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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1948)
;• V 'f r r '■% mi R- • v-1 • y. R—.i m . - m U- it I I ‘xiM fSf w. w M jT i:'. k i. f •iS>^ •v .• *.. Jf ’ 'SL'. ! ;h k ir t Asi " ■ ' ■ i. I : 5. f ■ .. • ‘ —i. I /S' .'i'f iiii> *£A Iff m ik-s. W % , Has 1 'X Hub on 3lv f Growi ?a i :\ TkejA&M Garden Club held its on the Campus. Wm • ^ i • ■ ' •Jirr ./'.v 'I a Timnn President Mrs. Fred Hale presided over the business session during which reports were heard from Mrs. R. E. Snuggs, secretary, and Mr* Dell Bauer, treasurer.! The Garden Calendar, which Mrs. John Miliff had prepared, was d stributed by her to the members. t"“ — ' , 1 • 1 l- : i ■ i: ■i r.x Mfc: .. J m ; T.. SANTA CLAUS HAS HELP- ERS IN AGGIELANfi^Pietared above are six youngsters of Col* lege Station contributing to the Bryan Jaycee toy drive for un derprivileged children in Brazoe county. Toys were donated from their own toy shelve* and oth ers were made in nursery school with the assistance of Mrs. N. A. Presswood nursery teacher. - i - >!•: . ”?r‘: t»?i i. ' —i t ; f ■y f ; /v ■W, • >_ • • • .•K- v- x 1 Y / ^ ""’r^ l,, i ■ : 'r' o Garden ;A fefV5P<! XvUjCj Program chairman Mra. C. B. Campbell presented Mra. W. P. Farrar who apoke on roaea: va» rle lea, planting, fertilising, and aptlaylng of the plants. M mec a bucket of water to the garden 'when they ihtend to cut flowera so that the flowers may take nour ishment from the water immedi- ately. She also advised them to put plant food in the water for further preservation of the flowera. Mrs. Bar ow then discussed the various aids to flower arrangement, such as holders. Newcomers k ! IX / : ' ill 1 of the College Newcomers’ Club said "Me.., . _ their husbands with a Noel party Wednesday night in the parlors of the YMCA on the Campus. / Greeting guests at the door were Mrs. R. E. Leighton mnil Mr* P H. ITImfrhor Othpra OH wm ifi I X Tr THE 1 - TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14^ 1948 __ ^ ^ r “‘ To All Our : i 1 ,1 1/ ,XX- S|. vi |!r • »r*., 1 ¥ : ! : t , >;• / .1 BATTALI I ) i V >. ■ A 'V* - \ mem- ilanta. If. : .! i Mrs. J. A. Orr hers to identify used branches of holly, kleberry, hickory. locust, quite, and dogwood to illus- ite the iessoi.! j ;•! Mrs. Campbell then introduced rs. E Burns, Mrs. M. T. Harrington, and 1 Yj K M Williams, Mrs. P. W. Canned com and canned toma toes may be combined to make a hearty supper soup; flavor with * available. fvJ H?i'! ■ f ij i..,; m ■Ir* MERITS A GA% LA&\ MINUTE f,7/T SUQGESl TION—Au Mtmtive. Blouse from the bountiful s/if>[>Jy in our Ladie's Dept, p A. M. WALDttDP & CO. Bryan & College Station Aggif Squares Hold Dinner and Dance ' HiT 1 • tfTfjxT Aji ■ The Aggie Squares entertained Thursday evening with a round-up (dinner and square dance held in the Parish House of St. Thomas Episcopal Chapel, College Station. Serving as hosts were Calvin and Helen Hodge, presi dents; Jac^ and Noema Page, vice presidents; Harold and Files, and MraTjohn’Pruitt. Patti Jones, social chairmen; Cujvf~— 1 " I : ' tis and Vivian Castleberry, report ers, and the dub sponsors: Dr. and Mrs. Carl' Lyman and Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Lyle. Afjter dinjner the tables were cleared and the graup assembled for danclni. Dr. Lyman, Mrs. Jones, and V. A. Whltehtll call- (Mrs. Ralph Lee who gave a dem onstration of making inexpensive Christmas decorations out of sim ple materials such as tin cans, chicken wire, gilt paint, and ever greens. Results were distinctive^ Door prize was won by Mrs. B. Rideout. It consisted of a needle point flower holder and iris roots which were donated by Mrs. J. E Roberts. | : Sexwing as hostesses for the aft ernoon . were Mrs. R. D. Lewis; Mrs. D. W. Fleming, Mrs. Carl ed arts for (ho Texas Star; Hally (iomlen: Ytai Bwlag Your Part ner, I'll Swing Mine; Arkanwaa Traveler; Take a iJltle Peek, the Texan Hchottlarhe, and the Virginia Reel. Gneats attending were Mr. and Mra., IT, M. Hush, Mr. and Mrs, .lolm ('hoiiaultt MMl Frances lick and A. jfi Schwarts. Mr. and Mra. 0. C. Mills Jr„ Mr. and Mrs. Richard H, Moseley, Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Skeen; Mr. and Mrs. Toy White. Mh njitl Mra, Hob Mcflarra- ban, Mr. mul Mrs.' I. M. Lefton, Lonnie Cress nnd Miss Carroll Lee Page. J j ; Mr. mid Mrs. Ti, K. Dismukes, Miss Fr»n|ce!f Arnold, Corbett Da vis, Robert Ledbetter, W. II. Spen cer, Mr. aim! Mrs. jP. G. Silpering, Louie Clnirko, Mr.j and Mrs. Ted Ziller, Mri a id Mr«. Bob McClure, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rutledge, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Burch, the spon sors and the hosts.! The next meeting of the Aggie Squares will be January 13. Tempting Holiday Deserd If there are children in your family, or if youngsters are coming to vjsit for the holidays, it’s a good idea to plan desserts that are not only festive but also are suitable for young appetites. Delicious sweets made with gelatin will do nutritious duty. ! J J I ; i ■ You may have noticed that more recipes call for one envelope, rather than one tuhle-4 vhvv*v|' v ) vmtii viiv vh*mv- Ipoon; of imflavorod gelatin, VarU atloiis in the strength of the raw material Itself have been taken Into consideration, The number of grains of gelatin put Into the en velope in the package Is calcu lated to Jell one pint of liquid. 1 j I I \ " I Instead 'Of sprinkling the en velope' of gelatin over a quarter cup Of cold liquid and allowing the grains to stand for a few min-, utcM until they swell and absorb the liquid, it is now suggested in tnany recipe* that the gelatin he softened in a half-cup of liquid so that when the hot liquid is added it will get to the, jellying point more quickly. Children like light and foamy Whips. These clear gelutiq mix tures are chilled Until slightly thicker than egg white consist ency, then beaten With a rotary beater until delicate and-- foamy. i v. I X ■ ' . . v \ Mmf 1 ! 1- . ' ■ 5 J: 1 Schta Headquarters ! , ■ | ■ ' . t a or steam puddings llday meal will appro app syr . • l X-J • VS- 'Ti! xiL n? 'i !i| ■ • • • i y I xi ill A i .1 i, i' 1 :; | - m li II ■ ill I Bring your Children in to Visit - Santa / • I : HE IS HERE Thursday... Friday ... ! Saturday ] i •! . 11 j P.M. TILL DARK A deltH’table gelatin dessert can ho made from a clear gelatin mixture and Icy cold evaporated milk that has neon beaten stiff. Grownups who do not like ths heavier pies after a h6)l< . , ... elute this dessert Just as much as yotihg fjys, j. ./\ |‘ 1 Pineapple Cream Dessert Ingredients: 1 No. 2 can crush ed pineapple, 1 envelope unflavored gelatin, % eup sugar, U teaspoon nalti ,3 tablespsxms lemon Juice, 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind, lt4 cupS icy cold evaporated milk. Method: Drain crushed pine- >lc. Soften gelatin in pineapple i>p; place over low neat and stir until gelatin is dissolved. Mix in Crushed pineapple, lemon juice and; rind; chill until the mixture is the consistency of unbeaten egg white. Whip chilled evaporatwl milk until stiff; beat in gelatin mixture. Turn into 1% quart mold. Chill until firm. To serve, unmold and) garnish with citron slices cut in holly pattern and cinnamon can dies. Makes 8 servings. v Mix VA cups graham cracker crumbs with a few tablespoons of sughr and about % cup melted butter or margarine; spread the crumb mixture over the bottom of a pie plate, pressing down evenly witli the palm of the hand. Chill about an hour before adding a custard filling or one made of ' ult r ' ’ Mary - Marthas , Give Party At Baptist Church ! The Mary-Martha Class of the First Baptist Church, College Sta tion, held a Christmas party Thurs day evening at the church. The group convened in the audi torium to see the story of the Nativity in picture slides with ac companying music. R. E. Snuggs narrated, and Mrs. Howard Furr and Mrs. L. P. Dulaney supplied the music. After the pictures, the members met in the recreation room of the church where they saw a beauti fully decorated Christmas tree. Mrs. Virgil Robinson took charge of this part of the celebration and gifts from the tree were exchang ed. Refreshments were served from a table laid with a lace doth. Christmas bells, surrounded by greenery, centered the table, with red candles at each end. Mrs. C. H. Ramsdell headed the re freshment committee. Coffee was poured by Mrs. R. L. Brown, and Mrs. R. E. Snuggs served chicken salad in lettuce cups. Also served were red and green sugared doughnuts. Children had fruit juice. At the conclusion of the evening the class members presented their teacher, Mrs, R. 0. Berry, with «m afterdlnner ooffee eup In a golden holder, Gucnzds Hold Open House Mr, and Mrs, Edwin L. Quneiel entertained with in open house at their home, 200(1 (lavltt I)r„ Sun day evening from f» to 9 p.m. Receiving with them were Mra. GuenKel’s mother, Mrs. John H. Wilson of Fort Worth. In the house party were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coulter, Miss Eleanor Brock of Dallas, Miss Betty Ballerstedt, and Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Lytle. The hostess, her mother, and ladies of the house party wore bright, sea sonal corsages. Colorful decorations were nsed throughout the house. A red stocking, filled with Christmas- gift boxes, hung on the door. A gaily decorated tree stood in one corner of the living room. Under it were stack* of bright ly-wrapped ChriStmaa boxes. Evergreen, tinsel, and Christmas- tree balls were arranged effec tively around the windows and over the doors of the living room. In the dining room one wall was covered with Christmas cards forming an, unusual background s lace laid; and Mrs. R. H. Fletcher. Others on the entertainment committee were Mrs. R. M. Stevenson, Mrs. R. F. White, Mrs. J. B. Johnson, Mrs. Roy Wingren, *nd Mrs. D. L. Bel- for the serving table which was fruit an<J whipped cream. i- ! .x 608 S. Colic >; s, ill' 1; n i At one end of the table was the egg nog bowl and at the other . Downward and Mrs. Ferris Baker. Decorations were in Yuletide colors of red and green. The re freshment table was centered with an evergreen wreath filled with gay-colored Christinas tree baub les. Red candles glowed on each side of the wreath. Cake and coffee were served to the guest* by Mrs. Wingren. During the evening, entertain ment consisted of bridge, dominoes, pinochle, and conversation. Many prizes were won. Mrs. G. L. Far rar captured; the door prize. Other lucky winners were Mr. Richard A. Downward, Mrs.\R. H. Fletcher, Mr. Walter Matzen, Mr. Newt Williamson, Mrs. Stanley Clark, and Mrs. C. F. Richardson. j ; Mrs. Johnson, club president, made the awards. j 1 1 " ■ 1 ' r J Program Set Fori December 18 i \ I A < j 1 ! . j ; 1\ On Saturday night, December 18. a Christmas program will be held at the A*M Presbyterian Church, The program, to begin at 7 p. m., will includ* songs and recitations by the Children and a Christmas pantomime under the direction of Mrs, Robert Paine. Everyone Is invited to attend, I ' (■!. ■ !. . i i i; were a variety of delicious hor d'ouvrea. 71 . Alternating at the egg nog bowl were Mias Balterstedt and Mrs. Lytie, . | r Many guests from Bryan and College Station called during the evening, ;{1 : 'S > "F, ■.! l r Xl A V > Y . \ • i . issue oi the Women’s before the Christmas Holidays. Therefo e thb to extend Christmas greetings from he lie Women’s Corner to allfbf Its readers. It is our hope Ahat during the Niw Y women of College Station will make ti * of Corner to chronicle the events of thefr Hi births, parties, club aettmies, chtirch jactlv _ S& vi8i ^“ 4,rip!, 7 o rr College Station^ itlade up of ! i. P w veterans’ wives, professors and si employees, residents of College S Ml y wm mbe •si men’s Corner these groups maj learn of each other’g activities. The Women’s! Corner ! 11 eir worthy project through i. women of this community « ail of their public! * community; ah iblicity needs, ristmas find Ha] will be g%d f pages. It Is 1 d is willii g : 1.1/., Merry Christmas find Happy New Year Let us look forward to the coming ydu’ with tihe hope of spending busy days, of worthwhile activity, i rm r .vi . Z ’■{ ' " 'i X’ ‘ v; u-jL A m !l! ■ r ■ GLAMOUR AIDS if Revlon. Many exciting cos metic gifts at— CANADY’S PHARMACY Bryan in I i / A 'i'X :!li M; . J i | • l: § |l i i; r,j j id i : 11 j i. 1 't ■ . i 1 Ue r /.ik ill / J V YCE’S TOGS’N »YS !l :[■ : I 1 l ■ j • | ' "Bryan’s Most Complete Childrens Store” A !...$ Phone 2-2864 VL . i ■ ' : H' ‘ tv if'' A ftl ay, ■ LI. vb . i; iii ; f . 1! •>r 11 iZ • ?/' •* . if A 1/ / 1/ HOLIDAY TABLE FEAST *.8 1 J L.' ’ij i ■ « .j • ! i Grand finale for a holiday feast... our mouth-watering, creamy ice cream . iU colorfully decorated in the Christmas mood. Place your order, today. 'fwIfiOTELlkO M : ,1 x i A; m K.n i Madeby LiHy r fi k' KREAM Ice Cream Co. i i; • v / - _ ' < •- / / ' /,*!•!' I. ( {' 9 -U i ■A- m ixy.. rt / ' m Special Christmas Service Scheduled By Presbyterians ; ■ \ A special Christmas service^ has been wheduled for the .A&M Thw- byterian Church at 7:80 p. m. f day Decamber 10, Mrs. R. M. 8! wood who .l* in chnrgidof. the. p^ fed, |! solos, 1 ' 1 l r *\ isten' families, Min,' .Bheherttul said. m i .11 •orgar 1 of the eddint * er /, • i groups; witVes, A&M the Wo und may l! ill of you I ' I \\ * * ijfrw*ili*eiB»i» Dain* h mill brM Akhn Mt\ iUsijeuhldifo Jpa Hoi MAC liitsl i,i ,„li if: ll GIVE HER Helens fubl 1.' ! : :,A I : : \:tJ\u ^ JA e«Slto I J Vi I:;' 2 50 pfc.,«;ij r ■ j-':: - i r .rf I • L 1! f vr' : . LS y \ -I 1 / m - ■ |i r; v: i ; :: : V ! 3U k 17: /•! V Thli oh-io-v economleolly p/leed te •BcoUf ih It on.,.doM* jl onl Dellgli p*rfum*d potencyl In.lD elev*j light, tee, In IN imeil prk* that i It for yeurielfu.letteviryen* oil, hom FrancAl Cempet/nd.d < x fZ ll' 1 : j** *r V't ■\ f 7 £ ;k> i . ; » • ** if . Jk L/ ; . v *11 % ■I x I FjTTjT 7!;-:! i!) r. Y U a . \I X ■'I , [ , w M m * / • . n; ■L!'