Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1949)
" r i IV i f P^p 2 eater i_a ft: •/ I : •- ||* nj Congres ' —Tj miam-om HiRlMI S WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 1949 oldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman?’ ce Sullivan loss, Founder t)f Aggie Traditions ]•.! ‘:ij • •’ 1 : - I Monday night j^u, i8. Mr. Goss? codstitut jpind then deaHng oat to the ex antendmints. Under any oth|e: event# could /!: y/ iii Tr rTf !/ 1 INTERVIEWS April 1142—: and public reVatij X y i - , / l ■ '1 But RepreMontktiie MMm, Gossett’s speech is in session! when we can entertain speak- an idea to some ers are the great draw-backs in the pro- ented his proposed gram. j j | M | t with due clar- The plan is similar to a long-standing <tions thrown at policy in force at Oxford University. Cab- )Vemmental topics jnet members, and even the Prime Minis- fi of constitutional ter, go regularly to Oxford to defend the government's policies from the arguments of the students. i This Oxford plan is conducted with a keen realisation that the leaders of to morrow are the collage student* of today, wirmed to digressive p y HC q Utt j n ti n g ^he university element iX X i • 1 ir ijpeaker such a turn Vtolbeen embarrasaing. dHHctt whs m Inter- idgldature and execu- dising. \ ^ ^5* r men m AGRK L LTURE AND LIBERAL ARTS f f 7'' ENGIN (1) Lamar Creamery, Paris, Tex- will be located in Prefer men trained ia or J also have an opening for one man \ Letters Editor, The Battatfra: the Corps now every but just in ease. Texas, ; sound electric scoreboards, fori men their Co lege exas Electric Monahans, T^xas, has an Jil add for a me- % The civil engi- 1 f.“W quantities, The me- * *1 while i had some trai: ihav 7(1 As* a result of a mistake in com- L f 8 ) _The California ' manda, there was a mixup in the ^ ew 0r}e,in8 ' Louislai ceremony, relating especially to the. 11,88 for two or three the colors. It Was an * tg| in Mechanical Sneak Preview nft|r seeing the multi* with the problems end aims of governmen tal administration, the civil officers are 4i|^layed, is to invite molding for the nation a more mature and hortative speakers to farsighted electorate. , their views on any tistod in tollphukesi tive policy that quuMtiona. Our proposal, pi: city of intefesi^ prominent arid a cone here and d ard all subjects. The program tould be administeded in conjunction with .the preat Issues Course w rich is doing a commendable job at pre sent. By including a<few general speak ers, - whose pu|rpe4)| : |ii|,coming here would b^ to outline govterriifmntal endeavor and stimulate thojugihl, about it, the course Would be near perfeef. Our distance from Washington and thejj Xact that Congress the task. II-.' -.I-'! ytoao^ we, the people of Tex- , from their own l. ah, have watched ou| natural gas pump- thought they saw a el endlessly oiit of t if state and have sunk Jem. deeper in the mud ofi the wagon trails we call rural; roAds. Al| this time no one tiought of ariy oofifiection between our biggest state give-aWay on the one hand §lnd our biggest state; blight on the other. Of Gas • - . J :* i jil For many ' In England the pblicy has paid,*off. The competent administrators for one of the world’s vastest empires have been products of that system. The United States has inherited much of Great Britain’s former responsibility for maintaining peace in the world. A well-informed American citizenry, under standing its mission, would be an asset for Radio’s Sam Spade Stars In Technicolored ‘Red Canyon’ Qy FRANK CUSHING a gigantic race of their mount* each year. To vindicate himself in illSISI- t menta, "thin 1m the wont demon- ♦ m j : Htrutlon . . . I've over *e«n I at ARM Oattage," 7 In publkly rebuking the hap* Iohh cadet* (who,, after all, were only following command*, however poorly) Col. Boitner violated an import* Bobm courtjeduR to v g aeisU. Dur- opetnings men their own break colts, and help to I !l Texai ft important rule of every GOOD of^p fleer: never publicly reprimand f w . 1 t a nmvu yvur. iu viiimntrii in aiwa. Red Canyon (Universal Inter- the public eye, Duff vows to cap- \ someone; do it in private. SelecMi ..~I l j] i ll i ’o turn our tended defic exas’ benef e, the native sOns answer to the prob- In the; post-pipe line days of 1945, they recalled, 24 percent of Texas’ gas produc tion was piped away to other states. Then the Big and Little inch pipelines tvere laid and they watched the precious gas being Now, at length, lameone has decided gulped away in ever increasing volumes t against our ex ance the. books for each day. “.[Whei) anyone suggested taxing the fuel, gas producers arid their lobbyists pointed at the taxes on gas consumed loc ally and said “Look how it is being taxed now; you will just be taking money from your own pocket!” All this time the inch lines were pump- d^* the constpuc^ipri iarid ripkeep of rural ing away and new ones were being plan- •oads. i 14.18. i i ; no/I on/-! loi^l c. Texas ha terrible rc The someone is state Representative C. McLellan, ,and his aill now’ before the house proposes arpne^c ent per 1,000 cubic ieet ton pn tie ijnrilfu tion of natural gas with the reveiu^t iuB garnered to be used national) marring Howard Duff, Ann Bl)ih, and George Brent. Howard Duff, radio’s famous Sam Spade makes his second screen appearance in the movie Red Can yon, based upon Zkne Gray’s novel. Duff is cast as a long suffering cowboy who is constantly hounded by society because of his outlaw family. In an effort to escape the unwanted attention, he changes his; name and leaves j his outlaw rela tions. i I Duff becomes determined to cap ture and break ‘’Black Velvet,” a black stallion who is roaming the hills. In the process, he (Duff, not ; the horse) encounters Ann Blyth ; which is rather pice encountering to say the least, Since they fan madly in love from their first look, I they show a hfearty dislike for each other. Complications arise through the distrust of Ann’s father, played by . dividual. Incidentally he should set George Brent, and the rest of the some sort of record by refusing population Who believe that “Black to smile for the camera. Velvet” can never be caught or Red Canyon is no<t the best movie tamed. The whole commPnity seem of the year, but attending it defihi- to consist of horse lovers who hold tely beats studying. ture, break, and run the blhck stallion in the big event. A further mix-up is provided by Ann’s father’s oath to wipe out all the kin of : the not too re spectable clan of Duff’s. His fami ly helps Duff not at all by ap pearing periodically Pnd reminding him that the homestead just ain’t the same without him and that he ought to come back into the ille gal fold. Duff permanently and neatly solves that problem by wip ing out his father’s entire gang in one fast-moving battle. Red Canyon has many good points. The beautiful scenery film- ed, in vivid technicolor offers a treat to the audience’s eyes. Ann Blyth is an additional optical treat. If you are above such things, beau tiful hox-ses appear throughout the film. Howard Duff plays a con vincing role of an enfeittered in- t. I, Not only did Cpl. Boater tlo- BUMY Ute a rule of a feod officer, but Beauties for the Bo|H almost every rule of tact. His cion* w jn t* tp* rc8 „i t 0 f tinued reprimands, comments, and test to be held at tHji a corrections made the review soem dance Saturday nighfc 4 like a practice review. Hpjp ; Granted we need practice be- Grady telibfl, assistaStidij fore Federal Inspection, but why student Activities, anpouni didn't the orders read that way? entries in the contestfoill It was a “Cadet Corps Review in when they enter the recognition of Army Day.” And Hall Saturday night, were the tears flowing from the p® female, either married q: hearts of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, w } 8et an d the wirings mu^ti parents of the hero being honor- present' at the Bob Hupe ST ‘ ed, only practice? I; be held in the horse&be 1 write these comments with the Field on April 20. 4 ; IU sincere hope that such an uncouth, Four beauties will' - !be untactful display will never hap- f rom those attending ?he Sk pen again. , night dance, and the^four U Please withhold my natne — I presented at the April M don’t have my reserve commission w ith Bob Hope conducting tW YET. 1 - ' ~ Cum- txa*. has the summer with some wdrk. i \ i J Name Withheld Ag Station Gets) Pest Study Fund I McKnight Apologizes! . . . Blount Visibly Shaken By Battalion’s Hard Charges ad pleasure iiji tl ic thorotitfhfkreiL H 1 r i [ No mondy” But watching; thi ned and laid. Finally the lion of public sentiment, slow but certain as always, awoke to the true conditions. Several tax bills were in troduced and suffered various fates. The McLellan Bill is the latest and seems the ctkideness of their pub- most likely to succeed. It is now on the house floor and early voting indicates it may pass, but by a close margin. i < During this latest April shower, rather than pushing your automobile out of the mud, #o home and write your legislator. mi \ /;• . . r ,si ajywyff had a reirutation for d: ,XOften; described as living in he state wit i tlje nloat room to travel in ind the least to travel on, Tex- imyin the paiit hByettiiken a «ort of warp ■] S' ( however^ on war !#ates, saw the endless Native time visits and beautiful conmite ribbons connecting northern and eajstdiftT cities and wonder ed 'why their own tstite must remain mud- bound. w ; i stilution under caricy for gtent dcmble. Alsd 1 ences exchanged if I Ilf were told, same eastern and northern cities bein|: warmed by the gas The B; City of: Coll Friday drae talion is year. A .'The Ass; crwlited to cd herein. Khtered M ottit* m» the Act of'< ‘ - Atlanta (Ga.) Con- with Board: va- both single and «’Share room. Refer- See if you can widen the margin of the chance on passage of the McLellan Bill, Gas is supposed to have tremendous lifting powers. Let’s see if it can pull Texas out of the mud. Livestock wanted by an advertiser in the Plant City (Fla.) Courier. “Want to buy small horse. Must be gentle and able to work. Also do auto re pairing.” ■i n • .1 ■ ! .’! -I x 'he Battalion i con rib; Hall. KENNETH BOND. Bill Vnuo* jj^jg Clark Munroe ..... Mrn. Nancy Lytle Alfred J ' GmU . 1 ' iii • il newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the is published five times a week and circulated every Monday through holidays and examination periods. During the summer The Bat- on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.. Subscription r*te $4.30 per school furnished on request. ;is entitled exclusively to the use for republication of lall news dispatches' i# publish- nay be made by telephone (4-5444) or at the editorial office, Room ads ^rnay be placed by ^telephone (4-5324) or at the Student Activ I ill credited in the paper and local news of spontan itioh of all other mattep herein are also reserved. at Port ***• «»<*«■ *• Member of The Associated Press Represented nstlonslly vcrtlsinx Service fnc., at ChicsKo, Los Angles, an li ecus origin publish w- ational Ad New York Cityj San By MARTHA COLE j AUSTIN, April 6 —<A»>—Those bitter football foes, Texas and Texas A&M, gbt together on the floor of the House yesterday while Communism lay groaning on the bench. Kep'yPcppy Blount of Big Spring who pwyetl ifootball for Texas last year, ’lowed he didn’t like being called a “subsidized football play er.” Those, he said, were* the words in an editorial: in the Battalion, loxus A&M College newspaper. Uep. C. P. McKnight Jr. of Quit* man, who was graduated from A &M last year,; interruptod Peppy to say: “I think you’ve been done an injustice, atid as a former Ag gie, I’d like toT apologize for it.’’ Blount, a six4foot, four-inch pas* snatching end on said the editorial was headed: “Better Than Giving Them Convertibles.” It goes on, he said, with “why hasn’t A&M a subsidy program like TIT? W’hat other school subsidizes its players with seats in the legis lature ? ” “And this is about someone very Jeep Donated To Forest Service ; A 1948 Willys jeep, complete with power winch and $500 in cash to properly equip the jeep with necessary top, hydraulic lift, plow, grille and other equipment neces sary to fighting fires in the woods has been received by the Texas Forest Service. ‘|The jeep is being donated with the understanding,”; A. D. Folwctl- er, director of the Forest Service, said, “that after the jeep is prop erly equipped for fire fighting it will be assigned to the Kildare, Cass County, area for use in for est fire control activities.” The donors are George L. Gro- dear to me," he declared, “—Me.” The editorial talked about his outburst against Communism on the floor of the House last week he said. “They have ways of taking care of Communists in A&M,? Blount said. “They can beat it out of them." “But we haven’t got that lati tude out at the Univeraity of Tex- al. We’ve got this Communist out there and it’s going to be embar rassing if we don’t do something about it." But getting buck to the subsi dized football players business, Peppy said—“They’re just a little bit hasty." Rep. Doyle Willis of Ft. Worth suggested—“Let’s give, ’em a cou ple of members of the legislature for their football team on the con dition that tney’H use ’em—say Hanna and Spacek.” Rep. Sam Hanna of Dallas, white-haired, and Rep. R. B. Spa cek of Fayetteville, grey-haired, laughed. So did Blount and the rest of the House in good-natured humor, and they went on to the next busi ness. I ' , PALACE Bryan 2'f$79 A edntribution of $300 to the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station has been Announced. The money will be used in support of the research program on dusts to control tomato pests. The contribution was made by the Arkansas Fertilizer Company division of Southern Acid and Sul phur Co., of Little Rock. “This work will be conducted by Dr. P. A. Young of our tomato disease laboratory at Jacksonville” Dr. R. D. Lewi*, directo* of (he station, announced. -L SKrmMY TODAY "WED." ONLY Birthday Award POSITIVELY GIVEN AWAY FREE $49.50 Inner Spring Mattress I ■ K ')A Courtesy Southern King Mattress Company And its also LUCKY LICENSE NfflEf for NOW SHOWING UMiVEtta.-MKI CARTER.. T ....... — •—- I __L Wire Editor Editor* A»*UUnU ...............Wooten’* Pace IWVoil* Editor Itairc, Bevnr-I wn, -r 11'porter* ■ Carroll Trafl Lampkin. Frank Manitut Oeamte Charlton. C. Michalak. Feature Sport* Carl Thrift Kenneth Marak, 8am Lajifonl, R. M Joe Trevino, Hardy Rom, Brad Holme* Photo Engra’ 'Mi !• Ben *4 gan, Jr., manager, Grogan Manu facturing Contpany, Bivins, Texas; R. R. Hardy, agent, East Texas Iron Company, Atlanta, Texas and J. R. Bemis, Bemis Estate, Pres cott, Arkansas. . . : I AIR FORCE ORDERS MORE NEW BOMBERS WASHINGTON, iApril 6 —<A*t— The Air Force announced today it is ordering 8« additional lofliT- range B-36 bomber* and five more B-47 high-speed jet bombers. ter for 43 (Less Tax) BE HERE n our screen WEDNESDAY ONLY \ ;S THURS. ONLY .. Movie Editor It has cuncellctl nn onler for 41 SSlS , !S!Sf 0 C«S«mS B-54 four-engined bombers, divert. ntM Photo Engraver* ing the money to the new orders Birthday Award rtraitiYva>L.x usv ami Set «f Fo ftwdrichTi /Y\'. BlYTH • DUFF W /? BDEilT BRENT «tk EDGAR BUCMNANiJmcniiai DMoaUWt SS(l««-N*^amMW cousin. Courtesy il l b. I Co. I \R T; '' Mm VBH ^ “THE WOMAN IN Or Screen orders. WIOTE' i i J •A X • • ■ Xv al judging at that timj be given at the Hopc|doiitg! The April 9th all-epB will start at 9 p. m. Smu .- gieland Orchestra wiljp fuitrt usual vibrations and .cmuejica erings. Reports front' the i Prom indicate that Tbrner’s ings make pretty darffeeab c Since the all-collet dr 11 * 1 *- follow the Dewdrop day night, the ROSARY-A’ BENEDICT St. Mary’s TONIGHT — WEI APRIL «TH — !«ome nf the uties R to get “ ing 1 ' i wr Jiflce El ns do«*n”t want the unduly) influenced before qoflteet, he Won’t) annoonce the ^Wuntn^ntestlUrae. tumors that IClmk (s looking for that “ mdue Influence 7 ’ and more now that is 80! romis- e toll e times ' contestant i fudge, hi mad rtoty nram^er* Ol the tic Club will be present at >alurday; night shindig and give the stag line some- ^ a! few Waking TODAY thru - FIRST ■*[ oceai ■ f:fl . '« , Turitei undue judging 1 , dll time, tihg, Elms exer- infkie|oce, and Bob le giyls should have hat njay. --- J 1 PLUS BUGS BUI m w x,y. X/.r; / & /:X . \ M M : 4 N / IA -H- w i •I. i 4 % IIP BATTttofKlUiRS! i § f U- / r A Wm . . ; r