Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1948)
U MHOIRWIimtlMIHMi By FRANi CASHING Fftilin* to »tlr lotnl nuthoritUM Nurby; e^Ury, IP /JL 1 1 It imihn ihiit ih* monuimtnl Th# wrlUtr, ubout all ha Nton« In tti; ■■ ■■■■■I H«»ni) down'to tihjwt U»! itha HWoa ttM'lf mo mudi, ll'| tli lplUth cilM- lit Ihtit i»bth«r» him A mu elf a led upon dccoratea the , on# Lawrcneo win an unfo who WKM tUr« from known Mbni opinion in tl ?»yl| (H-ruplid . olpon. Uwr«nce IndNMMl un- KMt«tnl| at time , wbh that Kendbll had been a di rect cause of Nelspn’a exit In fact he was tried ifound yuilty, and sentenced to swinjc from a rope for the crime, The decision the matter. waa later changed to life impris- Nine iohjr yenra- later A third party decided to moke a confession for thp dA iterdly crime In the cue- dall, ijaw him num for hia the ponlteiitlary to the outilde Kendal waa w the whole thin As yet the stone, the gratis Mrs; returned:him ling to allow [g to end there. However, due to the tforemen• tinned tonbstome. he couldn't. The deceused-onea, tealoua rela tives had long since erected the marker i ‘ ‘ #r 2' iwrinOI|« iCUifigw i Hemp Keindell." they refuse to remove The governor deplored publicity for Hemp but has claimed he^ has no power in i ri- - ; ii i L ■ r * I ■i i 1 I Suggested Names for A 4 II !l 'I n < L 11 ’ | m Annual 1 I would*like to submit the following name or names for the name of the A&M Annual provided the ma j Body votes foif a name change f ■ ' AH suggested names tuijned in by the included on the General Election Ballot. ority of the S w Student Body will be Suggested names may be turned in to the Longhorn Office, Goodwin Hall, or mailed postage free in Faculty been set for 5 p^ (change. I January 4. Deadline for submitting names has ij -- '• — J -i4- The ’49 ,1 1. 1: , | u— i.;i ■ A ~yrac '/ A ■ . .].! • r •! . QQ4e •4 ;! ! I (Lalendi ar The Be$t Chrislnuis Gift Money Can Buy! <i ; 4ll • !■ !: On Bale in Dormitories and Houmintf Areas bn BOTH CampuseH 'i- [ t7 and Annex Snack Bar Exchange Store W 1F : fH • • i ! ' !:■ Main Campus Exchange Store Campus Corner ' iMi; h-By- !■ The Senior Class 'iii r;i '! Blouses for Gifts With the;! almost instance merely ataring"at a 910 bill. Th* oft arrested fellow waa; brought technical conduct; cashier's,window. ' After dug meditation, the decided th|t the fellow's "hoar. ness" to the money constituted a! reason for u fine. Thnt’U lettrn! him. ' ’ i 1 if A pedestrian in Chicago was al so dubious about the fairness and reasonableness of madame justice recently. This individual wondered into the path of a passing car; ami was knocked to the pavement Com paratively unharm ul A sympathetic patrolman pick ed the gen|t up, ascertained that he was not; injured, and then pro ceeded to ^ive him a lecture on jaywalking.] The chastized pedes trian was tjhen given a ticket for his accident. [ At i MI The Campus newspaper of the University ]pf Minnesota ran W story on cejrtain enterprising, fu ture-minded! students there. Bub- bHng over jwith Christmas spirit, the members of a class decided to present the|r prof with an appro priate gift. ; when the in- 8tructor\aiirived at his “Intro-j - Consequently, tor\a duction to Theodetical Physics” class, he found a genuine, Buck Rogers’ atomic pistol on his lecture platform. The accompa nying instructions read: “1. Place mugzle deflector to the right temple and squeeze neu tron blast initiator. 2. Ques tion: How far east of the spot now directly beneath you, will you land?'’’ The professor stated that he will await completion of the experiment befote answering the question. 1 ■ \ —i, , , «i 1 y GULF HAif THICK FOG NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 14 —UP) One of thoj thickest fogs of the season blanketed New Orleans last night and early today, halting plane service in and out of the city and slowing down Vehicular and ship traffic^ Airport weather obHorvcrs said the fog extends from Houston, Tex. to Charlotte, N. . Gi, and affects plane schedule* throughout that area. . | , ■, j|' I 1 1 " i i The stars in star sapphires and rubies are produced by light re flected On Unrelated minerals em bedded in the gems. dumlc Hu III LAMAR m,, Thyi Building i LUTHERAN 8TUDKNT8 A8. SOCIATION, 7:30 p. m., Wednaa- day, Lutheran Student Center, Chrlstmaa narty. U NAVARRO COUNTY CLUB, 7:30 p. Thursday, Room 228, Academic Building. NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS CLUB, 7:3B n. m., Thursday, Room 301, Goodwin Hall. Plans Christmas dance, PORT ARTHUR CLUB, 7:30 p. m., Tuesday, Room 225, Academic Building. SOCIOLOGY CLUB, 7:30 p. m. ( Tuesday, Room 207, Agriculture Building. TRANS-PECOS CLUB, 7:30 p. m., Thursday, YMCA. Tickets for Christmas dance will be distribut ed. / TYLER CLUB, 7 p. m., Wednes day, Reading Room of the YMCA. Longhorn pipture and plans for Christmas party. THE 3 0 5TH COMPOSITE SQUADRON (Air Reserve), Mon day, 7:00 p.m., Room 301 Good win. Training films will be shown. SOCIOLOGY CLUB, Wednesday, 7:30, YMCA Cabinet Room. Xmas program, i ■ 1. ■ 1 1 ! 1./ J 1 } • ’ GUERRILLAS iLOSING IN NORTHERN GREECE ATHENS, Dec. 14 —UP)— Gov ernment forces threw 2,500 to 3,000 Communist guerrillas out of Kar- ditsa in North Central Greece in a short put violent battle today, a general staff spokesman announc ed. WILLIN'rw? 4^ y MM* AGS. DOZEN rur WORTH AH'LL * VEI VO', \rr— i- m 11 The Battalion j CLASSIFIED ADS M : J Page 6 - . '• ■: \ " / TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14; 1948 LI- i P FOR SAI,K-1#41 Ponti^j'PWr 8". tudor sedan, rrpui good tires, radio. I'ricStHfWD.OO.J Call 4-9644. barton WUliam^HIhk: fredi pass to Campus. ’'I —Ipli »' ' T i. HAVE your themes, thesis, typed byl ex perts. Phone 216705. THE SCRIBE SHOP. 1007 E. 23rd. or see onr agent after 5:00 p.m.. College View, C-13-A. FOR SALE—ROYAL PORTABLE TYPE WRITERS. Small down payment, amall monthly payments. “Give the gift of a lifetime.” Bryan Business Machine Co. 209 North Main. Dial 2-1328. Bryan. Texas. FOR SALE—Wood ; 4 ft. lengths-HO.OO ; 2 ft. lengths—812.00. Dry or other lengths if desired. Insured state-wide livestock and odjier trucking.; H. E. Goodrich, 305 S. Preston Ave., Bryan. Phone 2-6105. NIGHT CLASSES in bookkeeping, short hand, arid typing atari November 1st at McKenxie-Bnldwin Business College. En rollments will he ’taken October 15th. Dial 2-6655. FOR SALE—'89 Ford DeLuxe. Recently had 3150.00 work done on it. Motor and body practically perfect. Also adding machine and sate. See gt rear 214 Houston Street after 4:00 p.m. Charles Alfred Skidmore, Jf. free chow at Cam pus. yt— . .i.,.—r. ,.' FOR SALK RegUMffod cocker i>u)fM. Ren- aonnbly priced. TdtW Cartwright, 2HI N. Mtinncrlyn. FOR SALK Home near college.; Two; bedrooms, large fenced in >jard. garden plot. Inquire after S .00 p.m,, 4402 Col lege Avenue. CHIROPRACTOR Geo. W, Buchanan, D.C. ,/ COLONIC X-RAY 806 E. 28th St ' Phi 2-6243 SEAT COVERS Plastic or Straw JOHNSON'S UPHOLSTERING SHOP r -> Back of “Eagle" Office ji Bryan ~ Phdtot! 2-1989 y , hL ' \ s EXPERT SHOE r Cowboy boots : - • JONES BOOT SHOP Southside ' : : it Bfrla- ■ 1 -■fp 1 BUY YOUR G. E. RADIO TODAY Portables—Table Models—-Consoles . r ■/ ■ ; li jl $19.96 and -ap -l: li 1 i5 I#: 1 . McCULLOCH-DANSBY APPLIANCE STTORK 1 ' U ■ Bryan i|||| ■ Hi''' W.8.D. CWTE^fh ; c” 11 ''* s “ i pp ' B' lag . kHwr Etc lidf^new jin itfwaiw.oo. c Phon# age. NIT iali and L. ilturd! nting bway B-54, Bryfi Ear Ptlan Blinda 4KRS nishirtg tractor Ph. 4-4682 iSBLL Supplies glsa Wood 4K STORE IF! 1 WRAPPING 91 ■- i -.| ; | ; v a I Si - ^Old, ; KR’8 Nor ;i:i ft- - i*/ m Phon 4 4-88.14 SUPPLIES i olored paper COK STORE ( ate - I.Opt;i:lN( . 1309 A.F.SA.Mi Cnlle, 4 mx-tlng Wednesday, Deceqiler 1(5; at 7:00 p.m. ip E A. degree. Hpe» eetlng ,al h :U0 fo» mlmitiuna. W III. L'WOOLKKT, W. M, )l. r HAI)<;KTT, Sec. MM ill -I r 1 Read j “Aggie land Forever” in the '49 sdcjcjie (Calendar —I ; i «i;l. I W •| i: . i : yi A Soft dressy or tailored Blouses . . . T I White or solid colors^—long and short sleeves. Whjat nicer j gift could ypu select— we’ll do your Cljiristmas | | wrapping, to^. BLOUSES FROM- v-' ■ 1 Also: dii i : jm., ; ; ; Hi •4 r SCARVES CKETS ! | ■. :•■*>! GLOVES SltK OR WOOL BAGS SKIRTS AND JA SWEATERS HOLEPROOF HOSE BELTS j ! GABARDINE SPORT COATS, ;; si SLACKS S' r Aggies ; ■ / Do You | : i 1/ 1 Need INSURANCE? ^ T] :-v 1 .. Don t take a chance on Santa Clausej—He might not reach you Christmas. .... with CORRECT HOLIDAY tEARABLES Bulloek-te Has just the styles dnd colors in— i | , J; | O iji Top Coats .; Suits Tuxedos ,a$TMHHtre : fe . -Si '’ll 7 i r" "... ” I W 'M ^ KING’S CANDIES— ^ ! iv |Railio» — i CAVE & CORNER ^ L from ^Handkerchiefs —■ ^ Ike Exchange; y ,/1-L ; | : ] * ; I Jewt coirt Tfl mapl M- ' ' - '■ i > t IS II SETS Stdre m 0 from 0 The Exchange *1 Store 10 PRUITTS fabric Reality SHOP ■ for CANNON ^ Nylon Hose 4 TAILOR - MADE SUITS i \ .1 J.tji :• A From CORKV’S r-. BEL t||[ ' I ; from 1 !' JONES BOOT SHOP BUSHEL TEXAS j ! GRAPEFRUIT-^ $4.60 tl Rent PrejuUd in *U. S. ; Albert’s Orcliards i Box 188 Harlingen, Texas : lu X!K.< v 3ALE SI f' , . . that will be correct I* V ’ | \\ | Li ! ' for all holiday (KC;L^)ins. AOR Mti. SANTA: There are gifts at Waldrop's thM vill make his eyes sparkle when he opens his package^ Arowse around our stores and see for yourself. Come on over and use our LAYAWAY-PLAN Bryan and College Station i ; OENIEat... « iri'TSli [^LEON B. Wl^S | ^ Thistle Down Sweatern HEALTH WARE ’ ALUMINUM SETS $27.50 / from . | |! ’ HENRY A. MILLER COMPANY i VALLE m^ N c^^J FRr,T SlFT BASKETS- 1 Rend a Do»m or a Bushel Shaffer’s Book Store L North Gate Phone 4-8814} ^ ri frond i S!l IKS . > rv.iV Ul : l I \ I ■ I From the Exchange Store || iy. T, ;.f u T Always Glad To '\ i X T > ■/. Show You ll!"{ ^ J 1 ■'! / ’STILL time . . . to Get Your Tailored Slacks at. ZUBIK & SO . fYom SOUTHSmjua i Food Market m L ' /I lO N L Y -•v TiT ; v t \ II’1, '/I •.;: ;!!:! •. t * 1 - ./ ■A :'bj .. ■ ! I- ii 1 i 'ii ■ ,t ' V ij®, ^ i •' ; i •L 1 ■ ' ' !i i •* • t I -.v : . 10 More Shopping Days' _ nu, CHRIST1 • J . h £ U ■U >!. J' )DS ' l c Tl ■ ill 'Si / u ! t' kii ltd- Eutman, 9 [m 1 : ’' I La. radios / . [If (}/1 tfe L tiki; [JL m If -be • <\ Pi '' 4i •..( M . - i'i'.I- ■l ML : ■ fei