' s 5T t 50 *r 1 fro~ Ip F T w- — — iT cr j FI P w- T . i ST — ecu anoDB ucjd □BO DDBCB COO □□□ rjaacc dkk] aonoona ccidub EDDPf CQCICl □□□□□ □□□□□□□ DUBE UI1EULI □□ uuu uuzm\L yuu oa uauLiG tiuau [EuuaBBU yciuaa □CBU GUI'IU □□PEU BUDC:1C3BG Biitr canQG ane ana cccaa aun anD ca:uau □□□ WN . f‘T». EXUad j X 4. Pouch 7. Pr#* of 1 m 9. Fixed 10. One is -waur n. vein ] M r.I : xJLz )•* l ”ES“* JUn tent fSSrt oomponltldn Lovluulal/ • - . -■■.J- Avant fp 0 Serves as Battalio /as^alned out BY LEON FL Meade. For the we RANiyr j. 9. Cadet DoyR Avant whs selected da batta Hon commandfir. His staff consist ed of Fred Sadri (MIT) Bruno (U. of 111.) Modisett, '3-4. . f j Among their many duties'^ most interesting was the; ins^ UOn of one of the other companh and the conduction of a meeting company commanders. Doyle Wi also outstanding in that he w*s picked for thi outstanding cadet iroctiee appointed cxe< of the Mid|Sc pany of Mcmf tobacco.” I I; Cjty of College Station, Friday afternoon,; excep talion is published: tri-we y$or. Advertising ratios Battalio, '{fmjr 'jm: T' Pi" • 7. ■ f "S^dier, Statesman, ^nightly Gentleman 1 ' Lawtcncc Sullivan Ross, Founder of Aggie Traditions citil newspUp^rfof the Agricultural and Mechanical < College of Texas and the >pt! during holi Gwwa/’Wootcrt ■ retired W Sep- *“ <*** after sirring 31 He. began ■the j infantry; Churchmen Turn Cheek; Offer Bed 3NROE, rs of the in West turned the other c ■brok heavy rain. The Rev. Seals and judging, fitting *nd the showing of dairy animals will constitute a major portion of the school. The instruction will purpose of training the dairymen in selecting placements and fitting animals (for show purposes. Burleson and Meekma wfc las- ^isj in directing the training school here as well as giving their ser vices in directing simih^ j schools to be held jin Tyler, Arlington and Waco during the second week m August 1 ' riHtf irri ’TV: t tat a night, in “Stud” Wi iprintablc thi Army when L pup tent leone much short- s head and feet vfasi — inside and out! are h»d some to say about fbuad that his gned for Kan he, u-, r —,— protruded into tme rain. / j Such a btvouj c, It was really Hv ijtfg; in the rough with electrk lliglits. running beer, chow serw trays. sHvcX and china bcin; .1' c & brought to the field by truck th times per day. f Htmimnilft,- ; /, J. s, K Co. Is rapidly a a championship leybalL In soft- » games to go one loss. Seven : Wlnntogj • iiitramui tg towai tball andl voile; aref two ■ 1 ; won but G Co. cision in the game K Co. will bt re- 11!): *..v 1 WEST mo; lUnc " i.T)—Members 1 La., Aug. 1. the Trinity Bap- est Monroe have ______ utoM|, : mber,, 1948, after serving 31- An intruder bhoke into their new •ars with the Air Corps. He began brick church Sunday during a rtivc duty with .the infantry; haavv rain. The Rev. Seals a PALACE Brqan TODAY & TUESDAY tished on request, ter he commanded the U.S. Air ircc in the South Atjantic. His .st command prior to [retirement | The Associateld Press i credited to it or ftot ptlu nvi ! entitled exclusively tl) the [ise credited in the paper ai for republicatii His the Pacific Air Com- e for repubUcatb n of all news dispatches edlhcrcim r Rightj o^^i|ubjictttio^ajl Mhor Pm|i|ter bdreiSTare^^reae iff 800 * VrMA Entered •» ctcon-l-cluss motLer Collect Station. th* Art of CimgrcM TT News contributii Gosdwnr Hall- Ciasaifiod qtl>i may be D^fitfe, Room 209^ Goodwin Hall. ■YIN BROWN, CLAYTONLattLp3t IJnrry «(. K. CulTillc P!t Rcprcicnl ed nttiaMlly bf NttloMl Ad- v«rtiiin* ;S« k» Inc^ at Vtw York City, X> 4 Aaccka, and Ban FraacUco. i — at the o litorial offtee, Boom 201, (4-5324) 0* the Student Activities .jlipp mmmm T < ^ E <^ tors id with headquarters in Hawaii Working On tors Degree .4 »,• • • • • p_* • * • » • mLl~ ^ Iriodc Knapp, assistant pro fessor of fisheries at A&M, is work- on his doctor’s degree at Lake exoma near to the Wi (her tid os . C)tcolh(v>n Anbtana Khsrovtra. CartecnU « Munoscr ar Denison, Texas, ac- W. B., Davis, professor , dUfe Department essor Knapp, taught a fish- jrevione » :■ J •* first six we while Texoma « of the summer, on his de cree, he is using the data which ic obtained from his class x weeks. News*Star: “Someone evidently In search of a bed cut a window screen at the rear of our church Sunday night, and proceeding to the kindergarten room, crawled into an overnlaect baby bed where he slept for the night. So far as is known nothing in the church has been disturbed, r ‘"We wish U> state that If anyone wants a night’s lodging, he can obtain it by calling at the pastor’s home next door to the church. A key to one of the five doors will be cheerfully loaned.” < When Duty Calk ... Webster, New York firemen were leading a carnival parade down < Main street when the alarm rang. The volunteers broke ranks, raced a mile and put out a fire in an .automobile. i'' : 1 -fcl'.-' - They were back in time to fall hi smartly at the head of the pre cession. * QUEEN SUN. through WedT “LAST BANDIT of the wjeek (from K CoU for first weep of summer camp. j On July 15 Doyle was ari eyewit ness to some of the scocial life of a Regular Army officer whan! he was the guest of Colonel O. C. Mood, deputy cheif of staff of the protested second Armyl and his daughter, with the®,. _ Florence, at a formal dance at the quired to play them again, officer’s club. -.] | f Tht volleyball team undelrithc To say the least, Doyle was im- ; abW lnanagingt of Raymond pressed, but whether it was wlpii the social life of an officer or Florence, we have yet to determine. Field Trip On Wednesday, July 13. K co. (motorized) moved into the field for problems pertaining to the Army Security Agency,v Many of the intrfcadep of the Army Sec urity Agency were learned and ~ iBr^” * ’ 1 1 1 able tnanagii MtOrew hasnjt fever had a oneij beatlhg hlghl companies so far without ever having to play the third gianie In k two out of uruy ^gency were learned and Thursday evening woundiiip In a|^ beer bust. A softball game with the cadr three set with Isach one. Yesterday, for example, t Co. was beaten to, the tune of 15^6. The boys say they were sorry for them so they let them have six points in the see- x i.| I —with- £01 Elliot III i . 'j ,y