Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1948)
!- • 1LJ \iS$® l ■ B ■. ..;Av J .*Wv «&•« (Kt; w ■ j- Work in now Student Center. I poured for 1 the ntip of the walln. E A new te I erway on the foundation for the Memorial ly ion the foundajtiOin for the Mt above are the forna In which concrete walla. lessor Re undamentals IBook on woldinjr, tho wcoml relooHe in tho pftNt two monthe, Biiir Wn written liy H F. RighW, ^t»l»t«nt profeHwor in the AiM Meehaniotl Knffln^erinK Deportment. The i»ouh, WnlChMit eniltled "Wel(lll»! Fut!ulnmemnl<i M publUhed by Pllr iwiv Fubjitthing Company! of New York ami — m u' ^ Team A&MMef Fifth In Nation fiTTS! Dr. J. C. Millet, heinl of ithe Ahimol Husbaml ha* bean notified jna- [lm sfepattment, 1 thai lhc nutate jmllrltifr team niaiietl fifth in ina- tlonnl competition ut OHicauo. Individual honotb wete tnlcei M. H. Keathley, i Who took far»t place in pork and plared aecond in ftftt team ’ i the contest The AittM team Was in competition with 1 181 Other state .chool.. ' : • ; ; ' [ YMCA Establishes Wrapping Service Free Christmai wrapping ser vice for Aggies hqs i>een estab lished at the YMCA, J; W. Robirt- f}on t president of the YMCA Cabi net, announced today. |‘f j Any Aggies ^ having; Christmas gifts which need Christmas wrap ping may have their '.gifts wrap ped at the YMCA frdHof charge beginning today, jj-j ivji “ttntrif -i— fpi? ....fill --1 .i.illtl V i: II s- l ■ - ml if , , flatch him bowl with 1 delight wheij,yoti give him *>i' ‘ r Woir pajamas! g e t a real kickoittof D.a exclusive ne^jjpattern, %Vhat a womleHt.1 gif. idea. Gi^Omm t a lodge brother$> bachj elon leaving th^ single life, returning college ■ i| ; /it • ^xnenL "college an " -and® 7 ♦ t B 0 TmtHsaacsaaEn. i»f—fWi mis." ■ .mm. |§M h A I If ■hondon, i j Tilt? fol owing i •xp||nl|tlon In Inkon fron«the ! proWd of the bonk. . V j• I' . The objective of "Wclillnu Fun* damentaU" ^ to present in text form, A ct mhllatlon of the fundu* mentals nml principles of welding that will be Useful to tHo engineUr- Ing Btudent. • because thk> anfineer ik primari ly interested; in fundamentals, the actual tec iniquc of Welding is of secondary interest to him. and it is so treated in this pi-e»<jntation. To learn Welding as a vocation would! require a great deal of time, several hundjred hourls of: practice, and the engineer certainly does not expect or wish to master every manual tr^d^ that is related to his profession However, . a working knowledge or such trades will be of use in the practice of| his pro fession and- jin dealing With men who work at them.*’ Rigsby utajjtes that the book has already be em adopted as a text at the Unive*sity of North Carolina and Alabama Polytechnic Institute. The fir? t publication, “Elemen tary and Applied Welding,” was written by Rigsby in collaboration with C. H Qroneman, acting head of the Infdujstrial Education De partment. ' [• i If Accounting <M> The Accbujntingi, Society Will hold a banquet Speaker Dr. Pladgjer assistant ict Slated ill I Fifiday, December 10, at 0:80 in Stisn Hall. ftr the evening will he clmrgp of PrTar Iki quel will F. Tannery, who is comptroller for Humble Oil Oo. I is subject Will he “The Accountwit imd the Futuite”, Duijlng ith4 war Tmiiiioiy wm* a colorujl In jth|* Army Air Forces in eojhtrmid audits,; t$e hamilie^ at 0:20, a gruuM iilclufe for; the bonKhurn will m« ifltw I. Ticikcfs for the ban* »e[#t,“R, J -W* I What’s Cooking A*M A n'illONOMIOAL .SOCIK- TY, tfift ii. hi., Monday, Hoorn HO, Physics Hulfding, pIRCUMSioN AND DEBATE CLuB, 7:ll)lp. m». ( Monday, Room 825, Acailimlc Building. (rluli pic ture will, — ><u ' YMCA Monday, made. CABINET, 7:15 p. m. fMCA Chapel. i The Battalion CLASSIFIE r 1^1 !■/ ! V / K 'J! / d ADS •••• . ¥ ! pRroAY, December 3, alLiil A BATTALION Cl . . 3^ • word per iniertkm minimum. Space rates in Section . . . 60^ per column nil classified* with remit- , . T the Student Activities Office. All ada Should be turned in by 10:00 a m. Of day before publication. E—ROYAL PORTABLE TYFE- IS. Small down payment, small payments. “Give- the gift of a Bryan Bjssiness Machine Co. North Main. Dial 2-1328. Bryan, T ' COMBf DELIVERY Bos 1105 ]* dj HAVE your themes, .thesis, typed by ports. Rhone 2-6105. THE SCF SHOP, 1007 E. 23rd, or see ov after 6:00 p.m.. College View, C-18-A.j la^s i ii J. i I ■■■ — i- i hi | 1 LOST—Black Shaffer pen and pencil set. Inscribed "Frank N. McMillan." Please return tio Dorm 14, Room 122. Lawrence Gerald Max field free pass to Campus. FOR SALE—New two horse trailer; rea sonable i 44-40 single action; Frontier model (jolt -160.00. Apt. 0-A, Veteran’s Village. F 3D NURSE at home during days caring for own children will h«lp you with yours. Hour, d*y, or week. Reasonable. Mrs. McLeod. Phone 4-8740. NIGHT appointment at your home pos sible, HtUdent Owned House No. 8 by Tenpl* jCourts. A : 1948 IsItsABNKR YlCfi College Station A Idwr Hftth No WHO NO* GOT IM THAP, MOON BEAM? lilsifiiHBU-WRAPPfD -AH HAtNT Phone 2-1211 ’ ok Up and Delivery i loving and Hauling IkRAVING state MunI Hell by December HMh Flvt) i(iom luimc, recently remod eled; new Venetian blind* nmjl In- liild lliiblvum; ciirport itnd dog.rtm wlth comTele floni i fenced.ln bwck* ynnl Idhul I’or chlldreiri on *liulile litiN llmi nml 4 block* from Miymi bti* linn. Will *e)l pnrily furni*lit>il, lilchnllttg khn rnnge, 8 ft, Electro* lux. Heluljx wiiMher, Open for In* HtwcUott ttftcr 5 p.m., Hiittmlny 1*5, Bundnyi 9*3, 20tt PARK PLACE Weal College Park White & Wychoff ■' .|| j, I' y- Monogrammed Stationery . ; j | : ! j NunieH ... Weak-EYES YOKUM is ON THE IE TRAIL. &4'LL BETWi' EYOS/T 4-4 ■Id i ■ Vi ••vV . . | ijii' 'I if; lb w ( f MAP A l ( OUMDltTO, ► THlti ‘ ^VjATlR.r tGOtfi fi ■1 .Ii \\M I Mhii's bicycle. Cheap! Call LOST (ilalias, I’laln. pmnd, dt«! rlinnieil, ujllbool I'line. Notify H- aim, lliit !3*|I2, |Cullejo', lie' p Moiitgomery Ward tins — • • Woman’s Council Sponsors Bazaar j ' N ' . The Woman’s Council of the A &M Christian Church will sponsor a bazaar at one o’clock Monday af ternoon at the home of Mrs. C. N. Shepardson, 154 Jon^s St.. Mrs. C. B. Middleton, Council President, will greet guests at the door. Mrs. C. M. Lyman will be in charge of the tea table. Chairman of the various booths are: Mrs. Irene Ryan, aprons; Mrs. Tom Covey, food; Mrs. L. W- Brittain, Christmas cards; Mrs. C. C. Hed ges, salt and pepper shakers; Mrs. Janies Moudy, candy; Mrs. Wesley Smith, bargain table; and Mrs. E. E. Vezey, miscellaneous table. Mrs. F. W. Hensel and Mrs. A. L. Cook are in charge of finances. ' The bouse party will include all other member*; of the Woman’s Council with the hostess serving as general chairman. Mrs. Bill Brad- dy will be in charge of the Fall flowers used in decorations. onognutiH < ! Swiln».. *, £ < I Printed to Order $1.50 per box ^Jhe (^xclian^e j^S/ore ; ‘SerVing Texas Aggies” Foil HAI.K 4-NflOT, HAVK 118.00 mi Mutilgiimery Ward •ini' Whiw>| Irnllrr, I..i*k thitn 1000 mltra, limludM yanvAH luiii IlfriiKu imd lull Uglili Hi'*' NmIII HliudHim 01 Uljll X. Moiinuriyrti liri'Hii, !***»». ' • ••( *'!*<-*(•-1-»-\ nV *tl i-.-uttW mHUJUJCl-I|». <Bm,l Ul8l>.*r--Tr- roll 14AM 1 ! KimIoN llh, litolliri 1 i'mb.i wllli Kltiitililiir Nifop 180,181, #04; KldMiiiyi x.u / -jm »••.( y. vt- .-udn. •“/•»■*» 1.«ricr>.>Kjcc|: .;sai FOlt MAlif! . il fl, NuPto* rvfiigopoliln iu>w mill, filin' yi*iu l uniOfNidofi..Ooll U>o7l0. rl^ar prirttio U. l„ I’arl- Ilcwiihjl, r! ..I 'l.i -if- HTUiiKNT A WlFM w«ih Orooli'; opuri* muiii ur 0 rimniK witljj'jiuilb fiiy ' |»l mil « (layH. fiiiiii OeMmlUT 10di h) .0 Ih. nnir Nnilb (inIti ijp Inin dun, Jliljli iill##. ■«r| I'urvwsr O-i!. V; • \ >: ^ ' • '■+T v ■ '^•»tr»»ri',ytW*ymi • uiwr I'oii* <.f 7km biiimMuror m VtoiAo gmiio, X0« r,VV. |NI foil T», O. lino 3*40.' l(vwo>A. . J KifitHoth Ourr fioii kImiW jd (Jkmioii, 0U) kurniturm Nadr niiiw \V« mpccimiikp ini itefiiiiikli) Antlquo* and VenHlan Ullhdi F> L HU MM MM “nflH “ Mcc m ’TOWN THAVKD KIT* Kvcrytiilng for Week-end Travel W in b lie (I fur f!lirl»tiHii« i I'neo of nmrgif TN (lift Deimi'liiiniit CAMP11H (ORNEH , Fre Portable and Desk Model MCA VICTOR KADIOB Famous for the “Ctoldcn Throat" Victor tone HIIAFFER’H BOOK HTOBK. North Gate * Phone 4-HfT14 TOY ANIMALS Visit our line-up of College Pets Have you seen Mama Kangaroo and Junior? SHAFFER’S BOOK STORE Phone 'M7IM ■I'rj ir'rt* —T aUROPRACTOR Geo. W, Buchanan, D.C. COLONIC X-RAY 805 E. 28th St Ph. 2-8248 North Gate Phone 4-8814 Movie Series Planned for Giiion An Album of Recorded Christmas Carols! by St. Luke’s Choirsters World Famous Boys’ Choir SHAFFER’S BOOK STORE North Gate Phone 4-8814 SEAT COVERS Plastic or Steaw JOHNSON’S UPHOLSTERING SHOP Back of “Eagle” Office Bryan Phone 2-1639 rpr. Aggie Foundrymejn To Be Chartered WiUiam W. Maloney, national *rcretary-tr#a«urer of the Ameri can Fmimlrymen’a Society, will make the charter presentation at a banquet honoring the AAM stu dent chapter Tuesday night, De- “The Hairy Ape,” the first in a series of motion picture versions of modem and classical novels and short stories, will be shown free in Guiojn Hall Saturday morning at 10, accprding to an announcement by Tom Puddy, Guion Hall man ager. William Bendix stars in the Hol lywood version of the famous Broadw ay play. , Many other movies based on best selling novels are being plan ned fqr the series. Although no camber 7, In the Parker Dlnlnj •y lie one[of the principle speaker*, Hoorn, Bryan, Maloney also wil John WhlUtcre, student president of the i orgMiilxatloiii announced, Offlmri of the Texas Chi»|ite!i whu are expected to lie present, are Jake Dee, president, and PJ IL Crpom, seeietaiy-treasurer, hpth of Houston, Other guests will Include Dean M. W. BuHow, dent) of the School of En|lneerlng, Professor C* W, Crawford, mechanical engineering department head, npd V. M. Fulfes, management engineering depart ment head. PREPARE NOW (okTCOtoUt# XAMS Wc have 'em...The essemiah of your coursei highlighted and pocked into a nutthell, | for quick thorough review I /4/4 to see the famom CIIIICI •UTURE SERIES ^ ' definite (fate has been sot for any R \ (' h A N G E S T O R E of the pictures other than Thu Hairy Ape," Puddy said that; each would he shown on a* Saturday morning, and that no admission charge would he made, Among; tho picturo* adiedulcd for fu ur Pastor is, "Tohacci Wrath ” EXPERT SHOE REPAIRS While You Wait Cowboy boots made to order JONES BOOT SHOP Southside ini’ showing arc yG r n e n *s, 1 “Wutherlug Heights," co Hoad," and "Glapes of Purex imported BRIAR PIPES Ideal for a Man’s Christmas Conveniently located at The Gift Department CAMPPH CORNER Phono 4 47IU BUY YOUR G. E. RADIO TODAY Portables—Table Models—Consoles || $19.95 and up M*£ULLOCH-DANSBY APPLIANCE STORE Bryan W.H.D. CLOTHIERH ; College Station OH-v lyin'i CLAIMIN’:' MAH By AlCapp '•111 *! A.- Fornltura Reflniihlitf ! Painting Ooritractor B!H)0 Highway 0, 8.; :; Ph.440 I (l.fl .1! «..■(! MiMMiiiLMiHaiilai MONOGRAMS! i ;! One day service ^Niuhex. nh ihitinls in gold, silver or cblorii cingraved in Icafchef g0ods|, stationery, 1 etc. ' - SHAFFER’S BO0K StORl-j North Gate phone 4-8814 WARN B \ V L,. • 5'lyir l WWDifLL 201ft Cavil j R ’ ■-mm** ACiHINKS J! ( (vicb shop , j Ph. 2*8200 “**T' R. C. ECHOLS REALTOR. Over Canady’s pharmacy Bryait ;• ' PHONE 2-6454 ' rr W FOR THOSE WHO DEMAND THE College Shoe Repair i North Gala Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted Bj DR. JOHN S. C —Offico— Caldwell’s Jewelry Store Bryan, Texas — ,*..,. —.. JOHNSON’S UPIIOLSTKIiV SHOP HEAT COVER* IMiwtie — (ftlmw r ConverUlih) Toimi 1 Hiu'k of Kt BUY (I - I : !• WE’VE | CHRISTMAS CARDS ‘ .y.l GALORE. . ^ coriver - i (r -r-v l/j&L- ChooSG today from our ; *^y Tremendous selection of beautiful .... mWW:. CHRISTMAS CARDS jmh. a ! religious, senti- mental, traditional, hu-| n moirous, historic cards in j j; : all price ranges. Come ';•! I in early and select while our collection is full and complete. ■ JH ' [L.l| f-’ ; I r : j The Exchange Store ’ " s i$ ^ AMi "' ..L.l : - , iV.-'*’- 1.. ill :!l 1 j. It' Mate tie Came/30-Pay ! ttMEL MIIDNES M you ft 'TZmy niilu h R. Lee blem* .18 ork at kry; ... i— M —^4- sl QMOKE Camels for 30 days.... it’s O revealing — and it’s fun to learn for yourself. Let YOUR OWN THROAT tell you the wonderful story of Camel’s cool, cool mildness. Let YOUR OWN TASTE tell you about the rich, full flavor of Camel’s choice tobaccos—so carefully aged and expertly blended. 'W! ii | In a recent national test, hundreds of men and women smoked Camels, and only Camels, for thirty consecutive days—an average of 1 to 2 packs a day. Noted throat specialists examined the throats of these smokers every week (a total of 2470 examinations) and reported NO THROAT IRRITATION due to smoking CAMELS! !L Li! h '•Afc iKsfibiii ift* >4h*in iiijk * \l ; *J(cneii PMacfc ( fjttaianfee! Try Cameli and te*t them u you unoke them. If. .t any time, you are pot convinced that Cameli an the mildew cigarette j. you ever imoked, return the package with the unuicd Cameli and we will refund in full purchaie price, plua postage. (Sig*eJ) R. J, Reynold* Tobacco Company, Wimton-Salem, North Carolina. >i. j. . . • ■ T ly ■ j N, ■J r ■ According to « Nationwide annoyl MORE DOCTORS filOKE CAMELS THAN ANY OTHER CI0ARETTE Doctor* unoke tor ptaMure,'tool And when three leading independent rekeerch otgaaiu* tloiM asked II3.S97 doctor* what tiguretiethe 1 •aioked, the brand named moat WM| Camel ii v' ! Mi a .1 ■ #5® f K [ij[. 'j