Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1949)
i r tisfied StsksorlBrn j ■" z " 1 mm- } '4' • • IMSIM «Y JOHN* W. LAEFENBEIW riianuto FW<1 Bait Comspondrnt The' hot Illinois countryside is ririKinj? with one cry tncse days, and it can be hoard fronnotle^end of Ohamue Air Base* tb tliikother. That try is, **v.cU, OlJ> Army!’' ; Neither ihc heat-and high hmhi- Oity >i the days i.or.tftei sultry night.-' cttn dim the spirit por the vigor ofj thia cry. y „ ’ for the Aggies arty l^y far the strongest contingent bti cfldets at tlm summer camp.'Ninty-six Air Force, maintenance Aggies I report ed for! this intensive six-vyeeks of JnstrucUon, and they immedkitcly assumed h. marjority of the com mand; positions as cadet Officers. However, the cadet officer jobs are to be rotated periodically, land the pennant cadet officers are not to be selected until tlm final Week of Camp. It 1*-expected that the Ag gies will capture more tliin their .•hare of the permant jobs, Another cry which was 1 equal- I'./ly forceful as "Well, Ole Anns” was, “Where in the world are the Bans?'' However, that wor- roy has subsided, since the Batts Were received Just, the other day. They were faithfully redd and enjoys* by every Aggie ion the hose! , / •• _T' The Air ROTG Summer Camp commander is Lfc; Col. Morris H. Sheddfrom thc University !of Illin ois, and the commandant of cadets is Lt. Col. C, V. Warden from vs i ' s Reac erspim from’ the staff at A&M is Cap*. ohn G. Otts. Ho Is ass gned aa a 1 l?£ i Sdetd here at Cm nute were different pqugrdons, IfCj Mi. In .i ■' , • . id it is a rare eyent \ ,’hen raorei six or iseven men fron the e scliool are .ossigred tj tho me outfit. Since racli spuadron divided ihto .tliree flaght', and since eacli flight operates On 4 fferent 1 schcdilie, it [males it' hard for the Agirfes :o g. t - 11 M in off? far an or anyplace within 1/K mil es padets. How sver, w e have our own. Cadet Club shack >ar and lounge, a day room, readinj: room, and PX. There have been no dances for the cadets as ret, bi t this Sunday evening Colonel Shodd is importing two or throe hundred coeds from the University of Illinois for a Cadet Dancf ©n th< > concrete patio. (Five will get you ten the Aggies walk off with most) of the women!) I - M V/V*« y, VTtVIV4TTIl liUUl Midxigan MAT. The only officer 4 I.TWi l Lauiiches Sale NEW YORK, July 13—IT)— r . _ Dccca Records, Inc., notified its dealers^ today that the Company oiiii lonnAjj jj “half-price” [ ii» It JQy, is. h- Will launch a “half-price” ! sale on vbtualiy its entire album catalog M IJ - CATS- *1 . . - M r ,(Continued from Page 3) \ v.:,.f : iV -v | •' - few exceptions. , , The league will set up a Schedule j at its- winter meeting governing games not finished because of the. i transportation situation, j In the'first inning, Herb Con yers of Oklahoma City hit la Texas ly . Leaguer to score Solly Hemiis of Houston. Sam Diblasi hit to, center in the sixth Inning, and Milt Nifelsen of Oklahoma' City overcharged the ball.; Bragan then singled Diblasi hoine from second with the win- . .■ |dH? _ ruh. •. u f! ' The All-Stars, managed by A1 Vincent of Tulsa got nine hits, ; > Fort Worth' nicked’ four pitchers for (ten. ■ A1 Gerheauser-of San Antonio Was cliarged with the loss, ' Hcmus received ?a cut on the ln- Stop tliat will k<5ep him Out of ! play forifivc or-sb: days. Wally Fiain had to leave the game when •f ho. got a split finger on the right hand from ti ball thrown from the outfield. < —f ', h Y' *“• whenever they arn pet on duty, the main gripe from evejy- omV la that aU the duMeu are hekl at night from (-lO. This put*; quite a rrintp into any social life, hnd it is ha rd oh the “sack time,” for the di,y usually about 6:80 a. ra. or earlier In case them are some special S±E “ T This summer camp is la long way from a "sriap’’ or variation. The classes invlude ah intenjsivc cover age of all parts of aircraft main- tenance. The class room work in cludes such subjects as-ailrcraft engines; props, fuel, electrical, and miscellaneous systems, structures, shop functions, and technical pub lications. The day-light hours , Unusually full also with such J«cts aa military courtesy, physical training, squardon athle tic team play, firing oh the range, 1 and ceremonies. 1 il I RettWli! is stood evf-ry day! ex cept Saturday and Sunday, and since each activity requires a dif ferent uniAirra, it is one i m Barrjachg, for these must rettn in inspection order at all tlm< from 8 a. m. until 10 p. m. , In sptto of the many military duties which mast be performed each day. all la not work at this summer camp. There is a very fine swimming pool, which is located adjacent' to the Cadet Area, and it may be used when ever there is no formation to meet. Several tours have been provided for interested cadets. These have included pr will in clude Chicago, The University of Illinois, AJebriton Park, and several oilier spots of interest. Since the Officer’s Club here is rather small, the privileges bf the <ilub W’ere not extended u> the eachers BegmSWeek ni V t. •Twelve Course calf and milk r, breeding progfcm; 1 i n the aality control. } J -Iferred I •MM Quake iu Hiroshima Tokyo, July 13—bTi—Kyodo: News Agency reported this afte boon a .strong earthquake staruci atom bombed Hiroshima. No serious damage was report ed immediately. A number of breaks in power lines disru] aervice. J ^ ; \, Selznick-Jonea Wed Cap D’Ahtibos, France, July 13 —(Jf)—Movjc producer Daria 0. Sclznick nntl actress Jonhlfcr Jonf® left hero ycutordhy aboard a yach|t, and friends said they woui<j Be married tonight at Portofino, Italy,! KrtHrrrr r MAKI OID nOOftS I • f —ACCOUNTING, ll«m«»fory . AIGEMA, ^ANCIENT NltTOaV 11.00 . .00 .75 /U) 1.JJ ■ i|J —ANC, MID., o*4 M60, MI1T, —.AkTssosoioor. Outiin* w. ,—IACTCIIOIOCY, Sri*. »f_ 1.M —-irotocr, c«Mroi js BOTANY, Control Z I .75 • —SUSINEM IAW „ Si.... l.iO ; —CAICUIVS, Tfc* r US i .—CHEMISIYY, Fir.* Ymt Cot L IJ5 >_-CHEMl$T«Y, Malht. for Oon. .75 -iCHMISTtV, Oryoolc L 1.50 *,—cotroiuriOH finance —L 1.00 —DOCUMENTED FAFESS, J5 7 .—ENOiANO, Htifory of_Ul—^ 75 —ECONOMICS, FrUdolo* et. \ - -EDUCATION, Hitt or/-el. —tUIOFE, 1500-1S4I; Hl.t, of— .75 EUROFE, 1115-1947, HI«JOfY »l- 1-W EXAMt,, How to Writo *»tW , .—FOIESTIY, Con., Oollln# •*- . «^FKf4CH OEAMMAt —CEOIOOY. Friotlplo* of-^ CEOMETIY, Flono, Frobi. i" .V- I | OOVEBNMENT. Amor inn OSAMMAt, ENG. Frio. 1 Free, of 1.25 .—KY0RAUUC5 for Flfooion- i— 1.00 JOUINAU5M, Survoy of — «.2J —T j LATIN AMESiCA. Hl.lory of-— 1.50 . i ,—LATIN AMERICA In Map. — 1.23 IAT. AM(R. CI*;ilx. 1 R4|i. In— 1.50 —tAT. AMEt. Economic Oe*.—— 1.25 —irfEIATVIE, Amorkoo ' UTtlATUtE. EoaHofc, Wcf. nf— 1.23 -—Ut., losUok, Hill, fo Onrikn— 1.23 —UT., E«*., HIM. Moco Milton—1.25 —tITEtAYWE.’ Oormno „ f— 1.50 —IOOARITHMIC A Trif. Tofclo^ .W v ' r ' 1 ——RSYCHOlOOvi Conoral J.OO —RUtllA. KlMory of — 1-50 !i --* «£Too?$- L00 ! RUIE, Proctleol mo of—* '-75 1. Flono A SpSorlwl mm. 1.25 —U, ». fo IMS. Hilary of JS U. •Inc# IMS, HIMry #t—4,- JS —WORLD, Sloe# 1914, HM#ry #f-J 1.90 r-IOOlOOY, 0###n«l —.— MtCOWIIICt TOCHAM0I Tie L “Sirpirtg Texts Aggie?' | ./I,;.;} ■*: . : - : El - UT, ABNER ■I • I'ck to Notlilnt r \ ; i- i^ttonvvood l\*a4 July |17 _. agricultural te; lett ers from different parts k of the state have started a three week; work-shop course in the DalMHusbandry Department, according to J)r., I. VV. Rupel, head of the department. Dr. Rup<il and R. E. I^ighton, instructor in the department, will teach tho course. The thetie.of this years Work shop Courad !s “Getting Established in Dairy I'arming.” During 'the next three weeks the following topics) will !be discussed and ijtud- Vet H' GetNi Tht ^irst' irgaiiiti Tht to be) libra Vete: lance, is ex] run Veterinary Dickinson, in tharge of singing at “ Wmh\ ; July 1? through 24,. J li * ii— '' f rary mental library r thb main will;! Wtte \ the School pf Medicine, Paul S. Bal- riah, said this Week. It ted to open at the begin the fall semester. ill occupy tho west ohd of .thq/Veterinary Hos pital oiji the first floor and will consist; of two rooms. Most books wnl bfe jshelved in ; the reading room which will shat mote than 30. .. , AH strictly veterinary books and r-round feeding prog-am; i many books In allied fields now in library will be trans- , the Yeterinary Library; The- clash will meet daily Mon- The same thing will apply to vet- day iArriugh Friday from 8 until erinary and applied journals.; Ev- 11:30; for discussions, special lect ures and 1 field trips. Monday ! the members of the course met and elected officers for this session. Elected were: A. F. Caston, chairman and M. H. Tim mons, secretary, Caston is the vo cational agricultural teacher at Naeona, Texas, and Timmons is the high schootlfgricultural teach er at Smithrille, Texas. Committieos were set up during this meeting to study four major - the dairy field. These . will prepare a report on their findings and turn them in to R. E. Leighton, instructor. Members, of the group are: A. L. Allison, Bowie, W. L. Cook, Orch ard; A- Fii Caston, Nocona; I Godwin, Alvin; J. Z. Hattox, E gin; M. Ml! Moojjv. Laredo; C. J. Parker, Smithrille ; and F. W. Volkman, Bcllville. erinaryj and applied journals. Ev ery book will, be Catalogued and listed ip the inain library catalog. Miss (Mary Hicks, trained librar ian from the Medical arid Dental School Library of the University of Maryland in Baltimore, will as sume duties in the new library on July 13, Ballanco paid Bull in p< Fiddle Lost hone Booth Petts Wood; Er|g.—OP)—You’ve seen ft bull fiddle?; You know how big a telephone bojoth is? X man lost his bull fiddle here in a telephone bqoth. Stanley Small, manager of the Daylight Inn, foun^ the instrument there the morning after a dance. Assujhing it had been mislaid Kerens; T; B. Reese, Rosen! erg: by a membep of th ? band, he wait- M. D. Seari Mesquite; F. W. Shep- ed for jthe owner t]o turn pp. perd, Hutto; M. H. Timipons, w-,. [1 •Lt' f - ! U’L ABNER Coi iparison Shopper DO^T SHOOT"] ah hainT MOVED.’TJaiW." m l ■ ‘ !• I I rr- By A1 , 1 J AH HOpeS MAH NfeCK HOLDS OUT/T i EF IT SNAPS INTVO- Pi^ ncuRr ' v/WL ;>> H; vlf , HOT 00)1 obT- kjot i WTO tor WITH A I Usi'T 4E Al CAJ-EDl MS TO HOPE. n-rvev ii j,; - ■\ W%''', CASpV-THANK YO‘ FO'SHOOTIN' THET BALLOOKl LOOSE. FOM MAH NECK/l'' \ | i’ i Excess Bull Burns Barn North Andover, Mats., ! July 13 _/ypi—William A. Maznrinkoj and his large, brown bull aren't speak ing today-!-not after what hap pened m morningw [ Fire broke out in the Mazarinko bam about dawn and Mazarinko called tht) | fire department which rushed apparatus out to the farm —or nlmc(f|t to the farm. The bull plainly didn’t like! red fire enginkjs—ho just planted him self dn a narrow roadway and challenged I the firemen to com? on, They didiii|t. Doubling as picadors, the fire fighters armed themselves [with pitchforks ahd drove the bull back into a fi and came Col-O-I combines color and beauty , with exceptional durabif- ■wBssm seen a fljyi If so, jo\ vention. ! . 1, i i I .1 . iii | _ w i ! I; • 5 3f • fii LONDON’S Alirr STORE k College Road - • - i , ' L j ; Flying The bull got jck. The fire was oose get ting worne. The firemen finally penned the bull in a nearby pas ture. I By that time the big, Wooden irn was Loss, approximately beyond saving. ' ‘ *12,00(5 Saucer Club To Hold Convention Ti . \,T. . T7 Alexandria, La.—(A 1 )—Have ing saucer? ou are invited to a That was 10 weeks ago. “If anything hds happened to Ibe owner,” Small said today, “perhaps his relatives might like to take it off my hands.” UTL ABNER J A Puppett of Passion Neamh- HAMILTON FATBAtK CALLS ON GREGG SHERVJOOq WHO IS NOBODY BUT THE CUTEST BLONDE IN ,| NEW VORK/T ^tHORE Glad ah INT IKI VIPRC SHOES, BTUH GRANITE/A ‘ 1 I DONT MIND VOUR JWHV NOT LISTENING TO ME—BUT VOU HAVENTT > EVEN LOOKED Battalion Etuieuttun CLASSIFIED ADS Page 4 «Ell With a battalion classifiku ! AD, itUto# . . . 3c a! word p#r inFeruon 'WUR'A'-Me mlnimuai Bpac# rui«» in J CU»alifl«d Hwilon 60c per Column inch, a«nd All ctMcItied* with remit- tanc#j to lb# Student Activate# Offic#. AU a»l» aliould be ttirnrd In by; 10:00 ra.m. or the day before; publication FOR 8 WEDNESDAY! JULY 13, 1949 p- ri—h II— - BUT— Y -AND VOU ARE. IV THAT'S K SUPPOSE?-1VE 7 OUST A H BEEN GONG AROUND STATUE/T ) WITH f/VfJVOU SO IT ISKfT y LONG. HAMILTON—FD! even K FORG crrr EN what ALIVE.*?// A REAL. MAN _L ir THE MORE f SEE THE MORE RE *4^1 YOU GET-AND OF VOU GETTll WMV DON'T vou GET LOST? The Young Men’s Business’ club announced Friday it is planning a convention for persons all over the natiort who have seen the discs. It’ll give pare notes Di&a this week Q - them a chance to com- T j ' u-erc reported here twice ‘ i - i AU Eyes On Yon! you're sure of Uie of apotleasly cleaned perfectly preaaed, we turn out, you'rbr j have people stare. pus Cleaners the Exchange store” - . :/ f| !J1 SAl.K—Attractive j.T bedroom liotutr, owner, W. C, Rfmnius.tcn. O. 1. jLoan. j 211 Kyle at., pnlles* Hllli FOK SAl.F;—0 room h0|nf. ” Furalahed or UnfUrniished. 232, Foster, ColleRc 11111*. Call: 4-9784. KOK SALK—10 acre# frUtinK-W0 ft. on new’ /Illghway 6, nine ! mllea (huth of College. Plenty trees and Rood fl*h I pond;. 950. Terms $95.00 dash and $10.1)0 per month. ■ ; R SALE—Pinto- pony| ’a'Uh saddle and brklle, very ' gentle jLSO.OO. : Year-old coltir sired by Klnganudo, Porter Boy nab 1 Golden Plume-$50—75. • MLsUELLANROlIS^r m)UHK B low3KR!r , NS« S ? a puim Commit (j.! N. Thomlui./'ltox 1073,-: Upf- , | j / ■, .NUltHERY—will keep? your children! by day, tright/ week or ’week-end, Itaaabn- nble ratesJ Call 4-»M)34 between K land 5:30 for f|irtlier information. irfr-nlli-j ii L 1 n-TTiiii • BUSINESS SEKV1CK8 # HAVE youf themes.; thesis, typed by ex- perts. phone 2-(f705. THE SCRIBE SHOP, lp07 E. 23rd. - Notary Pdblle, Bookkeeping and Tytlng. sec Mis. L. IF. Lewis, Apart tjmnt C-ll-T,/ College view, or write to 2581. College Stnlion. Texas. / — -L— i T - Box FOR SALE—O. B. Regrigerator, $S0.00. : O/bod Condition. See iatB-r.-Y. College View. FOR SALE—1946 Buick Super Sedanelte. New seat covers, good der-the-seat hdater. spet light, sun vlaor, and everythin* else but See it at the YMCA any day from 1:30 p.M. to 9:30 P.M, Fc ation write BOx 1277, tires, radio, tin-. the kitchen sink. r further Inform- College. FOR SALE—1937 Ford | icock, 321 Chemistry Building. ^ TS ob Coupe. Han- WANTED ass RENT • WANTED TO RENT — Small furnished house or apartment.! Contact! Mrs. Ridgeway, Cream land, College Station. )R RENT—Pre-Fab, 213 North Munrfcr- )yn, Bryan. Inquire for further Infortn- ation. f! r 1 JFT- I it 1 ' ! ’ m i. .• • n»A home-ukb HEAL AWAY FROM ROME ;Wi COLLEGE BIS w i l In BRYAN ,:.ui . L T i I’V f' LAUNDER IN LEISURE Laundromat Equipped . . . One Half Hour Laundry Open Daily 7:30 a.m. Last Wash Received Monday 7:p0 p.m, ;-j- Sat. 3:30 p.m. [Other Days 5:30 p.m Starching & Drying Faciluies Available. v WE SELL Model Airplane Supplies Architectural Balsa Wood SHAEEER’S BOOK STORE North Gitte Phone 4-8814 Geo. W. BiiChuian, p.O, CIIIROPRd .CTO It COLONIC 11-RAY 303 E. |28! h St. ' I Phono 2-B24S , By At CUP BUT, YOU AREHT urrcNiNS TO MF./r-TOU - — > V .!• I WANT A STONE DRILL, A COLD CHISEL AND A SLEDGE HAMMER/T By Al C*p p Sam! ti:; f fi 't \ n 4 Consult Dr. Carlton R. Lee OPTOMETRIST With Your Visual Problems * 203 S. Main — Bryan Phone 2-1662 ' I STILES FLOWER SHOP 1903 S. College Rd—Ph. 2-6188 PROMPT DELIVERY and WIRE SERVICE J: A- Stiles ’48 Reed Ailbritton ’51 ! — - 4 — FOR THOSE WHO ! j ; DEMAND THE BRSt . • I College Shoe Repair North Gate Mil ! i 4- New York ' Cafe f i “«ssri \ ’ . y i USED C/ HEADQU; HI | : j PETERS plan where trial plan. > :!! r i ' with less^mi for a —- N • ‘ i 'A -v • ! .■ I ' •’ i j ’. ; I ,\\r . i " ■ I 1 ^ •• I j; I , |*' ■ j . i We Have Just Completed Btikjfng Some Fine Studios a Have a Good Accc rdian Teacher, MUSIC COMPANY now offis aj n. • ■ !- ■ r a Piano Accordiani NO INSTRUMENTS TO BUY \ • i; \ PER WEEK J • * ■. ] | V ■ I {• WE FURNISH 1 ACCORDIANS ENROL N TO PL 0 ACC0RDIAN !hii: you can rent -T- • d; ;. 1 1 .(! li : « \ 1 ^AYS FOR i; * We I i j ,d , . Only Have a Limit* d “SPECIAL CLAS^^S FOR ADI •• PETER§ MU i, . Bi /r If! i» ■ j I,- l -« •*4" iESS^NS H 7 MUSIC “Across from YT • i ,\; : U H. he dii . J t \ ; iM 8 ,t of A f i ans . 1 • ‘ 1 ; R 7! r . li -'Vi, ■ •' i A < /l. V.!l ' ■